Tuesday Tangents + what supplements I use.

Below is an old picture from a day of running.  I had Dr. Bennett work on my leg yesterday and it is already feeling a whole lot better.  He is a miracle worker.  I go straight to his office anytime I have a running related almost-injury.  Between scraping, adjustments, muscle reactivation, pressure points, he gives me new exercises to be doing… he always helps the problem area.

I’ll probably run today or tomorrow and go from there.

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I often get questions about my favorite supplements so I thought I would share them now.  These are what I use… use what is best for you and your body.  I use other ones too periodically but the ones below have been my favorites for a while so I thought I would share them:

1.  Collagen Peptides–  I was sent Vital Proteins awhile ago and really fell in love with the collagen peptides.  This is used to help support your bone and joint health (PERFECT FOR RUNNERS) and also for your skin, hair and nails.  I just throw it in with a smoothie or mix it with milk sometimes.  It’s unflavored.

2. Vega Sport hydrator–  I found Vega while training for my last marathon and I loved it.  I used this the most when I was training hard in the summer months and needed extra help with hydration.  Easy to add to ice water and filled with electrolytes, antioxidants and Vitamin C.

3.  Vega Clean Energy–  I used the clean energy (plus electrolytes) to rotate with water during long runs and the marathon.  It was awesome for some energy and electrolytes.  I liked the flavor and I liked not using gatorade during the race (I think gatorade really messes with my system, especially while running).

4. Sports Legs–  Not sure if these really do anything but I started taking them years and years ago before races and I still do about 30 minutes before a big race.  It is said to—> ‘inoculate’ your muscles against lactate acid pain but keeps you alert to early sings of injury.

5.  Beta-Alanine–  This has been a supplement that I have used for the longest amount of time.  I used to take it before all long runs but now mainly just before a big race or 20-22 miler.  Beta-Alanine is used to delay muscle fatigue (which I really think it has for me) and to help reduce muscle soreness.

6.  Probiotics–  My mom did a bunch of research to find this one and I’ve loved it.  I take one a day and it helps my IBS things and previous gastritis/digestive system problems.  Love it.


Time for some Tuesday Tangents!

*Brooke had her very first swim lesson yesterday.


*She took it very seriously.   I’m glad she had the goggles on.

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*We grabbed dinner right after swim lessons.  I’ve been conducting an experiment for years and I would like to tell you my results thus far.  After ten years of eating Cafe Rio an insane amounts of time per month I have come to find that it is impossible to get sick of this place.  Impossible.  I’ll gather more information and report back to you on my findings in another ten years.

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*We came home and watched The Land Before Time while I brushed Brooke’s hair, Andrew worked on school and Beretta slept.

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*Her hair grows so fast… I keep giving her little haircuts.

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*A friend sent this to me and the accuracy below is remarkable.

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*This picture from last week of my sister and her boys makes me really happy.


*From the birthday party… It’s hard to ever get your own presents.  The second Andrew opened up a present from my mom filled with beef jerky, Brooke was over there digging in herself.


*And then he stole Andrew’s water gun right away too.


*Pink mountains.  Love when the sunset does this to them.

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*Turns out the trampoline has been our best financial investment ever.

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*Could anybody else live off of cereal for every meal of the day?  Some days I really think I could.

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*The kids all playing basketball the other day.  Remember how my brother-in-law (in the blue) can go through the hoop in the splits… can you even imagine.  I posted the video of this incredible talent that he has in this post!

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*Speaking of my brother-in-law… he topped his waffle the other day with two pieces of cake, some peanut butter and some pie.  He normally eats super healthy but every now and then pulls out some creation like this:


*Really can’t wait for park days to be a thing of the present again.

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* #DreamGiftWhenYouHaveAnIndoorLab… I walk by this in Target and always dream of having one someday;)

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*Anyone else gearing into spring cleaning mode?  We sure are.

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What supplements do you use?  I want to hear about what you love about them please!!

