The face of a runner (what is your face saying?) + big fans of this.

The belly band has made it’s appearance.  I’ve only used it once so I’m not completely sure what I think of it but once I know, I’ll give you the details.  Basically I love using a belly band during pregnant running because it is like a sports bra for that growing stomach… it keeps things supported a bit.  I get a little bit of ligament pain (I felt it on Saturday) and the belly band takes that away for me.

I try to avoid courses for my daily runs where there are stoplights but yesterday I hit a few.  The problem with stoplights is the FORCED BREAK that it gives me.  I don’t mind stopping when I feel I need a break but when I don’t need a break, I don’t want to stop.  It’s always so hard to start moving again after standing there waiting for the light to change.  PS I always pause my garmin for all of my stops.. do you?  I know some people that do and some people that don’t.

The average pace I share with you each day doesn’t include breaks:)  When I am doing a tempo or speed work then I plan my courses to involve zero stops but for just normal days… I hit pause on that Garmin whenever I’m not moving.  Also, another question… do you have your watch set up to auto pause (so it pauses for breaks and starts back up on it’s own when you start running) or do you just start and stop your watch as you go?  Ever forgotten to start your watch again after a stop and not realized for awhile… I have a few times and it always bugs me because if my Garmin didn’t say I actually ran X amount of miles at X pace then how do I know I even did it (slight sarcasm… with a lot of honest:).

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We have turned Monday into our CLEAN THE WHOLE HOUSE DAY.  Everything from vacuuming/mopping to bathrooms to washing the sheets.  It takes a few hours but I love starting out the week with a clean house and then do small chores each day to keep things put together:)  Brooke has gotten pretty good with the vacuum.  By the way, I am a big vacuum lover and this one we have now is by far my favorite.

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We started off by watching the solar eclipse online…

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But last minute we found some glasses and we got to see it!

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Salad bowls for lunch with romaine, cottage cheese, strawberries, grapes, peppers, cucumbers, chicken and balsamic vinaigrette.

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And then I took Brooke to go spend her money that she got from Mer for her birthday.

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Purses are a big thing for her these days (hit up the nursery yesterday too).

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Andrew stole the show by bringing her home a cookie sandwich!

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Not sure if Beretta has a new love for snuggling beanie babies while she naps or if Brooke positioned them like this.

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Brooke went out yesterday and helped Andrew with the yard.  My parents were big fans of yard work with us… weeding was the ultimate punishment.  I am pretty sure that is why they always had an acre or so of land when we were growing up—>  for those days we talked back to them;)

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Chicken fajitas for dinner!  We just chop up onions, peppers and chicken and use fajita seasoning, simple and perfection in my opinion.

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Brooke finished off her night with part of another Air Bud movie (it is quite miraculous how many different Air Bud movies there are these days:).  I felt a bit of that first trimester nausea kick in so I hopped into bed as early as I possibly could.

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Random story of the day… all of the sudden I have noticed Andrew rubbing the tops of my hands often.  After a few days of this happening I realized it’s because of my VEINS…  he laughed once I told him I realized what he was doing:)  He has been doing a lot of IV insertion at school and my veins are huge so they must be quite tempting to him ha.  In case you are wondering, school is still going really great for Andrew and he keeps loving it more and more.

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Somehow yesterday I came across this and it made me laugh pretty hard:)

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Besides my first marathon (I smiled a lot during that race ((before I got to mile 20)) because I was so stinkin’ happy to be accomplishing one of the biggest goals I had set for myself) I’m pretty sure my facial expressions have scared off people from wanting to try running;)  One thing that I have learned in the last few years that works for me when I am really tired/hurting/wanting to quit is to put on a smile for a few seconds to help trick my brain into believing I’m not hurting.  It also helps me to remember that I love racing and that I don’t want to quit.   The goal during our running/racing is to keep our faces relaxed (tense faces cost us energy!).  Do you keep a relaxed face while running or does your face show what you are feeling on the inside like mine does?

