Tough love with marathon training and TANGENTS!.

I really want to start off today by talking about my sponsored posts situation.  I do read your comments and I apologize to those who feel that I have had too many sponsored posts lately.

There are a few reasons why I did this:  1.  Amazing companies are reaching out to me to work together a lot recently and I get excited for the opportunities and great products.  2.  I also worry about any upcoming ‘dry spells’ which do occur (sometimes often) so I feel the need to build up to prepare for the dry spells.  Working with great companies (that I truly love and trust—> believe me, the stuff I don’t like gets sent right back:) is what allows me to continue to do this as a job and put in the time that I do.  I view blogging and social media probably a little bit differently and see it kind of like TV… there has to be a commercial every now and then or a monthly subscription fee (like Netflix) in order for the TV stations to continue doing what they do.  But I do want my readers to be happy too.  In talking to Andrew about it, we decided from here on out to expect about 3 sponsored posts total a month (I do have a few projects already signed with companies that my family uses and want to complete over the next few weeks… but it is just for one a week).

I can honestly say (and it would be easier to talk about this in person than over the keyboard and I’d probably give you some candy and a hug too;) that you guys are my number 1 priority with blogging and I want to keep you happy.  Just a work in progress—> balancing everything in life has never been my strength;)

So, let’s go back to the basics mmkay?  I’m just some crazy business owner over here making all sorts of mistakes BUT I’m happy with where I am at now in terms of this.  In the past I would have seen the problems that came up as GAME OVER/I’m the absolute worst/failure/etc but I am happy that I can now view things like this as motivation to GROW, change and become better and work towards what I really want if that makes any sense?  Thanks for sticking with me through my lame mistakes along the way, if I’ve learned anything in life… the more I try to be perfect and do it all, the more mistakes I make.  Thank you a whole lot for reading.


Fun fact:  Josse is very to the point, she reminds me of the tough love that is strongly connected to marathon training.  I was going on and on about how ‘oh my goodness tired I am’ and how I don’t know what is wrong with me and causing me to be so tired and she replied—>  welcome to marathon training.

Dang it, I guess the fact she has done well over 20 marathons means she knows a whole lot more than I do about the race.  I think I forget about it each marathon training cycle and wonder why I’m so exhausted until Josse kindly reminds me, that is part of the sport.  Training for races is tiring but we just have to do everything we can in order to help with the tiredness—> sleep more, eat better, drink all of the water etc.

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I did the first 5 miles on my own and then Josse joined me for the last 15.  Josse is doing her long long run on Saturday and so I lucked out that she still did 15 with me yesterday.  PS we are taking the kiddos camping this weekend—>  we shall see how this goes.

I knew at about mile 4ish that things weren’t feeling great and THANK GOODNESS Josse was there because she had the best stories to tell me and when I told her I was done at 18 (I said it very dramatically, I might add) she said ‘nope, keep going.’  I am very glad she did because my marathon training desperately needed a 20 miler.  I’m guessing I’ll get in a 22 miler and then drop back down to the 16ish mile area leading up to the race.

We tried out a new route which was gorgeous (there is a lake on the other side of the green).

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Clearly I even had to close my eyes during the last few miles because I was so tired!

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Finished up the 20 miles @ an 8:24 average pace, stretching and lying on the ground (that I do after every long run) by 8ish.

Last week my 18 miles felt like a breeze and this 20 felt quite the opposite.  It’s just how it goes and there is nothing I’ve found to change that.

Some runs are incredible, some are the worst and most of them are somewhere in between.

Also, Andrew remembered that he had a hand held water bottle thing for me to use for my long run and it was amazing.  I don’t think I can go back to non-water sipping the entire time during all of my long runs/marathons from here on out.  I felt so hydrated during and afterwards which doesn’t usually happen with my long runs.

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And it wouldn’t be this blog without some tangents:

*How the kids react when they have gone a few days without one another.

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*Beretta’s love language is physical touch.  As soon as you start scratching her belly she puts her paw on your arm so you won’t leave:)

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*She has us wrapped around her finger:

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*We grabbed some smoothies right after my run and a shower.  The chocolate and peanut butter one is pretty much a milkshake but I can just call it a smoothie;)

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*This made me laugh so hard hahahah!

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*My brother (the one that is a pilot) surprised my dad by taking him and one of my nephew’s to Rome… my jealousy has reached an all-time high;)  But I’m so happy for my art-loving-Dad who is having the time of his life!

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*Well, isn’t that the sweetest site ever to walk into the room seeing?!

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*What do you think about the Shaunae Miller diving in to beat Allyson Felix in the 400m final?  I’ve heard some say they think diving in track should be against the rules but I don’t know about that… I was bummed Felix didn’t win though and watching the finish line kind of shocked me.

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*This, this was absolutely beautiful.

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*Last night we got started working on our baseboards!

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*And my mom came over for a bit and gave Brooke her usual (I had no idea this was something that happened so often) foot massage and hand massage in the sink with warm water and soap.  Ha… Grandma of the year.

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*Bott’s Beans last night with the kids… aka the game where you either get a normal jelly bean or a really disgusting one.  Andrew and I got a lot of really disgusting ones.

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What first got you into reading blogs or writing a blog?

What do YOU LOVE most to see/read about over here on this blog?

Who uses a hand-held water bottle?  Do you use it all of the time or just for the longer runs?

What do you think about diving during a track event?

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Thank you for taking the time to address the sponsorship drama! I personally don’t have a problem with the occasional post, so I think it’s great that you’re going to set a limit per month! You can never make everyone happy, but I think this is a step in the right direction :)

I first started blogging when I was plateauing with my running. I needed to get some external motivation, so I put my goals and running plans out on the Internet. It’s been a year and a half now, and I’ve been able to PR in every distance that I’ve raced, so I guess it’s worked out!


I just recently started reading your blog and following you on IG and have enjoyed reading. I don’t typically post a reply but I am just really saddened that you feel you have to apologize for what you post on YOUR blog site. I may not love something someone posts but I also have the option to stop reading that post for the day. I understand you want to make your readers happy but you will never make everyone happy and it’s too tiring trying to do so. You need to be YOU and write what is on your heart. Be Blessed, Be You.


Agree! xoxox


I have been reading your blog for about 2 years and always enjoyed it. I almost never post a reply but I wanted to tell you that as previously posted in the comments above I am sometimes not so interested in some of the posts and choose to not read that post for the day. I understand you need to keep you blogging business alive and you will never make everyone happy . Continue to be yourself and trust yourself.


I have just started reading your blog and I really enjoy it! I have just started training for my first half marathon and love reading your stories and the information you share and the products you share too! I was really saddened that some felt the need to react negatively to you.
You should not feel you need to respond to this negativity!
Keep doing what you are doing for all of us that enjoy your posts!!

I do not carry the hand held water bottle, but would like to get one!

I don’t have a blog, but would like to start one some day!!


I have been reading your blog for years and only recently started one myself (well about a year ago, but still pretty new to it in the grand scheme of things). I think your blog is amazing. You keep doing you girl! You won’t ever be able to make everyone happy, so you keep doing what’s best for you and your family. I only use my handheld during long runs, because I’m just not a fan of carrying it all the time. I think that was a pretty gutsy move to dive. I don’t know that I would do it myself, but you have to admire her willing to lay it all on the line.


I started writing a blog years ago for an outlet for my thoughts and simply so I could write more of what I wanted to write about. I truly enjoy your blog and totally understand you needing to write about your sponsors every once in a while. You’re never going to be able to please everyone, but you just keep doing you. I think you’re doing a fabulous job. :)

I personally don’t like the whole diving over the finish line thing. I don’t think it’s right. As one of my non-runner friends put it, “This isn’t diving! This is running!” You should RUN across the finish line.


I don’t really understand diving during a track event, it seems mostly like a really good way to injure yourself, but I get it. I feel so bad for Alyson Felix though because she lost out to a dive in another Olympic qualifier too, which is such a bummer. I just don’t want it to become a thing you have to do to win. The last thing we want is a million people hitting the pavement after a race. All in all, not my favorite thing but if you have to do it to win, so be it.

I started reading blogs because I loved to hear about people who were going through the same experiences with me in their training and I was looking for a little motivation. It’s always nice to see you’re not the only one on this crazy fitness journey. I started writing one because even if one person can connect with what I’m saying, I can say I’m doing something good. I have a lot of knowledge and strongly believe in life long learning, so I like to share that on my blog whenever possible.



I’ve been reading your blog since you first created and honestly I don’t think your sponsored posts are over the top. This is how you make your living and you’re right. Early summer as well as early spring are such slow times for blogging. If you bypass chances now, you never know what will happen then. Its obvious you use the products. Maybe mixing in some unsponsored posts of products you have been using consistently as well as photos of you using products could help?

It’s really not difficult to skip a sponsored posts if you don’t agree with it either.

I owe you a text back about running. Now that I think about it, it was the last text I received so that’s probably saying something about how much I’ve had my phone on me. Haha!


I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOUR REPLY FOR THE LAST 24 hours;) HAHA I kid, but I love texting with you and one of these days we better meet in real life! I love that idea of mixing in some unsponsored posts of products too! Thanks Hollie, you are the best and I am so happy to see you back ROCKING those 5ks!


I don’t know why anyone would be complaining about your sponsored posts! I really love reading about different products and you’ve definitely introduced me to things I would not have tried otherwise. Also, I think you do a great job of personalizing the sponsored posts so they don’t just read like an add. I say keep them coming!

I’ve been reading your blog and others for a few years now but only started my own blog this year. Mainly to keep me on track to run a marathon. It’s working so far!


I have a hand held water bottle, and my hand actually slides through the center of the bottle. It’s kind of hard to imagine unless you see it but it’s ergonomically correct for running and it’s the most perfect running bottle I’ve ever had. I actually bought it on a whim at a discount store for around 5 bucks and since then I’ve seen them only a handful of times online and each time I bought more because if I lost that thing, I would just die!

You explained sponsored post perfectly. They’re like commercials and I always tell my readers if you don’t want to watch the commercials you can turn the channel and if you don’t want to read my sponsored post you can come back tomorrow but then they may miss out on something awesome or maybe not, their choice.

I read your blog for your running stories, race recaps, training and I like hearing about your life. It’s interesting to hear your views and to hear about your family life, religion and beliefs. Your life is somewhat different than my life and it’s fun to see how other people live.


I know the bottle that you’re talking about, I forgot about them. Thanks for the reminder.


Do you know what brand or model it is? Thanks!


Hi Hannah,

It’s from Sportline. I’m not sure if they make it anymore but you could look on Amazon. Mine is green but they had a yellow one at one time….good luck! It really is a great product if you can find it.


Janae, we readers feel like distant friends. We enjoy reading about your fitness and your life, and are happy to support you in using your writing to provide for your family. But in exchange, we ask for transparency and your being truly up front and honest with us – not just to the letter of your contract with a sponsor a la the Westin issue. We would have the same issue if tv networks tried to pull the wool over our eyes regarding their sponsors. Without reader support, these opportunities would not be possible for you, so please grant us respect via transparency and addressing our comments rather than hiding from them and we’re happy to continue to follow your journey!


Hi Kay! Thank you for your comment! I think the confusion occurred because I was compensated for the Westin instagrams and not my blog vacation post. I have added that I was compensated for the instagrams to that vacation post though if you would like to go back and read that post. Thank you for your concerns which helped me clear this up!


It’s a step in the right direction, that’s for sure! I do feel like you glazed over things a bit in this reply (the confusion did not randomly occur, it occurred because you actively chose to omit relevant information), but I appreciate that you were willing to take others’ replies re: FTC disclosures to heart, and added a disclosure towards the top of the post instead of burying it.

I hope to see more transparency and acceptance of constructive criticism from you in the future! Please remember that receiving and responding to critique is how we learn and grow, and that it’s better to hear from us when we’re upset than to have us unfollow you and never tell you what you did wrong. Admittedly, I am better about this in my work life than my personal life – my husband would tell you I need some time before I can accept personal criticisms from family and friends, but I always learn and grow from them in the end – and I know that line is somewhat blurred for you on this blog. Thanks for listening!


I can’t even remember how I started reading running blogs. But if I don’t like a blog, I just don’t read it. I don’t tear it apart.
Regarding the water bottle, after my hip injury that was caused by a belt that holds bottles, I run with a water bottle in my hand. I don’t even run a 5 km without water. There’s a group of runners that do their long runs together every Saturday (sometimes I join them) and there’s this one lady (not a runner) that drives with the group every Saturday with water, coke ect. ps they start at 05h00 every Saturday. Diving and track……….all I know is I will not try it, I’ll land on my nose!!


It bothers me that you feel you have to limit your sponsored posts to three a month. You provide entertaining and informative insights into your life and running DAILY. No one has to pay to read your posts. If it is a product or service that doesn’t interest someone, skip it or skim it. I have a hard time thinking of a post (sponsored or not) where I didn’t learn something, smile, or, even on occasion, shed a tear. You have every right to take advantage of the opportunities given to you. I honestly don’t know how you do it. I can’t even remember to write in my running log every day!