Share some Tuesday Tangents please!

Would you rather…. run a marathon on a treadmill (Netflix included) or run a marathon on an indoor track?

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Indoor track marathon for me. It’s easier to stop and start and change my speed.

Tuesday tangent is i feel like a bottomless pit lately and can’t get fulL.


Neither! Haha! I haven’t run a marathon (training for my first half right now), but I would rather run uphill for 26.2 miles than run that far on a treadmill or inside track!

No Tuesday Tangents here! Grateful to be able to run a 4.25 easy run this morning before my hubby left for work and before my babes were up!

Have a beautiful day!


UPHILL MARATHON… haha yeah I couldn’t do that. Way to go on getting in a run before the kids woke up… I love that! Thanks Deborah!


I take a lot of chewy vitamin supplements (such as Vitamin D, calcium, biotin, omega-3). I think I might really just like them because they taste like gummy candy. :)

Tuesday tangent: The craziest thing happened on my run this morning. It was 70-something degrees when I started. Less than a mile in, huge winds started blowing, and I felt a big temperature shift. By the time I finished, the temp said it was 52 degrees. It was a really weird way to start my day, but the cooler temps did help me push through my tempo a bit more!


Okay, that is SO weird… usually morning runs mean that we end the run a lot hotter than we started:) So glad that the temps helped with your tempo though!!! I hope you are having a great Tuesday!


GET THE ROOMBA. It’s a dog owner’s dream come true.
Or, get this other robot vacuum that’s less expensive & it works like a dream. (It’s the one I have.) https://www.amazon.com/ILIFE-Robotic-Vacuum-Cleaner-Allergies/dp/B01BAYXLI2/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1488892810&sr=8-3&keywords=ilife+robot+vacuum


THANK YOU MARIA for the link… I really do need this and I love the cheaper option… and so will Andrew:)


I really need to get on this collagen kick. I keep hearing such good things but I haven’t tried it yet. Do you notice an actual difference when you use it? I know a lot of people that put it in their coffee and some that even use it as sort of a meal replacement. I wouldn’t do that, but I’m just curious if it really fills you up like I’ve heard people say it does. All I use right now is Orgain protein, multivitamins from Costco (probably not the best but I am convinced that everything Kirkland brand is perfect), and biotin. I notice a huge, huge difference in how my hair grows when I take biotin on a daily basis.

You watched The Land Before Time?! Oh man…I haven’t thought about that show in probably 15 years. I used to LOVE that. I would watch it every morning before school with my little sister. Oh, and I have that same blue bowl from Target and I eat pretty much anything and everything out of it. ;) I wish my hair grew as fast as Brooke’s…..


Thank you for the Vega clean energy info!!! I feel the same about Gatorade and running. Not always the best combination for my stomach.

I take a multivitamin on a daily basis. I also just started making a protein shake using Vega sport protein. The powder in vanilla + milk + a banana tastes like cake batter

I would much rather run a marathon on a treadmill with Netflix. I’d definitely lose count of all the laps on an indoor track.


Oh my gosh the land before time?? THROWBACK. Loved that movie. I don’t take many supplements right now- just calcium and iron, but probiotics are a good way to go! My boyfriend takes them!


Oh, I might have to try out that probiotic because my stomach is not a cooperative team-mate…
I would definitely rather run a marathon on a treadmill. With Netflix?! Not even a question!


Indoor track for sure! I really don’t like running on treadmills and I’m always way slower on them. At least with an indoor track I’m moving. Side note- on the Biggest Loser one year, the contestants had to run a marathon (or maybe a half..I forget) and the one girl did it on an indoor track. I couldn’t believe she finished it and did so great..I would be crying by the end.


WHAT!?!?! I definitely didn’t see that episode, I can’t even imagine doing that on an indoor track… or an outdoor track ha.


