One of Brooke’s happiest moments ever + an awesome runner’s gadget + ever brought a food group back in?

Another reason to run at the park for me—> park benches to relax on whenever I want during a run.  It was 43 degrees for my run and that felt so good.

Just a normal run for me and a little girl in child’s pose stretching with me afterwards.  PS child’s pose feels so good for me at this point in pregnancy.

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Well, this combination has been heavenly for me lately.  We just got my favorite type of almond butter with apple slices and a glass of orange juice.  So many cravings fulfilled all in one snack time.

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Later on in the day we went to a place called Gardner’s Village!  I have seen pictures of this place all over and really wanted to try it out… and after going, it will now be one of our Halloween prep traditions!


Basically, Gardner Village has a bunch of really cute shops with witches and decorations everywhere!


Brooke tried to keep count of how many witches she could find but after 25 we stopped counting.


Right next to the village they also have pony rides given by a non-profit farm animal rescue.  Brooke could not wait to ride Snowflake.


I don’t think her smile could have gotten any bigger:)


We went around for a few minutes and that smile did not leave.


Another reason for going to Gardner Village—>  I heard that they have the absolute best caramel apples.  Yep, they do.  They have an amazing candy shop where they make homemade taffy, fudge, chocolates and caramel apples.


We picked up some zombie candy there to give Knox today when he comes home, he will love it.

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They have more events and things going on at night too but we preferred the day time because it was way less crowded.

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Brooke and I both came home and passed out.  I don’t mind one bit that Brooke is joining me in afternoon naps every now and then.

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When we woke up Brooke went over to Beretta and told me she was going to give Beretta a massage.  I want one.

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While we napped, Andrew went to Costco.  He picked up their chicken salad and croissants for our dinner and I don’t know what it was about this sandwich but it was everything to me last night… so I had two more after this one.  Also, we added our own grapes because it didn’t come with grapes—> bizarre.  This meal changed me last night (and I’ll probably overeat it like any of my other pregnancy cravings and then never want it again).

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After dinner we got in our pjs (oh wait, Brooke and I were in pjs long before dinner) and went over to Mer’s house to watch the World Series!  We are rooting for the Dodgers (mainly because I have a brother that has loved the Dodger’s since he was 5 + I have 4 different baseballs from when I was a little girl when we would go to the Dodger games and a player would give me one)!

Mer is a big baseball fan so it is fun to watch her and Andrew talk about the game together.

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Kelly told me yesterday in the comments about a new gadget for runners that looks AMAZING.  It is called The Run Angel and besides the loud alert that you can activate on it (I already have one of those)… “Run Angel also has a silent alarm and a running app that can track your movements and send alerts to friends and family members you choose to watch over you….In the event of an activation, Run Angel will blare from your wrist and the ‘guardians’ at Run Angel will receive emergency alerts by SMS and email detailing the time, date, coordinates and a map link to your location.”  (Source)

I think we all need to get one of these!

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I saw this the other day on Pinterest and had to laugh because currently I’m hanging out in the Happiness Paper Hat area full time (with some fruit thrown in there too:)

For my body personally, I’m normally an eater of every food group but have had years in the past where I didn’t eat meat (except for fish) or sweets (I didn’t recognize myself either;). Normal me usually builds most of my meals to include veggies, fruit, fats, protein and carbohydrates in pretty much every meal but that isn’t so much the case right now but I’m sure it will be again in a few months… I’m not worried.  I definitely feel like carbohydrates have taken over my life most days so that paper hat at the bottom is pretty accurate.

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I was wondering if you have ever stopped eating a specific food group and I want to know the reasons why (sometimes I ask for too much information from you;), for how long and if you have reintroduced that food group since then?  How did your body feel without it?  With it?  Did you notice any big differences?  

Watching the World Series?  Have a team that you are cheering for?

Do you take anything with you on your run to increase your safety?  Do you generally feel safe on your runs?

What is your favorite brand of peanut butter or almond butter?  

