YOUR Unpopular Opinion AND Sentence Per Picture!!!

Six mile run in 23 degrees (which my ears reminded me the entire time to remember my ear warmer headband next time) at an 8:36 average recovery pace!

Andrew and the kids found me while I was out running (the find my friends app) so I had him take a few pictures because all of that snow is sure beautiful.

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There were a few parts along the way where below was the only option but luckily my toes don’t get very cold when I run.

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The day actually started incredibly early… Andrew started school very early and Brooke started life early:)

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Just like children, Beretta waits outside the bathroom door while one of us are inside.

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“HI” -love, Brooke

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Knox came home so we did our traditional donut run together.

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Donuts and running shoes… the key to happiness.

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Came home and had broccoli with our lunch… she has loved this since she was just a little thing.

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We cannot find sweet potatoes at our grocery stores around here… so we settled on a normal potato topped with chicken and guac.

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Andrew was pretty thrilled that he found an Angels bag of peanuts.

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Andrew brought out these bumper/bounce balls for the kids.  I was a little bit nervous at first!

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The kids loved them though and there were zero tears… so win-win.

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One of my brothers was in town for the day so we went over to my parent’s house to be with them all and the kids ran circles around the rug like normal.

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My brother-in-law introduced us to the pizza sandwich.

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Kaytlin shared this article from Lauren Fleshman with me on the post yesterday and I had to share it with you too—>  Why Science and Running Don’t Always Mix:

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A FEW UNPOPULAR OPINIONS (let’s keep lighthearted of course because that is the definition of my blog) and most of mine have to do with food or entertainment.  Here are my unpopular opinions:

*This one hurts to type and I hope I don’t hurt any feelings but I don’t love RAGNAR.  I actually had a lot of fun doing it once and I’m glad I did it but it was a one and done thing for me the more I think about it.  Anytime people ask me to join a ragnar team it sounds so fun at first and I get excited and then realize I like sleeping in my bed a lot and showers.

*I love treadmill running.  I actually really enjoy it.  Even though I would choose running outside over the treadmill if I have the chance, I thoroughly enjoy a good treadmill run (while watching This Is Us especially:)

*A really hard one for our marriage—>  I don’t get the In-N-Out craze.  I’ll eat it (like anything and I do love their milkshakes) BUT I think there are 4000 better burger joints within two miles of me:)  This is Andrew’s favorite meal on the planet so I don’t mind going there but I would choose other places any day.  Also, their burgers> their fries.

*I hate to say this out loud, but I never fell deeply in love with the Harry Potter thing (Andrew loves it so I have to phrase this carefully).  The books and movies are good but I never became obsessed with Harry Potter.  I do really want to go to Harry Potter Land because I love amusement parks and the family loves it.

*Oreos.  I mean, I’ll eat them if they are there and if they are dipped in chocolate or mixed in with ice cream then yes please BUT I don’t really understand a deep love for oreos.  Andrew takes it a step farther because he doesn’t even like oreo ice cream.

*I LOVE candy corn.  I know for a large % of the population candy corn tastes like wax, but I could eat an entire bag if it was left in front of me.

*I eat leftovers cold.  A lot.  It’s weird and probably gross to a lot of you but I think cold lasagna tastes just great.

*This one is a recent development for me (probably because I live next to a Cafe Rio again) but I don’t LOVE Chipotle.  Poor Andrew, this is another disagreement.  I eat there with him and it tastes fine but I would go to Cafe Rio a million times more than going there.  I enjoyed it more when I lived in California and didn’t have a Cafe Rio.

*I don’t like Star Wars.  I’ll go see it with people and I’m excited for their excitement but I will end up falling asleep during the movie.

*One from Andrew—>  “HE HATES FRIENDS”  (I know, this was a bit of a red flag when we first started dating).

*Another one from Andrew—>  He does not like March Madness (or watching basketball on TV).

*Last one from Andrew—>  He doesn’t understand why people like to wear pants… he is all about shorts year round.


Have any unpopular opinions?  Things you love that most people don’t or things you don’t love when it seems like everyone else does?  OH and don’t worry if your unpopular opinion is about donuts or Gilmore Girls or something I love… we can all agree to disagree;)  

Anyone agree with any of our unpopular opinions?

A food that most humans love but you just can’t enjoy?

Do you wear a garmin/gps watch for every run or no?

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I have to comment because I too don’t like Friends! I’ve watched most episodes (it’s usually on TV when I’m making dinner) and I just don’t get why people love it so much. But then again some people don’t understand why I’m so in love with Harry Potter! Also agree with the pants thing. But more because of my love for skirts and dresses and wanting to wear shorts all year round.


My unpopular opinion: Pineapple is the best pizza topping. So, so good.

I’m with you on Star Wars. I really want to like it, but I just don’t. I think it’s because of Darth Vader. I just don’t get him as a villain. He is such a whiny brat!


I live for pineapple pizza!!!


YES, pineapple IS the best topping on pizza. I can even go without the ham/canadian bacon. Just a good ol’ pineapple pizza is my favorite.


Do you need me to mail you some sweet potatoes? I can get you the good stuff, don’t worry! :D

My unpopular opinion is that I would choose a slice of plain bread over a piece of chocolate. I’m not a big fan of chocolate unless it comes with pb! Except for chocolate gu, I actually kind of like the taste and texture of it even though I don’t like any other Gu products!


I don’t like the treadmill and I am not a harry potter fan………..but I love Friends and oreos!

I really like Full House (and the new Fuller House) and Disney channel movies, and that is definitely not a popular opinion!


I totally eat my leftovers cold. My husband thinks I am crazy for doing it!
I am not a huge Star Wars fan- although I have finally sat through a whole movie because my kid loves it!
I have read the Harry Potter books and they were good but far from the craze over here!
I LOVE Chipotle. We do not have Café Rio in these neck of the woods—the nearest Chipotle is 45 minutes….. But, I could eat their guac all day!


Amy, I am with you on the Chipotle guac–it is SO good!


Those shots Andrew got of you running are seriously so great!

I’m with you on the Oreos, but (and I know this is not a popular opinion) I also hate chocolate. Like REALLY hate it. One movie I never liked that everyone seemed to love is The Notebook. As much as I adore Ryan Gosling, I just never liked the movie. I’m all about romantic comedies (like 27 Dresses and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days), but Nicholas Sparks movies aren’t really my thing.


I am so with you on The Notebook. It was just too much.


I think Nicholas Sparks is terrible! The books and movies are awful!


