Be That Tough Runner, the Tough Times Don’t Last + Let’s Catch up on Life (w/ 18 pictures).

My miles started on the treadmill and ended outside!  I am starting running (well, first some meditation) earlier and earlier these days because I am feeling so much better (yeah, first trimester I am pretty sure it took me an hour to talk myself into getting out of bed).

I was also pretty excited for my 7.1 miles (look at me going an extra .1 mile) because I tried out some spandex longer shorts that I found from YEARS ago.  I used to wear these when I was pregnant with Brooke to help with the chafing and they were awesome yesterday.   I can’t find these online anymore but just in case you are wanting some longer spandex running shorts… these and these are next on my list to keep the chafing (my skin is crazy sensitive during pregnancy) away.

It’s always strange how even a pair of new running socks can make me excited to run.  The kids thought I was pretty cool with these on… mission accomplished;)

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Someone was just a little bit excited about going to school yesterday.  The weekend was way too long for her to be away from letters, numbers and her friends.

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Lunch was a fajita salad and it was delicious.

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We hit up the park too.  Quite the look of determination.

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And then Brooke and I split an ice cream at Costco… while we were there we ran into the GUY THAT SET UP Andrew and me!  We talked to him for a while and I told him thank you about 6 times while we were there;)

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Thank you Costco for giving me two of my current cravings.  Peaches of course and a new one—>  chocolate covered raisins.  I don’t know where the raisins craving came from but no one else in my house understands this one.

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Oh and I have a few pictures from Sunday night.  After I got home from my trip to Vegas, we went over to my parent’s house!

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I brought him fruit snacks (last time he was at Costco w/my sis he tried calling me the entire time to ask me to buy him fruit snacks… video here).   He was thrilled.

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My mom made her FAMOUS lasagna!  The below picture does not describe how good it is but Brooke’s face sure does.  She actually gets more excited than I do now when she hears that we are having lasagna for dinner.

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Somehow my nieces are turning into teenagers and so fun to hang out with.

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Andrew brought dessert… he made Everything Cookies which are one of my family’s favorite!

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After dinner we sat around outside eating grapes from my parent’s yard and talking.

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Three against one…

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HUGE CONGRATS to my brother and sister-in-law!  They just had their seventh baby…  they are amazing and one of my biggest examples for the kind of parent I want to be!!  I am also so excited for our little girl to have a cousin so close in age too:)

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My brother has used this shirt a few times now;)

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The other day I saw one of my favorite mantras—>  ‘Tough runs don’t last, tough runners do.’  I am pretty sure a similar mantra/quote, ‘tough times don’t last, tough people do’ is one that I repeated to myself often during some of the hardest times of my life.  I have proof from approximately 3948 runs that were tough (where I was sure I needed to quit) that they actually don’t last forever (even though there are runs where each .3 miles feels like 30 miles).  The Tucson Marathon is the first run that pops into my mind when I think about this mantra.  The first 20 miles of that race felt like 20 miles but the last 10k felt like it was NEVER EVER EVER going to end.

I walked, I cried, I ran, I made deals with myself and even though my mom was close and could have come and picked me up and taken me for donuts, I didn’t stop.  I got to the finish line. That race beat me up but it toughened me up too.  It didn’t last forever but the lessons I learned and the strength I gained are with me for the rest of my running days.

Those tough runs are the ones that make us tough as a runner mentally and physically which helps us to handle the next tough run better than the previous one.  My first iPod shuffle had engraved on it something similar that was my favorite mantra for years, ‘Pain is Temporary, Quitting is Forever.’  When you are feeling the desire to quit and the hurt sets in, it is the best time for you to remember that pain really is temporary (unless it is an injury… stop if you have an injury).  No matter what, things will improve eventually and they won’t stay hard forever… The finish line always comes at some point.  Along the way your body will go through different highs and lows before you get to the finish line too.  I can think of many half marathons where miles 9-11 hurt like heck and then for a mile or so I started feeling better and like I had more energy.  The waves during a marathon are even more intense for me and the pace might feel impossible for a few miles only to have a second wind and strength all over again.

