List of Our Traditions + Their #1 Toy Pick + $200 AMAZON GIFTCARD GIVEAWAY!!!

I’m excited to share something with you today that is bringing these 4 year olds a lot of smiles along with a little more about what we’ve got going in December!  This post is sponsored by Sago Mini and there is also a $200 Amazon gift card for one lucky reader today!!!


I know I’m skipping ahead a bit (we ARE really excited for Thanksgiving this year… Andrew’s favorite holiday and he is convinced he will be making it my favorite holiday too) but we don’t have either of these cute faces this year for Christmas.  This will be my first ever Christmas apart from Brooke.  One of the many hard things about the whole divorce situation is the holidays at times.  We are happy that these two are on the same schedule though so we will all be together for Christmas in 2017.

Andrew and I decided that we are just going to make the absolute best of this situation.  We are going to fit in as many traditions as possible while we have them.  We are going to do a fun mini getaway with them in the beginning of December.  We did get them a few things (focusing on quality instead of quantity over here) and we are giving them their gifts early on instead of reenacting Christmas morning when they come back to us.  This is just what we decided… even though there are a million different options on how to handle kids being away for the holidays.


Sago Mini made their ‘holiday gift’ (they will get one more gift in December) dreams come true at our house:)  Sago Mini is an award-winning company that is devoted to play for kids!  They make apps and toys for kids 3 years and older.  They strongly believe in creating toys that ‘seed imagination and grow wonder.’  Sago Mini toys help these little minds to think creatively and help them with their social skills.

We told them to close their eyes and I was pretty amazed that they didn’t peek before telling them to open ha!


Knox got Harvey’s Spaceship and Brooke got Jack’s Diner.


Their excited faces:


Both sets from Sago Mini are absolutely beautiful with all of their details.

The spaceship was perfect for Knox’s ‘science loving’ personality right now… all sorts of modules, a hatch and a hoverboard!


The drive-thu on the diner is pretty dang cute in my opinion.  The little diner has everything you would find in a classic diner (loved the floors:)… even a jukebox!  Both sets are gender neutral which makes Andrew and I happy because both kids play so well with them.


I thought it was really sweet how the Sago Mini toys included thank you notes for the kids to fill out and give.  What an awesome thing to teach them early on to take time to express their gratitude for a gift!  My mom will be proud… she made sure to teach this when we were growing up.

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I love how easily the pieces store in the playset and how it easily folds back up.  They just grab the handle and take the play set along with us or put them away in their rooms.   If you’ve used Sago Mini apps then you will see how the play sets bring the characters to life!


The kids played with these two toys longer than any other toys they have received in a very long time.  Usually they will play with something for a bit and then they lose interest and move onto the next thing but with these playsets they initially played with them for about 90 minutes and then took a dinner break with us.  After dinner we were going to have a family movie night but about 10 minutes into the movie they asked if they could go back up to the playsets ha.

Both the diner and the spaceship have already offered hours of imaginative play… if you need a gift for a child in your life you will want to check these out.


Beretta keeping an eye over them while they play.


The gift part is now taken care of so for the traditions part leading up to Christmas, we have ten must-do holiday season traditions we want to make sure to do with the kids before they leave:

1.  Sugar cookies that the kids help (… I don’t know if I would call it helping actually;) to make and decorate and then deliver to our friends and family.

2.  Homemade cinnamon rolls!  Usually I do this on Christmas but we will do it one of the Saturday’s in December instead.

3.  Tubing with the kids.  There is a place close by that has an awesome tubing hill with a lift that pulls you and your tube up to the top.

4.  Go to a bookstore and pick out a Christmas book to read together that night (with donuts of course).  This has been something Brooke and I have done every year.

5.  We will make sure to visit Temple Square in Salt Lake City to see the lights.  They are out of control amazing!

6.  We love to pick out presents for Mer’s dogs, they love stuffed animals, and then deliver them!

7.  Watch Elf.  Isn’t that a must while eating peppermint ice cream?!

8.  Christmas themed PJs on December 1st.  I like to give them to the kids a bit before Christmas so they get to wear them a bunch before Christmas.

9.  A trip to go see the reindeer at Thanksgiving Point.  If you live in Utah, you have to go!  We make sure to get the hot chocolate and mini donuts each time we go.

