The “WOULD YOU RATHER” game, some tacos, cod and peanut chicken and do you remember?

Happy Wednesday!  It’s the beginning of a new month (and one of the best months in my opinion… I’m going to be turning 31 and it is also my first birthday ever with Andrew).  I’ve got my first race of the year this month.  I’m going to be sharing with you some delicious meals along with some of our dinner table conversation that we have with the kids.  I need to hear your answers to their questions!  This post is sponsored by Blue Apron and I’ve got an awesome deal for you today towards the end of the post!

The first question that the kids asked when they saw the refrigerated box at the front door was if the box contained presents for them… I replied, “nope, this is a box of deliciousness for me and dad but we will share;)”

Blue Apron allows you to make some delicious recipes at home.  They deliver ALL of the farm-fresh ingredients right to your doorstep in all of the right proportions.  PS Blue Apron also now offers an awesome recycling program that you can read about here!  They are also developing a sustainable food system that you can read about here!


The first meal that we tried was the Beef Tacos & Radish Salsa with Spicy Sweet Potato Wedges.

No trips to the grocery store for ingredients makes me very excited… especially while it is 2 degrees outside.


If sweet potatoes are included in a meal, you know I’m going to be a happy human and trying a spicy version was amazing.


The heat from the serrano pepper on the sweet potatoes was so good (along with some lime juice and a bit of sugar and melted cheese). The tacos were perfect and I loved the créme fraîche that we put on each tortilla along with the beef and radish salsa.  So good.


For our second meal from Blue Apron we made Orange & Mirin-Glazed Cod with Warm Barley & Broccoli Salad.   Each meal comes with all of the nutritional information. When I saw 38 grams of protein and 18 grams of fiber per serving I was pretty excited about that.


For those of you that read my blog 5 years ago, do you remember how I ate broccoli at pretty much every meal?  Well, I don’t eat it nearly as much as I used to but I still love the green stuff.


And the beautiful finished product.  Blue Apron offers two types of plans, the 2-Person Plan and Family Plan.  Andrew and I switch off between the two but lately we’ve been getting the 2-Person Plan and either eat it after the kids go to bed (and call it a date) or just make them something quick to eat with us at the table.  All of the meals from Blue Apron can be prepared in 40 minutes or less which is perfect for us.

I LOVED every component of this meal but especially the cara cara orange sweetness with the different bites.  Add that to some barley, broccoli, cod and almonds = heaven.


The third and final meal that I made was the West African Peanut Chicken with Sautéed Kale & Rice.  I get excited if my favorite brand of peanut butter is included (yay Wild Friends)!


Just adding some delicious coconut milk to a peanut butter mixture that went on the chicken…


Sneaking in on one of the plates of food while I was taking a picture of the other one:)


Andrew was pretty happy to finish up painting and come right out to a delicious meal hot and ready last Saturday night.  Blue Apron has SO many different recipes and they are always adding new dishes to their menu each week.  I have tried so many different recipes and types of foods through them over the last 1.5+ years of eating Blue Apron meals.  You can check out all of their recipes HERE!  They get me out of that rut I get into way too often:)  Also, this was my first time eating kale and loving it;)

DSC02190 ****DISCOUNT OFFER!!!!!!*****  The first 25 readers will get three free meals on their first Blue Apron order!  GO HERE!!!!!!!  There is no commitment- you can skip or cancel at any time… try it out and let me know what you think! DSC02191

Now for a round of WOULD YOU RATHER.  Andrew and I have played this game randomly while on road trips in the past.  After a few times the kids picked up on this game and now they love playing it while we are eating dinner together.


I think Beretta enjoys joining in on the game too.


I have 10 would you rather questions and I’d love for you to answer any of them if you would like to!

*Would you rather feel like you are always tired or always feel like you slept WAY too much?

*Would you rather eat ONLY sweet foods for the rest of your life or ONLY savory foods for the rest of your life?

*Would you rather run without a sports bra or without shoes?

*Would you rather only eat soggy cereal or crunchy cereal?

*Would you rather be an Olympian for the marathon or for shorter distances at the track?

* “Would you rather eat a whole jar of peanut butter or a whole jar of Nutella?“ -This one and the two below are from Andrew.

* “Would you rather run outside when it is really cold or really hot?”

* “Would you rather be able to fly or breathe under water?” This is one that Andrew and I debate often because he would choose to breathe under water and I would love to be able to fly… maybe that is why I try to run fast;)

* “Would you rather eat cupcakes with pink sprinkles or donuts with purple sprinkles? “ -This one is from Brooke

* “Would you rather be a police officer or a banker?“ -This one is from Knox

Answer away… I cannot wait to hear your responses ( I’ll read your responses to the kid’s questions to them:)!

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Donuts with purple sprinkles!
A banker!
Run in the cold!
Eat sweet foods forever!
Crunchy cereal!


I would love to eat a whole jar to nutella – but I do that most Saturday’s anyway, I just love the stuff!!

I’d also prefer to fly – it would be amazing to cut traffic and be able to see everyone from below – plus it would be the cheapest way to travel the world!