The tough parts won’t last but keep proving that you are that tough runner that you know you are.  Finish strong!

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Chocolate covered raisins… yes or no?  In your opinion, what is the best chocolate covered food?

Who has had a successful blind date set up… either you set someone up or you were set up?

When you hear the words tough run, what is the first race memory or run memory that pops into your head?  What got you through it?

What is your run or workout today?  Anyone have speed today?  I want the details!

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I have those Train Time Lululemon shorts that you mentioned and they are incredible! I got them in 2 colors because I liked them so much. I love that they are a little longer than your typical spandex running shorts. I actually wore one pair this morning for my workout … 6 X 1 mile @ tempo pace. It was tough, but definitely doable. Much better than 6 X 1 mile @ V02 max pace. Haha! Have a great day!


OH THANK YOU SAM for letting me know… I need to get them asap! So glad you love them and I am happy to hear about the length too. Way to go on your workout today, that is awesome girl. I hope you have a beautiful day!


Oh my gosh! The picture of your brothers family makes me smile because it looks just like my family! Five girls, two boys! I am number six and I love my big crazy family so so much!
Also– I love chocolate covered raisins (I really love brach’s “bridge mix” –have you ever had it? I feel like you would love it too!)


No way… that makes me so happy! I love big families! I need to try this bridge mix asap! Thanks Mikey!!!


No run for me today! I hit 56 miles last week and woke up Monday morning with my legs feeling wrecked. I realized it’s 1.) because I was running around like crazy all weekend in addition to the long runs and 2.) because I haven’t taken a full on rest day w/ zero activity since FEBRUARY 3RD. Crazy, right? I have a hard time with full on rest days, therefore, am trying to at least tone down my exercise (just do some light swimming) today.

Love chocolate covered raisins. Love chocolate covered pretzels more though! (Especially the dark chocolate pretzel thins from Trader Joe’s)!


I don’t like chocolate, so I can’t join in on that one. :) I also am not big on raisins unless they’re in a cinnamon raisin bagel.

One of my toughest runs was probably a half marathon I ran a few years ago after coming back from a lengthy injury. I ended up running one of my best races, but I remember thinking a little after mile 6, “How the heck am I going to survive the second half?!” It was rainy, nasty weather, and I was mentally and physically spent. BUT, what kept me going was knowing that my entire family was waiting for me at the finish line, and I also kept trying to remind myself that, in the grand scheme of things, 13.1 miles isn’t really that much. It’s only a tiny fraction of my life, and if I can endure it now, it will make me stronger in the end–just like with the trials and tough times we face in life.


As long as the kids love your socks that is all that matters right?

I have easy runs all week. I’m gutting out a half marathon this weekend…it will be gritty but hopefully not too bad. During tough races, I always try to remember that it won’t last forever.


Oh I have lots to comment on today! First – dark chocolate covered candies orange peels. Oh my goodness!! And my husband and I were set up by mutual friends, but guess what? He’s the one who set THEM up in college! It comes full circle :) And I had a speed workout today – one mile warmup, 1 mile at half marathon pace, 1 mile at 5k pace, and 2 miles cooldown. I felt it! You’re right – tough runs don’t last forever, and tough times don’t last forever. But tough people make it through anything! Have a great day!


I have never tried dark chocolate candies orange peels… sounds fun! I LOVE that you were set up and the story is even more amazing that he was the one to set them up! I love it:) Way to go on your workout today Mandy… that sounds TOUGH. I hope the rest of your Tuesday is a fabulous one!


I like chocolate covered raisins. I don’t love them. But I don’t hate them either. So basically if someone offers them I’ll eat them but I won’t buy them for myself.

Today I am going to do some lunges and small jumps to continue increasing the load to my foot. Running will be resuming soon!!! I can’t wait. I haven’t run since 6/4.


