My list (and Andrew’s) of running pet peeves + you’ll want to check back tomorrow!

I have a NEW HRG BABY post!  Talking about this last week of pregnancy and my plans for breastfeeding.  Check it out HERE!!!


While I was on my run yesterday I was thinking about my running pet peeves and I thought I would share them with you today.  Andrew also has a few of them to share!

*When you accidentally hit the lap button during a race on accident.  I HATE when I do this because then my watch is totally off on when I hit each mile etc.

*When there is a long line at the porta potty in the middle of your race.  This happened at our last race and we just wanted to get in and go on with our race.

*When you run through an invisible (okay, slightly visible) cloud of bugs.

*When your shoes are untied during a race= the worst.  When your shoes are untied during a run = it takes too much energy to bend over to tie them.  Rocks in the shoe are equally annoying.

*A huge diesel drives by you and you get to experience the lovely black cloud that it leaves behind.

*When someone takes your treadmill when you take a break to use the restroom at the gym… Even if you have all of your stuff on it and there are 4 other treadmills wide open!  Yes, this did happen to me at our hotel last weekend.  I had to go ask him if it was okay if I grabbed all of my stuff off of the treadmill ha.

*You are running on a trail and there is another runner and you just keep going back and forth passing each other… it gets me all nervous and wanting to just ask them if we can just run together:)

*You put your music on shuffle and for some reason it goes into the mode of playing ‘all of the songs you don’t want to hear in a row.’

*When my phone dies while running because it is too cold outside… HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET MY SELFIES AND PODCASTS?!

*You are so thirsty and looking forward to the drinking fountain up ahead (it’s all you can think about) and you get to the drinking fountain only for it to be broken.

*You almost step on a snake (or other scary animal) because then for the rest of the run your heart rate is 180 bpm.

*A bike whizzes right next to me when running and they are going so fast that you almost feel like you are going to fall over.

Andrew’s list:

*Chafed nipples (I have never personally had this happen and I don’t even want to imagine the pain that goes along with this).

*When you trip on the sidewalk (he looked at me and laughed as he said this… he never has but I seem to do this often;)

*When the person you are running with doesn’t stop talking and you are feeling like you might die and can’t reply to anything they are saying (I think the situation he is referring to is when he is running with me… this may have happened at our last half-marathon;)

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I’m not sure what’s going on here.  Either my watch is broken and showing this 9:22 pace way too often or my body is beyond happy to be sticking at that exact pace most days each week.

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I was doing better with my strength training last week and as of today, I have done zero strength training this week.  I had my mat out and weights out ready to put in some work but ended up just laying there eating fruit out of a bowl.  Andrew walked into the kitchen and was very confused by what I was doing.  TODAY IS THE DAY… I’m going to do some strength training but yesterday sure felt nice to just hang out on the ground eating pineapple.

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We made it out for a quick errand, Brooke in her pajamas still and me in my running clothes.  We are quite the fashionistas around here.

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It’s back and it tastes better than EVER.   When I first introduced my grapes and cottage cheese combo I think I scared a lot of people by it but over time people have realized how good it is.  I have received many texts and emails about someone finally trying it and saying how good it tastes.  I forgot about it for a while until it sounded so good yesterday.  Welcome back CCG (cottage cheese grapes).

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A) I need to clean my sunglasses.  B) I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch followed by a corn on the cob (with as much butter and salt as possible) as Andrew drove us to our Dr. appointment.

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We had a doctor appointment yesterday.  The kids beg to come… not sure if that is because they want to see the baby or because they know they have a bucket of suckers there.

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PS WE FOUND OUT OUR BABY’S SEX yesterday afternoon!!!  We are super excited to tell you but we wanted to make sure to get ahold of everyone in our family first to tell them!  We will share it tomorrow morning:)

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We did our Thursday night family night yesterday instead of today (I’ll be gone tonight).

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My dessert last night included tortilla chips and salsa.  My favorite current dessert (even though at 10 pm I tried to talk Andrew into waking up the kids so that we could go to J-Dawgs for hot dogs).

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I hope your Thursday is a great one!


PS don’t forget to check out my new HRG Baby post.  I would love any advice from you on this topic!


Last chance to guess… do you think we are having a BOY OR A GIRL!?! Share your biggest running (or working out pet peeves)… I love reading your answers! What is the most annoying thing that has happened to you during a race?   Any cottage cheese lovers out there?  What do you eat it with?  Ever tried it with grapes?

