Happy Halloween + Do We Enjoy Pain + 10 Thoughts from My Run!

The week started off great!  Brooke was ready to jump back into the school routine (and her excitement to wear her costume to school today is off the charts).  I was excited to get out for a run in the sunshine!

I am glad that I’ve been able to get out for some great runs in the leaves lately—>  The seven day forecast in our area includes pictures of snowflakes which I’m not too thrilled about.  But that is okay because we are getting closer to the baby coming and I’ll be ready to train again hard once the snow part of the year is coming to an end:)

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5.2 miles to start off my week!

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I like to overshare all of my thoughts so let’s talk about the ones that I had during my run yesterday!

1.  Something I love about running clothes… they never really go out of style (at least in my opinion).  I wear things from years and years ago and I think they still look like they are in.  Add this to my long list of why I love activewear… it looks good FOREVER.  Above purple jacket and blue long sleeve shirt are from many many moons ago and hopefully I can wear them another 20 years:).

2.  I want to hug the person that made TUMS.

3.  I listened to a podcast the other day (Bold New Mom) and the topic was all about failing!  She defined failure as ‘not meeting your own expectations of yourself.’  This definition helps me to realize how simple it is and that ‘failing’ is something that we really shouldn’t be afraid of.  I don’t know about you, but that definition just clicked for me and it made me so much less afraid of ‘failing’.  They are just my own personal expectations so either I need to just step up my game and keep trying harder or reevaluate my expectations (and figure out if they are realistic).  Not meeting our own expectations of ourselves is what makes us learn… and with enough times of learning, we finally figure out how to reach our goals.  I don’t know if I explained this well or not but it made me a whole lot less afraid of trying new things or going in new directions because failure is not scary to me anymore when I know that it just means I’m not reaching my own expectations.

4.  Andrew swam a mile before my run.  A mile.  I can’t imagine swimming a mile…  He told me that the swim was the easiest part when he did his Ironman.  I do not think that would be the case for me if I ever did do one.

5.  The sound of crunching leaves is fabulous.  I will not be hearing the sound of crunching snow while running this year, maybe in 2018.

6.  Do runners enjoy pain a little bit?  Or do we just not feel it or define it the same as other types of pain?  PS I’m not talking about injury pain (here is a post about knowing when to stop running because it is hard vs you are injured/overtrained).  One of my brothers truly runs for the rewards of the run only (not because he enjoys actually running) but I know many people out there that actually enjoy the feeling of running (me… after I warm up:).  I do not enjoy the pain that comes along with weight training (I think I just need a new perspective) but running… yep, I enjoy the pain that comes along with my lungs burning and my legs telling me to quit.  When it comes to other pain… i.e. the dentist, getting a shot (yes, I know childbirth is up ahead for me so I’m just trying not to think about it;), a paper cut, the flu… no way!  But the pain that comes along with a hard workout, I kind of like it.  I am actually looking forward to track sessions again where I have to lie down on the ground afterwards because I’m so tired.

From a very old picture with a race t-shirt from the Utah Valley Marathon that says ‘Pain You Enjoy.’

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7.  WE ARE GETTING NEW COUNTERTOPS in our kitchen.  We are going to have my sister pick them out ha (but seriously… she picked out our paint and flooring too, she is the next Joanna Gaines) but I can’t wait.  Our kitchen is pretty small and our neighbor is installing the countertops for us so it won’t take long but I can’t wait.  Luckily, for the few days that our kitchen isn’t super accessible, I can just make my chicken sandwiches from Costco on the coffee table;)

8.  HALLOWEEN DINNER.  I feel like I don’t have a Pinterest bone in my body but I’m excited to at least try to make some cute Halloween type food for the kids before trick-or-treating.

9.  Andrew told me on Monday night that he strongly believes chocolate and pumpkin DO NOT GO TOGETHER.  I am confused and I really had to sort this one out on my run;)  I guess that just means more of the below for me…

10. I thought about this pumpkin cookie that a neighbor brought over at least three times during the run…  Maybe post-run cookies need to become a thing.

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I tried out my new foam roller and oh my goodness, there were muscles that I forgot existed that were pretty mad at me for using the foam roller on them.  I won this one at the race and it is pretty fantastic so far!

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Later on Brooke came home from school and we got right to reading.  It’s amazing how much kids progress at this age and I feel like she is just absorbing every little thing around her!