10.  We pick a name or two from the Angel Tree each year and do the shopping and delivery for them!

We’ve got a lot of Thanksgiving foods to eat this week!  We are celebrating with Andrew’s family this year.  Then we will get to work on these traditions!!


Get your playset (Jinja’s House, Jack’s Diner and Harvey’s Spaceship) for any of the kids in your life.  They are all available on in the US and in Canada.  Christmas is coming and I think Brooke and Knox can both write their own testimonial of how much they love these toys after so many hours of nonstop play:)


Sago Mini has an INCREDIBLE giveaway for you today!

Sign up for Sago Mini’s newsletter to get exciting news and a CHANCE TO WIN A $200 Amazon Gift Card!

Enter below and good luck!!! I hope your holiday season is a good one!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What are some of your favorite holiday traditions?

Favorite holiday movies (yes, a little early on this but I’ve got to prepare for Friday;)?

Any skiers or snowboarders reading (talking about tubing reminded me to ask)?!  Favorite ski resort?

What is your run today?

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Some of our favorite traditions include hot chocolate and driving around to see Christmas lights, a Christmas Eve run to benefit kids at the local homeless shelter (1 toy = 5k), cinnamon rolls on Christmas, matching pj’s (so excited about this one, thanks Target!), reading Jesus’ birth story and the Night Before Christmas. We pretty much love all Christmas movies over here!

We aren’t really skiers but I would LOVE to take the kids tubing if we get enough snow this year!

Today is a trail run with my coach and some friends.


Love your list of traditions! One of my favorite things to do is to go on at least one night run during December in one of my favorite neighborhoods, because it has the best Christmas lights of them all. I also love my friend Lucy’s charity 5K she hosts for her birthday each year. Rather than bringing presents for her, everyone brings unwrapped toys that are later delivered to a local children’s hospital. She has such a big heart, and I look forward to this event every year.

My favorite holiday movies are Elf, Christmas Vacation and The Grinch. Oh, and Home Alone and Home Alone 2 are musts, as well. :)


Spending Christmas eve at my grand-parents is my favourite tradition. A lot of the Grand kids have moved over the year (including me!) so getting back together for one night every year is magical!


I’m probably going to run an easy 3-4 miles. I consider the last 6 weeks of the year my “maintenance running” of just easy runs when I feel like it.

I have been designing my own Christmas card since 1997. Everyone awaits the reveal. Today I am actually going to do the photo shoot portion. The theme is my dog discovers Pinterest and learns how to make a DIY snowman costume. It’s going to awesome!


We love to get a real tree and spend way to long decorating it. And on Christmas Eve we always have homemade soup and then make at least 3 different types of cookies for “Santa” and delivering to friends.


Favorite holiday movies: White Christmas, Love Actually, and Bad Santa. Which one I’m watching depends on my mood, because obviously you don’t want White Christmas when you’re in a Bad Santa mood.


Growing up, my family always stayed up until midnight on Christmas Eve to open all of our presents and then we got stockings when we woke up later on Christmas Day. It took some doing and it still isn’t the same, but my husband finally agreed to do presents on Christmas Eve and stockings on Christmas Day. I’ve compromised by putting up our tree the day after Thanksgiving. His grandmother (who’s house we now own) always had the kids/grandkids put up her tree after everyone ate on Thanksgiving. We’ve both compromised and I think it’s turned out quite well.

My favorite holiday movies are Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, Charlie Brown Christmas and the Nightmare Before Christmas. We’re a little unconventional (to put it mildly) and we watch the first three once, but we watch Nightmare multiple times.

My run today was a 25 minute easy run. Instead of running based off my clock for pace, I just ran, gauging my pace based off of effort, since it was supposed to be an easy run. I’ve been running around 12:30/mile pace (that feels just on the edge of easy/pushing it) and today felt so much easier, so I expected to see something well about 13:00 when I was done. I didn’t push harder, because I’ve been having some problems with my calves lately and while I didn’t want to make it worse, I feel better after I run, so I ran nice and easy. When I got done and looked at my phone, I’d run 12:14 average. I am not ashamed to say I cried.


Hi there Janae. I’ve been reading your blog for a very long time but i was a bit embarassed to write because english is not my first language and also because i only started running about a year ago.
Anyway i decided to risk it because reading your words has become such a special part of my day.
Ok…when it comes to traditions my family and i always spend Christmas together and watch a lot of movies (back in day Home Alone and nowadays Harry Potter). We also eat a lot and just enjoy being together.

