The HARDEST part of running and my CopperJoint love.

**I’ve got a code for 20% off at CopperJoint at the end of the post today! Check it out!  We all need some speedy recovery in our life don’t ya think?


Marathon training is well under way—> 6.5 weeks away!  This will be marathon #9 for me—> 2 times at Utah Valley, 1 Top of Utah, 1 Salt Lake City Marathon, 1 St. George Marathon, 1 Boston Marathon, 1 Tucson Marathon and 1 New York City Marathon!

This means that going out and running for 2.5 hours at a time is just kind of a weekly tradition right about now.  It also means that I am doing all of the things I can to recover from the hard/long runs before attempting to do them again! 

I’m pretty positive that one of the main reasons I had every injury possible (back a few years ago—>  stress fracture(S), plantar fasciitis constantly, shin splints, IT Band flare-ups, hip flexor problems… plus any other runner’s injury you can think of) was because I was clueless about recovery.  I thought more = better.  It wasn’t until I was working directly with my coach that it finally clicked.  I wasn’t going to get faster or run healthy unless I positively let my body recover and build itself back up stronger again after a hard workout or long run.  I used to think that with each day I needed to go a little bit faster and a little bit longer.  I would run 7 days a week (which does work for some people.. but it didn’t for me), teach spin classes multiple times a week and try to push my speed at least a little bit every single time I laced up my running shoes.  

What ended up happening was I would be forced to take off MONTHS at a time from running because of an injury, only to return back to running full steam, getting injured again and then be right back at the PT office crying over the current injury.  Oh, those running injuries… I have had quite a few tears over them.  Remember that one year when I found out that I had femoral stress fractures just a week or two before I was supposed to be on the airplane to Boston to go run the marathon?  There were a lot of tears over that one.

The things that we can do to recover our muscles, brain, joints etc really aren’t that hard.  We just have to be diligent with them if we want the results we are working hard for on race day.  

Andrew has ALWAYS been big on compression gear.  He has definitely rubbed off on me and helped me to see the light:)

CopperJoint is our new goto over here in the Baron household (it still feels really fun to throw out that I’m a Baron)!

CopperJoint focuses on performance enhancing, speedy recovery and pain elimination—>  YES, PLEASE! 


Ever wondered why compression gear is so great for runners?  

I’ve got three HUGE reasons for you:

1.  They help relieve pain from muscle stiffness and soreness (there are some days that I wake up and feel like I am walking  .5 miles per hour because I am so stiff.  The less this happens for me, the happier I am and more able to get out and hit the paces I want to).

2.  Compression garments reduce the time taken for muscles to repair themselves.  The faster they repair themselves the sooner we can go out again for our next endorphin filled adventure and the more we prevent injuries from occurring!

3.  They help return oxygen to working muscles!  The more oxygen our muscles are getting during a run the better our performance out on the roads/trails/track/treadmill.  

Just out for a walk in Canada:)  Yes, it is still pretty much all we are talking about.  


A perfectly juicy nectarine and chocolate zucchini muffin sure are nice after a hard trail run too:)  


Andrew is all about the mango!  

CopperJoint sleeves all include 88% Copper Infused Nylon (aka the highest copper percentage in the market) which makes them extremely efficient in killing germs in the sleeves.  That means you can use them all day long!


The CopperJoint sleeves also feel really thin and lightweight (much different than other brands I have tried that were too thick and left me sweating to death)!  The material that they use offers a full range of motion and doesn’t limit our joint motions like many neoprene sleeves do!!


Besides just quickening your recovery time after a workout, you can use CopperJoint during your workouts to help prevent chafing and rashes! Also, the 4-way light compression provides support that is especially useful for people that are standing a lot each day or for those with poor circulation!

Can we just all agree that putting your feet up on the wall after a hard workout is one of the best feelings?  I also love to do it the night before a race and I swear it helps:)


CopperJoint offers ALL SORTS of compression options—> elbow sleeves, ankle sleeves, socks, calf sleeves, knee sleeves…  pretty much anything our runner’s bodies need help with in terms of recovery!


I caught Andrew sleeping in his CopperJoint socks (he actually does this often:).  If we can sneak in a nap, we both LOVE them.  All of CopperJoint’s sleeves are made of moisture wick material—> you can wear them for a long period of time or even overnight without experiencing any skin irritation!


And I cannot wait to try out the arm sleeves this winter! I love racing in tank tops and don’t love freezing so having some nice sleeves on while they help deliver oxygen to my working muscles= win.   


I also wanted to share just a few things that I do to help me to REALLY follow through with my recovery runs and rest days (the hardest part of running:) in addition to my CopperJoint gear to help me recover properly:

*I remind myself I have two lovely options—> To take the time now to recover and rest or be forced to later on down the road due to overuse or mental/physical burnout.

* GET A COACH.  My coach taught me SO much about running and training and I owe him big time.  It is amazing how helpful it is to have an outsider’s perspective on your running so that he/she can tell you when to run fast, slow, medium and the best days to take off.

*Ditch the Garmin!  I do this especially when I am coming back from an injury.  Sometimes those little numbers on our watches make us push it too hard, too fast.  