I blend Philosophie superfoods/protein into smoothies and yogurt daily. I also take a Ritual Essential for Women vitamin daily. And that’s about it. I try to get most of my essential nutrients from real food instead of a pill/powder. I love getting probiotics from kombucha and kimchi!


No Tuesday Tangents ….just glad to get past a long Monday yesterday!
Thanks for the info on your supplements! My husband and I just take a multi vitamin but we are interested in taking probiotics. There are SO MANY out there and they can get quite expensive. If we do not have IBS, would the ones that you take still be o.k.? OR…..are there any of your readers out there that have any other recommendations for probiotics????


I definitely THINK that they would still be great for people without IBS! Not 100% sure though:) Let me know what ends up working for you guys and yay for getting through a long Monday!


Thanks for sharing your supplements! I tend to get overwhelmed and take nothing… Probably not the best strategy :(

Oh my goodness, I love the Land Before Time! I’m definitely looking forward to sharing my favorite childhood movies with my little guy when he’s older!


I’m always curious to see what kind of supplements other runners use. Right now I’m just taking vitamin D and calcium. I think they work pretty well for me. I took probiotics fir a while but to be honest, I never felt much better.

Brooke looks great at swim lessons. I used to teach them and it’s giving me flashbacks. ;)


Thanks for this list of supplements Janae! I don’t really take any at the moment. Dad got me Collagen but I’m not very consistent at taking it. Also, I need to take Calcium and D vitamin for my shin splints but to be honest. So I better get the habit of taking them.


Thanks for sharing your supplements, Janae! I really don’t take as many as I should. I take vitamin B complex, calcium, ganoderma, and prenatals. I would like to get some probiotics and try out collagen!

I would way rather run a marathon on a treadmill than the track, I can’t stand going in circles and I feel like the track messes up my IT bands sometimes.

Tuesday tangent- my hip flexor feels 100% better and I’m SO happy to be running again! Marathon training starts officially next month and I CAN’T WAIT! Do you have any good first time marathon training program reccomendations?


thanks for sharing your supplements. so is vega hydrator kind of like nuun? (do you know nuun?)


We got an iRobot for our wedding 8 years ago. Still love it! Although, my daughter decides to play with the buttons and it will occasionally start running in the middle of the night. Mad dash to turn it off :P


Can I split up the marathon by doing 1/2 on the treadmill with netflix and 1/2 on the indoor track? If not I think I would do the whole marathon on the treadmill with netflix. I once ran 17 miles on the treadmill so I think I could do it with some good shows/movies!


We have two indoor dogs and once we redid our floors from carpet and tile to luxury vinyl plank we got a Roomba. It was the best investment we could make! Between that and house cleaners every other week we really save a lot of time that we can devote to each other and our marriage. Who woulda thought a Roomba would be good for your marriage ;)


Ahh those mountains are beautiful!

The only things I am taking right now are a prenatal multivitamin and a liquid iron supplement. Though it would be nice to boost those up a bit, thanks for sharing your picks! I feel like I need to finally get on the collagen bandwagon!

Since Netflix is allowed, I would choose the treadmill. Otherwise, I would probably be tempted to choose the track.


We have a roomba, it was gift from my in laws and I didn’t think that it worked that great with dog hair. But we had 2 boxers and one shed a ton.


Janae, today is National cereal day! So you are probably even obligated to eat it for every meal today ;)


Indoor track! I’m allergic to treadmills ;)
And you have got to get the robot vacuum! I don’t even have a pet and the stuff it picks up throughout the day… ick! I can only imagine what you have around the house w a shedding dog!! I think it should be mandatory if you’re a pet owner. Worth the investment!


If the indoor track had amazing people watching, I would MAYBE pick it. I know the saying is Netflix and chill, but maybe we should make shirts that say Netflix and treadmill. Cause the two were made for each other in my eyes.

Has your BIL been hanging out with Ross? That sounds like a concoction he would make. He just doesn’t do the ‘eats healthy most of the other time’ part.