Oh no way on the chocolate covered raisins… Raisins freak me out. Don’t ask me why!
Tough run for me would probably be the first time I set out to start running again after a few years away from it. I’ve had other tough runs, but that took all my willpower to run-walk 3 miles. It was such a mental game for me to even get out the door and get going – which is why I don’t want to stop running for any extended period of time again!
My plan is to run somewhere between 3-6 miles after work today. I’ve been basing it off of my stress level and how much energy I need to burn off. :)


Chris and I were kind of set up on a blind date! But accidentally… I was playing in a golf outing for work with my co-worker and she was actually trying to set me up with a different Chris but brought my Chris to the golf outing too to play in our foursome. So the whole time I was supposed to be hanging out with this other guy, I liked my Chris better and the rest was history haha.


I LOVE that you and Chris were set up (accidentally:)! Thanks for sharing Allison and I hope you have a great day!


i had some speed today! 2 mile warm up (8:00 pace), 2 x 2 @ 6:44 pace w/ .5 jog in between and 1.5 mile cool down for a total of 8 miles in a little under an hour. it was tough but manageable!
have a great day, janae!


GO MALLORY!! You rocked that workout! Seriously, great job!


I loveee chocolate covered raisins! I used to love raisinets as a kid but now my favorite are the kind in the bulk bin at whole foods. I’m pretty much a fan of chocolate covered anything, but other than raisins, my favorites are chocolate covered pretzels and almonds. Ok now it’s 9AM and I want chocolate.

I have a similar experience to you at pretty much every race. There’s always at least one point where it gets real hard and I want to back off the pace. But I try to think about how I’m going to feel at the end of the race. Would I rather ease up now and be disappointed all day/ week/ etc. after the race or do I want to stay on the pain train and feel amazing and proud of myself when it’s over? Usually that helps get me through the hard times. I need to channel this mentality hardcore for my 1/2 on Sunday. Looks like it’s going to be a bit warmer than I would like for the race, but I don’t want to use that as an excuse to just give up, so I’m trying to prepare the mental game now!

I have a track workout on the books for tonight! Tuesdays are run group night and our coaches give us a different workout every week, so I don’t know what it’s going to be yet. It’s kind of fun though b/c you don’t get a chance to stress about the workout all day- you just kind of show up and do it. Doesn’t stop me from trying to guess the workout every week though!


I hope that you get some chocolate covered raisins soon! I need to try the ones at whole foods! I LOVE the question that you ask yourself during the tough parts! Good luck at your track workout tonight and at your 1/2 on Sunday! PLEASE let me know how it goes, I can’t wait to hear how well you do:) Thanks Diana!


Love you new socks! And those cookies look so good – I will have to try those out once I start baking!
I love chocolate covered potato chips! And chocolate covered cherries. And now I’m hungry ;)
I’m planning to work in a little speed today – maybe 4 miles total with a few 400m sprints?? We’ll see, it’s been awhile since I’ve done any speed work!
When I think about tough runs, I always think back to the Gate River Run 15K. I was unprepared, under-trained, and the heat was really getting to me. I actually stopped to walk (which I NEVER do) and kept telling myself I needed to keep running because it would be over sooner. Totally miserable!
Hope you enjoy your day!


I haven’t tried those raisins but the Kirkland chocolate covered almonds are SO DANGEROUS. Okay, just delicious. :D They are by far the best I have ever had. I may need to get some soon.


My husband Matt and I were set up on a blind date by our best friends. We met in January and were married that same year in October. We are about to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary :)


HAPPY ALMOST 25th wedding anniversary! Do you have any special plans for this anniversary!? I love that you were set up by your best friends… the perfect couple to double with:) Thanks Cindy!