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I thought I would put together a few of Brooke’s running faces for fun too… her faces usually include a mix between concentration and pure enjoyment.

PicMonkey Collage


Did you watch the eclipse yesterday?  Where were you?  I want details!

Do you have your garmin set on auto pause or do you pause it yourself?  Do you stop your garmin throughout the run at all or keep it going?  Do your routes usually include stop lights or rarely?

Do you keep a relaxed face while you run or do your emotions come through?

Would you rather have a personal chef or personal laundry person?

-My answer: personal chef (that sounds like a dream) and Andrew’s answer is a person that does all of the laundry.

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I just took a quick pic with my phone right outside my front door and got a little lens flare eclipse image reflected on my house which was cool.

I never pause the garmin. I try not to get that crazy about paces and times but i hate having to stop for a light when I don’t want to stop.

i would rather have a personal chef


I’m sure my face has my feelings written all over it when I’m running, but I always remind myself “at least one smile per mile,” and I also always try to smile at people I see in passing. I’m sure I look silly to cars passing by when I’m smiling when no one else is around, but I really don’t care. :)

I would definitely rather have my own personal chef. Laundry isn’t that awful, but I’m not the greatest cook in the world, and I don’t enjoy it that much. I also don’t have a man in my life who can help me out with that stuff, so having my own personal chef would be really nice.


I watched the eclipse with my neighbor and my almost-4 yr old in our front yards. One of the coolest parts was seeing how the trees’ leaf/shade interaction created natural pinhole cameras and you could see the eclipse on the driveway…hundreds of little eclipses everywhere.
Even when I care enough to wear my Garmin, I never pause it because I almost never remember to start it up again! I’d rather have the total time and distance (even with stop times averaged in) than nothing at all. ;) I am a big fan of to map routes and calculate mileage so I usually only wear my Garmin for half marathon and longer races and sometimes training runs 15 miles and up.


Personal laundry person! No question! The best thing I’ve ever done for myself is pay for a house cleaner 2x a month. It’s either that or spend ALL of my time after they go to bed cleaning–instead of most of my time! It’s a luxury, but with two working parents, it’s a necessity right now.
The eclipse was so cool! We’re in VA Beach and the best part was seeing the crescent reflected through the trees!


It was rainy and cloudy yesterday, so even though we were in the path of partial eclipse in Iowa, it was really hard to notice a difference outside. I didn’t have the glasses but people who did at work said it looked cool. I did watch some live streams of it on Youtube just to experience the full eclipse.
I run using my Fitbit Blaze and the RunKeeper app – the app is set to autopause, but it doesn’t always kick in as quickly as I would like, and sometimes it starts up again even when I’m not moving, which I find to be odd. I usually pause my Fitbit if I’m stuck at a stoplight or will have to be delayed for any amount of time longer than a few seconds. I have some routes that include stoplights but the nice thing about running in the early morning is that there is usually very little traffic so I can sometimes run straight through them!
I just looked at pictures from my race this weekend and let me tell you, I do NOT look cute while running. Yikes.
Personal laundry person ALL THE WAY. I love to cook, and I don’t really mind doing the washing and drying part of laundry, but I hate folding it and putting it away. Too time consuming!


re: laundry , rhiannon is my twin. i’m a fan of cooking and i don’t mind washing and drying (we hang dry everything bc i’m a bit of a green freak) – but i am awful at folding and putting things away. really really atrocious.


I actually had the day off work yesterday and watched the eclipse through telescope which was super cool. To be honest I got a pretty good photo which I’m actually proud of LOL.

I don’t like stoplights either. Stopping during a run normally demotivates me. Sometimes I need a break but often times I find it is really hard to get started again.


Personal chef for sure!! I actually don’t mind doing laundry (at least the folding part…its therapeutic to me or something)?

