15 Things to Talk About + My 10 Favorite Running Songs Right Now.

1.  It was just Knox and me yesterday morning so my run was on the treadmill.  Eight miles and still rocking the tape to help me to stay away from the deck of the treadmill so I don’t sacrifice my form while I run.  Thanks to Knox for the picture.  One of my favorite tips for the treadmill is to pay around with the numbers… I was on my 3 minutes at conversation pace followed by 2 minutes at interval pace rotation (you can figure out your paces here).  The time flew by because I was switching up things all over the place.

2.  Yep.

Its fine i ran today

3.  The kids had another soccer game yesterday which was fun because we were able to see Brooke!  All of Brooke’s other side of the family was there and we all talk very easily.  I’ve always had the opinion that there is no reason to not be friendly, happy and nice to each other.  I’m very glad because it is so nice especially at events like yesterday.  Drama-free… hallelujah.  I don’t deal well with drama.  And most important, the best thing for the kids.

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4.  Look at her GO!

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5.  The car seat swap from one car to the other… might as well just carry the car seat with the child in it right?  PS Knox isn’t messing around with his soccer cleats.

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6.  I had a work lunch meeting yesterday afternoon at Tsunami and it was amazing.  They have the best sushi in Utah.  We split a bunch of rolls and then also a cucumber salad, edamame and some teriyaki chicken.  I adore sushi.

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7.  While I was out I came across Smurf treats for Knox.  He was too happy looking at the bag to look at the camera:)

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8.  He loves playing with my hair when we are watching something…

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9.  A little while later my parents called us up to join them for a double date.  We cannot say no to that.  Ever.

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10.  Knox makes sure everyone around him feels loved.

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11.  My parents were showing us all of their fitbit info… they are rocking it!  So active!!!

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12.  If you don’t have a drive-thru for delicious cookies near you, maybe think about starting one yourself in your city because you will make a lot of money from people like me.  They probably make a 99% profit off of these cookies but I don’t care, they are amazing.

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14.  Brooke is having the time of her life with farm animals!

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15.  My ten favorite random running songs lately!

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1. YOUTH by Troye Sivan

2. Green Light by Lorde

3.  Something Just Like This by The Chainsmokers & Coldplay

4.  Hard Times by Paramore (I used to ALWAYS run to Paramore… good flashbacks with this new song:)

5.  Battle Symphony by Linkin Park  (SO SO SO GOOD)

6.  Waiting For The End by Linkin Park (I’ve always really loved running to Linkin Park)

7.  24K Magic by Bruno Mars (this has been a favorite for a while).

8.  Stay by Zedd & Alessia Cara

9.  Believer by Imagine Dragons

10. So Tied Up by Cold War Kids



-Church, a lazy Sunday afternoon (Brooke comes home!) and dinner at a friend’s house!

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Your dad looks Great!! (I’ve been following the blog for so long) So I’ve noticed the huge transformation! Good for him! Thanks for always sharing your music with Us– we have similar taste! Today– Church. Lunch with family & Naps ;)


Thank you SO much Katie (PS I totally know you from over the years of commenting)! He looks amazing right!?!? Sounds like the perfect day Katie and thank you!


Those cookies! I gotta make a Utah trip to try those out one day!

Three things going on today:
-EASY run. Had a 17 miler Thursday and 14 miler yesterday and would normally swim today … but … It’s my birthday so I kinda want to run :)
-Ughh cleaning. Had a party last night and my place is a a little too messy for my liking
-Being surprised/taken out tonight somewhere!

Have a great Sunday!!


Love this playlist! I’m spending my Sunday in a yoga interview, lazing around and ending my day with a yin and din date with a friend. If only weekends lasted a little longer!


Haribo Smurfs?!?! WHAT! I need those now. I love the smurfs— childhood memories! Look at her GO. I can’t wait to watch my future kids play sports. I grew up playing every weekend and my parents would come out and cheer :)


Happy Sunday!

Three things today: Hanging out with Grandpa, spending ALL day in the sunshine if possible, maybe making banana bread


it’s always best for the kids when divorced parents and their families can interact kindly and with ease. it’s not always easy to do but I stand by my beliefs in doing it for the kids!


YES YES YES. You are so right Meredith! Thank you and I hope you are having an amazing day!


Wow, your Saturday was much more productive than mine. Let’s just say I was 10 episodes behind on The Americans and now I’m all caught up ;) So glad you all had a great time at the kids’ soccer game, and on the double-date with your parents! So fun

Three things I have planned for today: Work (I work in college sports so Sundays usually mean work :/), then getting a run in on campus and some light grocery shopping. I hope your Sunday is lovely!