Thanks! Yes we’re are somewhat headed out your way to Vegas next month. Never been there before – will take suggestions on where to go since you were just there :)


Chocolate covered ANYTHING-DUH! :-) When I think of tough runs I think of my first half marathon (Shamrock’n Half) and later, my first full marathon (San Francisco). Those distances, respectively, were the longest I had run at that point so mentally getting through the miles that are just past the half way point but yet the end isn’t in your sight yet was just TOUGH. No bones about it. That is where the mental fortitude kicks in. Workout today is a sweaty spin class. I have an injury that needs to keep me away from running for a few weeks so I am getting in my sweat in elsewhere.


I need to send you some of my chocolate covered raisins:) I hope your spin class was amazing and that your injury leaves for good! PS San Francisco for your first marathon… that is a HILLY course! You are amazing! Thanks Rosie!


When I was helping a friend run her first half marathon and I had a touch of the stomach bug. Before starting I knew this was going to be a long day for me, but I wanted to do it for her. To this day I never told her because I wanted that experience for her. Long couple of hours!!


13.1 miles with a stomach bug… you are an amazing friend!!!


It’s great that Brooke is so excited to go to school to learn! I hope she keeps that up forever. I’m on the fence about chocolate covered raisins, I won’t seek them out but if someone offers them I wouldn’t say no. Those everything cookies make me want to bake! I want to try out a new recipe since I love that.
My run for today is 3-4 miles. Have a great on Janae :)


I can’t believe your nieces and nephew are already almost teens! I remember your early days of blogging when they were just itty bitty!


Aww, so many happy kiddos! Love that shirt on your brother lol. My mantra currently is Believe, Endure, Achieve and it’s from my Momentum Jewlery wrap. Enduring the poop runs helps me get one step closer to achieving my goal! This morning’s run was an easy 4 mile that turned into a speedy negative splits. It still felt easy so I’ll take it!


Oh Virjinia, I love that mantra.. sound good! I need to use that one:) Thank you for sharing and WAY TO GO on the negative splits today:) I hope you have an amazing day!


Congrats to your brother! It reminds me a bit of my kiddos, I have 5 girls and 2 boys too, though not in the same order as your bro (4 girls, then a boy, then a girl and this last baby, who is 3 weeks old today is a boy!) Big families are the BOMB (I think I just aged myself with that expression…..) ;)


WOW… I love it Anna! 5 girls and 2 boys and congrats on your new little one! Please keep me updated with how your re all doing. I want a big family too… teach me how to do pregnancy so many times ha… this is hard! I hope you are having a beautiful day!


You WILL have a big family! You do pregnancy like a CHAMP!! Seriously, I followed you thru your pregnancy w/ Brooke (and now this little angel) and you really do make it look effortless. I looked like a swollen hippo at your stage! :) Though thru running, I do manage to get back down to my size 2’s so THAT makes me happy :) I thank the Lord that all my labors have been really fast and fairly ‘easy’ (as far as labors go! HA!) and that my recovery is super swift. The hard part for me is the fact that NONE of my babies are good (or even fair) sleepers for the first month or two, makes for a VERY tired momma (who needs the sleep to be able to mom all these kiddos and homeschool!) but you have to remind yourself that the hardships of pregnancy/labor/newborn-ness is just for a season. I have the rest of my life to, well, enjoy life! But a very finite time to have and snuggle my newborns (cranky and tired as they may be) :) It’s all about perspective and priorities. You’re doing great, Janae :)


Not a big fan of raisins even the chocolate covered ones. I love chocolate peanuts or pretzels.

My toughest race was a Half Marathon earlier this year. I was coming back from an ankle injury the year before and feeling great until mile 7 when I felt a weird pull in my hamstring. I was able to keep going for another quarter mile until my hamstring really started hurting and I had to stop… and walk and cry and limp. I knew I would see some friends who were there cheering so I decided to wait until I saw them and make a decision about what to do. Luckily the pain was manageable and one of my friends ran with me until I had less than a half mile to the finish. I was glad I was able to finish, but so disappointed because I felt so good at the start of the race. I cried a lot that day :(

Yes it’s speed work day!! 4 sets of 2×400/1:00 min recover, faster pace for each set. I did this workout a few weeks ago. I hope I’m faster today. The cooler temps should help.