*I like to remind myself that a day or two off this week (and/or a few days easy running) will help me prevent a few months off later on due to an overuse injury!

* Write it down if you need to!  I feel like we need to come out with some race training plans that not only list each distance we should run each day but also how many hours we should sleep and what we should do for recovery.  We are pretty dilligent about nailing our different workouts prescribed so why is it harder for us to be diligent over the rest and recovery we should be getting.  I sometimes think that the hardest part about running is allowing ourselves to truly back off (Type A personalities;) and let our bodies recover after the hard stuff.  The other day my running buddies and I were talking about how in our brains we all think we love the taper and then when it comes we actually start going crazy because of the decrease in mileage and intensity.  We need to remember it IS a huge part of the road to getting stronger.  


* I tell a friend:)  My running friend’s and I are all better at seeing each other’s needs over our own, ha.  If I tell one of them I need to go x:xx pace leading up to a run, they keep me to that pace because they know it is best for me and the same thing goes vice versa.  I’m better at holding them to a certain pace than myself ha.

* I utilize the treadmill.  I set it at my recovery pace and I don’t allow myself to touch that pace again.  Sometimes when running outside it is easy to get caught up in my thoughts and speed up to a pace faster than I should be that day but with the treadmill I have to make the conscious decision to bump up the speed.

*Remember the best athletes on the planet take recovery seriously.  You know those Olympic Athletes must recover like champs!!!  This picture of Michael Phelps and Joseph Schooling made me really happy:

IMG 0554


Go to CopperJoint HERE and the first 50 readers to use the code HUNGRYRUNNER20 will receive 20% off their CopperJoint order.  Today was sponsored by CopperJoint! We hope you are having a fabulous day and we are off to paint a ridiculous amount of baseboards before installing them in our house:)  House renovations took over our life the last few weeks ha (pic below from the last place we lived)!



Any marathon courses that you have done more than one time?

-Utah Valley Marathon, this will be my second time running St. George and I will have to get back out to Boston again:)

Are you pretty good about doing what you can to recover?  Have you always been this way?  

What overuse injuries have you experienced?  What did you learn from those injuries?

Can you tell when you are on the verge of burnout… what are your symptoms?

Current favorite/can’t stop eating fruit right now?

-We are just entering peach season over here and I am loving it.

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I used to be really bad about recovery and always worried about my pace on EVERY single run. It wore me out–both mentally and physically. I have finally gotten to the point in the past couple of years where I take recovery very seriously and don’t worry about what pace I’m going on my easy days. I dealt with a few stress fractures and some plantar fasciitis, too, and I don’t want to deal with any of that anymore!

I’ve been really obsessed with strawberries and blackberries lately. I could eat them pretty much all the time. :)


I have such a love / hate relationship with compression gear. Wearing the socks does tend to make me feel better but getting them on is such a hassle! Sometimes after a long run I have to wait a while after showering before I have the energy to pull on compression socks :)


I love compression gear and had completely forgotten about it until this post haha. coming back from injury (which was partially overuse, partially my body being rebellious) I am trying to focus more on recovery than ever before. I’ve got three different foam rollers sitting in front of me right now ready for some use haha. I’ve had IT Band issues and tendonitis in my toe, knee, and achilles so, yeah, I need to get better at the recovery aspect of it all, but it’s definitely a work in progress haha.


Recovery is always important to me – that is when our bodies adapt to the stress of the workouts and otherwise we are just spinning our wheels.
I can’t stop eating blackberries right now, especially wild ones!


I’ve only ever used 2XU compression sleeves so really enjoyed hearing about a different brand!

I’m so bad at recovery. I do take 2 rest days a week, but I know I need to focus on stretching and foam rolling more often.


While I do agree with all of the benefits of compression gear for runners, and find it great that this sponsored post ties in well with running, I have been really disappointed with the number of sponsored posts on HRG lately. Reading the blog has been a part of my day for over three years, but I’m finding myself catching up on it every few days rather than daily because there isn’t as much relevant content as there used to be. I’m still holding out hope that HRG will return to what it once was, but I’m losing interest quickly.


I agree, Kati. I am a loyal and longtime HRG reader, and I love you Janae, but the increase in sponsored posts just leaves me feeling a little frustrated. If there’s a super cool product that you love and use all the time, then I think a sponsored post is totally appropriate! And I understand that a few here and there are an important source of income for you and your family. But where it gets disingenuous is when we see a sponsored post for something and then never a mention of using the product/service again. Just some constructive criticism, hopefully you can see where we readers are coming from!


Hi Laura! I am addressing this problem tomorrow! Thanks for your comment though!


As I’ve gotten older (I’m 43) I have gotten much better and pacing myself and taking the time to recover and rehab my body. I was an injury prone runner so rest days, foam rolling, compression, epsom salt baths, stretching, good nutrition, etc. are all integral to keeping my body healthy and happy. I finished my first marathon on July 31 and had the most amazing training season ever with nary an issue. I am laying low from running through August to give my body a break before I start training for the Big Sur/Monterey Bay half in mid-November and then decide on my next marathon. Insofar as the fruit goes, I’m in Northern California so we have a bounty right now so am loving all stone fruit and some of the early season apples and pears (gravenstein and sunsprite).