Totally agree with you on Nicholas Sparks! I, too, prefer lighthearted romantic comedies. And Legally Blonde. I love Legally Blonde!


Yes! LOVE Legally Blonde! :)


Hahaha I LOVE THESE! And girl, I feel ya on the candy corn. I could eat an entire bag right along with you. I also don’t like Harry Potter. Not even a little.
My biggest unpopular opinion is probably that I don’t like peanut butter and chocolate. Bleh. I also don’t like awards shows. They’re super boring and I’ve never seen any of the movies. I also don’t like sleeping in. Maybe that’s why I like Ragnars so much? :)
We tried Cafe Rio in Newport News, VA a couple weeks ago and I liked it! I’m a Rubios girl through and through (no Chipotle) so nothing ever quite compares, but I enjoyed the food AND I loved how kid friendly they were! I keep trying to convince my husband we need to go back even though it’s like 30 minutes from us.


I agree with so many of your unpopular opinions:
-Nope to Star Wars, Harry Potter, Chipotle, and Ragnar … Even though I haven’t done it so I feel like I can’t dislike up.

My unpopular opinions:
– I really don’t like sushi!! Everyone seems to be obsessed with it and I just can’t get on board.
-I love Dots!


DOTS!! (I od’d on Dots just the other day…although full disclosure I really only like the pink and red ones and if I’m desperate the orange. I leave the yellow and green for my husband)


I’m totally with you! Pink and red are the way to go!


beautiful pictures! What a good assistant he is ;) haha, my dog always follows people into the bathroom! If I have a visitor she follows them in like ‘heyy what are you doing in here’. Wow, donuts every 5 days!? Lucky kids!! hehe
I don’t love sandwiches.. I didn’t realize that other people really enjoyed them until recently when my friends started talking about how amazing this sandwich place was.. but like.. its a sandwich. Its not that good.


Oh my gosh, I absolutely love cold leftovers!! I love cold leftovers better than warm food. So much so that sometimes I will make food, put it in the fridge for a few hours and then eat it cold at dinnertime. This is especially true with pizza and tacos. I’m so glad someone else agrees with me :-)


I am the same way about food! I do not like hot food at all!


Lol at the food disagreements. I can relate!! My husband and I used to get chipotle once per week when we were dating. Now I seriously hate it and I’m sooo sick of it (8 years later…). Usually when he gets it it’s just for himself while I eat leftovers (because he hates leftovers which is so annoying-maybe he should try your cold leftover strategy). Hmm well this is unpopular but I would never watch that This is Us show. I just had my second child and am extremely emotional so I stick to crap tv such as the bachelor and total divas.


I”m with you on This is Us!! We may be the only two on the planet though! HA >>> well, and my husband! I need COMEDY’s on television not DRAMA … There is ENOUGH DRAMA in REAL LIFE ;) HA


I don’t love Chipotle either! I love Cafe Rio and Moes.

I like leftover pizza cold.

I did a Ragnar once and could take it or leave it. It was a super fun and unique experience but it is a lot to organize and somewhat expensive when all said and done. I did Ragnar Adirondacks which was TOUGH with the hills. I had just gone through a really, really bad breakup (my fiance called off our wedding) and I was so nervous about being “stuck” in a van when I could cry/sulk at any moment. However, the camaraderie was great and ended up being really good for me. I would probably do one again but can’t see myself being one of the people who do one or more a year. It is a great experience for all runners to try at least once though!

Happy Thursday! =)


My unpopular opinion- I don’t like pizza! This kills my husband because he would eat it every day, but I’m good for pizza once a month, max. I’m also not huge on chocolate- give me french fries or sour patch kids any day, but not really chocolate. Unless it’s in the form of a Reese Egg!


I, too, cannot stand Friends. For a long time I felt like I was the only one, but over the years the haters are coming out of the woodwork.

I don’t like tomatoes.

I don’t like any warm drinks: coffee, tea, hot chocolate, etc.

I love Whoppers. :)


I LOVE Brooke’s outfit – especially that floral headband. I would honestly be so happy to wear that entire outfit if it came in my size. She is a stylish little girl!

I actually agree with you on a couple of your unpopular opinions…..I hate Chipotle (probably because they seem to put cilantro in/on everything and I think it tastes like soap), Star Wars bores me, and cold leftovers are my favorite.

Probably my biggest unpopular opinion is dipping just about anything in ketchup. Ever since my sister’s and I were little, we have been obsessed with ketchup. I really love to dip grilled cheese in it, sometimes put it on mac and cheese, and it sounds crazy, but dipping potato chips in ketchup is good, too. At least to me!

On the other hand, most people I know love pancake syrup, but I can’t stand it. I’ve always been picky when it comes to sweet foods, and syrup is just way too much for me.


I love Ketchup too! I love it on egg noodles and baked potatoes with cheese…… Definitely have to try it with grilled cheese now!

I don’t like maple syrup either.


I can’t stand ketchup! Unless it’s Whataburger ketchup. I prefer to dip fries in BBQ sauce.


I also love cold leftovers and when I do decide to reheat something, I always snag a few bites before putting it in the microwave! I’m also not a big fan of Chipotle, but I love Harry Potter!

My unpopular opinion is that I don’t like orange juice (my husband claims I’m the only person on Earth that doesn’t) and I’ve never liked bacon (thankfully now I’m a vegetarian so people are no longer shocked that I don’t eat it).


Oh and I guess another big one is that I didn’t like the movie Bridesmaids…at all :/


I hated that movie so much! Thought I was the only one!


Ooooo, I am glad to meet another anti-bacon-er! Not a vegetarian, but I…I just don’t understand it. Why would you ruin a perfectly good burger or donut or Gu flavor with bacon! Just not a fan of the fatty pig parts, I guess :)


I didn’t like Bridesmaids either!!!! Nope to bacon, I think I have had it twice in the last 10 years. Also, Orange Juice I was probably in elementary school the last time I had it. I do love candy corn though and will eat it until I’m sick.


Agree with the bacon! I like pork belly (at Korean restaurants) but bacon is too salty and smokey.


My unpopular opinion, and it just boggles the mind of most people, is that we do not have any television service. I have seriously had people ask what we do for entertainment without tv and how my kids survive. Ha! I will say the worst part of that decision is missing the baseball games but we have survived for over a year now (this is the third time we’ve gone without television and the longest stretch yet). We may all have “unpopular” opinions from the small food choices to the big life decisions but we all do what works for us. And just for the record/lightheartedness we love candy corn and Harry Potter!!