The vein thing is funny…I remember checking out my mom’s hands during church. Her veins always bulged so much and I thought that meant she was really old…now, I have veins bulging on my hands (and pretty much everywhere since I have had 3 varicose vein surgeries already)and I guess its not a sign of old rather than genetics. ha!


Along the lines of “fake it til you make it”, I make a concerted effort to smile when I am out on a run-especially towards the end of a long run or race. I do think that what you do on the outside affects your body on the inside so every of positive mo-jo is a good thing, imo.

I love to cook. Granted some days it feels like a chore but it really does relax me so I’d take a personal laundry valet butler any day, all day.


Luckily most of my running routes don’t have stoplights…but if I do have to stop for any reason, I always stop my watch too.

Hmm…I think I would like a personal chef too! I don’t mind cooking/baking..but the clean up and sometimes just figuring out WHAT to make is the challenge!

That is funny about your veins…I have super veiny hands/arms too, so whenever I have to get blood drawn, the phlebotomists are always! Have a great day! :)


HAHAH yes… every time I go in and need to have blood drawn they get so excited about how easy it is to get a vein! Oh maybe a personal clean-up person would be the best for you:) Enjoy your Tuesday Leanne!


We watched eclipse in our front yard with a colander. I wish we would have bought glasses. Hopefully we will be around for the next one (2045) and I’ll buy them then.

It’s amazing how mutha smile can do for a run. I try to keep my face relaxed or smiling.


I totally relate to stopping my Garmin. I stopped it while waiting at a red light this weekend. Needless to say, I forgot to restart it until I heard the power down signal a half mile later…..grrr. So I couldn’t count that half mile in my stats because it wasn’t on my watch:-)


NOOOOOOO I seriously hate when that happens!!! I hope you have an awesome day today Lori!


If the laundry person would also find all our lost socks, yes please! I don’t really mind doing the laundry but I like cooking better. Laundry just never stops in a six person household. I try to smile while running. I feel very lucky I can run. A commentator on Dutch tv did a thing on relaxed faces during the athletic world championships, really interesting. I have a Microsoft Band and I use autopause. Otherwise I would forget to turn it back on again. I try to avoid traffic lights though, and where I have to cross a road I sometimes wish for a break and can run right over. Your race against the train looks awesome!


Oh goodness… yes to the person also finding all of the lost socks. I have probably lost thousands of socks over my life and I don’t know why! I can’t imagine the laundry that comes along with a 6 person household! Keep on smiling Eva!! I want to know more about the Microsoft Band… if you get a chance let me know what you think!


I really like my Microsoft Band, it has gps, it tracks sleep and general fitness as well. My data goes to Strava so I get to see more statistics. Downside is that it’s discontinued, so I don’t think there will be a Band version 3. Mine has a crack in the wristband, and I believe that has caused a lot of problems for Microsoft. My husband had a friend buy it in the States so sadly no warranty for me. For the moment a piece of tape is keeping it together. If mine dies I have to look around for something else.


Oh thank you so much for letting me know… that is SO Lame that it was discontinued though and that it has a crack in the wristband!


That’s awesome you found glasses last minute! No one in my office had glasses but we did have a welder’s mask which works. The downside to the mask is that it tinted everything green since that’s the color of the lenses :/ I’m with you on pausing your watch when you have to wait to cross the street! If I’m not running I don’t want my watch ticking away time. I just manually start and stop it.

I like cooking too much so I’d probably pick a personal laundry do-er. Have a great day Janae :)


Oh that is awesome that you used welder’s masks!! I hope you get a personal laundry do-er someday Maureen:) I hope your Tuesday is a great one!!!


I don’t pause my watch at stop lights unless it is taking a REALLY long time. I also don’t stop if someone needs to tie their shoe, etc. I have forgotten to re-start my watch too many times. I also don’t trust the Auto-Pause (I feel like A LOT of technology is so buggy :) ) so I don’t use that feature.

Love those race-face collages of you and Brooke! I think I’m pretty unemotional/steady when running. I do like to smile and wave for the camera if I spot one.