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I love this food hat concept! I took gluten out of my diet a couple of years ago because of abdominal pain, bloating, and feeling super tired after eating it. Then I learned my gallbladder is non-functioning so today I’m actually waiting to have surgery to remove it.
I did eat some of my mom’s banana bread last week — and I did bloat like no joke, have belly cramping, and felt like sleeping afterwards. Also no-gos: dairy (lactose intolerance), coffee (:( — gerd), tomatoes (gerd), and chocolatey things (gerd).


I did Whole30 so I cut out a lot of things. Through that, I realized I have a sensitivity to lactose – not a full intolerance, so I can eat cheese or products with limited dairy, but ice cream, yogurt, etc., really bother me. I’ve never liked milk (even as a kid) so I use almond milk but I’m sure regular milk would probably make me feel terrible. Basically it just makes me feel really bloated and gives me major stomach issues. The reintroduction phase of Whole30 is a wild ride… there was a lot happening and my body was like WHOA! It took some time before I could eat “normal” processed foods again without my body going haywire. I just try to limit that stuff, or make things myself rather than getting pre-made items to limit the preservatives (and SOY!) that are in everything these days.
I probably should be better about having some kind of safety device while running – for awhile I would just text my mom when I was leaving and when I was home, but I honestly have never felt unsafe while running – I have WAY more issues with misbehaving dogs than I’ve ever had with humans. I stick to well-lit or populated areas if it’s an early morning run while it’s still dark.


Ha! That hat is a good description, though I definitely try to eat more fruits and veggies than I used to.

I’m watching the World Series and rooting for the Dodgers, too! I’m a Rangers fan, so I can’t cheer for the Astros. I also really like Clayton Kershaw since he’s from Dallas! :)

When I run early in the morning, I always run with pepper spray that a police officer gave me after I had a gun pulled on me while I was running a couple of years ago, and I sometimes have a small knife in my pocket, too. It can be pretty scary out there, and I don’t want to find myself in another situation in which I feel pretty helpless. Thankfully, nothing happened that morning, and I was able to run away from the guy without being harmed, but it makes me feel a little better to have the pepper spray and knife with me when I run alone early.


I LOVE Gardner Billings. It’s a special place for me and my cousins (7 girl cousins all the same age and we grew up best friends. I don’t get it when people don’t know thier cousins). My grandma used to take us there all the time and we would eat at the restaurant (you really need to try it if you didn’t) and she would tell us about how we are related to Archibald Gardner who made Gardner’s Village. So we try to go there still. I’m so glad you went!

Now I want chicken salad sandwiches too!


And by Gardner Billings, I meant village:) on my phone. Lol


HAHA I was so confused when I started reading your comment;) Seriously, such a beautiful place! I love that you are related to the person who made Gardner’s Village. Which restaurant? The bakery?


It’s called Archibald’s restaurant. It’s the big brown building and there is a furniture store upstairs. It’s been a while since I ate there last so I hope it’s still the same so I’m telling you right haha.


I cut out carbs for a while when I was dieting – VERY bad idea! I got crazy cravings for sweet and fatty things ALL the time. Now I have carbs every day but in reasonable amounts, and my body is so much happier :)

I also went lactose-free for a couple years, because I couldn’t handle cream or butter at all anymore (it made me really bloated and nauseous). Later I slowly started having milk, butter and cream again, and now I’m fine. No idea how that’s possible but I’m not complaining!!!


I previously cut out dairy to see if it would help improve my asthma. It does help, but it only takes 24 hours of no dairy to clear up my airways 100%, so I now I enjoy it unless the air quality is bad, or if I have a race or very very very hard workout the next day. No biggie.


My cf lungs are less mucusy without dairy products so I go easy (I still enjoy froyo or ice cream once in a while!). I did remove and reintroduced grains based on gut symptoms and I was happy to realize I could successfully fuel my running with bananas, potatoes, squash, corn. But I also eat lots of protein, fruits and vegetables. I am a big believer in finding what works for our body because we are all different!