My husband subscribes to and watches baseball on the computer. Just a thought….


I had cold leftovers for breakfast, actually….

I’m with you on Star Wars, In n Out, and candy corn, but we’re going to have to agree to disagree about oreos, esp. cookies n cream ice cream/froyo.

My unpopular opinions: I don’t particularly like potatoes, even potato chips/fries. Game of Thrones is just OK. Bananas are the grossest things in the world. And seasons should be optional. I’d skip winter EVERY SINGLE YEAR if I could! (I grew up in the desert, and loved it).


I love peeps and my cousin hates them. We always battle over what the majority of the population thinks about peeps.

I am not a Harry Potter or Star Wars person either.


Thank you, SOMEONE agrees with my opinion on Oreo’s. Mitch is absolutely obsessed and I just don’t understand it. Also, not a fan of “Friends” either- but don’t trust me on TV opinions, because my repertoire includes Dance Mom’s and Ghost Hunters…
My unpopular opinion: I like eating chives and parsley…raw. Like, in bunches. Like a bunny rabbit or a common mule.

That snow scene is stellar, those are great shots! Our German Shepard also waits outside of the bathroom door…dogs…


Totally on board with the Cafe Rio > Chipotle. Which is unfortunate because there are WAY more Chipotles in Colorado than Cafe Rio.

Also, I live for cold leftovers, but I’ll one up your cold leftover and say that I prefer cold desserts over warm, fresh out of the oven. Gimme those brownies/cupcakes that have been sitting in the fridge overnight. YUM.


most people like tunafish and egg salad but I never have and never will!


I also really like cold leftovers and it grosses out my husband. I find that reheating them, especially if chicken is involved, makes them taste bad. :)


I don’t like coffee – among my friends and my husband, they just don’t get it – The thing is I LOVE coffee ice cream and to make coffee taste like that is just so unhealthy!

Candy corn – I get it – so nasty!!

I used to say I would never date anyone who liked football or golf – I did well until I was 32 and married someone with Patriots season tickets and I’ve gotten into it quite a bit (not too hard with the Patriots, but he watched them for years when they sucked).

I don’t love baseball – I’ll go to 1 game a year – it has to be a night game when it is really hot. I don’t get watching it on TV – so boring!!

I don’t like chunks in my ice cream – I don’t really like a variety of flavors in my ice cream.

I don’t really like candy, sorry! Love, love, love chocolate, but pure sugar candy I can’t really get into.


Oh my gosh this was hard for me to read. I thought the Ragnar cut hurt and then Harry Potter (Harry Potter land might change your mind) and Oreos followed and I think my soul died a little bit! I love all of the above, but I also agree with your treadmill opinion. Here’s one of mine that was pointed out to me last night. I was talking on the phone with my boyfriend and said “I prefer long intervals to short ones (regarding speed work) and he said “OH, so you’re the one person.” (I also hate 5ks) Other unpopular opinions

I don’t “get” Seinfeld.
I’m not crazy about movie theater popcorn or popcorn in general


I think we might be related. Like seriously. I’ve never actually done Ragnar but I love to run at night and figure that leg would have to be mine. Everything else is totally on point. And yes, my soul died a little on the HP thing. so wrong.


You have to do a Ragnar then! I’ve only done one and it was so fun! Full disclosure: I’ve never been more sore or tired than I was after my Ragnar. I’ve run 6 marathons and none of them even came close to how sore I was after Reach the Beach. I couldn’t walk normal for days. And it was AWESOME.


My unpopular opinions:
I couldn’t stand Parenthood. I thought the storylines were cliche and the way they all talked over each other was nails on a chalkboard. I tried a couple episodes because of how loved it was but no. I just couldn’t.
My husband LOVES ketchup on tacos. Weird.
I don’t care for midcentury modern home decor that’s super popular right now: skinny chair legs, gold, etc.
Also, super thick, dark eyebrows that are in style.
I still love 90’s teen movies like Never Been Kissed, etc


I may never eat another taco… (trying to cleanse image from my brain)

Don’t we all love 90’s teen movies like Never Been Kissed? That’s what we watch when the world is falling apart


I love Harry Potter so much. Love it. My kids love it. HP is awesome.
Chipotle is awesome. IT helps they are Celiac friendly .. like 95%. Cafe Rio…no
I love Friends. and In n Out just seems like a burger place.
Leftovers cold sounds BAD…so no. Really really no. I can’t even clean out the fridge. It makes me gag.
I love the treadmill. It’s saved me from losing my mind many days the weather doesn’t cooperate.

My most unpopular? I can’t drink because I get severe migraines from any kind of alcohol BUT…I have in the past had glasses of wine and I just don’t like it. No interest in ever tasting a beer … it smells bad and if it’s an acquired taste…why would I want to acquire it? So I am officially the party dud.


I am totally with you on the Star Wars, but I will not even watch the movies. I have zero interest. I also eat almost all leftovers cold. For me, I think it is more a lazy thing and being just so hungry RIGHT NOW.

As for Andrew’s dislike of Friends and March Madness…I just don’t understand. :) I honestly love both of those things. March is one of my favorite times solely because of the madness.

As for some of my own, I don’t like Seinfeld and refuse to even have it as background noise. I also cannot stand watermelon, which often earns strange looks.


I agree with you about Ragnar. I did it once and it was fun but I am not itching to do another one anytime soon. But you are completely wrong about Oreos. They are soooo good. Oh and my husband hates Friends too. Maybe it’s a guy thing.


I don’t like pie or sweet potatoes. I know.


I eat my leftovers cold as well. I have honestly never even watched a whole episode of Friends, and I don’t want to… I read Harry Potter when I was younger, also don’t understand the craze, but I would happily go to HP World! I think it looks awesome. I could eat a whole bag of candy corn too! I think I agree with all of your opinions! LOL! Other than I do really love Chipotle, but we don’t have a Cafe Rio anywhere close by so I’ve never eaten at one.
My unpopular opinion would probably be how much of a Scrooge I am about Christmas! I don’t really like any Christmasy, music, decorations, etc.


Harry Potter is like my life (Ok not actually) but I have LOVED LOVED it forever and always will.
I would choose outdoor running any day but I do enjoy the treadmill too! I am also not a huge fan of Oreos or Chipotle but I still don’t mind either. Not a Star Wars fan AT ALL either.


why does he hate FRIENDS!? Tell us more!!!


– I would never ever do a Ragnar race
-I also LOVE the treadmill
-I hate Harry Potter and don’t understand the craze.
-However i adore oreos!!!!


