His longest treadmill run, a miracle and YOUR running accomplishments!

Ten miles done!

Andrew and I are doing a half marathon on Thanksgiving so we did 10 miles for his last long run before next week.  We were going to attempt to do it outside and then we realized it was a complete tornado outside and freezing so the treadmill was the answer for us.  We wanted to run at the same time so we went to the gym so we could run next to each other.

This was Andrew’s longest run ever on the treadmill!  I ended up with 11 miles @ around a 7:55 average pace.

I found him eating some sour gummy worms on the way to the gym, between candy as fuel and running an absurd amount of time on the treadmill…. he was made for me.

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The kids were thrilled to hit up Costco with us later on.  If you ever find me in Costco sobbing, it is probably because they are either out of sweet potatoes or because these two are too big to fit in the little seats on the cart.

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The goods from the trip produced a pretty great meal of tomato soup (we buy the Costco kind that they make there), grilled cheese and watermelon (I was surprised how good this one was considering it is November).

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My afternoon consisted of my computer and some hot chocolate:

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I’ve been in the mood for a stir fry for a while so we cut up a lot of veggies (broccoli, peppers, snap peas and onions) and cooked them!  Put them on top of brown rice along with some chicken and it hit the spot.

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The sauce we have been using for a marinade lately.  Andrew found it at Costco.

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Movie night with Dorry.

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And I stayed awake throughout the entire movie… it was a miracle!

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I think I saw someone eating these a few weeks ago when I was in California and they’ve popped into my brain every now and then since then.  I can happily say, they are just as good or even better than I remembered them to be.

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LOVE YOUR running accomplishments! Thank you for inspiring us!  If you want to be featured then send your accomplishment to [email protected] !!!


Jen (written by her good friend, Michelle)!!!  “This running accomplishment is for my awesome running group, who ran the Big Sur Half Marathon this past weekend, but especially for Jen!  Just a week after we signed up for the race back in April, Jen was diagnosed with breast cancer.  As part of the initial wave of emotions, she was frustrated that she would be sidelined from the sports she loves.  She tried to look up “running with cancer” but all she found were stores of people who were running for their friends/family who were undergoing treatment and couldn’t run themselves.  But a good friend convinced her to see it from a different perspective, that it was a blessing that she was starting her journey in such great shape- #FitToFight!  From then on, Jen was determined to battle cancer her own way.  During the next 5 months of chemo, she continued to play beach volleyball, go to crossfit, and train for the 1/2 marathon, working her long runs around her chemo schedule, all while working and continuing to be a rockstar wife, mom and member of the community.  She ran the Big Sur 1/2 just 3 weeks after her last chemo (with a great time too!).  She is a true inspiration and a reminder that we can all do hard things!

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Marcia!!! “I ran my first race (six months) postpartum!  Originally signed up for the half, I bumped to the 5k because I spent my training time snuggling my sweet baby boy.  And even though I was bummed to run the half and it wasn’t fast (for me), there were a few fleeting moments when I felt like my pre-baby self and it was so, so worth it.”



Megan!!!  “I’m a Kindergarten teacher living outside Washington D.C. in Rockville, Maryland.  I ran the Rockville 10k for the 7th year in a row last week.  I placed 7th for women with a time of 46 minutes.  Not my best but a very fun fall race:)”

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Amanda!!!  “Back on January 1 I decided that I was going to run in 6 races in 2016.  Little did I know that i’d be running all of them pregnant. I started with the Apple Blossom 10k at only 7 weeks pregnant and finished my goal this past weekend with the Girls on the Run at 34 weeks.  Labor and delivery with my first daughter was the biggest workout I’ve ever done so I wanted to make sure I trained this time.  I feel like I am ready to meet my little girl and am so proud of myself for actually accomplishing my goal.”



