Let’s Talk About Hair (guest post from my SISTER)!!!

Let’s talk about hair.


I have had a few requests to do a hair post and both Janae and I had to laugh because by the end of this post you will probably regret having asked:)  For those of you that have great personal hygiene this post probably isn’t for you… this post is about how I’m surviving! Having warned you, let’s get started.

Let’s get the most embarrassing fact out of the way first… I wash my hair once a week.  This is something that is not very cool to admit to thousands of people, but it’s the truth.  Now for my rationalization and excuses:)  Your natural oil is good for your hair.  It saves a lot of money on shampoo and conditioner.  And the biggest reason of all, I’m exhausted and I only have energy to wash, blow dry, and style my hair once a week.  Now luckily my hair is pretty thick so by the end of the week it’s not too bad.  I also live in a very dry climate.  If humidity became a factor in my life I’m not sure what I’d do.

So I’m going to show you a week in the life of my hair.  I know probably the most boring thing attempted on social media.

Day 1:  Wash Day

This is my favorite shampoo and conditioner!  When conditioning I always try to leave it in for several minutes.  Also when rinsing out the conditioner I use cooler water to help close the hair cuticle and seal in the moisture from the conditioner.

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Next I apply this gel to my damp hair.  If you use heat on your hair it’s always a good idea to apply product to your hair that will help protect your hair from being damaged by the blow dryer, straightener, curling iron, etc.

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Picture right after blow drying.  I use a big round brush when drying my hair.  Also at the end of drying I hit my roots with heat, then flip my head over and heat the roots with the cool air function on my hair dryer.  This gives my hair a lot of volume… maybe too much volume:)

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Then I take about two inch sections of my hair and wrap it around a one inch barrel curling iron.  When wrapping my hair, I am wrapping it in the direction away from my face.  I am also only wrapping the bottom half of my hair.  See picture if I’m not making sense:)

After doing this to my whole head and wondering why in the world am I doing this;) I let my hair cool down before messing with it.  By doing this, you help set in the curls better.  Then I go through my hair with my fingers to style it and spray some hair spray.

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And Voila! (is that even a word people use besides me?)  I am done!!! I don’t have to go through that for another week!

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Day 2:  Favorite Hair Day of the Week.  Didn’t have to do anything!  Hair still looks styled.  The curls have relaxed some.

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Day 3:  Life is Still Good Day.

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Curls have relaxed even more but still looks okay.  When cutting my oldest son’s really thick and coarse hair,  I actually get hair splinters stuck in my fingers!  Sidenote:  I have learned to cut everyone’s hair in my family including my own and color my own (I figure I have saved thousands of dollars over the years)!


Days 4-7:  Bun Day

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So there you have it guys.  As embarrassing as it is, that is my hair routine.  On the upside, hopefully a lot of you leave this post feeling better about your hair hygiene;)

And to leave you today, one of my favorite videos of one of my boys!


What are your favorite hair products?

How often do you wash your hair?  

Do any of you cut your kids’ hair?

Any upcoming holiday plans that you are excited about?

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Soul sisters or is it sole hehe, I’m a once a week girl too! A trick I learned from my Swedish grandma who had thin hair like me!


Yay…..so nice to hear I’m not the only one :)



Will you share the Swedish method?



I wash my hair on Monday morning using Shampoo and Conditioner. I use Matrix Biolage but just like my Grandmother taught me, I only use the conditioner on the ends of my hair. I blow dry my hair and I usually use a few hot rollers on on the ends and I’m ready to go. The next few days I just brush and go. My Grandma taught me to rinse with cold water on the 3rd and 5th day and use a tiny bit of conditioner only on the ends. I do rinse with cold water but for the past few years I’ve been using biolage keratindose spray instead and then I blow dry and it works much better. My hair is much healthier when I use this method. If I washed it any more often it would be a mess! :)


Thank you for sharing! This is traditional knowledge with a modern twist. I can definitely try this.


I wish I could wash my hair only once a week! Sometimes I can go a few days. Do you do anything to your hair when you sleep to hold the curls?


I actually have naturally curly hair so my hair holds curls pretty well without having to do much. Sorry I wish I had a cool trick to tell you. Thanks for your comment.