I don’t love the auto-pause either! I feel like it takes it a bit to start again and I want ever .01 I run to count haha! Thanks Amanda and I hope you are having a beautiful morning!


My husband and I watched the eclipse from my front yard. I was grateful someone gave me two pairs of glasses because I wouldn’t have thought to buy them. We had about 95% totality here so it was pretty cool to see and to feel the temperature drop.
I learned my lesson the hard way about pausing my Garmin when I stopped. When I was training for my second half marathon, I always paused my Garmin to cross the street and take a minute to breath. I didn’t realize how much those little breaks added up until I was way off my normal pace during the actual race. Afterwards I realized it was because I was used to taking breaks but obviously the clock doesn’t stop during the race.
Would Andrew consider doing a post about school? I love hearing about why people decided to go back to school, what classes/internships/etc. they have to do, and what they hope to do when they’re finished.


Oh I am so glad you had some glasses to watch!! YES YES YES… I will ask him to do a post about school and his current thoughts on everything:) Great idea! Thanks Kaci and have a beautiful day!


Personal Chef hands down!!!!


Wouldn’t that be incredible… I’ll keep dreaming:) I hope your Tuesday is a great one Amanda!


I LOVE Brooke’s braid – so cute! My parents used to make us weed as punishment, too. I hated it so much. Still do to this day.

I would totally rather have a personal chef. I actually don’t mind doing laundry at all. I love to cook, but sometimes it starts to feel like a burden when I am so busy with work, so to have someone around to make delicious, healthy meals would be such a treat.


Hahah seriously… weeding is a rough punishment! Someday I hope we all have personal chefs, I would be so ridiculously happy over that:) Enjoy your day Allison!


As much as I love to cook, I would love a personal chef. Food tastes a lot better when I don’t have to make it or do a dang thing. Just put the food in front of me and I eat it. #heaven Speaking of, those fajitas look and sound delicious. I am all about fast and easy.

I think I have weeded like 5x in my life. True story.


SEE YOU TOMORROW!!!! How about we go in together for a personal chef and we just eat dinner every night together with our families! PS I’ve missed you.


I watched the eclipse in our backyard… since it wasn’t a full eclipse here in CA, I only watched the little sun crescent shadows underneath our tree. :)

I do stop my Garmin only for longer water stops, I try not to stop it at stop lights, because like someone earlier mentioned, if you keep stopping your watch, you definitely underestimate how much time you need (esp. for longer runs), if you’re training for a race, where the watch never stops ;)

BTW, I also try to smile at people when I pass them on my runs…. I just want to come across as a friendly runner, as I have experienced some hostility towards runners before.


Landon surprised me by bringing home glasses from work (on his lunch break) so we were able to watch the eclipse from our back porch! So fun :)

I always pause my Garmin if I stop for water or stop lights. I like to know my pace and don’t want the stops messing it up ;) We live in a pretty downtown area, so there are a lot of lights nearby. Like you, it kind of depends on the run. If I don’t want to stop as much I run a route near a river that goes for miles, but if I am okay with stopping I will go along the road :)

I would love a personal laundry eh, person. I love to cook, but laundry and I are not really friends. Could my laundry person iron for me too? < That would be a dream come true!


That’s so funny about your hands — I’m a nurse, too, and love big, juicy veins. Gross! We didn’t get to practice in school (have to be licensed in NYS), so I’m glad Andrew is getting the opportunity. I also have those ginormous runner veins and love pressing on them and thinking about putting in a huge PIV catheter. It’s so satisfying.
I just listened to your ManBunRun interview and loved it! You are such a sweetheart, Janae. And, I had no idea you grew up in a Smashing Pumpkins loving family. I was completely obsessed with them as a teenager and wanted to marry Billy Corgan.
Can I give you a little tip? I hope you don’t take offense to this, but I’ve found it useful. If you type “It’s” with the apostrophe, say in your head, “It is.” If that doesn’t make sense, type “Its” instead. “Its” is possessive. So, the belly band made “its” appearance, not “it is” appearance. Does that help? I’ve noticed you do that quite a bit and though I’m certainly not the grammar police, I figured that might help. Like I said, I don’t mean to offend. Thank you for the belly band tip, by the way. I’m loving mine!!