Maddie!!!  “On October 9th, I ran my second marathon!  I crossed the finish line in 4:15- my first marathon was a in November of 2015, which I finished in 5:02!  I shaved a huge chunk off my time & felt so much stronger both mentally and physically.  So strong actually, that 6 days later, I woke up and decided to run a local half marathon that was the same morning!!  I went into it telling myself to not worry about pace and just have fun (especially after running a marathon only a few days prior…) until I looked down at my watch and realized I was in track to beat my previous PR of 2:02.. and I did!  I crossed that finish line in 1:51!  Needless to say I was on cloud 9! 2 PR’s in 1 week… such an amazing feeling!”

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Sam!!!  “I ran the Battleship 12k in Mobile, AL last weekend.  It is a beautiful point to point course that runs right along the water.  I was combing back from a fall that resulted in a knee injury and I had never run a 12k before, so I went into the race with zero pressure or expectations on what would be a ‘good’ result.  Turns out the weather was perfect, my knee felt great and I had a wonderful run.  I finished in 47:07 (6:20 average) as first female and second overall finisher!  Woo hoo!”

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Lindsey!!!  “The stars aligned for me this past Sunday.  I ran the race of my life and was able to not only set a new PR by over a minute of 1:25:01 but also finish first female at the Avengers Super Heroes Half Marathon.  It was a dream race and my target paces felt almost effortless.  After a long race season with some tough half marathons behind me, I was due for some good “race karma’.  Everything finally clicked on Sunday and I felt strong, confident, and in control the whole race.  I have become a huge fan of the Disney races and always look forward to running through the parks, the awesome costumes, and the camaraderie of all the runners.  To run a near perfect race and win was the icing on the cake!  I’ll cherish the memory forever!”


PS This is the race we are going to do on Thanksgiving (and I am talking Andrew into wearing some sort of Thanksgiving outfit for the race)!  If anyone wants to come run it you can use the code HRG2016 for 15% off your bib (for the 1/2 marathon or 5k)!  I heard there will be pumpkin pie and hot chocolate at the end;)

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Any other women run races while pregnant?  Which ones?  How’d it feel?

What’s your longest run on the treadmill ever?

Have any store bought cookies that you love?

What are your Friday night plans?

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Longest run on t he Treadmill was 20 miles and I had to stop and restart at 10 miles which I almost did not do so I was pretty proud of myself for continuing on. My husband though thought I was insane. (But he thinks that anyway so that’s nothing new, lol) In reality, I’m a badass) :)


20 on a treadmill is badass!


Ha! I have done 20 on a treadmill as well. I usually get to the gym at 3:45am to run before work, so that day I got there at 2:45am (NUTS!!) and I had friends show up at various times to run by me and keep me company. It was actually fun b/c I had a new person every 40 minutes or so.


When we lived up north in Pennsylvania the winters were awful and I had to run a TON on the treadmill. Marathon training didn’t stop either. My longest run on the treadmill was 18 miles. My husband has done 26 before as well. They are NEVER fun but they get the job done!


7 miles is my longest dread mill run. I have a hard time on it.
Tate’s Cookies! So good! Thin and crispy and buttery chocolate chip cookies that make great ice cream sandwich ends :)


There are some really great store-bought cookies out there, especially the Cookie Butter Sandwich Cookies from Trader Joe’s. Tom Thumb also has really good cookies it makes in its bakery.

Friday night will probably consist of me eating candy on my sofa while watching Parks and Rec on Netflix. By the way, props to both of y’all on doing double-digit miles on the treadmill. That would certainly be a mental battle for me!


The best, best, best store bought cookies are Carr’s Ginger cookies with lemon creme. The combination is to die for. Bonus points for my kids not liking them. More for me!


The longest I’ve survived on a treadmill was two miles….


I love the running accomplishments!! As someone who writes a lot about running goals there’s nothing that makes me happier than seeing people realize the rewards of all of their efforts. This made my Friday!