Day 4-7 BUN DAY hahaha that cracked me up! :D I live in a high humidity area and it’s pretty much always hot here (yesterday the high was 85 degrees) so I have to wash my hair every other day and use a good amount of dry shampoo that second day. Sometimes I’ll go a third day (which I really shouldn’t) and I have to use a whole bottle of dry shampoo! okay just kidding but I do have to use a lot. I wonder if too much dry shampoo is bad for your scalp… but I’m too afraid to google it in case the answer is yes! :)


Same…summer usually means hair gets washed every day!


Ha! Thanks for your comment. Currently 28 degrees here….so cold!


You have SUCH great hair! I only wash my twice a week–on Thursdays and Sundays (by the way, Day 2 hair is always my best hair day, too). :) Thanks for sharing–I’ve never tried only curling the bottom half of my hair like that, but I think I need to try it out.

By the way, I definitely use the word “Voila” more often than most people probably do. :)


Thank you!


Thanks for sharing! I have curly hair and really like the Deva curl products. I wish I didn’t have to wash my hair every day though. Do you have a secret to keep it good looking after a workout?


Hi Mel,

Ever heard of cowashing? It’s washing with conditioner only. So, the hair still gets wet but there’s less product. Some curly girls need to wet their curls every day after sleeping on them!


I have naturally curly/wavy hair that I wash 1-2x/week (and mostly wear straight)—I tried a co-wash (Aveda) and my hair was soooooooooo weighed down (it was a total waste of a “wash” and I had to repeat the cycle after only a couple of days) With a co-wash should you only use it on the ends?


I’m going to have to look into the Deva curl products for when I do my hair curly. As far as workout hair I’m actually really weird and my head doesn’t sweat much. The rest of my body is really sweaty but not my head. I have no idea why. But it does make it easier on me to not have to redo my hair after working out :)


I only wash my hair twice a week. (But I shower! Every day! I just don’t wash my hair.) Usually I put coconut oil in my hair on Friday night right before bed, wrap it in a bun, and don’t touch it again until Sunday night, when I wash it. Then I usually wash it Wednesday or Thursday. I never style it, so it just sort of hangs there. I should probably do something about that.


I want to try out the coconut oil in the hair. Thanks for the tip!


Love it, no judgment here on hygiene!! My problem is that I work out daily and my hair is usually a sweaty mess. What do you do when that happens? And do you use dry shampoo?? I will occasionally spray dry shampoo on sweaty hair then blow dry, but I always feel like that’s gross…..


My name is also Anna and I ALSO want to know what you (Janae’s sister) do after a workout! Thanks!


I need to know that too.

Also, any tips for girls with fine hair (that also unfortunately tends to get oily faster because it is fine)… UGH. Worst of the worst.


I’m not Janae’s sister but my hair gets really sweaty and I only wash 1-2x/week…I usually workout in the evenings so my hair has time to “dry out”—and a combination a quick hit with the cool setting of the dryer (sometimes) plus dry shampoo in the morning keeps it from looking oily. My hair “routine”/maintenance is what keeps me from doing a super high intense workout in the morning. I can usually get away with something like barre but anything that involves heavy cardio is out because there isn’t enough product for it to recover that quickly and me still be presentable for work!


Thanks for your comment. I know it’s weird nut my hair doesn’t really get sweaty working out. The rest of my body will be dripping though. Sometimes I wonder if I have sweat glands in my scalp. I know a lot of people that do the dry shampoo after working out though.


Both you and Janae do have great hair. I’m glad you did this post, I think I’m going to have to try that conditioner. I was my hair 3-4 times a week. I know it’s not good to overly wash your hair though. By the way, you have great eyebrows Lol.


Thanks! Janae and I definitely have our mom and dad to thank for our hair :) I’m pretty sure my mom only started using conditioner a few years ago and has always had great hair. I know a lot of this is purely genetics and not anything we’re doing :)


I have really fine hair that gets greasy if I don’t wash it every day. My husband has amazing thick hair that he can easily go a week without washing and you’d never know it (I’m guessing you have that same kind of hair). I don’t think his hair has ever been greasy in his life. I know that your hair will start to produce less oil when you wash it less, but I’m not sure how to make the transition.


