Beach + life goal of ours + training last week (just a few more weeks until the marathon).

We started off Sunday at church with Andrew’s family.  Kids not pictured because they were in current breakdown mode—> sitting still at church is rough at times on them.

We picked up a few donuts afterwards and California donuts always win for me.  I don’t know if they actually taste better than Utah donuts (they do) or if it is because I am in vacation mode whenever I’m in California eating them but they ALWAYS taste better to me.

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I wonder if the kids will ever eat the non chocolate/sprinkled portion of donuts.  With their current track record, I am guessing that they won’t.

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Our next stop for the day was the highlight of the trip for the kids.  This little girl could play in the waves all day long.

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Andrew wanted to be buried.

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And Knox loved joining him.

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I don’t know how much longer these two will want to be held all of the time for these sorts of things but I’m going to really enjoy this scene while I can.

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Life goal of ours—>  see how many beaches we can visit together.

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We got back just in time to join Andrew’s family for dinner—> enchiladas, salad and perfect watermelon.

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Andrew’s grandma then brought out a dessert I have never tried—>  Banana Split Frozen Bars.  They were insanely good (I need to get the recipe from her) and there was even some of her homemade strawberry jam in there.

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After dinner we joined them for their traditional after dinner walk around the neighborhood.

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Andrew’s grandpa was telling us about his sister and then Knox said, ‘Now I have a sister’ and then gave Brooke a big hug.  And then I took a picture of them together because it was one of the sweetest things I’ve ever heard.

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Andrew’s grandma made sure to buy his favorite cereal for him before we got there…

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Training last week!  I’m happy that between taking Saturday and Sunday off that I was still able to get just a little bit under 50 miles in for the week.  Next week I’ll try to get in some really good mileage and speed in before the taper begins.  Mileage will start to decrease a little bit but we want to keep up with our speed but shorten our intervals.  We may not be in our best running shape for this marathon but Josse and I really want to keep up with some faster leg turnover speed!

Monday:  7 miles @ 8:00 average.

Tuesday:  11.5 miles total.  4 x 1 mile repeats (with 2.5 minute recovery jogs) —> miles = 6:12, 6:10, 6:15, 6:09.  Average pace for entire run = 7:32.

Wednesday:  3 miles @ 9:00 average.

Thursday:  20.3 miles for the weekly long run.  I felt a lot better this time around because I took in some great electrolytes before the run (it was a hot day…70 degrees at the start and 84 degrees at the end).  8:12 average pace.

Friday: 4 miles on the dirt @ 8:20 average pace

Saturday and Sunday off:)

We have a big Labor Day BBQ (Andrew’s Grandparents have been doing this every year for about 50 years now!) to attend and then we will be on the road back to Utah!!


How was your training last week?

Do you take a 3 or 2 week taper for your marathon?  Do you continue to do speed work or cut that out during the taper?

-I’m thinking we will kind of do more of a 2.5ish week taper:)

Favorite beach that you have ever been to?

Have any Labor Day plans?

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That looks like such a fun vacay! I need to visit Cali soon. :)

I don’t have too much planned today: laundry, froyo and pool. Partying hard over here.


I have only run 2 marathons, but will start training for my 3rd on January 1st (race is at end of April). I have done a 2 week taper usually, seems to work ok for me. I really want to go to the beach after seeing these photos! I plan to work and run today………………but then I am off with the hubby for tues and wed so we will stay up late and watch movies all night tonight!


The picture of Brook + Knox is heart-warming :)

Labour Day plans –> going out for breakfast and then taking in this day to relax with my love sister-in-law!


My favorite beach so far was in Nice. It was the first pebble beach I’d ever been to and to be honest, I think I like them better than sand beaches.

One of these days I want to go to Prince Edward Island and visit one of the red sand beaches there.


Looks like a wonderful time! My favorite beaches were the ones in Jamaica that my husband and I traveled to for our honeymoon! Such beautiful views and wonderful memories :)


I’ve usually just done a 2 week taper…and the “speed” during it is just light fartletks or maybe a few miles at goal marathon pace thrown in somewhere. My training was also right around 45 this week, but with 6 days of running :)


My favorite beach is north myrtle in SC. My hubby and I got married on that beach so it’ll always have a special place in our hearts!

Every time I smell the salty ocean water in reminded of my loving hubby and how blessed I am!!

My training this week started rough (sickness and tummy issues meant missed or suddenly shortened runs) but ended with 16 miles that felt amazing!! It’s the longest I’ve ever run!! This week my long run will be 17 miles and then 18 and then 20 before my 2 week taper.

Since this is my first marathon, I’ll have to let you know if the taper was enough…


We are just driving home to real life after our little family visit. Hoping it’s a little warmer than Idaho there. It feels like winter in Idaho right now


I visited some pretty nice beaches in Kauai but unfortunately I can’t remember the names of any off them! I’m just relaxing this Labor Day since it’s been a pretty busy weekend for me. Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!