I’d prefer to eat savory foods for the rest of my life – there’s no way I could give up pizza!


I tried the blue apron link and it was only a discount? Not free meals. I have been toying this but we are currently eating our way through my freezer meals. If it was free I was going to give it a try, think I will hold out until that last freezer meal!! How long does the meal prep take?


HEY CARRIE!! So you should be getting three free meals with your first order (6 meals is what comes in an order for the 2 person plan)!! The meal prep usually takes us about 30 minutes and we have had a few meals take about 40 minutes though too! Let me know if you try it out and have a fabulous rest of your week!


I would rather be able to fly than breathe under water–I don’t like to have my hair wet that often.

To answer Brooke’s question, I would rather eat donuts with purple sprinkles. And for Knox, I think I would rather be a police officer so that I could help more people as often as possible. :)


I just told them your answers and they were pretty happy about it:) Thanks Natalie and I’m with you on the flying thing too!


Answering the ones I remember without scrolling up ;)

*Pink sprinkles!!!! I also prefer cupcakes to donuts so it is a double win!
*Police officer because I want to help and protect people and you can be outside more.
*Peanut butter over Nutella for sure
*Crunchy cereal for the win (although I do sometimes like soggy cereal, crunchy wins in this game)
*Marathon for Olympian although it would be fun to be able to run short and fast! (not my specialty….)
*Run in Cold rather than hot. I don’t do heat well. At all. Summer is challenging for me running wise. Even though I’m cold a lot, I’d still choose this over high heat!!
*Breathing under water or flying is a toughie. I’d love to be able to fly and see things but I am a fish and would love to be able to just swim and play under water. I’m going neutral on this one today. Flying makes more sense though because you could get somewhere faster.


Cupcakes with pink sprinkles!
Police officer!
Sorry, their questions are the best ones. ;-)

Your family is seriously the cutest. I’m so happy for you!


HAHAH their questions are by far the best:) Thank you Mollie and I hope you are having a fantastic day!


Slept way too much, sweet foods, shoes, crunchy, shorter distances, NUTELLA, really cold, fly, cupcakes, police officer.


Oh, that’s funny. I love to answer “Would you rather…” questions. So here we go:
* I’d rather feel like I am always tired – thus it’s always ok to stay in bed / go to bed early …
* I’d definately rather eat ONLY savory foods, as I am in love with cheese (an adequate dessert imho)
* run without a sports bra (unfortunately I do not really need one)
* crunchy cereals are THE BEST
* I hate running track sessions, so the answer is clear: marathon!
* I am German, so there is no doubt about my love for Nutella!! Even a whole jar is not enough ;)
* I love to run in shorts an singlet, feeling the wind and sun on my skin. Therefore I’d rather run when it’s really hot
* I am with you, Janae: I’d rather fly. With this skill you are able to go nearly everywhere (and just imagine all the beautiful views from up above)
* as I tend to eat a donut within a second or two I’d choose the cupcake – and pink is a beautiful color as well, so two points for the cupcakes with pink sprinkles
* I love to work with numbers and statistics, so I guess I’d rather be a banker

(and I will definitely try the West African Chicken recipe… kale is my very favorite vegetable for quite some time now, so this sounds just delicious – and the pictures of your prepared meal look really good!!)


I used your code a while back to get Blue Apron and I LOVE IT. We had the same 3 meals this week, except they forgot my pepper to spice up my sweet potatoes. Oh wells.

*Would you rather feel like you are always tired or always feel like you slept WAY too much? I feel like I’m already tired, so way to much sleep sounds awesome right now.
*Would you rather eat ONLY sweet foods for the rest of your life or ONLY savory foods for the rest of your life? Definitely savory.
*Would you rather run without a sports bra or without shoes? No shoes for sure
*Would you rather only eat soggy cereal or crunchy cereal? Crunchy
*Would you rather be an Olympian for the marathon or for shorter distances at the track? Track for 5 and 10k
* “Would you rather eat a whole jar of peanut butter or a whole jar of Nutella?“ Peanut butter
* “Would you rather run outside when it is really cold or really hot?” Oh, I’ve done hot, so I’ll try cold
* “Would you rather be able to fly or breathe under water?” Well, I’m a mermaid, so breathing underwater would help
* “Would you rather eat cupcakes with pink sprinkles or donuts with purple sprinkles? “ Donuts!!
* “Would you rather be a police officer or a banker?“ I’d rather be both AND a scientist


Oh that makes me so happy Amanda… glad you loved these meals, they were so good. BOOO about the pepper though! LOVED your answers and Andrew is happy to hear form another person wanting to be able to breathe under water! HAHA thank you for adding scientist to Knox’s question… YOU hit the jackpot for him!


“Would you rather eat cupcakes with pink sprinkles or donuts with purple sprinkles?”

Donuts with purple sprinkles!not a huge fan of cupcakes.