SAME! SAME! Everyone tells me to stop washing my hair everyday, but it’s fine and it gets oily. I don’t think I can make it through the transition. Maybe the dry shampoo could help.


Try brushing with a boar and nylon bristle brush! it hurts at first but really helps distribute the oils. You have to just tough it out for a few weeks to let your hair adjust. I did it over the summer while i was wearing my hair up a lot


Oooohhh me too. I have to wash my hair every day or get gets really limp and icky. After workouts too – big sweater – eek. I inherited this hair from my mom’s side of the family for sure! You ladies have gorgeous hair and believe me, if I could get away with once a week shampooing – what a time saver that would be.


Ya’ll need to get some dry shampoo! It’s a game changer!


I think in terms of diet, limiting sugar helps a lot. Then, it seems like leafy green vegetables help with everything! I think there was something about Swiss chard, specifically for hair….


Oh! In terms of product, no silicones and no ___ (can’t think of it). For all your products, if there is any ingredient ending in “cone”, it has silicone. Discontinue for a while and you might see an improvement. Same for the other item – it’s like avoiding hydrogenated oils. If you Google for the no poo people, there’s a lot of information about the cones, et al. It’s doable, but not usually from the grocery store.


Thanks for sharing all of those great tips!


OMG, that video > adorable!!!!! Just wish they could stay that happy all of the time! :) Pure joy!
Thanks for the hair care info. It’s always fun/interesting/educational to see what other people do. I try to wash my hair only a few times a week. I usually end up flat ironing my hair, so if I’m going to spend the time to do it, it’s an “investment” that lasts several days (with maybe a ponytail day thrown in for day 3 or 4!). My hair is naturally wavy/curly, so if I make it straight, I can wake up the next day and do practically nothing to it, but in “curly mode” it requires some sort of care to make it look presentable on day 2. I’m all about doing nothing, so it gets straightened!
I do cut my family members hair, but I have not tried highlighting my own yet. I really want to… maybe after seeing this I’ll get the courage up to do it. Yours looks great!!


That video is one of my favorites. Each time he discovers something new he is so happy! Thanks for your comment :)


You have great hair! I use the same shampoo and conditioner and love it! I only wash my hair twice a week, it is a little bit more humid in Texas. During the summer it is more due to swimming and looking like I went swimming after my runs. I cut my sons and husbands hair and have cut my girls hair once but usually my sister will do it…she is a hair stylist.
Our church is doing Parents Night Out tomorrow night so we get a free date night! Looking forward to new traditions with the family this Christmas!


Have fun at you free date night!


You two sisters look so much alike! Lucky girls – you are both beautiful. I wish I could only wash my hair once a week – but embarrassingly, it gets SO SO sweaty when I run. Like so wet. SO…I feel like I have to rinse it at least. Do you ever struggle with that? Thanks for sharing!!


Reading these comments have made me realize that I’m super weird :) My hair doesn’t really get sweaty. I’m so sorry that I don’t really have any tips for you. Sorry! A lot of people are commenting about dry shampoo though.


I have super curly hair so I condition daily but shampoo only once a week. Most of the time I toss some leave in conditioner in my hair and let it air dry but if I want my curls to look better I use gel or glaze and curl my hair around my finger one section st a time around the crown. Time consuming which is why only done for times that I care. Lol. I


Ha! Thanks for your comment.


Too bad I live in a humid place (hello, Chicago) or else I would totally do that-no shame!
Good tip about applying gel to your hair before applying heat, I should remember that since I’ve dyed my hair about a billion times and it is more damaged than Lorlei’s relationship with her mother (yes, that was. GIlmore reference…I’ll stop now)


HaHa! Thanks for your Gilmore reference :)


You have beautiful hair. I appreciate the curling iron advice because I just started using one again after many years. I am never sure which way to turn it–so thank you! I cut everyone’s hair in my family. I think I have saved so much money this way. I have blah colored dark blond hair so I do get highlights…I would love it if you did a post about how you color your own hair. I have tried to do mine before with a cap and the results were NOT good.


