You can either talk yourself into it or out of it and I can’t wait to start.

I’ve got a new HRG BABY post for you today HERE—>  23 Weeks and I get all emotional sharing a story with you.


Seven and a half miles for Wednesday.  Boom.  Another morning where it started out chilly which was absolutely amazing.  My average pace was a 9:02 and I didn’t take any breaks like I normally have been (all summer long)… it’s always incredible to me to see how much different temperatures affect our running.  I just need my next marathon to be about 46 degrees the entire race with a slight tailwind and light cloud cover, that’s NOT too much to ask for right!?

Straight from the run to Lego building.  I strangely enjoy putting these Lego creations together.  I don’t enjoy stepping on all of the Legos or finding them EVERYWHERE but they are fun to put together.

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Andrew tried his first apple toast and he said it was weird but good:)  PB + apple slices + banana slices.  I used to add pears to my grilled cheese sandwiches so I don’t think apple toast is that weird and I’m currently hooked.

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Knox came home and we went for a little walk together.   They told me that they found the Christmas tree that they want this year.  So we took a picture of it.

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Before dinnertime we made it over to their favorite park ever!

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Brooke was sporting her latest necklace from her jewelry kit:)

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I do not know how these two do not get dizzy.  I’m always amazed how they survive on the spinning toys.  I can’t even watch without getting a little queasy ha.

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We actually did not last super long at the park because of a meltdown = we peaced out real fast.

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For lunch we had grilled cheese (of course) and for dinner I made this tortellini pasta and it was amazing.  Pesto + grilled chicken + spinach + zucchini = thank you Costco for a delicious meal.

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My mom came over last night to bring over three of my nieces and nephews (their parents are in Portugal visiting… my brother lived there for two years for a mission for our church and he was so happy to be able to go back and visit) to spend the night and today with us!

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I had my activity with the youth in my area (we do this every Wednesday night) and they learned how to braid hair.  I’m not very creative with hairstyles (topknot every night… sure, why not?) for Brooke but I want to start!  We learned how to do this one last night and I can’t wait to try it today:

Dessert.  Delicious dessert.

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I heard something the other day that REALLY struck me—> You can talk yourself into your dreams or you can talk yourself out of your dreams.  This is obviously so true for SO many different things in life but this is a running (well, about 22% of the time;) blog so let’s chat about how this relates to running.

How many times have you had a goal time, a goal distance, a goal workout that you’ve had on your brain and as you get closer to the day you are going to fulfill this goal you’ve worked towards and then your self-talk starts telling you that you can’t do it… and then you don’t?!  I know I have done this in the past and is part of the reason I haven’t reached my marathon goals… I’ve been capable of it in the past but part of the problem may be that I’ve talked myself out of it because I’M AFRAID.  I think when it comes to the half-marathon I have done the opposite and talked myself INTO my racing dreams (the half-marathon doesn’t scare me as much as the marathon does) and raced times that were a bit faster than I think I was in the shape for.  I really think that our self-talk determines so much of whether we reach our goals.  I know that once I’m training hard again that this idea of doing a better job at talking myself INTO my dreams is going to make a big difference on race day. I have a few things personally that I’m working towards and paying close attention to when I am talking myself out of my goals vs talking myself into them… it’s much more fun to talk myself into these goals.

If you struggle with talking yourself out of your big running goals/dreams then let’s work together to quit that and fill our brains with the kind of talk that gets us to do these awesome things we are imagining.

Let’s talk ourselves into the things we want!

I came across this race picture below while searching for another one.. this was a great race day for me and I definitely practiced the ‘talking myself into my dreams’ thing.

PS  When your spray tan matches the red/orange rock in the background;)

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RPSA (Runner’s Public Service Announcement):

Don’t forget (this is a Janae Opinion)… your brain gives up long before your body does.  So many times I have reminded myself during a hard workout, long run or race that my brain is what is telling me I’m completely fatigued/done/shot/about to collapse;)  Our bodies have so much more to offer but our brains tells us that we don’t… take control of your mind during these times and remind yourself you still have a lot to give!

From one of my FAVORITE running books (How Bad Do You Want It?: Mastering the Psychology of Mind over Muscle):

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And one last reminder to check out the latest HRG BABY post:)


Ever had an experience where you talked yourself into a big dream… or talked yourself out of a dream/goal?

Readers with little girls…  where do you get good ideas for hairstyles?

What was the last dessert that you had?  

A question from Andrew—>  What was your first car?

-The first car that I drove (it was my parent’s) around in high school was a gold Ford Crown Victoria.

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Two weeks ago, I talked myself out of hitting my pace for a tempo mile. I convinced myself that I was too tired and exhausted to hit it and that the next mile would be awful. And that last mile was not fun because of it. I have a tempo run today and I will try to hit the pace and have positive thoughts.
My first car was my dad’s old car, a 1997 Ford Expedition. I loved that thing! It was huge (my friends called it a tank) so no one ever tried to cut me off which was great for right after getting your license.

