Silentish Saturday w/a long run.

Day #4:

Yep, not going to adjust to that time change thing but that’s okay.

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10 miles to start the morning @ 8:38 average.  Humidity owns me.

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So do the views.

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Great post-run goodness.

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Back to the beach.

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Grabbed the kayak and Knox helped paddle for a bit.

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Brooke loved the ride.

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Flat Island.

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Spent the rest of the day at the house (the kid’s needed a little less beach time/more rest yesterday).

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Tomato soup/grilled cheese for dinner and this for dessert.

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Just a few more days and we will be home!

PS I don’t know how I will function without an avocado tree in the back once we get home.

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I need updates! I feel like we haven’t talked for ages!

Three things that you are doing today?!

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I would love an avocado tree! 3 things: a lunchtime run, teacher day at work (which means lots of people here, like 5,000, no joke), and pet sitting tonight. Enjoy Hawaii!


What an amazing vacation! Enjoy! Hubs and I are hoping to take the kids to Myrtle Beach this summer for our big family vacation.

Today I am in a fantastic mood because I just finished a 12 day stretch of working! On the agenda is a run with baby, a visit to my sister0in-law’s house, and probably studying for my board exam.


It looks like you guys are having such a fun time. I’m glad the vacation is everything you wanted.

I’m currently bunkering down in the south as there is a huge storm blowing through with tornado warnings! Maybe I’ll make it to the treadmill but only time will tell I guess.


Today is the Women’s March on Washington, and I really, really want to go. But I don’t think it’s the best idea to bring my daughters (my four year old is a bolter and I don’t want to lose her), so I’ll just be hanging with my kids today and avoiding downtown.


FUNSIES! Get some local eats while you’re there!<3

Three things today:
-GOING TO EATALY (look it up, it's SO awesome)
-Celebrating my birthday.:)


I am so jealous of your avocado tree situation! I need one! Today I’m going for a run, going on a double date, and baking something new :) xo have a great rest of your trip!


Ran 12 hilly miles with a friend, cleaning the entire house for when my husband comes home tomorrow (yay!), babysitting our friends kiddos so they can get out on a date night (three under three!), oh, and lots of eating of course. Because, recovery.


PRODUCTIVE DAY Katelin… way to go on your hilly run! I hope all of the eating was delicious and three kids under three.. you are a champ!


This trip looks amazing. Loving your beach fun pic’s ! But now we are getting jealous and have been looking up places for our next vacation. lol It’s going to be beachy, that’s for certain. I’m going to: get my kid ready for a slumber birthday party she’s going to tonight, I will be working, working and more working, but hoping to work in a short run later just because I need it, even a little one. PS – you can tell your sister she’s to blame for my pain today. I tried that arm move on stability and my ab’s are killing me today. I also thought I was hee-woman and have never used a medicine ball before, so didn’t figure 120 squats with an 8 lb ball would be a big deal. YEP, first time making my way around a gym. haha Ouch ! Finding out I’m a weakling.


Welcome back Janae:) we missed you although I did enjoy your guest’s posts.

I seriously need to go to Hawaii soon.

Three things I’m doing today: Running, eating, going to the mall. Sounds like a normal Saturday lol!


I would love an avocado tree in my backyard!! Today it is going to be 60 in Indiana! 60 in January! I am going to take advantage of that amazing weather and go on a bike ride in addition to my run for the day. Plus I’ll probably take the doggie somewhere where she can run free. :)


Is that chocolate/haupia (coconut) pie??? One of my favorites!! Where did you get that sandwich? Honolulu has Subway but no other delis.

3 things today – 7 mile run, breakfast and now a bunch of errands when I really just want to stay home in my PJs.


KATHY!!! YES, it was that type of pie… so beyond amazing. Can we just never leave this place? The sandwich was from Timmy’s and WAY good. You have to try it. Sounds like a great day Kathy!


Time changes can be brutal! When I went to Japan last year, I feel like we never properly adjusted in the whole 2 weeks we were away. Enjoy your last few days of vacation!