It really is such a good way to save money if your family is willing :)


I’m pretty basic with the products I use in my hair. Drugstore shampoo and conditioner will do the job for me. I normally wash my hair every 3-4 days. I wish I could extend that longer but my running routine wont help me. And, I don’t have any kids yet, but I do cut my own hair and I think I’ve saved a lot of money over the years by doing so.

My Dad and siblings are coming to visit this Monday and they’re staying for the rest of the month. I’m really excited about that:)


Yay for family coming to visit. Have fun!


Trust me, if I could get away with washing my hair once a week, I would. Unfortunately I have fine, limp hair and live in a humid area of the country.

Thanks for walking us through your hair week. Your hair is so beautiful and it looks good every day. :)

Your little boy is THE CUTEST! Seriously…that smile is amazing.


Thanks for your comment. I was hesitant to write this post because I know that genetically I have been blessed with good hair. It definitely isn’t something that I have done. So whatever works best for your hair type is what you should be doing. Have a great day!


Same here!! Same here!! Haha

My hair is so dry that washing it anymore makes it look even worse!! Thanks for sharing :). I should try curling my hair and not saturating it with hairspray. I usually leave it straight.

Quick question, what about if you worked out and had to put your hair up or got a bit sweaty. Do you restyle a bit or just have a few extra bun days?


Sometimes I do restyle if I have something to go to that a messy bun might not be appropriate :) But most of the time I have no shame in a few more bun days.


I wash my hair almost everyday mostly because it is not thick and I sweat a ton of salty oily sweat. And I rock a bun a lot too!

I would love to hear more about weight training from you! Right now I do the Erin stern program on bodybuilding.com I have added a few things in from the built by science program. I’m interested in what methods/programs you have used and your experience with them. I tried Jamie Easons but found it lacking and incomplete.


Wow! You for sure have a lot more knowledge than I do…. but I will for sure write a post about what I’m doing strength training wise


I have flat hair to begin with, so unfortunately things like curling don’t work for me (day 1/2, those curls are gone gone gone!). How do you deal with sweating, needing to put up hair to work out etc? hairtie lines would def mean having to re-do hair for me!


I feel really bad because this post probably seems so out of touch! My hair doesn’t really get sweaty so I’m not really sure, but a lot of comments are saying they will rinse their hair out after a workout or use dry shampoo. Thanks for your comment.


At least every other day, 3 days max! I live in a super humid area, and am quite the sweater even in the dead of winter. I’ve finally perfected my hair routine to under 30 minutes from showering, drying, to styling when I work out before work. L’Oreal Advanced Hairstyle Blow Dry It Quick Dry Primer is my go-to. It’s super cheap, smells delish, and cuts the drying time in half which is great for my course, thick hair!


I am going to have to try out that quick dry primer…. it sounds awesome!


I wash my hair twice a week, sometimes 3 but usually only twice! The highlights in my hair definitely dry it out so I can get away with it! Running doesn’t affect it too much but I schedule my wash days around my sweatiest workouts which seems to work okay for me. My favorite shampoo is the dark pinkish/red bottles from kerastase. I also use of their hair mask treatments once a week too which are amazing!


Thanks for your tips!


Hi! Could you describe what you do with it at night, just sleep on it normally? I’ve considered using a slil pillowcase to help with tangles. Do you braid it or do anything with it?


I usually sleep with it away from my face. But other than that it is usually just how my head hits the pillow as I’m passing out from the day :)


Well now you have to show us how you color and highlight your hair! Especially highlight that’s got to be tricky!! Thanks for sharing!


It is a little tricky. I actually went to hair school many, many years ago. That’s when I decided to start doing it myself :) Thanks for your comment


I was my hair every.single.day…sometimes twice a day…its very fine!

I cut my 16 yo hair. I wish he would go to a barber, but I have been cutting it for so long, he just doesn’t want to bother.


That’s awesome that you cut his hair. Have a great day!


I would love details on how you color and highlight also:)


I usually only wash my hair on days that I run and it’s made a huge difference in my hair health! Washing every day definitely stripped my hair and made it more oily, so that’s a great tip!