The only marathon that I’ve done is Pittsburgh, and I’ve done it twice! It’s such a hard course and the weather is always awful, so I need to branch out and try another one.

Lately I’ve been pretty good about recovery and it’s helped a ton! Making sure I foam roll as soon as I’m home and drinking tart cherry juice is now my routine and seems to help keep me injury free (knock on wood!)


I’ve completed 7 marathons 3X NYC Marathon and 3X New Jersey Marathon plus one Philadelphia Marathon.
I’ll most likely run NYC and New Jersey again at some point but I would also like to run some different courses. Heck maybe even on the other coast :)


Woah, 7 marathons~~that’s awesome!!!!


After getting ITBS before my first half marathon, my husband got me some 2XU compression pants. I was able to wear them and run without any pain. I was shocked that I could run with no pain. This taught me a lot about the role compression plays with the body and I was sold. After that, I was always trying to cover (protect) my knees (capris) with some type of compression for fear I would get ITBS again. I was not a Lululemon shopper (ever) but once the heat hit Florida I tried a pair of What the Sport Shorts II (6″ shorts from the WMTM section). I was shocked how much the compression in them stabilized my hips and I had no pain running with them. Over time, with trial and error as well as with many mistakes, we learn. I am a big fan of compression, rest, recovery, not putting on too many miles too quickly, and being cognizant of my shoe wear. I also switched to Newton running shoes so my foot does not need to adjust to shoe changes year after year. They keep their shoes pretty consistent, which makes a big difference with me.


What do you wear over your IT bands?


Hi Chelsa! To quickly answer your question, I don’t wear anything (no running sleeve or brace) on my knees when I run. I tried it with the ITBS and it just slipped down with my sweat (they don’t work for me). :(

I had the ITBS issue over a year ago and immediately started wearing the 2XU pants after my first half marathon every time I ran (and I had no pain). I also went to PT (physical therapy) and was faithful to do their PT exercises daily wearing crop pants with compression when running (I had several brands but not as much compression as 2XU). Then when it got hot and I tried Lululemon (never tried them in my life and ordered them on a whim) What The Sport Shorts II (6 inches), still doing my PT exercises daily and nothing on my knees. I was shocked at how great my run felt. I realized the shorts were either very compressive on my hips/glutes or that my PT exercises and shoes make a difference. Or it could have been that my hips/glutes were just weak and I was strengthening them. Either way, I have continued to wear just the running shorts and my shoes with nothing on my knees and I have had no more pain. I also have been very very careful to listen to my body and not push it. I don’t add mileage too quickly. I also ice my knees and take hot baths. I hope this helps! ITBS is no fun. :(


Have done the Richmond Marathon twice and this year might be third! This year will also be my second time running the Chicago Marathon … Can’t wait!

Recovery is definitely the hardest part of training for me. I’ve (knock on wood) not had a full blown stress fracture but lots of stress fracture scares that resulted in me getting a boot on my foot and not being able to run for about three weeks. Dealt with a lot of inflammation in my heel, knee, random parts of my leg that was all caused by running too much and not recovering enough!


I am running Chicago for the 2nd time this year too!


Ooooo any Chicago tips?? I’m running it this year for the first time! SUPPOSED to be running Richmond too (first time and I’ve heard the course is really pretty), so hopefully that one pans out!


I need first time running Chicago tips also! Yeah!


I DID just hear that even though the course is flat, mile 26 is a long, gradual HILL….best for last I guess…haha.


There is a hill but it’s not long. At marathon pace it’s not bad at all. It’s also in the 8k in the spring then it hurts because trying to climb it much quicker. I doubt it’s more than .1 mile though


Oh! Ok. The guy telling us about it was making it sound way worse, haha.


ahh I am running my 3rd Chicago – I keep coming back because I LOVE IT!!! Favorite city. The course is so flat and fast and the crowds and cheering are out of this world. You get to see so much of the city and it’s such a great time of year for a marathon. My number one tip is to focus on not going out too fast. You will be excited, it is an amazing race, and the crowds will carry you, so it is easy to overdo it in the beginning but just remind yourself to stay focused and controlled! I hope you love it as much as I do! GOOD LUCK!!!


Ya, going out too fast is ALWAYS a problem with me, haha. Luckily, there are about 10 of us from my running group that will hopefully be, at least, STARTGING together! And one of them is my pace coach! :)


Wow, how awesome to go out with a team like that! You will do GREAT!


I’ve run Chicago twice – the biggest tip is just to be careful not to go out too fast in the beginning. There’s so much excitement with spectators and the elites and everything you’ll definitely want to save something for the second half where it can feel a little quieter. It’s a nice flat fast course though. Make sure you get some yummy pizza after the race! Richmond is a beautiful course – I love that race!


