I realized something weird about my marathons, saying goodbye and FAKE LIMITS (what holds me back).

I’m trying to get the HRG BABY page up and going again (technology is rough for me;) but I DO have a new post there! I’m talking about my 1st trimester experience, what helped me and how Andrew and I found out!  You can find it HERE!


Wednesday’s run (6 miles @ 9:20 average)  > Tuesday’s run (8 miles @ 8:40 average).   I think it had something to do with going much earlier in the morning!  I could not sleep yesterday morning so I waited patiently with my running shoes for a little bit of light to come out and I was out the door.  It might have only been 13 degrees cooler than Tuesday but it turns out that difference makes my run feel 65% better.

I tried to get an artistic shot here but I’m not sure it turned out as cool as I was hoping:)

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I attempted a new-to-me route but hit a dead end which meant an out and back course… not a loop.  Okay, this is random but I was thinking about it yesterday… I have ONLY done point to point marathons.  Ever.   SLC, Utah Valley (2), Top of Utah, St. George (2), Boston, New York and Tucson.  I have never done a course that started and ended at the same place.  Is that weird?

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Brooke and I went to pick up Knox and we stopped for donuts afterwards.  I don’t know why I no longer dream about donuts but I don’t…

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I wanted chips instead.  I’ve heard often that sweet cravings = girl and savory cravings = boy… has that been true for any moms reading?  I remember loving way more savory/meat type things with Brooke but towards the end I started loving sweet things again.

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After donuts we went to my parent’s house for a bit to say goodbye to my nephew.  He is going on a 2 year mission to Texas for our church (Andrew went to Cincinnati for his mission when he was 19).  It is always hard to say goodbye!  When I was 7 and my oldest brother was leaving to do this, I wrapped my arms around his right leg and sat on his foot in the airport because I was not okay with him leaving.

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The kid’s faces whenever we listen to different songs on the Sing soundtrack.  They giggle so loud.


Day #2 of Subway in a row.  Sandwiches and I have been close for a while now and Subway has just made that easy this week.  Plus they don’t act weird/annoyed when I ask for extra pickles, extra mustard and extra green peppers.


The kid’s played at the splashpad for a while.  I’m really glad they had their goggles on for this event.


Our dinner last night was none other than a sweet potato with ground turkey on top, corn on the cob (extra butter and salt please:) and Brooke’s favorite… cantaloupe.

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I went to my Wednesday night activity with the teen girls in my area (I’m a leader for one of the groups:) and while I was gone, Andrew picked up more cereal.  We still have plenty of Frosted Mini Wheats but the additions of these made me ridiculously happy.  I might have mixed three cereals together last night.

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And I was in bed by 9 pm.  Fabulous.  My favorite.

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Something I think about a lot during my runs at this point is what I want to work on when I am running again after this pregnancy.  Right now my running is all about staying healthy (mentally and physically) and enjoying something I love to do.  It’s not about building fitness but I do think about what I’m going to do in the future to hit my running goals.

One thing I think a lot about are the FAKE LIMITS that I’ve set on myself in the past that have really held me back.  I don’t know why I do this.  Maybe it’s part of being human to learn to get past these, but I do.  It’s telling myself that running a marathon at a 6:49 pace is just not in my reach unless it is the PERFECT RACE DAY (which never happens)… I remember being so ready for Boston to go for Sub 3 but I think I put a limit on myself that it wasn’t possible in that wind.  Or putting up limits when I get to a starting line that there is no way I could place with the people I was up against.  Or thinking it will never be possible to get back into the shape I was in for my PR 1/2 marathon.  I think when I first started racing I was the opposite.  I was sure I was going to drop 21 minutes off of the time from my first marathon to my second marathon and come in under 3 hours (I finished in 3:08).  I made huge goals and didn’t let anything stop me from thinking that it was going to happen.  Age + not hitting my goals + scared of failure = made it so that I put more limits on myself and on my running.

(Just a cute picture of Brooke below after I got home from Boston:)

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But what’s the point of doing this?  There is zero point.  These limits are silly.  You hear/read about these people that drop an hour off of their marathon time from their first marathon (or other incredible running accomplishments) and sure there is some talent involved, major consistence and commitment with that but I also don’t think these people set limits for themselves and their running.  They don’t hold themselves back.