My latest favorite products are the dry shampoo from living proof and a volumizer from Drybar. Do you use a dry shampoo at all? Your hair doesn’t look oily AT ALL and still seems to have lots of volume. Very jealous ;)


Yesssss to washing only once or twice a week! I live where it’s warm/hot and humid and I still don’t wash more than every 3-4 days. I have naturally curly hair that goes to “bun day” usually on day 2 but definitely day 3 (it’s rare that I get a good day 2 with the curls). When I straighten my hair (requires a cold front to blow through) I go a good 4 days before I ruin all that work with water! Dry shampoo is my best friend.

Favorite hair products? Loreal EverCurl conditioner is my favorite! It’s so thick and creamy and doesn’t feel like it completely washes out when you rinse it. Favorite gel is BioSilk rock hard gelee (for curls).


I so wish I could skip out on the wash/dry/style process more — but alas, I wash every day (maybe every other day – but that’s with tons of dry shampoo and no humidity in the air). I live in NC so it’s always hot & humid here… and while I used to have super thick Korean hair — it’s thinned out quite a but since my move from Michigan 8 years ago…

I learned to cut my hubby’s hair — and even bought the high end clipper kit — in doing this we’ve saved hundreds (he used to go to the barber every few weeks and spend $20 each time…). He’s super finicky about the hairs around his ears growing too long and tickling the tops of his super sensitive ears — so having me at the ready lets him keep his sides as short as he prefers.


You are beautiful!!!! My son has no hair still, so my husband will sometimes shave the nape but nothing else has to be done. I too wash my hair once a week!!!! If I wash it too often it is less greasy (I have thin hair so it gets greasy quick) but it feels more dry. So dry shampoo and I are buds! That and ponytails. I am growing my hair out so I can do cute buns soon!!! Tonight after work is the work Christmas party! SO EXCITED! What are your favorite hair products?


LOVE it, HungryRunnerSister! I don’t have kids, so I really have no good reason that my hair is yucky — other than that I’m lazy. I’m going to try out the gel, since I don’t put anything on my hair before throwing heat on it. It’s no wonder it looks like straw…

(again, I’m lazy, even in product use)


Yay, HRG Sis, thanks for this post! Totally with you on washing only so often (I’m more like twice a week) and feel like I can splurge on nice shampoo since the bottle lasts so long. I do rinse almost every day though since I’m usually sweaty from a workout or the sauna, and I’ll use a bit of conditioner just to help work out the tangles. I’m lucky to live in a dry climate too.

I used to buzz my husband’s hair for years, until an unfortunate “accident”, let’s just say he wore a hat for several days, oops! Now he pays $10 to the local barber, much cheaper than marriage counseling!

And I’d love some of whatever happy drugs you feed your little guy! (just kidding!!) But seriously, his laugh and smile are soooo infectious! He makes my day.


Love your hair routine! Thanks for sharing! Now that I’m a new mom, my hair routine has hit rock bottom. I think I’ve blow dried and styled my hair twice in 9 weeks. Also it is humid here in NC so every day is bun day.
And I get the hair splinters too when I cut my husband’s hair! They really hurt!
Looovvee the puddle jumping! That big smile!!


I wash mine every other day, I so wish I could go longer in between, but I have short oily hair and it gets really icky looking.


Hungry runner sister, You are SO cute! I asked about your hair a couple months ago. You are so funny! So, I am in Utah county too. But I run everyday and my hair is sweaty and disgusting! I WISH, oh how I wish I could only wash once a week. My hair is a disaster after skipping one day of washing ( I can only do every other day.) Idk how I could ever pull this off without looking like a greasy head. Dry shampoo doesn’t help a lot either. Also, don’t you feel like it helps it grow out more healthfully? Dang, I want to do it SOOOO bad. How do have you figured out how to cut your own hair? Genius idea! Hair dressers always tend to trim way to much off mine, so I could see myself benefiting from this tactic. lol


I have fine hair, live in a very humid climate, and work with penguins………….those 3 things combined means I have to wash my hair every day……….otherwise it smells like fish and penguins!


I’m right there with you, I only wash my hair once a week. My stylist says my hair has never been healthier!! I love Pssst dry shampoo. It is cheap and works great!!