Thank you for it all Janae…….running, and food and love and motherhood and hard parts and everything! Thank you for all you have done for me over the years through this blog. I became a better runner, had the confidence to have a baby, am a better family member, am easier on myself with failure and see it as a positive step towards growth and change.


Erica, your sweet comment gave me the goosebumps. I can’t thank you enough for your online (AND REAL LIFE ((come back to park city)) friendship over the last almost 6 years. I feel like we have had a very parallel life and your emails have gotten me through some tough things along the way. I just love you and I better see you SOON!


Janae, I wonder if at the very beginning of the post you put a disclaimer that you were compensated for this post or given free product to review.Maybe that would be enough to appease the crowds.I have no issue with sponsored posts.You are fortunate to have a blog job you love,can do at home,raise your kids and make some coin.Keep up the good work.


I agree! Thank you Irene, I really appreciate that big time! Hope you are having a beautiful day!


I agree.. I’m totally fine with sponsored posts. I only feel weird when there isn’t an up front or obvious disclaimer that a trip or product was sponsored or given for free.
I personally admire that you have been able to parlay a fun hobby blog into a small business that allows you to be home with your daughter


A friend of mine from junior high started a blog and she linked frequently to yours and PBFingers. Then through you all I found more!
I love your family/daily life/tangents content more as the years have gone on. I still get a lot out of your running and fitness content too, but your family values shine through and I really appreciate and value seeing that. Your stories about eating disorders and some of the harder things in life have resonated for me and been a great help as well.

I don’t think you should worry too much about the sponsored posts, you always tie in your normal day-in-the-life content as well and we all know this is your business. You provide free content to your readers and you need to generate an income in some ways to continue delivering that content. Some bloggers supplement that with subscriptions to fitness plans, books, apps, etc and avoid ads or sponsorships on the blog or vice versa. I support it!


A long time reader here (like since 2010/2011??), first time commenter, I think. I get why people are bothered by some of the sponsored posts; there’s some room for improvement when it comes to disclosing what’s been compensated etc. I personally just choose to skip those posts that are about a product I’m not interested in and then check in the next day instead. That said, I’m really happy for you for having these sponsor opportunities,though, and I hope they keep coming! It’s really admirable how you’ve managed to grow this blog of yours into something that provides a living for you and your family.
Your blog is probably the first one I started following since I began running years ago, and reading it is part of my daily routine now so I’m unlikely to stop anytime soon. I don’t agree with you on lot of things and we lead very different lives, but you seem like a genuinely nice person and a good mom so I’m very happy for you success and wish you nothing but the best:) Anyways, have a good day!
Greetings from freezing Finland!


Hi Janae! I started reading your blog 3 years ago and I love it! The sponsored posts don’t bother me at all, I know this is your source of income and it’s always nice to be introduced to new products. I enjoyed the NuMe post last week a lot! I think you’re doing a really great job at this blogging thing and I will keep reading you for as long as you’re here.
I haven’t quite gotten back into running since having my daughter earlier this year but when I was running regularly I almost always carried a handheld water bottle! They’re great!


well said Torrie :)


I have no issue with sponsored posts…they’re cool products a lot of the time and it’s not like readers don’t know they’re sponsored. I don’t know when readers became so entitled!! As if you owe us something (fewer sponsored posts, more personal details, etc. etc.).
That said..I DO want more details on the Westin trip! I don’t need to know all the details of what you were paid/what was compensated to you, but I was clicking around on their website and didn’t see anything about a running guide, or having the concierge run with you – I was just wondering if this would normally be an added cost or if he usually just gives guests details on where to run? I’m guessing that’s it and he ran with you guys as an added perk of the trip from Westin, which is awesome! Just wondering what to expect. We were in BC this spring and ended up finding a bike shop with a closet ultra runner employee (LOL) who was able to tell us about all the cool routes locals run. We were in Sechelt at the time on Vancouver Island and would totally recommend it there too with the kiddos! Small, beach town vibe with some cabin-type cottages available for really reasonable prices through air bnb. I digress… Thanks for sharing your life with us Janae (& fam!).


AMEN on the comment about readers acting entitled!


I was just at the Westin on my honeymoon a day before Janae (so bummed I could have met her) and the run and bike concierge was free as we were staying there. We also got a free tennis lesson which was amazing. Everything Janae said about the resort was true it was amazing and I am already planning our anniversary trip back!!


I have been a long-time reader of HRG. I have noticed an increase in the number of sponsored posts but do not have a problem with them AT ALL. I love to read about new products on the market and different experiences with them. As mentioned above, you make a living off this blog which means sponsored posts are necessary. Keep doing do!


Janae! I love your blog and I have noticed the increase in product placements, but you do them very naturally. I know that you would only endorse something you truly believe in and want us to know about. And, most importantly, you do try really hard to INTEGRATE your sponsors into a normal blog post – and still give us some fun tangents! So I think you are doing awesome. ROCK ON WITH YOUR BAD SELF!!


Janae, I admire your positive attitude and response to criticism — it’s easy to for people to be harsh with the anonymity of the internet and you have always responded with class more than anyone else I have seen. I have a career which unfortunately results in websites where people can rate me and not surprisingly it’s often the people with polarized opinions who bother to leave a review and it is discouraging when you feel all of your hard work and time invested has been reduced to negative comments. I just remind myself that it certainly doesn’t discount the many people who are appreciative of what we do who don’t leave comments, who undoubtedly far outnumber the naysayers (or else how would we still be in business?). I appreciate what you do and look forward to your posts each day, including your sponsored posts because you personalize them and incorporate routine parts of your day. More than anything I come to your blog for the positive energy you put out there as you truly come across as so kind and excited about life despite the challenges. I have become more active since reading your blog and your passion for running has been a part of it. I have been reading your blog over 3 years and this is the first time I have commented; I am sure there are many many people out there just the same. I too would like to see a FEW less sponsored posts (or more distributed over time) but I completely understand that in order for you to continue this as a career and support your family there has to be a way to generate income. I don’t work for free either! Go on with yo bad self and have a great Thursday!!! ;-)


I’ve been reading your blog for a couple years now and never thought there were too many sponsored posts – most “mommy blogs” I follow are 100% sponsored posts so I guess I thought it was normal! :) Love your running tips and Costco recommendations! :)


I have been reading your blog every single day for the past year and half or so. I love the sponsored posts- they are very interesting and I like how open and give your actual opinion on all of them! I don’t think you do too many either…maybe on days when you do have a sponsored post, you also do a “regular” post as well. I know you said multiple posts a day is crazy hectic but just a thought :)
Keep doing you, you rock. Btw, I love how your mom reads all the comments before you do and deletes mean ones. That is the sweetest thing in America!!!


I love your blog! You should just do things the way you want to. Just keep being you!


Thank you for the reminder about being tired is just a side effect of marathon training. I am training for my 9th marathon and keep wondering why I am so tired. Apparently I forget the side effects when I am not training! I feel you on wanting to be done on the run, I told myself approximately 200 times yesterday to keep going! So, thank you for making my crazy thoughts seem normal ;)

I love your sponsored posts! I like knowing what type of products you enjoy using!

Handheld waterbottles for the win! I don’t know what I would do without mine! I freeze it the night before, and rely on water fountains the first few miles, but it is usually completely unfrozen by mile 6 and then helps to cool me down!


I love seeing the pics of utah, race recaps, and the good food you eat! I don’t have a problem with the sponsored posts I just skip over them or don’t read as often. I’d do the same thing if someone was offering me money to review their product. I unfortunately will not purchase the products you sponsor because I was unhappy with naturebox and threadup. I only tried them because of your recommendation. Girls gotta do what a girls gotta do! But this girl doesn’t have a ton of money!


I started writing my blog because I had numerous people encouraging me to become a mentor/coach on healthy habits and balance. In general I love implementing things that make me feel good into my life and I love to share those things with others! Blogging has allowed me the ability to do that and gain confidence in my voice :).


Definitely writing my own (tiny) blog got me more into reading them. I actually don’t mind your product placement posts, if it’s not something I’m interested in I just skip it. NBD. I like your blog and in order for you to keep blogging you need money, that’s just the way it is. :) Plus there’s a difference, some bloggers I’ve stopped reading entirely because EVERY post is sponsored and I just don’t believe them anymore. I can basically go to shop bop or something and see the exact same thing. Lame.
I’ve been looking into hand held water bottles. Is the amphipod a good one? I like my hydration pack but it’s a bit excessive sometimes….I look like I’m running an ultra when really I’m turtling 5 pregnancy miles. :)
I might be alone here, but I did not like the finish line dive. I admire her for wanting to win SO bad but it just seems more dangerous than anything, I really thought someone was going to trip on her.


I’ve been thinking about the diving thing I still don’t know what I think about it. Either way, the results are what they are.

I loved the two runners that helped each other continue (even though they were clearly in pain). I also loved seeing Bolt and De Grasse cross the line smiling and laughing at/with each other. They looked like two friends out on an easy run!

To answer your question, I love hearing details about your training. That is what originally pulled me in and your pictures/tangents/personality have kept me coming back. Love your blog so much! That is what inspired me to start mine but I am still working through some things/decisions to get it really up and running.


Dude. I love your sponsored posts. It’s introduced me to some pretty awesome things. If I see and need it, I’ll try it.
I’m on the fence about the whole diving thing. It felt awkward but it’s legal :/
Also, I use a handheld bottle during Longer runs. They are amazing!


I had no idea there was sponsored post drama, so naturally I went back and flipped through the comments from yesterday to get some context. Oh my word, that seemed harsh! I just want to let you know for every one negative (not the constructive feedback ones that aren’t rude, but the truly negative commenters that kept going on and on and made a little negative commenter group thing) there are a handful of readers that don’t comment much that could care less, and who love to hear about the products you use–even if it’s only been for a short time. Heck, I know I use something for a day and am OBSESSED with it and tell all my friends and family because I can’t contain myself! I know you know this, because you’ve discussed how comments rarely affect you anymore, but just know that you have a much, much bigger group reading that loves whatever you say. And if we don’t resonate with the sponsored item, we don’t get upset about it, or pick apart you life, or count how many times we see said sponsored item in your Instagram photos. Or ask questions that dig at your gorgeous life with Andrew and Knox. We just love and support you and are happy for you. Have a great day!


Reading this back over, of course after I post it, I see a few typos–sorry about that! I should double check before posting.


Thank you so so much Aaryn! Seriously, thank you. It means the world to me and I hope you are having a beautiful day!


I’m not philosophically opposed to sponsored posts at all. I totally get the business side of blogging and respect it as an industry and enjoy reading your blog (and have for years!).

What bothers me is the lack of effort on sponsored posts (not just you, many bloggers). If you are viewing blogging as a job that supports your family, that’s great– treat it like one. Advertising firms spend lots of resources and effort crafting well-done commercials that air on prime time (not saying they never make misteps), they don’t post home videos with outtakes. I know that’s not an apples to apples comparison, but I hope you understand the sentiment. If you are lucky enough to work with interesting brands, take the steps necessary to put out a well done product yourself. Don’t write stream-of-conscious style (it’s ok to do Tuesday Tangents that way, that’s the point of that feature! You can have different styles for different purposes). Have a proof reader– even have Andrew or your Mom take a quick look at a bunch of posts in a row as you’re scheduling them to run. An extra set of eyes never hurts, no matter how experienced a writer you are. Try the project out for a few days, weeks… and maybe even photograph that. You have your camera with you ALL the time! It sounds like you often know about sponsored posts weeks/months ahead of time (not always, but often), so take the time to use the product and jot some notes down, you could even use your phone’s notes feature. Finally, try to stay true to only accepting products that you really are interested in/use. And, try to incorporate them into your actual routine (maybe buying Blue Apron on your own dime some time? Staying at an expensive Westin next time you travel and it isn’t comped… if it’s truly worth the money?). Athletes and celebrities who are sponsored by a brand are often seen using/wearing that brand A LOT. Sure, they’re probably paid to… but then they actually do it.

Ok, I’m done! I do truly enjoy your blog and following your story. All those suggestions are meant to be constructive food for thought from a long time reader. If you’d like to continue blogging into the near future to support your family, it would serve you well to spend some time thinking about the product you’re producing.

I know life is crazy for you right now. It’s ok to slow down a bit. Marriage is for a lifetime. You don’t need to cram in every experience in the next few months. Some time to slow down and breathe is ok, too. I have consciously tried to say no to the “cult of busy” recently… you might enjoy learning about that movement, too :)

Take care.


Hi Stephanie S! Thank you for your comments. All sponsored posts have specific guidelines given to me by each company concerning what they want in their sponsored post. All of my sponsored posts are then reviewed and approved by the sponsor company before I post it on my blog. Have a great day!


Hi Janae, thanks for addressing this topic. I know that you try really hard to follow the sponsor’s own guidelines, but that’s not where your responsibility as a blogger ends. The FTC has set forth very easy to understand guidelines written in laymen’s terms. If your stay at the Westin was free, you needed to say that in the blog post and not just on Instagram. I guess I’m nitpicky since I’m an attorney, but I think many readers would cut a lot more slack on the sponsored stuff if you were more transparent and consistent with your disclosures. Same goes for affiliate links! Thanks for taking time to read feedback.