KEEP ANY TIPS COMING!! Thank you Stacey:) I’ve been so tired lately I barely know what I’m doing ha! So glad you liked the podcast and I love hearing from another Smashing Pumpkins fan:)


My bump and I can relate to that exhaustion :) Take care!


I love the idea of cleaning the house every Monday – it’s so great to start off the week clean and organized! I try to do a deep clean on Sundays.

I watched the eclipse yesterday from my office. All my coworkers ran outside with lots of viewing contraptions so I was able to use someone’s glasses to see it. So much cooler than I had expected!


Some of my students brought glasses to school yesterday, so some of us were able to check it out :) It was pretty cool. I think the sun was 68% blocked in So Cal.

I live in the Burbs, so most of my running routes include forced stops. I try to do my long runs on our bike path and when I’m coaching, we run away from the city, so hardly any lights. I definitely pause it myself, which can be good but also bad when I forget to un-pause it :(

I work really hard at keeping a relaxed face and/or smiling, it really seems to help my attitude!

If my chef also did dishes, I would choose that :) Otherwise, it would definitely be a laundry person!


Yes, I saw the eclipse! In New York, it happened around 2:45pm. I didn’t have the glasses and some of my coworkers made the cereal box viewer, but the sky had patchy clouds, so I actually looked right at it through the clouds. When they moved away and we had direct sun, I turned away to protect my eyes. That worked out perfectly. The actual eclipse is just a tiny crescent, not really that amazing since we didn’t have totality, but standing with all these people on a random Monday afternoon and all of us doing the same thing felt pretty special :)

Absolutely I pause my Garmin at stoplights. I hate them and avoid running on the streets but sometimes you just have to. I don’t use autopause because I’m a control freak and I don’t trust the Garmin to stop/start at the correct times. I have never forgotten to unpause when I resume running. I keep my finger on the button like a psycho, haha!

I try to keep a relaxed face, but in race photos I always look like I’m in pain…

Laundry person, because I love cooking :)


Did you watch the eclipse yesterday? Where were you? I want details! No, we are still in Europe until next May. But I look forward to the April 2024 eclipse!!!

Do you have your garmin set on auto pause or do you pause it yourself? Do you stop your garmin throughout the run at all or keep it going? Do your routes usually include stop lights or rarely? I do not use a Garmin, I used to after weaning myself off the Nike + system, then I switched to Timex GPS, now the Apple Watch. I. Ever pause it. I would totally forget to turn it back on, and it would give me a poor estimate of my abilities. If I take a break (like a pee) during a race, the time does not stop, so I figure I need to follow those rules. Rarely do I have stop lights. I did Inn may when I went to D.C. for a week long Conference, and either used those as the opportunity to cross the street, loop the block, or stretch.

Do you keep a relaxed face while you run or do your emotions come through? I think I am fairly relaxed mostly because I don’t push myself too hard. But if I see people approaching I always smile.

Would you rather have a personal chef or personal laundry person? Hmm. Neither. I am very picky about my food and my laundry. But I would like a personal house cleaner. Right now we just have one once a week and it drives me crazy how dirty the floors get by Day 3.


We had about a 50% eclipse and watched from our backyard. I thought the neatest thing was how much the temperature dropped during that time.

I have my Suunto watch set on auto pause when it’s in cycling mode but not running. It’s easy to manually pause it while running but not cycling.

I love to cook so I’d take the laundry person.


Oh the Suunto watches are INCREDIBLE!! I totally noticed that too with the temperature drop here too… I kept thinking I should have gone for my run during the eclipse because it was cooler than the morning ha! I hope you are having an amazing day Kathy!


