A list of things that make runners really happy, 22 miles and FRIDAY FAVORITES!!!!

Below is a list of things that scientifically make runners happy;)

*You get a close parking spot at the trail head so you can hurry and start your 20 mile run!

*Finding a tank and/or running bra that washes really really well so you can wear them a few times a week.

*Detergent that makes your running clothes smell really good.

*When you are running your ‘normal pace’ and feeling good and you get to the end of your run and see that your average pace is much faster than normal.

*When you fall hard while out on your run, skin your knees and palms of your hands but your phone doesn’t break:)

*That one song that makes you smile and keep going.

*The perfect weather is happening in your town so that you can run without gloves but also without sweating to death.

*You meet someone for the first time and find out they are a runner (I loved finding that out about Andrew before our first date:)

*When you find out at your doctors office that what you thought was a stress fracture actually isn’t.

*Your swag bag from a race is filled with better than the average bag of coupons for things that you will never use;)

*Porta potty lines at a race are at an all time low for a race where you really want a PR.

*Chocolate milk after a long run.  Donuts too.

*The accidental run into friends while you are out on the trails/roads.

*When your kids/spouse/significant other/grandma/neighbor/coworker/anybody you are close with shows interest in running.

*Sales on your favorite running clothes or shoes pop up—>  We are happy even if they are just a few dollars off.

*Completing a long run without any chafing anywhere (this certainly did not happen for me yesterday).

*When all of the stop lights turn green right as you are approaching them on a run (or when they turn red when you need a good excuse for a break;)

*You see a child/baby with running shoes on… I almost pass out because the cuteness is too much (I still have Brooke’s first little pair of Nike running shoes:)

*Seeing your peeps/family at the finish line of a race.  That fills up my whole soul.

I’m going to need to hear some things that make you happy on the run too!!!


22. Miles. Yesterday.  Miles 1-19.21 were fun and enjoyable and filled with sunshine and then miles 19.22-22 I hit that wall pretty dang hard.  I think it is hard sometimes with social media (IG especially…) because we just scroll through and see everyone’s killer races, runs and incredible accomplishments which is GREAT (and that is what I post about most often too!!!!) but it makes us forget that everyone has really hard runs/races too.

BUT we need to remember and highlight and underline and bold that just because our IG shows us about all of the amazing runs, don’t forget about all of the walls hit, unsuccessful runs and blood/sweat/tears that it takes to get to those amazing runs we see everywhere.

The kids insisted on a whole lot of hugs and kisses before I left which made me really happy though.

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I did about 1.3 miles by myself before meeting with Josse and then she left when I hit mile 16 (her long run is on Saturday this week).` Those miles were filled with great conversations, shade and lots of water.   And then I was on my own with zero shade, lots of sun and a wall waiting for me to run into;)  I think I needed three gels throughout the run (I took 2) and I just ran out of energy.  I took a 6 minute break at 19.21 miles on the grass and then slowly finished up the rest.  But i finished.  And I’ll remember that on race day.

22 miles with an average of 8:23.

PS it takes me about a mile or two to actually finish a gel.  I cannot take these fast at all unless I am standing there guzzling water at the same time.

PPS Josse and I have this weird thing where we have to stay on the same side of each other as the side we started on throughout an entire run.  We just get used to being on that side of the other person and then after a stop for water or anything we have to resume running on the proper side.

Just about 3 more weeks until race day—>  rest, recover, hydrate, fuel, sleep and get in just the right amount of miles and speed.

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One of their absolute favorite things to do is play hide and go seek with us.

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Andrew found a pretty good hiding spot that took the kids forever to find ha.

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Someone fell asleep and woke up right before dinner time.

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And for dinner I put together a mini-salad bar for Andrew and me (the kids had Kodiak Cakes and fruit).

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I don’t know if you have noticed this but I kind of love ginormous salads.  The other day my sister and I were complaining about how restaurant salads barely put any toppings on them sometimes and then we were reminded by others that we are the weird ones adding way too many fixings on top.  It’s just the way we love it.

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And then we did a movie night with popcorn to end our Thursday night.  I was pretty tired at this point ha.

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We are going to miss these two this weekend… both of them will be gone with their Dad for Brooke and Mom for Knox.

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Time for a few Friday Favorites before I let you go today:)

PS the older I get the more and more obsessed I am with slathering my face especially with major SPF before leaving for a run.  Start earlier with this than I did if you can.

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*This.  Everything about this.  Andrew got tickets for us to go.  I’m dying.  Jimmy Eat World is by far one of my all-time favorites and I’ve only seen them in concert once before but it was a long time ago.  I can’t wait to go with Andrew.