Thank you so much Jenn! I might have to email you with questions from here on out once in a while too ha;) Thank you for the link too! I fixed the blog post (let me know if that works)! I feel bad for how I handled things but I didn’t know I was getting comments about it until Tuesday (I stepped away from the computer for Brooke’s bday… a present for her and me ha;) and so once I saw everything go down yesterday I emailed the people that had okayed my instagrams and blog posts to see what needed to be said so that I was pleasing everyone involved and doing it properly. A big thank you and something I will constantly be thinking about from here on out.

A question about affiliate… I have on my about me page something about affiliate links, is that something that should be included on each post that I use affiliate links?


Wow, I’m super impressed with your reply. Most bloggers would delete the comment or brush it off, but you really seem to want to make things right. Yes, affiliate links need to be disclosed every time on the post in which they appear. The “affiliate link dump” posts where you link to a bunch of things (e.g. Nordstrom anniversary sale) need a disclosure. For a good example of a blogger who does this pretty well, look at Fannetastic Food.

From the FTC FAQ with respect to affiliate links:

As for where to place a disclosure, the guiding principle is that it has to be clear and conspicuous. The closer it is to your recommendation, the better. Putting disclosures in obscure places – for example, buried on an ABOUT US or GENERAL INFO page, behind a poorly labeled hyperlink or in a “terms of service” agreement – isn’t good enough. Neither is placing it below your review or below the link to the online retailer so readers would have to keep scrolling after they finish reading. Consumers should be able to notice the disclosure easily. They shouldn’t have to hunt for it.


So they review your post before you post it? So you can’t say anything negative at all. So really these are not product reviews but paid advertisements.


This is such constructive, well-meaning criticism. I hope you will take it to heart, Janae. Your response to Stephanie seems a little dismissive, and I hope I’m misreading your tone because I really do think you have good intentions :)


Oh I completely agree! Sorry I literally was writing back with Brooke and Knox tugging at my leg for breakfast so I did respond a little too quickly! Those tips were actually really nice for me because to be honest, I’ve been doing this for almost 6 years now and I get in the routine of doing things the exact same way over and over again… branching out and doing things a new way is always outside of my comfort zone but these tips will both make my readers and my boss (aka the companies I work with) a whole lot happier which takes a lot of stress off my back (like a lot). Thank you Stephanie! Maybe can I send you my posts first to glance over haha I kid, kind of;) Fun fact—> I cried my way through English assignments senior year of high school (ask my mom, she was there ha) because writing was so difficult for me and now I attempt to do it for my job;) Funny how God tries to make our biggest weaknesses our strengths.

And about the ‘cult of busy’… I needed that big time today too. Andrew and I both fall into this very easily and as of this weekend our house is done for the next few months and we are really wanting to slow down and just be a family. It’s a world I never even knew existed and even during the hectic times I am loving it but I can’t wait for us to slow down. Our evenings will involve dinner, a walk and lots of cuddles with the kiddos! Paint brushes will be a thing of the past ha!

Thank you Stephanie for the tips, they really have helped a lot!


I appreciate the way Stephanie laid this out and I agree with her take. As a longtime reader, I look at you as a friend/ source of running inspiration and advice, so when you tell me one week that you need to start budgeting and saving, and then the next week take a second honeymoon, it just seems disingenuous. If you had just said that you had the opportunity to take a free trip to BC to give an honest review of Westin, that would have been great! Even though it was a instagram sponsorship, you still obviously blogged about it, so just be up front with your readers.


I think this is exactly the point! I guess you can never be ‘too transparent’ , even when you don’t have to disclose something, or when you totally love something and you bought it yourself the second time around but not the first time. Just be extra clear, and people will 1) love you for it 2) feel like they’re making their own minds up about something rather than feel like they’re being ‘secretly’ persuaded’ and 3) be 100% for you that you get these awesome opportunities!! I agree with many of the other comments that you should do as many sponsored posts as you like/can! I love ALL of your posts, even the sponsored ones, and I love how you always tie it in with your life and your experiences (I always love those meal ones, even though they are totally irrelevant for me living in Australia). I think you’ll find that 99.9% of your readers love your blog because you are such a genuine, real and nice person and they would just be VERY happy for you about all the opportunities you get. But I guess what you can take out of this ‘drama’ is that it is better to be a little extra clear (I know most of the blogs I read ALWAYS mention the affiliate links -every single time- and they also mention EVERYTHING they got for free -even when they are hot having to blog about it- just to be on the safe side. I usually read YeaImmaEatThat and theleandandgreanbean if you would like to look at some examples. Good luck with everything and keep in mind that the only reason people comment is because they CARE (if they wouldn’t they would just stop reading).


I use the same amphipod hand held water bottle.
I started reading blogs in 2011 as I was training for my first marathon. It began with Run Eat Repeat and then yours next. I started my own blog two years later. I love blogging but don’t do anything sponsored at this point. I don’t make money blogging at all. I do however sample products if sent to me. Maybe in the future. But for now it’s more of a diary for me that I let the world read. I usually just don’t read one of your posts if sponsored and I am not interested in the product


I enjoy that you addressed the sponsorship drama but really, you shouldn’t have had to. Far too much negativity on yesterday’s post!

What first got you into reading blogs or writing a blog? Liz Morris at One Twenty Five. I came across her blog in 2012 and became obsessed with reading / writing a little while after!
Her weight loss / travels / life in general had me intrigued from the first post!

What I love on your blog –> every day tangents. Random photos. The usual :)


I want to know more about what you’re doing with your baseboards and house projects in general. I know, I’m a home improvement nerd!


Agreed! It seems like there are some cool projects going on. I would love to see before/after pics and maybe a post or two detailing what you did, why, what materials, etc. Maybe you can talk about whether Andrew or you are handy, what you DIY’d and what you paid for, if friends/family helped, etc. Its always fun to see other peoples’ projects and get inspiration for my own.


I agree with this too — I love home improvement before and after stuff. You don’t have to have any experience, it’s just interesting to learn along the way with other people. I scraped off all my popcorn ceiling and got knockdown (hired labor for that part), remodeled a bathroom, painted everything, and installed all new light fixtures myself in the past year without knowing anything coming in and find that stuff kind of fascinating.


I love the home improvement posts as well. Ties in my love for HGTV ;)


Like many, I love your sponsored posts too – gives me lots of new ideas / products to evaluate and try! Rather than feedback for you specifically – I actually have some feedback (as someone who works in Marketing) for your sponsors. I get frustrated when I read the same sponsored post across 2-3 blogs in a day or two. The content ends up feeling a little less fresh simply because some of the feedback and thoughts on the product are similar across users. My guess is that they may guide you toward the types of things they’d like your thoughts / comments on – and then all bloggers end up covering some of the same perspectives. I think these sponsors should consider giving their bloggers a target timeframe to share their thoughts / ideas (and spreading these out a bit), so that for folks like me, who follow a handful of blogs, we’re not getting hit with 3 posts on the same product in a matter of days. Just food for thought. I love Hungry Runner Girl, your writing style, etc!


I was so sad to see so much negativity on your blog yesterday. You do NOT deserve that. You are doing an great job – as a blogger, mother and now wife and there isn’t a sole who should question that. I love your blog and always have and fully support however you need to make that work. Keep doing YOU Janae!!!


I see the sponsored blogs as part of your job. Yeah, sometimes it seems there are a few at once but then I notice there aren’t any for a while. We all need income.

Brooke looks blissed out with the foot massage. I like how Beretta also had your foot with her back paws, our dog does that too. You will stay right here and rub the belly. Who can resist?

Your blog was on a list of recommended and I liked that you were serious about training but also had a life. I dislike preachy blogs.

I am not fond of holding the water bottle but I use the belt. Yes, it’s annoying but I am one of the thirstiest people so I like having 3 8oz bottles. (I freeze 2 of them so the sports drink stays cold longer. The humidity and heat have been ridiculous this summer).

I understand the dive is legal but I can’t help feel that it’s not quite kosher. I watched an interview with her yesterday where she said it was not intentional. Her legs were dead and she just kind of fell. Was it the truth? Who knows, I’d like to think so.


I was watching the race when it happened and both watching it and seeing several playbacks of it, I never thought she intentionally did it. You could actually see her foot (left, I believe) kind of skip on the pavement like she was falling. Maybe its just me, but I don’t know that a dive would be all that beneficial over continuing to run through the line either. Regardless, it is what it is! Alyson Felix still had a heck of a race and was very gracious after it saying that she ran her best regardless!


I agree that I can’t see it being beneficial. (It certainly couldn’t have felt good at the rate of speed she was going). I do have a soft spot for Allyson though. :)


For sure! I love Allyson so I was super disappointed to see her get silver instead of gold (but would have been way more upset about it had it been for either bronze or 4th place!). I don’t like the idea of people doing it intentionally, but I think that could backfire on you as often (or more?) than it would help. And yes, that had to hurt based on how fast she was going!! Have a great day Nina! :)


Hey girl this is your blog, don’t forget that! Personally I don’t mind the sponsorship posts that you and others do. Heck I am totally checking into those Copper socks you posted about yesterday or the other day (can’t remember exactly but I have the info written down!) I also love the personal ones too! Keep doing you!!!


Honestly I do not mind the sponsored posts. I actually enjoy learning about new products and have found many new to me things I love through the blogs I read. My husband has even benefited from it many times. I understand this is a business for you and you need to make money. I like how you only do things that pertain to you (running, healthy eating etc.) and aren’t changed the format of your blog to promote items. I look forward to a little glimpse in to your life each morning, even if that is learning about a new product in the process.


I love your honesty and heart. I love reading your blog because of all the encouragement you offer and to that I say THANK YOU. I’ve been a long time reader and trust your judgement when it comes to what is right for your site. You do you!


You keep doing you, Janae! I started reading your blog in early 2013 as I was training for my first half-marathon that spring. It was my first year of college and I was trying out running for the first time after having been a competitive rower for nearly 5 years. Until that point in my life, running was always “cross-training” and something I had to do, although I was experienced to multiple generations of marathon-runners in my family. At the time, my boyfriend was training for his first full marathon and even though he is much faster than me (sub 3-hour) he felt competitive and thought distance running was “his” thing and I should focus on my own sports. I think it was a maturity issue at the time and we worked that issue out not long after but the point is that I can honestly say that it would have been very difficult for me to continue pushing myself and pursuing running without the support that I felt through your blog. You showed me that running was a fun, confidence-building sport, not a chore. You made me want to enjoy working hard and pushing myself as much as you did. Since I first started reading, I’ve graduated college and started a job, and along the way I completed 4-5 half-marathons and 3 marathons, the first two of which were Boston Qualifiers and the third of which was Boston itself. Thanks to your blog and your support in emails over the years, I have traveled around the country for running, made new friends, and accomplished things I never would have dreamed of. When you think about it that way, it really is remarkable. When the pressure and nastiness of some of the other readers and commenters start to get inside your head, I hope you remind yourself of stories like this one – I know that there are hundreds (if not thousands?) of other readers like me out there that have come across your blog over the years and . I try to write emails to you a few times a year to update you and thank you but honestly I feel maybe I don’t do it enough. The run I enjoyed this morning before work? I think that even that is partially in credit to you. Other friends of mine have watched my running journey and started to ask for tips to get more into running themselves. It’s truly a domino effect!


somehow a few of my words got chopped out but the 4th sentence from the end should read “and started running because of you!”


Hey chick! Love your blog. Don’t worry about promotional posts….you’ve had a lot happening and quote frankly writers, even the best ones get dry spells for content and what not. So while I respect whomever complained, I don’t agree with their opinion. I like your honesty about everything and encouragement and positivity. Your family is beautiful !


Re diving over the finish line – it might be considered a perfectly legitimate strategy by the governing bodies, but it seems unsportsmanlike to me.

Blogs – I prefer very running-focused blogs to those like yours with a heavy lifestyle element. The bits about your blog that I really used to like were your running/training recaps. I think you have a huge natural talent, and I always found it quite motivational to see the outcomes of your hard work. As your running focus has declined to allow for your family/other interests, I’ve been reading less, but I do usually check in once or twice a week and have a scan for the running bits, which I still enjoy reading. I’m looking forward to your forthcoming HM.