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That’s so exciting that you know the gender of the baby! I think it’s going to be a boy.


I guess I’ll say girl. 50/50 shot at being right. Lol.

Oh I second the running through bugs and frozen iPhone shutoff peeves.

I also hate when my eyes sting from sunscreen and salty sweat and I don’t have a single dry spot on my shirt to wipe them with.

And tangled hair from running too.


I’m going with girl ❤

Pet peeve: you are debating whether or not you REALLY need to stop at a porta potty during a race, decide it’s a necessity, wait in the line, you get in and … Nothing happens!!! I don’t know if it’s the nerves of the race and knowing everyone is waiting on the line outside or feeling rushed as every second ticks by but this happened to me once and I hated it!!! (TMI? Oh well…)


Ah! Exciting! I am thinking boy!
I can’t do cottage cheese…… any form or in any combo.
The most annoying thing in a race is when i have on too many layers but I don’t want to lose them so I end up carrying gloves or a hat with me the rest of the race.
Pet peeves: (first off, yes to the bike thing……… old guy passed me on the right when I was already almost in the grass……….I wanted to push him over and almost did………..)
*When people walk and take up the entire path, then when you say “on your left” they either move to the left, turn back and just look at you, freeze where they are but don’t give you room to pass, or huff and grumble and get mad at me
*When the water fountains say freeze proof but it is January and they are off………….or it’s July and they are still turned off…..
*When dogs are on retractable leashes and come running at you (those leashes suck to get tangled in………..rope burn!)
*When bikers are cycling the same speed you are running and you are passing/getting passed over and over again
*When cars honk or people whistle………… makes me frustrated for some reason
*When sweat gets in your eyes
*When your ipod randomly turns off when you were just trying to pause it

Have a good day! Excited to hear the gender!


That’s a pretty good list of “GRRRRRR!”! Re: the iPhone dying because of the cold — this only started happening to me when I moved to Chicago a few years ago. As a Texan, I was completely confused at the concept of it being “too cold” for my phone (or shoot, HUMANS) to be outside. I started stuffing my phone in my sports bra or keep it next to my skin somewhere. That keeps it alive!



Oooooh I can’t wait to find out about the baby! How exciting!

My biggest running pet peeve (and in-general-life pet peeve) is when a group of people take up the whole sidewalk and barely move to let you through. Is it really that hard to leave a path for traffic going the other way?! Luckily this only really happens when I run on campus, and I’ve been doing more running in my neighborhood recently.


I think it’s a boy!

One of the worst things for me is when I get a side ache! I hate that. Or (I’m not sure this is just me or if anyone else gets it.) when I get a cramp in my shoulder. It feels like a side ache but in my shoulder and breathing deeper doesn’t help.


I absolutely despise cottage cheese. I can’t even look at it, was just discussing this last night lol. right now my biggest running pet peeve is definitely running into a cloud of little bugs! omg, the worst, especially if my mouth is open!


So exciting! I’m guessing a boy based on your cravings being so similar to the ones I had with my son (very scientific haha). I really don’t like when part of my power gel gets on my fingers during a race and I can’t make the stickiness go away!


I hate when you keep passing someone then they pass you the whole run, I get weirdly nervous about it. Oh my gosh I can’t wait to find out the baby’s gender! Have a great day :)


I think one of my biggest pet peeves has to be when my iPhone dies too. Listening to great podcasts helps motivate me to get my butt out the door, or on the treadmill. ;)

I’m going to guess you’re having a… girl?! Or a boy! I’m not sure–but either way, it’s so exciting for your family!

Also, unrelated question for you. Where did you get your sunglasses ? Not the Ray Bans but the other pair you’re sporting in the blog today. They’re so nice!


Hey Julie!!! Yes, I hate it when that happens… I’d rather go the beginning of my run without music/podcast than the end! Those sunglasses are from Madewell and I got them in the store and I’m not seeing them online:( I hope you have a great day!


That’s so exciting! Can’t wait to hear if it’s a boy or a girl :) Also jealous because we still have 5 days(!) until our ultrasound appointment and we get to find out the sex of our baby.


I think I have a 0% accuracy rate when it comes to guessing baby genders, since I have been wrong every single time one of my friends has had children. Maybe this time I will be right – I’m guessing boy!