The Harry Potter thing hurts – not gonna lie.
Unpopular opinion – I hate musicals/musical movies (except Sound of Music). You could not pay me to watch Lalaland. Also, I don’t get the whole 50 Shades obsession (though in 9 months my job will get busier).
Another weird thing, as a nurse I’d rather work Christmas than Super Bowl Sunday.


I heat up ice cream. Scoop a bowl, throw it in the microwave for 15 seconds, enjoy! Hubby thought it was strange while we were dating, and now 9 years later he’s got the same habit.


I love this post and everyone’s comments.
I love candy corn and don’t understand Oreos or Friends. I also don’t get the love for PB&J!


I’m not the biggest fan of Chipotle either! I mean, I’ll eat it and it’s not terrible, but usually I’d rather eat at another joint. Maybe I wouldn’t mind the treadmill so much if it wasn’t one I had to share with my apartment complex, faces a wall, and the TV doesn’t work. . .

One of the foods I just don’t love is bacon, which I saw someone above also had the same sentiment! I actually prefer turkey bacon to the real stuff!


FUN post!

My unpopular opinions:

I LOVE weather 100 degrees and sunny – the hotter the better!

I do not like most movies, I fall asleep and much prefer TV shows (yay for Netflix)

I don’t love bbq (unpopular living in TX!). I like the flavor and sauce, but just think a big pile of meat is a boring meal.


I agree with ALL of yours and would add that I DONT like Gilmore Girls and I love peeps. :)


This is a good post Janae. I don’t actually like Ragner too much either because I need sleep. It’s a great cause/organization but I don’t do well without sleep. I enjoy treadmill running too.


Ok, I agree with most of your unpopular opinions, but I just can’t get on board with hating HP. I love Harry Potter! I’m an avid reader and a school librarian, and, to this day, I still rate the series in my top 5 even. I recommend it to my students all the time, and get probably too much joy out of converting a kid to the HP craze!

My biggest unpopular opinion is that I HATE spring! Like, with a fiery, burning passion. So much so that I irrationally want to punch people in the face when they start waxing poetic about how much they love it. I would also rather the temperature be in the 20s than the 80s. Obviously, I way too passionate about this one :)


I think whipped cream is gross and I am not a fan of buttery flaky foods: croissants, pie crust, etc. (and I have a bunch of pie crusts made with a variety of butters, lards, flours – still ick).

I never liked Seinfeld or The Office.

I love cold spaghetti and lasagna. (my husband thinks this is gross but his mother does not and she’s really food picky).

I wear a Garmin if I’m doing a run/walk split so I know when to do what. I also do it so I know how many miles I have done but I’m not always obsessed with my time.


I hate whipped cream too! It is just a waste of calories that leave a weird film in your mouth.


haha, yes.


Oh my goodness you are definitely my soul sister!!!! Agree on each one except the candy corn. Nope, nada, never, my siblings think it’s hilarious to send me pictures on them eating that stuff!!!

unpopular opinions-I can eat leftovers for days, cold pizza is the best, I have more running shoes than heels, not into sports unless it’s running or triathlon, but I LOVE watching sports such as hockey, tennis, winter sports (must be my European roots :)). Also, I can’t stand science fiction or The Office or any show that characters sit and talk to the screen like we’re BFFs at lunch.


Finally, someone who dislikes shows that talk to us (the screen) as if we are having a conversation! UGH. So ANNOYING!! Hate it. Yup, really do!!


* I don’t like amusement parks
* I don’t like science museums; I love art museums
* I adore white sweet potatoes, but orange sweet potatoes bring on a gag reflex
*I’m ho hum about caramel and chocolate; peanut butter and chocolate makes me giddy
*If a book is really popular, I’m very skeptical of it


I’m 100% with you on Harry Potter and Star Wars. I just don’t get it.

The foods I hate everyone else loves? Ham, coffee and bbq sauce.

As for the GPS watch, I wear it on probably 90% of my runs.


I love candy corn and so do my kids! I had to stop buying it this fall because I realized I was eating way too much. Could definitely eat the whole bag if left alone!
Before I developed a late in life allergy to nuts, I would mix candy corn with peanuts. It tasted like a PayDay candy bar.


My unpopular opinions? I hate Sushi -and I’ve had the good stuff -first time I had it was at ‘The Best Place’ in Hong Kong it’s self and I was so disappointed how gross I thought it was.
I also hate roller coasters! I will be the party pooper all day long if I need to. I tried so hard to force myself to like them when I was younger and now I’ve embraced my scaredy cat side :D


Unpopular opinions: I love black licorice flavored ice cream. I’ve only had it twice–once it was a special flavor at Cold Stone, and then I found it in Seattle at an ice cream shop last summer. Made my vacation. lol I think that liking black licorice in general is an unpopular opinion, but liking it in ice cream form takes it to a whole different level.

I gave up drinking soda about 3 years ago, so I haven’t had this in a LONG time, but I love Fresca. I get made fun of a lot for that.

I don’t like Harry Potter at all either, and I’m an English teacher (hides face). I haven’t read the books b/c I just can’t. I am NOT a fan of fantasy books. My oldest daughter loves them though, so I haven’t jaded her.

GPS: I usually wear it, but I wish I didn’t more often. I’m currently on a break from running that I hope will only last 2-3 weeks, but we’ll see. Running just wasn’t feeling good to me. Most runs were crammed in, rushed, and I just wanted them to be over. I have a few niggles that need time to heal before turning into something bigger. The GPS and whole Strava comparison thing can get to me at times. Running just to run and not look at a watch is a magical thing. The Garmin has been both a blessing and curse to me. Everything in moderation, I guess!


When I was in kindergarten I brought black licorice ice cream as my birthday treat for my class. I love it. I am sure man of the kids did not appreciate it though ;)


Ha ha I would have LOVED that birthday treat!!!!


i just had a fresca…its the greatest drink ever i swear!


Ha ha It IS the best, isn’t it?!?!


Star Wars – never got into it. In N Out Burger – only ate it once and don’t get it. Shake Shack is better in my opinion. I eat cold leftovers almost daily. Love cold roasted veggies as a snack. No shame. BUT, Chipotle chips are my fave!! That being said, I’ve never had Cafe Rio. Will have to seek one out next time I’m out we’re out west.


Haha these are good! I agree with you on Chipotle and Harry Potter. But I do love Oreos!