Sponsorship and disclosing – I normally only read the running product reviews, but have looked over the last week’s output and will share my thoughts. I think you’re probably being very naïve if you don’t realise that a lot of people have a knee-jerk reaction to feeling like they’re being misled about product advertising in exchange for compensation. If you really want to understand the depth of feeling on this, have a look at the forums on (topics about Caroline Hirons and Gleam in particular). I’m an intelligent adult and can exercise free choice around the products and services I use (within reason), but when it comes to researching a product, I know that there’s a difference between a friend giving me a recommendation and a salesperson doing it, and I want to be able to make that distinction. I want to know when a blog post is a paid advert, so that I can factor that into any decision I make. I’m not saying at all that you skew your reviews for money, but I want to know all of the pertinent facts, and the fact that you are being compensated for a review is a factor, like it or not. If you present a blog in a way which doesn’t make it completely clear that you have been paid in some way to promote a product or service, then I’m afraid that I consider that to be dishonest. Your Westin posts fall into this category, in my opinion. I think you should have very clearly stated that you didn’t pay to use these resources, and that Westin had provided you with a free holiday, meals, services in exchange for your review. That would have been the appropriate thing to do. And if Westin (or any other retailer) encourage you to withhold that information and present a post in a way that suggests that you’re just giving an off-the-cuff, uncompensated review for the joy of it, then you should run like the clappers in the opposite direction from them. They’re not the kind of people you should partner with. If I’ve got it completely wrong and you paid for the whole Westin shebang yourself, then please accept my apologies. And kudos on your business model, because you’re obviously stacking the DBs :)


Very constructive and well said. It is refreshing to see someone capable of pointing out things without being overly negative, (and quite frankly mean). I completely agree with you.


Hi Mags! Thank you for your comment! I think the confusion occurred because I was compensated for the Westin instagrams and not my blog vacation post. I have added that I was compensated for the instagrams to that vacation post though if you would like to go back and read that post. Thank you for your concerns which helped me clear this up! I do appreciate the constructive way you wrote you concerns! Have a great day!


I guess my issue with the Westin post is that you were compensated for the Instagram photos, but maybe not everyone who reads you follows you on Instagram, and may have read the posts with the idea that you paid for the trip, dining, concierge services, etc. yourselves, which wasn’t the case. The people who do follow you on Instagram wondered why you aren’t disclosing on the blog that you were in Victoria because of said sponsorship. That’s where I think you came off to people as disingenuous- I don’t think it was on purpose at all- that’s not who you are in the slightest!!!- but I would hope in the future you are a little more open with what you are receiving regardless of what your contract states in the interest of full disclosure.

If you had said we were able to head out with our own running guide thanks to my Instagram partnership with the Westin or something of that nature, I wouldn’t have thought twice about it. But when you have multiple Westin posts back-to-back with no mention of a sponsorship immediately followed by a sponsored post on compression socks that multiple bloggers are reviewing at once, I think it was kind of a perfect storm.

Also, I’d like to suggest maybe moderating comments rather than letting everything through and deleting later. I know you don’t have tons of free time (who does?), but it really seems against your nature.


I think this is great constructive criticism. I noticed that someone else mentioned that the YNAB (You Need a Budget) followed by the second honeymoon in BC post added to the confusion.

I love reading the positive/constructive comments and feedback versus the negative and mean. I think this is a great learning experience for all.


Hi Janae. After reading this post I went back and read comments from the previous post. Some were harsh. I don’t agree with them at all. You share your life with us but this is your job and income. I completely understand. I enjoy all of your posts. Have a great day!


I don’t think there were too ma sponsored posts- just for the record. A girls got to make a living! Haha

I think diving over the finish line should NOT be allowed. I think this would just lead to a slippery slope (soon everyone would be diving over the finish) and would take away from the sport and training.

The blogs I like to read are of very down to earth people, yourself included! There also people whose writing style I like! And I really like pictures!!

One request- do you think you could post your entire marathon/half marathon training plan? Like the whole thing, instead of just the weekly recap (which I also enjoy!) It seems different than other plans I’ve seen and used. It would be interesting to see!

I really enjoy your blog and I hope you keep it up! And if that means doing more sponsored posts- so be it! You’ve always been honest and straight forward about it. Yours is the only blog I read on a daily basis! :)


I’ve been following your blog for years and rarely comment, but after reading the negativity from yesterday I thought I’d throw my two cents in. I love your blog. It is a delightful mixture of running, life, and everything in between. Your positive attitude, even during hard times is inspirational. Your photo placement makes reading easy to read and always enhances whatever you’re talking about. Honestly, this blog is what inspired me to run my first marathon two years ago and what makes me want to run another now that I have a baby (I remember your posts about running with a stroller and on the treadmill with Brooke next to you – I will be revisiting these shortly). You are also the reason I fell in love with Brooks running shoes.

As far as sponsored posts go, I am thrilled that you have so many opportunities to try out and tell us about new products. I didn’t realize your trip to Canada was in any way sponsored. I don’t think you should ever gloss over that. For me, it is inspiring to see that you have so many neat opportunities because of your blog. I wanna be just like you when I grow up ;).


The drama surrounding your sponsored posts is interesting to me since I think the way to write your sponsored posts makes them not feel so forced. You do an incredible job of showing how you use them in your everyday life and it’s very apparent that you only share the ones you love. While I understand that these kinds of posts may not always be as fun to read as the day-to-day posts, I really do think you do an awesome job with them and I don’t skip them like I find myself doing on a lot of other blogs when they write sponsored posts. You do you – whatever works best for you!


I am a long time reader but I do not normally comment or read the comments section. I went back to yesterday’s post and read the comments and I was shocked! I am from Texas and we have a saying we adhere to.. .”if you do not have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”. I really wish if people have such a problem with how you do your blog then they should simply stop reading it (trust me, I really believe you would still have PLENTY of followers) or start their own blog since they seem to have everything figured out. With that being said, I just love you and your blog. Your positive outlook, love for your family and drive and determination is so admirable and I am okay with any amount of guest posts as long as you are able to keep bringing the blog to my computer every day. As far as the haters, we have another saying in Texas, “Bless their hearts!” Keep doing you!


HAHA… Bless their hearts! I love that and I’m stealing that saying! Thank you Erin for your sweet comment! I really appreciate you taking the time to read and write in:) Have a fabulous Thursday!


I am always happy reading your have a uique way of writting and sharing info..i was happier when your mom , sister amd friend wrote when you were on your honeymoon. .
You invite us daily to your life …you are sincere.
As for the sponsored posts..well i think they are helpful and always in relation to what you are talkig about in your blog.
So keep it the way you feel is right..
Keep the good work .
And by the way reading your blog makes me love running and be more commited to training.
I love that you eat food.. and that you do not follow a strict diet. Not that i am slim on the contrary i am overweight and training for my first marathon.


I guess I missed the negativity yesterday. I think Sponsored posts are an opportunity to talk about the topic. I thought yesterday was a good one because compression is so important for the body and runners to prevent injury. If you limit, set it at one a week (four a month). This is your job and if you worked a job some place else, you probably wouldn’t have time to get in as many blog posts/vlogs each week. I look at things differently than others. I see a confrontation as valuable. It gives us a chance to as the question, is there some value in their statement?

I saw a post online about a woman who was running and a man told her she needed a better running bra because she was hurting her breasts (ect, I won’t put the whole thing). Every comment was “why is he telling her that” but I thought, wow, he is really doing her a favor. If she evaluated it in a positive light, he was probably right. In the short run she may not care but in the long run, she is probably hurting her breasts. He was probably a doctor or sports medicine person who only wanted something better for her. I can’t stand saggy, extremely bouncy breasts when running. Most people don’t like them either because I always read about people who wear 2 sports bras to avoid it. I was hoping that some company would send her a really great supportive running bra and she could write about it. (okay, enough of that!)

I won’t ever go back to running without a handheld water bottle. I absolutely love them. I really like getting water when I want it, when I need the hydration not wait until it is available. They are lifesavers!! I have a Nathan handheld that holds my iPhone (and Gu, license, keys etc) so I can track my mileage and have it in case I ever need it (emergency). I got one for my husband who is extremely particular (rigid, sticks to routine only) and he gave me a face when I first gave it to him. But, he tried it and was surprised how light it felt. Now, he won’t go running without it. :)


I’m glad that you addressed the sponsored blog posts. It did seem to me that they have happened a lot lately. I didn’t even finish reading yesterday’s post because it wasn’t something that interested me, but sometimes they are. I do understand that it’s a source of income for you – and I do think it’s fun to learn about new products. When I think it’s too much, I just choose to move on to my next read!
As for the diving at the finish line – I was disappointed by it!! I think it sets a bad precedence. I think the winner should be the one whose feet hit the line first, not going in for a dive. I’d feel the same way if it were our US runner who did it. It just doesn’t seem right to me.


First of all, thank you for talking about all the drama of yesterday with your sponsored post. I did realized about the mean comments people posted yesterday and I could only think “Come one! If they’ll be the ones writing a blog, I could be sure they wouldn’t miss one opportunity to work with these awesome companies” I personally don’t mind sponsored post at all and I think you have the right to post as many as you want!

I write my own blog and the reason why I do it is because I feel like a have a space to express and write about everything I love. I write about politics and then I stated adding running post as I started training for my first half-marathon. I know a part of my small audience is not very happy about that. But at the end of the day, is my space to write. And I feel very happy to be faithful to myself.

P.S. Diving in a track competition should not be considered as a victory. Running is a sport of legs. You need to win with your legs. Not with your arms. Because otherwise, any runner could basically dive into the finish line a win the gold medal.


Hey Janae! I have noticed an increase in sponsored posts, but I don’t mind them really. Maybe on the day you do a sponsored post you can also do another post in the evening so that people can still get their daily dose of janae running/eating/brookie/adventures/utah/family pics? i know that sometimes the sponsored posts have to be up longer for them to be worth it, so i’m not sure if that’s a viable solution. just a thought.


Oh and, I think that someone needs to be upright on their toes when racing to win. Falling to win should not be allowed. It is like running in a bike race to get ahead when the bike is broken, it is not allowed.


I can see both sides of the diving thing. If it meant I was going home with an Olympic gold medal, you can put money on me diving across a finish line. Whatever is necessary for that win! I’m sure it is really disappointing for Felix but rules are rules, her torso went across the line second.


I’ve never minded your sponsored posts, but good for you for listening to your readers!


I just started blogging when I moved to Peru a couple months ago as a way to keep documentation on the experience and share it with friends and family.

I love the blog just as is ;)

I used a hydration belt when i was marathon training, i loved it because i could carry so many things with me: water, phone, house key, gus, money, headphones, ID.

I don’t think you should be able to dive! I can’t believe there’s not a rule about that. That opens up a whole opportunity for people to get good at jumping across the finish line which is not the event, you should have to run across it because its running!


I think it’s pretty awesome that you saw your readers feedback, took it into consideration, and immediately addressed it.

I do not thinking diving across the finish line is ok. It’s a race. In which you run. Seems like being a poor sport to me. In fact, the more I think about it, the more it bothers me.


I can’t even imagine having a blog in today’s society where everyone is so openly mean and critical (just because they’re hiding behind the internet). It has to take an incredibly strong person to deal with that! I have noticed more sponsored posts, but guess what, I just don’t read it if I’m not interested. I don’t have to come on here and bash you for making a living. It seems as blogs get more and more successful, people get jealous of the perks that you receive from it. But if they only knew all the time and energy spent behind the scenes on what you do!
Hoping you have a better day today. Long time reader (like 5 years) but this may be the first time I’ve ever commented!


Annette, I can’t thank you enough for your kind words. It means a whole lot! I sometimes think the internet is like road rage–> people view the other car as an object rather than a human being with feelings and get really upset at them when they would never do such a thing to the person’s face. Same thing with the internet, I think it is easier to forget that the person writing it is a real person, with a family and most definitely feelings. I totally agree with what you said and I am beyond thankful that you have read for so long and for your first comment today! Have a beautiful day!!!!


Thank you for being open and honest and caring about your readers like you do. Personally, sponsorship post don’t bother me one bit. I skim them and if it sparks interest I read, if not, I skip it all together. I really appreciate your openness on how people’s scrutiny has affected you in the past and how you’re working to be better and not perfect…aren’t we all? I’ve been reading your blog for YEARS and I just think I come to appreciate you more every day. :) You really are an inspiration!

With all that said, that checkered running top…can you tell me where you got it?


Thank you so so much Sara for your comment!!! Thank you for reading over the years, that means a lot to me! I got that top at the Nike Outlet in Park City a few years ago! I found a similar one here: but I can only find it sold in different countries…. maybe they can ship! I’ll keep my eyes open!


Thank you for the link and info on the top!

Ok, I didn’t really realize the extent of the sponsored post drama but just skimming these replies and seeing what you’re dealing with….BLESS YOUR HEART!!! You must have thick skin to do what you do. Just know that when people comment and criticize it’s probably always coming from a good (helpful) place though sometimes it doesn’t read that way. And ultimately you just need to do what you think is the best and that’s good enough. :) I just feel like I need to sprinkle in words of encouragement with all this criticism.

Another blogger I read a lot is and she has sponsored post sprinkled in and I feel like she does a really good job with stating clearly and providing links, etc. It might be helpful to see how her stuff is set up…but I really wouldn’t mind if you didn’t change a thing.

Hope you have a great day!!


I’ve been reading your blog for about 4 years and I love it. I am not even a runner, not even one bit. I just love following your story and your family. I think sponsored posts for running/fitness gear that you use and love is an obvious choice because that is, if I had to guess, your primary reader base. However, I imagine that a good portion of your readers, like me, read for your regular life posts. I LOVE how you do your hair and so I was so happy to see the NuMe post the other day and actually bought one to try out. That was the first time I have bought something from your sponsored posts. Whenever you post links to the clothes you wear I usually check them out because I really like your style, but I haven’t ever bought anything. I think if you truly use and love what you are advertising then keep doing what you’re doing!! You’re never going to please everybody.