Donuts with purple sprinkles!
Savory foods forever
Olympian in the marathon (I’d also try to be bffs with Shalane and Amy)
Definitely be able to fly
I’d rather be a police officer
Rather run without shoes
Eat a whole jar of peanut butter though the thought of doing either makes me feel sick!
Cold running forever! I can’t stand the heat and humidity!


*slept WAY too much (I’m in the “always exhausted” category now, so it would be a nice change)
*ONLY savory foods
*without a sports bra (I don’t have much to keep in place)
*crunchy cereal
*shorter distances – done quicker
* peanut butter – I think I’m the only person on the planet who doesn’t like Nutella
*run outside when it is really cold (or not at all…)
* able to fly – because I travel so much and hate driving.
*PINK sprinkles!
* Banker – more money, less risk!

That was fun! :)


I would love to be able to fly.
I would love to be a Marathon running Olympian
NO SPRINKLES ever…….no thank you! ;-)

Now in all seriousness….I can’t believe you have never tried KALE before??? What’s up with that?? ha! I love KALE and go on spurts of eating it all the time and then I need to take a break…..


Awesome! Would love the Blue Apron offer, if it’s free :) Thanks Janae!


HEY!!! I hope the offer works great for you… the first 3 meals is free and each order comes with 6 meals (unless you are doing the family plan). Let me know what you think!


This is so cute and fun, I just love you and your family!

Always tired (I already am anyway :-) )
Only savory
Without a sports bra (not much to fill a sports bra over here!)
Crunchy cereal
Marathon olympian
NUTELLA (I honestly probably could eat an entire jar! It’s that good!)
Really cold
Donuts with purple sprinkles (Brooke is adorable and I love donuts!)
Police officer (I always thought it would be such an exciting career and very honorable!)


Love would you rather!

*slept way too much


*sports bra

*crunchy (in fact I’m eating dry cereal as I type this!! I never add milk)

*hmmm this is tough..i guess marathoner (in sprinting there’s such little room for fall or have a bad start and you’re out!)


* depends what you consider really cold/hot. I would rather run in below 0 than over 100, but anything under 80 i would rather it be hot.

* fly for sure

* donuts! good question brooke :)

* I work at a bank (in digital technology) so I would stick with that and say banker. good question knox !


*Would you rather feel like you are always tired or always feel like you slept WAY too much? I went through a time of always feeling tired and was diagnosed with sleep apnea. So my answer is “feel like you slept WAY too much”.
*Would you rather eat ONLY sweet foods for the rest of your life or ONLY savory foods for the rest of your life? Definitely savory foods. I’m not much of a sweets eater.
*Would you rather run without a sports bra or without shoes? Without shoes on the beach!
*Would you rather only eat soggy cereal or crunchy cereal? Crunchy!
*Would you rather be an Olympian for the marathon or for shorter distances at the track? I wouldn’t be good at either, but if I could I’d go with marathon (never ran one!)
* “Would you rather eat a whole jar of peanut butter or a whole jar of Nutella?“ -This one and the two below are from Andrew. Peanut butter.
* “Would you rather run outside when it is really cold or really hot?” Cold as long as it’s not windy. Hot if it IS windy. :-)
* “Would you rather be able to fly or breathe under water?” This is one that Andrew and I debate often because he would choose to breathe under water and I would love to be able to fly… maybe that is why I try to run fast;) Totally fly!
* “Would you rather eat cupcakes with pink sprinkles or donuts with purple sprinkles? “ -This one is from Brooke
Cupcakes with pink sprinkles.
* “Would you rather be a police officer or a banker?“ -This one is from Knox
I like money … banker!
That was fun!

My turn … would you rather fly a kite or build a sand castle? > for the kiddos.


I LOVED your answers to the questions and send your sweets on over to me. You rocked it with your answer to without shoes or a sports bra… on the beach without shoes sounds great to me and a great solution:)

The kid’s responses to your question:

Brooke: “Fly a kite and fly with it”
Knox: “Build a sand castle with you”

Thanks for the questions!


peanut butter! I don’t like Nutella.


*Would you rather feel like you are always tired or always feel like you slept WAY too much?
-Always tired (groggy me is a sad thing to witness)
*Would you rather eat ONLY sweet foods for the rest of your life or ONLY savory foods for the rest of your life?
-Only sweet!
*Would you rather run without a sports bra or without shoes?
-Without shoes, because at least some guy wrote some book about how this may be a good idea sorta!
*Would you rather only eat soggy cereal or crunchy cereal?
-I like my cereal soggy anyway :)
*Would you rather be an Olympian for the marathon or for shorter distances at the track?
-Olympian for the marathon- I get to see a new country/city while being in immense pain!
* “Would you rather eat a whole jar of peanut butter or a whole jar of Nutella?“ -This one and the two below are from Andrew.
-Peanut butter, all day er day
* “Would you rather run outside when it is really cold or really hot?”
-Really cold
* “Would you rather be able to fly or breathe under water?” This is one that Andrew and I debate often because he would choose to breathe under water and I would love to be able to fly… maybe that is why I try to run fast;)
-Fly- I like birds, a lot. I used to rehab wildlife as a volunteer job and the birds were the best.
* “Would you rather eat cupcakes with pink sprinkles or donuts with purple sprinkles? “ -This one is from Brooke
-Cupcakes with PINK sprinkles (I also, only eat the sprinkles and the frosting- and I am 23! You aren’t alone!)
* “Would you rather be a police officer or a banker?“ -This one is from Knox
Police officer because then I can have a K9 sidekick. She would be a girl and I would name here Nanna and we would never ever give parking tickets :)


