We are having a ________ !!!!! + FRIDAY FAVORITES + Your Accomplishments!

We found out…

Our doctor wasn’t planning on doing an ultrasound at our appointment on Wednesday but when we mentioned to him that we were excited to find out the sex… he took us in for an ultrasound to check.   I was so happy that both of our kids were able to be there with us too!

Brooke was hoping for a girl and Knox was hoping for a boy.  The doctor looked around for a minute on the ultrasound and told us that we will be having a girl!  Well, he is 97% sure it is a girl.  Brooke was definitely happy to hear that it is a girl and right away we told Knox about how important he is that he has TWO SISTERS that he needs to watch out for now and protect.  We also reminded him of how cool it is that he will get to sit in the middle of his two sisters in the car (that was one of the first things he said when we first told them we were pregnant).  Once he realized that he won’t be sharing a room now ha and that he is so needed for his new baby sister coming he was totally happy that it is a girl.   Both kids are thrilled and so are we!   Thank you all for all of your support.  I love sharing each stage of life with you and your comments and emails mean the world to me!

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Let’s talk about Thursday now!  My current plan for long runs = only do them when my body is feeling up to it.  I woke up Thursday morning earlier than normal and really feeling like going on a good run.   At about mile 3 I decided it was the perfect morning for a long run (I think that the cooler temps and sun still behind the mountains ((it was still light though)) definitely inspired the long run feeling).

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After a few runs of feeling like 7 was my absolute max, it felt so good to get in 10.54 miles.  I had one quick bathroom break and one stop to let the SNAKE cross the bathroom (I swear it was 4 feet long) and a faster than normal for me pace.  I don’t know when my next long run will occur but the next time I feel like I did yesterday… I’ll go for it again.  I have a few half marathons that I’m signed up for in the next few months and I’ll be doing the same thing… if I feel good, I’ll show up to the starting line.  If I don’t, I won’t;)

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After my run I stretched for a while and only got hit by the soccer ball 4 times:)

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Andrew had the day off from school and we had both kiddos (Knox is gone this weekend) so we took advantage and went to Tibble Fork Reservoir!

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We packed a bunch of sandwiches and I hung out under the umbrella for most of the time (even though this baby is only 5 ounces or something I feel like she is quite the internal heater so the shade feels best).

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We all did go out on the boat for a little while.  Andrew went off the rope swing into the ice cold water.  It was a beautiful day!

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Just a few Friday Favorites to share with you today!

*Andrew and I love doing this to each other… sneaking on the other person’s phone and following a bunch of random things.  Over the last week I came across about 70 new mountain bike accounts that I follow.  And Andrew is the current follower of all sorts of dog accounts.

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*I just ordered the SNOOGLE after a bunch of you recommended it to me!  I am counting down the seconds until it arrives.

*It’s our ANNIVERSARY TOMORROW!!! We were married on 7/8/16!  We sure have accomplished a lot together this year and I won’t get all mushy with you guys but he is the best thing that has ever (or will ever) happen to me.

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*Our new favorite show that we are completely hooked on… Person of Interest.  It is on Netflix and SO good.

*Salt.  Okay, that is weird but really I cannot get enough salt in my life right now.

*If you are on Spotify and need a new running playlist, check out Megan’s awesome one… I loved listening to it during my long run yesterday!  Just search MUNCHER-CRUNCHER and it should pop up!

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You guys are amazing. Thank you for sharing your accomplishments and inspiring all of us!  If you want to be featured please email me at [email protected] !!


Chelsea!!!  “This was my first ever run at altitude.  My race was in Leadville, CO and we would eventually be at 13,185 feet.  I did a lot of walking the first half of the race.  It was mostly up-hill, so I told myself that whenever I was having trouble breathing, I would slow down, walk, and enjoy the scenery.  That’s just what I did!  I didn’t go into this race with any expectations, other than finishing it, so that was really nice.  I think the hardest part of this race was the climb up Mosquito Pass, which was 2 miles straight up a mountain.  I have honestly never experienced wind like I did at the top of the mountain.  It was 50-60 miles an hour and I felt like I was going to be blown off.  Since the races are out and back, as we were climbing up this mountain, people were starting to reach the turn around and come back down.  So there were groups of people going in opposite directions on this little rocky trail.  In 50-60 mile an hour winds.  Talk about crazy! I think my mantra the whole way up was, “Don’t look up, don’t fall,” and my mantra the whole way down was, “Get down.  Get down!”  It was such an incredible yet terrifying experience.  I crossed the finish line at 3:39.  And man was I glad to be finished!! I can’t wait to go back and do that race again!  My blog post about it is here!”