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Later on we hit up Ikea for some frames for the baby’s room!  For the first time in forever, the kids area wasn’t full so Brooke had a blast hanging out there while we walked around taking way too long to make simple decisions.

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There was also a stop at Target and I just couldn’t resist this newborn outfit for our little girl’s first Christmas!

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She prepped all evening for her Halloween costume.

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Flashback to Brooke’s first Halloween.  I think she is a little bit more excited for her costume this year than she was her first Halloween costume.

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Did some more work on the nursery (I think we are done!!!!!).

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Costco’s delicious pesto with pasta for dinner.

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Spooky Buddy with Brooke before bed!

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PS these fall sunsets are something else.

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PPS the race we did just sent out FREE RACE PICTURES.  I LOVE when races do this so so much.  I’ve never actually bought race pictures but I’ll pay a little bit more for a race bib if it includes free pictures.

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I hope you have a great Halloween!  Our day is going to be jam packed with the kid’s school activities and afterwards.  Halloween is by far Knox’s favorite holiday so we are really happy that we get to be with both kids today!

PS My dad always took ‘Daddy Tax’ out each year from our Halloween bags of candy (due to this I never tasted Dots or Milk Duds for the first 18 years of my life) and this explains how I will be digging into our kid’s bags.

Candy ratiionale


Question for the day… When does Christmas music listening start for you?  After Halloween, after Thanksgiving, December or not a fan of Christmas music? 戦 me waiting for it to be socially acceptable to 3911103 Those of you that have done triathlons… what is the easiest part—>  the swim, bike or run?  The hardest part?  Done any races that give out free race pictures?  Ever bought race pictures? Please share some thoughts from your last run?

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I LOVE Christmas music! I don’t think I really have a set time I listen to it. I guess it would be closer to December, but I’m going to be honest about something: If Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas” comes on my phone during shuffle play, I’ll listen to it during any time of the year. I also listed to “O Holy Night” a couple of weekends ago at the beach, and it was just as beautiful and meaningful then as it is during the Christmas season.

Also, thank you for reminding us about the hard parts of running and life the other day. I did my first speed workout in almost a year this morning, and telling myself during the intervals that the hard parts help me and make me stronger helped me to push myself to go faster. THANK YOU!! :)


I never feel tired or achy when I swim, so I feel like that would be the easiest part of a triathalon for me…thought running would be my favorite part:)
I’m way too thrifty to buy race pictures, but I love when they’re free and I’ll probably someday spend a little on them if it’s a really special race or they’re really great pictures.
Yesterday was the first truly chilly day we’ve had here in Boston, and I ran with my school’s running club. My student runners and I were all super quick after training in the heat and humidity all last month, and all I could think about was how I hope the weather is nice and crisp for my next big race!!


My 14 yr. old participated in his FIRST “sprint distance” triathlon this summer. His age group was 13-39….he was 4th in the swim with the only 3 ahead of him being 3 others from his high school….he too said the swim was the easiest part. ha!

(Since we didn’t have a road bike he got passed by just about everyone he beat swimming…..he said he would ONLY do another if he gets a specific road bike….poor kid! ha!)


I love free race pictures! Although they are usually from a race that the entry fee was quite steep so I sort of paid for them anyway ;)

I only do the doggie paddle. I did one tri in my life. The swim was 300 meters in the ocean and I had a panic attack but I made it! I would love to learn to swim properly someday.


I am 100% with Andrew on the swim being the easiest part of the Ironman race day. It takes a lot less time than the bike or run (like an hour vs. ~6 hours and ~4 hours) and is totally non-impact. Looks like you married a smart man.


That makes a lot of sense Victoria, the swim is way shorter and kinder to your body! Thank you, I sure did. I hope you are having a great week so far and I need an update on your blog (I’m so sorry about your broken leg but so glad you are back)!


Haha ok well maybe an update now that I’ve been nagged. I did go to worlds twice since I last updated so I really should.


WHAT!?!?!? Okay, that is amazing!! YEP, time for an update!!! Huge congrats on worlds TWICE Victoria!