Creating these limits on our running and our potential is not going to get us anywhere.  Why not dream big with our running?  Why not see ourselves doing great things on race day or during our hard workouts?

Just something I’m going to work on come next February when I am cleared to run again and slowly begin my training.  I’m done setting fake limits on where I can take my running… join in with me (but you can do it sooner than February if you want:)

No more setting fake limits on ourselves!!!


PS don’t forget to check out my first trimester talk if you are interested!


What about your marathons or half-marathons??  Ever started at the same place the race ended? 

-Every marathon I have done involved a bus ride to the start!

What’s something that has held you back in your running over the years?

Where you live… What is the temperature right now during the HOTTEST part of the day?  What about the humidity %?

Moms reading… what about you?  Did salty cravings = boy and sweet cravings = a girl?

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I’ve actually only done two races (both half marathons) that didn’t start and end in the same place. I guess most of our races out here are way different and like to keep things all in one place!

Honestly, I think I’ve been the one to hold me back when it comes to running. Sometimes I feel like I finish a race and could have gone way faster, but I was hesitant to push myself even harder during the race. Granted, I usually try to give everything I have, but I still think that maybe I’m not actually giving it all I have, and perhaps there’s still more in the tank. I hope that makes sense. I need to work on that once I’m back to full running capacity (which will hopefully be soon!!).


I’ve never done a marathon, but all my races have started and ended at the same spot. No bus required! Right now in DC, the highs are in the low 90s/upper 80s, and the humidity is swamp-like. Ugh. I’ll be hitting the treadmill, because I just can’t with that.


My two marathons (the same course, diff years) were start and finish at the same place. I have run halfs that have the same start and finish and then a few that have different. I think I prefer the ones with the same start/finish. Makes it easier on the spectators, too.

I think I get too caught up on numbers: miles per week, year, etc. I am trying to not worry about this so much.

And the hottest part of the day in southern Tennessee is around 90 now (some days a few degrees warmer) and humidity is at least 80%. Yesterdays run was cloudy but oh so humid. Today it is raining! That will be a nice break from the heat!


I feel like the longer the race, the less likely you are to start and stop at the same place! It’s definitely easier for 5k type races to have a loop course.

Will you post when there’s a new HRG baby post up at the top/bottom of your normal post like you did on this one?



I totally will Maureen!!! You’ll probably get sick of me telling you all of the time about them ha! Thanks though and I think you are so right about the longer the race = probably not going to have the same starting and finishing line. I hope you are having a great day!


I think I’ve only ever done one point-to-point race in my life, and that was a couple of weekends ago. Luckily it was a 5K, so I just walked back to the start and didn’t bother with the shuttles!

We’re topping out in the mid-to-high 80s these days and the humidity doesn’t go below 50%. Not terrible, but you get those really muggy days every so often that make you think you’re in Florida or Georgia and it’s unnecessary haha


Mixing cereals is the best — especially when one of them involves the bottom of the bag of honey bunches of oats! SO, so good! Okay, now I want cereal.


My mom had sweet cravings with me and savory with my brother! Could be some truth to that ;) excited to find out! I always mix my cereal– why choose one when you can choose them all?


I have done 7 marathons but only 3 courses: NYC which is point to point, New Jersey which is also point to point. But Philadelphia starts and finishes in the same area.

It’s been really nice in NYC the last 2 days….low humidity and low 80s. But today is supposed to get a bit more humid and tomorrow rain….


I was all savory cravings (pizza, sandwiches, bagels with cream cheese) and had a boy so maybe that is true!!


I don’t know about the cravings thing – all I really wanted was CARBS, and I guess savory ones. But I had a girl!


I wanted all the carbs in the world. Especially donuts and had a boy. Sorry no help.


Really awesome post about limits, such an important thing! Thanks, needed to remember this!
My biggest fear is that I won’t be able to handle the pain- like, I fear I won’t be good enough for it or strong enough for it. That is SUCH a limit, considering pain isn’t something that chooses us based on our character- rather, it is an inherit part of our being and something we are graced with (as my sister would like to remind me, every time she brushed my hair when I was little->beauty is pain! haha…)

Anyway, here is Chicago the humidity ranges from 60-100% which makes breathing really fun lol

Have a great day!