Ps: sorry for any spelling mistakes.


Patricia, you are AMAZING for speaking more than one language. I know english and that is it… your english is awesome! You have less spelling errors than I do:) Thank you for your comment! Thank you so much for reading too… that means a lot to me! Oh how I love Home Alone… thank you for reminding me! Enjoy your holidays Patricia!


Such an awesome giveaway, I use Amazon for everything! I love reading about your traditions :)


I love your traditions! We always go to Christmas Eve service, drive around and look at the amazing light displays, and head home to PJ’s and a killer food spread :) So ready for the holidays!


Oh how I love the holidays and all the traditions that come with it! My husband and I have quite a few traditions! Every year we go see the Nutcracker ballet, see Wildlights at the Zoo (where we had our first date and got engaged!), picking out a christmas tree and decorating it and the house, and taking my niece and nephew to go ice skating and another activity!
I live in Denver, so my favorite ski resort is Vail! However this year we switched to a different ski pass so it might change to Winter Park or Steamboat! I absolutely love to ski and snowboard!!
Oh and favorite Christmas movies include Home Alone (1 &2), Elf, Love Actually, Nightmare before Christmas (the songs are just so catchy!) and The Holiday!


We have an excel sheet full of Christmas traditions (and when to do them). We’re also a blended family household, so all the organization helps the schedule run smoothly. Ours include our 9 year old’s Christmas concert (both his mom’s and his dad’s family attend, and all his bros and sisters from both families play together while the adults keep one eye on them – racing around the school gym – and one eye on the concert); taking thank you cards to houses with particularly awesome houses in our area (we usually meet new people this way, and everybody is delighted and surprised to get a card saying how much we love to look at their lights); going shopping for the Salvation Army gift tree; going shopping for the local food bank; movie nights – both with the kids, and after they go to bed so we can wrap presents; lots of family time. This is my first Christmas without my mom, so we want to be extra conscious of involving my dad in lots of things, and making sure he’s doing okay. We are all big believers in the “provide service to others” piece, so we will all be doing a LOT of that this year especially, as it always makes us happy and feel very fortunate for what we do have.


Oh yes… you are so right about having a schedule with a blended family to get all of the traditions in:) I LOVED reading your traditions… we are going to have to try a few of yours so thank you. You sound like an amazing mom Jill!


Cutting down our Christmas tree at a farm not too far from us, driving around and looking at the christmas lights, cookie exchange with my sisters, baking cookies at home, creme brulee french toast for christmas morning breakfast and cracked crab, melted butter and sourdough for either christmas eve or christmas day dinner. I don’t ski but my husband and our 8yr old daughter do although this year I have acquiesced and agreed to a half day lesson. Favorite ski resorts: Kirkwood, Northstar or Squaw (northern California).

Easy 4 mile run today at lunchtime.


How cute are they?

Awe what a great idea.

Going to school in upstate NY, you would think I skied but I’m too clumsy. My husband did a lot of Nordic skiing for college and after. We don’t have too many holiday traditions but we do enjoying spending Thanksgiving together just him and I making a turkey.


OH I love traditions. Our fave movie is Elf. Love it ! Making sugar cut out cookies, decorating them and going around to our friends house in town delivering them with our Santa hats on is one of our favorites. My other favorite used to be cutting our tree down, but we had to give that up due to my husbands severe allergies. Homemade kids ornaments for the tree are my absolute favorite too.
No run today, rest day for me. Skiing and snowboarding, just hasn’t stuck with me over the years. Tubing YES. Sledding YES. I used to ski in my early 20’s, but at some point you have to suck it up and accept that you suck at certain things. After 2 injuries, I turned in my poles for the ski groups photo taker and hot chocolate drinker. I succeed at that !


A couple of my favorite traditions–caroling to our neighbors, making ornaments as a family, and reading Christmas books by the fire (I have a big list of our favorites on my blog: I keep all our Christmas books in a big basket by the tree.

