Tuesday Tangents!!!

*HAPPY TUESDAY!! Get ready for some Tangents that have zero correlation and are kind of all over the place!

*Brooke now wears my headbands sometimes… “Find Your Happy Pace.”  —>  good advice.

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*There is a place in Utah County that has Graham Cracker sauce as an ice cream topping.  It is worth the drive (Rockwell Ice Cream) if you are a state that borders Utah.  I put it on top of Snickerdoodle flavored ice cream and added sprinkles (Brooke’s love for them has rubbed off on me).  Try it now.

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*Somehow they have found a way to combine dollhouse and army tank into one imaginary story… it is quite entertaining and a win-win for the both of them.

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*A picture that Andrew took of my dad and I a few weeks ago at the temple.  I think it is my favorite picture of us together ever.


*I hope Beretta enjoys wearing crowns…

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*Nothing like catching them in their snuggly mood which may only last 2.5 minutes each day… but still.


*This below scene truly depicts perfectly each trip to Target that I take with Knox and Brooke.

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*I’m a few days late talking about this but WOW.  Mary Keitany broke the world record for the women’s-only marathon time at the London Marathon on Sunday!  She finished in 2:17:01!  Paula Radcliffe still holds the fastest marathon time by a woman (2:15:25) but because she ran with two male pacemakers it is under a different category for the world records!

*Remember those Black Bean Enchiladas that we had the other night at Candice’s house?  She sent the recipe for the Enchiladas and the salad (I love her salad recipe description:)


She sent the recipe for the Enchiladas and the salad (I love her salad recipe description:) Try these… they are amazing!

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*Brooke is figuring out IG stories.  She didn’t know how to send them out so I helped her with that but she was pretty proud of the picture that she made on my story.

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*My mom sent this to me this morning: She found it on Facebook)  I was laughing pretty hard!

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*The other day I was going over my analytics and this post about 5 ways to push yourself while running (especially when you are tired) was one of my top posts ever.  Hopefully it has tips that can help you out when the going gets tough.  This picture was from my second marathon ever (I went from a 3:20—> 3:08).  Please note the ziplock bag hanging out of my shorts that had my shot bloks in them (turns out fuel belts are a better solution to carrying fuel throughout a race).  I look like a baby there (probably because it was almost 7 years ago).   My mom took this picture at mile 21 and I tried my hardest to smile at her.  The hardest thing about this race was running RIGHT IN FRONT of my house at mile 24… the temptation to just walk in my front door and collapse on my couch was real.

Utah Valley Marathon 9

*The worst= When Beretta comes out of the freezing cold river and shakes off right by you…



Have any tangents to share today!?!

If you could automatically be entered into any marathon in the world right this second… which one would it be?

How have you carried your fuel for races over the years?

Best part of your day so far?

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So many tangents today that I can’t even remember any of them! I go back and forth between carrying fuel with me…but I love snacks so much I usually do! My favorite is dried fruit..like a delicious dried apricot or pineapple. Lots of fast carbs for energy! But makes me feel a little better than the jelly beans and candies I used to carry hehe.


I forgot all about dried fruit… I think I need some now though! I hope you enjoy the rest of your day Juliette!!!


Your dad looks good! Has he fully recovered from his fall?

The Rome marathon looks pretty fantastic! :)


Hey Leeann! Yes, he has fully recovered from his head injury! Ohhhhh I think I’ll join you for the Rome Marathon:) That would be incredible!


I don’t feel good. I never get sick, but when I do it’s during this time of year when I am super busy!

I really want to run Boston! Someday :)

I usually carry my fuel in a belt or in my sports bra.

I’m hoping the best part of the day will be getting some meds from my doctor after work to make this yuckiness go away as quickly as possible!


GET BETTER SOON MARISSA!!! I am so sorry about that! Hopefully the meds will help. Does it chafe you at all if you carry fuel in your sports bra? Josse does that too and I always worry that would chafe me!


Highlight of the day was leisurely running errands and getting coffee with my 5yo daughter while my husband stayed at home with the sleeping baby. This is my current idea of a good time, haha. I also managed to get a bunch of housework done and check a few things off my to do list, so it was a productive day, which is awesome.