I HATE stoplights during my runs. That’s why I usually chose to run around the same short loop many different times lol.

And I HATE doing laundry. So somebody who can do that for me would be completely amazing :)


Yep, always pause my garmin :) I used auto pause for a little while but I don’t like it that it takes a while to turn back on, so I just do it manually. I try to avoid lights but it’s quite easy where I live as I can usually just keep running til there’s a break in the traffic (harder in town where we have more US-style blocks). Don’t you find that sometimes you’re so happy to get a red light and have a little break, and sometimes it’s so annoying!

I only have one exercise face and it’s not very photogenic ?

Not sure about the chef/ laundry person – Can I have someone to mop my floors?!


We had 83% eclipse at 10:19a. We pulled out chairs from the office and set up in the parking lot to watch it. We noticed how much cooler it felt outside during the eclipse.

I have a love/hate thing with autopause. I always end up forgetting to restart it once I stop so I normally train with auto on. But then race day happens and I’ll forget take it off. The worst was at Boston. I forgot to take it off auto and had to use the porta potty at mile 16. I had to guess how long I was in there and adjust my time but then sort of gave up. I requalifed with a second to spare!

I always ask would I rather have a chef or someone to do my hair everyday. It used to be a hairdresser but these days its been a personal chef. I need one ASAP!


Caught the peak of the eclipse yesterday! I live and work in Washington DC, and with all of the crazy that is happening in the world right now, it can be tough to escape and focus on the simple and happy things in life, especially while living in the nation’s capital… On that note, I took a late lunch break so I could escape the crazy and watch the eclipse for a bit. To my surprise, when I walked out of my office, there were TONS of people standing outside also relishing in the amazingness of the universe. It was so refreshing to see people sharing stories and eclipse glasses and having a lighthearted moment in the middle of the day!

Funny you should ask about stopping your Garmin today, as I was just thinking about this this morning while finishing up my run! I always stop my Garmin when I have to stop in the middle of my run, whether it is a forced break (dang traffic lights) or a necessary one (summer running in DC is SO HOT AND HUMID) as long as I am running outside. I’m so impatient that I get annoyed at the delay in the auto-start/auto-pause (it’s literally like 2 seconds and I can’t handle it – this is normal, right??). BUT, I have started using the auto-pause feature during my treadmill runs and I really like it (I use my Garmin during my indoor runs to monitor my pulse)!! It’s a lot easier than managing starting and stopping the treadmill and the Garmin at the same time! And as a side note, I also love using the auto-pause function for biking :)


I watched the eclipse in the path of totality! We drove about 30 min from where we live in Oregon and got about 45 seconds of totality; it was super cool!!! The best part was watching until it went totally dark then taking off the glasses to see the corona…there’s really nothing quite like it. Definitely something I’ll remember for the rest of my life!!

I have the auto pause on on my garmin! Sometimes I pause it for long stops, but because I’m used to the auto pause, I sometimes forget to start it again…


I actually got some pretty cool pics of the eclipse – check them out on my blog post (
I also make the most embarrassing faces while running – I NEVER look good in race photos…I always seem to look like I’m in pain :(
I would much rather have a personal chef – I don’t really like to cook! I can handle the laundry though, maybe that will change once we have kids!


I am a teacher and we had a school wide eclipse viewing. Unfortunately, the clouds started rolling through as soon as totality was supposed to happen. We were able to see the sun in a crescent shape which was so interesting! The kids loved it.

I have to stop my watch every time I stop. Even if it’s for a 2 second stop for a car to go by. I have to get those distances and paces accurate!

All throughout my running career, my mom has taken pictures of me and my teammates at races. Even now that I’m not competing in school, she sometimes takes pictures at the road races I do. I have very few pictures of me where my facial expression is positive! Haha! Usually it’s concentrated but sometimes she catches the ever so fabulous cheek jiggle that makes me look absolutely ridiculous. I have a couple of marathon pictures that look okay because I was excited to see my mom along the course especially during really hard parts.