I totally have that happen to me sometimes too Kaytlin… the pain freaks me out! But weirdly when I’m doing it, I like the pain?! Doesn’t make sense ha! Oh come run in Utah with me during the summers… that humidity is ROUGH!


Yes I know exactly what you mean! I imagine it is like when I pushed away Mitch when we first started dating- like, fear and shame kept me away from someone/something I know I love. Deep thoughts today… ;)
And I would love that- one of my friends from school is some sort of semi-pro ultra marathoner/marathoner out there and he LOVES it. Also, I hear Utah has a lot of ice cream shops which is really just a good thing for society.


Cravings not true for first trimester mornings with me.
With Hope I could eat cheddar Chex mix for breakfast by the bag, and if someone brought Friday doughnuts into work I was not sickened, but definitely did.not.want.one.
After first tri cannot say I had any craving. Which I was actually disappointed about because I always thought i’d be eating a triple scoop of something or fries, but no just wanted normal food.


Well, now you have me wanting some cheddar chex mix ha! I know… I’m kind of jealous of people that have strong cravings! I want to make Andrew rush to the store at midnight for ice cream or something;) I hope your day is a great one Erica!


Oh cravings! So my first child is a girl, with her I craved sweets, ice cream, donuts, you name it. This baby, all I want it salty. Potato chips, baked potatoes loaded with butter, bacon and salt (I’m making myself so hungry), and basically anything salty or spicy. I was positive it was a boy. Nope! We found out last week it’s a girl! I no longer believe you can tell from cravings.

BUT, all I want now is a donut after your picture!


I want to send you a donut now Sara:) Reading about your baked potato with butter/salt/bacon… yep, I know what I’m going to have for dinner today haha! Congrats on another little girl… so happy for you!


I think we’ve all set fake limits or unrealistic expectations for ourselves. I feel like it comes with the sport and while we can look back and think…what was I thinking…it’s impossible to do that when the events are playing out. I’ve made unrealistic expectations with every marathon I’ve run. Next marathon, I only plan to focus on finishing strong and not worrying about time.


Love your thoughts on setting limits!! I had wanted to run an ultra marathon and EVERYONE told me it wasnt a good idea, or I wouldn’t be ready blah blah and for a year I just forgot about it. Then I just had this epiphany on a random Tuesday afternoon and thought the heck with it yes I can! And I did! And I was second in women! And I have been ignoring those silly limits since then and have been doing things I never thought I could :)


Anna, you gave me GOOSEBUMPS. I LOVE that you went after the ultra even with everyone telling you not to do it. And second woman–> amazing.


I was 100% I was convinced I was having a boy with this pregnancy – all the old wives tales pointed to a boy, including the fact that I only wanted salty/tangy/spicy stuff (like so many salt & vinegar chips the roof of my mouth would be raw). I was really surprised (and super happy!) to find out we’re having a little girl!

When I am not pregnant, I’m only ever interested in sweet stuff, but for some reason, it doesn’t appeal to me while I’m pregnant. In my 3rd trimester I started enjoying a little bit of sweet stuff here and there, but still strongly favor super salty things. Go figure! I’m sure your love of donuts will return once your little one arrives!


Hey Girl! My sweet Sydney (my first baby!!!) is 10 weeks old now. In the beginning the things that sounded the worst were sweets, like donuts and chocolate, and also peanut butter which have always been some of my favorite treats! Sour gummis were OK though. At about the mid point sweets started sounding better (especially cookies), but I was definitely all about things like pizza and grilled cheese. So, for me, the savory = girl. Glad you are still running and feeling (generally) good! Stay strong mama!


Congrats on your little Sydney!! I’m so happy for you Nicole! Oh yes… I couldn’t even smell pb (glad that isn’t the case anymore)! Thank you so much for your sweet comment and I’m hoping that sweets sound better in a few weeks! Have an awesome day Nicole!


I’ve done a lot of loops for half marathons, but my favorite race (the New Hampshire Half Marathon) is a point-to point, and my only marathon was a point to point. I like the convenience of a loop course- bag drops stress me out!