Halloween and Thanksgiving are my favorite holidays, so I don’t start in with Christmas music until Thanksgiving is over. I just can’t do it.
I can’t imagine doing a triathlon…I am not what one would call a graceful swimmer. I can swim decent, but I would not be competitive in the swimming portion, that’s for sure! I would enjoy the running and biking part, though.
I TOTALLY agree with your thoughts around pain from a workout…I like to think that I can handle pain to a certain extent, but I am much better at powering through a heavy lifting session or running hills than I am getting poked by needles or dealing with the bruises I have from my clumsiness. I have really learned to enjoy the burn from strength training though – I hope you get to that point, too! I think it’s such a great companion to running, and it’s just as much a mental game as physical. I just did a really tough workout last night, so maybe it’s still the endorphin’s talking… :)


Love the lobster costume! I bought one for my pup and plan on parading her around town in it today :)

Swimming gets better, I promise! I hated it so much at first but swim twice a week now and it’s helped my running a ton! Never done a triathlon but no doubt the biking would be the hardest for me. I HATE the bike.


I’d definitely rather swim a mile than run a mile. I think it’s because I know how to breathe when swimming, but I can’t figure out how to breathe and run at the same time. I’d love to do a sprint triathlon sometime, but I need to work on the biking and running parts haha. Also open water swims scare me, but I know there is a 1 mile open water swim event that I would love to do someday. For now, I’m focused on weight training and powerlifting. I love the soreness after weights.


My TMI thought from my run this morning – I am glad we haven’t turned the clocks back yet and it is still pitch black and there is a nice wooded area here where I can go to the bathroom :) I haven’t had to stop on a run in a long time but it happened this morning! Hee :)


Never TMI between runners! HAHA so glad that it was still dark for ya and that you could escape to the wooded area. The things we do for running haha! I hope you are having a great day Amanda!


Those of you that have done triathlons… what is the easiest part—> the swim, bike or run? The hardest part?
i have not done any but i would guess the run.

Done any races that give out free race pictures? Ever bought race pictures? Please share some thoughts from your last run?
yes! several post race pictures post-race and i download them to remember the race. from my last run? it was my race on Sat. mostly that i said to myself “okay you dumped your fuel by mistake (at mile 5), but you gotta push!” but i couldn’t get myself to push. somewhere toward the end i did push – the last 100-200m. but it wasn’t the time i was hoping for at all….


Oh I love the pain and burn from weights, during and after. I feel like I didn’t work out hard enough if I’m not sore afterwards and have to vary up my workouts if I want to be sore. I agree with you on the after effects, too, I feel the same when I’m pushing myself on the bike. The baby outfit is sooo cute! Can’t wait to see the pic for that later! Tell Brooke she’s awesome for being such a great reader! Her costume is so cute! Did you guys make the headband? Do you guys finish all your candy? Every year, my husband always takes a huge stack to work. We ask the kids, though…otherwise it just sits there for months. I usually start Christmas music after Thanksgiving but have been known to keep going through January even. Haha. Have a wonderful day with the kids, Janae!


Swimming is tough for me but I’m starting to work on it. I feel like it boosts cardio without beating me up too much.

I love free race pics. The only photo I bought was from my first half-marathon. I figured it was the first and I wanted to commemorate it. Oddly there was one race where there is not one photo of me and it was my favorite race. Weird.


how exciting that you are getting new kitchen countertops! you need to take before and after photos! i have been wanting new counters but they are so expensive that we are going to wait a while to save up. i enjoy certain kinds of pain. i can rock a 400’s workout and enjoy the pain… but hills KILL me haha!


Run……..got to that point and it was like a giant hug from my best friend!

Loved the failure perspective. I used to feel my family, others, the world was as disappointed for me as I was in myself. Like they were feeling my failure as I was. When I saw it as this woman did, my own expectations not met, I still might still be disappointed from something, but it did not carry the weight since I knew I had not let the world down.


– Christmas begins after Thanksgiving around here :)
– Here’s some whole food Halloween inspiration — carrots and hard boiled eggs will offset all the sugar tonight, right?
1. pumpkin carrots: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/AbEeN9ieWN2TRfpWPwJRhi3tUXk656qEf7hgWjE5ylGUso00B4vPJfw/
2. ghost eggs: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/544091198724360248/
– LOVE that little red tutu. Gave me baby thrills.
– Those cookies look realllly yummy!


Okay, those pumpkin carrots are the cutest ever. The kids would love that, THANK YOU Nicole! I hope you are having a wonderful Tuesday!