I totally pause and re-start my garmin whenever I have to stop…and it DRIVES ME CRAZY when I realize I forgot to restart it!! Glad to know I’m not the only one who does that too!


I am in NYC and we didn’t have the same solar eclipse experience here so i just watched the feed online. It barely got overcast here.


Do you mind sharing which belly band you’re using? I just started having slight ligament pain while running yesterday and want to try one out to see if it helps! Thanks so much :)


YES YES YES… the one I am using is here:

I don’t love it as much as my first but it is taking out the ligament pain. Keep me updated with how you are doing!


We were in the path of totality here in central Nebraska and while I was a little bit “whatever” about beforehand, it was seriously one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. It was pretty eerie as it approached totality and the light dimmed and then all of a sudden it got dark and we had about 2 minutes of totality and then just as suddenly it got light again. My 8 year old wants to go back in time so we can do yesterday all over again.


NOOOOO WAY!!! That sounds incredible Renee. I am so glad you and your 8 year old were able to experience that! Amazing!


I watched the eclipse at work yesterday (borrowed a pair of the special glasses from a coworker). It was really cool!
My face is usually concentrating on my run…I don’t smile much unless I’m laughing at a podcast I’m listening to (2 Dope Queens is my fav right now).
I completely understand the fascination with large veins. Every time I see some I want to stick a big ‘ol 16g IV in it! It’s a nurse thing :)
I have the auto-pause turned on my Garmin but I think I’ll turn it off since sometimes with my really long run I need to stop and walk but then it’ll auto pause and throw off my miles.


Okay… I totally laughed out loud when I read this comment. Best comment of the day!!


I got a good laugh out of the vein story! I am an ICU nurse and my husband catches me doing this all the time! Once you are a nurse and student for a bit, it is just 2nd nature to do that!!


Hahaha okay, good to know Andrew is not alone with this:) I have never had those thoughts before haha! I hope your day has been a great one Emily!


I am a nurse and I always notice people’s veins. My husband and son have big juicey awesome ones that I love to look at and drool over. My son thinks I’m weird — I’ll have to tell him I’m not the only one!

My husband and I used to joke that we would really like to have “an Alice”(from The Brady Bunch). She cleans, she cooks, runs errands, watches the kids… Then when the house was messy or we were hungry we would hollar for our imaginary Alice.

I never stop my watch. I figure if I stop in a race — for water, potty, walk break, whatever — the race clock won’t stop, so.


Hi Janae! Love your blog and your Insta! I started following you a few weeks back and love everything you post!! I’m training for my 3rd marathon, and my weekly mileage is half of yours right now. I always think to myself when I am not feeling or looking forward to my run, that you are pregnant and running double my weekly distance right now. I tell myself, if she can do it, I can do it!! Thanks for inspiring me!!

Quick/random question about the chicken you use for your salads/quesadillas – do you prep a whole bunch over the weekend to use for your meals, cook some as you need it, buy the chicken pre-cooked? If so, do you have a brand that you prefer? Thank you!!


Hey Callie!! A lot of times we use the rotisserie chicken from Costco and I will take all of the chicken off and that will last me a few days! If not, I just grab a few of the frozen tenderloins from Costco and cook them on a pan for each meal. So good! I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOUR THIRD MARATHON!! Thank you for your sweet words and please keep me updated with how your training is going!


My husband always says ” no one actually likes running, they looking absolutely miserable”. He has a 0.0 sticker on his car. Ironically the first time he cheered me on in a marathon, I finished and he turned to me and said ” that was fun, when is your next one??” That was the Disney marathon so I think that had a factor.


Personal chef for sure…..I don’t mind laundry. My running face is probably a mix of anger and exhaustion! Ha! I don’t have a garmin but I pause the Nike app on my iPod anytime I stop. And we were in Nashville for the eclipse…… Almost 100% totality and we had a blast playing wiffle ball and watching it! Love Brooke’s ponytail in the top running photo!