A pull in your hamstring with 6 more miles to go… NOT FUN! I am so glad you were still able to finish. I understand those race tears big time. I hope your speed workout was great today and yay for the great temps… sounds like a killer workout!


Today I ran easy and just listened to a podcast. The sun hadn’t quite risen and it was so quiet. I love mornings like this!


Sounds like a perfect morning! What podcast did you listen to?! I hope you have a beautiful day Jessica!


I was never a fan of raisins but I’ve been putting craisins on my granola and that’s delicious. Not that there’s a big difference but they are just way better than raisins haha.


Oh I love craisins too… and on granola, that sounds amazing! I hope you have a great day Jenny!!!


omg the chocolate covered raisins from Costco were always my absolute favorite! I couldn’t be left unattended with the container because I would eat way too many and then have a stomach ache for hours lol


Good to know I’m not alone in my love for chocolates covered raisins right now:) I hope you get some soon! I hope you are having a beautiful day Meredith!


Chocolate covered raisins are good – but chocolate covered potato chips are GREAT. A little salty, a little sweet, and just the right amount of crunch. In fact, I’m totally craving some now after thinking about this.

No speed today – I gutted it out yesterday since the rest of the week is too busy. It was a workout that totally kicked my butt this spring & I couldn’t even come close to completing it as written. Yesterday, I did the same workout, 8 x 800 at HMP with 1″ rest – and I totally nailed it! Coming in faster than my goal pace, but even more important, my paces were CONSISTENT!!! This is huge for me. :)

Tough run = my first marathon. It rained the entire time, and there was SO. MUCH. CHAFING. My grandma had passed away earlier in the week, and the funeral had been on Friday, so that was still very fresh in my mind. And when my Mom (the most motivating person ever & always my cheerleader) saw me at mile 23 she told me that I looked awful & that I should just stop and she would go get the car. MOM – NOT HELPFUL. Definitely a funny story, but NOT what I needed to hear at mile 23 when EVERYTHING hurt. Haha.


Chocolate covered raisins sound amazing! I’m also deeply in love with the coconut chocolate covered almonds from Trader Joes. We don’t live near a TJs, but I make sure to stock up whenever we are near one ; ) . I had a speed work-out today (following the Hanson’s Marathon Method for the Rock ‘n Roll LV Marathon in November) and did 3 x 1 mile repeats! Doing 1 mile repeats on the track is SUPER tough (especially with no one cheering me on besides the wildlife), but I persevered through and felt so amazing afterwards! I kept counting down the laps and when I started to feel myself slow down, I worked on pushing through the pain and getting that surge to power until the end. I’ve given up on myself a few times during races and while these experiences did beat me up, I use them now as motivation to power through my tough workouts (thinking it will pay off on race day)!


COCONUT CHOCOLATE COVERED ALMONDS!?! Yeah, I need those asap! I love that you are using the Hanson’s Marathon Method… please keep me updated on how that is all going. I LOVE the race you are training for (I did the half though, not the full)! Way to go on your workout today, that is awesome. Those are going to pay off big time on race day! Thanks for sharing Stacy!


Chocolate covered raisins = yes, yes, yes! I think chocolate covered pretzels are my fav though! Tough run memory that first comes to mind would definitely be my first marathon… the Hartford Marathon. I was excited when the first half went by so quickly and then I got to mile 21… and I really thought I was not going to make it. Like you said, it felt like it was taking FOREVER!!!! What got me through was thinking about my mom… I just kept saying “okay, 4 more miles until I can see her… 3 more miles… 3.75 more miles… 3.5 more miles until I see her… etc etc.” I just knew how good it was going to feel to see her smiling face… knowing how excited for me and proud of me she would be (even if I didn’t finish). I don’t think she knows this but for all my races, she keeps me going. I can’t explain it but thinking about seeing her makes me keep running :)


I have some longer shorts from Old Navy that are pretty perfect.