I got stuck running behind a garbage truck on my route this morning (with no way to cut across to other roads without going wayyy over miles meaning I couldn’t make it to work in time :) ) so I would add that as a pet peeve. Also, when someone calls me when I’m on a run and I have to dig my phone out from my flip belt and try to ignore it without accidentally answering it while huffing and puffing! I don’t like when I have to dodge someone’s animal doo because they didn’t clean up after their pets either… that’s gross! My biggest pet peeve is when people cat-call at me when I’m running. 1- I don’t look attractive, I’m usually a sweaty mess, and 2- cat-calling doesn’t work and it’s offensive and gross.

I miss cottage cheese! I recently discovered a sensitivity to dairy, and while I can handle regular cheese in small amounts, cottage cheese was a no-go for me. So sad! I liked it with sliced strawberries – never tried grapes – or sunflower seeds or spicy doritos!


Im guessing a GIRL! Also chafed nipples– HAH. Totally lol’s on that one. Good thing girls get to use sports bras :)


Oh my gosh how exciting. I’m not sure, I think you’re having a boy. But that is based on nothing LOL.

I always enjoy hearing what people’s running pet peeves are…I don’t even know why it interests me so much. My running pet peeve is during racing when people run too close to you. During big races it can’t be helped but I don’t get it when you have plenty of room.


I think you’re gonna have a boy!!

My mom had sweet cravings with me and salty/savory cravings with my brother. She was practically a vegetarian before my brother and then after she got pregnant with him, all she wanted were Whoppers. So strange hah!

In any case, excited to hear the news!


Sooooo excited to find our what you’re having!! I predict a boy – based on your hunger. (my coworker is pregnant with a boy)
My big run pet peeve is snot rockets ! :'( So gross – bring a tissue!


Happy Thursday Janae!

My guess is a baby boy! Either way I am praying for a healthy baby, healthy mama and seamless transition for Brooke, Knox and Andrew :)


Rocks in shoes while running is the worst! I hate taking my shoe off and then having to put it back on my super sweaty foot! I also agree with the pet peeve about all of your least favorite songs playing in a row — it throws off my groove! ;)


HA Janae! I am eating cottage cheese, grapes, strawberries, and bananas with cinnamon sugar in a bowl for breakfast as I type. We have a five mile loop near our house, and my biggest peeve is people who walk three wide in the opposite direction that you are running. They don’t always move into single file even when they see you coming. Hope you have a great day!


I’m guessing boy! I am not a cottage cheese fan so we never really have it but my milk allergic kiddo is working his way up to milk (desensitization) and he is on cottage cheese and it has by far been the worst stage for him! We’ve found the honey vanilla cottage cheese is not terrible and he will unhappily tolerate it. The hope of ice cream someday is the only thing getting him through cottage cheese, I think. Maybe we need to try cottage cheese and grapes. I agree that running close to the same pace with a stranger on the trails is annoying. It is good motivation to speed up and get away, though.


I’m going to guess girl, simply based on your similar cravings that you experienced with Brooke :)
My #1 running pet peeve is when cars pull out of driveways or cruise into intersections without looking for pedestrians. I got hit once when I was in college, and have had numerous close calls since then.
#2 Pedestrians on their cell phones who nearly walk right into me. “Pokemon Go” was a difficult time in my life.
#3 When people shout obscenities at me, honk horns, whistle, etc. LEAVE ME ALONE. I didn’t wear this tank top for you to ogle me, I did it because it’s freakin’ hot outside.
Cottage cheese has been one of my top cravings this pregnancy, and I owe it big time for getting me through my first trimester. I like it with grapes, but my favorite is with cantaloupe!


Pet Peeves:
– When you are running on the correct side of the road but the car about clips you as they drive by.
– Dogs that chase you (harmful or not). Having to stop and tell them to go home is annoying!
-Runners that don’t wave or say hello when running on the trail. Let’s all just get along!!

There are probably more that I will think of later. But I think it’s a boy!


YES, YES, YES… I agree completely on all of those things with you!!! Dogs freak me out if they start running towards me and I don’t know them! Thanks Leslie and I hope your Thursday is a great one!


I LOVE cottage cheese with grapes! My friend introduced it to me in high school, and I was hooked. I also include Wheat Thins in that combo. :)

My running pet peeve is long porto lines right before a race–it gives me huge anxiety. I also don’t like when it’s just rained, and a car drives through a huge puddle and splashes you. Not cool.


Boy ?.