Favorite place to ski: Aspen. Sorry to all my beloved resorts in Utah but seriously, it’s so much better! Run today will be an easy 6 or 7; I ran a really hard 10 last night at 11 pm and then my baby woke up FOUR times so I’m dead today!


i used to love pretend playsets like those when I was a kid! and oh, I can sit like knox really comfortably. always have been able to sit that way since I was kid! most kids couldn’t sit like that though and they always looked at me in amazement lol


That sounds like an amazing present! I’m running out of ideas for what to get my younger siblings now…they are all growing up too fast and no longer need/want toys!!! I live a bit over an hour away from my parents, so I’ve started my own traditions prior to heading out of town. I typically go for a Christmas Eve run, then pack, and head to the Christmas Eve service at my church.

My family has done this forever–we have a holiday dinner together and open presents afterwards. This way, everyone can wear their new outfits to church and play with their toys before heading to Christmas church and family clan Christmas shenanigans the next day!

Today’s run was a 5.6 hilly struggle fest, but I got it done. Makes me appreciate the days that go well even more!


I love making christmas cookies every year, going to see light shows in our city, and putting our tree and some presents out after Thanksgiving to start celebrating early. It’s always fun to drink hot cocoa and decorate the house as a family! ☃️


We don’t have kids yet, but I LOVE the idea of Christmas pjs Dec. 1 instead of Christmas Eve. That way you really do get a lot more use out of them, and I’m all about being thrifty.

Hope y’all have a good holiday!


4 miles in the rain-turning-to-snow. Bonus points for not staying in bed with hot chocolate, right?


Oh you get triple the points for doing that today… way to go! Have some hot chocolate today though;)


One of my favorite traditions is I bought a bunch of Christmas books (25-30ish), some are long and some are very short :). I wrap them all up and every night between Thanksgiving and Christmas the kids take turn unwrapping one and we read it every night. I keep the books with the Christmas stuff so they only come out during the holidays. I wrap a particular one for Christmas Eve and keep it separate until that night so they open it up on Christmas Eve :). The kids love it and so do we!


I usually SUPER excited about the holidays – aka the first christmas cards in the mail by Thanksgiving etc, but am honestly a bit bummed this year. My long-term boyf and I split in 2016, and my dog passed as well – the two that have been my christmas morning company for quite some time now! However, I’m very much looking forward to an annual tradition: my niece and mother and I all bake together one Sunday in December! This year I’ve invited my BFF and her two cute kiddies to make it even more festive. Trying to get my spirit back this year!!


Growing up we always had breakfast for dinner on Christmas eve. And my husband and i have bought a Christmas ornament every year we have been together since 2009 when we were just dating. We write the year on each one! My fav Christmas movies are not really kid friendly but include : while you were sleeping, Christmas vacation, home alone 1 & 2, just friends, and the santa clause!


Favorite Christmas traditions? Driving around and looking at the Christmas lights, picking a tree/cutting it down/and decorating it, wrapping Christmas presents while watching “It’s a Wonderful Life,” baking cookies and delivering them to neighbors, sledding, and going door to door caroling.
Some of my favorite Christmas movies: Elf (I agree- so good!), It’s a Wonderful Life, Holiday Inn, White Christmas, and A Christmas Card (a cheesy, warm and fuzzy Hallmark movie.)
I’m hoping to squeeze in a run over lunch break today, when my husband comes home for lunch :) we will see how far my hip flexor let’s me go.
Oh and I’ve been skiing a couple times. I LOVE it, I think running helps. :)


We’re kind of loose with traditions. We make hot chocolate when we put the tree up and we go see Christmas lights together. I bake cookies, Paul eats them. :) We invite my in-laws over for Christmas Evem usually I cook but if I’m busy or stressed, we order Chinese food. Is the togetherness, right? Another thing we try to do is go to Victorian Cape May, NJ because they have the best Christmas decorations and fun events. We stay in a pet friendly place and bring Missy along. (she loves it as much as we do).

Tuesday = spin and Pilates, back-to-back classes. My legs are dead right now.


IT IS about togetherness! Chinese food on Christmas Eve is an excellent idea to me… Andrew and I will probably be doing that this year! Your trip to Victorian Cape May sounds amazing!!!


I wait all year for peppermint ice cream! And I use to be able to sit like Knox. I think I could do that into my 20s. I would not even attempt it now.

Favorite tradition is baking (I’m talking 6 kinds of cookies and 5 kinds of candy) then sharing with friends, family and co-workers.