When you first said Andrew Hates Friends… I was not thinking of the TV show… I was thinking serious red flag haha! I probably didn’t think of the TV show because I also am not a huge fan :)

I don’t like cartoons, especially Disney, but that’s probably due to some of the messages that were delivered to kids (I haven’t seen a Disney movie in quite some time so hopefully the messages are better!)

I don’t like colouring. Even as a kid. I could never understand why someone would want to sit and colour within the lines of something already drawn for you. The same goes for puzzles. I always wanted to do my own thing and I felt too restricted with puzzles and colouring books.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought it meant he didn’t like actual friends! I thought how strange since she is so social. Didn’t click until I started reading the comments!


I love your dresser in the photo with Beretta! I just bought a house and looking for furniture; and I love the mixture of wood and mirror. Can you tell me where you purchased it? Thanks!


Sweet potatoes are stupid and weird and taste like the warm chewed gum I’d pick off the sidewalks in California.


I literally lol’d at your comment. Hilarious!


Such a great list……I love, love, love Harry Potter…I can read the books over and over again. I am emotionally attached to the books. Thanks for making this day better with that list.


I love treadmill running as well!!

A few of my unpopular opinions:

I don’t like sweet potatoes as much as the regular population. I’ll eat them only if they have something salty on them.

I’m don’t like any current TV shows. In fact, I don’t really watch TV. I tried to watch them on my last flight and I could not even finish one episode.

I’m not crazy about Doughnuts. I KNOW. I might be the first runner in this world saying that. I mean, I’ll eat them and enjoy them pretty much. But if I can choose between a doughnut or a piece of cake/ ice cream, most likely I won’t choose the doughnut.

I absolutely HATE cooked oatmeal to the point where it will make me feel sick to my stomach. I do LOVE oatmeal with cold milk (completely uncooked) and that’s what I’ll usually have for breakfast.

I’m not crazy about shrimps. I’ll always prefer a good piece of steak.

And I’m not a fan of Star Wars either.


I agree about In-N-Out. I just don’t get the love. There are so many burgers and fries I prefer over theirs.
I also like cold leftovers, especially Italian food, although I also like cold Thai and Indian food. Oreos are okay, but nothing special, I don’t go out of my way to buy them.
My unpopular opinions:
I don’t really like nuts in chocolate, I prefer a creamy rich dark chocolate that kind of melts in your mouth.
I love cookies, but only homemade, I don’t like store bought cookies at all, like chips a’hoy, etc. ; they all taste a little chemically to me.


It took me years to try In-N-Out because my husband hates that place. He says the fries have the texture of Styrofoam, and I do not disagree. Also, the burgers are just ok.


Totally agree with the Star Wars thing but I won’t even go. I love candy corn too! My biggest unpopular opinion that is REALLY unpopular is I don’t understand the love for Target. I don’t see anything great about it. Like at all.


Fun topic- I am loving reading everyone’s opinions!

I actually do the majority of my runs on the treadmill (because #life) and really enjoy it! Ragnar also doesn’t appeal to me. I love Harry Potter, but I won’t hold it against you. ;)

Unpopular Opinion: I love diet coke. I drink 1 can/day and love it.

Food I can’t eat: I used to love guacamole, but avocados makes me terribly sick. I get incredibly jealous of everyone eating it. I also don’t like bananas or banana flavored anything.


Funny! I also don’t mind the treadmill, think In-n-Out and Chipotle are both overrated, love candy corn Andrew don’t get Harry Potter either. I’m putting up with the movies only because my 4th grader is reading all the books and wants to watch the movies as well. I do LOVE Star Wars though!


I agree on so many of those! Never understood the Harry Potter or Star Wars crazy and yes Cade Rio is way better than Chipotle. I have done several Ragnars/overnight relays, but don’t love them. Every time I sign up for one I wonder why in the world I am doing it again…hard up for girl time, I guess.

Foods I don’t like – any and all seafood and pork, including bacon. Really I dislike more food than I like.

I wear my Vivoactive for EVERY run, if I don’t wear a watch it didn’t happen. That said, I don’t care about pace or anything other than distance. I NEED to know how far I went.


I’m totally with you on the Star wars thing and the Harry Potter craze! Not a fan, I get bored with them both! But I gotta say….you have to try Harry Potter land. We just went to Universal and I’m totally hooked on that little land. They have this awesome 3D ride, it’s the best…also the little village is so cute, with a mini roller coaster and a train! The Butterbeer is amazing too! :)


I don’t like Star Wars either! But I never say anything because I feel like I’m going to offend about 99% of the people I know. . . also In N Out burgers are definitely better than their fries. I just can’t eat their fries.


Definitely with you on Star Wars & Oreos (unless they’re in truffle form). We don’t have Cafe Rio here, so I really cannot compare. But I LOVE me some Chipotle, so it would be a hard sell for sure.

Let’s see, my unpopular opinions…

I think vanilla ice cream (and most vanilla flavored things) is worthless & tastes like nothing – I won’t even eat ice cream with a vanilla base ’cause they never put enough of the good chunks in anyways.

I am not a Disney fan. I never grew up watching the classic Disney princess movies, I visited Disney World once, but MEH. So I certainly don’t understand all the madness behind the races they put on.

Oh, and I don’t “GET” Snapchat. Haha.


I completely agree about eating leftovers cold!! We don’t even own a microwave, and when people find that out, they always ask how I heat up my leftovers! I don’t even really like food hot.. I’d much rather wait for it to cool off and eat it lukewarm or cold.


Oh girl, I totally get the lack of love for In-N-Out. Their burgers are fine, but so overrated! And I don’t care for the fries. Every time I eat there I think, “Seriously? This is what people are waiting 12 cars deep in the drive thru for?”

I don’t love Cooler Ranch or Nacho Cheese Doritos. I feel like this was more weird when I was a kid :)
Also, unless I’m have tuna, I do not want mayo/Miracle Whip on my sandwich. Gives me the willies.


I love treadmill running! Maybe it is because that is how I first started my love for running in college. Also it is so hot in Tx summers, it is easier to run on the treadmill than walk out the door and already be sweating before you even get started at 6am.
I also do not like or understand why people love In-and-Out so much. Give me Whataburger any day!


YES! Whataburger…SO much better than In-N-Out!


I don’t like my desserts ala mode (I know, eek). I feel like the ice cream dilutes the flavor of the pie, crisp, cake etc.

And I don’t like watching football. I grew up in a big sports household watching it all the time (Joe Montana was my first crush) but I can’t see spending a whole day inside watching it.

Love the Lauren Fleshman quote!