*I rather feel like I slept too much.
*I’d rather eat only savory foods, but not having sweets would break my heart.
*I’d rather run without a sports bra definitely. The benefits of being a small size is that you don’t really need that much support.
*Crunchy Cereal FTW!
*I love long distances but I guess I’d rather compete at the track for shorter distances because I used to do that in elementary school.
*Nutella for me, but I don’t think I’d be able to finish it.
* Definitely I’d rather run in colder weathers.
* I would love to fly!!!!!
* Cupcakes with pink sprinkles for me! can’t resist any type of cake. PS Brooke is so adorable.
* I’d rather be a banker:) Knox is so adorable too!


I oddly haven’t had broccoli in awhile. Now I’m craving it!

Anyways, I think I would honestly rather be an Olympian for short distances. I’ve come to love shorter distances. I wish the 13.1 was an Olympic Event though!


I already feel like I’m always tired, so business as usual!
Savory foods (although I do like sweet)
Run without shoes, it’s the less painful option
Crunchy cereal since I usually eat cereal dry if I have it
Peanut butter, nutella is too sweet
Run in the cold
I’d like to fly, especially with our traffic situations here!
Cupcakes with pink sprinkles, all the way
I would rather be a Police Officer and I like Kaytlin’s thought on having a K9 partner.


Oh I love that you included the kid’s would you rathers… too cute.

*I’d rather feel like a slept WAY too much.

*Savory foods for sure!

*Sports bra… I don’t have much to keep in place lol.

*Crunchy cereal.

*The marathon. I’ve never been great at sprinting.

*A whole jar of Jiff SMOOTH peanut butter =)

*Hmmm… maybe really hot? As long as I have lots of water!

*I’d rather be able to fly!

*Cupcakes with pink sprinkles because I love PINK!

*A banker because that is what I do!


These are fun questions! I would rather: feel like I slept a little too much, savory foods, run without a sports bra (tender feet, have to have shoes……… lots of gross stuff on the ground), crunchy cereal, Olympic marathon runner, peanut butter (but i think eating a whole jar of either would make me queasy), I don’t mind running in the heat at all…….I don’t like the cold!, I would rather breathe underwater, I would prefer a donut with purple sprinkles, and I would choose banker…………..don’t think I am brave enough to be a cop.


Sleep WAY too much – Even though my youngest is almost 8, I remember sleep deprivation!

Sweet or Savory? Very hard! My mom didn’t allow us any snacks with salt growing up so I crave them now, but toll house chocolate chip cookies and coffee ice cream are my favorite sweet food, so I really can’t decide

Shoes – I used to be able to run without a bra in high school – not anymore after having kids! I used to never, ever wear shoes if I didn’t have to.

Crunchy cereal – I rarely put milk on my cereal – soggy cereal grosses me out

Short distances – while I love 5Ks and 10Ks and the occasional 1/2 marathons, if I had to race I’d do race

Nutella – love, love, love it!

Run outside in cold – My body does not like running in the heat

I have more dreams about being able to breathe under water, but I think I would rather fly.

Cupcakes over donuts – sorry!

Banker, because I am a wuss


I’m with you.. I don’t think I could ever run sports braless ever again! I’ll forgive you on the donuts thing and Knox is excited to hear that you would want to be a banker too! Thanks Jessie and I hope you have a fantastic rest of your day (and I can’t decide my answer to the sweet or savory question either).


Marathoner, fly, without a sports bra, too much sleep, and a police officer! (I actually got into the program for our city police here (not RCMP) when I got pregnant with Callum!)


No way Suzy… you never cease to amaze me. So cool!


Savory, without shoes, crunchy cereal, track, nutella, cold, fly, cupcake, police officer. Love the questions!


Always feel like I slept WAY too much
Only savory foods
Without shoes
Crunchy cereal
Olympian for the marathon
A whole jar of peanut butter
Run when it’s really hot
Definitely donuts with sprinkles!!!
Banker (Thanks Brooke and Knox for these! I love this game!!!)


*Would you rather run without a sports bra or without shoes?
– I guess I would rather run without a bra? But, you best believe I would actually just run funny and hold my boobs the whole time. So, not sure that really counts.

*Would you rather only eat soggy cereal or crunchy cereal?
– CRUNCHY, for sure.

*Would you rather be an Olympian for the marathon or for shorter distances at the track?
– Definitely shorter distances, I’ve always wanted to be a wicked fast sprinter.

* “Would you rather eat a whole jar of peanut butter or a whole jar of Nutella?“
– Whole jar of PB for sure, bonus points if it’s crunchy, but really, I would much rather eat a whole jar of COOKIE BUTTER!

