14 pictures from St. George this weekend!

Hello everyone!  I hope your weekend has been a great one so far.  I am really happy with how my race went.  I can’t wait to share all of the details (because you know I have way too many details to talk about) with you tomorrow.

Let’s talk about a few things from the weekend first!

*I really don’t know how he did it.  St. George isn’t the easiest marathon to spectate and yet he got these kids to four different spots along the course.  That takes talent, skill and hard work.  He needs to teach a course on this because I am completely impressed.   I teared up each and every time I saw them along the way too.

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*Brooke took a lesson from all of the amazing runners she saw at the race… look at that form!

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*We stayed at our really good friend’s house (I’ve known her since I was 5 years old) and she had quite the cereal selection ready and waiting for the kids.  They were thrilled.

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*I still can’t believe her daughter-in-law made all of these amazing notes to have up in the house when we arrived.  Talk about a great way to go into a race positive and ready to run.

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*It’s always a good sign when you have Garmin marks on your wrist… it means it was on there for awhile and that’s a good thing.

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*PRAISE THE READERS THAT RECOMMENDED this type of gel for me.  I used it a bit before the race and my stomach really handled it well and then it was amazing yesterday.  It was so easy to take (GU consistency is not my favorite), it tastes better (the lemonade with caffeine was my favorite) and I had ZERO stomach problems.  Finally.  I have found my magic fuel for the marathon.

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*We drove home yesterday (we were in St. George for a total of 30 hours:) and the kids both fell asleep so we were able to just talk.  It was really nice.

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*It was really really nice when Andrew bought these beauties for me.

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*Too cool.

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*At the expo on Friday we randomly ran into one of my really good friends from when I lived in California.  She helped me a lot.  I sure love her.

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*My night before the race meal—> Pizza Factory spaghetti and grilled chicken.  And a breadstick.

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*They felt really cool at the race expo when they got their own personal bags.

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*Their love for race medals is starting early in life.  I’m okay with that!

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Thanks again you guys for everything and all the support during this training cycle!  I really appreciate you!


What are three things you are doing today?!

-KNOX’S BDAY party with our families!

-We will be watching General Conference (this always gives me the biggest boost)

-Pancakes for breakfast.  Just some carb-reloading going on over here after the race:)

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Congratulations on your race! Your family seem amazing. Today I went to the beach – finally its beach weather again in Australia! I also did chores and made dinner for some friends. Was a great day.
Do you have a lot of medals? How do you display them?


You sure did find a great one, Janae. The amount of effort it must have taken Andrew to find you at four spots on the course…that’s love! You deserve it all!

So glad you’re happy with your race. Congratulations!


Yes….love your race recaps….yes, I may have said that before…..yes, I will wait patiently. ;-)


Enjoy the memory of a great day yesterday!
Happy for you, dear friend!!


Sounds like a great weekend!!

Can’t wait to hear about your race


congrats on a great race, can’t wait for the recap! tonight starts the jewish holidays so today consists of cooking for tonight’s dinner!


Congrats on the race! Can’t wait to hear the details. Hope your get some rest and restore that glycogen with lots of good food. I’m finally walking a bit since my hip surgery last week. It’s incredible how something that once was so easy is now so very hard.


Awesome on the race, so happy for you. Ya know, when I read how fantastic Andrew treats you, and those two amazing beautiful happy kids….it makes me tear up and I don’t even know you. Just so happy for your happiness. Everyone deserves it. You go girl! And Brooke’s running form pic….dead on. Atta girl ! 3 things we are doing today: carving pumpkins, going to play some catch & hit the softball around at the ball field and clean/laundry/blah stuff.


Great job Janae! It was great to meet you and your lovely family at the expo. My friends and I have only good things to say about the St. George Marathon. We were all so impressed by how well organized the whole event was from the expo, the bus loading, the pre-race fires, all of the volunteers at the numerous water stops (especially the Icy-Hot guys and gals), and the post-race finish area. The ice-bags they handed out toward the end of the race were heavenly! Even the St.George residents were so supportive of the marathon with people handing out popsicles, kids squirting runners with super-soakers and lots of spectators cheering us on. I hope you come to Chicago someday to run our city and leave with just as many fond memories that we have from St. George!