No to chocolate covered raisins. My favorites are dark chocolate covered almonds, strawberries, or pretzels.

A friend set me up with my husband but she didn’t tell me it was a set up ahead of time. (she knew I wouldn’t have gone).

My toughest race was in San Francisco. I was doing fine despite the cold and fog. I was well conditioned but I got tripped and fell. It made the last 2.5 miles really hard but I did it.

I pulled a muscle doing a barre workout the other day and was in a lot of pain during yesterday’s run. I cut it short and will rest my leg for a few days.


When I think of “tough run,” I think of my Leagues cross country race. I was so incredibly sick, but I had worked so hard to get to the starting line (training 6-7 days a week from June 1st-mid October). I had a severe asthma attack half a mile in and then threw up 4 times in 100m a mile later; that 5k felt like it was never going to end and I wanted to drop out so badly. however, I didn’t want my last high school race to be a DNF and I’m so proud of myself for sticking it out and finishing!


I like that quote! Very motivational, I’ll have to remember it for later. :) This morning I ran 4 miles, I was thinking just an easy run to make sure I was mentally prepared for a 10k I am doing on Saturday, but I ended up running it pretty fast (for me right now). I did the last mile at 8:50 pace, which is a huge inspiration to really race on Saturday and see how fast I can push myself! :)


Chocolate raisins: OH YES!! So sweet that you brought your nephew the snacks he ordered :) Love the wise words on tough runs too. No running for me still – my fractured foot is not getting any better, and walking faster today with crutches seems to have made it worse :( Funnily enough strength training at home is not very appealing!


I like chocolate covered raisins but I think chocolate covered gummy bears are my favorite chocolate covered thing! My husband and I met at work but bc we were trying to keep it professional we just commented on each other’s shoes (he wore converse in cool colors) and I wore a Kermit the frog belt….(gotta get creative when you are required to wear polos and khakis!).a mutual friend at work made us realize we both liked each other….after 6 years of dating we got engaged and have been married for almost 3 years!… best 3 years so far!


Love this one “Pain is Temporary, Quitting is Forever”. Probably I should print it out hehe. Inspirational and long blog post. Thanks for taking the time to put this together! Cheers, Vic


Thank you so much Vic! I hope you are having a beautiful day!


no, thank you! Cheers from Toronto!


No way Jose to chocolate raisins. Chocolate covered pretzel thins, however, are on special at Costco and found their way into my pantry. :)

I’m officially 30 weeks and had to say goodbye to running almost two weeks ago. I didn’t feel like dealing with a belly band and the aches I was feeling just didn’t seem worth it. My run today was a 3 mile walk pushing 100 lbs worth of kids! Ha!


Your brother’s family is just like mine! I have 2 brothers and 4 sisters :) Chocolate covered cashews are the best! The worst run that comes to my mind is when I got caught in the rain…. in the fall. It was freezing cold and getting dark and it was terrible haha but the only way I could get home was to keep going! I am hoping to start up running again next Monday, and I could not be more exited! Injuries are the worst…


Congrats to your brother!!!
I am all about chocolate covered pretzels!
I am also a fan of set ups- some of my most rewarding relationships came from set ups:)
I’m running my first race since my injury this coming weekend and I am so excited. I’m planning to do some elliptical and weights today- keeping it low impact between runs:)
My “tough run” was probably one of my 18 milers I ran while marathon training in the winter in boston 2 years ago… so cold, so dark, and my Bluetooth headphones died!!


Is this your brother who started running again? He looks great! Beautiful family.
Tough run for me when I tried breaking 2 hours for the half at mile 11 there was that point where it got tough tough for me to keep that pace but I was almost there! I saw a poster that said something about keep going. So simple yet what I needed at the time. It actually made me cry. 1:57 my first time I broke the 2 hour marker. There’s always that point in tough races we can sit or stand and only runners know what I mean:)


YES! That is the brother and he is still running a ton! THANK YOU for sharing your story and YOU rocked your 2 hour goal! Thanks Christina!