I definitely created a lot of limits in my mind about what I need in order to run well; for example, I used to completely hold myself back if I hadn’t slept perfectly the night before, or if I hadn’t eaten a specific thing beforehand. I also believed for a very long time that I’d never be any faster than a 10-minute mile! In the education world we call this “cognitive rigidity.” I had to focus on changing my inner self-talk and practicing flexibility before I got any better!!

Right now it’s 85+ with 60% humidity in Boston! Early morning are the only bearable time to be outside. Humidity was at 92% this past Monday and Tuesday, though, so this is an improvement!


Really interesting thoughts :) I haven’t done too many races (yet) and I tend to like to plan a pace and stick to it. My first HM I did that and was really pleased. The second I went way faster than I’d planned, but it seemed to be going ok and I ended up taking quite a bit off my pb. I guess I like to be conservative the first time round, and then change my goals when I know I can do it. I have my first marathon coming up and am trying to decide where to put my pace goal – just to finish, to get under a milestone, or to go all out for a Good for Age time (like a BQ)!! So your thoughts really resonate with me just now.

I’ve never done a point to point! But the marathon will be like that. I have a HM coming up which is an out and back – not sure what that will be like!

I ate a ton of sweet fruit when I was pg – but that’s pretty normal for me!!! And my little boy loves sweet fruit too :)


Those donuts look delicious! I’m all about the sweet treats.


I’ve never done a point-to-point race!

I was 100% sure that I was going to have a boy because all I wanted in the beginning of my pregnancy was salt, salt, salt. Super salty things were the only thing that eased my nausea, if only for a few minutes at a time. Spicy and vinegary stuff usually was ok, too. I had such an aversion to sweets I couldn’t even go near fruit (except green apples) and couldn’t eat sweeter veggies like carrots, butternut squash, and sweet potatoes. Now at 26.5 weeks I’m eating a ton of fruit again but other than that haven’t craved sweets much at all. And…imagine my surprise when I found out we’re having a little girl!


I love your words of wisdom! :)

Both half marathons I have done have started and ended at the same place, but they were not out and straight back – different scenery thanks to loops, so it was okay! Plus I live in a small town and don’t have a ton of options for running, so I am totally used to running in circles or out and back.

I think I’ve held myself back in running sometimes – I am my own worst critic. So I either do exactly what I set out to do, or I consider myself to be a failure. I have gotten much better about that now that I’m in my late 20s.

It’s been in the high 80s-90s here in Iowa, heat index around 95-100 and the humidity has been I think around 75-85%! So needless to say… quite warm! Today is really crazy, 70 this morning, 80 by noon, and then over 90 at 4pm! Not at all pleasant.


Good Morning Janae!!! I am SOOOO excited for you. I cannot wait to follow this new journey with you!

I have NEVER taken a bus to the start line of a race! Nuts! I guess I need to come out to Utah because that is very very rare in the midwest!
I am 23, no baby, but I can’t wait until I get to eat whatever I want when I’m pregnant hahahaha you’re lucky! Eat some chips for me :)
Have a great Thursday! I am praying for you, Andrew, Brookie, Knox and baby :)


That’s wonderful Janae that your nephew is serving a mission. I don’t have the brain power right now to do the math but would this be the son of the brother who’s leg you held on to at the airport? Is this your folks first grandchild sending into the mission field? My sister (2 yrs younger than me) and 2 young nephews are here visiting for a month from NE Utah (we live in NW MO). I’m so happy she’s here. She’s my best friend.


HEY BETSY!!! Yep, that is his son (the one who’s leg I held onto at the airport)! This is their first grandchild going on a mission… he is the oldest in the family! OH ENJOY every second with your sister and nephews. Sisters are the absolute best. Thanks Betsy!


MOST of the gender prediction myths were not true for me! I was mainly going off of heart rate of baby because it was always 150 or above and supposedly that’s a girl…. but nope! I too, though, don’t want sweets. Salty seems way better right now :)

I am 16 weeks.


I don’t think I limited myself with certain goals, I limited myself with excuses. Like I would get to the starting line and think “oh it’s way colder than it was supposed to be” or “man I just didn’t sleep that well last night.” And then mentally I was already done.

