Silentish Saturday!!!

This counts as an ice bath right?

5.75 miles with Candice and Megan D (she is running again ahhhhh)!

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Beautiful surroundings and 28 degrees doesn’t feel bad when the sun is shining (and you are wearing 4 layers).

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A day out with Brookers to let her run around somewhere indoors.

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One of my best friends came with us.

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Large salads at home.

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Not sure how I didn’t notice she was wearing two different boots on our outing.

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Not sure if Andrew or the kids tucked Beretta in.

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She made sure to eat snow afterwards.

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Date night for the week with Andrew up in SLC.

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Mazza for dinner… Mediterranean food heaven.  We had some apps with this too.

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Trader Joe’s, it has been way too long since our last visit.

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Hot chocolate on the way home of course.

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And then a stop by to pick up Brooke and see the family, Brooke’s dancing was causing that smile on him.

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Enjoy your Saturday!  Relax, run, eat good food and watch a holiday movie:)


Three things that you have going on this Saturday?

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Three things for today:
1) Chores — I always put off doing chores throughout the week and this catches up with me on the weekend! :(
2) Open Gym — gonna head to the gym to work on my dead hangs, handstands, and maybe knee ups/pull ups
3) Moana — hubby and I have been wanting to see this movie, but one thing after another has bumped it from our schedule — gonna try again today as a reward for doing my chores!


Let me know how Moana went… we want to take the kids to go see it. HAHA yep, we tend to do most of the chores on Saturday too! Sounds like a killer workout!


Three thing going on today!
1) we are going to get our tree! Oh and to answer your question about where (from a couple posts ago) it’s called Williams Tree Farm. They breed golden retriever puppies and the dogs run around everywhere, you can get a horse drawn sleigh ride out to the area where you want to cut your tree down, and they have the best selection of ornaments! It’s pretty much the North Pole ;) lol.
2) hanging out with family post tree shopping!
3) hopefully getting laundry done ;) and some good cross training in!


Oh Bethany, I hope you had a blast at Williams Tree Farm… that sounds INCREDIBLE. We might have to join you next year! Sounds like a perfect day!


Three things for today:
1) Moana with my kids
2) Christmas tree
3) Piles of laundry, oh God


Sounds like a perfect day (minus the laundry… I hope somehow it all got done magically)!


Three things: 1. Moving furniture; I messed up my hand. 2. Santa train 3. IHOP!


AHHHHH I hope your hand is okay ASAP and that the Santa train and IHOP were a blast!


Laundry, meal planning/grocery ahopping, basketball game with friends.


Laundry. Lots of cleaning. Study for the finals. And hot chocolate. Not a very exciting Saturday except for the hot chocolate.


Three things for Saturday
#1 “clean” with my kids (haha!)
#2 workout (boxing and chest + lower body calisthenics)
#3 make treats


I hope the “cleaning” was successful haha… I get that! What kind of treats did you make?


The cleaning was moderately successful. I made the lion house rolls but tweaked them by adding 1/4 c + 1 T of fake
Cocoa to the batter, using powedered sugar instead of flour to roll them out and adding ghirradelli 60% dark chocolate chips before rolling them up. I then glazed them after they finished baking. It’s like chocolate death. . We delivered most of them to friends.


^not fake cocoa dark cocoa


That sounds INCREDIBLE. I want to be your friend;) Thank you for sharing, I want to make these! Enjoy your Sunday tomorrow!! PS way to go on a moderately successful cleanup;)


Three things going on today;
1.) 11 mile run – DONE!
2.) Friendsgiving dinner at my boyfriend’s brother’s house (his wife is a nurse and worked Thanksgiving weekend so they’re celebrating this weekend)!
3.) Holiday party at my friend’s house!

Lots of running around but will lots of fun!


Okay, that is awesome that you guys had Friendsgiving tonight and that your boyfriend’s brother’s wife was able to enjoy a Thanksgiving! WAY TO GO ON your 11 miles!


Trader Joe’s is my idea of a date night too! Okay and some hot chocolate with a nice man. :) Today, I’m baking COOKIES after teaching spin then finishing homework. Last week of classes before wrapping up the year. YEAHA!


I have to ask: How are your ankles never cold?! I have to change up my socks in the winter.

Spin class \ Trader Joe’s \ Baking cookies for tonight’s party


You know, I’m not sure. I honestly don’t even think about my ankles ever being cold. When the temperatures get to the low teens then I wear tall socks but other than that I guess my ankles have zero feelings.

Sounds like the perfect day! Hope your party tonight is a great one!


Today I am working from home. Blah. I have a very busy, work week coming up (including travel) and I am not at all prepared for it. I either work on things now or I will stress out and not sleep all next week.


Seeing that snow scared me! I’m so not ready for snow :)


Every time I read one of your posts and pictures of you come up I can’t help but think holy crap, Jenae is STUNNING! You’re so gorgeous.


Wow, thank you Andrea. That is really nice of you! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!!!!!!


Your family is so adorable!

Three things for today:
1. First double digit run since Indy Marathon – whoo hoo!
2. Attending a christmas art festival
3. Baking treats for my brother undergoing grad school finals


1. Trail running (in preparation for my Ragnar trail next weekend)
2. Blog post (because it has been way too long since my last one)
3. Taking the teenager to the dentist (teeth cleaning time)


Ran two slooow miles (I’m 5 weeks post gallbladder removal so I’m slowly working my way back), a little bit of Christmas shopping and date night!


QUINCY, way to get back out there running after your surgery, you are amazing! I hope your date night tonight is a blast!


Mazza’s fries are my favorite! They’re dipping (fry) sauce is everything.


Ah! Their*


Do you use a babysitter on your weekly date nights? That’s awesome you guys do that!


I watched Elf and Home Alone this weekend!! Love Christmas movies!


Twas the bestest run ever. I am already counting down the days until it happens again.

We had friendsgiving on Saturday night. It was with my foodie friends so it was AMAZING. My friend made this smoked pork tenderloin that had this amazing rub on it and sauce over it. I’m have been dreaming about it ever since.

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