I don’t like Color Runs or Mud Runs. Just not my thing. If I’m honest, I don’t totally understand Cross Fit either.

I don’t really like any sort of cherry dessert. Gimme chocolate.

I don’t like just about any reality show that doesn’t involve cooking or home improvement. I have to leave the room if my wife turns on The Bachelor, Dance Moms or anything close to that.

I do like data and have some sort of Garmin on for any swim, bike or run.


Ok brace yourself… I think sweet potatoes are “meh” and I really dislike avocados!! ;) BUT, I love treadmill running and would be super sad if mine broke.


So fun! And already a lot of comments so you know this is a popular idea :) I agree with you on the treadmill – I choose to run on it sometimes for the great show viewing!

I don’t like pizza – at all. It grosses me out.
I can’t get into The Good Wife. I wanted a new show to watch and I tried and tried. Couldn’t do it. Too slow, not a lot of laughter. Just boring.
I LOVE getting into a car when it has been sitting in the sun and it is 1000 degrees. I know most people can’t stand that. I love the sauna feeling even if it’s July (except for burning the backs of my legs on the seats…) :)


I feel you on Harry Potter. Gave it a valiant effort and read 4 books, but fantasy/sci-fi isn’t my genre of choice which is probably why I’m not that into Star Wars either. I don’t like ketchup. Or mustard. Or mayo. Or pickles on a hamburger. Ranch and BBQ sauce for life! And I’m with you on In-N-Out. I would choose JCWs any day of the week. Also, Cafe Rio>Chipotle. And I prefer water to any other beverage.


Try dipping Oreos in creamy peanut butter… or opening them up and adding a peanut butter layer. SO. GOOD.




Your running pictures are always stunning. I hate the cold, but man- you make Utah enticing. Happy Thursday, Janae!


Haha – I agreed with so many of your “unpopular opinions” – including Oreos! I bought some the other day for an amazing dessert recipe, but was left with a bunch…and they’re just sitting in my cupboard because they’re, “meh”…I ate 2 yesterday…only because I dipped them coolwhip! lol

My unpopular opinion is that…I don’t enjoy live music. I find it boring – unless it was a SHOW like Madonna, Gaga, etc…otherwise I get bored and want to talk to people…not just sit there and feel like I’m wasting my time! lol

Most humans LOVE fish/seafood…but I just can’t eat the stuff….so gross. lol


Try ordering the fries at In-n-Out extra crispy and use the salt packet that comes with them while they are still really hot.


Fun post!

My unpopular opinion: I don’t like coffee. If I ever drink it, it’s in the form of a frappuccino which is really a milkshake.

I’m not a big Potter fan either but my daughter in law is so we went to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. The rides were okay but the food at Three Broomsticks was phenomenal! I still dream about it and crave the Butterbeer Potted Cream. I would go back just for the food.


Wow. I was totally cool with everything until I saw “Hates Friends”. WHAT?! I don’t think my hubby loves it, but he knows I do and he watched it all the way through with my in the first few months we were married.


Oh this is fun!
-I don’t like Harry Potter either. At all. Although I do like JK Rowling! She’s hilarious on Twitter.
-Star Wars is dreadfully boring.
-I would rather have sugary/sour candy than chocolate any day.
-Might not be unpopular to some, but I think my friend think I’m a little nuts – I would rather read a book than watch a movie or TV show – although I AM obsessed with Marvel movies and the new show Riverdale.
-I like vegetables and fruit more than any other food group.
-Insanity MAX 30 was harder than training for any running race I’ve ever done. I am not made for bouncing around like that!
-Can’t stand most country music today. 80s/90s country – YES! Today – NO THANK YOU.
-Golf has to be the most boring “sport” that exists on Earth.
-Not a big basketball fan… can’t stand the sound of shoes squeaking on the court!


I thought of 2 more unpopular opinions on my run today:
1. I like winter. Yes, I appreciate a good 70 degree day as much as anyone else, but cold and snow really don’t bother me at all. I’d get as excited about a snowstorm as I would a 60 degree day in the middle of February.
2. I don’t LOVE going to the beach (and I’m absolutely TERRIFIED of the ocean). I’m very fair-skinned so I just think of sun burns and sand EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME, FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. Mountains > ocean any day of the week.


Agreed on Harry Potter. Snooze.

My unpopular opinion: I really don’t enjoy racing. I’ve been running and loving it for 25 years, and I used to race a lot. The last time was when I was pregnant with my six year old. I realized that racing stresses me out and makes running way less enjoyable for me and basically ruins an entire week for me with stress anticipation. I bet I’m the only one here with this unpopular opinion.


I second the racing thing. And here’s the kicker. I tend to run my worst and slowest during every race I have ever run. So I stopped. And it was a blessing.


Neither me nor my husband have seen Star Wars and we are both fine with that. I do love me some Harry Potter though.

My husband eats leftovers cold and I’m constantly telling him how gross he is!! Lol


I totally agree with you on Ragnar, In n Out and Chipotle. Not good!
My other unpopular opinions:
I hate cake- all forms. I just don’t like it.
Soda- if I’m going to have that much sugar get me a blizzard!
The Big Bang Theory- so not funny


I thought of a few more:
3D movies- they give me a pounding headache every time.
Jelly/cream filled donuts- blah


I guess my unpopular opinion is that cheesecake is gross. I cannot handle the texture; I feel like it’s just mush in my mouth, but I know that most people really love it. I agree with you about In-n-Out–the burgers are ok, but I don’t really get the whole craze. And the fries just aren’t good! I wear my Garmin 235 all the time including for all runs. I try not to look at it on some runs, but it’s always there. :)


My unpopular opinions:
-I like pizza crust.
-I don’t like ketchup on my fries (but give me all the mayo!)
-I would choose a second helping of dinner over dessert about 95 percent of the time.
-I could never get into Breaking Bad, The Wire, Game of Thrones, or so many of those other critically acclaimed tv shows.
-I like waking up and its still dark out. I even like it when it gets dark early (though I could do without the cold weather that comes along with it).


You know what? I agree with every single one of your and Andrew’s unpopular opinions… EXCEPT the treadmill one. Treadmills are of the devil.

My unpopular opinions are probably mostly about food too, haha. Namely, I hate avocados and I do not find anything about steak enjoyable.