What happens when the kids misbehave in church. Do they receive any consequences?


Hi Jenny! We just talk to them about trying to be reverent at church but they are pretty young to expect them to sit quietly for too long. They usually are really good though! Thanks for reading! Have a great day!


Aww, I love how kids’ hair gets so blond in the sun! Extra blond hair = summer well-lived.


My favorite beach by far was Valencia, Spain. It was gorgeous and there’s just something magical about the beaches in Spain!


I love what Knox said about having a sister!!! What a sweetie. I’m sure your momma heart must have melted.

My training was great last week! Week 2 of training for the Honolulu Marathon. I hadn’t run much this summer but spent tons of time of my bike. I found out the cycling really helped me. My speed work has gone much better than expected. I don’t have the endurance on my feet, but I feel confident that will come.

Favorite beach = Polihale State Park on the island of Kauai. You have to take a dirt road to get there but it is spectacular! We got our rental car stuck once but the local Hawaiians had all the tools necessary to get us out (rugs and cardboard!) The sunsets there are amazing. You can also get there if you kayak the entire 17 miles of the Napali coast #worthit.


Sounds like the perfect Sunday. Even with the tantrumming children. Cause lets face it, after 3hrs of church, sometimes I wanna crumple to the ground, throw a fit and take a nap…all at the same time.

So I haven’t bought surgery cereal for almost 2hrs (besides on vacations) and this weekend I decided to buy 2 boxes – 1 for Evan and 1 for Anna as a surprise. Anna got cinnamon toast crunch. Then, after the kids were in be,d I wanted just a little summin summin and I had a handful and forgot how freaking delicious and addicting that stuff is. I could have easily eat it all straight from the box.


I don’t know why but……I always cringe when I see people buried in sand!! I guess I think of all the sand critters crawling around and then I start to think and NOW they are crawling around ME ~ and in places they probably shouldn’t be!! YIKES!

Kudos to them for doing so…I would never. ;-(

Yes, get grandma’s bar recipe…that looks so yummy. (And then you have to share it of course!)


OMG THAT’S SO CUTE! I wish my brothers were as excited to have me as a sister… I was the target of their pranks/torture as a child. Haha just made me stronger. Now I want a donut…


Ahh, California vacations are the best. Looks like you guys are having a wonderful time. It’s so adorable how Brooke and Knox love each other.

Favorite beach I’ve been to? St. Laurie beach near Orlando. I love it because that is where Landon proposed to me! It was literally the best thing ever.

Labor Day plans? NEWBORN SNUGGLES!! Our little boy (!!) finally decided to join our family Thursday evening. Since then, we’ve been snuggling non stop and I just love it.


Congratulations on the birth of your son!!


AHHH YOU HAD HIM BETHANY!! I am so beyond excited for you!


Thank you Janae!! I am LOVING the mom life. So priceless.


Kind of a three week taper: I do my longest run three weeks before race day but keep my weekday miles the same until the last week (the one that ends with the race).

Just ran a marathon today. Not pretty – apparently 9 weeks is not enough to adjust from flat, sea level start-of-training to 5500 hilly feet for end-of-training and racing. St George Marathon 2 years ago is tops for my “felt the best” marathon (not my fastest but the one I felt good all the way through and afterwards).


The doughnuts and the dinner look SO GOOD!!!!!!! Totally understand the sitting through church thing. Some Sunday’s are awesome and I think he is used to it then the next Sunday he can’t stay in sacrament longer than a few minutes!


Janae – I love the comment from Knox. But I wonder if you have had trouble integrating the family/kids. Can you share more of that on your blog? Sometimes you make it seem all roses and it can be hard on those who may have had more trouble, but compare themselves to your easy transition?!

Thanks :)


HEY!!! Absolutely Suzie! I would like to talk a little bit more about that but because of ex’s and wanting to not talk bad about problems with them and/or our kid’s personal problems I keep most of that off of a public platform. It is definite work and I will include a bit more about that but have to keep most things off of the internet for their best interest if that makes sense! I hope you are having a fabulous day!


oh my goodness that is so sweet what Knox said that warms my heart :,) also love Brooke’s dress in that picture too! and my favorite beach has got to be Ocracoke Island in the Outer Banks in NC :)


If you love beaches, you have to go to Australia! I might be biased but there are some of the most beautiful beaches in the world there. Let me know if you ever want to plan a trip and I’ll let you know where to go ;)


Such sweetness between Brooke and Knox :)


My favorite beach is definitely Ka’anapali beach in Maui. It is gorgeous and usually fairly private. Seeing all of your beach photos has made me long for some sun and sand. I’m so glad you had such a fun trip with your new little family unit.


These posts make my heart so happy! I couldn’t be happier for you guys, & I just love reading about all the fun you’re having. Those kids couldn’t be cuter together! <3

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