I don’t think I’ve ever done more than 13 or 14 on the TM. I don’t mind the TM at all, but I definitely prefer to run outside. Our town had its Lighting of the Trees last night and we decided to skip the crowds and are heading downtown tonight to see the lights and eat dinner. Happy Friday!


I think my longest treadmill run was 10 miles. I don’t think I want to do that again anytime soon. ;) My mom is coming into town today so I’m sure we will figure out some plans for tonight!


Woohoo! Good work. Andrew! My longest run on a treadmill was 13.1 miles … And it felt like I was running forever hah.

Love those frosted animal crackers! My favorite store bought cookies growing up were these -http://www.archwaycookies.com/products/classic-flavors/oatmeal-raisin … My mom always used to buy them and they were so soft and delicious. Gotta love processed treats now and then :)


Circus cookies!!! I swear your mom had to buy so many bags when I lived there as they were and still are my favorite!!! Yum!!! You and Andrew rock!


Longest run on a treadmill is 20 miles. Someone reported a mugging along our bike path so I was trying to be safe. Turns out it was a hoax so I was right back to our bike path.

I’m pretty sure my all time favorite store bought cookie is an Oreo!

Friday night plans consist of lunch with coworkers, grocery shopping, and movie watching with my littles.


12 was my max long run on a treadmill. The weather was horrendous and not expected to be much better the next few days so treadmill it was.

I love Tate’s chocolate chip cookies are one of the best packaged cookies ever, even their gluten-free tastes like a real cookie.


My longest treadmill run was 12 miles. I absolutely love the Pink and White Iced Circus Cookies! It takes me back to my childhood. Today we drive down to pick up our packets for my Half tomorrow and have Friendsgiving dinner with our friends who are running with me.


E.L. Fudge cookies are my favorite store cookies. They are like drugs.
I’ve ran races pregnant and early on in the pregnancy they feel good. The big issue is that I’m always scared to push it to the max while pregnant so there is a little compromise in the race feeling.
Longest treadmill run is 12 or 14 miles. I can’t remember. But it was long because I am not a fast runner. I can still smell the smell of that gym when I think about it.

Another boring Friday for me. No big plans.


What a fun race on Thanksgiving. I only know of 5-10ks but a half would be perfect. I had to run my last long run (20) on the treadmill before my second marathon. There was a huge snow storm and there was no way I could go outside. Good luck next week!


My longest treadmill run was 10 miles — and it felt like it took an eternity (*So I watched a movie and some Netflix*).

OREOS!!!! There’s nothing like them.

Tonight will be Crossfit maybe (if I can breathe) and relaxing definitely!


Longest TM run was 18 miles…had to stop at 14 to nurse my baby and it was sooo hard to start again! I’ve run 4 half-marathons while pregnant and a whole bunch of smaller races. Honestly I kinda love racing when pregnant because I enjoy the race a lot more, since I’m not pushing myself just to the brink of collapse like I do in regular races! Oreos are my fave store cookie…plans tonight are to finish laying my new floors before I host thanksgiving next week, yikes!


Awww what amazing women sharing their awesome running stories!

My longest run on the treadmill ever was 20 miles. Since I am a slow runner when I was faced with my first 20 miler I knew I would need a distraction to get me through the hours so I downloaded a movie to watch and that really did help the time pass!


Love that you both are racing a half on Thanksgiving!
I think my longest time on a treadmill has been 10 miles as well and I don’t know that I could do anything further on that thing. I get bored wayyyy too easy!


My longest treadmill run was probably around 10 miles…hasn’t been for a long long time! I get bored too easily and I seemed to get into a good groove that day!


What?! Good watermelon in November? I’m packing my bags and moving lol


Come on over… we’ve got a big bowl of it in the fridge waiting for you:)


I haven’t seen Finding Dory yet, but I really want to!

I was invited to a hockey game tonight so I’ll be seeing Calgary take on Chicago.