I ran a marathon a few years ago that I was nowhere near in enough shape for and it stands as the most painful thing I’ve ever been through. My running partner said that in the last 5 miles I was looking longingly at the grass next to the course, which was probably true because all I wanted to do was just sit down. But I knew that if I sat down I would never get back up. After that race I didn’t run for a month or two because I was so burnt out but you can never really forget your love of running :).


I love chocolate covered raisins, but the chocolate must be dark chocolate to count ;)

My run today, was an easy 3 mile stroller run. I am in serious taper mode, since Sunday is my MARATHON!! Can’t wait! Just two more runs and then it’s go time! WOOHOO!


My husband and I were set up by a mutual friend. That was 15 years ago!

I had a tempo run today and failed miserably ?
I don’t know why but my speed workouts have been awful lately. I hope they get better soon cause it’s really doing a number on my head and my heart. (Not medically speaking, just psychologically).


I love love those costco chocolate covered raisins. YUM!! Quick question- what are a couple of your favorite running books? I am looking for some new reads and have already read Born to Run too many times :) thank you!!


Hey Anna!! Check out my gear page here:

My favorites are there! Thanks Anna and have an awesome night!


No raisins. Just no. ?


Yes to chocolate-covered raisins! Although I haven’t had any for quite some time, I have always enjoyed them. Also, yogurt-covered raisins. YUM. My favorite chocolate-covered stuff are those Harry & David chocolate covered dried fruits. SO delicious.

P.S. Are you going to get a maternity coat since you’ll be pregnant during winter? If so, do you have any recommendations?


That is a great question… I haven’t even thought of that but I will need one. I think my sister actually has one I might borrow! I’ll let you know where it is from once I get one! I hope you are having a beautiful day! Oh yes to the H & D covered dried fruits! I hope you are doing well today Ginger!


My sister was actually pregnant in winter, too. I should ask her if she has one – good idea! Today is a good day. :)


No to chocolate covered raisins but YES! To salted caramel covered raisins. There is so much caramel on them that you can’t taste the raisins. I hate raisins.


salted caramel covered raisins… that sounds INCREDIBLE!! I need asap!


I had a 10 miler last Saturday, I mapped out a 10 mile loop but didn’t realize how hilly it actually was till I was almost half way through it! I That run definitely broke me, but the down hill 2 miles home was a blessing. Bring on the 11 miles this weekend :)


I LOVE when you give song recommendations! I always need new running songs. I am going to check those out today:) Thanks:)


HAHAHA….okay I read the post from today 9-13….. and wrote this comment on yesterday’s post;) Sorry!


YES chocolate covered raisins are SO GOOD! I love anything covered in chocolate but really love chocolate covered pretzels — the salty/crunchy/chocolate combination is to die for.

Have you ever tried butterscotch covered raisin clusters? You just melt butterscotch chips and mix in raisins and drop them by the spoonful onto parchment paper to cool in the fridge. SO GOOD!

One of my toughest runs was my very first 18 mile. I was so in my head and didn’t think I could do it. It was one of those “anything that could go wrong, went wrong” type of runs. Ran out of water. Mis-timed my fuel. Had to make a potty break due to upset tummy. It was rough. I ended up calling my hubby and breaking down in tears. I wanted to quit… but he tapped into my logic brain (instead of my emotional brain) and reminded me that if I stopped, I’d have to do the entire 16 miles I’d already completed again. If I kept going, I wouldn’t be “wasting” the miles I had already completed.

Working out today! Cardio instead of strength — jump ropes, box jumps, and rowing


My husband and I met because of a blind date…sort of… We were introduced on a Sunday, saw each other at a bonfire Friday with a bunch of mutual friends. That same set of friends told us we were all meeting at the theater on the next Sunday. We were the only ones that showed up. They ditched us on purpose and we’ve been together ever since… 20 years! :-) <3

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