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Laura!!! “I am a slow, slow runner.  I actually run/walk and have completed very few full miles.  But I challenged myself to run every day in July.  Even on vacation, even if I’m busy… I have to get in at least 1 mile.  July started off with a weekend getaway so a mile each day on the treadmill was the plan.  Saturday I hit 10:43 without stopping once.  Sunday I broke the ten minute mark at 9:58 and today I was able to bring it down to 9:43! I know for a lot, this is an easy pace but for me to run without stopping and run faster than I even did in high school is huge!”

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Have any FAVORITE THINGS to share with us?  I’d love to hear them!!

Readers with kids… how many boys or girls do you have?

Music while running… what do you use to listen?  Spotify, Amazon, iTunes, other?

Have any fun Friday night plans?

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That’s so exciting you’re having a girl!! Now you, Brooke and the baby will over power the boys ;) So excited for your family right now. Happy early anniversary!



Congratulations! I have two girls, and while I would also (probably) love a boy, it’s so great to see how they bond/fight to the death as sisters.


Congrats!! I’m having a girl this fall! Can’t wait for all the cute clothes!


CONGRATS TO YOU CHRISTINA!!! I hope you are having a great day!


CONGRATS!! So exciting that you’re going to have another precious little girl! :) And happy anniversary!! I’m so happy for you that you found Andrew.

I’m going to San Diego today after work, and I CANNOT WAIT!!!!


Congrats on another girl!! That’s so exciting!! ?

I have 2 girls and love it! I swore I would never ever match them and yet I can get enough of the matching dresses and hair bows!

Ps where is your bathing suit cover up from?? I’ve been looking for a new one!


Hey Brianne!! Thank you so much! I can’t wait to match the girls up:) It is from JCrew last summer… it’s my favorite! Have a great weekend!


Congrats on a girl!!!


Congrats on your baby girl!!! You nailed it with Brooke so I’m sure this little lady will be just as awesome! :-D


Oh my goodness, congratulations on having a girl! So exciting!

Current favorites: Brooks chaser shorts (so comfy!) , nutritional yeast popcorn (still addicted), my group long runs, and massive dinner time salads!

Tonight, Landon and I have our weekly date night in and we plan on playing a few games together (Dutch blitz!), plopping on the couch with a movie and eating a pint of Halo Top!


I just use the playlists ive made on itunes on my phone for music.
Congrats on your baby girl and happy anniversary.


I know that this is VERY selfish, but I really wanted you to have another girl, haha.:P NAILED IT! Congrats!


CONGRATS YOU GUYS!! This literally made my day :) I’m a long time reader and just absolutely love you even though I’ve never met you! (creepy? I hope not because I feel like I know you!) I know you’ve been through so much and you are such a strong person and wonderful role model for your friends, family and kids and I know baby #3 is going to be such a blessing for your family!

You deserve all the best in the world :)


THANK YOU BLAIRE!! You really are the sweetest… thank you, it means a lot to us! I hope you are having an amazing day!


CONGRATULATIONS on the GIRL!! That is EXTREMELY exciting!!

ANd happy early anniversary :) It is hard to believe it has been a year for you already! I am so glad Andrew (& Knox!) are in your life!!!


Thank you Kristen! Seriously, this year went by SO fast! THANK YOU!!!


A girl!!! How exciting! (a boy would have been exciting too ;) I feel like I am having a boy. Although every time I have had “a feeling” about someone’s baby, I have been wrong. We will see in February!

No music while running outside. When I first started running, headphones were banned at most races, so I just got used to it. Treadmill running always requires music though.

Happy Anniversary tomorrow! Have a great weekend :)


Brooke and the little will be the next generation of you and your sister. They will take over your blog one day!
Have a great day Janae.


This made me smile SO big. Thank you Erica:) Sure hope you are having an amazing day!


Congrats on the baby girl! So exciting…and on the practical side, it will be easier for baby clothes haha


Congratulations!!!! Can’t wait to see pictures of the new addition!


Yayyy! Can’t wait to watch this baby girl grow up! <3


YAY!!! Congrats on your baby girl! So excited to watch her grow! Have a lovely weekend!


Congratulations! We are so happy for you and your beautiful, growing family. Can’t wait to hear all about your journey!!


Obviously I’m late to the party, but the Snoogle is the BEST! My husband didn’t like it because he couldn’t cuddle with me, but I told him he’d just have to suck it up and deal…I wasn’t giving up my Snoogle. ;-)


Congrats on the baby GIRL!!! I had a feeling you were going to have another one. Andrew is going to be great racing his own daughter too!