My biggest pet peeves are …
1. As many have said – people who honk/shout rude things at me – boy does that tick me off. I especially hate when people honk when they are right beside me – makes me jump and gives me a heart attack.
2. When a driver passes another driver and they decide to do it when they’re right beside me. It’s so unnerving to have a car flying by at 60+mph on your blind side. Makes me feel like I’m going to fall over. They’re so wrapped up in passing I’m sure they don’t even see me – or they don’t care.
3. When you’re racing and people decide to walk and they come to a dead stop right in front of you. I’ve almost tripped over them so many times because of this. MOVE OVER BEFORE WALKING!


JUST TODAY I had someone HONKING at me. It drove me crazy. Oh and the driver passing thing, that is SO scary. And yep, that has happened to me during races. Thank you for sharing Amanda, we think a lot alike! I hope you have an awesome day!


Ahh so exciting to find out the gender!! If I had to guess, I would say girl. My biggest pet peeve while running and/or working out is when my ponytail is like pulling at my hair. You know what I mean? Like when it’s tight and staying fine, but maybe a couple hairs are too tangled up in the hair tie and it is like pulling at your scalp every time you move. It drives me nuts and once it happens once, I feel like it happens for the entire rest of my workout.


The water fountain thing 100%! One of the water fountains on my regular long run route has been out and of course it’s the one that’s farthest away from the water fountains before and after it. Then on my run on Tuesday, I was all excited to get to a different water fountain only to realize that the path leading up to it was blocked off for 4th of July festivities. I wanted to cry! Haha

My other one is when people take up the whole path walking at a casual pace and don’t move even when you yell that you’re coming behind them. Drives me especially crazy during speedwork or a tempo run!

And … I’m going to say girl!


NOOOO I probably would cry haha! YES YES YES, that totally drives me crazy! I hope your Thursday is an awesome one Diana!


I ran a 10k in June and a biker DID run me off of the trail. I was running on the left and he came up behind me (with a ton of bikers behind him) and wouldn’t go to the right or slow down and then he pivoted his bike so that I had no where to go but the grass and I tripped and fell. :( it was not pleasant and it took everything in me to not let it ruin the rest of my race!!


NO WAY.. Okay, that is not okay!! I am so sorry Maddie, I can’t even imagine. Good for you to get up and finish your race.


I’m going with girl :)

Running pet peeve – if my sunglasses fog up. Also, if I’m out on a trail and its full of horse poop. Dog owners pick up their poops, why not the giant horse poops????


I hope you’re having a boy! Nothing like Brooke being the queen of the castle ^_^

I really don’t like it when I feel crowded during a run or workout. For big races, I’ll find a space towards the back (so that I’m not being shoved! Seriously, that’s happened to me during a race lineup!) For the gym, I’ll actively avoid busy times — deeming sleep as less important than space *and my favorite treadmill*.

Someone SHOVED me at the start!!! What a jerk….

I LOVE cottage cheese. I’ve always eaten it as a sort of “savory” with just some fresh ground black pepper on top. That’s it. HEAVEN!!


One of my peeves is when two moms pushing strollers next to each other block the whole trail or sidewalk. Also dogs: not on a leash, or on a leash that’s too long, and dog poop!

I think you’re having a boy.


Oh yes. That happens to me all of the time and it drives me NUTS!!! I hope you are having a great day!


You forgot about running on garbage day! THE WORST! It reeks, and there’s garbage juice stains all over the sidewalks and roads. SO DISGUSTING.

ps. so excited about your baby! Can’t wait to find out!


Oh yes… how the heck did I forget that ha!!! Thank you Suzy and I hope you are having a great day!


Running pet peeve: When my sunglasses jump in my face. I lost my running sunglasses and now wearing my regular ones is sometimes annoying.

I have no idea what gender you would be having but I’m so excited to find out!


Hm…So, I’m going to say boy. But only because I was all about meat/protein and savory with my boys. Everyone is different though, so I’m totally projecting. ?

Pet peeves…since I’m not fast in the least bit, I don’t really “race” any of my races and some of the things you mentioned were totally foreign to me. But I do agree with the bikes and/or cars that “lean in” far more than necessary. I also agree with “shuffle play” equating to “play all the songs she doesn’t want to hear, all in a row, right now!” Ugh, the worst! Other than that, I’d say side-stitches forcing me to count my steps/breath. I know that is good form and all, but seriously, I run to zone out and stop obsessing about the little things; so I’m annoyed when running forces me into doing that. ?