Have a great, meltdown free, day :)


I talked myself into a big dream with my half marathon PR. The whole race, I knew I was going faster than I was used to (and I hadn’t even planned on getting that time), but I kept reminding myself that I was capable of it. It was a really great day! :)

My first car was a Chevy Cavalier, and I drove that thing into the ground. It was not a great car, and it had a lot of issues, but I drove it until I finally bought my own Toyota Rav4 (the only other car I’ve ever driven), and I will keep this one until it dies, too.


Yesterday I talked myself into completing that speed run with extremely tired legs and sore pelvis. I did it. the bad side of it is that today my body is not happy lol, so I’m just taking it easy and resting.

Last dessert that I had was yesterday at IKEA. The ones that they serve at their cafeteria, those are really yummy.

The first car I drove was my moms, and it was a 2000 Mazda Allegro.


I had a really good molten chocolate cake a few nights ago which was great! my first car was a silver two door Honda Civic. it was so cute (and over 20 years ago – omg!)


I had a Hershey bar yesterday because it was one of those days!
I use pinterest as my “hair inspiration” for my daughter. But some of those hairstyles are so complicated! Fortunately for me she usually just wants one normal braid.
My first car was a Ford Escort hatchback. It was very used but I was so excited that it was mine!


I hope your day today is much better Brandy!! I need to search Pinterest for hair ideas!! Love hearing about everyone’s first car!


First car was a 1988 Nissan Sentra 2-door Hatchback in candy apple red :) Loved that car!
I had a chocolate chip cookie from Panera Bread on Tuesday. That was my last dessert.
I french braid my boyfriend’s 12 year old daughter’s hair all the time. But the one time she asked me to do this fancy bun with some weird donut contraption for her gymnastics meet I failed and it fell out half way through the gymnastics meet. I felt terrible.


Off topic today… Just had to say – I got to run with Matt Fitzgerald in April when he came to my town for our local marathon, and he interviewed me for a book he’s working on!! I was all geeked out. It was my fitness/author crush moment for sure!
But on topic – my daughter has started to learn how to braid her own hair and she can do mine in a Dutch braid. I didn’t even know what a Dutch braid was! ;)


NO WAY LISA… that is seriously so so cool! I can’t wait to read your interview! Haha I just learned what a Dutch braid was yesterday:)


The last dessert I had … A red velvet macaroon from the French Market here in Chicago! I work from home a lot but when I go into the office, the French Market is a must :)

First (and only car) I ever owned .. A 2000 black Ford Mustang! I felt so cool then hah. Now, I couldn’t imagine having a car in the city. Too much work!


Oh man your running discussions are always so relatable! I struggled with the mental aspect of racing for a long time and often fell short of my goals. But in the last few races I’ve made a point to tell myself I can hit my goal and not back off when it gets hard. I think that going into it reminding myself it’s supposed to be hard helps me push through discomfort. I’m training for a marathon now after taking a break for a while to focus on halfs/ speed, so I think I’m on track for a big PR. Some days I’m super confident that I’ll have a great race and other days I start to think I’m crazy and i’ll never get the time I want. Gotta keep this in mind and just believe I can do it!


Thank you so much for sharing Diana and I LOVE what you have done with your mental game the last few races. You are absolutely on track for a big PR at your marathon and I can’t wait to hear all about it! You’ve got this!! Which marathon is it?


Thank you! Training has been going well, so it’s exciting! I’m doing the Philly Marathon. It’s my local race and where my current PR is from, so I’m hoping for a great day!


Oh I am SO excited for you! Please let me know how it goes!!!


Not running related – I am currently fighting the urge to talk myself out of a big goal. I deal with the urge every day. As of 2 weeks ago I decided to go get my MBA….THIS JANUARY! So I’m trying to study for the GRE and I have to get the rest of my application ready. The whole thing intimidates me – studying math I haven’t done in 10+ years, going in for an interview and convincing them an Exercise Science major should go to business school and then if I get in actually keeping up in the classes! It all scares me. But I also really want it, so I’m pushing aside the urge to drop all these efforts and lean into the discomfort of the fear and tell it to get out of my way!

I am the worst at fun hairstyles. It’s a good thing I don’t have kids yet.

I am still driving my first car! 94 Toyota Camry. We just passed our 10 year anniversary together. I was going to get a new car either this year or next but if I get into grad school, I might just keep driving this baby until she croaks.


ALYSSA…. THIS MAKES ME SO SO HAPPY!!! YOU are going to do amazing at business school! Seriously, I am SO so happy for you!!! Keep me updated on everything:) I’m so glad your car is still rocking it!!!