I do not take a thing.
A treadmill marathon would not even be bad, in fact I might prefer it. I love the treadmill. No hassle = no stress for this gal.

Cereal for every meal. Yes, yes, 100 times yes.


Don’t get the Roomba!! I would highly recommend getting the Neato.. I also have a black lab who leaves hair EVERYWHERE!
The neato cleans better, while the Roomba is a better robot. But since we are concerned about the cleaning the neato makes the most sense :) plus it has one square side and one round side so it can get corners unlike the Roomba! but you should definitely invest in one, it will be your new best friend.

– Sincerely a reader for years, but first time commenter (I’m obviously really passionate about the neato :) )


The indoor track because one was built near me that is amazing. Olympic grade, made in Italy, and it raises up on the turns. (google Ocean Breeze Athletic Complex – the track is a thing of beauty)

Nope, not really a cereal fan and I’m hungry in an hour or 2 (even with fruit and nuts added).

I take a whole food multi, vitamin D, fish oil, magnesium, and I also use Collagen peptides. (especially when I wanted my fascia to heal). When my stomach is off or I’ve been sick I add in probiotics. otherwise I just eat foods that have them in there.

I’m waiting for spring, this weekend was frigid and the weather people are saying snow for Sunday. Mother Nature clearly needs to calm down.


Oh man, I thought a robot vacuum would be amazing but unfortunately it wasn’t. Especially for the price. We used it for a couple of years but got tired of replacing the battery/it getting stuck under the couch/various locations. Instead we got a little cordless vacuum from Costco for $80 (!) and use that for daily maintenance of dog hair instead. Way easier and highly recommended!


I don’t take any supplements to be honest. I try and get everything I need from what I eat. My Parents have a large trampoline that my lil sis uses a lot. I used to go on it a lot when I was younger (and still do cause its fun and a great workout)


I would love to know how often you take the probiotic. I have been getting the yogurt/probiotic drink and it has helped me overcome my egg intolerance that I used to have.
I also take 2000IU of vitamin D a day – I know that’s not a supplement, but I was deficient and it was really messing with my mood.
I would rather run a marathon on a track (a softer one) than on the treadmill.


HEY GIRL!!! PS I am just so so excited for you! I used to take one every day and now I take them usually every other day. Good to know you found out what you needed to help with the deficiency! xoxox hope you are doing well today and feeling great!


I can talk about supplements all day long. It’s one of my favorite subjects. First of all I think it’s best to get most of your nutrition through your food. Supplements are supposed to “supplement” your diet. That being said, my daily morning supplement regimen includes: turmeric for inflammation, super primose to regulate my hormones, a large dose of vitamin C to prevent colds and flu, and unfair advantage by Bulletproof for cognitive function. I like to use NUUN for electrolytes. It took me a long time to get used to the taste but I love it now. I follow up my runs with a shake that has protein powder and L-glutamine. I’d love to add collagen to my regimen for joints but my hair and nails grow so crazy fast that I worry about that. I am going to order beta-alanine and sport legs right now! Thanks for the recommendations.


Thank you Diana… you are so right. We should get most of everything from our diets in the first place. Loved hearing about the different things that you take! Thank you! I’ve thought about trying out NUUN for a while now. Let me know how those two things work out for you!


I take MSM for my joints. I recently started taking probiotics and prebiotics (apple cider vinegar) for IBS issues. I hoping it kicks in soon! I also take hair and nail stuff because apparently stress make my hair fall out.

My hubby fell this morning while running and while it shouldn’t have been funny, he had the perfect tuck and roll going on!

Definitely a marathon on a treadmill! I’ve done 20 miles once. I’m pretty sure running on a track would kill my IT band.


OHHHH Let me know how the prebiotics work for you. Interesting. Oh I am glad that he fell so gracefully… I need to learn how to do that! Oh that is so true about the track and our IT bands… I couldn’t do it either! Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday Marissa!