* “Would you rather run outside when it is really cold or really hot?”
– Cold? I really have no idea. I hate being super sweaty when it’s freezing cold, which I feel like is inevitable, but I run much better in the cold than the heat.

* “Would you rather be able to fly or breathe under water?”
– I think I would rather fly? I just feel like it would come in handy more often…but breathing underwater is a skill I would love to have.

* “Would you rather eat cupcakes with pink sprinkles or donuts with purple sprinkles? “ -This one is from Brooke
– DONUT, 100%.

* “Would you rather be a police officer or a banker?“ -This one is from Knox
– My husband is a police officer. There are a lot of crazy hours – and he usually only knows his schedule a month out. He doesn’t always get a chance to eat lunch or dinner when he’s on the job either. There are a lot of scary things out there, he definitely gets to help make the world a better place, but it’s a hard job. BUT, he said he knew his whole life it was what he was meant to do. When you know, you know. So, I think I would pick banking. I like eating lunch, and most banks close at like 5PM. So I could come home and eat dinner.


*Slept way too much!

*ONLY savory foods

*Ugh…winter would suck, but definitely no shoes!! The girls need support!!!

*Crunch…not all cereals are palatable soggy! lol

*I’d be an Olympian at anything if I could…but, although am a long distance runner for sure, I think I wish I could dominate the track!

* Is there even a decision to be made here?? NUTELLA ALL THE WAY!!!!

* REALLY HOT (WHY do I live in Canada??? lol)

* Fly!

* Donuts with purple sprinkles!

* Hmmm…a police officer…I think it would be more interesting!


*Would you rather feel like you are always tired or always feel like you slept WAY too much? Tired

*Would you rather eat ONLY sweet foods for the rest of your life or ONLY savory foods for the rest of your life? Savory!!

*Would you rather run without a sports bra or without shoes? Sports bra, I guess. But, I would rather not imagine that ;)

*Would you rather only eat soggy cereal or crunchy cereal? Crunchy!

*Would you rather be an Olympian for the marathon or for shorter distances at the track? Marathon!

* “Would you rather eat a whole jar of peanut butter or a whole jar of Nutella?“ -This one and the two below are from Andrew. Peanut butter, for sure!

* “Would you rather run outside when it is really cold or really hot?” Really hot, even though that is so hard. I love jumping into a pool post long, hot run.

* “Would you rather be able to fly or breathe under water?” This is one that Andrew and I debate often because he would choose to breathe under water and I would love to be able to fly… maybe that is why I try to run fast;) ooh, breathe under water would be so cool! #mermaid

* “Would you rather eat cupcakes with pink sprinkles or donuts with purple sprinkles? “ -This one is from Brooke Donuts with purple sprinkles!!

* “Would you rather be a police officer or a banker?“ -This one is from Knox I would rather be a banker. I’m too much of a chicken to be a police officer. ;)


Cupcakes with pink sprinkles!

I’d love to be a police officer with a german shephard dog partner.

NUTELLA, I love it!

Breathe under water

Olympic marathoner!


Cool, I didn’t know Blue Apron gives out its recipes. I would never use the service because I have time to grocery shop so and cook, so it’s totally not worth the $$ to me. But everyone raves about how good the meals are, so I am going to try some recipes.

Why don’t you feed your Blue Apron meals to the kids though?? Too expensive or they don’t like the food??


Hey Bobbie!!! Check out their recipes, let me know when you try one out too and what you think! Knox is currently a very picky eater… we are working on that but I think it might just take some time… so he rarely eats any of the Blue Apron meals. Brooke is the opposite of picky eater lately so she always likes to try things. So, when we have Knox for the week we are doing Blue Apron we usually just have the kids eat their own dinner and Andrew and I eat blue apron as a date later on. For the weeks that we don’t have Knox for the majority of our Blue Apron meals we order the family plan so that Brooke has it with us and then we have a leftover meal (or a midnight meal in our case sometimes too haha). Sorry for the world’s longest explanation ha!


Shorter distances
Peanut butter
Definitely cupcakes with pink sprinkles! :)
Banker – they have great hours and good holidays! ;)


•always be tired
• eat savory
• no shoes!!
• eat crunchy
• run track/shorter distances
• eat a whole jar of peanut butter
• I prefer no extremes. I just can’t even. Maybe hot
• definitely breathe under water.
• cupcake with pink sprinkles
•police officer!


Always tired – oh wait, that is how I already am.
Sweet – how is that even a question?
No shoes – I don’t even need a bra. Sad, but true.
Crunchy. Soggy makes me gag.
Shorter – I know it shouldn’t matter, but sprinters have the best physique (IMO)
PB. Been there. Done that.
Cold. You can always layer. I can only take off so much.
Fly. I have dreams where I fly every now and again.
Donuts trump cupcakes.

So fun!