Oh that is ROUGH! I feel your pain a little bit:) Thank you Lisa and I hope your weekend is going great!


what kind of pie is that?!?!? I am a pie LOVER and it looks like french silk and now that is all I want to eat for the rest of the day haha. three things on the agenda are: 11 mile long run, foam rolling, and eating pie. in that order. two out of three done, let’s finish strong ;)


HEY Steph! It is a chocolate and coconut pie from Ted’s bakery… it is beyond good! GREAT job on your long run today and I hope your pie was amazing!


Going to my boyfriend’s daughter’s swim meet later. Also doing some freelance work and I hope we will do a nice family dinner tonight.


I want an avocado tree and a beach right now! :) We got another 9 inches in herriman overnight so my 3 things for today are:
1. 5 treadmill miles with Call the Midwife on Netflix (crying and running don’t mix very well but I just love that show!
2. City Creek playplace with friends for socialization for us and the kids :)
3. In-laws flying in tonight for a visit!


Looks amazing out there! So glad you all are having fun!
1) ran 12 miles this morning (longest distance postpartum)
2) going on our monthly date tonight with my husband while my parents watch the baby
3) already ate all the leftover pizza from last night (love cold pizza)


CONGRATS on your 12 miles today, THAT IS AWESOME!! Enjoy your date tonight with your husband! I hope it was perfect!


Hawaii looks just as beautiful as I hoped it would be. I can’t wait to go someday!

Three things going on today- my first stroller run with the little man and the hubby, a fourth month check up for Benaiah, and some serious relaxing!


three things I’m doing today: running, working on report cards, envying HRG! Enjoy!!!!


Girl — how gorgeous were those views!?? I’m so jelly jelly jealous!!

Three things for today — first a workout, the lots of coffee, and a seafood dinner date with hubby!!!


Three things:
Started the morning with a great run
Costco: they had great samples today and they finally sell Kombucha in bulk
Now resting the rest of the day while its pouring rain outside!!



OK, that very first pic of you guys, with Andrew’s arms around you is so beautiful…frame it!

That is all…. love Jade


Amazing pics! So glad you’re having a blast.

Today I did 10 miles too! First 8 @ 8:13 and fast finish – last 2 @ 7:03. But I was on a treadmill, you’re my hero for running in humidity

Now I plan to buy all the things at trader joes and relax at home tonight! Xoxo


So beautiful!!

Run and breakfast with the girlfriends, errands with the hubs, and dinner and vacation planning with the family!


I love following your adventures!!!
My 3 things.
1) I’m supposed to be doing my school work. I’m not. I’ll regret it tomorrow.
2) I want to move to Arizona (trying to make it happen…we’ll see) so I’ve been driving around the town I like on Google Maps. I know where Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, Target, and the library are. What more do you need??? :-P OH!! I also saw there was a Kneaders nearby and thanks to you posting amazing pics I must go there. Lol
3.) I grew up in Michigan and mostly raised my 2 daughters there (they are 19 & 23 now). We moved to South Carolina 4 years ago but out of the 3 of us only my oldest daughter has ever actually been to the ocean and that was in Florida. It’s only about 4 hours away but we’ve yet to make the trip.


AHHH I think I know of exactly where you are talking about in Arizona and they have a CAFE RIO in that area too! MOVE THERE!!! Keep me updated:) Good luck with the school work tomorrow;) Thanks for your comment today Lisa!


What a great place for a family vacation! Who looks after the kids while you run? I need to think of a plan when I do vacations
Enjoy the last few days; especially the avocados


Hey!! So Andrew watches the kids while I run:) They are back at the house with all of their cousins and aunt and uncle and Andrew have a great time! Always tricky trying to figure that all out for vacations but I LOVE it when it all works out:) Thank you and I hope your weekend is a great one!


I saw a video on Facebook the other day on how to grow your own avacado tree. I couldn’t find it to show you :), but here’s a different link telling you how to do it.


Okay , that is awesome… I guess we will be doing that when we get home! Thank you Ashley!!! So cool:)


Gahhhh. The colors of the water in all your pics just make me want to go back so bad. They are unreal. I am so happy you are having such a great time together the four of you. The memories being made are priceless.

Also, 10 miles. In humidity. On vacation. #dedication


It’s not a Baron family vacation until you play Phase 10! Have you learned the Baron rules yet? So fun. Love all of the pictures but what a bummer about the jelly fish sting, poor girl. I hope you’ve enjoyed some shaved ice Hawaiian style!


Dibs on that last piece of pie!!!

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