Victoria, that is awesome that you were able to find a solution to help your asthma! So interesting that it does that! Mel, I am so glad that you figured out what helps your lungs too! Thanks girls, you are both amazing!


Love all the pictures of Brooke – I can’t wait to see Halloween pictures ;) Holidays are so fun for the little ones!
I’ve cut out sugar before while training for a half marathon and while it definitely helped me PR, it was a struggle at first because I CRAVED ALL THE SUGAR! I eventually started eating it again, and now I don’t like to place restrictions on my diet…
I also stopped eating meat at the end of high school/beginning of college and was diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia soon thereafter :( I’ve struggled with maintaining my iron levels ever since.
I recently started wearing reflective gear when I’m out in the early morning and it makes me feel a lot safer!


Costco croissants are the best. I didn’t eat meat for a long time for lots of reasons (thought it would make me gain wait, being vegetarian was “cool,” I loved animals), but when I started dating an Italian guy it wasn’t really an option to not eat meat when his mom made dinner haha. So she got me to start eating it again a few years ago.

That Run Angel is a great idea! I might get one of those for my husband, because he tends to wander a lot of places he maybe shouldn’t on his runs and this way I could keep tabs on him ;)


I’ve done just about every fad diet there ever was at some point in my life. Though I did find that me and dairy are not friends. I had a really hard time giving up my greek yogurt addiction – but coconut milk yogurt is not so bad. Add some fruit & granola and it’s a passable replacement! I have a thyroid condition and I think the hormones in dairy just didn’t help that whole issue – I feel a lot less tired and bloated. I was never a milk drinker and there are enough almond and coconut milk alternatives out there that taste pretty good that I don’t really miss ice cream or yogurt. I generally run in the middle of nowhere, most of the time I feel safe – though i’m usually more afraid of animals than people! I use an app called RoadID to let my hubby and a friend track my runs. It sends a text with a link to GPS and it has an alarm if you’ve been standing still for too long and a timer for how long you plan to run. A friend also just gave me a pepper spray to carry, not really sure how effective pepper spray would be against a bear…hope I never have to find out!


I avoid dairy as well. Foragers Cashewgurt is probably the closest thing I’ve had to yogurt. I even like it on it’s own.


Never heard of that one. I tried every brand I could find in my area, So Delicious is my favorite so far. Silk Almond is pretty good too. I’ll have to see if I can find that one.


Janae, I’m so flattered you included the information about Run Angel. You were the very first person I thought of when I read about it yesterday and I knew so many others who read and love your blog would need to know there’s an option. Hopefully no one ever has to use it, but, if needed, it’s available.
Funny you’re on a chicken salad kick (for now!). I bought some at Sam’s Club, we don’t have a Costco, and this one had cranberries and grapes….sooooo yummy!!!


THANK YOU FOR WRITING ME ABOUT IT!! Seriously, I am going to get one… my mom and Andrew are so happy about this:) Well, now I need to try the Sam’s Club chicken salad (cranberries too… yum)!


Whenever I go to Europe, I do not know if it is the time change or what, but I get super into carbs and less about meat. Like literally a vegetarian during these trips but only because of intuitive eating. I must say my tummy is never so happy as it has been on one of these and I always wonder if there is something to it. I always introduce it back in.


I gave up soda about 3 years ago, and I haven’t missed it. I never really LIKED it, but I’d drink it at restaurants just to drink it. I DID have a strong Diet Coke craving with both of my pregnancies though. I know it wasn’t the greatest, and I tried to limit it, but, dang Diet Coke and ice cubes tasted so good to me during that time! I limit sweets and carbs when I’m not running/injured, and it makes my body look great, but it makes me want to poke someone’s eyes out at the same time. ha ha

I love that you watched the baseball game with Mer. Reminds me of my Nana who LOVED the Baltimore Orioles.