I am so so excited for you!!
And I am thinking baby boy for sure! I can’t wait to find out!! :)


A working definition in use by the World Health Organization for its work is that “‘[g]ender’ refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women” and that “‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ are gender categories.”
You found out the baby’s SEX yesterday, not its gender.


THANK YOU for that clarification Allison… I really appreciate it! I am changing my post now!


Wow, Janae. You are really, really nice. Because…yeah, that wouldn’t have been my instinct. ❤️


I say BOY!

I like most foods, but CANNOT stomach cottage cheese. I’ve tried it numerous times, but just. can’t. do. it.

Running pet peeves: Running on a dirt road and having someone drive by leaving me with a cloud of dust to breathe into my lungs. Slow people (especially with strollers) who start a race near the front of the pack and then everyone has to try and get past them without tripping. (I have no problem with slow people–I have been one of those people myself! But please line up near the back!) When I forget to charge my earbuds or my Garmin and they die during my run. People who let their dogs roam free and said dogs chase after me barking and snapping.


My running pet peeve: when the black flies are out and biting and they hurt then leave itchy bite marks! They’re ruining my beautiful morning runs right now.

As for your peeves, could you hit the lap button again the next time you see a mile marker and restore order to the universe? :)


HAHAH I guess I could… you sure are a lot smarter than me ha. Thank you for solving this problem for me!!! Great idea. I hope that those black flies LEAVE YOU ALONE!


I am hooked on cottage cheese and grapes thanks to you!!!


This makes me so incredibly happy:) Keep enjoying them and I hope you have a great day Nikki!


I vote BOY!! I’m SO happy for you guys, Janae!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :)


I’m guessing girl!

I love eating cottage cheese on triscuits! Or by itself with some pepper.


Congrats! I say a girl :)

Most annoying thing that has happened to me during a race. The girl in front of me stopped literally in front of me to tie her shoelaces. There were thousands of runners and she got told off because it was dangerous…she could have been trampled and very nearly was :p.

Your treadmill thief story is funny – because that is just basic etiquette – when there is stuff I assume it’s someone and I wouldn’t take the treadmill without asking! Especially when others are wide open haha. I would have just politely told him to get on the other one because I wasn’t done yet :p.

I love love cottage cheese and grapes (and raisins). Biggest workout pet peeve – people who draft off of you during a run and then spend the time breathing heavily off your shoulder. Either pass me or get off my shoulder please :) Haha.


I think it’s a boy!!!! (Either way win win!)
Omgosh did you eat corn on the cob in the car lol! That is just awesome! I love this age where kids can wear whatever to run errands (and I’m always in my workout clothes)

Pet peeve: red lights


People who play music from speakers while running, especially in a race! Do you think everyone has the same taste as you? Or wants to listen to music at all?

People who start in the front/middle pack of a race, and then stop and walk in the first few minutes without even stepping off to the side. Start towards the back if you’re going to pull that nonsense!


Jenny, I get the shoulder cramp sometimes, too. They are the WORST! And then someone throws their arm around your shoulder at the end of a race and squeezes and it hurts so bad you just want to cry (or swear)…
Running peeves: bikers who intentionally brush you going by/scare you/run you off the path; my period (seems to be cosmically aligned with race day 95% of the time); and sunscreen…I just hate the sticky/smelly/sweaty drippyness of it plus I am allergic to oxybenzone so it is hard to find one that is sweatproof and non-allergy.
I never ate cottage cheese and grapes together until this spring (despite reading your recommendation for 3ish years now). Now I do it whenever I have both in the house at the same time. ;) :)


I’m thinking the baby is a boy!


I’ll guess boy (even though I feel like it’s a girl for some reason, I’ll just be different ;)

Also, my go to favorite used to be oranges & cottage cheese! Now I can’t stand that combo, but I used to go nuts on a bowl of it in college!


Ahh how exciting that you already found out!! I don’t find out for 2 more weeks, and I’m dyinggggg! And cottage cheese and grapes are THE best combo, closely followed by cottage cheese and peaches!


I’ll go with a boy.

Running pet peeves: when someone I’m running with counts off the miles; as in 1 down 9 to go. Hush until we have 1/2 mile left. Sweat causing eyes to sting like crazy.
When someone smokes (especially cigars) at a race. What the heck is wrong with you? (someone actually smoked while participating in a local race).

I rarely eat cottage cheese, I’m just not a fan.