Just a warning about the Roomba, I had a friend who had two that would go off during the day while they were at work. One day the dog got sick before they got home and the Roomba spread it ALL OVER THE HOUSE! Every bit of carpet was covered in dog poo! She threw both away right when she got home.


OMG, that is horrible!


OH MY GOODNESS. I cannot even imagine!! AHHHHHHH thank you for the warning Amanda!


I would take the indoor track over a treadmill. I can do about a 10K on the treadmill but man it gets boring on there. I would run OUTSIDE over inside any day tho, except if its too cold (I am a wimp when it comes to that, lol).

Tuesday Tangent – I do crossfit and got diagnosed last week with mild Rhabdo :( Started 2 days after my last crossfit workout – I couldn’t straighten my arms, then my biceps were swollen and so tight in both arms. Turns out my creatine levels came in at 12,000 and they are supposed to be under 173 (170 something). Not cool. Since then my levels have come down to 1,048 but that is still high. So no cf for a couple weeks…..boo to that. At least I can still run!!! It is will all be good on Saturday when we go to Disney World! Woo hoo!


Oh NO!!! Peggi, that is awful!! Please keep me updated on how you are doing and I am so glad that you get to run still… ENJOY DISNEY WORLD!!!


Right now I just notice I am lacking strength in my arms. Tried to carry 3 bags from the grocery store (they were not even heavy) back to my car and by the time I got there my arms were aching. Its going to take some time to get that back I think. I just need to be super careful at cf when I start back. Just love reading your blog daily, I look forward to it. You really need to come run a race in Texas sometime…..I know its humid but I am here, lol!!!


Oh that is so hard Peggi!!! Wish I could have helped you carry in those bags. Thank you so much and I need to get down to Texas ASAP!


Roomba, Seriously worth.every.cent.!
We have two 75 lb Goldendoodles, (they do shed!), and a cat, this is a necessity at our house.
I thought they were kind of a lazy persons item until my husband brought one home. I honestly think it is my favorite appliance/item we own.


Oh I bet the Roomba is so perfect for your house…. and 2 goldendoodles (I want a goldendoodle so bad)! I think we need one now. THANK YOU Barbara for letting me know!


I completely agree with you! Buying a Roomba was such a great investment for us, especially with 2 dogs running around. It is amazing what that thing picks up, even when it runs daily! They aren’t cheap, but you will seriously never sweep/swiffer again, and always have great looking floors!


Get the robot vacuum! I got a cheaper one in Amazon (it’s called iLife). Omg, I have a very small apartment and a cat, this thing is a life changer!!!! Best stuff ever!! I even got one that also mops, it’s heaven :)


I LOVE LOVE LOVE watching people like your brother in law who can perform such “easy looking” tricks. Are any those his little ones following in his shoes with that talent??


Oh that view!!!!! Do you ever get tired of it?? When we were in CO I was in utter amazement EVERYDAY and talked about it all the time!!!! Anyway that is besides the point. . . I would rather run on the treadmill with Netflix! I am actually a lover of the treadmill and clock many, many miles on that thing! Best time to start Brooke with swimming lessons:-)
I love standard process supplements. Does your Chiro sell them?? We order those for our patients and love them!
I do as much natural as possible so some of my to-go-to’s:
1. Elderberry
2.Essential Oils
3. Pure, organic honey


No supplements for me. So, that’s what I love about them, not having to remember to take them = ) I used to take them years ago…..but didn’t notice a difference really. I do feel good after I eat some chocolate….or a doughnut after a long hard run.

I would not run a marathon on a track or on a treadmill. I run year round, outside. Sometimes it’s a sufferfest (I live in Maine), but I always feel stronger when I am done. So I choose option C – none of the above.

Utah looks gorgeous. I would love to visit someday to run!


I take magnesium daily, sometimes a B vitamin if I remember and vitamin D in the winter. I get probiotics from sauerkraut and kefir :)

I’d choose the treadmill!