I only use the Reese’s brand of peanut butter! Creamy not crunchy! I tried the peanut butter with chia seeds and “stuff” in it from Trader Joe’s, too. That was good, but those “healthy” peanut butters can be kinda oily/messy–not so good for me. ha ha

Happy Happy Wednesday! Loved the look on Brooke’s face riding that pony! I might see horseback riding lessons in her future………


I definitely alternate between the weight loss and the happiness hat lol. I feel like I eat pretty well rounded meals and candy isn’t too appealing to me most of the times. Sweets LOOK delicious but if you give me a slice of cake I might honestly just pick at it. It’s very strange. I experimented with cutting out dairy just to see what it would do with my acne. It was surprisingly easy for me but I’m not sure I noticed much of a difference.
I’m not a huge baseball fan even though the rest of Houston is rooting for the Astros.
I read about the Run Angel yesterday and it’s such a neat idea. My husband goes on runs with me but when I run solo I have my usual spots. I may have to look into this!
I’m not too picky with peanut butter and we usually stick to regular Jif!


I’ve phased meat out of my life entirely (starting in high school with beef), mainly because I am an animal lover and don’t want any of them to suffer for me, but now it’s also fueled by my eco-anxiety (concern about climate change, methane cow’s produce, etc.). I feel fine and am not anemic.


That is awesome Courtney! Thank you so much for sharing and I hope your day is a wonderful one!


For a while I didn’t eat gluten, but then I realized it was really just all the store bought versions of pasta, bread and such that were bothering me…but if I make homemade, it doesn’t! Must have been something else in those store bought versions that bothered me.

I usually take a dog with me on runs!


I don’t eat a ton of meat. It’s more so the texture and I’m really picky about how it is cooked. I think I have actually added in more veggies, fruit and legumes/beans since taking it out. I still eat it when we go to someone house etc but over all I am happy with less of it in my life :)


I cut (most) dairy out of my diet about 3 years ago (I still have an ice cream cone every once in a while, and treat myself to pizza every few months as well) and have noticed a huge increase in my energy levels. I’m 44 so it’s been pretty remarkable (to me) to feel like I have more energy than I did in my 20’s.

I’ve also been a vegetarian since I was 12, so meat since then.


That is AWESOME JOY! I am so glad that you have found what works so well for you and for all of the extra energy! That is fabulous:) Enjoy your Wednesday!


Too funny! I’m in the happiness paper hat boat now too :) Before I got pregnant, I would eat ANYTHING. I was the least pickiest eater ever. But now– hello food aversions! I never want to see any type of meat (especially chicken) again! I really hope the food aversions go away soon because my husband gets a little frustrated at dinner times :)


Let’s enjoy the happiness paper hat boat together:) I totally understand those food aversion and have your husband email Andrew… Andrew feels the same way ha. I can never decide on anything that sounds good. I hope you are feeling well today and having a healthy pregnancy!


Grapes on chicken salad??!! Never heard of that before! I haven’t been brave enough to try any of your unique grape combinations yet! :)
A couple years ago I would suffer terrible stomach pain after eating, and eliminated many things on a quest to find the culprit. Turns out it was meat! So, I cut meat (except for fish) out of my diet and the pain stopped. I have since started eating a bit of meat, every so often, and have only had the pain return a couple times. So I limit the meat, sticking to chicken and lean meats, yet still enjoy a cheeseburger when my body tells me it needs it! ;)
I’m much more afraid of dogs on a run than humans! I wear several lights and keep my phone with me. I’ve considered an alarm/tracker device though and will have to check this one out!


HAHAH maybe it is just a Utah thing!? I do have weird grape combinations! I am SO glad that you figured out what was causing the pain Tammy! Oh I am afraid of some dogs near us too… I totally get it!


Jif Whips are pretty fabulous :) I also love yoplait whips (but you didn’t ask about that… oh and whipped cream cheese)… Must be a texture thing! :)


I need to try yoplait whips… sounds delicious:) I hope your day is amazing Amanda!!