YAY!!! I am so excited for your family! Congrats on finding out you’re having a sweet baby girl !!


Yay! A girl! That’s so exciting. So funny our pregnancies are like a day apart and we are both having girls!


I am so excited for you and your family!! Thank you for taking us on this journey with you!


I have 2 boys and 1 girl so we will be opposites! I am outnumbered so enjoy your majority vote ;). But seriously congratulations you guys on the sweet baby girl and Happy Anniversary. All the best wishes from Oklahoma!!! I think it’s amazing that you are listening to your body so much. A lot of women act like pregnancy is an inconvenience and try to continue what they want to do instead of what’s best for the baby. You are such a role model and have such a huge platform to speak from that I think it’s amazing you are giving voice to the fact that you’ll do whatever to make sure your little girl is as healthy as can be. I’m a personal trainer and strength coach and I get so frustrated by the number of pregnant women who don’t listen and keep trying to do what they were doing before and end up hurting themselves and the baby. Extra fat/carbs/sugar are vital and so is listening to your body.


Tiffany, thank you thank you thank you! I completely agree with everything you said! I hope you are having an amazing day and your two boys and little girl are so lucky to have you!


How exciting Janae!! Congrats on another girl.

I like to listen to pandora when I’m running. Lately I’ve been listening to the nelly furtado station which has been a fun throwback.


Congratulations! I have one boy and two girls and they are the best of friends! I am loving mango chips right now! They almost remind me of fruit rollups, but healthier. If I am running on my treadmill, I will watch a show on Netflix. If it is outside, I use Spotify.
Our best friends are in from California, so we plan to spend the day at the waterpark and then go to the movies tonight.


Congratulations! A girl! Knox and Brooke will be such wonderful big siblings!


Congrats! you guys must be so excited. Does it make it more real now that you know the gender?

My Friday night plans will include phone shopping. Mine died at the gym this morning. I guess I’ve gotten my money’s worth out of this one though, I’ve had it for nearly 4 years now.


Yay!! Another little girl will be so fun! I love the way that you and Andrew told Knox about his new role — I think that’s such a good perspective!


Yay a girl! I was hoping you’d have a girl :-) And happy anniversary tomorrow! You and your family are so adorable, I love you all!


Congrats on your baby girl!! I have 1 girl and 2 boys. I’ve always been a little sad that Mady won’t have a sister because I am so close to mine, but my niece is a great substitute and she is a great big sister!!

I share a family iTunes account so it’s $15 and all 5 of us get to share it!

Today we are going to the water park with our friends and possibly watching Spider Man tonight; it’s definitely a kid-filled day which is perfectly fine by me :)


I had a feeling it was a girl! congrats! And I can’t believe it’s been a year since your wedding – time flies!


Congratulations!! Old wives tale said craving salt meant girl. Scientific theories include that if you weren’t drinking a lot of water or had morning sickness your body is trying to retain water.

I generally use iTunes. spotify just annoys me.

I’m getting a rain barrel tomorrow, we’ve been getting so much rain I want to use it to water the grass and trees when we hit our heat waves this summer. (The city is giving them away. I got a compost bin and a fig tree in other giveaways. My husband thinks I’m becoming a hippie).


Congrats on your Little babay Girl! This is so exiting. Happy first anniversary, you both are so wonderful.
Ha! Cranxwork in Innsbruck! I live there and it it is funny to read the name of my “my” city on your blog.
If you guys want to come one day, that would be great!


I have 2 girls and a boy. Part of me thinks that’s enough kids and part of me thinks it would be nice to have one more boy (not that you can choose the gender) haha.

I listen to my iTunes but I need to finals some more music. Mine is starting to feel old and not doing much for me anymore.


How fun to find out spur of the moment! And so lucky your kiddos could be there too. Your little family has had a very big and wonderful year. I hope next year brings just as much joy, congratulations you guys!!


Thank you SO much Karissa!! That means a lot to us:) I hope your weekend is an amazing one!


Congrats! I’m so excited for you! I saw the picture of Brooke and Knox on Instagram and thought for sure it was a boy since they were both wearing blue!

I’m glad you ordered a Snoogle-my sleep has improved so much since I got one (I’m also a stomach-sleeper). Just watch out for Beretta because my dog loves to steal mine!


HAHA I didn’t even notice that… oops! Oh great advice, Beretta will totally try to steal it! Congrats to you and I hope you have an awesome weekend!


Ahhh congrats!!! I had a feeling you were having a girl because we are having almost all the exact same cravings and I am having a girl too!! I know that might be a myth but still.. :) Yay for girls!!!