I would love to run Boston, of course, but I think my first choice would be NYC. I’ve always wanted to go and I feel like it would be the perfect way to see the city!


Hey, that sounds like an awesome time to me too! It’s those little things that is the best thing! I totally have to agree with what you said about the NYCM… it really is the best way to see the city! Thanks Laura and enjoy the rest of your Tuesday!


I love the picture of you and your dad. I don’t get to see my dad often because he lives in Jamaica so father-daughter pics make me a little emotional, in a good way.
Great tangets. Running the last stages of a marathon right by your house must be the strongest temptation. I had a similar experience one year when I did a bike tour – the route came by my house at a point where I really wanted to use the bathroom. I had the strongest desire to cut out and come home but I rode on.


HEY YOU! Oh thank you. When will you next see your dad? That must be so hard, I bet you miss him like crazy! Good for you to keep going on the bike tour… it’s so hard when you know your house is just so so close!


Well i would have to pick Boston because that would be my only way to run it :)

Best part of my day was being able to walk 2 miles without limping.


SALLY!!! SO SO SO happy that you didn’t have a limp today on your 2 mile walk! Progress!!!!! Thinking about you and hoping you’ll be back running asap!


I LOVE the picture of you and your dad!!
If I could be in any marathon it would be the London Marathon. London is my favorite city in the world and it would be such an incredible experience.


GRAHAM CRACKER SAUCE WHAT?! I have never heard of such a thing and i need to get some of that ASAP. Tangent today is WIND. I hate wind. It’s stupid and annoying and my hair goes flying and I can’t walk straight!


With Cf lungs qualifying for Boston would be a miracle but I will continue working hard and… hope that I’ll find another way to get in haha your mom’s list was hilarious
Especially #6.


That list is hilarious! It’s probably sad how much I can relate. ;)



Well, I would say I would automatically be entered into Big Sur right now… But I’m lucky enough to be able to run that race this weekend!! :)


I was going to say the Paris Marathon, because Paris would be awesome, but you know what? The scenery of Big Sur can’t be beat.


That picture of you and your dad just made my heart SO happy! Love you guys!! xoxoxo


I absolutely use tip #5 toward the end of the race – almost every time! Maybe it is from years of running with my dogs on leash but having the visual of pulling myself to someone makes me comfortable and think of something other than my lungs feeling as though they may burst. :)


Thanks for explaining the “woman only” WR. I didn’t get it and was trying to google what exactly that meant cause I thought it was odd they kept phrasing it that way. Awesome!!


I carry my race food in plastic baggies in my shorts pockets. :D I call it tumor leg…big lumps at the beginning of the race that are “cured” by the time I finish. (I can’t stand stuff strapped around me shifting and bouncing around during a race…and haven’t found a fuel belt that works yet with my body shape.)


I just love your blog!! You have such a great family!! Your kids remind me of my grandkids who live in Texas and Tennessee (I live in Utah). I love your recipes and tips on everything. I hope you keep blogging forever!! I am also so happy that you found a great guy and bonus son!! It gives me hope for my son who is going through a hard divorce right now. I only wish his ex had the same views that you have on making it easier on the child and not trying to hurt your ex through her. You are very inspiring in many ways!!


Loved today’s posts as always. Laughed aloud at the list of funnies! On doing hard things: last Oct in my last longish run of my Twin Cities marathon taper (12 miles), I was starting the last mile and to my surprise was overtaken by my son and his pace group (way faster than I!) But darn if I was going to let them leave me behind! I kept pace with them all the way to the end–a VERY fast mile for me, and especially at the end of a run. I felt great doing it but I know I’d NEVER have done that on my own. Just showed me once again how mental it is! Now, if I can muster the same drive at the end of my Berlin marathon in Sept (channel Mary Keitani)….


Hey…tell your mom that I love the weight loss list that she found on Facebook. I can totally relate since I’m over 50 also! Love her sense of humor….we could be friends if I didn’t live so far away!

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