Thank you thank you thank you for this running gadget that you posted. I read about it and immediately just ordered one. Unfortunately, I had a scare Monday morning out doing my long run on a trail. I had my pepper spray out and had to reroute my miles but I followed my gut. It makes me so angry that I have to feel like this out on a run. This watch could be a lifesaver. You have no idea how happy this made me today. Thank you xx


You are so welcome Holli! Please let me know what you think of it! I AM SO sorry about your scare Monday morning… that is awful! I am so glad you are okay and please keep me updated with how you are doing!!


I will let you know about it when I receive it. ❤️


I’ve never cut out a food group, just specific foods, and except for two items, only for a few months while pregnant. Food and I have an uncomplicated relationship…as in I want all of it, all the time. Maybe not the healthiest relationship but between exercise and trying restraint, it’s working out mostly okay.


I love what you said about having an uncomplicated relationship with food:) Sounds like it is working out great! I hope your Wednesday is a great one!


I was vegetarian for a few years but I was gaining weight and just didn’t feel great. Low energy, low iron, no matter how many other healthy protein and non-heme iron sources I had. I started eating meat again. I’m not a big fan of red meat and I don’t eat much pork. I do feel a lot better now.

I also had food sensitivities and had to give up quite a lot of foods for a while. (eggs, wheat, dairy, most fruit, sugar, and one or 2 others that I can’t remember). Now I eat eggs, I usually have a serving of fruit and I need to work on getting off sugar again. I still mostly avoid wheat and dairy but I will have them on occasion. If I have too much wheat I feel exhausted and I bloat up. If I have too much dairy the lower part of my face breaks out and I get stomach distress. Easier to skip it.

I’m not a baseball fan but if I had to pick I’d go with the Dodgers.

I generally do feel safe on my runs but our park was having a spate of robberies at knife point last year. All attacks happened in broad daylight so that was pretty scary. I generally avoided the park unless I had someone to run with and I carried pepper spray. I still will if I run alone at odd times of day.


I am SO glad that you feel safe for most of your runs! Keep avoiding that park!!! It really is so interesting to hear how different foods effect everyone! Thanks for sharing Nina and I hope you are having an amazing Wednesday so far!


I cut out dairy for about 9 months. I have rosacea (redness of the skin) and I was telling my doctor how I don’t drink and I don’t eat spicy foods in order to make it less red. She told me the only foods linked to rosacea are dairy products. When I cut it out I felt better right away and my skin was the prettiest it’s been in a long time. I’ve gradually added it back in (out of 1/2 laziness and 1/2 love of cheese) and my skin shows. I just decided to cut it out again which is going to be rough! There are only a few nondairy substitutes that I enjoy! (Vanilla soy coffee creamer is one)

I’m a huge Cincinnati Reds fan! But they break my heart most years…

I only run in the day and I try to only run populated routes. I also share my location with my husband but I know that’s not going to help in the heat of a bad situation so THANK YOU for sharing the info about Angel Run! I love this idea!


That is so great Christina! I am so glad that you have figured out what helps you and that you have found some good substitutes… good luck with cutting it out again! I hope someday the Cincinnati Reds don’t break your heart:) Have a great day!


I did a full “intolerance” test — where I eliminated all Soy, Wheat, dairy, eggs, and meat from my diet for two weeks. Then, one at a time, I reintroduced individual items and noted how my body reacted. It’s how I know I’m slightly intolerant to dairy (so I switched to almond milk) and eggs (*egg whites don’t bother me, so I eat mostly whites). Weird right?


Interesting Susie! I am so glad that you figured out what works for you and your body! VERY interesting that the yolks are what bother you most! Thanks for sharing and I hope your Wednesday is a great one!