CONGRATS TO YOU LUCY!!! I think the cravings thing is true! I hope you have some salt and a hot dog and a big bowl of fruit asap:) Thanks Lucy!


My FAVORITE thing about this summer, for me, is that my planner has been gathering dust!! Normally, I have tons planned all summer long. Racing prep, work prep, life prep, etc… This summer, I’m just living day to day and enjoying the moments while I’m in them!

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a planner by nature — and I’ll be wiping off the dust in time for school to start — but it’s so nice to not have the self imposed structure and pressure of a schedule during these summer months.

I love listening to music while running! Hubby splurged and gifted me a Spotify subscription — so I can make my own playlists and have them downloaded to my phone, which is AMAZING because my running routes do not always have service!.

Friday nights around here are quiet — movies and chill after a hot & sweaty gym session!


Susie, I AM SO HAPPY that your planner is gathering dust:) That is so nice to just chill and live in the moment, I love it! Yep, I agree… spotify is the best! Enjoy your weekend!


Congratulations! I had a feeling it would be a sweet girl! When I was pregnant with my daughter I also couldn’t get enough salt! My mouth would water seeing the salt on the rim of margaritas at a restaurant it was the craziest thing!


HAHAH that really is crazy! I just want to carry a salt shaker around with me! Thank you so much Erika and I hope you are having a wonderful day!


Congratulations! I have four girls! Sisters are special! You know that:-)
My husband and I loved Person Of Interest during its first season on CBS and then it got weird after that.
Happy Anniversary!


FOUR GIRLS… oh I love it. Seriously, not much better than that sister bond! Oh bummer about the second season!! THANK YOU and I hope you have a fabulous weekend!


Congratulations!! That is so nice of your doctor to let you do the extra ultrasound, so exciting!!


Congrats to you and your beautiful family on adding another precious little girl!!! xoxoxo


Congratulations!! It’s so fun to be able to follow long with you on this pregnancy journey! And, Happy 1st Anniversary to you and Andrew!! Here’s to many, many more years together!! <3


Thank you SO SO much Wendy! That means a lot to us:) I hope you have a fabulous weekend!


What a fun looking day in the water! Congrats on the new baby girl! Excited to keep watching your family grow. ?


Congrats! I am having a girl too and can’t wait. I love that you told Knox he is the protector for his sisters. My younger brother has always been my protector and now that I’m 26 weeks pregnant he is taking it even more seriously. My husband knows my abilities and knows I can run/crossfit when I feel good. My brother sends me temperature updates and movements I shouldn’t be doing. It can be annoying, but it’s also heartwarming and I love it!


Congrats TO YOU MEGAN!! SO excited for you:) I love what you said about your younger brother always being your protector and that he still does… that is awesome! Keep me updated with how you are doing!


CONGRATULATIONS!!! Brooke and Knox are going to love having a little sister :)
I wrote a post about my favorite things this week – here is the link: http://www.hornestateofmind.com/friday-faves-3/
I have Pandora One..it’s $5 a month but totally worth it in my opinion!
We are having dinner with my in-laws tonight (steaks, yummmmm) and then we are installing some blackberry vines at our new house!
Have a great weekend!


OH MY GOD! I’m so excited for your new girl, Janae <3

That Reservoir looks absolutely stunning! Definitely going there whenever I decide to visit Utah.


Congratulations!!! So exciting for both kids to get a baby sister!!


YAY! I thought you’d have another adorable little girl :)

Friday night – editing photos for my Reese’s inspired Peanut Butter Cream Pops.


Yay congrats for a girl!! I am 13 weeks and I am so excited to find out the gender! Also person of interest is one of our favorites of all time! Plus sense Jim Caviezel play Jesus is The Passion it’s even better haha!


MICHELLE… huge congrats! Keep me updated with how you are feeling and when you find out the gender! Oh that is so true… LOVE this show!


Congratulations on your baby girl! She is so lucky to have Brooke and Knox as her siblings. and of course to have both you and Andrew as parents. You guys have raised such respectful and happy kids that there’s no doubt this new baby girls will be just the same. I can’t wait to hear what names you come up with. Have a great weekend!


Wow, your comment means so much to me. Thank you for what you said! We are so excited and WE CAME UP WITH A NAME LATE LAST NIGHT!?! AHHHHH!! I hope you have an amazing weekend and thanks again!


Congratulations!! I was kind of hoping it would be a girl lol. So happy for you and your family.

I listen to SoundCloud, podcasts, or nothing at all when running. Tonight’s plans include a Bloodline marathon on Netflix and some sort of carb-y meal for the 14 miles I have to run tomorrow morning. Have a great weekend!