My worst has always been shin splints and/or foot pain. Until some stranger watched me run by their house every night. They stopped me and informed me that I had bad form. I thought they were creepy at first, but Googled in when I got home. I tried the changes. 2 weeks later when that person was out on their porch, I stopped to thank them. They were right ! I was the person who just started running with no research on how, form, do’s, don’t or recovery. So I learned everything the hard way. Fruit: I cannot get enough of blueberries, strawberries and cantaloupe. When I get a good one, I will eat the whole melon, or whole batch in one sitting. Inhale it big time.


Personal question for you Janae, and I hope it isn’t offensive, because it’s something I’m struggling with right now. How do you feel about having a different last name from Brooke? I’m a single mom, and kept my ex’s last name so that it would match the kids, who live with me full time. When my mom remarried, I was not happy when she changed her name. Has this been an issue for Brooke at all? Does she notice?


Lynn, this is a good question. I am a single mom and my son and I have the same last name. I worry about when I get married, should I just keep my last name the same as my son? or change it to match my husband in case we have kids too? I haven’t found the answer yet after giving it a lot of thought.


I’ve been married for 14 years & have a 7 year old and a nearly 2-year old. I never changed my name when I got married. My kids have their father’s last name. Its not a big deal at all and never has been. I didn’t change my name because I’m a feminist. In today’s age of different “modern” families, it is more common for families to have differing last names. You might be surprised how many cultures do not share a family last name – European & Asian. Surely what defines your family unit is not so limited by something as singular and mundane as a name?


I wouldn’t call it mundane, although I respect your right to believe differently. A shared name is one way of bonding a group together, to make them feel like an essential part of something that matters, and we see this in more than just families (team sports, for example). That being said, it’s certainly not the most important part of a family, and it isn’t the main thing that defines us, you are absolutely right about that.


Same, Robin. My name has always been my name and I don’t think that getting married should be a reason to give up something as important as that identity. My two grown sons and husband never really thought about it any other way! :)


Lynn –
I’m not Janae, but I am a divorced and re-married mom with a different last name as my kids. Honestly, the thought of it really bothered me for quite awhile and I gave it so much thought, especially when I got engaged. I considered keeping my name but knew that, even if it was never said, it could hurt my husband if I kept my ex-husband’s last name. He would have understood, but I consider marriage to be the single most important relationship you need to foster and respect and I didn’t want to run the risk of unintentionally hurting him in any way.

That being said, now that we’ve been married for two years, I was worried for nothing. The kids know and love all of us (their dad is also engaged to be married), they know who there mom and dad are and they know they have two step-parents that love and support them as if they were their own. When meeting new teachers/coaches or parents of new friends, I typically just introduce myself as Heather XXXX, Chloe YYYY’s mom. No one bats an eye. Robin has a good point – your family is what it is, not what it’s called.

I’ll admit – the idea of my ex’s wife sharing my kids’ name when I don’t bothers me at first thought. I quickly remind myself that it doesn’t really matter what others think. What matters is that my kids know who mom is.



I HATE that typo!


Thanks, Heather! That was a really well-thought-out reply. It makes me feel a bit better, even though my heart clutched at the thought of another woman having the same last name as my daughters. So many other parts of our relationship are more important than sharing a name.


Do you have any tips for finding a good running coach? This is something I’ve been interested in exploring but I am not sure how to go about finding someone that is the right fit for me.


Hi Katie! You might go into your local running store and talk to them. They may have some running coaches that they would recommend. I hope you find an awesome coach!


I will do that! Thanks Janae!


I’ve been following your blog for quite awhile, yet I’ve never seen any of these products in your photos? Neither Andrew or you haven’t been wearing them, yet, you claim they’ve been a game changer. The photos of you using them were in Canada…which you were in, let’s see, this past weekend? I’m simply trying to understand how you truly know these are a great product? How do these prevent an injury, when you haven’t used it long enough to actually know?


Hi Mary, sorry, I ran 20 miles this morning so behind on comments! I definitely use the products that I write about before I write about them. I get products all the time that I try and don’t like so I send them back and do not write about them. Each company asks me to use them for a different amount of time before I write about them. I have had companies tell me I need to use their product for months before I write a post about them. It is different with each company. I have used compression products for years. They do help! Thank you for your question.


I may have to try these compression sleeves! I have found that I haven’t been wearing my sleeves or socks DURING a run because in the summer, it’s just too hot, and in the winter, I’m not adding a layer on my calves with pants on too, haha. So I end up wearing AFTER a long run. And I will wear them for 24+ hours – during sleep too! Never had a problem sleeping in them and I SWEAR they help recovery!
But if these are thinner than Zensah or CEP, I may try them to run IN them! Zensah and CEP are my favorites b/c they are sooooo much softer, better compression, and easier to get on/off than any others I’ve tried.


I am pretty good about recovery….EASY DAYS EASY and HARD DAYS HARD is my motto. I have run Wineglass Marathon three times and will be running Chicago for a second time this year.
I haven’t had fruit in over a year except for a few bites of watermelon here and there— low carb diet over here. No sugar for me.


I’m disappointed that my valid (and polite, for that matter) question on yesterday’s post about disclosing what/how you were comped for your Westin vacation was deleted. You want us to buy the products you never talk about again by clicking on your affiliate links and whatnot, but we aren’t allowed to ask about something you are required to disclose per FTC guidelines??