I still don’t understand why we had to change the classic food pyramid, but anyway, I worked towards cutting out dairy in college. At the end of high school, I began to get upset stomachs from milk and ice cream. I think I’m lactose intolerant now and while I entered a state of denial for a while, the pain became so intense I would only be comfortable in fetal position so eventually I let go of both. I lost weight not eating ice cream every night. I didn’t really miss it because I would just think of the pain. Besides those two things, I didn’t eat much dairy so cutting it completely out was pretty easy. I was never a big cheese person, but I don’t worry too much if I go out to eat and there is cheese on something, cream is the bigger issue for me. Also butter I guess would be dairy and I don’t use it often except to bake and it doesn’t bother me. Lately though I have been snacking on my favorite sharp cheddar cheese. It’s pretty much the only cheese I will eat by itself. It has been fine with my body too. I also recently discovered the wonders of soft serve almond milk ice cream. The local ice cream place where I live had some through the summer and it was delicious. I don’t think I have eaten so much ice cream since high school. Now it’s closed for the season so I guess I have to wait till Spring. Also when I cut out dairy, my skin cleared up A LOT. Milk chocolate makes my skin break out so I try to stick to dark chocolate and vegan chocolate chips.


Oh those stomach aches sound miserable! I’m glad you figured out what helps your body and works so well for you Alicia! Interesting about your skin too! Thanks for sharing and I hope your day is an amazing one!


I’ve never intentionally cut out foods… but i am picky and already don’t eat certain types, like cheese, seafood, or beans to name a few. I have no intention of adding them in… every now and then i’ll give them a try and still give them a thumbs down.
I generally feel safe while out running, but I do try to make eye contact and say hi to people while running by. I also usually run with my dog, who’s very tall (she’s not a great dane, but people constantly ask if she has some in her) and weighs about 92 lbs. So even though she’s super friendly, others might not know that and if she were to jump on you, she could totally knock you down. I also wear reflective clothes when it’s dark out and have my phone in my hand and will also flash it to oncoming cars just to be sure they can see me.


I think running with a dog (especially a big one like yours) makes such a big difference. I am so glad you have her to run with! GREAT idea to flash oncoming cars with your phone if it is dark out, I’ve never thought about that. Thanks and I hope you have an amazing Wednesday Kathy!


First of all I won’t judge you for rooting for the Dodgers…I’m from Houston and I am a huge Astros fan. My husband and I went on our first date to an Astros game and I am one of those crazy loud fans that has alot to say and I’m convinced that they players are listening to me and taking in all of my great advice. But the fact that he still wanted to see me again after our first date I knew he was a special dude.
I gave up coffee once for about 6 months due to high blood pressure and I hated every second of it. I have since gotten back on the coffee train with the only difference is I don’t drink near as much coffee as I used to.
I did the child’s pose all the time when I was pregnant with my second little lady and I also did the butterfly, it felt so good on my hips.


Well, now I’ll be happy if the Astros win because of you:) I LOVED hearing about your first date with your husband! Sounds like you found the perfect balance for you and coffee… that is awesome. Glad to hear I’m not the only one that loved child’s pose during pregnancy… yep, butterfly feels amazing too! Have an amazing day Courtney!


I usually run very early in the morning, so I think about safety quite a bit. I wear a headlamp and something reflective when it’s dark out. I run either with a friend or with my 2 50-pound dogs. And I pick my route carefully – I mostly stick to my neighborhood or neighborhoods where I know people. There are a big hospital and a university campus near me and both of those have people out and about in the early morning.


Heather, thank you so much for sharing what you do for your runs to keep you safe. That is awesome and having a friend or a dog with you makes the biggest difference! Way to get up early and RUN!



Lindsey Hein did an entire podcast (very recently) with the founders of Run Angel! Worth listening!!


AHHHH AWESOME!! Thank you Lauren, I will have to listen asap! Have a beautiful day!


I haven’t tried almond butter but my favorite peanut butter is Peter pan honey roasted!!!!