I’ve done numerous 3 hour runs on the treadmill with my longest being 25 miles. Having college football to watch was a huge help!


I ran a marathon 5-1/2 weeks pregnant. It was slow and I felt kind of crappy – I just thought I was getting sick, not realizing it was the start of morning sickness (I didn’t figure it out for another week or so). I think 5ish miles is the longest I’ve run on the dreadmill (in part because I’ve never owned one, or a gym membership, until a month ago). In 28 years of running, I’ve probably run less than 40 miles total on a treadmill (maybe less than 30 miles).


Nothing beats double stuffed oreos. Except the white chocolate covered ones at Christmas time!


I ran a 5k while pregnant! It was part of a big half marathon race in the Metro Detroit area called The Brooksie Way.

Thank you for always being so uplifting and positive on your blog. I look forward to reading your post(s) every day, Janae!


Hey neighbor, I live right off the Brooksie course and ran it the last 2 years.


Hey there! I ran it two years ago! It’s soooo hilly but I love Oakland’s campus! Lucky you that you get to train on that course whenever you want. I’m in the Waterford/Clarkston area :-)


Thanks Krystal, that means a lot to me!!!!!


Longest treadmill run ever: 8 miles. I don’t know how I did it. I think I could go further if I have a music playlist that’s long and good enough to keep me motivated. Treadmill miles are such a mental challenge! But they are certainly better than not running at all.

Friday night plans: Finance class, and then dinner :)


Great job to Jen in Monterey. Awesome effort in beating cancer.

side note: The best thing – for me – about that post was seeing the Salvador Dali sign in the background. Now I know there’s a new museum in Monterey and I can go there when I run Big Sur in April! Dali is one of my favorites and I’ve seen his work in St Petersburg FL, King of Prussia PA, and Vienna Austria.


I ran a half while pregnant. I didn’t actually know I was pregnant, although I knew that it was a possibility… I also had gotten a nasty cold a week before that I was just barely recovering from, so it was pretty rough race. I made it a half mile before I had to walk the first time and my running buddy told me that she couldn’t go that slowly and left me. :) Between the coughing and the nose blowing and the lack of energy, I really should have quit, but I was determined! I was the slowest person to run it that didn’t early start, but I finished it!


I did a 5k while pregnant with my older son. I took it pretty easy and I was pushing my daughter in a stroller, but it still felt really good. I’m actually sad I didn’t do the same thing with my baby…


14 miles on the treadmill and it was annoying as all get out-I hate having to restart after 60 minutes so I just hopped onto the treadmill next to me. I’m just not a treadmill girl although I sometimes think I *can* be.

Those frosted circus cookies are oddly delicious despite the frosting being waxy. I am convinced each color is a different flavor….Does Costco have the christmas shaped ones? I used to love those. For American store bought cookies my kiddos and I love nutter butters, golden oreos, and those silly “ice cream” wafers and nilla wafers (with PB between them!)

Friday night was filled with my daughter talking non-stop about her week at a fine arts conference all week. We made taco salads for dinner and I threw on leftover veggies (I wasn’t in taco meat mood) and it was so good and crazy combo of textures. Loved it.


omg I’m DYING to see Finding Dory!!


yoshida is life changing.. you need to put it on chicken, steak, and burgers!!


11 miles is my longest treadmill run.

Have you tried the circus animal ice cream from red button? Granted I have the tastebuds of a child, but I really really like it.


In 2010 while training for Boston, we had a particularly bad winter. I did one 20-miler, at least one 18-miler, and either one or two 16-milers on the treadmill. Thinking back, I don’t know how I did that!


After a large snow storm, I couldn’t find any decent sidewalk or path that wasn’t covered in ice, so I did 8 or so miles on the treadmill while training for a half marathon.

Just made the bell pepper pizzas you suggested a few days ago; they were perfect.


I love that you two are running on Thanksgiving together!!! Y’all are a match made in running heaven <3

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