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*A few of you have been asking about my Mario shirt:)  While Andrew and I were in California we came across this shirt and Andrew told me I have to get it because the Mario song pops into my head all of the time.  I will randomly starting whistling it or singing it a few times a week and this has been happening for years now.   Andrew always laughs when it happens so he knew I needed the t-shirt.  I found it online HERE in case you need it too!!!!!

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What are some things that make you as a runner very happy?  Any from my list ring true for you?!

Do you take gels all at once or does it take you about a mile or so to eat the whole thing?

Share some of your Friday Favorites!

If you could choose any concert to go to… which one would it be?

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The one thing that is making me really happy this week – my 6 year old niece is running her first race this weekend!! So proud of her and can’t wait to be running buddies in the future!

I usually eat the whole gel at once. The longer I’m holding it, the sticker my hands seem to get! And sticky hands really annoy me!


ALL of the things from your list ring true except for one sadly. Very sadly. >>”Detergent that makes your running clothes smell really good.” I think my favorite sports bra is going to have to get retired soon because after this crazy hot summer we’ve had there doesn’t seem to be any way to make it stop smelling :(. It’s very sad because the sports bra itself still has a lot of elasticity and is in great shape! :/


Have you tried washing with vinegar? That’s what seems to work on my husbands soccer gear.


How much vinegar do you put in a load? Do you add it with the normal soap or just vinegar?


We just put a splash in a load usually but if it’s really bad you could probably put up to a cup in or try soaking it in vinegar mixed with water first? Without soap if it’s already clean just to cut the smell.


Huh, never heard of that but I’m defo going to try it! Thanks!!


I also love having my family and friends at the end of a race. When I start the final kick or round the last corner right before the finish line, hearing their voices and knowing they’ve been there for me all along really pumps me up and gives me that extra boost I need to finish with everything I have left. :)

I wish *NSYNC would have a reunion concert. I would absolutely NEED to go to that. I never got to go to their concert when I was in middle school, and that was really disappointing.


I understand the mile or two for a gel. I had that issue too! I switched to Huma…less stomach issues and the texture is sooo much better it only takes me about a half a mile to get one down now plus the cinnamon apple is on point!


Just wanted to say that it’s been really fun to read your posts with less affiliate links/sponsored posts :) I know you’re trying really hard and it isn’t going unnoticed!


My friday favorite is new awesome running songs!! if you haven’t already downloaded Sia’s new single “The Greatest” – DO IT RIGHT NOW!!! It got me through my five miles of hills last night, such a perfect running song. #thankyousia LOL


I wish I enjoyed going to concerts but I don’t. I don’t like the crowds, I don’t like the noise, and I don’t feel a person, group or sporting event for that matter ~ is worth my time, stress, and money. Yes, people are musically talented. Yes pro athletes are amazing. But for me to spend money to watch them when they usually make millions (pro athletes any way) I just can’t get my mind out of the “WHY???”

So many people and organizations could use some of their millions and yet they (the feed my starving children, cancer research, depression, bipolar etc….etc….organizations….) are left needing more money while others have such a crazy surplus.

Ooops….I will get off my soap box now….its a very slippery box that can create quite a bubble! ha!


“*Porta potty lines at a race are at an all time low for a race where you really want a PR.”

^THIS!!!!! I ran the Rock n Roll Virginia Beach half this past weekend. This was my third time running it and the porta potty lines are usually SO long. I missed my corral the past 2 years! But this year Hurricane Hermine came, so a lot of people decided not to run the race. It was the first time I’ve ever 1. walked straight up to a porta potty (twice!) and 2. gotten to my corral a full 10 minutes before the start of the race. Usually I’m sprinting to it!

And for the record, I did PR– by 5 minutes– for 1:33. I was SO happy! I guess the short porta potty lines are to thank :) Also I took your advice and came up with a “runner’s mantra” for the race, and I think that helped. I chose “Faith over Fear.” Every time I started to get nervous I wouldn’t be able to hold the pace the entire time, I repeated it over and over.

I hope you and Andrew have a fantastic weekend!


Hey Janae! I have a really hard time taking gels all at once and I usually avoid them altogether in the summer – they get so warm during my long run and do not taste good or sit well in my stomach! In the hot summer months I stick to Gu Chomps or Honey Stinger energy chews. They’re a little bulkier so they’re tougher to carry, but they taste like candy and I can eat several (usually 4-6 at a time) without any stomach issues!


Question about your sunscreen. Is it at all sweat-proof/resistant? I’m having trouble finding something that doesn’t run into my eyes when I sweat and sting a whole bunch.