We mountain biked today – got a little rain on Sunday so the trail was perfect! I must have been smiling because there is mud on my teeth :)


Careful with that sitting position! Promotes internal hip rotation and can promote internally rotating feet and femurs which can lead to some bad things down the line :) I say this as an adult who had hip surgery for hip impingement at age 20 because my parents didn’t correct my internally rotated hips when I was younger. I’m sure Knox’s gait is just fine, but just in case!


THANK YOU Brielle for letting us know about this! I had no idea since Brooke had never done it and Knox just seemed to start, thank you for helping us get this fixed ASAP! Oh hip surgery sounds awful! Thank you Brielle… I really appreciate you (and I LOVE your name).


Of course, no worries! Here’s a bit more on it: And thank you – my parents named me after a city in New Jersey!


Oh I love it! Thank you Brielle!


So many traditions– making cookies, looking at Xmas lights, new PJs on Xmas eve, a coffee cake I always make for Xmas morning, putting up the tree and decorations the day after thanksgiving.

I love the classic holiday movies the most — Its a Wonderful Life, the original Miracle on 34th Street. My favorites of the more current ones are — Christmas Vacation (i always have this on while decorating the tree), Love Actually, Christmas with the Kranks, Elf

Today’s run was track Tuesday that our local running shop puts on. I have a love/hate relationship with it lol.

Have a great day!!!!


GREAT movie choices… thank you! Oh I love the idea of Track Tuesday… I want to join:) I hope it was a great one and enjoy your traditions this year!


I read your blog daily and love to hear about your blended family adventures! Also, very cool give-away today!

I rarely comment, but I can just hear my sister (who is a Kindergarten teacher with a degree in early childhood development) screaming in my head. Knox is demonstrating a “W” sit in that picture – which can be bad for hip development in little ones, especially if it is habitual. The best thing you can do is to remind him to sit “criss-cross applesauce” when you see him do it. Sorry – I hate to jump on here with a critique, please know I love you and your family (in a weird web-relationship way) and I only have good intentions by sharing this info!!


Thanks Nikki!!!! I appreciate this very much.


THANK YOU NIKKI!!! We definitely appreciate this and we will start working on this NOW. I really appreciate it. Thank you for reading and letting us know about this!


Our daughter is getting that Sago set for Christmas this year too! I am sure it’s going to be a BIG hit.

And yes, so many traditions! My favorites are: new Pjs for December 1, a new book (we already did this!) and beef tenderloin w/twice baked potatoes and ceasar salad for dinner. I CAN’T WAIT, but actually love the season more than the day :)


Ski!!! Deer Valley is great, partly because there are no snowboarders.

Little Women is one of my favorite Christmas (kinda) movies.


HAHA that is why I love Deer Valley the best too:) Oh I LOVE Little Women!! Thanks for reminding me to watch it:) Enjoy the rest of your day!


We are super excited to put up all our Christmas decorations and of course there are Christmas jammies!!! Just FYI, someone might have said this already, but Knox is sitting in what in known as a “W” sit, which is actually really bad for his hips. I don’t usually chime in with unsolicited advice, but thought you might want to know since you mentioned it! (I am a speech-language pathologist who worked on an early intervention team). You can google the term “W sit and toddlers” to get the specifics or maybe an occupational therapist will chime in!
As far as skiing goes, I live in Colorado so my hands down favorite is Beaver Creek, but with two little kids we now ski at Arapahoe basin only since it is SO easy to take turns, park and much easier overall with the kids!


THANK YOU LAURA!! I had no idea about this since Brooke had never done it before!! We will start working with him asap, I really appreciate it! Oh I bet the skiing in Colorado is amazing! Hope the rest of your day is a great one!


My favorite holiday tradition is to look at lights in some of the neighborhoods that really get into decorating- everything just looks prettier with holiday lights in my opinion! I also love watching Elf and typically can’t help watching it multiple times during the holiday season.


My all time fave Xmas movie is A Christmas Story (w/ the Red Rider BB gun). :)


Man those toys are cute. Just ordered one for my godson. For me I have to go old school and say Legos. The possibilities are endless.


Oh yay! I hope he loves it!!! Thanks Harper and have an amazing evening!