If you sync your watch to Strava, it takes out the pauses. I still pause it on occasion but with the new Garmin it’s much easier to see that it’s paused. (935!!!).


I missed the eclipse ? And I could never play poker because my face shows everything I’m feeling! It gets me into trouble! Does yours ?


I was at work for the eclipse in Ohio so one of my co-workers made viewing boxes for us! Even with only 80% coverage in our area it was pretty cool b/c it got dim outside and then looking in our viewers you could see the “bite” taken out!
I always stop my Garmin when I take breaks/stop and I also have it on autopause. I had to turn the autopause on b/c when I run with my dog sometimes he likes to take unplanned stops!
I would definitely have a personal chef! My b/f would be all about the personal laundry person.
Love the pictures of Brooke running!


Did you watch the eclipse yesterday? Where were you? I want details! yes – i was at the office on the west side of NYC. everyone was out of their offices looking at the sky. maybe saw thousands of people? it was pretty incredible.

Do you have your garmin set on auto pause or do you pause it yourself? Do you stop your garmin throughout the run at all or keep it going? Do your routes usually include stop lights or rarely? i recently started pausing myself but always forget a half mile after i start again. happened yesterday and the whole run stats is messed up in both garmin and strava. but i just discovered i can change the settings to autopause so i’ll try that next (already set up my watch for that) but it sounds like everyone here hates that. i also sync to strava so i could just leave it alone and use strava for moving time only. so maybe i’ll switch back and count all rests at stop lights into my training. my route always includes stop lights bc it’s NYC unfortunately.

Do you keep a relaxed face while you run or do your emotions come through? no i always look like i’m miserable and/or going to fall over any second…

Would you rather have a personal chef or personal laundry person? personal laundry person! bc cooking rules and bc i am horrible and putting clean clothes away.


Totally watched the eclipse. I was at work in NC and didn’t have glasses, but just wanted to be outside when we go to the max totality (94% here) to see what it would look / feel like. I was outside with about 50 of my co-workers and there were extra glasses, so we passed them around and I was able to look at the sun several different times. It was pretty neat and a nice break during the day to experience something with your co-workers/friends.
I have a Garmin watch like yours and it’s set on auto-pause. I am afraid I wouldn’t remember to start it back up again. I am not crazy about my time and pace, but I do like to know where I am in, especially when training, so auto-pause is safer :)
Definitely a personal chef and a running mentor told me one time that when running gets difficult, just smile, so that’s what I try to remember to do. Otherwise, the look I am feeling is what is on my face – ha ha! Have a great day!


Personal Laundry Person for sure!!

I also have a pregnant running attire question… what are your fave shorts? We have a similar build and my favorite regular-that-work-for-pregnancy-as-well shorts (Gap, of all brands) have been discontinues! :( It seems like a lot of shorts these days have a thicker waist band, which I am afraid to try with my almost 20 week bump. Any suggestions!? It’s too hot to run in leggings :( (I should have planned my pregnancies better… none of my maternity wear is seasonally appropriate).


I watched the eclipse outside my office building, sharing a pair of glasses with three other coworkers. It was fun passing them around!

I pause my Garmin if I’m stopped for more than a couple of seconds. I don’t bother if I’m at the drinking fountain or something like that, but definitely I would waiting for a light or when I pass a friend on the trail and have to stop to say hello.

My concentration shows on my face. I do try to smile during races when I see the photographer and especially as I cross the finish line. I learned my lesson from my first marathon pics.

Personal chef, please!


Can the personal chef ALSO be a personal dish-doer? Like load and unload the dishwasher after cooking the meal? If so, I’ll take the chef! That would be a dream come true!!! :)

Also I have a question for YOU: how on earth do you write all of these blog posts and resist using emojis?! I find myself wanting to emoji after every sentence. #lifeishard #woeisme #jkjkjk #thiswouldbeanemojibutimonalaptop

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