I have a handheld water bottle for runs of almost any length during the warmer months. I also have a water belt I got during marathon training but I still prefer the handheld. Did you not take any water with you before on long runs?! Also, that is hilarious your mom giving Brooke a hand and foot massage in the sink!


I have been following your blog for three years and I enjoy reading them. Just remember this is your form of business and you need a form of income for your family. When you write a sponsor post I look to see if it’s something I should research and try. If not I just bypass it and read any running updates you give us.

I liked your post from yesterday because I started wearing a Cooper Joint knee brace to help with wear and tear that has happen over the years. So seeing other products they have to offer was great. So continue being you that’s what I love about your blog.


Thank you for sharing a tough run – nice to know I’m not the only one!

Re: sponsored posts – You provide this content to us for free and this is your job. Do what you need to do. I do some sponsored posts and many giveaways of products I love/use/think others want. People can skip or skim things that don’t serve them.


I love how committed you are to the happiness of us readers, and just wanted to say that personally the sponsored posts don’t bother me at all :) It makes sense from a business perspective but the thing is, when I read your posts (sponsored or no), you come across as very trustworthy and speaking your own truth. It never comes across as “just trying to make a sale.” It’s more of a “Hey, I’m super enthusiastic about this product because of x, y, z, and it might make your life better, too.” I’ve also personally tried out a few of the products you’ve recommended, including vital proteins and CopperJoint (both have been amazing in healing my patellar tendon!) and wouldn’t have known about these awesome things if it wasn’t for your blog. Also, I just want you to be able to keep blogging so I can keep reading , however many sponsored posts that takes :)

P.S. Legs on the wall –> most amazing stretch EVER


I’m only a recent reader – few months, maybe – not sure how I found you but the pull was obviously the running angle. But who wants to read a boring “running only” blog – what kept me coming back was mainly your personality. I love your blog and I think you and your family are absolutely adorable!

I have to admit I have noticed an uptick in sponsored posts, and while I do understand that is necessary to keep it going, too much does damage your credibility. It just does. I tend to be suspicious of anyone that is trying to “sell” me anything. So yeah I roll my eyes and don’t read the sponsored posts, but I still think you’re pretty dang cute. MOST TELLING, though, is how you addressed the complaints. You really proved yourself in my eyes as someone to trust and that can take criticism and handle it maturely. You can’t please everyone, but as for me, I think you handled this beautifully!


I had no idea anyone would complain about your sponsored posts. Just like any content or blog out on the internet that is there for free it is up to me if I read it. It is not as if I am paying you. If I am interested in the post I read it if not I skip it that day. You do a great job letting us know it is sponsored. I say have as many as you like and can incorporate into your blogging business. Good for you and your family. You should be proud of what you created and see the benefits!


Hi Janae!

I’m a long-time reader too…I’ve been reading since your first marriage, your move, through Brooke’s wonderful appearance, the injuries, the divorce, then this happy new chapter of your life. In some ways, I’ve felt my own life mirror yours – in the time I’ve been reading, I’ve been two serious (and then toxic) relationships, meeting a the actual “boy next door”, marrying him, and now am expecting my first baby! (In that same time, I got a terrible foot injury..and running’s just not in the cards for me anymore, but I love to live vicariously though others as I’m trying to discover and love new ways to stay fit and get my next endorphin fix!)

I have one more suggestion about your sponsored posts that I think would make them more relateable and helpful to your readers. Would you consider adding a compare/contrast section to your reviews (sort of like you do with your Brooks shoes reviews). At this point, you have tried, and talked about, a lot of different fitness products. I think it would be really really interesting to see you talk about a new product compared to others you have tried: how are they different? how are they the same? what do you like better about this new product? is there anything you wish that the new product had? I think that this small addition would make the advertising more personal, and give us more information about whether we are interested in trying the new product that you’re obviously enjoying.

Anyway- just an idea! Keep running, smiling, and growing! Looking forward to reading you for some time to come! :)


I enjoy your sponsored posts! I think it’s so cool this is how you make your living and are able to be a full time momma. Not everyone is lucky enough to get to do that. You do you, girl!

I have a Camelbak hand held waterbottle that I love I have used for mid distance runs. I have been doing a lot more trail running though and just got a Nathan hydration pack (its a racing version) that holds a 70oz bladder on back. I used it last weekend on a 11.5 mile trail run and I LOVED it. I have never been so hydrated while running!! I don’t think I would use it around the city unless I was running 20 miles, but for trails it’s amazing. It even has some pouches on front for snacks/GU/and my cell phone. ;)

Happy Running!


I’m sorry people have been so harsh with you over sponsorship. You do what you do to keep your blog running and they should appreciate it because obviously they care about your usual content. Honestly, I think you handle sponsored posts better than many other bloggers because it NEVER feels scripted. Finally, I never would have known about YNAB if you hadn’t posted about it and it has changed my family’s life! So thank you. I guess we positive commentators have got to step up our game because I am positive we far out number the whiners.


Okay, I am SO glad you are loving YNAB… it literally is by far the best budgeting tool I have ever seen and I’ll talk about it all day long! HAHA thank you and honestly all of the amazing readers and bloggers out there fill me up with amazingly kind comments each and every day and so a few negative ones every now and then are not a big deal. You guys give me a big head ha so I can deal with the other ones. Thank you for your support, it means a lot to me!


Janae ~

I’m so sorry you got some negative comments about sponsored posts. I’ve been reading your blog for about a year. I think I found you through another blog about running :)

I do not mind the sponsored posts one bit. Sometimes they are products I’ve heard of and I really like getting your opinion on them. Other times, it’s something totally new to me and I love discovering new things. Especially when they are running or food related!!! Your blog is the first one I read every day and I always look forward to it. It’s even better now that you regularly include Beretta! B and K are soooo sweet with her!!

I love reading about your training and the fun things y’all do as a family. Keep up the good work!



Hi Janae,

I’ve been reading your blog silently for a while now, but feel the need to comment today. Like many have said before me, I think it’s fantastic that you’ve been able to use your blog as a way to support your family. It takes a lot of time, effort, and dedication to post every day, and I commend you for it.

I don’t mind the sponsored posts at all, and I can see how much effort you put into blending them as seamlessly into your normal content as possible. I personally would like to see a post where you review the long term quality of some of your running products, whether they’re sponsored or not. For example, I have been really interested in buying some serious running socks, but I haven’t read too many reviews on how they hold up through washes, whether they stretch out and get distorted, etc.

Keep up the great work! I look forward to checking your blog every morning.


I’ve been reading your blog for over 4 years and I honestly didn’t really notice a problem with your sponsored posts or the drama around them. I think it’s awesome though that you are addressing peoples concerns and pivoting to try something new. Live and learn, right? Don’t ever get rid of them though! I trust your opinion so if you say something is good, I know it is and have tried some of the products because of that!


I love your blog, and I don’t think your sponsored posts are over the top at all. I’m glad you found a way to address it that you’re comfortable with, but I just wanted to say that this reader would be just fine with more sponsored posts as great opportunities come along :)
You’re doing a great job!


Janae!!! I wish I could give you a big hug! I LOVE your blog and it is my favorite. I seriously keep your blog for reading last in the morning (BEST for last!) I recently found out one of my new running friends reads your blog and we immediately bonded over the fact that we both love your blog and feel like we are your best friends lol ;)
I love reading your tangents, running tips, life stories, and sponsored posts…I like seeing what products you believe in and taking note of things to try out for myself.
Your blog has not only inspired me to become a better runner, but encouraged me through this pregnancy when my irrational side tells me that I won’t be able to run like I used to before baby!

Keep up the good work! You are rocking it!


It’s not hard to figure out when a post is sponsored so I don’t understand what people are all up in arms about, just keep scrolling if you don’t want to see it. You have always been so kind and take criticism so well so I don’t understand why people can be so mean.

I would love to see pics of your new house and all the cool stuff you guys have done to it!


With respect, readers shouldn’t have to figure out if a post is sponsored. It should be clear and unambiguous.

Imagine for a moment that you run into a friend – let’s call her Jan – in the street and, as you’re chatting, she tells you about a great new laundry detergent she’s been trying and how awesome it makes her laundry smell and that she barely even needs to bother ironing now because it makes her laundry so soft. You feel really happy that she’s shared this special reccomendation with you out of her fondness for you, and you head right off to the Supermarket to buy this new detergent, based solely on her trusted recommendation. As you’re loading your boxes of laundry powder into the car, another friend comes over to chat to you and you share news of your great new product with her. She laughs like a drain and says, “Oh you know that Jan gets paid every time someone in town buys that laundry powder, don’t you?”

Can you honestly tell me that you’d feel exactly the same way about Jan’s recommendation in this situation? It’s not a matter of whether the product is good, bad or whatever. It’s about Jan’s respect for you. It’s about being trusted enough to be given all of the information and make an informed decision. Bloggers have to take the high ground in this respect, and trust and respect readers enough to make an informed decision based on all the facts. Otherwise, we’re all going to feel like the lady with the laundry powder…


I don’t have a problem with your sponsored posts, make that money! I think it’s a little odd that we very rarely see you use any of these products again after the sponsored post. Like nature box, we see all your tasty treats you snack on but we only see you have those during the sponsorship.


I don’t mind sponsor posts, because, like you said, there has to be a commercial to pay the bills every once in a while. And it also gives me some great products to try. I started blogging because I heard it was a good way to try to make a little extra on the side while I could still be a stay at home mom (let’s be honest). I’m still working on that because my blog is still pretty new, but now that I’ve been blogging for over a year, I’m loving it because it’s kind of like a journal for me that sometimes gives me feedback from others. I hope that I can keep it up and still love blogging after 5 years, like you do. Thanks for the example!

Also, I’ve been torn with the diving across the finish line thing. But her torso did cross the finish line first either way so, she’s the winner haha.


Girl this is YOUR BLOG. We choose to come here. If people do not like what you post, they do not need to be here. Plain and Simple. I LOVE your sponsored posts because it helps me find new things as well.


I appreciate and respect your your classy response to all the negativity. I love reading blogs, but dont love sponsored posts. of course I know they are a necessary part of the game. I think if you make clear disclosures that will go a long way in helping things. . I think 1 sponsored post a week would be a good balance- and sticking to products/opportunities that are relevant. And please- no more blue apron-we get it!


I am a long time reader and have always really loved reading your blog. I still do! I do think I understand where some people are coming from with the critiques so I wanted to offer another perspective. Please don’t take this as criticism but simply just a different perspective that you can do with whatever you choose! :)

I think a lot of the issue with the sponsored posts is not the number of them but how they come across. This may not be reality, but in most cases it appears that you try something out for a bit and then never use it again, so when you say it’s a wonderful product that you’ll use forever but we never see it again or hadn’t seen it before it comes across as a bit, for lack of a better term, fake. Again, I don’t mean this harshly but just to let you know that sometimes the “optics” of the sponsored posts comes across as disingenuous.

I do really see you as more of a girlfriend, and I have no problem with sponsored posts, I just want to really feel like you have fully tried out the products and genuinely love them.

I think you are doing a wonderful job, and I know that blogging at times must be a real struggle. I also completely acknowledge that you can’t make everyone happy, so you just need to do what feels best for you! <3


Hi Janae, I started reading your blog a few months ago which is kind of ironic since I am not a runner at all and really have no plans to ever become one. But I do find your blog inspiring/interesting in general and we kind of know each other in real life (growing up in SG a bit and I used to be a server at the PF in Provo when I was in college). Anyways, back on topic. I never comment on blogs, but I just had to today. I hate that you felt you needed to justify or explain yourself with the sponsored posts. Whether it’s 100% obvious it’s a sponsored post or not, who cares. This is YOUR blog. If a reader only wants the personal stuff/running tips they should realize it’s within their own control to skip that day’s post and come back the next day. This is your way of providing for your family and your future. Stockpile the opportunities while you can. You shouldn’t feel pressure to limit that or explain your reasoning to anyone! I’ll step down off my soapbox now, but I just wanted you to know there are plenty of us who support you and all the sponsored posts you want to do.

Sidenote: I think the dive was a cheap shot. Legal sure. But it feels like a loophole way to win.


I actually don’t mind sponsored posts. I’ve discovered a lot of great products that way. And they pay for running a blog and I know first hand that blogs are not cheap especially as they grow.


Janae – I read your blog every day. Like all they way back to the teaching and Billy days. I started following when I was much more serious about running (but in like the sub-4 marathon sense). You announced Brooke’s pregnancy days after I found out I was pregnant myself. I literally looked up your race results as you were chasing a sub-3 because I couldn’t wait for your update. As a mom of 2 kiddos going through a divorce right now, I still relate to you, even though I no longer have time for running, but now as a mom and a divorcee with hope to find someone in the future. I promise I am seriously not a stalker, I just love your blog.
This blog is your job, and for all of the time you spend creating content, documenting your day, etc. you deserve to be compensated. I understand things have changed a lot, and site ads just can’t support that anymore. Heck – I’ll admit that I don’t always love all the sponsored items, but I still read the posts because you integrate other content/life stories so well, and I understand that those are a means of income to support the organic content on all of the other posts you create. I don’t think 3/month sounds like enough to support this career, and I totally think you need to do what you gotta do and I’ll keep reading.
All of that said…. the Westin posts kept me guessing. I kept wondering if this was a comped vaca – and it was becoming more and more obvious that it was – but that wasn’t clear on your blog. Regardless of what contract obligations you have, don’t keep your loyal readers guessing. It just doesn’t seem right. Transparency builds trust, and trust builds loyalty.
I’m excited to keep reading and hear everything in store for your sweet family. Best of luck.