Maryanne is being a tad harsh, but seriously, deleting valid, constructive comments from your readers really makes it seem like you don’t care about us. I’m getting really burned out on all the sponsored content lately as well, and have quit reading as much. I get enough commercials while watching the Olympics, I don’t need them in my rss feed. While I understand that this is how you make your living, there has to be a balance, and that balance has been decidedly off lately.


Sorry I didn’t get back to you with your question. I was actually only compensated for my Instagram posts not the blog so I didn’t mention compensation on the blog. Also they were not offering anything to my readers so I really was just writing about what a great time we had. Thank you for your question!


Ooops. This reply is for Kelly. Sorry.


Yes, I am very disappointed to notice a trend of increased deleted posts as well.


Yeah, the comment I replied to is now gone, so I look like a crazy person.


Hi Andria! Your comment is still on my screen. I am addressing your comment tomorrow and really appreciate your opinion! Thanks!


Hi K! Addressing this tomorrow. Thanks!


I’m definitely enjoying all the berries right now – everything from strawberries to blueberries to raspberries. So delicious!


I’ve never used compression before — as I’m a total newbie.

Are there any starter tips for what to look for and where to start compressing?


Agreeing with Emily, medical grade compression is the way to go. I recently left my gig as a manager at a large specialty running store and we carried CEP and 2XU. They both have similar compression levels but CEP feel a bit more snug whereas 2XU is softer with 4 way stretch. I am more of a CEP fan than 2XU but it’s nominal, I would recommend both. There are lots of companies that claim to sell comression products but tight does NOT equal medical grade compression. As for where to start, start with what hurts (most people experience leg fatigue which is why socks and tights are the most popular). The full socks are great for recrovery whereas most people prefer the sleeves for training and races so they can wear their own socks. The biggest thing (that I wish Janae had mentioned) is that you should NOT wear the sleeves unless you are being active. They can cut off circulation to the feet so you should run in the sleeves or socks and recover in the full sock (the socks also great for long plane rides and car rides!). Also make sure you measure properly for them, they won’t work correctly if you are in the wrong size. If you get a chance stop into your local running store and they can fill you in even more but really, they’re kind of fool proof and are AMAZING (I get a lot of knots in my calves that initially will be too painful to work on with my Addaday stick so I start with the socks to make them less sensitive). ALSO, totally not what you asked about but I am obsessed with 2XU compression tights should you be looking for those, I wear them all the time (even around the house). Hope that helps!


I bought one of these last year after breaking my tibia. I don’t know if I had the wrong size of what but I bought a small and after one workout it was so baggy there was no compression.


Do you find that compression helps with pain of a break? I broke my tibia when I was a kid and it didn’t heal correctly, causing a lot of pain. I’m always looking for solutions other than just icing!


I love compression socks and calf sleeves! I use the socks for after long runs, but my husband uses his calf sleeves both during and after. I haven’t heard of Copper Joint though. We mostly use Zensah but i do have a pair of Recovery Socks (that might be the brand) that I bought as my first pair at an expo. They are definitely game changers and I can tell they help speed up recovery!


I think we all go through that lesson of running too much, then burning out or getting injured. I’m glad you’re able to recognize it. I live in my compression gear. Right now I’m using CEP because it’s medical grade. Will have to look into these too :-)


Eating my weight in watermelon this week! I love compression socks for sure, they feel so good after a long run!


I think this is a pretty common thing amongst runners. I was the same way until the last couple of years. I can tell when my body is going to injure or I’m going to burn out now and I know it’s time to take a little time off. I just had that happen the last couple of weeks. My shin was fractured in high school and a couple of weeks ago, it started to swell in the same places, warning signs from my body to take a break! So I’ve taken about 2 and a half weeks off. and it stinks! But I’m going to be getting new shoes and then start back slow again. It’s better to take two weeks off than two months.


Like you, I’ve experienced quite a few running injuries (i.e. shin splits (those were fun), IT band issues, and tendonitis…)
Slowly but surely, I’ve learned that:
1. Rest is important and I’m not lazy if I take a rest day to allow my muscles to rebuild!
2. Foam rolling + compression socks/sleeves = best friends
3. Rotate shoes and switch every 300-500 miles.
And much more…
Current fruit obsession? Watemelon, forever and always. ;)


Did the socks seem to run big or small? I see the Small and Medium both show the same shoe size. I wear a 9 running shoe (8 regular shoes), am very slim, but do have strong calves as a runner. Not sure whether to order small or medium. Any suggestions?


Hi Jean! These run a smidge small but that is good because they are compression. I hope they help you too! Have a great day!


If you wear these outside your sponsored posts, I will take it seriously. Otherwise, I’ll chalk this product up to another Nature Box, mattress in a box, tampon by mail shill.


Hi Mama Runner! I have been using and writing about compression products since around August 2011. I mentioned in my post that this is a new product that we are using so not a lot of pictures of me using them yet. I really like them though! I thought that they were good enough to put on my blog so my readers could enjoy them too. Have a great day!