Oh my gosh! Love the throwback picture of Brooke in her lobster costume ;) How adorable was she?! (Let’s face it, she still is!)
I’m rocking my Halloween costume at school today….details will be in tomorrow’s blog post!
Runners definitely enjoy the pain (a little bit anyway) running hurts every single time! It never gets any easier. Ever.
Enjoy your day :)


I have a friend who listens to Christmas music year round. One time I went over to her place in July and she had it on. That’s a bit too early for me. I like to wait until December.


I love that you mention Brook learning so much so quickly! We’re going through the same thing with learning words in our house. Peek (20 months) wakes up and says every word he can remember as fast as he can (I’m a fast talker), so we hear “hot, sharp, two, Woo Yee!, Hello!!” every morning. It’s the BEST.
Running clothes ALWAYS seem to be in fashion – I love it. Also, really excited to see the nursery reveal!
Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday!


oh yeah! Also, can we get a list of all the podcasts you subscribe to? because I am LOVING the recommendations!


I will start working on a list!! My bff Megan just posted a ton of awesome ones:


I’ll work on my list too! Okay, that story about Peek each morning made me so happy! I hope you are having a beautiful day Sage!


I did a half Ironman a few years ago and I agree that the swim is the easiest. I hate the biking portion! My husband has a strict rule that there is no Christmas music allowed until Thanksgiving dinner is consumed. Then we get to listen to it the entire way home from his familiy’s house…. which is a 3 hour drive. However, I may be known to play it whenever my 2 year old asks for it ;)


Hello! I love seeing your baby prep! My little guy is five months old now, it goes so fast I feel like I was pregnant yesterday!

I’ve done a mile swim before in a triathalon and it was hard. Swim was my weakest skill and then the weather kicked up and waves got big. I was happy with how I did but it is hard and sometimes scary! There is a new triathlon here in Alaska that swims in in a bay out here that I wouldn’t dip my toe in. (My race was in Hawaii!). It was the first year and it was insane. Lots of people had to get pulled out! Alaskan athletes are a bit nuts :)

I will admit my Christmas season is a bit long. I typically start tuning in some Christmas music around Labor Day and often joke that Halloween is just the last day between me and Christmas. My tree goes up Nov 1. I love it and thankfully my husband is a good sport!

Have a great time with the kids tonight! My baby has a pumpkin costume but I think we may dress him up in it, put the candy in a bowl outside and watch the baseball game!


I’m one of those people who wait until after Thanksgiving for Christmas music. Working at the mall during the holidays about killed me because they started the day after Halloween to do Christmas decorations and music. I like Christmas but I think Thanksgiving deserves a lot more attention lol


Costco has amazing pesto! I really hope you kept Brooke’s lobster costume. You can use it for the baby next year!

The last two races I did had free race photos which is awesome! I figure if I’m already paying money for the race, why not charge another dollar or two per bib to give free pictures to participants.

My boyfriend LOVES Christmas and snow so I have a feeling we will be playing Christmas music right after Thanksgiving or at the first snowfall, whichever comes first ;)


I cannot imagine finding too much joy in swimming that far, but the guy I started seeing (slow-moving but still going well!) does triathlons and just joined some fancy aquatic gym b/c he loves the swimming. I’d rather stick to running. It’s my favorite form of torture :)


Sorry Andrew. You are alone and wrong. Pumpkin and chocolate belong together.

Run, bike then swim. I am so bad at swimming. Like so very bad.

After our flooring is installed, we will be doing counter tops too. And now I am just wondering why your sister isn’t just making all the decisions for me. I would appreciate it. Ross probably would to. He is tired of my indecision. P.S. Ross has shingles. Ya. They say it can be brought on my stress sooooo give your sister my number ;)


Also, bold new mom is my favorite!! She will change the way you think!


I’m going to be a unicorn today, too!!! Brooke looks so cute & excited for her costume :)

I made crescent roll + hot dog mummies for dinner last night!
My birthday is the last day of November, so Christmas music (along with decorating, menu-planning, Santa-visiting, etc.) must wait until December 1 or later.
It’s great when races do free photos! Rehoboth Beach Marathon & Half started doing this, and it makes my annual tradition & girls’ weekend even better.
Thoughts from my last run: I need new shoes (they’re scheduled for delivery tomorrow!) and the peacock feather design is awesome.


I love Christmas music but I don’t start listening to it until thanksgiving.