I completely agree about the Westin post.


Hi Janae!

I keep seeing you give the same answer to people upset about the Westin post regarding how you were compensated for your Instagram post and not for the blog post. This makes it seem like they paid you to post on Instagram and thats all. When I am assuming that you had everything else comped as well like flight, hotel, massages, etc. It looked like a fantastic trip and I would definitely go if it was free as well! By omitting that it was free however, as a loyal reader, I feel like that was a lie. That is my personal opinion though. I really enjoy your positive outlook and don’t want you to take the criticism too harshly just look at it as a way to improve your blog.


I just started reading your blog a couple of months ago when I started getting into running and wanted to see first hand experience from experienced athletes. At first, i probably read about 10 or more running blogs, but yours is the only one i have stayed reading. You add the perfect amount of the personal touch and are so relate-able. I haven’t minded your sponsored posts at all. I actually like them because you show things i wouldn’t find out about normally. Even got a Blue Apron subscription because of it. Plus, you still incorporate your own views with these posts, so it reads like a normal one to me.

I actually have a question for you about the hand held water bottles. Does it feel heavy or make you mess up your form at all? I tend to hate carrying anything but like how easy it would be to access. I never run without water, especially living in AZ where we have triple digit weather from about May through the end of October.


your father, aka NUMBER 1, is here in Italy????right now??? What a surprise
Hope they everything is fine with them


So I had no idea there was such drama. I mean, I know people get upset about sponsored posts – I have talked to food bloggers that get back lash about it as well – but I didn’t know a storm was a brewin! ;) I am sure if I go back and read comments from yesterdays post I will only be upset and frustrated, and it isn’t even my blog!! I look at it as I get free content reading your blog, as well as cooking blogs or any other blogs that are out there. It is your, and their job, to provide content for me to read, but I pay ZERO. NOTHING. NADA. to read the blogs and get recipes, running workouts, tips, inspiration. If it is your job though, like any job, you need to be making money and that is where sponsored posts come in. If I read a recipe that looks delicious, but has cool whip in it because it is sponsored by Cool Whip and I think cool whip is disgusting, I replace it with whipped cream. I don’t need to leave a comment about how I find it gross and now they are the worst for using it. If I read your sponsored post about compression gear and I think, hey! I have been wanting to try something like this out, now I have some info, I can research more and decide if it is something I want. If it is for a product I don’t think I will use (Blue Apron sounds amazing, but I could never justify the $$$) then I just read it, drool over the pictures of food and close my browser. It has zero affect on my life and you posting about it doesn’t hurt me in any way sooooo I just move on. I look at sponsored posts as a way to introduce me to products or ideas I wouldn’t have normally been presented to. I am still the one in charge of deciding whether or not I will be buying those products. You always disclose at the bottom if the post was sponsored, so I don’t feel as though I am being duped. Any who, I can see where some people are bothered by it and where constructive criticism is helpful, but having to sit and read criticism and/or negative comments one after another sounds about as mentally and emotionally exhausting as they come. So I am sorry. I love ya girl and hope today is a better day.

About the diving on the track. Nope. I am completely against it. This is a RUNNING race. You run to the finish.


Well my goodness, here I read that post and just simply enjoyed it with no drama at all. Then after today’s post, I had to go read the comments just to see what it was all about. Maybe I’m too laid back, I didn’t see anything wrong with anything. I guess I just enjoy your posts, photo’s and running knowledge. I enjoy your blog every single day regardless of who sponsored what or where the affiliate links are. I started blogging to share things with family, then I got sucked in to reviewing products. I enjoy doing it, but I’m just a small fry with no drama yet. You’ll get no complaints from me. It’s your blog, you do however many sponsored posts you like, I love it either way, I look forward to it each day, I just love it.


Hi Janae! Just wanted to send you some love from North Carolina. I’ve been reading your blog daily (sometimes even twice or three times daily!) for years now. I have loved seeing the way you handle both the good times and the hard times– always with grace and maturity. Blogging and put yourself out there is courageous, and you have so many readers who love you and support you and feel you are a friend (even though we’ve never met!).

When it comes to the decisions you make on the blog, I think some people forget that this is your livelihood. Few people would tell a friend how they should do their job (especially if they have no experience in the industry), so I don’t understand why people feel the need to give their opinions! But again, I think you handle the comments fantastically.

Reading your blog starts my day on a positive note, and I can’t tell you how many times I haven’t wanted to run, but then ended up lacing up and getting out there anyway, because your blog inspired me. Thank you for that!!

Keep doing you, and I’ll keep reading! Love and hugs xoxo


Janae-First, I LOVE your blog!!! You seem so sweet, kind and genuine. I feel sad that people have taken the time to say anything about your blog sponsors. My first instinct was, really??? Really?!?! You read about this persons life and running and everything else and you have the nerve to not want her to be able to do that by getting paid for some things??? Please do your best to ignore the internet trolls and sponsor away! Your readers will still love you, and the ones complaining should get another hobby… One they have to pay for ;)


The sponsored posts are not my favorite, but I do like learning about new companies and certainly cannot complain about you getting paid to tell us about them. My only suggestion is to start the post by saying this is a sponsored post, and then the folks who have issues with that can skip it? Or they should… instead of complaining to you. You are quite possibly one of the sweetest most inspirational women out in the blog world. We cannot expect to get everything from you without giving some back, no relationship works that way. There is never a reason to be nasty when kindness and compassion work just as well. That is their limitation not yours. Thank you for everything you give.


Long time lurker fan here. I don’t mind you having sponsored posts. You deserve to make money off your blog. I enjoy reading it. My concern with telling people to just skip sponsored posts is that you don’t disclose right away that a post is sponsored. Put a notation in bold at the start and those who hate commercials will move on. I might stay for some of those if I am interested in the product or hotel. If a company tells you not to be so obvious, then perhaps it isn’t a match. One thing I love about you is you seem so wholesome and genuine. This about integrity. You made a mistake IMO, but as I tell my kids “turn it around” and move forward. I’m sure you can understand why ethically it is best to disclose clearly the nature of the relationship. The only commercials that don’t make it clear right away that they are commercials are infomercials and girl, you are way too classy for that!


I don’t have a blog, but I am well aware that sponsored posts are the main difference between blogging for fun and blogging for a living. That said, I don’t think it’s fair for people to criticize you for including them. If they don’t want to see them, then they don’t have to read that particular post. It is pretty simple. Just my two cents there. You are doing great, and HRG is one of my top favorite blogs (and I only follow like 5 of them) ?
My favorite posts are race recaps/training, and your pics ?
I have been using a handheld for years – mainly on my long runs, but also on hot runs that are an hour or more (very dry here in San Diego!) I used that exact handheld up until last year, when I switched to the 16 oz. Amphipod Amp. LOVE it and highly recommend it! It is easier to hold and lighter. I can fit all of my fuel + sunscreen + emergency tp and money, in the pocket too.
I am not sure about the diving. I guess my initial reaction is that it shouldn’t be allowed. The athletes should run, not jump or dive, through the tape to finish.
Nice job on your 20-miler! I have one coming up on Sat ?


I think the crux of the issue isn’t the volume of the sponsored posts, per se, but the transparency. There are rules and laws for deceptive marketing/transparency in marketing, by the Federal Trade Commission, it’s why another well known healthy living blogger who blogged about the same product as HRG did, on the same exact day. The difference is the other blogger followed the spirit of the law by up front stating “This post is sponsored by CopperJoint.” and then just to be sure her readers understood fully, ended with “This post is sponsored by CopperJoint. Thank you so much for supporting this blog and our amazing sponsors.” I don’t believe I recall seeing a disclosure like this on any of the recent sponsored posts. SO, I simply quit reading the blog regularly a while ago, because if NO disclosure is made, I can only make the deduction that anytime I see something featured, whether sponsored or not, she is being paid for mentioning it, and so I don’t really take any recommendations from her anymore because I am assuming it is money driven. It is her prerogative to run sponsored ads for content, and it is ours to tune out if we don’t like it. No harm no foul. However, there are laws about deceptive marketing practices and disclosure of conflicts of interests and things of that nature that I think should be re-reviewed by the family, I would hate for a really good meaning blogger like I know Janae is, to get in legal hot water over the laws on these matters.

Guidance For Influencers: When In Doubt, Disclose
Does an athlete well-known as a spokesperson for a product need to disclose that he’s being paid every time he tweets about the product? That depends on whether his followers know about his relationship with the brand. So Michael Jordan and Nike back in the day? You’re probably in the clear. Short of that, the FTC seems to be saying, err on the side of caution: “Determining whether followers are aware of a relationship could be tricky in many cases, so we recommend disclosure.”


I just recently started reading your blog and following you on IG and have enjoyed reading. I don’t typically post a reply but I am just really saddened that you feel you have to apologize for what you post on YOUR blog site. I may not love something someone posts but I also have the option to stop reading that post for the day. I understand you want to make your readers happy but you will never make everyone happy and it’s too tiring trying to do so. You need to be YOU and write what is on your heart. Be Blessed, Be You.

apparently i posted this in the wrong spot LOL see why i don’t submit replies :)


You do you, girlfriend. I don’t mind the sponsored posts at all, especially because you find a way to incorporate them into a story or a longer blog post. I personally love your blog and want you to keep it up forever so the sponsored posts just come along with that.

Hate that jellybean game!!! lol the skunk is the worst!


I’ve read your blog since 2010/2011 (I know it was well before 2012 because I have a daughter two weeks younger than Brooke and I was a reader long before you and I got pregnant!). I get that this is your livelihood and how you support your family. I also get the frustration around the handling of sponsored posts. You’re in a tough spot and I think that transparency and honesty goes a long way. Take the feedback, decide how you want to move forward, and then do so in confidence. From what I can tell that’s how you’re proceeding.

I read your blog during my lunchtime at work. So I wish you had more content! I understand your reasons for going down to 1 post/day but that doesn’t help me when I want fun stuff to read over my sandwich :-) I like the idea of ~3 sponsored posts a month but I’m hoping you will make them really long and full of other information OR do a second post that day so that I can get my HRG fix. Pretty please?!

Were it not for you I probably would not have tried Yogurtland, roasted broccoli, or Blue Apron. I’m an adult and know that snack delivery services, hair products, and Cafe Rio aren’t for me (sorry, I’m a Costa Vida fan). I’m able to move along and not feel the need to be snarky if I don’t like the sponsored ad. I also enjoy seeing real products from real stores that you spend your hard earned money on (looking at you Swig cookies).

Move on from this kerfuffle a stronger blogger. Be honest and transparent and keep sharing your life. But ultimately remember that this is just a job and when the end comes, as it eventually will, what remains are the important things – your husband, your kids, your family, your friends, and your faith.


I really appreciate how graciously you handled the criticism about sponsored posts. So often people are defensive and don’t take time to self reflect and possibly improve. I think your sponsored posts are very natural but too many could be a turn off for me personally. Your kind response is why we all read. Well done!


I think you nailed it with the TV analogy. I trust that you would not promote a product if you don’t truly like it. I’ve been reading your blog for going on three years and I don’t feel like the increase has been substantial or bothersome. I’ve bought (and love) some of the products you’ve posted about. Keep them coming!



I rarely comment, but this has me so upset that I’m compelled to comment. Sometimes, I enjoy the sponsored posts…sometimes, they’re not a product I’m interested. Sometimes, I enjoy television commercials…sometimes I do not. It would never cross my mind to tear into someone about it. I read yesterday’s comments and wanted to jump into the screen and shake some people. I would bet you a million dollars that 99% of those people wouldn’t dare make those comments to you in person yet feel safe to do so anonymously behind the comforts of the screens.

I have been reading your blog for years as I’m sure many of these people have. The bottom line is: you owe us nothing. Share what YOU want. Don’t share what YOU do not. You are free to post as you choose and we are free to read if we choose. The sense of entitlement these people are displaying is ridiculous.

Keep doin YOU! <3


Hey Janae! I had a question about your Garmin Forerunner. I have the exact same one – I really do love it! I don’t use it nearly for all it offers, though, mainly just running. Question for you. Have you had trouble with it syncing with your app on your phone?


I’ve been reading your blog for years and I love it and look forward to reading it daily. I first started reading it when I had just started running. Two foot surgeries and two babies later I haven’t gotten back to running like I used to yet, but my goal is by next summer :)
I don’t mind the sponsored posts at all. You should do whatever you feel is right for you and your blog. If someone doesn’t like a sponsored post they don’t have to read it. I think you still always incorporate plenty of relevant content even if it is a sponsored post.