That’s a great quote. I do feel like often times we talk ourselves out of things before our body says no. That being said, it’s definitely important to listen to your body too.

My first car was a 2000 Pontiac Firebird. I loved that car so…then one day I came home and my husband told me it was “kinda junky”. This coming from the man with 1987 and 1989 vehicles (both he still owns…).


Ooo I love these questions!
The last dessert I had was a lavender blueberry blackberry pie I made last night.
The first car I drove was a dark green dodge mini-van but my first car was a silver toyota corolla (my favorite!).
Happy Thursday!


WOW MEG… way to go on making that pie, it sounds amazing! I love hearing everyone’s first cars:) Thanks for sharing and I hope you have an amazing day!


Last dessert was cookies and vanilla ice cream. My first car was a Ford Fun Sport. I was so cool! ?


HAHA YOU SURE WERE… that is awesome:) Cookies + vanilla ice cream = such a simple and perfect dessert! Enjoy your day Ali!


I have a real bad habit of talking myself out of my goals because I make a goal and get scared of being disappointed in myself if I don’t hit that time.

The last dessert I had was yellow cake with chocolate frosting that my dad made last night. I love when my dad makes cake!


85′ T-bird that I bought at 16 with all my own money!


Oh I love it Amanda!!! That is seriously so cool that you bought the car with YOUR OWN MONEY… way to go!


I couldn’t agree more on the weather! I LOVE running with the temps are in the 40s and 50s. I feel like I’m FLYING! My husband used to work at the Lego store and sometimes he had to build certain sets for displays! I really love their Architecture series. I’ve been doing a lot of doubles this week and it’s all mental. I basically had to tell my brain to shut up on this morning’s run because it wanted to quit but I knew my legs still had gas.


I am jealous of your cool mornings! I am not a morning runner, and making myself get out of bed early when it is already 79 degrees and at least 80% humidity at 6 am is not going to happen. I would rather sleep in and deal with a run near 90 later in the day. That may just be me, but I don’t do mornings ;)

I drove my parents big Chevy Astro van for a while, then a cool 1979 bright blue volvo, but my first car was a 1992 volvo…………..she was gold so I named her Goldie. Great car for a few years, but then needed some big repairs and I was living less than a mile from work so I sold it and got a bike. Miss her sometimes, but car expenses stink!


When I was 15 my dad bought a 1965 Ford Mustang to fix up and that’s what I got to drive when I turned 16.


Okay, that is AWESOME LISA!! I love that your dad did that!


I cannot braid hair for the life of me, and I really want to learn so I’m going to have to check out that youtube video!

Also, I love that picture of you! What you said about your brain giving up long before your body is so true. My yoga teacher says that all the time, and if you can actually visualize what that means, it works wonders.


I’m not purposefully ignoring your questions but I have to share my most favorite grilled cheese recipes with you before I forget (sorry for not sharing earlier! :)):
1) sourdough bread, bacon, swiss cheese and drumroll ……. blackberry jam! The actual recipe calls for jalapenos also but I don’t like them so I haven’t even tried them.
2) sourdough bread, Monterey jack cheese, apples/pears and bacon
I haven’t convinced my family to try these most delicious sandwiches but I have faith in you!! Lol!
Have a great day!!!


Jenny, I owe you big time. Can you just come over and make both of these for me… please. They sound perfect. I have to have them. Thank you!!


OK the gold Crown Victoria is priceless! I learned to drive on my family’s VW Vanagon. My husband and I have had a few VW campers since then, so I felt right at home. The first car I bought for myself was a 1998 Subaru and we still have it!

Last dessert was nectarine pie that friends brought over – can August just last forever??


NECTARINE PIE!?!? I’ve never even heard of that… it sounds amazing!!!! Oh that is awesome that you still have the first car that you bought, I love it. Enjoy your day Michelle!


i haven’t had dessert in a while………..I will make up for it tomorrow when i eat cupcakes, reese’s pieces bark, and some m&m candies that will be at a birthday tomorrow. i plan on trying all three.

my first car was a 1991 chevy corsica. it was candy apple red and really pretty.

i never did much beyond pony tails, piggy tails, and basic braids for my girls. every once in a while, one of them would ask for three or four braids in their hair which I would do because it made them happy. i’m not good at the hair thing.

have a good thursday!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW LEE!! Enjoy all of that goodness:) I hope you are having a beautiful day today too! Your first car sounds awesome:)


I just went 7 miles Tuesday for a long run (walked mostly because it was 85 feels like 101 here in SWFL)! I am trying to talk myself into a big goal right now…I spent 10 years teaching middle and high school English. Then I came to the company where I am currently to teach tech. I am about 2 months shy of 10 years with the same company and its going through a lot of changes, and I’m finding I’m not as valued as I once . I just started a podcast a few months ago (just got approved on iTunes last Monday when I overcame my fear to submit it!) that I have fallen in love with and want to do full time. But it is the FEAR!! I am so afraid of failure and the unknown. Don’t really know what to do. I just listened to your Man Bun Run episode. I’d love to know how you transitioned to doing what you love. How did you make the change despite the fear?


yes! I can talk myself into or out of (more out of than in!) things! I talked myself into 2 Ironmans but midway through each I was talking myself out of it for awhile….then came to my senses and finished both! I can even talk myself into stopping for a break during a run even though I don’t need one!