With my first girl I wanted spices at first and sweet at the end, with my second it was always all savory foods (girl) with my boy it was bread all the time and also savory meals. Sometimes fruit or ice cream


I have two boys and definitely craved salty/sour with both of them… salt & vinegar chips and BLT subs from Jersey Mike’s with extra vinegar and pickles were my JAM! But I do have to say, in regular life I pretty much prefer salty over sweet anyways so maybe I’m not a great example?!


My only marathon was the Rock ‘n Roll Nashville Marathon and it takes you all over the city of Nashville. You go through downtown, neighborhoods, midtown, everywhere.
When I was a sophomore in college I had to redshirt in cross country that season because of a stress fracture. My next season was frustrating because I didn’t hit the times I wanted to. I made a fake limit that I would never be able to run the times I did before my injury. I was finally able to PR again my final season of running :)
In Memphis right now the temperature has been getting up to 90-93 with 4,000% humidity I’m only too sure ;)


It is ridiculously hot and humid here right now. I was sweating taking my dog for a stroll early this morning! It’s a fair trade though for Florida winters aka hoodie weather in January. My body hates the cold and my mental health hates short, dark days so I’ll deal with the heat and humidity.

I’ve had so many fake limits over the years! I can’t follow a meal plan, I can’t run or work out right after eating, I can’t run or work out on an empty stomach, (those two were great excuses together- I had like 2 one hour windows of exercise per day), I can only motivate during group fitness, I can’t lose weight from strength training… all of those have been proven wrong over the years.


Congratulations! I’m so excited for your family!

Every single Old Wive’s Tale in early pregnancy pointed to girl for me, but we have a five month old boy. :) It makes me giggle to see you eating Subway. In regular life, I’m not a huge Subway fan and I had a huge aversion to meat for 75% of my pregnancy, but for a whole solid month, all I wanted were meatball subs from Subway. I would literally get at least one every single day. Some days, I’d call my husband and bring home Subway for dinner. It was insane!

In SC, it gets to the low 100s during the hottest part of the day with really high humidity. If I don’t get out early in the morning during this time of year, it’s the treadmill for me (which happens to be most days because running/working out when I normally would has seemed almost impossible with our new little guy. :) )!


Anna, I’m in SC too! What city are you in? I live in Summerville. I ran at close to 7pm tonight, so it was bearable!


I totally agree about holding ourselves back!! I will join you with that new, courageous mindset this fall when I run my first full! Can’t wait!

Also, I craved salty food with my son! The saltier, the better :)


I craved lemonade and tootsie rolls. I still love tootsie rolls and my daughter is almost 17. Ended up with gestational diabetes so I had to limit those cravings. :(


I’ve only ran 4 marathons– 2 were point to point, 1 was a loop and 1 was out and back. I will NEVER do an out and back full again! Loops aren’t bad cause you still see different things along the way.

It’s going to be 100 today ?


100… eat lots of popsicles today:) Oh the out and back sounds MISERABLE!! Loops sound great too! I hope you have a great day Laura!


Janae! Didn’t our Run Like a Girl retreat races start and finish in the same place?? I’m trying to remember… Those were halfs.
Other than that I’ve only done a 10k where it started and ended in the same place. But all of those were loops. No out and back.
Also I’m super not happy about the high temps we are starting to reach (but morning runs still feel great. Hallelujah!!) But at least we don’t have humidity!! ???


It totally did! Yeah, I’ve done halves like that just not a full! SEE YOU ON SATURDAY RIGHT!?!?


YES!!! Can’t wait to see you! Also I’m pretty sure I’m going to sign up for the Top of Utah half, so you should think about it :)


Maybe the 10k ha! I don’t think I’ll be doing halves by then… BUT SO HAPPY FOR YOU!


That is too funny! I have NEVER done a point to point marathon or half marathon. Always start and stop within at least a half mile. It is so convenient to park close by (especially those half marathons in pouring rain so I could have flip flops and spare clothes really close by).

Congrats on the pregnancy, I vote for boy :)


Seriously, that would be so much more convenient… you can just leave everything in your car and get back to your car so easily:) Andrew agrees with you on the boy! Have a great day Bethany!