I eat a plant based diet…so I do need to supplement to make sure I’m getting all the nutrients I need.
It take Vit C, omega 3s, calcium with D, b12, iron, and a probiotic pill (align) daily.
I also use Nuun for electrolyte replacement. I have been using it since 2005 while training for my first marathon and it works for me…actually quells my nausea (I have an extremely sensitive stomach). And so many floors to choose from!

I cannot recommend probiotics enough!!! They have changed my digestive health immensely. Besides one Align pill daily, I drink them in drinks like Kevita (LOVE), and try to eat kimchi or other vegan friendly fermented foods daily.

If I had to choose….I would definitely run a marathon on a track. Boring, yes….but I need to feel like I’m actually moving!!!

Happy Tuesday!


Hey Janae,

You were featured in this article and I thought it was so cool! Thought I’d give oh a heads up!

PS. I love your blog, everything about it! You’re so open and give such a good perspective about a lot of things, ESPECIALLY running!! I love that your blog exudes positivity. Honestly I enjoy reading your blog before I head out for a run because it just puts me in a good mood, and motivates me… so, Thank you!



HAHAHAHAHA your brother is AMAZING! I love the waffle! LOVE IT SO MUCH.


Hello! I take Advocare products for all of my supplement needs. They have a great pro biotic! The have a wellness line, performance line and weight management line. Awesome awesome company and great products!


Hi Janae! Have people already sent you this? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/best-instagram-accounts-runners_us_58b8618ce4b02a4e8ddb2e26 You’re definitely an inspiring runner to follow on Instagram ;) thanks for keeping the positivity and running inspiration alive for all of us :)


I teach swimming lessons and two days ago was literally thinking, “I wonder when Brooke will start taking swimming lessons.” So funny how that happens!

Would definitely rather run a marathon on an indoor track. Hands down! The treadmill drives me so crazy, even with Netflix!


I’m currently on the hunt for a new shake recipe. I actually really enjoy Shakeology, it’s just so expensive! I’m not affiliated with Beachbody in any way and don’t use any of the workouts, but I love how the shakes taste. On a recent shopping trip I found a few single packs to try, so fingers crossed. Other than that I take a multi-vitamin and a vitamin D every night.

My random Tuesday Tangents consist of:

How to best plan a mermaid party for a 5 year old.
How to setup a budget and project plan for a kitchen renovation.
Figuring out how I ran out of eggs by Wednesday…

I’m coming back from a pretty significant injury, so the thought of ever running a marathon is pretty far-fetched right now; however, in a perfect world it would 100% be on a treadmill in that scenario.


If given the choice between death, an indoor track marathon, or a treadmill-with-Netflix marathon…treadmill marathon wins. Given any other choice, neither the indoor track nor treadmill marathon would happen. ;) :)
I often dreamed of a Roomba (or other brand variation) when we had our very hairy lab but never got one. Then my 17 yr old sent me this story: http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/getting-a-roomba-for-the-holidays-learn-from-this-familys-poopocalypse-238933 I would still get one but I think I would giggle and shudder every night when I turned it on.


OMG your bro-in-law’s dessert creation is everything. *hands in air heart eye emojis* i’ll hire him to come and make me something epic come Easter (when sugar is BACK).
treadmill marathon for sure.


Treadmill with Netflix. Netflix makes everything better. We also use the collagen peptides! They also make little individual sizes packets for travel or work which I love. We use Ancient Nutrition Bone Broth Powder because not only is it protein but it’s supposed to be good for your gut.


I don’t know how on earth would I survive any of my running sessions if I wasn’t taking Magnesium. And I tried many till I found the one that suites me and kills all my muscle cramps.
It’s this one http://www.ausnaturalcare.com.au/health/life-style/vitamins/which-magnesium-is-best and it says here it’s natural-base so I thought that was a plus.
Is this Collagen something you are recommending? I’m debating about starting to use it but don’t know which one to try.

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