No way!!! Your hair looks like you get it done professionally. That’s awesome. I’ve always loved your color. Thanks for sharing your tips and and tricks and especially for sharing that super cute video of your son. Made my day!!

PS I miss you SO freakin much Janae ❤️ xoxo


I usually wash every 5 days (but just went a week this week due to life chaos). No styling because I am incompetent that way – it just does what it does and I deal. I cut all my kiddos hair…saves money and time and the cowlicks are so bad on the two youngest that if I let someone else do it, I just have to come home and fix it anyway.


I think we just became BFF’s and thank you for saving my hair! I’m Diabetic and have been losing hair like crazy, my Dr. told me to stop washing it so much, but I had visions of looking like a grease ball. I’m going to loosen my over shampooing reigns…because your hair looks AWESOME!!!!


I actually use that exact same shampoo and conditioner!! Love it!! Which is pretty cool because I have curly hair, but it works great.

I only shampoo once, maybe twice a week, but I condition every day.

Thanks for sharing! :)


You have great hair!! I have had bad luck with coloring my own, so no more of that ;) I can buzz the boys’ hair, but that’s about it. I have trouble with straight lines, ha!

I really like Redken shampoo and conditioner, and I like Matrix’s leave-in conditioner.

I try and only wash my hair every 3 days, but it’s sooo hot here in the summers that I can’t always get away with it. I’m usually wear it down for 2 days, then a bun for the 3rd. Maybe I’ll try for the 4th too ;)

We are delivering baskets for the church this weekend and we delivered homemade cinnamon rolls for the neighbors, and that’s always fun! My fav is Chinese food takeout, jammies, and hanging with the family on Christmas Eve.


I think you look beautiful on every day. I also cut everyone in my family’s hair. But not my own… Would LOVE to see how you do that!! (Next time?)


I have fairly curly, thick hair and wash it between 2-3 times a week. I think the arsenal of products used by curly-heads has got to be totally different than the kind that work for straight hair, and even more so with genuinely thick, textured hair. I actually work out and work up a sweat every day and find that as long as I can rinse the sweat out and condition my hair every day I don’t need to actually shampoo it after a workout!


Seriously. His smile is one the greatest and most contagious things around!! I can’t get enough of him!!!

I’m headed to Africa (!!!) in just over 2 weeks from now! Ahhhhhhh!!!


Love this. Also, need more details on the BUN!


I’m actually expecting my fifth and only wash my hair once a week, so you’re not alone. :)


I have curly hair which tends to be dry, so it gets washed twice a week. I will rinse and condition if it needs it but generally the sweat makes my curls look better. Some spray in conditioner with lavender freshens it up in between washes. I rarely dry it, I just use those little metal clips to add volume at the top and air dry. (good thing it’s curly since I’m lazy).

I prefer Deva products since they’re gentle on my curls. I color my own hair as well. I’m mostly (if not all) gray and have no patience or time to sit in a salon every few weeks.


I wish I could go a week without washing my hair, all the time I would save!! I just can’t though, I usually wash it every other day, sometimes not until the third day if it’s a weekend but my hair just gets so greasy by the third day. One good thing about winter though is I can wear a slouchy beanie constantly to hide unwashed hair.


Ain’t no shame! Us once a weekers just have our own sets of priorities, however skewed. :)


So, you both are gorgeous, have kick ass hair, amazingly cute kids and your head doesn’t sweat. Some gals just have all the luck. :-) I’ve been trying really hard to skip at least one day between washes. After a wash, my hair is dry and sort of frizzy, so I use a curling iron & product to tone it down. Then the next day if I don’t wash it, I love the looks of it, but it’s sorta limp and very blah and just needs wash. My stylist told me it’s all in the texture of hair, the right shampoo/conditioner and products I put in. I’m currently playing around trying to find the right combo for me. I’d like to skip a good two days. It just saves so much time not having to mess with it. I do buy cheap product, I hate spending money on things like that. Again, I was told spend a little, to gain better results. We’ll see. A work in progress.


Ugh Michele, I’m a head sweater too! So not fun. Anytime I exercise…that’s an automatic “I have to wash my hair”.