IT’S SO HOT RIGHT NOW IT’S CRAZY! I don’t do heat. This morning it was hot upon getting up so I ran a 2.8km wooded loop over and over. It was great to have shade!!!!!

I have 4 kiddos-first two boys and I wanted nothing sweet at all. It was all about meat and savory (think ranch dressing bacon burgers. And I’m a vegetarian!!! haha. Not then) 3rd baby-girl: I was so sick (hospitalized sick) and all I could stomach was white food (potatoes, rolls, mozzarella cheese, pasta, and snicker bars). When I felt better it was pumpkin bars and pumpkin bread! 4th baby-boy. I was so busy and distracted that I don’t remember crazing much but rocky road ice cream, oatmeal cookies, and wonton soup (???).

Brooke looks so young in the after Boston Photo!!

I am going to admit that when I very first started reading your blog and saw the HRG Baby page I was so confused. It drove me nuts that I could not figure out what your issue was to have an “HRG” baby because it did not make sense in the medical world of abbreviations (well not a 100%). FINALLY, I put two and two together. Isn’t that just embarrassing?!


WOW, Kelly!! I can’t even imagine being hospitalized… I am so sorry! I loved hearing bout all of your different cravings throughout your four kids… thank you for sharing with me! Hahaha not embarrassing at all… I probably should have explained it better. STAY IN THAT SHADE… sorry it is so hot!


Unfortunately living in Virginia during the summer is pretty rough for running! (Unless you go super early in the morning.) Today is supposed to be around 90 with humidity around 65% :( No bueno!
Can’t wait to hear about all of your workouts while pregnant!


Most of the races I have done were basically a loop or an out and back. I prefer the loop or a point to point because an out and back is a tad boring.

Right now we’re getting into the mid 80’s with bearable low humidity. (last weekend it was mid 90’s with 96% humidity – I prefer 80’s) I agree those 13 degrees make a huge difference. I’m not a fan of the heat and that extra bit can make a run torture in the summer and comfortable in the winter.

I tend to tell myself I can’t go that fast/far/hard depending on the day. But most of the time I can, I change the self talk to help a bit. (like today was hot and running was hard but I got that extra mile in when I kept telling myself it’s too hot).


I’ve only done one point-to-point. The others all ended at the same place. It is 90s today, then 70s for the weekend! I might have to break out a sweatshirt! I have 2 boys and craved salty (nachos) for my first and ice cream for my second.


Congratulations on your pregnancy! Re: cravings, I craved everything sweet with my first, and was all savory with my second…both were girls, go figure!! My nausea was also much worse with my second, and seemed to be exacerbated by an empty stomach, so I pretty much had a bag of veggie chips with me at all times. Not the healthiest thing, but you do what you have to to get by, especially when you are a pregnant mom caring for a toddler!

Enjoy that awesome second trimester ?


I had a girl and then a boy and the salty/sweet gender cravings definitely were true for me. I love reading about all of the girls experiences here. I think my shape was the most obvious thing I noticed when I was carrying a boy…if someone saw me from behind, I looked like my normal self, but from the front I carried a very noticeable bump which looked like a basketball as the months progressed :)


It’s too late for this year since the race is this Saturday but you should run The Morgan Valley Marathon next year. It starts and ends at the Morgan fairgrounds. No bus ride!! It is a beautiful thing AND it is a beautiful course!! The race directors and volunteers are so amazing. You would love it!


I did one course (Boulder Backroads Marathon) that was the weirdest loop ever. I’m like you, most of my races have been point to point. This one was TWO loops. The people doing the half and the people doing the full ran together for the first loop and then the half-ers got their medals as us marathonners had to keep running another lap around! It was so bizarre!!


I really only craved things I normally liked with my daughter, but with my boys I couldn’t get enough cheeseburgers and I can barely stand red meat.

My last marathon was a loop, which was nice for parking :) I really think my own lack of confidence has held me back so I am working on that this go around!

I hit the treadmill yesterday before our big road trip but Tuesday morning it was 85 with 30% humidity at 6am!