Well my Sunday is my lazy lazy lazy day… I’m glad you had such a nice Saturday and that you are all caught up now! I hope your day has been amazing at work, on your run and shopping! Thanks Joanne and have an awesome week!


That sushi looks so good!

3 things for today: 10K run (longest distance I’ve done since I had my son, and it felt amazing!), tidying up our backyard, and potluck bbq with family.

Happy Sunday, Janae! Hope you have a great day!


Run, baking lemon bars, and then a work meeting this afternoon (I know, on a sunday, but it’s a fun work thing!)


2 miles finished half an hour ago. Brunch. Orlando FC soccer game in the afternoon and then pasta and meatballs for dinner:)

Knox is so cute hugging your dad <3.


Brooke is so tall, those legs are long! Knox takes a really good photo. I don’t think I was that savvy at 4.

After spin class and picking new food for Missy, I was a slug yesterday. I was tired, it was chilly and rainy, and my husband was with friends. So I am making up for it today. Cleaning, laundry, shopping( a good friend recently had a baby), and dinner out.


I will definitely be adding some of those songs to my playlist. Love Swig cookies! There is a new place that just opened in Provo called Chip Cookie…they look delicious! When I try them I will let you know how they are! Church today, then 4 mile trail run with my family and then relaxing! Have a great day!


OH my goodness… CHIP IS SO GOOD!! We have them deliver to us often;) Try them ASAP! Sounds like the perfect day Ashley!


Ok! For sure will be ordering them very, very soon!!!


I’m glad to see that your dad is feeling better!

Three things for me today: buying groceries after being away for a week, going for a run and trying to stay dry because it’s super rainy here today!


Tracking two friends running the London Marathon, running (2nd day in a row which I don’t do too often for injury-prevention reasons), and doing laundry (ugh) :) LOVE LOVE LOVE running to Linkin Park – thanks for sharing your playlist always so I can freshen mine up!!


Love those songs – Believer by Imagine Dragons is on repeat for me right now!


Wow and big congrats to your nieces! Amazing!
And fun to see your dad out and about! Is he completely better?
I’m intrigued by these cookies and kind of tempted to fly to Utah just to try them. Do they really only sell cookies? Brilliant idea to sell them drive-thru!
Today:9 miles done, driving 6 hours home and reuniting with my boys who have been with grandparents since yesterday!


Swimteam practice for my girls, workout, froyo with my husband and youngest ( oldest has a birthday party).


Smurfs!!! The new movie is so cute… best one yet, in my opinion. :)

You need to add the new Incubus song “Undefeated” to your playlist. So cool. And “Unstoppable” by The Score. But I love the list that you have!

weight training, shopping, and reading outside on a lazy Sunday for the win.


Okay, I just looked up both of those and added them… THANK YOU!!! Looking forward to my run tomorrow now:) We will have to go see Smurfs with Brooks… Knox saw it with his mom and he loves it! I hope your lazy Sunday has been perfect!


Are both of your nieces left handed, or is this one of those photography optical illusion things where everything shows up mirror opposite? Totally just curious, and obviously procrastinating (I have to get Callum’s hair cut and he’s a screamer).


Hahaha I didn’t even notice that. I think it is a mirror image or something because they are both right handed. HAHA how did the hair cut go!?!?!


Terrible. We waited for 20 minutes for the place to open (we were second in line) and he fuh-reeeeked out as soon as he sat in the chair, so we left. SO FRUSTRATING. I have no idea what’s so scary about it! We’ve never even used the clippers. SIGH… I guess he’s just going to have super long hair. My little hippie preschooler. Maybe I make it look hipster or something. Too bad he can’t grow a mustache.


How SWEET is that picture of Knox and your poppa!


You are right about relationships after divorce. My parents divorced when I was four. I now know they did not have good feelings about each other but neither of them ever spoke I’ll about the other and they could both attend family functions with smiles. This gave us a better outlook on our own relationships in the future.
You are a great role model.
Three things:
prepping freezer meals
Okay 4 things…


So Brooke’s dad comes to Utah and stays the weekend with her there? He has family in town? How convenient!


LOVE that your nieces are into archery! I went to college on an athletic scholarship for rifle. Such awesome sports! Also looks like they are both lefties – I am a lefty with shooting as well. Best of luck to them!


Have you heard of Insomnia cookies??! I live on the east coast but idk if they have them out west! Baaaaasically a 24-hr bakery that makes AMAZING cookies as big as your head and you can walk into the store or BETTER YET they DELIVER all hours of the day sooooo unsurprisingly they have quite a few locations on college campuses ;) ;)


The treadmill tape is such a great idea – I always run on the deck in front of my feet when I try treadmills. It’s one of the reasons I hate them!


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