Hi Janae, Andrew , Brookie and Knox!
I loved your questions and they really got me thinking.
So… I would rather only eat crunchy cereal, run without shoes, always feel tired and eat a whole jar of pb. I can’t bring myself to choose between sweet and savory food. I just love food in General!
I would prefer running when it’s really cold because I could always add more clothes (but I have never run in the snow so maybe after doing so I’ll need to rethink my answer).
I would love to be able to fly!!!!
The sprinkles question is the hardest because I love both colors so much but I would go with the donut.
Regarding Knox’s question I would choose to be a police officer. I imagine it would be a very exciting and important job. Besides that I have already worked in a bank so i would take the opportunity to do something different.
Have a great day!


I just told Knox that you already worked in a bank so you would choose to be a police officer and he thinks you are really cool now! Come try running in the snow with me, it would be so much fun! You are so right about always being able to add more clothes (and hand warmers)… I would choose the cold too! Thanks so much Patricia and enjoy the rest of your day!


Always tired–I live that way now
No sports bra =)
Crunchy–we grew up with no milk in our cereal. It’s okay, really
Shorter distances–I could do more races
Peanut butter–Adams
Really cold
I had to really think on this one. Even though I love love love water–fly
Cupcakes. Thanks Brooke
Banker–Thanks Knox


I have 10 would you rather questions and I’d love for you to answer any of them if you would like to!

*Would you rather feel like you are always tired or always feel like you slept WAY too much? -> Slept WAY too much!

*Would you rather eat ONLY sweet foods for the rest of your life or ONLY savory foods for the rest of your life? -> SWEET ;)

*Would you rather run without a sports bra or without shoes?
Without shoes -> I did this on the treadmill before when I had a monster blister ;)
*Would you rather only eat soggy cereal or crunchy cereal?
–> crunchy cereal
*Would you rather be an Olympian for the marathon or for shorter distances at the track?
–> Shorter distances, mostly because I am not fast and it would be cool to be
* “Would you rather eat a whole jar of peanut butter or a whole jar of Nutella?“ -This one and the two below are from Andrew.
–> Peanut Butter – love.
* “Would you rather run outside when it is really cold or really hot?”
–> really hot, definitely. Cannot function in the cold.
* “Would you rather be able to fly or breathe under water?” This is one that Andrew and I debate often because he would choose to breathe under water and I would love to be able to fly… maybe that is why I try to run fast;)
–> FLY
* “Would you rather eat cupcakes with pink sprinkles or donuts with purple sprinkles? “ -This one is from Brooke
–> Cupcake with pink sprinkles, definitely :)
* “Would you rather be a police officer or a banker?“ -This one is from Knox
Police Officer! (Criminal Justice degree)


without shoes!
crunchy cereal
Olympic marathoner
Really cold
Donuts with purple :)
Police officer
And I HAVE to tell you my 5 year old son’s favorite (we have 2 girls and then a boy and life sure is different with a boy in the mix – as I’m sure you are learning!!!) “Would you rather burp fire or fart lightening???”


These are fun questions!

-Slept too much (mostly because I have no idea what this even feels like?! lol)

-Savory for sure! I’d get burnt out on too much sweetness.

-Without shoes for sure, I’m blessed in the chest area, and I think I’d die.

-Crunchy cereal :) Soggy makes me feel ill even thinking about it!

-Marathon for sure!

-PEANUT BUTTER! I’m fairly certain I have an addiction….

-Really cold, because you can always add smart layers!

-Fly, I could avoid traffic always ;)

-Cupcakes, because I’m not a big donut person!

-I’d say police officer! Not really sure why?


*Would you rather feel like you are always tired or always feel like you slept WAY too much?
Always tired, because I feel too sick when I’ve slept too much!

*Would you rather eat ONLY sweet foods for the rest of your life or ONLY savory foods for the rest of your life?
Only savory, which would be hard but again would probably not be very healthy or feel my best if only sweets.

*Would you rather run without a sports bra or without shoes?
Without shoes. All i can say is ouch.

*Would you rather only eat soggy cereal or crunchy cereal?

*Would you rather be an Olympian for the marathon or for shorter distances at the track?
Track, I wish I could run FAST

* “Would you rather eat a whole jar of peanut butter or a whole jar of Nutella?“ -This one and the two below are from Andrew.

* “Would you rather run outside when it is really cold or really hot?”
Really hot! Living in Az helps ;)

* “Would you rather be able to fly or breathe under water?” This is one that Andrew and I debate often because he would choose to breathe under water and I would love to be able to fly… maybe that is why I try to run fast;)
Fly! But why isn’t being invisible an option?

* “Would you rather eat cupcakes with pink sprinkles or donuts with purple sprinkles? “ -This one is from Brooke
Donuts with purple sprinkles! Hi Brooke!

* “Would you rather be a police officer or a banker?“ -This one is from Knox
Banker by day and police officer by night, hi Knox!


*Would you rather only eat soggy cereal or crunchy cereal? Crunchy!

* “Would you rather eat a whole jar of peanut butter or a whole jar of Nutella?“ I can’t even buy Nutella because I WILL eat the whole jar!

* “Would you rather run outside when it is really cold or really hot?” Cold, please!