I’ve had that same problem. Everything I tried would run into my eyes and burn like crazy (even waterproof the ones). This summer I tried Neutrogena Cool Dry Sport and it has been great! I haven’t had any problems with it.


No chafing, running into friends, short portapotty lines all make me happy. I had some crazy chafing last weekend and I still have some scabs from it. Ouch! (stepping into the shower and finding said chafe is the worst).

I either eat half or the whole gel at once. I prefer Honey Stinger Chews where I can eat a few at a time. (more than one bag takes up a lot of room though).

I wish I caught the Bruce Springsteen concert this time around. (I have seen him several times, always worth it).


I also can’t take an entire GU in one “bite”. What works for me is that I “nibble” on it over the course of like 20-30 minutes, taking in a little at a time, and swishing it in my mouth with the water I carry in my bottle. While my bottle is handheld so I don’t have to think about gripping it, the GU is definitely not! I’ve tried keeping it in my sports bra between “nibbles” but then it just gets hot and the packaging cuts into my chest. Oh well, can’t win ’em all.


What makes us happy: Getting over a huge hill and realizing that flats become SO much easier the more hills you do! We posted today about our upcoming “shift in focus” for our training. I need more hills!!!

Your salad looks so good. I don’t think it’s normal to crave salad at 9:30 am…but maybe that had to do with our long tempo run this morning. I feel like it should already be lunch time!


What detergent do you use for your workout clothes? I’ve tried the Tide Sport and it was ok. And we have been using No Sweat Antibacterial Sport Wash but I don’t feel like its doing a very good job.


I would love to see Adele. I am super lucky that I will be seeing Train this month. They are one of my favorite bands


I totally agree with restaurant salads – they never have enough of the good stuff on them!

My Friday favorite today is that I don’t have any classes on Fridays this semester.


I love jimmy! have so much fun at the concert! super jealy!


I find that if I start a run with someone then we have to remain on the same sides we started with for the duration of the run, also!

#1 Band –> Metallica or Florence and the Machine (quite the two different genres of music)


I love seeing small (i.e. cats, foxes) while I run. Also, there’s nothing like running on an empty beach or an empty city that is usually bustling with people (like San Fran). I also adore running with my xc team and my own kiddos.

I either take my gel all at once or take 1/2 and then wait to do the other half, but I need to do both with water.

Some of my favs are my new Adidas Pure Boost, they are definitely helping with my PF.http://www.ladyfootlocker.com/product/model:257105/sku:AQ6680/adidas-pure-boost-x-womens/navy/red/?cm=. I’m also all about dried wasabi peas and roasted veggies right now, although not together ;)

I’m going to a Carrie Underwood concert next week, but I would love the chance to go to another Taylor Swift concert because it’s not just her music it’s about the performance she puts on.


No bowel issues while running… I can usually tell as soon as I start if I’ll need a potty break.
When everything just feels good. You’re not tired, sore, hot, cold, or anything else. Just feeling good!
When people are courteous to your running and move out of your way versus having to ask them to move aside. (I sound like a dying elephant. I know you hear me coming).
Getting your run in early before you’re too tired to even think about it.
That period of time when the sun comes up super early so running OUTSIDE before work is a possibility. (I miss this one. Tear. I’ve been prepping the treadmill for all of our upcoming runs together).
When you’re feeling super motivated and it’s not like pulling teeth to get started.

A few things that make me a happy runner. :) Happy FriYAY!


This probably makes me weird but rain on my run makes me happy. I got way more of it than anyone should at my race last Sunday, but I still love it.

With gels I like to take them slow but still finish them within 10 minutes. I prefer the Clif organic pouches because they aren’t as sweet and go down much easier. But they do take up more space than I like.

Can’t wait to read about your next race!


*The perfect weather is happening in your town so that you can run without gloves but also without sweating to death.

*When that one song plays right when you need it! I get goosebumps!

*When your significant other meets you to refill your water/fuel/paper towels — and cheers you on mid-run!


I have had so many stress fractures. I only wish that were the case!


Thank you for always being real about how your runs go. It’s so, so helpful and reassuring to hear that you took a 6 min break before finishing your run. Reminds me I’m normal when I have to take a break or have a rough run too.


But what about the restaurants that put plenty of toppings on their salad and not enough lettuce? It’s totally normal to bring a baggy of lettuce and add to it, right? I am asking for a friend.