I am channeling my love for the 80’s today…..I LOVE HALLOWEEN!!!!!


I LOVE Christmas music! I usually start listening mid-November!! I’ve finished several sprint triathlons and the bike was always the easiest for me! I enjoy swimming but there are people kicking you, swimming over you or maybe an elbow in the face! I also think swimming is very boring vs. biking or running. On the bike you can hydrate and take in some gels to prepare for the run! Happy Halloween!


OH YES… kicks and elbow jabs… that would be hard for me ha! I am the same as you, I get bored when I swim (I need some waterproof headphones or something;) I hope you are having a beautiful day and start that Christmas music soon!


Christmas music AFTER Thanksgiving, but my oldest daughter begs to differ! lol She’s BEEN ready!!!!

I have some questions for you, if you don’t mind :) I was in a wedding over the weekend, and the makeup artist put fake lashes on us—omg; I loved it. So, it has me thinking about extensions. My big questions (other than swallowing the initial cost and upkeep considering I highlight my hair blonde at a salon, too. lol) are:

*Could I still do warm/hot yoga with extensions, or will the heat make them fall out?
*Do you still wear mascara? Eyeliner?
*Did getting extensions ruin your natural lashes????? I just used the Rodan and FIelds lash extend this past year, and it’s made my lashes really nice and long (but not lush and extension long! ha!), and it kind of kills me to think of ruining my natural lashes!

Any advice is much much much appreciated :) I know you’re busy, esp. today!!!!!


HEY JEN!! I’d love to answer these for you:) I am a huge fan of extensions:) I have never tried doing hot yoga with them but I think you should be good if you let them dry for a day or two after getting them put on before going to hot yoga. They might fall off a little tiny bit earlier but in the summer I sweat a bunch when I am running and they stay great. No mascara, sometimes eyeliner on my bottom lid. I don’t think they ruin them if you go to a person that knows what they are doing (wish you could come to my girl)! If they put them on right, they just fall off when your natural lash would fall off. I still have all of my lashes and I’ve been doing this for four years ha. Let me know what you end up doing! GOOD LUCK and have a beautiful day!


I was the choir/assistant music director at my church for years so Christmas music started early! I think I was listening to it in August one year!

They gave free pictures in my fourth marathon so Les didn’t take any. And the photographer didn’t get any of me!! I was so bummed, I remember that there wasn’t anyone super close to me so they wouldn’t have blocked the shot. I guess the photographer decided to take a break.


No Christmas music til December 1! I think that’s because I used to work in retail and I’d be so sick of Christmas music by the time Christmas actually came along that now I refuse to start before December.

Yes, I’ve done a few, and the swim is the easiest part of Ironman!

No, I don’t buy race photos but I’ve done a lot of trail races where the photos were free!


Question for the day… When does Christmas music listening start for you? – After Thanksgiving :)

Those of you that have done triathlons… what is the easiest part—> the swim, bike or run? The hardest part? – I have done one Triathlon and the swim was by far the hardest. Between getting kicked in the head, being swam on top of and the freezing cold lake (I was even in a wetsuit), I completely panicked and only survived by doing the backstroke while staring at the clouds and counting my strokes out loud to myself. LOL.

Done any races that give out free race pictures? Ever bought race pictures? Please share some thoughts from your last run? – I have done quite a few races with free photos. I love it!! I have never bought any. Most likely because I am the worst at race photos. Haha.


I just bought that oh what fun shirt and skirt for my 8 month old! And I had to buy the 18 month size for her lol

Can your sis pick out my home stuff too? We had to pick out bathroom stuff at Home Depot Saturday (trying to keep it cheap) and I was whining more than my kids!


Oh this makes me so happy… seriously it is the CUTEST! My sis really should start a business doing this. I TOTALLY get the Home Depot tantrum (I do the same thing each time I am there)! Let me know how your bathroom turns out!


My husband is a Christmas music fanatic and he starts listening to it the day after Halloween. The first year we were dating we went to my sister’s house on Halloween to see my nieces and nephews in their costumes. On the drive home, as I could see trick-or-treaters and Halloween decorations out the car window, he started playing Christmas music. After that I told him “never again! Halloween has to be OVER before we start the Christmas music!”


Okay, I LOVE this story:) Your husband is awesome Amanda!! I hope you are having a beautiful day!