So many sponsored posts lately… Maybe you should think about spreading them out more? Having back to back ads (even when it doesn’t say sponsored but it very obviously is), is tiresome. I love reading about you and your family but yet another post about a product (that we’ll probably never hear about again) makes me not want to read anymore.


+1 Especially since you’re only posting once a day. When there were two posts a day, and every fourth was sponsored, it was a lot less irritating/ obvious. We read you for stories about your life and running, not for product placement.


Hi Andria! I am addressing this problem tomorrow. I have already written it up and it was scheduled for tomorrow. Thanks for your comments!


Hi Lo! I really appreciate your comment. I am addressing this sponsor comment tomorrow because there have been so many comments! Thank you and have a great day!


How does Knox’s mom feel about him appearing on your blog to sell product to produce an income for you and Andrew? Did you ask her permission first?


Janae has said a number times on the blog that she doesn’t share every aspect of her personal life on the blog–which is totally appropriate and her right.

Posting about her daily life doesn’t mean it’s okay for readers to be disrespectful. Janae’s never once claimed to be perfect and I think it’s clear through all of her years of blogging that she tries to rectify her mistakes. We can give constructive criticism without the meanness. We could all use a little more kindness in life–both in the giving and the taking!


…..what Amanda said!


Those ones look awesome!!! I want to get a full sock next time I buy compression socks. I have tried the calf sleeves from procompression and I felt like it gave me an injury I stead of helping relieve soreness in my calves. I love watermelon and I am so sad it is hard to find good ones now that it’s going out of season!


I’m really good with my recovery process. Running is something I like to enjoy and doing it being in constant pain is just an indicator that I should rest more. I just think that one run that I miss today will be another run that I’ll miss tomorrow.

My current “Can’t stop eating” fruit combination is kiwi, strawberries and blueberries:) Sooooo good!


I never have time to read comments other readers make on your blog -but today I’m taking an on-line class and have time to avoid it while eating lunch so had some extra time. Anyway, I just wanted to chime in with support -I’ve been reading your blog for a LONG time and continue to love it! I’ve noticed an uptick in sponsored posts, but still find them interesting so just didn’t worry about it. I feel like you’ve always been honest about the fact that you are making a living by writing the blog, so sponsored posts are going to be a part of it. I don’t care, I read every post and have rarely not found anything interesting in what you have written! Anyway, you should know that at least some of your readers are still happy :)
-oh, I have to admit, I was a little disappointed that you didn’t mention Abbey D’Agostino today -I’m obsessed with her heart and grit and the story of the 2 runners helping each other in the way they did so I was hoping to read more about it with your comments -maybe in the next couple of days?


Thank you soooo much for your comment. I already have written a post for tomorrow concerning the sponsored posts comments. I do appreciate my readers opinions! Have a great day!


I totally agree with KIm! I have noticed an uptick in sponsored posts…but it is your job! Hang in there!


I 100% agree with everything in this comment :) A little positivity around here is definitely needed :)

Love the blog regardless of the topic! It’s your life, write about what you want, when you want!


Constructive criticism/feedback is one thing, but so much apparent anger the comments today…really?


I currently have my first “real” injury and I’m going insane. I’ve had flare ups that have taken me out for a few days, but I haven’t ran in two weeks and I had to miss an important (and fun) race this past weekend. I thought it was runner’s knee, but I just went to physio today and she said that it was most likely an irritated meniscus and a shin splint. I suppose I was hoping for a magic cure and am so discouraged that I still can’t run. It also hurts too much to do any cardio, including walking and XT, so I just sit around all day feeling the fitness drain out of me.

And, by the way, your sponsored posts don’t bother me in the least, nor should they bother anyone else. I see no problem in someone using sponsors to get income–I would do the same, and I daresay that most of the complainers in the comments would as well if they had the opportunity. Besides, it’s not like you’re doing a full-out advertisement for the product–I like how you tie in you and your family and also go a little bit off the product to discuss the targeted issue as well. If it benefits you and your amazing family, why would anyone complain? :)


Thank you for your nice comment. I am talking about this tomorrow. I sure appreciate your support! Have a great day!


I used to read daily. Then about once a week. Now, it’s whenever I happen to wonder, hey, what’s going on. For me it’s not the sponsored posts, per se (except they have been increasing quite a bit – really sticks out when you read a few weeks posts at a time). It’s the this is the most wonderful product ever. And then we never see or hear about again. I remember a post about how you always tried to carry health snacks or something that was the most healthy snack ever for kids and your daughter loved them. The next day, daughter was eating something completely different, and in all of you pictures, never saw her eating the snack again.
Just say, I received this product, I used it for the last three weeks, and this is what I think. Instead of acting like you’ve incorporated it into your life. Simple. Honest.


Also, the Westin thing. What’s “legal” per your contract, and what’s honest to your readers are two different things. You showed all sorts of pictures on the blog, obviously advertising for them. Instead of giving the impression that you looked for a place to go and decided on them, just say you were lucky and got a free trip. No big deal.


What if I read your post about vacation and said Oh I want to go there so someone will run trails with me. I would then find out that is not a regular thing for a regular guest. That it costs money . That you got it for free. It’s shady.