I’m really hoping it’s a boy. There’s nothing like having a mama’s boy. I have a baby boy right now ( (three months old) and they touch your heart in a way words can’t explain. So my fingers and toes are crossed for a boy :)

Sometimes I put fruit and jelly in my cottage cheese. Sometimes I top a sweet potato with cottage cheese and salsa.


I guess girl! I can’t wait to find out! It must be so exciting for you and the family to finally know.


I’m going to guess girl! I couldn’t eat sweet things when pregnant with my daughter, so I think girl! ?

My only race pet peeve is just the craziness of the first mile. There are so many people and everyone is trying to get in their groove and I always get pushed and shoved out of the way. It doesn’t help my race-day anxiety, but I know it is unavoidable.

Nope, sorry, no cottage cheese and grapes! I do not like cottage cheese and can’t even begin to imagine putting poor grapes in cottage cheese.


Love your pet peeve list! I run with my dog and she is very well behaved, so when another person approaches us with a dog that is badly behaved and rushes at her it really messes up our pace.

I’m so excited for tomorrow’s post, I think it’s a girl :)


Pet peeve: when someone is running right on your heels, breathing hard, but won’t pass you for some reason? Are they trying to draft off me? Because I’m not fast…
Chafed nipples ? Reminds me of the episode of he office when they did the fun run and andy’s super sensitive nipples.
I think BOY!!


#1 running pet peeve: When people are walking 2-3 wide and they won’t move over for a single runner (even when you say, “on your left” or “excuse me.”) I twisted my ankle stepping into the grass to get around a couple one time.

I’ve had to dodge elbows to the face during a race because I’m short.

I’m not a cottage cheese fan. Les loves it on peaches and tomatoes. Not the peaches and tomatoes together.


Having a rubbish playlist is so irritating, there’s nothing worse than songs which can’t motivate you but are simply noise in your ear x


My race running pet peeve is runner who wears too much cologne or body spray….I get it you don’t want to smell but I would rather a little body odor over the overpowering Axe scent. Although it does make me go faster and pass them ;)


Oh my goodness, I love cottage cheese and grapes – why did I never think of putting them together?? I need to go shopping now!

I’m excited you know the sex of the baby! I said boy previously but now I’m not sure…

Heat is my main runners peeve! And needing the bathroom at inopportune times!


I am going to guess you are having a boy! I have one of each and when I was pregnant with my son I craved SO many savory/salty foods (and I am a BIG sweets lover!).

I love to put sweet cherry tomatoes in my cottage cheese.

I wanted to ask you if you are taking clients as a running coach, yet. I am running a full in November and have been searching for a new training plan…going to try to get a BQ!


Oh, and one of my biggest running pet peeves is when they won’t let you pick up your race packet the morning of a race, so you have to make a special trip the night before. So frustrating when you live more than an hour away!




I think boy!! I have no clue why, but I have been guessing a lot of my pregnant friends’ baby genders correct recently. Either way, I’m just so excited for you guys! Brooke and Knox are going to have such a blast with their new sibling!


My guess is girl! Can’t wait to find out, how exciting!!
My biggest running pet peeves are: when I forget my hair tie or it breaks :(, rocks in my shoe, getting stopped at redlights, getting honked at (it always makes me jump, even when I know the person!), getting chased by geese/dogs/random animals, and running on gravel.


Grapes and cottage cheese for life. I will be forever in your debt because of this amazing combination.

#1 pet peeve is when I am outside running and drivers are turning right BUT THEY DON’T LOOK RIGHT!!! Grrrrrr. #2 is running past the mink farms here on muggy Summer day. #Barf

I am going to guess that it is a girl! :)


You are having a boy.

I now love grapes in my cottage cheese thanks to you!


I love love love CCG but I add chopped walnuts. So good.


I’m guessing girl! :)

My biggest pet peeve right now is not being able to find any shade to run in because I live in Arizona! ;) haha But in all seriousness, I think walkers that take up the entire path and don’t move when I tell them I’m on their left, when my sock shifts below the back lip of my shoe and won’t stay up, and 100% agree when I select “shuffle” and somehow every song that is played is NOT what I want to listen to at the moment. Also, I hate when a car/truck seems to be slowing down as it approaches or seems like it’s following me — the worst!!

I can’t do cottage cheese! It’s a texture thing. I have the same problem with oatmeal. So weird!


Grapes cottage cheese and honey!!! boom!

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