Last dessert, like *real* dessert or something sweet? I did have a little spoon of mini chocolate chips but my last actual dessert was chocolate dipped butter keks.

My daughter is a hair braiding whiz, thank gosh! She’s 17 and does hers and her friends hair.

First car-VW Diesel Rabbit!


oh my Lord. THAT is a car. Hilarious.


I really needed to read this today! I have a goal race this weekend and I felt so sluggish and awful today, the entire time I was questioning whether I should even bother to run Saturday. Thank you!


Ugh I think I am an expert at talking myself out of something…but I work really hard to try and remain positive. It is not at all my natural state of being. I thought of you this morning – I ran when it was dark out, and it was still 75 degrees with 90% humidity… EW. But I set out to do only 3 miles and somehow ended up running 5 because I felt really good and I ran faster than usual, so I really don’t understand how my body works!
We have customer visits in the office today so there’s lots of leftover free food, so the last dessert I had was about 2 hours ago, but I am currently regretting it. It was some kind of peanut butter-chocolate-marshmallow thing and it was way too rich for me. I should’ve just eaten a leftover roll!
First car was a 1986 Chrysler LeBaron (hard top, not even a cool convertible). It was older than me, I paid $200 cash for it, and the engine caught on fire while I was driving it so that was exciting… luckily I was totally unharmed, it just had a cracked head and I was actually on the way to the mechanics when I saw flames coming out along the seams of the hood. As a 16 year old, not so fun!


I don’t usually answer all the question things but I felt compelled to this time as I was currently eating desert AS I was reading. Carrot cake all the way.
No braiding.
My first car…wait for it… there a prize? I bet I’d win for …something…
A Gremlin. HA. Yep. That little sucker was a great car. I bought it for $500 and it ran great for years until someone hit me and totaled it. Then the insurance company gave me $1000 for it. My boyfriend called it a laundry hamper. My boyfriend who had no car and relied on me to drive him so…take what you will from that. ;)


Love that running top! How are you still in tank tops/shorts when it’s that cold?! I need to get a thicker skin!
I’ve definitely struggled with second guessing myself a lot…I used to think nothing I did/I was never good enough and it really brought me down :( I’m a lot better about it now, but I still have issues with confidence sometimes.
It’s so true that your mind gives up before your body does!


My last dessert was peanut butter cup Halo Top ice cream. My first car was a 1980 Chevy Citation. I had to keep the defrost on at all times or the engine would die as soon as I put it in gear and I had to push on the break as hard as I could when I shifted into drive or it would lurch forward. I am training for my first full marathon and have been trying to talk myself out of it for several weeks now. It doesn’t help that I’ve had to train in the oppressive heat and humidity but I’m trying to stay positive and focused. I’m nervous for my 18 miler coming up this weekend since it’s going to be another hot one but I’ll get through it somehow. Thanks for this post…it was so timely!


I almost talked myself out of running my first half marathon. I told someone close to me that I wanted to try a half marathon and the person laughed and said “yea okay… how far have you ever run?” It really hurt me and made me doubt myself. Eventually I talked myself back into it and am so glad I did! 6 years later I am proud to say that I have done at least 10 half marathons and 2 marathons… with more to come I’m sure. Lesson learned… never let someone else make you doubt yourself :)

My first was a green 2000 Jeep Cherokee Sport… I miss it so much! Growing up my mom had a Crown Victoria… so many good memories, lots of family road trips in that car :)


I’m definitely struggling with letting the mental talk take over, after taking over a year off from running from an injury and pregnancy, getting the confidence to get those miles under my belt again currently needs a lot of pep talking!

It is my husband and I’s 3 year anniversary tonight and they have a banoffee pie on their menu that I’m so excited to have! if you like bananas, you would love this dessert! Banana, graham cracker, caramel, whipped cream goodness :)


I talked myself into training for a marathon before I’d ever run by telling myself I could quit if I didn’t like it after one week, and then one week more, and then one week more…until I was invested enough that there was no way I was quitting. I’ve talked myself out of running fast by telling myself that I don’t like speed work and some people just aren’t built to be fast. Thanks, Janae, for the thought-provoking post.


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