With all 3 of my pregnancies I craved sweets (but I always crave sweets) and I had 2 boys and 1 girl and all the “old wives tales” about this or that means it’s a girl or boy were never right for me. I think my favorite thing to combat nausea was limeades from Sonic or Braums or ginger ale and eating constantly. Do you have a Sonic or Braums in Utah? Luckily my doctors kept encouraging me to gain weight so I ate everything I wanted (seriously I think I lived off sweets and fruit) but when Im nauseous I considered eating literally anything a victory!


And gummies. Anything gummy was my bff


All of my races have started and ended at the same spot. The worst was a marathon that was a double out and back, with the last turn around being an extra mile out! Somehow I totally missed that part in the course description! Throw in 20 mph wind, pouring rain for my first five miles, and sleet before it was over… I was ready to cry at that point! I would love to do a point to point. Maybe with a nice, gentle decline :)


I realize this is a random, but would you do a post on watermelon?! Like you, I’m absolutely obsessed with watermelon in the summer. But I can’t consistently pick a good one and oh my gosh it’s so sad to have a huge bowl of blah watermelon waiting in the fridge. I never get through it. I also still haven’t mastered a quick way of cutting it up, and your bowls always look so nom. Thanks for the fun blog :).


So totally off subject, but did you have a easy/fast labor with Brook since you were able to run 8 miles up to delivery date? I have been told that exercising, running will make labor easier.
I wanted only sweets when I was pregnant with my daughter.


My third pregnancy I craved all the same things as I did in my first. I was convinced it was another boy! Everything felt just the same as the first time and so different from the second. I ended up having another girl, BUT, she’s a girl who acts just like her older brother. I’m convinced in my own mind that it’s not necessarily about the sex of the baby but definitely about genetics as far as what we crave and feel. Maybe blood type, who knows! Congratulations! I’m a long time reader but I think this may be the first time I’ve commented:)


Temp was 87 and very humid. Very very curly hair !!! Awesome post on fale limits. I set those often. Lack of self confidence holds me back. But i continue to work on it.


My kids watched Sing for the first time earlier this week and they loved it.

Who in their right mind likes Corn pops?? Next you are going to tell me that you like Sugar Smack cereal. #barf


I’ve run 3 marathons, and they’ve all started and ended in the same place (or within a block for one of them). I think the next one I’m signed up for is the same way, apparently that’s just how I roll :-P.

I definitely get held back in my running mentally – I tell myself I can’t run a certain distance (totally doing it right now after a 5 year break from long distance running), or that I’ll never get faster or even back to the paces I once ran, or that I’m just not naturally talented enough to ever run Boston. Working hard on changing those thoughts though, because I know so much of running is just as much mental as physical!

I’ve had 2 kids… my first was a girl, and I craved all the salty/savory things. I used to never like chips (like ever, in my whole life) and from that pregnancy on I can’t get enough of them! My second was a boy, and I was definitely more about the sweets (mostly ice cream) with him. I figure it might just be different every pregnancy for me, but not sure if I’ll ever go for a 3rd to find out haha.


I was just thinking about limiting beliefs yesterday! The biggest example of how my thoughts have affected me is the finish time between my first and second marathon. My first one, I was almost sub 4. I was confident, had been visualizing crossing the finish line strongly, and was just generally confident. My second one was MUCH slower, and I had to walk a lot after the first half. But I went into it scared, because I was worried I hadn’t prepared myself well enough. Sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy!


I craved chocolate milk and apple fritters! My son, who is now 16 loves both of those. I have run both point to point and put and back. Limits…sometimes I get out of things by convincing myself that it’s too much for my body to handle. Lots of heat and humidity in Austin, Texas!! Supposed to feel like 108 today,glad it’s a rest day! When are you going to start coaching?


I’ve had two boys and two girls. The only similarities in the genders when I was pregnant was I CRAVED caffeine (coffee, Diet DP, iced tea) when I was pregnant with the boys, and DETESTED anything with caffeine when I was pregnant with my girls. Weird, huh? As far as food, my cravings were very random and different with each of them.


Gosh are you right about those limits. The powerful effect our minds have on our running can be maddening. I think going through injuries has effected me in this area—like if I run too hard, I’m going to “break” myself again. It’s tough!!!! I’ve even considered going to a sports psychologist for a few sessions just to work through this a little bit, but then I think, “Oh, that’s too over the top, Jen.” Who knows :)

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