I love peanut butter spread on steak. I get the weirdest looks about it but don’t judge until you try. It’s almost like satay steak. I got this from my dad but I get the oddest comments about when I do it that I now only do it when I’m alone. ? Also peanut butter with ice cream, actually on nearly everything. I know this is quite common in USA actually but in Nz peanut butter isn’t really a big thing. But it is my weakness. I’d eat peanut butter over chocolate. Another good one is peanut butter on toast sprinkled with chocolate chips. SO good!

Also I like nickelback and westlife.


I agree with you on the Harry Potter & Star Wars. I’m not a fan of sci-fi, so that may explain it. Oreos don’t really do it for me unless they are in the ice cream. Ice cream softens up the texture of the cookie.

A big thing that I don’t like, and everyone else in the world seems to like is CHEESE. I sincerely don’t like the taste or smell of it (like rotten milk). Cream cheese is okay smeared on a fresh bagel. That’s about it.

Oh, and coffee. That’s a big no-go for me. Again, smell and taste is bad. Even coffee candy and ice cream.

Have a great day!


Ha! I put cheese too. It seems to blow people’s minds when I tell them I don’t like cheese…mine is more specifically MELTED cheese.


I can’t stand Harry Potter or Star Wars. Nope to candy corn and sweet potatoes. I’m indifferent to Chipotle, but I do like their guacamole-and they give you bunches! Don’t care for In-N-Out. I’m from Texas so Whataburger and Braums are WAY better than In-N-Out. Also, Tex-mex/Mexican blows Chipotle out of the water. My biggest love is baseball, Texas Ranger’s baseball. Andrew’s Angels are a mortal enemy. I can watch baseball on tv or in person. I love it! And I don’t have anyone to watch it with. :(


I totally agree with you on Chipotle. I think their chicken is chewy and their beans hurt my stomach. However, their chips and guac are awesomesauce! I am also not a fan of doughnuts. But I don’t really love cake either; ice cream is the way to my heart! I also only watch Star Wars bc of my husband and kiddos.

I do not like mashed potatoes one bit, but I do love green bell peppers with peanut butter!

I always wear my Garmin because it keeps track of my mileage totals so that I don’t have to write it down separately.


I am in love with Harry Potter and Chipotle, but I know they’re not for everyone.

I never got into Stranger Things, I can’t stand mayo, and I really don’t like Nutella.


I can’t think of any of my own but I agree with you on candy corn (yum!) and cold leftovers (who wants to take the time to heat them up?). My husband would agree with Andrew on Friends.


Beyoncé. I just don’t get the hero worship that woman incites. Whenever I hear “Queen B” I want to gag.


I like Harry Potter. A lot. But I am not obsessed with it like some humans, my daughter included, are.

I think In and Out is the best ‘fast food’ burger you can get. But best burger? No. And the only thing I thought was amazing about Chipotle was that they don’t skip on guac, which is VERY note worthy. But Friends??? Really. I think you will get a ticket straight to heaven for marrying someone/being able to look past someone who doesn’t like that show.

Candy corn FOR LIFE!!! Especially when eaten in combination with peanut m&ms And if you don’t like Ragnar you don’t get stickers and if you don’t have Ragnar stickers on your car, how is everybody supposed to know that you can run??!!

My unpopular opinion: melted cheese is gross. I hated the movie Cast Away (boring) and Juno (sure it was funny, but I couldn’t get passed the married adult man coming on to the pregnant teenager!). I have never watched Gilmore Girls or Downton Abby. Speaking of fries (In and Outs are gross!) McDonalds are good. I know that my body probably will never digest them, but they are delicious undigestable fries nonetheless. I don’t like Italian food. I could never eat a piece of cake again and be fine. I like black licorice. It is one of my favorite flavors of ICE CREAM :) I could go on and on….which might make the list of some other people’s unpopular opinion. Ha. This was fun, Janae!


Oh my heavens, I think we’re twins! I think Star Wars and harry potter are both meh. I especially think Star Wars is just weird and boring. Soooo over Ragnar. I’ve done
Way more then one but I’m so done and over it. In-n-out? No thanks! I actually prefer the treadmill. It’s kind of a problem
Actually. I cry like a baby running and watching This Is Us. Love candy corn. Chipotle is sooooo overrated and I will never see the deliciousness in it. Cafe rio for life! For real! I’m obsessed with cafe rio.
I have no interest in oreos, zero! Won’t even eat them if they’re sitting in front of me. I’m telling you, twins! ;)


Oh man – I would totally agree with the Chipotle evaluation. It’s ok, but not something I seek out to eat.

Along the oreo vein – I don’t like chocolate, really at all. But I would totally be down for sour goodness (and even like candy corn, too!)


I don’t love foreign accents. Especially on the phone. But not in person either. I just don’t. And it doesn’t matter what the foreign accent is I just don’t like them (but most often I really like the people).
I like almond joys but not mounds. I also don’t buy into the whole protein powder craze and I think that microwaves are dangerous. There is a good portion of my crazy and unpopular opinions.


love this! Unpopular opinions: I love black licorice, I bite into kiwi like an apple- I eat the skins and all! and I don’t get the Bachelor. I’ve tried but I just can’t with that show


“Hi” to Brooke – love Jade

I am in total agreement with you on all of your unpopular opinions. These are mine…I don’t like ice cream, apple pie, or ketchup.


He doesn’t like FRIENDS! That is all I got out of your blog post today. Who is this man you are married to? I don’t understand that at all. I think that Friends mixed with Sex and the City defined my college years.


Harry Potter-liked the movies, book were okay but after reading the first two aloud, my boys took off and read them solo. Not crazy about them so never finished the series.

Oreos-the blond ones are so delicious but the others annoy me. Oreo shakes and ice cream though……yum.

Not a fan of donuts and never have been. Of course if my kiddo wanted donuts on a bday I’d have one but I just don’t like how they coat the inside of my mouth. DOnuts are so cute and look so good but I bypass them and opt for scones or a cookie.

I hated the book Eat, Pray, Love. Started it three times and


I am totally with you on the cold leftovers, Janae! As for another unpopular opinion, I really don’t like hot weather. Don’t get me wrong, I totally enjoy and long for fair, sunny days, but if you throw humidity into the mix and it gets over 25 degrees Celsius (I’m Canadian, I don’t know the Fahrenheit conversion off the top of my head!), I’m miserable unless I can be in the shade or in a pool. Fall is my favourite season by far.


This is funny! thanks for sharing. I am also not into star wars/harry potter…I also could never get into Friends, or Seinfeld. And everyone quotes those two shows all the time and im like ??? DONT GET IT! never watched them! lol. I am also not a fan of Cruises. I’d rather explore by land, than go on a cruise, if that makes sense. I also don’t like to put cheese on things that most people do – i dont like cheese in my eggs and id rather have a hamburger than a cheeseburger. but..i still like cheese.