Congratulations on the baby girl! I am so happy for you and your family Janae! And Happy Anniversary! :)

I look forward each morning reading your blog b/c we both love running, family, and your so cheery!

Thanks and keep up the great work!



Wow, thank you so much Tammy for your sweet words.. they mean the world to me! I hope you have an amazing day and weekend! Thank you.


Congrats on having a girl!! I am expecting a girl too and we are super excited to meet her. Oh and I listen to Spotify when I run. I pay a little more for no ads but so worth it!


CONGRATS DAISY!!! Yay for baby girls:) I hope your day is a beautiful one!


Yay, another girl! So excited for you guys!


Congratulations Baron family! So very exciting!!!!
I hope you all have a safe and fun weekend :)


Congrats!! I too had a feeling it would be a girl….did any of you or your family have a friendly bet on the sex?? Can’t wait to hear the name and see all those little baby pics with the typical striped hospital hat. ;-)


Most people thought for sure it was a boy!!! Thank you so much Kathy and I hope you are having a great day!


YAY girl! Brooke’s hand me downs will get to look adorable all over again!


Imma just gonna say….I called it (at the blog post when you announced you were pregnant). Oh, and congrats too.

We led off with two girls and then got our little, sorta, surprise boy after – in a family of mostly boys. Hannah, Hope and Jack(son) say wilkommen and mazel tov!




Having a boy sandwiched between two girls is what the cool kids do ;) but really, the dynamic is great and Knox and Brooke will be such great helpers and older siblings. I am so excited for you.

Happy anniversary tomorrow! I can’t believe it has been a year already. It went by so fast, yet it seems like it has been longer than a year. Probably because you guys did more in the first year of marriage than most do in 5. Haha.

Tibblefork looks beautiful. I need to get up there sometime this Summer!


Congratulations! You and Brooke have such a special bond I know another girl will be so special!


Congratulations!!!!!! Are you going to play the name game with us now?

I have 3 boys, 1 girl.

Is it weird that I do not listen to anything when I run? Seriously, *maybe* once a year. If I ran on a treadmill I would FOR SURE listen to anything and everything.

Take care and Congratulations on adding to your adorable family!!!! EEEEK! so exciting.


Aww, how sweet! Congrats! And way to go on those 10 miles! I’ve heard of couples who do the Instagram thing too lol. I’m tempted to follow a bunch of Pug accounts on my husband’s Instagram since he thinks they’re weird looking lol!


Yeah how fun! Lots of girls in your family huh. I have 2 boys myself and my step siblings all had boys. My nephew is now expecting a boy with his significant other. I am the last girl born in my family. Safe to say they all really want a girl, but its not happening from me anyways as we are done.


Congratulations on the little girl-to-be-the-doctor-thinks! And congratulations on your wedding anniversary tomorrow! I wish they’d had Snoogles when I was expecting, especially for my third and last boy who was 10 1/2 lbs and wasn’t comfortable to maneuver at night. I have a 15 miler in Dallas heat–the Berlin Marathon is only 11 weeks away. Yikes!


10.5 LBS!!! WOWZER!! You are a strong woman! I hope that your 15 miler goes great and that it is a tad bit cooler than normal:) BERLIN MARATHON… I’m going to need to hear all about that in 11 weeks! So excited for you!


So happy for you, Janae! It is incredible to see what you and your growing family have accomplished in such a short period of time. Wishing you all the best, and happy anniversary!


OMG…congratulations! I am so happy you are having a girl…nothing like sisters! I don’t have one, but I have twin girls and can’t wait for them to share life together!! You know! Look at you and your sister!! Looking forward to following the pregnancy!!


Congrats!!! How exciting! Hope you celebrate with some of those pink-frosted cookies! =)


Haven’t been to your blog in a few months, but I saw you out running the other morning and decided to check in. Congrats on the baby girl! I’m due Nov 19 and we find out on Tuesday what it is. Preggo runners unite! :)


How exciting, a little lady on the way AND your anniversary. So much to celebrate ? enjoy!!


That’s wonderful you guys are having another girl! Congrats!! So exciting for Brooke, that she will have that sister bond like you have with your own sister. I’m also pregnant with a second daughter and since I never had a sister I am extra excited that my two kids will have that special bond. Cant wait to hear what names you guys pick out. It was so much harder for us to pick out a name this time around! :)


gah! i’m so excited for you guys…a precious little girl :) i LOVE reading your journey and am so happy for your family. you guys are just the cutest ever. healthy vibes your way!!

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