We went to the Protein House for lunch yesterday and their salads had ample toppings. It made us all so happy #itsthesmallthings

22miles is no joke. Especially in the sun. alone. You are right that every run is not great. But those crappy ones make the good ones that much better. And it is the crappy ones that make us stronger mentally. Way to get it done. I hope you guys have a fun weekend!!


WOW! Your website loads SOOO much faster now. Thanks for the upgrade!


Oh I am so glad it does. It was driving me NUTS!!!! Hope you have a fabulous weekend Lew!


Oh! I love Jimmy Eat World… some of their songs are on my running play list! Also, I haven’t seen them in years. Have so much fun!
I’d love to go to a Pearl Jam concert again… waiting patiently for them to tour on the West Coast again.

22 miles…. I don’t even know how you do it.


things that make runners sad: when the traffic light turns green when you REALLY want a break. ;)

but really, all those were right on! and getting me excited for my long run tomorrow like a nerd. hah!


I can totally take a gel all in one shot…a lot of people don’t like gels, but I love them! lol Well, except for salted watermelon (it tastes so horrible) and maple bacon sounds DISGUSTING (despite me being Canadian!)


Yess, love when that one favorite song comes on and you push it! Also very into chocolate milk after a run or literally all the time

I take the gel all at once! I don’t eat before running because it makes me nauseous so I’m pretty hungry I guess when I whip out the gel ;)

I don’t like concerts, crowds make me anxious


Jamesthemormon is coming this month so we are definitely going to that concert!!!! I LOVE you list! SO TRUE! Ido the same with gels! I loved that flavor at my last race and then found out it has green tea extract. What a let down. :( You may think your dinners are simple but I get so lazy that we will just eat one or two ingredients…if 1 I like to think we are eating a monomeal. hahahahahaha


I have LOVED reading about your long runs on Fridays. It gets me pumped for mine on Saturday. I have my 3rd 20 miler tomorrow and I’ve been nervous about it. I’m so ready for the taper! (I’m doing St George too). I had a rough 10 mile tempo run yesterday that I had to stop a couple of times. It’s the first time this training cycle that I couldn’t push through. I guess my body is ready to be done. Thanks for the reminder that everyone struggles sometimes!


AHHHH GOOD GOOD GOOD LUCK MARIE!! You’ve got this and you’ve done it twice before so you can most definitely do it tomorrow too:) Good job on FINISHING the tempo… you pushed through the rough run!


Hi, your blog isn’t coming up in the blogger feeds again.


NOOOOOO Okay!! Thanks for letting me know… I’ll get that figured out ASAP!!


Your whole list sounds so familiar. I would only add early morning long runs and pretty sunrises. That always makes me smile.
Also, the gel has to be over a mile or two, most definitely!!
I would love to see Death Cab for Cutie because I missed a chance to see them in Montreal a few years ago and it’s made me a little sad since.


Sorry the end of your run was tough!

I always take gu/gels in one quick swig! If I try and carry them open they leak and get me all sticky (and I hate feeling sticky). Maybe it’s because we are never NOT hot and our gels are always super thin and runny in texture because of it? If you don’t get it all down in 30 seconds it’ll be all over you! But I always run with a handheld so it’s easy to swish and wash it down immediately also.

I just went to a Dixie Chicks concert with all my high school girl friends and it was awesome! I think Dave Matthews in concert is my favorite though!


The stoplights turning green sound very true! as well as when your friends/coworkers show interest in running.
I also find happiness when it starts to drizzle where you’re running but you see the huge vibrant rainbow (sometimes even a double rainbow) ahead of you but you know you won’t be in the sun for awhile.

I took the girls to this children’s philharmonic orchestra concert one time and it was really fun. I would love to take them again!


I love no gloves/no sweat runs!
Unfortunately, all my doctor checks for stress fractures have turned out to be stress fractures or something else just as bad. That said, though…I haven’t had one since college 20 years ago. =)
I don’t do gels – just can’t get over the consistency. I carry my own food for long runs and long races: some version of pb crackers/pretzels, fruit snacks/sport beans, and fruit leather.


I had to laugh reading about your complaint with restaurant salads, because that’s the same thing I complain about to my husband when we go out!!! I’m no good with just a protein and 1-2 veggies and craisins added in…I need lots of veggies added! I’m also weird in that I don’t really want too many sweet things in my salad (I.e., can’t do a fruit, craisins, and a sweet dressing on a salad), I need it to be more balanced on the savory side. Your salad bar looked killer though…can I fly over and join?!? ;-)


It makes me happy when my spotify reads my mind and plays all the right songs at all the right times!! It also makes me happy when other runners say hi and smile.. like we’re unified in our running endeavors :)


I love any country concert during the summer months!

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