* “Would you rather eat cupcakes with pink sprinkles or donuts with purple sprinkles? “ Donuts with purple sprinkles!

* “Would you rather be a police officer or a banker?“ Banker!


*Would you rather feel like you are always tired or always feel like you slept WAY too much?
-To me those two produce the same feeling….so neither!
*Would you rather eat ONLY sweet foods for the rest of your life or ONLY savory foods for the rest of your life?
-Absolutely savory. Pretty much how I eat now!
*Would you rather run without a sports bra or without shoes?
-If I could choose WHERE I was running (hello beach!), I would say without shoes
*Would you rather only eat soggy cereal or crunchy cereal?
*Would you rather be an Olympian for the marathon or for shorter distances at the track?
-Olympian for the marathon
* “Would you rather eat a whole jar of peanut butter or a whole jar of Nutella?“ -This one and the two below are from Andrew.
-again I am going to be difficult and say almond butter.
* “Would you rather run outside when it is really cold or really hot?”
-Really cold
* “Would you rather be able to fly or breathe under water?” This is one that Andrew and I debate often because he would choose to breathe under water and I would love to be able to fly… maybe that is why I try to run fast;)
Breathe underwater. I live on Oahu and would love to follow my sea life friends out further.
* “Would you rather eat cupcakes with pink sprinkles or donuts with purple sprinkles? “ -This one is from Brooke
-Cupcakes with PINK sprinkles
* “Would you rather be a police officer or a banker?“ -This one is from Knox
Banker-love numbers and also feel this is a great profession to help others provide for their families.


Like I slept too much.


No bra, my feet are sensitive ;)

Crunchy cereal!


PB. For some reason, I don’t like Nutella. I know, strange because I love chocolate and I love hazelnut but not together.

My cold is like in the 30s but that’s way better than the 100s!


Cupcakes with pink sprinkles!

A banker is much safer ;)


I initially thought the title was a would you rather, and I was like, “definitely tacos! Peanut butter and fish sounds weird.” But the cod looks delicious!

Feel like I slept WAY too much – being tired is the worst.
Sweet or savory is such a hard choice. Probably savory because in the end, that’s more satisfying even if I’ll miss sweet like crazy.
I’d rather run without shoes
Only crunchy cereal – soggy is unacceptable.
Olympian for shorter distances at the track
Whole jar of peanut butter
Run outside when it is really hot – I hate the cold
Breathe under water – this one is tough, but I love to be in the water
Donuts with purple sprinkles – donuts forever
A banker – much safer and better pay


*breathe underwater
*savoury for sure!
*tough call, but I’d rather run without shoes
*cupcake with sprinkles
*banker…no policeman…no banker…..that’s a tough one!
*can I say in-between weather?!
*peanut butter!
Cool game! February is a great month (my birthday is also this month) ?


So much fun!
Slept too much
Without shoes
Short distances
Peanut butter! I am one of those weird people who do not like Nutella.
Really cold! I live in AZ, so really hot here is fatal.
Breathe underwater and adapt to changing pressures…flying would be awesome, but I there is so much of the ocean that has not been explored.
Cupcakes with pink!
Police officer


*Would you rather feel like you are always tired or always feel like you slept WAY too much?
Always feel like I slept too much – this never happens by the way

*Would you rather eat ONLY sweet foods for the rest of your life or ONLY savory foods for the rest of your life?
Only Savory foods……I do like my sweets but if it was for the rest of my life then I would have to do savory

*Would you rather run without a sports bra or without shoes?
Without shoes

*Would you rather only eat soggy cereal or crunchy cereal?
Crunchy cereal – I CANNOT stand soggy cereal, gross!

*Would you rather be an Olympian for the marathon or for shorter distances at the track?
Olympian for the marathon, since I like the longer distances and would love to just fly like the wind (Just like Janae :P)

* “Would you rather eat a whole jar of peanut butter or a whole jar of Nutella?“ -This one and the two below are from Andrew.
Peanut Butter

* “Would you rather run outside when it is really cold or really hot?”
Really Hot…..I am from Texas, what can I say :)

* “Would you rather be able to fly or breathe under water?” This is one that Andrew and I debate often because he would choose to breathe under water and I would love to be able to fly… maybe that is why I try to run fast;)
Fly – both would be cool to do but man I could go and see so much if I could fly……also it would make my commute
from work so much quicker!

* “Would you rather eat cupcakes with pink sprinkles or donuts with purple sprinkles? “ -This one is from Brooke
Brooke, that is a really hard question, I love cupcakes and donuts how can I pick??? If I would have to pick I think
donuts with purple sprinkles :) I love the color purple and purple sprinkles would make a donut 100 times better too!

* “Would you rather be a police officer or a banker?“ -This one is from Knox
Definitely a police office…..I think a banker would be boring. Being a policy officer and helping people would be worth
it but it would scare me because of all the horrible things you hear happening to police officers these days.


Definitely the cupcakes!

I got the same week of blue apron! I loved the tacos but definitely wished there was more than two in a portion :-) They were delicious!


