Family Night, if you need a laugh and YOUR running accomplishments!

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!  I hope your weekend starts ASAP!  I’m going to get in a run first thing (sometimes I can’t remember what it was like way back when to not start my day with a run) and then we shall see where the day takes us.

Let’s chat for a bit about yesterday!

Just curling a few of pieces of Brooks hair while she ate some pistachios:)  We didn’t have much time so snacking and her hair had to be combined.

My family did a few family pictures yesterday.  Besides at weddings… it has been quite some time since our last family photo.  I think I was 10 in the picture below.

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THANK YOU to the amazing Lindsey for doing these, her photos always make me so happy.

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She even brought me an apple fritter.  She is the best of the best.

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Brooke was caught red handed eating snow.

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I changed into sweatpants when I got home and then the kids and I were off to do a few errands.  One of them being Target, our happy place.

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Walked by these and you already know my feelings about Oreos…. I can’t imagine this flavor being super delicious but I could be wrong.  Has anyone tried them?

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Pretty happy about the fact that it feels like it is getting darker later on in the day!!!

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While we were out the sweetest police officer made Knox’s day by stopping to say hello to him and he gave him a badge.  Knox was pretty shy during the experience but it was all he could talk about the rest of the day.

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ANDREW FOUND SOME SWEET POTATOES in our cupboard and so our S.P. drought was finally over.  Baked slices in the oven and added some cheese, chicken, guac and tomatoes.  Corn on the cob on the side.  My ideal meal right here:

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Our family night for the week (we do this every Thursday… lesson, activity, treat) involved playing a new game, Candy Land.  For the lesson we just talked about how to be a good friend.

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The Yonana machine was a success.  We put in frozen bananas and other frozen fruit that we had in the freezer and the kids both loved it.

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I hope you get in a great run this Friday.  Friday is usually when my motivation is lowest but for some reason I’m really craving a good run right about now.

PS my brother showed this to me and I couldn’t stop laughing… I hope you enjoy it too (the last one is my favorite):


If you have a running accomplishment you want to share then please send them on into me—>  [email protected]


Madeline!!!  “On Saturday, I ran in the Greenville Health System Half Marathon.  I tend to start out flying out of excitement and my third mile was 6:54 (fast for me), I was able to level out and run a strong race on a beautiful course with a finishing time of 1:33:01 (7:06 average)!  This was a three minute PR to the half marathon I ran in November and shockingly I placed 2nd in my 20-24 age group of 79 runners and 23rd/746 overall females!  I was shocked and so thrilled!”

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Bridget!!! “My mom will be running her 12th consecutive Boston Marathon this year and on this occasion will be representing Team in Training for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  She has set a goal to raise $15,000 for this amazing cause- which helps to fund cures, research, and ensure access to treatment for blood cancer patients.  My mom is an oncologist, and an avid marathoner, so both of these pursuits are fueled by her passion.  She is always training for another race- has run downs of marathons, half marathons, and smaller races, and is such an inspiring doctor, woman, mother, and one of my best friends.

I was hoping that for those who wish to, they will consider joining me in helping my mom raise these vital funds through a donation at the link HERE!!!!  Thank you in advance for your generous support!”

My mom and I before our first half marathon together


What are your feelings on Peeps?  What about the combination with Oreos?

Favorite section at Target?

What are you most looking forward to this weekend?

Who has a mom that runs or has been a runner in the past?

-I specifically remember my mom and I hanging out while she ran on the treadmill when I was a little girl and we would watch The Price is Right together.

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Sounds like it will be a great weekend for you Janae. I like peeps but they are just puffed sugar. I’m not going to go out of my way to eat them but if they are there, I’ll enjoy them. Ha, if that even makes sense.

My weekend will be spent working. Living the running speciality store dream. ;)


omg…that video is so hilarious! Thanks for cheering me up today!

I hate peeps, but my husband’s favorite foods are peeps and oreos so I have to get him those. All the special flavors always end up tasting the same to me..just really sugary and sweet. I just stick with the original :)

Happy Friday!


My favorite section at Target is the home goods section! I love all of the white marble, rose gold and natural wood looking items they’ve been stocking recently. Sometimes I try to find alternatives cheaper elsewhere but it’s still such a great spot for ideas. It’s like a Pinterest board come to life! :D

I am looking forward to running this weekend because the temps are going to dip down into the low 70s! It’s been brutally hot lately. Last night I finished my run around 7pm and it was still 81 degrees and 77% humidity!


I like oreos, but will not try that flavor……….ugh!
Target…………..I love everything about it (sigh)………………..
And I have a half marathon Sunday! Getting excited!!


GOOD LUCK ON SUNDAY!!! I want to hear all about it:) Enjoy the celebration of your training!




Not sure about Peeps Oreos. I hate Peeps, but that’s because of the texture, not the taste. I’m not really sure what they taste like because I never get that far. Even thinking about biting one right now makes me gag a little.

No run for me today! My girls are off from school, which means I had to pack my runs into the first half of the week–including my long run. My legs feel super heavy today, but at least I have three days to recover!


Peeps: NO. I don’t understand some of the new Oreo combinations, but I guess we all have our own tastes.