I’ve definitely done the weight loss part of the pyramid, though for me it was more of a lifestyle shift to try to eliminate foods that made me bloat and feel sluggish rather than a short-term diet. It made a huge difference, esp in my 40s when too many starches, sugars, etc… really packed on the pounds and were causing GI and other health issues. Now that I’m pregnant I’ve temporarily gone back to simple, refined carbs, but I’m hoping it’s an early pregnancy food-aversion thing and that I can shift back to a protein-and-veggie centred diet soon. For my body, too many sugars and starches, including grains, were definitely contributing to health issues (including fertility problems) and weren’t allowing me to maintain the muscle-to-fat ratio I had in my 20s and 30s. Oh, the things I could get away with eating back in those days…..


I thought Brooke was in school? Did she have the day off yesterday?


I am currently cutting out a few things because I am having major stomach issues, especially while running! So right now, it’s no refined grains, sugar, and I’m basically trying to stay away from all processed foods, except protein bars because honestly I just need something quick and easy in the morning. It’s only day 2, so I’m just praying that my stomach starts doing better because I have CIM in December.

I live in SoCal so I am definitely cheering on the Dodgers! My BFF is from Houston, so this is fun!

I only take my phone when I’m running by myself and I have the Find my Friends app so the hubs can see where I’m at.


Brooke looks so adorable on the pony!!!

When I run on my own I always wear an “emergency contact bracelet” that has my fiancé’s contacts on there. I also share my location with him and let him know how long of a run I’m going for and when I should be back. I think I’m one of the lucky ones that never really felt unsafe when running alone.


The color blocking on that jacket, along with the photo angle, really shows your blossomed baby bump :) You look wonderful!

For several months (a couple of times over the past several years), I’ve eliminated the items I tend to “lose track of how many” I eat: tortilla chips, chocolates, and cookies. Without those, it was simpler for me to maintain my ideal weight, where my clothes fit, my cardio endurance feels good, I can build strength, I sleep better, etc. After a bit, I stopped craving them and didn’t feel great if I indulged. Certain people would give me a very hard time about it, asking if they should go buy more lettuce for me to eat–I was eating very balanced and varied foods, just not those “binge-y” foods. With increased sleep deprivation, these things cycled back into my life, and it’s a hard habit to break.

Not much of a baseball fan–one or two innings is my max because the games can be so long, LOL!

I run mostly in neighborhoods or areas that are not remote (never solo on trails, etc.), take my phone, wear my Road ID, never use earbuds, and give my family a general idea of when I’ll be back home.

I like Jif Natural Crunchy peanut butter…a lot :)


That place looks like so much fun!!! Utah seems to have such fun Fall places!

I’ve tried to cut out meat before too. It actually did make me feel significantly lighter and my digestion was for sure better. But, for some reason I have a hard time totally and completely cutting it out! I initially did it because my boyfriend used to be a strict vegan and had tons of energy so I decided to give it a try! I’m thinking of at least lowering my intake again because of the difference it made me feel energy wise!

We actually just have Netflix and Hulu so no World Series watching for us! But, I’ll definitely keep up with who’s winning each game! :)

I have a small taser that I bring with me for running. I’ve been looking into those personal alarms but I love the idea of that guardian angel alarm! How neat is that! I am all about runner safety as I run solo most of the time! But, I keep an eye on my surroundings and make sure not to be the only one running in the different places I go to!

I used to be a die hard Whole Foods natural PB fan but lately I’ve been LOVING the Target Simply Balanced organic crunchy PB! It’s SOOOO good on toast and apples!! Your snack makes me need an apple with PB right now!!! ha!

Happy Wednesday!!!


I LOVED chicken salad when I was pregnant and would make a big batch every week so that I could eat it every day! :D


well dairy does NOT like me .. so i stay away for the most part! unless its ICE CREAM hehe that is where the lactaid comes in handy –

i’m obsessed lately with the costco kirklands almond butter..its the BEST! I also really love the trader joe’s mixed nut butter! but the closest TJ’s is 3.5 hours away… i need to go and stock up again!


What is it about horses/ponies and little girls? My niece has the biggest smile when she’s near horses, too :)

I am watching the World Series and I am rooting for the Dodgers! :)


If I’m not running with friends, I usually have my big German Shepherd with me. But she’s getting older and can’t come with me always, so I’m thinking this run angel would be great. Thanks for sharing!