AHHH I love hearing when others get the same meals! The tacos were soooo good! I wouldn’t have hated three tacos either now that I think about that (I’ll write them and let them know).


I registered for Blue Apron using your last discount and I think they have great meals! It is a luxury, so I use it sparingly and when most needed :) Love the questions:
– would rather sleep way too much
-eat only savory foods
-run with no sports bra
-eat crunchy cereal
-be an Olympian for shorter distances
-Nutella ALL day
-run outside when really cold – really hot is SO HARD!
-it’s a tie between flying and breathing under water
-definitely would rather have cupcakes with pink sprinkles
-definitely a banker
If you’ve never eaten kale before, you HAVE to make this salad! I don’t eat kale any other way; it is THE BEST and you’ll just eat and eat and eat it. I usually double the ingredients because a “bunch” of kale ends up being quite a lot. I use the entire “bunch” however it’s packaged at the grocery store. I like more of wet salad versus a dry one. If you make it multiple times, you’ll figure out the best combo for you :)


Pine nuts, raisins, parmesan… ummmm yes please! I have to make this salad. THANK YOU for sharing it with me Sarah and I’ll tell Knox you chose banker and Brooke that you want the cupcake with pink sprinkles:) Have a fabulous day Sarah!


I just realized that Andrew is wearing PANTS in yesterday’s post!?!?! Was it really cold enough for him?

WHAT!?!?! :)

Good thing you got a pic for proof!


HAHAHA I think winter has finally broken him. He is wearing pants today too… probably because he had a doctor’s appointment and didn’t want the doctor to think he was crazy:) I hope you are having a wonderful day Michelle!


I would have no problem eating only sweet foods forever and ever, amen.
I’m a soggy cereal eater, with few exceptions.
I already have to deal with running in intense heat several months out of the year, so I’ll take that over cold.
Flying > breathing underwater (the sea is scary anyway)
Cupcakes with pink sprinkles > donuts with purple sprinkles, FOR SURE
And being a banker sounds more appealing to me. I’m not brave enough to join the police. I’m sure Knox is, though!

Unrelated: Does anyone have any secrets for preventing IT band pain? I don’t think I’m quite at the point of being able to call my pain ITBS, but my left band was definitely bothering me today (and RIGHT after my shin splints went away, of course).


Cupcakes with pink sprinkles

A Banker


Run outside when it’s really cold

Be able to breathe under water

Savory foods

Crunchy cereal



*Sleep way too much!

*Eat only savory foods

*No shoes!

*Crunchy cereal all the way.

*Prob shorter distances


*Really hot. My body does not do well in the cold

*I’d say fly, but that is a tough one!

*Donuts with purple sprinkles:)

*A banker:)


I would rather run without shoes…. that would hurt less! Lol
I would rather eat the savory… and I think my stomach would thank me for it

Fun questions!


Banker! Too scary being a police officer … although I guess a bank robber could come into your bank. I would rather eat a cupcake with pink sprinkles. Cause that’s my daughter’s favourite colour and I LOVE cupcakes!


*Would you rather feel like you are always tired or always feel like you slept WAY too much? – Aren’t they the same? When I sleep too much it makes me soo tired and lazy ! I’d rather be tired than oversleep though

*Would you rather eat ONLY sweet foods for the rest of your life or ONLY savory foods for the rest of your life? – only sweet foods!!

*Would you rather run without a sports bra or without shoes? – without shoes! i’ve got a disproportionately large chest :(

*Would you rather only eat soggy cereal or crunchy cereal? — crunchy only

*Would you rather be an Olympian for the marathon or for shorter distances at the track? — marathon woot woot !

* “Would you rather eat a whole jar of peanut butter or a whole jar of Nutella?“ – great question Andrew… I’m gunna say Nutella, because I’ve never done that before! I’ve eaten an entire jar of peanut butter before (how did I not die?)

* “Would you rather run outside when it is really cold or really hot?” — really cold – you can always bundle up

* “Would you rather be able to fly or breathe under water?” — flyyyy !

* “Would you rather eat cupcakes with pink sprinkles or donuts with purple sprinkles? “ -Brooke, important question, I’m gunna go with the donuts with purple sprinkles.

* “Would you rather be a police officer or a banker?“ – Knox, I think I would rather be a police officer. I don’t like staying inside in offices all day so I wouldn’t want to be inside a bank all day long.


New reader and love your blog! Just curious (and nosy ?) if this is the first birthday you’re spending with Andrew, how long did y’all date before getting engaged?


HEY KATIE!!! Oh you aren’t being nosy… I’m the one that shares our whole life on the internet! This will be my first bday ever with Andrew:) We met on April 26th and got married on July 8th. Fastest dating to engaged to married ever but we just knew that it was right and so we wanted to get our family together and started asap! Thank you for commenting and keep me updated with how you are doing!


donuts with purple sprinkles
police officer
broccoli with whole wheat pasta, no sauce no oil just a dusting of parmesan cheese….delicious
and those leggings of yours !

The last two lines are just a spur of the moment :)

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