I have that same handheld water bottle and really like it.


That analogy is on point. This is your business and you need to do what you do to make money. I think you’re authentic with your sponsored posts and do a good job of weaving them into real life. If I don’t want to read sponsored content, I can choose not to so I don’t think you need to filter yourself just to please people. Do what’s right for you.


I totally get that sponsored posts are part of blogging, and as readers, we can choose whether or not we trust the blogger enough to value their opinion on a product. I think the hard part is when these companies clearly reach out to several bloggers at once (which obviously makes sense), then a bunch of blogs you follow all have sponsored posts on the same day about the same product. For instance, you and Fitnessista had the same one yesterday. Maybe this should be on the company to ask bloggers to space them out a little bit since many of us read multiple running/fitness blogs? It feels less “orchestrated” that way. But, I think that most people hopefully see that blogging is your profession and that comes with a business side that is part of the deal!!


As I started to get interested in running my BFF suggested reading your blog (4 years ago) and the rest is history :)

I pretty much love all of your posts! You are so speedy and I like to know what gets you there!

I use a small Camelbak backpack for my long and/or super hot runs.

I feel like diving shouldn’t be okay (for anyone). I feel like the rule was written for people leaning forward with their chest/torso and not for those diving across the finish line.


I will say that sponsored posts aren’t my favorite but I’ve never felt like you do too many of them (especially compared to some other blogs). We have the choice to read it or not so I say post what you want/need to as often as you need to and don’t limit yourself if you don’t feel like you should. I’m sure the number of readers you have that are willing to read sponsored posts way outnumber the few that complain about it and make you feel bad about it.

No, I don’t think that diving should across the finish line should be allowed. I also don’t understand why in a running event it’s the torso that counts the time/winner when you are running with your feet than it should be when the feet cross the line.


I have read your blog for a couple years, and i love it. It is so inspiring and even encouraged me out of a running/ workout funk when i first found it! I think it is amazing that you can do your passion for a living, understandably sponsored posts are a part of that. I always like seeing the product recommendations, even if it isn’t something I would have a use for now, you never know what will come up! The curling wand deal was amazing… i needed a new one! I don’t always comment but just wanted you to know I do actually appreciate the your sponsored posts! I have learned about some cool things I may not have otherwise!


First, it takes a long time to read all the comments, oy! With all the sponsorship stuff, it doesn’t bother me. I can tell if it is a sponsored post generally by the title, it isn’t rocket science. I won’t get into the FTC stuff because I don’t understand it all and wont pretend to! But I suppose, technically, it should be clearly stated at the beginning or end that it’s sponsored, etc. (and you do this quite often). I’ve read several other blogs where people will get up in arms about it not stating that it’s sponsored until the end of the post and people have felt “cheated” which I mostly find hilarious because it really is pretty obvious and if its well written and something I’m interested in anyway, who cares if its sponsored or where it is stated that it’s sponsored. Sheesh. People should get a life! The one thing I wish you’d been more clear about with the Westin part was what things are actually services that Westin provides for free or what are services that are provided, but at a cost, or if something was done for you as a courtesy but isn’t usually available. I LOVE staying at Westins and have stayed at several, so it would be interesting to me to know if the running concierge is a service that’s available to anyone? If so, is it free? If it’s not free, how much is it (or even stating that its different $$ depending on location so check out their website, etc). I 100% understand that this is your job and so what and how much you get paid for things aren’t my business. I don’t even care if the whole BC trip was free, if so, way to go! That’s awesome! All that said (this is the longest comment I’ve ever written!), you’re never going to make everyone happy, so I don’t think you should have to try. People are always going to complain about something, the best you can do is be true to yourself.


I love reading your blog, Janae, and have since back in the days of teaching driver’s ed. You’ve really inspired my running and helped me get my runners fix even when I’m sidelined with injury. I also love following along with your amazing family; I come from a big family too and feel like you could be one of my little sisters. I think you do a great job and should be super proud!


What first got you into reading blogs or writing a blog? A friend sent a link about another friend who had a kidney transplant. The family started a blog. Through it I reconnected with some friends that were blogging and then I took the leap and started a blog of my own 8 years ago. When I started training for my first marathon I created a second blog just for running because I knew it was going to consume a lot of space.

What do YOU LOVE most to see/read about over here on this blog? I love your blog – all of it. I don’t even mind the sponsored posts – I got my first Bombas with a HRG discount! I have loved watching Brooke grow and your marathon tips are always helpful. Knowing someone much younger (and so much faster) struggles helps!

Who uses a hand-held water bottle? Do you use it all of the time or just for the longer runs? I have that same handheld. I switched back to a fuel belt because I’m too prone to trip and wanted both hands free so they can have equal scars ;)


Was the Amphipod compted?


I highly doubt it, she said that Andrew gave her his to try. I really don’t think she has time or energy to tailor every aspect of her life to never show any brands unless they paid for it. I don’t think we should read into everything here on out as she was paid to show everything.


I first got into reading blogs because I’m the only distance road racer in my small town and reading the blogs of other distance runners made me feel less alone!

I love love love your blog, actually it’s the only blog I regularly check up on nowadays. You’re actually kind of my running role model and I aspire to train and run like you someday. I like reading about your honest struggles along with your triumphs, as well as useful advive concerning subjects such as a loss of motivation and injuries.

I don’t think it’s fair that an athlete can dive still win. That being said, I do agree with some of the commentors that Miller’s dive was an accident caused by fatigue. I watched it live and it just seemed as though her legs sort of gave out before the finish line.


I’ve never had a problem with your sponsored posts. I found them engaging, informative and you always found a way to marry the advertisement with your own personal life.

I recently used a link you posted from Blue Apron. My husband and I loved the meals so much it’s been a complete game changer in our house.


Hi Janae,
I never comment but read your blog pretty much every day. :) You do such a great job raising your family, living your life, running crazy amounts of miles…and maintaining an interesting, informative blog, none of which is easy. Sponsored posts are a given and I, for one, will never have a problem with them. They not only allow you to keep your blog going but they have introduced me to a variety of new products over the years. Keep up the great work!


also i need to add… that dive was DIRTY! this is a SPRINT not the long jump. ha and then Felix like a class act goes and helps her up! Like leaning forward to go over first is one thing cause you are staying on your feet but jumping like that… i think it makes the sport look bad… rant over.


My only problem with the negative comments is that you provide an e-mail address and “concerns” could be voiced there. It’s a blog. I am reading about your life. If I don’t want to read it, no one forces me to. I enjoy reading about your life!


I love reading your blog. The sponsor posts have increased but I think it is only noticeable because you used to write 2x a day and now with the increase in responsibilities of being a wife and a step mom you only write once a day so its seems like they have increase more but in reality I think its just the ratio because you blog a little less.
I hated that Felix didn’t win because someone threw themselves over the finish line.


I didn’t think of that but you’re right!!! That’s exactly why it feels like an increase when really it probably isn’t an increase!?


I think it’s ridiculous that people should criticize you for the number of sponsored posts you have. Unless they are willing to finance the maintenance of your blog, as well as your time and effort, I don’t think they have the right to dictate the amount of revenue you should generate from this endeavor. I say, congratulations on building something that allows you to connect with so many people while generating income.


Totally agree with you!!! She has to make a living for her family and if she doesn’t do sponsored posts then there could likely not be the blog anymore (since she could possibly need to get a different job)! I do appreciate that she only shares what she likes! ????


I totally understand the sponsored posts! I don’t mind them but they are not my favorite as I prefer reading about your life and running…I loved it when you had a sponsored post and you added in some daily happenings! That makes them so much better! Lol

It is a running event and not a diving event! If she had to dive to win then she wasn’t fast enough to win. That’s my logic. Probably wrong but makes sense to me. ?

I read blogs and watched vlogs to see that there are people that love what I do! Even if they are in another state!!!! It’s so fun to see how others are passionate about running like me!! Makes me feel less crazy! ?


You know what the only ONLY reason I don’t think much of the sponsored posts is because right now I am not in a place to buy the products. But they sound AMAZING!!! And I can’t wait until I can try them!!! I think that is why they aren’t my favorite! But the discounts that come with it are invaluable and I hope you keep them up! One day Janae I’ll be able to use one of them! Haha Until then I will just keep telling my husband about all the good food that can be delivered to your door! HA!!


I think I’m exactly the zillionth comment on here so I don’t blame you for giving it the big ol’ IGNORE button but I just have to say that your readers shouldn’t be depending on you to entertain them, and their whole day shouldn’t go to “you know where” in a hand basket just because you write about how much you love Jiffy Lube. Or like, whatever. If I see a sponsored post, if I have time, I’ll read it (mostly for the pictures because your family is easy on the eyes) but if I don’t, then I won’t. Aren’t there more important things we should all be disappointed in? Like, really? CRITICAL PEOPLE CAN GO AWAY NOW.


ps. Aren't you proud of me for not swearing?


Well I actually like it when a friend recommends good stuff. I’ve gotten organic tampons, collagen protein powder, my Pure Cadence Brooks shoes out of your posts!! And heck I may even book a trip to that resort only because I am a savvy consumer and like to get things that are tried and true. It cuts the chase and I don’t have a lot of time to shop around so online is best. Surprised people are complaing as we still see pics etc
Anyhoo that dive though hmm


I’m a long time reader and I love your product reviews. I read a lot of fashion blogs and you are the first blog I read in the morning before anything else! I appreciate your reviews because they relate to running/exercise/healthy living/food/etc. and I am a runner as well so I like to see what other products are out there!

This is how you make money and I support you 100%! So happy for you and you don’t have to share every personal thing with the world because it’s honestly no one’s business other than you and your family. You do what’s the best for you girl :)


I think the nice commenters came out of the wood work today so I feel a little redundant but I want to add my two cents because I want you to see that the negatives are way fewer than the positives. I also dislike that you felt you had to apologize on your own site. Maybe my perspective is different because I blog too (very amateur-hee hee). I recently listened to a podcast that commented on the whole “commercial” aspect of sponsored posts too and I like looking at it that way as well. I can change the channel if I want to. Advertisers can do and say what they want and it doesn’t deter me from the actual show. I love reading about your life (is that weird) and your sponsored content is important to me because it supports that life, but also because I respect your opinion about a lot of things. So anyway, that’s my two cents. Just don’t worry about the haters.


Don’t apologize for posting what you want on YOUR blog. You are supporting your family in an AWESOME way (so totally jealous of your job!)! Love reading your posts – sponsored or not.


While I agree with some of the criticism, I appreciate that you are thinking carefully about how it affects the culture and community of your blog. I have no idea how sponsored posts work as I am not a blogger myself, and I fully support you finding a way to make your blog profitable (it is clear that you put a ton of love and work into it – and I enjoy the fruits of that labor!). BUT I never click on (or even read) obviously sponsored posts. If you mention a product that you love casually with a link within a personal story, I will click on it every time (for instance when you post where your outfits are from, I click on every single one of the links, I can’t help myself). Maybe this isn’t where the money is, but I hope you’ll continue to refine your strategies and grow in your success (sounds like you’re already taking some steps in the right direction based on your post today).

Rooting for you!


Long time reader here – only 2nd time to comment.
Heck, people should expect you to do sponsored posts. I would as well for free stuff and/ or $. However, I am not into social media at all. I read your blog and just a couple others and am not on instagram, fb, twitter, or anything else. Because of that, I had no way to know your Westin trip was a complete comp and I actually feel pretty stupid to think a hotel would just supply trail running buddies for free (I was totally excited about that haha!). There should have been way more disclosure on the blog about it being a free trip and also what it would have cost (esp the add-on perks) if someone had to pay for it. It’s really only honest. But definitely no issue with you having sponsors – just the full disclosure. And hey – for all the drama maybe Westin can kick in a free running buddy/ tour guide for HRG readers who book a night! <- genius :)

No handhelds. No waist bottles. Nada. I'd rather tough it out or if it's a particularly hot/ long run then plan the water fountains along the way.

Diving = way uncool. It may be legal but it's not legit sportsmanship.

Best to you & yours! Have a fantastic day!


I cannot run carrying any water either! makes me nuts! lol


Hi Janae! I always read your blog and never think twice about your sponsored posts- in fact I always feel that you integrate these posts really well into all your other amazing posts about your running and life. I also think you make all your sponsored posts really rich with other info about what is going on for you which makes them enjoyable to read. I just think you do such a great job at all this (and you obviously have a lot of exciting things happening right now too, which is awesome!) and reading your lovely blog is always a relaxing and fun part of my day! Thank you! :)


Love reading the blog, have read for YEARS! Don’t mind the sponsored posts at all. If I’m interested I read it, if not, i skip it that day. But I do think I liked the blog better (and this is going to sound horrible – pre-Andrew). It seems like maybe the intense training has slacked off and the blog posts are more cutesy lovey/dovey vs. hey, I’m a hardcore runner. Don’t get me wrong, I read every day but I find myself saying (to myself) I liked her blog better before. And I’m not an angry single girl either lol

Either way, keep on doing you and I’ll keep reading. just sharing a feeling I’m getting lately while reading.