It’s really difficult to pick just one section I love at Target. I love the clothes, of course, and you can’t go wrong in the candy/other foods section. You can also find some gems in the Dollar Spot. I really just love pretty much every section of the entire store. I’m looking forward to a Target trip this weekend (I have gift cards!!), eating froyo, and spending time with my niece. :)


My mom bought me those peep oreos. They are ok tasting but they make your tongue BRIGHT pink for the rest of the day. My kids thought that was the best part of the cookies!


REALLY?!? Okay, that is crazy! I am sure Brooke and Knox would love them then!!!


I love peeps and I love Oreos but I don’t think I’m ready to experience them combined.
My mom never got a drivers license so we walked everywhere. She never ran but taking me on a 10 mile hike was a normal day.


My run this weekend will be cold! Yesterday morning I ran in short sleeves and capris. Saturday morning will be 8 with windchill of -5. I do my runs Sundays but it still is obky supposed to be 10 but not as windy. I really hope I don’t have to do it on the treadmill :(


WHAT?!?! A windchill of -5… that sounds miserable! Good luck and I am hoping the weather gets better for your 10 miler!


I have LOVED most of the oreo flavors… but I won’t be going near the peeps one!

My mom runs! Last year I got her to do her first half marathon :-)


Okay, that is AWESOME MEESH!!! Your mom is amazing for doing her first half! I hope you have a beautiful weekend!


Ewww to peeps and I used to love double stuffed Oreos but now I don’t really like the taste of Oreos. (They taste fake to me).

I ran on the treadmill yesterday’ wind gusts were 45 miles an hour and tree branches were coming down. I prefer to not get hit by them. :)

My mom was an avid exerciser and we took epic walks, she never ran though. I think she had to when she played softball and refused to afterwards.

I like the new workout clothes at Target, their brand of chocolate granola, and some of them carry Naturebox snacks. So how do I end up spending crazy amounts when I go there?


45 mph winds?!? Yeah, there is no way I would ever go out in that! I need to try their chocolate granola… that sounds amazing. Target does have so many cute workout clothes! I hope you have a fabulous weekend Nina!


How sweet of that police officer to stop for Knox!

I only like peeps if they are a little stale and I only like original oreos. So, I’m thinking I would strongly dislike these haha.

Is it possible to pick a favorite section at Target? I really think it’s not. At least for me. Right now I stop and look at the bathing suits every time I go in there, then I go through the dollar section for fun little things for my Sunday School girls, then I go to the shoes, then the books, then the office supplies (maybe my favorite?), then the random kitchen trinkets, I look at the nail polish…it’s a problem.

This weekend I am most looking forward to going to visit my friend and her new baby. :)


My mom runs.
Last year I ran a half marathon with her as she wanted a pacer. A treasured memory.


I seriously love that you get to run with your mom… a half marathon together, seriously so amazing. Erica, I hope you three have a perfect weekend and still crossing my fingers about Utah!


Hi! I saw you said you guys had a sweet potato drought! They have plenty at Days Market.
This weekend I’m heading up to a cabin at Sundance with our YW overnight to plan girls camp. How spoiled are we to have Sundance right up the street? Have a great weekend. :)


THANK YOU SARAH!!!! We are going to have to go to Days Market today to stock up, thank you for letting me know. Enjoy your time in Sundance!!! Seriously, such an amazing place that is so close to us!


How can I name 1 favorite section from Target?! I love the dollar spot so we’ll say that’s my favorite for now. I lost my brother to leukemia as a kid so yay for raising money for research.


Meagan, I know this must have been a while ago but I am SO incredibly sorry about what you and your family have gone through with losing your brother to leukemia. I hope you have a beautiful weekend and a trip to Target soon!


peeps. just no.

My mom runs! Mostly on their trails in the back yard (yes, they are super lucky on live on a ton of land, which is great for running). Whenever I go home to visit, I make sure to get out with her for a few miles. I love the time we get to share while running together.


I have seen those oreos everywhere but have not trie them. Not a peeps fan but they are probably good. Favorite Target section is the food section (peanut butter Isle to be more exact)


I love peeps — and now immediately need peeps and oreos… for science…

Makeup section at Target! By far my fav!

This weekend a group of us are doing a Dinner – Escape Room – Donuts – Beer extravaganza! :D


Like mother like daughter!! That must be such a sweet memory. My mom does not run but she cooks heavenly, which is completely awesome too <3. I got my running bug from my Dad.

Btw I love your gray dress!

My favorite sections at Target are the home decor and makeup (could spend hours just looking at that stuff).


I saw that video earlier in the week and LOVE it! I work with junior volunteers (12-17 year olds) in my museum over the summer and I’m totally having them do this for an ice breaker during orientation. :)


I don’t love Peeps, but I don’t hate them. I wouldn’t choose to buy them to eat them, but if I’m given one I might eat it. It does not sound good with Oreos, but I’d try it. This weekend we are judging a robotics competition, going to Chicago for a friend’s birthday, and I have an event at our gym–I am a personal trainer and during this event we are letting all of the clients make workouts for the trainers. :-o It might be rough, but I’m sure it will be fun. :)


I watched that video and some of the jokes were so cheesy they made me laugh. I don’t think I would have lasted very long.