CHRIS!!! I am so beyond thrilled to hear from you and that you loved the marathon. It really is the best and you better believe I will be out to Chicago one day for the marathon and loving it! THANK YOU and I hope you are recovering well today!


Question! Have you heard of the Maffetone training method?


Congrats! I’m so glad you liked the huma gels! Check out their newest product, Huma PLUS. It has electrolytes and both flavors are great!

I have a nasty headcold, so for me ito rest, hydration, and football today!


Congrats on an awesome race and a fun weekend! Enjoy the celebrations!


Great job Andrew (and Janae)! There is seriously nothing better than having your people along a race course!

I will have to give that gel a try! I love the salted caramel Gu but it tears up my stomach :(

The hubs is going to a football game with his dad today so I am taking the kiddos to church solo (wish me luck!) and to the fair afterwards.


Congratulations on an amazing race and a great training cycle! So glad the Huma worked for you!!!


Hiking to see Ice caves

Laundry :-(

A short ride on my bike to test new brakes.

Have a great Sunday!!


Sour Patch Watermelon are my faveeee


Congratulations !!! I’m so glad you had a good race ! The icing on the cake of a good training cycle ;)

Happy birthday Knox !!!

I’ve got a very low key weekend. I just made French toast, for maybe the first time ever? I don’t really cook, haha


I’m blown away by that whopper of a negative split you had yesterday. SO IMPRESSED. And nice job Andrew! I remember schlepping little Callum around Seattle while Andrew ran the marathon there and it was TOUGH! It’s so great that you both support each other. Enjoy the birthday party!


General conference always seems to. One at the time I need that boost most. ? Making a quilt and watching it is what we are doing here.


The kids are adorable with their sunglasses on!

Today my boyfriend and I are getting together. I’m not sure what we’ll be doing though.


Congratulations on running an amazing race. It looks like you had a truly lovely weekend with your family! I’m more than a little bit jealous of your carb-load too…


Congrats on a fast race! I don’t think I will ever get near that time! I am glad you like the HUMA packs…………….I love them and I think next summer when I am in training I may try them cold (fridge or freezer, not sure yet) but I think that may be nice in the southern heat to have a cold gel to eat. Can’t wait to hear all about the race.

PS He looks natural holding two kids……………..I bet (with all the crazy emotions a marathon brings on its own) it was hard not to cry when you saw them on the course cheering for you:) And what a great thing to show the kids, too, that getting out and being active is important. Just as important as lazy time at home with cereal and cartoons.


That is so much talent he got the littles to FOUR different spots!!! Holy!! Great job!!!! I have been wanting to try HUMA and now I will since it didn’t give you any GI issues! That was my worry so hopefully it will sit well with me! Thank you!!!


Wonderful to hear that your race went well! Awesome job :-)


Congratulations!! That is such an amazing time. Great job!

I love that the kiddos got to come spectate. Impressive, Andrew!

And I’m going to try the gels! I just upped my mileage, and my current strategy isn’t cutting it.

Congrats again!!!


Congrats on the race!! Excited to read about the details!

Three things I did today:
-Super easy run
-Went to the zoo with my neighbors!
-Attempted to go grocery shopping but gave up because Whole Foods/Trader Joe’s on a Sunday = Nightmare.


I’m so happy for you Janae, and I feel like I can’t say it enough. You worked hard for that marathon and I’m glad you had a great time too. I know a lot of people swear by Huma gel (we carry it at work) so maybe I’ll have to give it a try!



Every time I have a fun few days away from home, I find that the house needs some serious LOVE when I get back!


Love race expos! They are my fav!


Congratulations Janae! Wow, those are some swift feet. Only in my dreams do I run that fast!

I will have to look for Huma. For years I was a GU girl but then they tore my stomach up (like fetal position for hours) then switched to Cranksport E-gels and those were a game changer. Now after 5yrs of them I’ve noticed in the last 2 races my stomach is starting to hate those. I guess over the years companies need to make small tweaks here and there but when they do it’s back to the drawing board in search for a new supplement. Thanks for Huma mention.


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I’m behind on my blog catchup so I’m excited to read your race recap! Ps. the spaghetti + chicken looks unreal!!!

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