Allow me to defend you for a moment, Janae. I’ve been reading your blog for probably 5-6 years. Yes, the sponsored posts are increasing in frequency and sometimes your verbiage sounds disingenuous, but y’know what… who cares?! Seriously, blogging and being a social media presence has become your job, and I am totally inspired that you were able to turn a little blog about froyo, running, and being married/being a mom into a money making enterprise for yourself. I think it’s fantastic, and honestly, I’m jealous (and I bet lots of your critics are, too). Heck, I wish I received comped hotel stays and free compression gear, and I could if I was a super popular blogger like you. But, I’m not. I had a blog for a year and got jack squat in readership, so I gave it up.
No one bats an eyelash if Adele or Ellen make money with their name or appearance because OMG THEY’RE SUCH NICE, GENUINE PEOPLE but heaven forbid you take advantage of situations to grow in popularity and make money for yourself and your family. I’m not super interested in your posts lately (but not just because they’re sponsored), but I honestly applaud you for making this blog your career. I think it’s fantastic, and I will continue to check in hrg every now and then. The fact that you live a normal life, aren’t a fantastic writer (I mean no offense by saying this), and aren’t an elite runner but still have managed to create the following you have tells me that you possess something special and you should keep doing what you feel is working… it has worked so far, that’s for sure!
On to the rest… I was injured constantly (NINE stress fractures including pelvis and vertebrae!) when I didn’t eat enough calories day to day. Now that I’m shoveling food into my mouth like it’s going out of style, I haven’t been injured in four years, regardless of my lessening rest days or increasing weekly mileage.
Peaches are my #1 most disgusting food :) but I am liking the fresh strawberries and melon lately!


Thank you Stacey! I sure appreciate your support! Have a great day!


I think it’s just like any constructive feedback you receive from a boss at a job. You’re right- this is Janae’s job, she makes money off of it. And just like most people have managers telling them how to improve, Janae’s ‘bosses’ are her readers- they are driving her clicks and page views, and so she is responsible to them for bringing in money for her. I don’t think people are attacking Janae personally, just saying they would appreciate more disclosure as a way to improve her blog/job.


I’ve been a super duper long time reader of your blog Janae and I think you are AWESOME! Don’t let the haters get you down. They r just jealous that you get loads of free stuff and trips and all that and only have to act like you like it. Agree with commenter above that you have done an awesome job gorwing your blog and they just wish they couldget comped and free stuff and make money like you do thru all your posts. And your kids r so cute, they probably make stuff sell itself. i probably wouldn’t buy those socks because their kind of ugly but if i got them for free like you do i might! Get it girl!! $$$$$$


Thank you so much for your comment! I do try hard! Have a great day!


I love my compression socks! Currently I use Pro Compression and I really like their products. Especially the fun themes they have every month. I sometimes sleep in them too if I feel like I had a really tough workout.

As far as recovery goes, I am not the best. I definitely push harder than I should and unfortunately tend to go all or nothing with my runs. I just recently made it a goal to include more hill walking into my week to ensure I am adequately recovered.


I am signed up to run the Honolulu Marathon in December – it will be my second time running it. Training starts on Monday!

I ran my 4th marathon last November. For the first time I only ran 3 times a week during training. My plan always calls for 2-3 easy days so I rode my bike on those days. I was a little nervous about how it would go, but I had a 7 minute PR! I had a great training block and felt better at the start line than ever!


I’ve always seen runners wearing compression gear and wondered the benefits. Tbh, I never really did my research so this was a very informative post for me to read :) Thanks!

Fruit –> peaches for days! They’re kind of taking over my August!


These seriously sound amazing. I have never done compression socks but if they help with soreness and stiffness, they sound like a dream. :) My current favorite fruit is grapes. I can’t get enough of them!


I had never heard of this brand. I bought a pair and can’t wait till they come. I have shin splints and now I have to wear compression socks for all my runs so I need to stock up. Thank you!


Do you like these better than the Zensah tech compression socks? I don’t get shin splints but I’m pregnant and running a lot and would love your input! Also, Ive read a lot about the calf compression vs the whole sock….again, input from when you were pregnant?? Thanks!


Omg not asking about sponsorship, for the love, this is a blog that supports your family. For the love. I can ignore posts selling things I don’t want and still enjoy your content.

My question Janae – have you ever dealt with Achilles tendonitis ? If so what have you done to combat it? I don’t know what’s causing it but I run a lot and recently added in some incline work on he treadmill and its flaring up so I think that’s contributing. I don’t want to rest ?


I don’t know if it is true, but I heard that running treadmill a lot can cause Achillies problems. I also run on my treadmill from time to time, but haven’t had problems. Hope you get better soon.