I’m a big Giants fan, so it’s killing me just a little (OK a LOT) that the Dodgers are in the series. But I have to admit they are looking so strong and (gulp) deserve it. Plus I secretly love Clayton Kershaw and am happy for him that he got a big win.

So fun that you and Brooke are getting in some great dates together before the baby comes!


HI there! I am from Houston so I am rooting on my Houston Astros………Go STROS!!!!!


My husband got to take my 7 yr. old son to the WORLD SERIES last night! They are both HUGE Dodger fans so you can imagine their surprise when they were given AMAZING seats for FREE! Even food and drinks were paid for. I was so bummed there wasn’t a seat for me… but so beyond excited for them. That is a memory they will never forget! :)


I read this and it gave me chills. What an amazing memory they have together now… that is so sweet. Next time you need to be there too haha:) I hope you are having a beautiful day Michelle!


that chicken salad + grapes sandwich is pretty weird, but i feel like it could be one of those combinations that works out amazingly. when i was younger, i tried not to eat carbs (this was during the peak of the atkins craze) but i didnt stick with it very long. i like carbs too much haha :)


My mom and I used to give up something for an entire year. The first year I did it, I gave up sweets (except for frozen yogurt because I would die in the summer without that.) It was AWFUL for the first month, then I eventually just stopped craving it. The hardest thing to give up that year was ice cream. It’s my weakness. We would just do this to practice self control. It took me a little while for my body to handle sugar intake again but I’m so glad it didn’t last long.

I’m pulling for the Astros, simply because they’ve never won a World Series before.


I’ve cut out sweets for a period like during Lent but it’s been since before I was married and I don’t think my husband would do it with me and it’s too hard to give something up if he’s eating it too.
When I run in early morning my husband likes me to carry a pocket knife.


I’ve read way too much about both the dairy and the meat industries, so I tried to become a vegan. I was a vegan for 4 months, but was CONSTANTLY hungry so literally ate ALL the time trying just to feel happy-full -I gained 15 pounds in that period of time and was completely miserable (although I will now admit my skin looked better than ever and my sometimes digestive issues disappeared). Anyway, when summer was coming and I realized that I would have to skip out on “ice cream season” I quickly jumped ship on my moral high ground veganism!


Brooke you need a pony! Horses and girls are the very best for eachother….I’m glad you got to go for a ride on Snowflake.


I have gone vegetarian before and even vegan and felt amazing! But unless I am perfectly on point with meal plans and cravings it is so hard to keep this up. Especially when you are dating a meat eater. He doesn’t complain or anything but all he really knows how to cook involves meat hahaha. Even before I met him I had added meat back in, now I am just trying to balance it with moderation.


I totally need that new running gadget! You can never be too safe as a solo runner (especially us females!)
I’ve never cut out a food group but I’ve heard that eating less of certain foods can help with acne. I’m curious if it actually works and would totally try it out if there would be promising results.


Trader Joe’s almond butter is the best…but I like the crunchy variety!


If caramel apples are still on your list you have to try ZAPPLES in american fork across from chick fil a. My friends mom makes these and i think they are WAY better than rocky mountain. You are also such a cute pregnant lady!!


Brooke and the pony reminds me of when my daughter was little. She loved the movie “spirit” and always wanted to ride the ponies that we marked like him.
My only concerns while running are wildlife- lol! I run early in the morning on our land. It’s not super “woodsy” but I’ve seen the occasional coyote, skunk, or stray dog.
My favorite peanut butter is Skippy Super Chunk. I also like The Peanut Company Powdered peanut butter with flax and chia seeds added. I Really like it on kodiak cakes and apples as well.
I don’t eat much red meat or chicken . I just prefer eggs or fish. I have had to cut all sugar free foods out of my diet. I find the give me horrible bloating and stomach cramps. Especially sugar free pancake syrup. I thought, fo a couple of years, that I just had IBS but it was the artificial sweetener.

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