Now that my two daughters are married and out of the house, we’ve been slacking on traditions. We realized what a mistake this was when my 14 year old son asked if I was going to do an advent/activity calendar this year (I skipped it last year). He’s not a super expressive kid and I never realized how much our traditions meant to him. Your kiddos will have great memories.
We’re kicking off December by watching Elf. It’s our favorite.


I entered! Such a cool idea!

My favorite traditions include running a turkey trot with my dad every year (I know this is Tday, but tis the season!) and getting the whole family matching pajamas on christmas!


amazing giveaway!!


I absolutely love that the playsets included thank you notes! I LOVE things like that and like you said, what a great lesson to be taught early on. Elf and peppermint ice cream, for sure favorites. There used to be a blue bunny ice cream that was bunny tracks but the bunnies were Christmas colored and was in peppermint ice cream. I miss that ice cream a lot!

Our families tradition is on Christmas Eve, Santa brings everyone in the family pjs to wear. I’ve already put my Christmas tree up and started listening to Christmas music. I don’t feel that I am not allowed to celebrate holidays together! I love having the tree up for more than one month and definitely think it brings up my spirits so why not now?!


Is it weird that I can’t wait to have kids so that I can start traditions with them? Today was supposed to be a rest day, but I did 30 minutes of easy elliptical instead (I just neeeeeeded that “me” time). Tomorrow will probably be a real rest day :)


Love these traditions so much!!! My 2 younger siblings and I always do Black Friday shopping around midnight. It’s mayhem and chaotic, but we get all of our Christmas shopping done, and I love it because it’s something we always used to do with my mom when she was still around. 10 years going on strong now! In December, I always like going to one of the local neighborhoods here where every single home decks out their house and yard in lights and decorations for the public to check out. Love this time of year!

Also, this is such a totally random question, but where is your area rug from in the pictures above?? It looks so comfy to walk on! [I’ve been on the lookout for one in case this question makes me sound a little weird :)] Thanks Janae!


HEY ALYSSA!!! Oh have so much fun doing Black Friday shopping:) Good luck and I hope you find everything you are looking for! So cool about that neighborhood!! I want to go:) The rug is from Costco and it is a favorite of ours. We got it in brown too… so so comfy! Enjoy the rest of your evening!


Some of our favorite holiday movies are:
Christmas Vacation
Nightmare Before Christmas
And I told my fiancé we are getting our Christmas tree this weekend!! I can’t wait!


We love Christmas traditions. Typically put up the Christmas Tree and watch Elf the day after Thanksgiving. We live in a college town so we will take the kids in their pjs and blankets to lay on the football field and watch Polar Express on the score board of McLane Stadium. Every Friday night in Dec, we drink hot chocolate and look at Christmas lights while in our pjs. Christmas Eve we go to a candle light service and have a fancy dinner out and then the kids exchange their gifts with each other.

Today was my first day running after my half this past Saturday so I did an easy 3 miles to loosen up the muscles.


I should probably be embarrassed to admit this but lately, my favorite holiday movie has been this low-budget Christmas movie that a friend and I found on Netflix a few years ago. I’ve watched it multiple times every season and sometimes even in July.

As a “divorced kid” I remember holidays being hard for me too. Somehow it all works out though. Best wishes for your family and happy holidays!


Thank you for sharing where to find those playsets in Canada! It’s helpful for people like me, living in the Great White North. I know it’s not always possible so that was a pleasant surprise.

My sister’s birthday is on Christmas Day so we always woke up very early and opened stockings while we (not so quietly) waited for our parents to wake up. When they woke up we got to open presents, then breakfast, then birthday presents. This year we will be in Florida with my in-laws so we’re making new traditions. We love watching Muppets Christmas Carol when we decorate the tree.


Favorite ski resort? You might need to be more specific to the state/area! :) You have sooooo many great ski resorts by you! The one that our family loves the best out in Utah is Park City. It’s so hard to pick because Alta and Snowbird are right up there too! Really, you can’t go wrong with any of those places out near you. I wish we lived closer to a ski resort. Our best skiing is a 6 hour drive away.


I cross trained today and did one and a half hours on the elliptical machine.


Oh my gosh. My family tradition is sing carols around the fire. We can afford elaborate dinner but we have each other.


One of my kiddos fav. traditions is getting a new ornament every year-they love that they’ll get (at least!) 18 ornaments to take with them when they move out!

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