Someone above mentioned medical-grade compression, and that’s what I use. You can get them for much less than most sport compression if you combine coupons and sales (and my employee discount: I work for Walgreens!). I have one pair with no toes that prevents my toes from being squished (I hate how that feels), and several socks cut into calf sleeves. They have better longevity than, say, PROCompression (which I found did not wash and wear well).
Re: sponsored posts: I think we have all come to expect sponsored posts on self-supporting blogs, but I am more likely to read a sponsored post if I have heard the product mentioned prior. For example, a post that says, “Company A sent me these shoes to try out. I’ll share my thoughts once I have put more miles on them.” Then when I get to the post about the product, I am curious to see how the blogger liked the shoes, and I’ll read it. I realize that contracts might set time frames and specify guidelines, so that sort of timeline might not be possible, but it sparks my interest more than a pop-up-out-of-nowhere sponsored post.


I’m really upset tonight by all of the negative comments I’ve just read. Message to readers: if you don’t like a sponsored post, then DON’T READ IT. If you’re so offended by all of this, then stop following the blog. Janae, don’t let negative people bring you down. You have many, many people who still enjoy your blog and support you.


Agreed, Janae. I LOVE this blog, I seriously look forward to reading it every morning before I start working!!! You are doing the best you can. If people don’t prefer the content, they can happily go on their merry way! You are SO good at this and I love reading about the kiddos, Andrew, your running and everything in between. Hang in there!! There’s constructive feedback and then there are people who hide behind the Internet and say mean things to a stranger – and there’s a big difference in those two things! Thanks for handling things with grace as always! hugs your way!


These comments have done a great job in making today’s post interesting and truthful For once in a long time.


Hi, very good post! Thanks…


I have a wee question (maybe a silly question!): Why compression sleeves on your arms (when you run with your legs)?
I would also like to wade into some of the (rather aggressive) above posts: I have seen Janae in compression gear in the past on this blog, have as a consequence bought some, and its worked wonders.
We all read this blog because we have faith in Janae’s opinion and judgement; so chill out people and listen to what she has to say!


“if you don’t like a sponsored post, then DON’T READ IT.”
That would be fine, except we usually don’t know that they’re sponsored until a little blurb at the end of the post, if that.


Oh I am loving peaches too… and mangoes!!! my favorite!


We all love this blog. You blog about whatever you want, you’ll still have me as a reader as well as many, many others. If you want to talk about products, talk about them, that’s a source of a income for you. No matter what you have tons of supporters from all over! Much love to you!


Love your blog! No worries about the sponsored posts. It’s just the crazy trolls getting mad anyway:) you are wonderful!


Please don’t feel obligated to limit sponsored to posts to just 3 per month though; I don’t think it is unreasonable to have 4-5 per month if it allows you to support your family and continue blogging for a living. You are putting in a lot of time to keep the blog going including blogging on your weekends while many of the rest of us are “off” and you deserve to be compensated for all that you do. I admire that you have managed to become both a working mom and stay-at-home mom at the same time and would like you to be able to continue to do so because I look forward to your posts every day.


Janae! I really like your blog and do not mind at all the sponsored posts. I think you tie them nicely to your life which makes them fun and interesting to read. I actually think it’s really great that you are getting the opportunity to do them and get compensation for the time and hard work invested in your blog and your readers. I’m from another country and have loved watching the sites of Utah through your blog, learning about your running and your beautiful family.


Hi Janae –
I haven’t had a chance to read your post yet where you address this, but I wanted to add a suggestion =).
I love your blog and the daily posts – I found your blog during a devastating point in my life when I was going through a break up and instantly clicked with you, a person I’ve never even met. I started coming back day after day for your positivity, encouragement and comforting content that life isn’t perfect, but it can be beautiful.
Anyway, I’ve learned through multiple social media platforms that everything we post isn’t going to relate to all of our followers and that is OK. Heck, I’m sure half of my facebook friends don’t care about everything thing I post or share but guess what, it is their choice to be friends with/follow me. Just like it is a reader’s choice to read your posts. If they don’t like it they don’t have to read it, no one is forcing them to. So whether they choose to take it upon themselves and criticize you, you do you and live it let live. Don’t worry about the negativity. Anytime there is content in the blogs that I follow that I don’t relate to or find interest in I just skim over… it’s that simple.
As a HRG fan girl my only suggestion is that it would be nice to hear more follow up reviews/incorporation into future posts because I genuinely would like to hear if after time you still enjoy and use the product. Remember, you do you but I do feel that could help balance out the increase of recent sponsored posts. I trust you and your reviews so it would be nice to hear more of your feelings and honest opinions about the products you share as a follow up to the initial posts.
Either way, I love getting my daily fix of HRG, family, home improvement and decorations and every day Janae life posts!
Thanks for doing what you do!


oops I meant live and let live!***


Just got my CopperJoint Calf sleeves and I love them! Thanks!


In certain cases, a supportive device may be beneficial. It depends on what the diagnosis is, what’s causing it, how much pain you’re in, and how much you are compensating for your current injury. There are a variety of braces, straps, and tape on the market. They each function a little differently and some are more appropriate for specific conditions than others. Today, the focus will be on common knee conditions and how supportive devices may help. This unique cotton elastic fabric fits most sizes (small size for knees less than 13” around from the knee cap soon to be available). It’s breathable, unlike heavily rubberized and synthetic sleeves. Just Choose your size and color and add to cart now.

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