Another long time reader here to say, you will be stronger for this! You’re a class act doing the best you can and working on the little mistakes that everyone makes. If other people were in your shoes with the same opportunities, I’m sure their sponsored posts would double in appearance. 3 times a month is being really kind to your readers, but make sure that that means blogging is still worth YOUR time. You give a lot of “free” content every single day that takes up a LOT of your time. So if you’re going to lower it to 3 sponsored posts, maybe people will have to understand that also means you will be posting less (or doing shorter posts) in general. As a new (and obviously unpaid) blogger, I know that blogging is MUCH harder, MUCH more work, and MUCH more stressful than it appears.

Keep going, keep going, keep going!


I’m sorry, but did anyone look at the Westin trip post and NOT think it was all paid for? Who cares! It look beautiful and you looked like you had a blast.

I agree with those that just skip over sponsored posts unless it appeals to me.

The internet is so silly, really. So easy to criticize behind a screen, isn’t it?


(First, I must preface that online bullying is just ridiculous (and say what you want, that’s what most of those comments were) and some of these people should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. While I understand that putting your entire life on the internet is bound to lead to negative people feeling the need to push their misguided beliefs onto you, I was so incredibly disheartened to see it happen here. I have nothing but respect and love for you and your family and everything you’ve done and continue to do for your readers. If these other women have an issue with how you run it, then I invite them to make their own blog and see how easy it is).
With that being said,
Hi Janae! I’ve been a lurker on your blog for years and I love EVERYTHING about it. Frankly I’m appalled and saddened that some of your readers feel like they have a say in how you run your business/life and that they would “appreciate more respect.” You do nothing but supply your following with amazing product suggestions that you believe in and that you feel others would also benefit from. Would these readers prefer that you charge a subscription fee (which I would gladly pay) or maybe only post once a week because the lack of sponsorship forced you to work full time? I think not.
I have purchased numerous products based on your recommendation and my husband and I are even planning a trip to Big Bear once we hit our goal weights (we’re a little over 500 pounds down and less than a 100 pounds to go!) Like many other readers have mentioned, if someone doesn’t like the sponsored post – skip it. It isn’t hard to just close that little tab and move on.
In my opinion, you have been much more transparent than many other bloggers I follow. In all the years I’ve been reading your blog you have always been upfront about your sponsors and it’s clear that you only use products you care about. Anyone who wants to jump your case about these types of post obviously haven’t been following your life for the past few years.
So, please, don’t change anything about this blog, both you and it are amazing. You have helped sooooo many people and you don’t deserve this kind of backlash. Hopefully seeing all these positive and uplifting posts will help cancel out the ones by people who seem to only want to find fault in things others do.
And just for the record…I guess none of these people have ever bought something they saw on a commercial, right? Because…you know…those people were paid too. That’s how advertising works. At least you show us EXACTLY why it’s beneficial for us to try a product or service and how you incorporate it into your life. So…big flashy million dollar commercials and such = OK. Personal blogger giving an informed and genuine opinion = not ok?
Sure. That makes a ton of sense.
****longest comment ever, but you are 100% worth it.
****End Rant.


First of all, I LOVE THIS BLOG. Thanks for sharing your running journey with us – it’s always encouraging, uplifting, and it’s obvious that you work hard on it. I noticed more sponsored posts than usual, but I really LIKE hearing about the products you like, and my first thought was OF COURSE lots of people/companies want to work with Janae because she’s awesome! I follow other bloggers who do way more sponsored posts than you – and they don’t post content EVERY DAY like you do. If 3 per month is all you want to do, then that’s great. But I think people can definitely handle more than that if you want to do more. We are benefitting from what you share – and we want you to be able to keep providing for your family. Yay for making money doing something you love (most of the time) and providing for little kiddos! You’re a rockstar, woman. Keep up the good work. And I’ll keep reading whatever you decide to post. Yay for running encouragement, fun photos, and products you like! <3


Your blog was actually one of the first blogs that I ever started following consistently and I loved it because you were so funny and so genuine. From there I have branched out and started following a variety of blogs. I now have a fashion blog of my own and just love blogging so much! :)


How great of you to address the sponsored post issue, Janae. I’ve been a LOOOONG time reader and noticed over the past month or so that there seemed to be more sponsored posts than usual and I have to say it kind of bummed me out. I think it’s because while I know you would never promote something you didn’t believe in, I still know that you have to craft a post around the sponsor so too many of them start to feel forced.

I continue to read your blog as my first blog read every day because of your positivity. I love to hear about your insights on what you’ve learned about dealing with running injuries, life, and even dating. Basically I read your blog because of you…you’re voice is true and infectious. Thanks for continuing to share all that you do. I’m so happy for you and your new family.


For the Record….. I don’t think you do too many sponsored posts. Honestly, if there is a sponsored post and I’m not interested in the product then I just stop reading and click away, no big deal. I personally do not feel that you need to be anything other than yourself, and if you like the product and write a review for it and happen to be paid for the review then all the power to you! Please Janae, ignore the haters and trolls and just Be YOU (and it is very clear to me that your blog is already a great reflection of you).

It is dangerous to be concerned with what others think of you, but if you trust the Lord, you are safe. Proverbs 29:25 GNT


I admire the way you respond to commenters. Your lack of passive aggressiveness is what stands out to me, in comparison to how some bloggers choose to respond to negative or constructive feedback. So, thank you! You seem genuine and with an open mind to hear what your readers think.

I’m not a fan of most sponsored posts, but I understand that’s how the blog is made possible. I just skip or skim those posts. Really like the rest of your blog!


I’m sorry you even had to explain that part of the blogging business (emphasis on business). You’re right, it’s just like TV or a magazine, you’re going to need ads to keep it running. You have a beautiful family and you need income to fuel the things in your life that make you so interesting to the rest of us! If you didn’t have money to eat out we’d all be sad. If you couldn’t afford and post photos of delicious donuts, what would we do??? Plus you have used and tried everything so when you sponsor a product and recommend it I know it works. I read all the posts and I’m not even running right now (knee injury and pregnancy). I find your blog motivational, genuine, and inspirational. Plus our daughters are the same age and seriously look like twins so I find it entertaining. Keep doing as many sponsored posts as you need to! You won’t lose my readership at all.


I have to say it boggles my mind that anyone would even comment about sponsored posts. No one is being forced to read this blog in the same way that no one is being forced to read any magazine that includes advertisements and sponsored articles. I read this blog because it’s of interest to me and its lighthearted and a good read. Their have been times that you have talked about products that don’t interest me and I (gasp) don’t finish it that particular day, much as I might not read a magazine cover to cover. So please keep doing what your doing and ignore the naysayers. I wouldn’t even grant them another thought. Although that’s easier said than done ?

And I don’t have a handheld but really should in this Texas heat. I don’t think I would mind holding it because I always run with my phone in hand. I used to use the arm band, but I like to randomly change my music as the mood strikes especially if that day’s playlist wasn’t working for me ?


I too had an awesome 18 miler last week and a horrible 20 this week- happy to hear I’m not alone!! (Although I’m much slower than you and your peeps)!

I am happy to read your promos too- I was a little shocked that you had to address this…you will never please everyone all the time! But koodos to you for taking the time to post and to respond to people’s concerns!

Thanks for continuing to share your journey with us!


There are a looooot of replies here so hope mine doesn’t get lost in the shuffle! I love your blog and I read a number of blogs. I will say you are the only one I read that doesn’t directly say when it’s a sponsored post, almost like your trying to hide its a sponsored post. We as readers like to know when it is sponsored. I strongly encourage you to look at the blog sweet tooth sweet life and They both do sponsored posts and I love the way they do them! How they are upfront makes me love their blog even more.


This might be helpful to you:


Hi Janae,

I am commenting here to do my part to offset some of the haters. In psychological terms it takes about ten compliments to offset one negative remark correct? So this is my attempt to fill your bucket! I’ve been reading forever! Usually one of my first thing in the morning routines, before I even get out of bed as I’m checking news…
The “piling on” that happened to you here bugged me enough that I came back this evening to leave you a *hug*. I have been thinking about why I read and stay with you and not any others…. One word: positivity. You have it. You even did an excellent job of answering the tough comments politely and to the point. I would bet that is the teacher in you. We, as teachers, need to become pros at that (read: dealing with a difficult parent). You do it well. The sponsored posts are a must and don’t limit them if you don’t want to. You need to make a living. Anyone can tell when they are sponsored whether you say so or not. The Westin drama is rediculous. You didn’t need to say it was comped. Srrrrsly. Also the comment about giving Knox and Brooke “privacy” was so over the line. You are their mother. Nothing gets up my Irish more than someone telling me how to parent. You obviously take parenting as your first job. Much love to you and in the words of TSwift: “Haters gonna hate.” You just shake it off.


Nobody’s perfect! You’re doing a great GREAT job! Love your blog (my favorite) and look forward to reading every day!

ps You have a beautiful family <3


After reading your blog for years, I feel like we’re friends. :) I’m posting now because it makes me sad to see how critical and self-righteous some of the readers have been regarding the sponsored posts.

You’ve always been honest about the following:
– Your mom deletes mean-spirited comments – I love this! I prefer to read comments when they’re respectful and constructive.
– You make your living off the blog – You’ve even updated us on how this has changed over the years and this provides an outstanding level of transparency.
– How you only promote products that you actually like – I don’t expect for every product you promote, you will use it multiple times per day and then specifically provide evidence in pictures. Also, it’s none of my business how much you earn for these posts and I don’t care to know.
– How you provide a highlights view of your day – I don’t expect to see how you spent every second of your day (i.e. perhaps you foam rolled one day in compression socks and it’s not documented in a picture. That would be reasonable. ;)).

I love your blog and would recommend that you don’t change anything. Ignore the naysayers.



I have been reading your blog for years. I hardly ever comment (because I read through an app called feedly on my phone) but I’m pretty sure I’ve read everything you’ve ever written (also I like to exaggerate like you! :p ).

I love reading your blog SO much that I don’t mind sponsored posts. In fact, it makes me HAPPY when I see that you have a sponsored post even if it’s a product I have absolutely no interest in, because that means that you are sustaining yourself with this blog, which means hopefully you will continue doing it, which means I get to continue to read about your running and daily activities.

You will never be able to make everyone happy. Please don’t let haters get to you or change who you are and what you do because of them. I don’t think the sponsored posts are that big of a deal… Scrolling past it is not that difficult!!

Anyways, just wanted to tell you I love you and Brooke and Andrew and Knox and will continue to support you!

Also;- I don’t think diving should be allowed. It makes sense in baseball- you are trying to get under the tag. But in track, it just feels wrong to me. It’s a FOOT race, which means I think racers should Run/win on their feet!


Do you need sponsored posts to generate income for blogging? Undeniably yes. I totally understand this. Post as many sponsored posts as you need/want. However, you need to follow the law and the FTC has clear rules that require you to disclose when you’ve received compensation. The social media platform in your contract is immaterial. Posting about your Westin trip on the blog and not disclosing what was free clearly violates this rule. Your post “Silentish Saturday” from August 13th still lacks clear statements that your Westin trip was paid for – though it references “Shayne (Westin Run Concierge) took us out for a killer trail run”, which I assume you did not pay for yourself.

In full disclosure, I like your blog a lot. I understand it employs you. As such, be professional and work within the law.


I know it’s always disappointing when an amazing runner doesn’t get the gold, but as a Bahamian, my country was very excited to have Shaunae win our first gold medal. I also have to point out that Shaunae says she did not deliberately dive, and that her legs gave out so she fell forward. If you watch the video, it doesn’t look deliberate (although I admit that I am definitely biased!!). And as this article clarifies, “In 2008, in the men’s 400, the American sprinter David Neville dived — intentionally, in his case — across the finish line to snatch the bronze medal away from another sprinter. That other sprinter was Chris Brown, who runs for the Bahamas.” So perhaps this was karma?! :)


Hey Janae,
(Sorry I’m giggling calling you by your real name)
I do agree of late there’s been a few more sponsored posts than normal which I understand. Mostly your sponsors products do interest me (why hello blood orange chobani) but in the past I noticed you’d post an extra post to counteract the sponsor post. Girls gotta do what a girls gotta do so that could be another option…
Keep being awesome!
Kim :-)


Janae, I love your blog. I didn’t notice you’ve had an “extra” number of sponsored posts lately, but even when I know they are sponsored who cares? You have to make a living. I agree with another comment that suggested the alternative to sponsored posts would be an only once a week blog from you….that would also make me so sad! I look forward to reading your posts every single day. I read a number of blogs and your’s is my favorite by far! So if you need to do some sponsored posts to keep it going, then by all means.


I first stumbled across your blog over 2.5 years ago when I googled something about running and I have been a loyal reader ever since. Every single post you do is pretty much amazing! You not only share awesome things about running but I feel like I always end up reading exactly what I needed to hear in terms of advice on getting through tough times, etc. In terms of sponsored posts, some of my favorite products/jewelry/running gear are because of you! Remember Elder Jeffrey R. Holland’s words, “You are doing better than you think you are.” Keep doing what you’re doing, Janae! You are such an inspiration!

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