I love these posts because I think it’s funny to see people’s little quirks.
I think oreos are also overrated and I’m with Andrew- I don’t like them in ice cream at all- the texture is nasty.
Not a fan of chipotle- but I’ve never even tried cafe rio. I’d probably dig it.
I *like* (not “love”) candy corn and cold leftovers.
My oddity : I can’t stand the jets being on in hot tubs. It drives me crazy when people just assume “oops, the timer ran out- I’ll turn them on for you!” ?
I don’t like fans either – and I really hate windy days.
Stale gummy bears are my jam.
I generally don’t like ice in my water- unless it’s a really hot day.


When I was in high school my friends and I had a candy corn club. It didn’t mean much other than the fact that we were all obsessed with it. Best.candy.EVER. I actually bought a huge bag of it at Publix a few days ago. Much prefer cold food to hot!
Major unpopular opinion x 2
1) I live 10 minutes from the beach and go maybe once a year. Not a fan of getting all sandy and get very nervous with my boys and the surf
2) I LOVE my gym. It’s gorgeous here (Palm Beach area) for 7ish months of the year (hot and humid the rest) but I much prefer to run and work out in the gym ?


Levi Costco has sweet potatoes! I just saw them yesterday :)


I just had a conversation with my California-based brother about how we don’t think In-and-Out in anything special and there are better burger places! He’s always shocked at how people there love the place but he thinks the only reason to go there is that the price is lower than the better burgers.

Not liking FRIENDS would be a deal breaker. Sorry Andrew ;)

My unpopular opinion is hating ketchup. I hate everything about it. The taste. The smell. Everything. I also “don’t get” Harry Potter!

I wear a GPS for every run. Now that I use my apple watch I use an app on there so I use it 100% of the time. When I was using my Garmin the only time I would go without it was maybe in “off season” (the summer is brutal here and no one runs in the summer) and I wouldn’t care about my times or distance too much then. But I use the watch for running/walking intervals (I have asthma that really limits my ability to sustain a running pace for more than 3-4 minutes at a time) so it’s hard to go without it.


My unpopular opinion is I basically don’t like certain things because they are sooo popular. :) I’ve never eaten at In N Out because people tell me I have to. Also, I won’t watch certain movies or shows if I’m told I just have to see it. Ha ha, it’s more of a stubborn issue.

I always wear my watch when running. I love knowing my distance. Years ago before I had a watch I would get home from a run and go drive my course so I could clock the mileage. It limited my running options to only paths I could drive on. :)


I don’t like watermelon, sweet potatoes, onions, or garlic, which are some of my husband’s favorite things. But he doesn’t like black beans, bell peppers, avocado, or Mexican food, which are some of my favorite things


Unpopular opinions- I agree actually with you on Chipotle, in fact my whole family doesn’t like it! I hate to admit it but I have really tried and tried to love This is Us and I just can’t. I like it and will watch it but it is just ok. I can not stand It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia and I have never got Seinfeld. I don’t like Oreos at all.

My husband will not have anything to do with mayonnaise which I don’t get at all. I am not fanatic about mayo and we don’t use it that often because, well mayo is not exactly health food, but still… to not like it?!

Okay, I sort of like Candy Corn but will deny it in person. I actually don’t eat that many sweets. As I get older I like more candy and sweets which isn’t great so I just try to avoid it but at Halloween I did snag my girl’s candy corn that they hate and it was decent! We do a lot of sensory play fun with candy and candy corn is one of those. You can get it for like 30 cents a bag the day after Halloween and it makes for great snacking and scooping.


My Unpopular Opinions:
DISLIKE candy corn, sweet potatoes, yogurt, football (college and pro), the F-word (I HATE that word and frankly it disturbs me that it is used SO MUCH. Ugh.)
LOVE Peeps (yes, those marshmallow bunnies!), black licorice, burned marshmallows over the campfire, the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang


Chocolate chips are the worst part of chocolate chip cookies! So is the tootsie roll center in a tootsie pop.

Those are my unpopular opinions :)


I am not a huge fan of peanut butter… and also, I have never seen an entire episode of Friends. I just don’t care at all.


How could anyone hate Friends?! I feel like I really need to know the reason behind this. I mean, I get if some people aren’t huge fans of it (not really, it’s the greatest show ever) but HATE? That’s a strong word lol just my unpopular opinion I guess :)


I love cold leftovers! My mother-in-law (and everyone else) doesn’t understand and likes to make sure I know. The only thing that really has to be re-heated are pancakes. Also, love candy corn (and the pumpkins) and I will never understand the fascination with oreos… freshly baked cookies are the only cookies.
I love all vegetables raw/plain but I really struggle to like eggplant… I want to but plain eggplant makes me sad.
I wear my Garmin when I haven’t forgotten to charge it but sometimes I don’t look at it until the end of the run so I run by feel instead of the number. I’ve found I actually run a lot faster than what I *think* I should be running. I.e. I think my speed workout pace should be X but if I just run by feel I tend to be faster.


Unpopular opInion: I think Nutella is gross
I also do not like the Cracker Barrel..we call it crapper barrel


I don’t like potatoes or eggs. Sweet potatoes excepted.

I, too, love treadmill runs. Speaking of which, off to the TM for 6!


I also don’t love ragnar.

I don’t entirely care for chipotle either.

As a midwesterner, I’ve come to find out that anytime a Californian or someone from NYC thinks a burger place is great…it’s NOT!! They just don’t know good burgers!!


My unpopular opinion: Stranger Things has poor acting and it couldn’t hold my interest past two episodes. Moved on, there are much better shows on Netflix!


aaaah i agree w/ you on SO MANY of these! i love candy corn, i really don’t dig oreos either, i don’t mind the treadmill, and as for harry potter…my bro and sis are obsessed with the movies and books. like, so much. I’ve seen a few movies but never read the books and always say i’m going to just to sound like i care but i don’t. and i HATE start wars. ok, well i’ve never seen on of the movies but i refuse to watch them.
not above: i hate cantaloupe, i don’t really like candy at all (chocolate does not count of course…i mean like gummies, suckers, hard candies, etc), and i really don’t like fast food. like, i have no desire to eat it ever.
love this post; fun!


I think hating TEMPO runs is unpopular to most. I just refuse to do them. There are many other speed workouts to do. Just no.

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