I LOVE Christmas music!! I try to hold out and start listening to it in mid-November and can never quite make it to Thanksgiving. I’ve only done one (sprint) triathlon and the easiest part by far was the run. The hardest part was the swim for me, but it was a good challenge.


Where did you get those white shelves in the nursery? Been looking for some!


Hey Christina!! They are from Ikea… they are the best!


Last year I started Christmas music right after Halloween because kids I knew would like it and they have gotten more excited about Christmas activities, but we didn’t have enough variety And i Was sick of those CDs by Christmas!
And yes I buy race pictures! But I don’t do as many as you do and it’s only been for half or full marathons and it’s usually with my husband if we do it together.


For the record-chocolate chip pumpkin muffins are fantastic! so, chocolate and pumpkin go together in *baked* form. A pumpkin chocolate bar might be icky though.

I did two IM’s and the swim was always the easiest part for me. Then again, swimming was my first sport. What’s frustrating is on the bike ride, a zillion people end up passing me though! or, they say “nice swim” as they ziz by on their fancy pants disc wheeled tri-bikes. (grumble)

My run was a lunch run and of course rather than a cool down I had to chase down this man that was going the opposite direction. To my credit, it did make me go faster AND, anytime actually see another runner I get excited and secretly hope they’ll be my running friend. yes, weirdo here.
Love Christmas music.


Swimming is SO tough for me! I’ve considered a biathlon just to avoid swimming! ;) I can do the running and the riding just fine but add swimming in and I’m toast!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Christmas music!! I usually start listening to it around mid November! I can’t believe it’s already about that time! So insane!!

Hope you guys have a fabulous Halloween!!


My parents always told me and all 3 of my brothers that we didn’t like certain candy. Whenever we would get an almond joy or mounds they would say, “remember last year, you took one bite and threw that one away because of how bad it tasted? You can just give it to us, we don’t mind and then we won’t steal other candy from you…”

little did I know how AMAZING both those candies were until about 2 years ago when I realized they had coconut and I love coconut.

I’m wise to their tricks, but I think I’ll probably do the same thing to my kids one day :P


HAHAH I love your parent’s method… brilliant!!! I hope you have had a great day Bridget!


The day after Thanksgiving is when my Christmas music comes on.
Rugged maniac does free race pictures hahaha. I bought pictures from my first half marathon ever.
Thoughts from my last race were Ariana you did not train enough this is your own fault hahahahaha


TBH always like to play some Christmas music in JULY, but with respect to Halloween and Thanksgiving… well, never thought it was a big deal to play it before Thanksgiving even. I like to play it in December though.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday (family!), and while many poo-poo the notion of Christmas music and Christmas items on sale come November, I never found it troubling.. It doesn’t diminish Thanksgiving; nothing can diminish gratefulness for family ?‍♀️. At the same time I know a lot of people don’t think of Thanksgiving that way and consider Christmas to be more important, so that’s understandable too ?‍♀️.


I o.d. on tums when I was pregnant with my first (she turned 13 two weeks ago!) and I still can’t eat them. When I was pregnant with my second, the doc informed me I was eating too many tums (more like choking them down and trying not to vomit) and had me supplement with mylanta and when that didn’t work I took Santa and supplemented with tums and mylanta. It was awful. I had really bad heartburn from two months on. I even slept propped up on three pillows.
Andrew is right about chocolate and pumpkin. That’s a bad combination.
I’m so jealous of your new kitchen counters. Mine are poop brown two inch tiles. They came with the house; I didn’t pick them. They are so so gross.
Enjoy your remaining fall weather runs! Your little girl will be here before you know it.


I’ve been listening to Christmas music for a couple months now. hah!


Christmas is my very favorite holiday and I could honestly listen to Christmas music all year long. I’ve honestly been listening to it during my planning period for a couple of weeks now. It just really makes me happy :)


The swim is the easiest part. Cycling kills me. I’m not so great on two wheels especially when clipped in.
I feel obligated to go through the kids candy for the betterment off their health. Goodie rolls, milkduds and hot tamales.
I love Christmas music but usually start around Thanksgiving at home but love it niw in stores.
My last run was slow and easy with many stops because my running partner likes to stop and smell everything but the roses. (My dog Ginger)


Alexi Pappas has a new vlog and she eats a massive, face-sized chocolate chip cookie after almost every run. They look amaaaazing!

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