I want to trade hair with you. Your hair is gorgeous. And how in the world do you cut your own hair? My husband cute his own and I just trim up the back for him, but using clippers makes that easy. Not so easy when you have long hair! I cut my son’s hair, but no one else’s. I am not that brave, nor talented.

I also wash my hair once a week (holla!) so dry shampoo is my best friend.

The video of your son is adorable. He is just so pleased with himself. Doesn’t it make you want to be a kid again? When simple things made you happy and that worst part of your day was taking a nap. Oh how I wish I were a toddler.


My two fighters, who have thick and long hair, only wash their hair once a week. I think it’s way better for your hair too. My hair is thinner and more curly (but I have a lot of hair) so I wake up every morning looking like I took an eggbeater to my head! So I wash my hair every day only so I can make it look good. On Saturdays I try not to wash my hair if possible, just to give it a break. Thanks for the post!!


Haha meant my two daughters^^


As a mom with little i find I always wear my hair in a ponytail whether it’s clean or not. Just easier having it out of way. But you don’t mind having long hair down with the little ones?


I used to wash mine daily, but now i do every third day unless i am doing something where my hair gets sweaty or dusty and then i need to wash it more often, especially during pollen season as my hair is a magnet for it and i have allergies.
I tried being the barber for my two boys after three really bad haircuts in a row at the barbershop. My then boyfriend promised to help me as he had been cutting my hair for me for over a year. Well i got the proper tools, a set of wahl clippers with attachments, a cape, neck strips, etc. and i watched about a dozen youtube videos with my guy. Then i felt ready. He couched me on technique and i handed it over to him to finish up the longer part on top with the scissors. I was really nervous but the haircuts turned out great. My mom fawned over how handsome they looked and was quite suprised we had done them rather than take them to the barber. Next time my oldest told me i wasnt touching his hair, he trusted my boyfriend more, and the younger followed his brother’s lead. So i was fired ;( It became my boyfriend’s job. I told him i wasnt trying to pawn it off on him, but i did remind him that he always does a great job on my hair, so i cant blame the boys. I figure between the costs of the haircuts, tip, transportation and other incidental costs, it saves me over a grand a year having him being the family barber/stylist. And it is so convenient, when the boys need haircuts, i reming the hubby he needs to do them and he does, saves me so much time. And i prefer having him set out the stool, comb and pin up my hair, cape me and do the full sectioning trimming and keeping my ends neatly trimmed every other month. It is so relaxing having him comb my hair and it is like a massage feeling the comb on my back. Forget the salon, i look forward to the one-on-one time with my guy. I get compliments on my hair all of the time. My best friend got a really bad haircut a couple years ago, and she asked who did mine because it always looks so good, and when i told her she asked if he could fix hers as it was very uneven. Well she was very happy with his repair job, and refuses to go back to the salon. She texts me and invites us to dinner and thens tosses in a little reminder to have hubby bring his shears. He laughs about it and said, gee arent we due a dinner invite last week, and my friend texted me the next day.


Thanks for this post , it’s always nice to see how others get their hair to look so good! I need to try the only curling half the hair thing, do you straighten the rest or does it stay straight from when you blow dried it? One more question is about the curling iron, I have the exact same one but I struggle with it. For whatever reason I can never seem to get the curls you get… what’s your secret for that? lol I love both of your hairs so much (that sounds weird but you know what I mean), I’m jealous that it always looks perfect!


Love this! Your hair is gorgeous and your kiddo’s laugh just made my Friday <3


I want to know how you color your hair? What products do you use? I want to save money too!


ok, cut yourself some slack girl…this post was great! you, your hair, and your family are so gorgeous and great :)
i wash 2x/ week, but sometimes only once if i’m traveling or not working out as much. and i actually only shower if i sweat, so aside from other motivations, that is a big one as to why i go to the gym…force myself to shower and wash my hair once in awhile. i haven’t actually blown it dry in > 2 years. i usually wash at night, so i just top bun it and let it dry (sometimes 1-2 days later haha!). luckily its wavy so it works. i’m lazy. and hair on the floor grosses me out beyond belief so this eliminates that.


Thank you so much so helpful! I am up to washing every other day…the third day I feel like it is too greasy. I need to work my way up :)

I am still confused on the curling iron. Could you do a post just on that part?

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