I hate Peeps but love marshmallows. My sister bought those Oreos and they were DISGUSTING. I only ate one bite and I love cookies


There’s an article out there about people having issues with the Peeps Oreos turning their tongues and poo pink! I don’t like Peeps, so I’m not interested, but you might want to keep that in mind if you decide to try them.


NOOOOOO WAY!!! That is scary!!!!!!! I bet the kids would love the pink tongues though ha;)


Peeps gross me out and I can’t even imagine them in Oreo form.
Believe it or not, I rarely go to Target (maybe once a year).
My mom was a hurdler and she used to coach track!
I’m glad you found some sweet potaters, IDK what I would do without them!


We have fun with Peeps during the summer over the bonfire….they really puff and then melt from the sugar…but kind of tasty in the s’more.

I was at Target yesterday and actually couldn’t remember the last time I was there…kind of funny since I use to go so often. Then I heard they are going to go through a huge makeover (again?) because they have been losing money big time…especially in the food department. I can agree….I think the quality of their produce compared to their prices has dropped significantly. I tend to go to Sam’s for more things especially in the produce/dairy departments.


The peep oreos are very disappointing….the filling has toooo much of a dye taste!!


i love the clothes and random household items at target! I’m looking forward to resting up, drinking gatorade, watching netflix, and hopefully being all healed up by Monday! My mom is adamantly against running, haha, but my dad and I have tried very hard in the past to get her to join us.


My mom ran when we were little (she would take us out with her) and she still runs now! I want to be like her when I grow up ;) I am looking forward to our first stroller run together with the little munchkin!

Hope you have a great weekend Janae!


Hate peeps, love Oreos, and I feel extremely distressed about the combination of the two together. Especially because it took the place of the peanut butter oreos at my Target, which almost caused me to have a meltdown during my last grocery run.

Favorite section of target –> the home decor section. Most of my living room would look pretty familiar to an avid Target shopper.

Most excited for trying SKIING THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!!! I’m SO excited and have all my fingers and toes crossed that I don’t hurt myself during this endeavor. I’ve only been once before (when I was in middle school) and I did not enjoy myself. So long as I can stay injury-free I’m thinking this time will be different!


My mom was never a runner, but my Dad was and I remember going on my very first runs with him. Specifically,I remember him trying to teach me how to breathe regularly so I’d stop getting side stitches… Good memories :)


I LOVE that your first runs were with your dad, best memories ever! Have an awesome weekend Christina!


Peeps are gross (but cute!!!) so as an Oreo?! Nooo

My mom and I have been running together for three decades! It’s been fun going through the various stages together-she was a masters competitor in our state so usually my babysitter on race day was either the finish line area or the race itself (she plopped me in my first 10k when I was 10). Then we were equal speed as I got to be a teenager and collegiate. After my 4th baby she asked me to help her BQ so I did my first stand alone marathon with a 7 month old. She BQ’d. My brother paced one of our training partners so it was a family affair! Portland Marathon is amazing, btw. My mom is 73 and runs about 5 days a week. How sweet is that !!i. I’ll have to find a photo and show you sometime.

Target! We go every other summer when we visit the states. Highlight.


THREE DECADES of running together with your mom, that is amazing! First 10k at ten, wow! Thank you for sharing about you and your mom… you guys are inspiring to me. 73 and still out there running. I would LOVE to see a picture! Enjoy your weekend!


The peep Oreos are amazing!! I do not like peeps but I could not stop eating the peep Oreos. My husband and daughter told me I needed to make sure they never run out. So far besides the chocolate cream with vanilla cookie Oreo these are my favorite.


I used to hate peeps but like everything else that reversed when I was pregnant with my third kid. I can’t wait to try these! I also plan on making rice krispy treats with peeps rather than regular marshmallows. I’m really excited about that.


The Peeps oreos are AMAZING! They have little crystals in the creme part like the outside of a peep. I love regular oreos, too, but the peeps ones taste nothing like them.


I used to love Peeps when I was a kid and through college (my roommate and I loved to let them get stale before eating!). But as an adult I don’t really like them. I really only like Oreos in the classic double stuff version!

My mom definitely wasn’t a runner. My only memory of her exercising was when she would go to jazzercise and we would sit on the floor and play. And then when I was older we did Sweatin’ to the Oldies video tapes at home! Hahahaha.

There’s not much of a highlight to my weekend because I work both saturday and sunday night (I’m a night shift ER nurse). But I’ll run tomorrow morning before I take my nap and I’m excited because it’s my first weekend increase-the-mileage run of the official “training cycle” for a 100 mile relay in May. I’m ready to get to work! I’m also excited because with this “cold front” our high temp tomorrow is only 73 instead of the 80’s that we had all last week (Florida)!


Watch out for the peeps oreos! Apparently they turn your tongue pink!


Peeps and Oreos? I don’t know about that… I think I’m a traditionalist when it comes to Oreos. Thanks for the Saturday morning laugh – I loved the NFL jokes video!

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