6 words per picture and JAYBIRD FREEDOM GIVEAWAY!!!

These kids have zero fun together;)

Somehow my snack becomes ‘our’ snack.

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“We definitely need one of these.”

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Dark chocolate almond and coconut—> shemakesmesharethesetoo.

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Just sound asleep in my arms:

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My arms tired= he takes over.

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This salad from Corner Bakery = heaven.

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How we celebrate—> candy + The Office.

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And to finish things off for the morning—>  I’ve got a sweet (and sweat-proof hahaha) giveaway for you!!!

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Wireless headphones will change your running life.  I was using normal headphones for a few months and then got the new Freedom Bluetooth Headphones from Jaybird and I’m hooked.

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“The smallest wireless buds ever with insanely big sound in a stunning patented secure-fit sweat-proof, ultra-comfort metal design.”  These have incredible sound, stay in place perfectly (even during speed/tempo runs) and NO MORE CORDS getting tangled while I run.

IMG 9477

To enter giveaway (giveaway ends on 6/10/16):

 *Leave a comment telling me anything that you would like… how your day is going?  Why you run?  What you last ate?  Anything at all!!! 

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Sometimes I run just to listen to be music!


Congrats on your engagement and thank you for your continued motivation! I was just looking into wireless headphone this weekend so this post came just in time! :)


Today is going fine! I’m doing a 5k in the park after work. I last ate a Kind bar, and I’d love some wireless headphones!


These earbuds look awesome! Never tried the wireless kind before.

I made the most amazing Smitten Kitchen summer salad for lunches this week. Check it out- http://smittenkitchen.com/blog/2012/06/chopped-salad-with-feta-lime-and-mint/


My headphones just broke today during my morning run :(

Hmm…And I run because for some reason it is the only exercise routine that I can bring myself to consistently do. Everything else I start, I do a few times and it just doesn’t stick. I am really slow and I had to take a few months off due to injury so I am not running very far right now, but I still enjoy running and I love how I feel when I am done.


Oh my goodness these would be amazing as I continue to increase my mileage, and set new goals. Especially as I sit here and wait to find out if I passed my national registration exam!!!


I don’t comment very often but love reading your blog daily! Congrats on your engagement! Just ran my 3rd marathon a little over a week ago and am trying to get back to running but body isn’t quite cooperating yet! Would love some wireless headphones! :)


Those look great! I listen to podcasts during training and music during races so I would love these!


I’m still using old school Yurbuds so this would be awesome!


always love your posts! every day stuff but it always puts a smile on your face cause you make the most mundane stuff seem so fun and enjoyable.
Long day at the office. can’t wait for my 8mile run home through the city. aint no better way of transportation


These headphones look awesome. I’d love to have a dedicated pair For running!


I love reading your blog everyday. I’m happy for your upcoming wedding!


I last ate greek yogurt, strawberries, and homemade granola!


Salad is my go-to choice and I totally get the salad for breakfast thing. The nerve of some places not having it ready before 11? I run for adventure as every path, experience and memory takes me somewhere new. ????


Those headphones are so cute! Thanks for the giveaway!


I like to run because I can be outside and zone out. Beach runs are my favorite!


Awesome giveaway! Those headphones are cute.


Loved getting a few miles in at lunch today! Would love to have a new pair of wireless headphones too.


These headphones look like they would be my best friend on runs and early morning walks with my dog ( Yo-Yo Trick Daddy is his name, I just adopted him and did NOT name him).

The best thing I ate today was a peanutbutter and banana sandwhich. An oldy but a goody!!


I started reading your blog several years ago. Then I started running in January so now I actually learn a lot by reading. Thanks for sharing!


I would love a new pair of wireless headphones. I still use the pair that came with my iPod.


I’ve been admiring similar headphones by Jaybird!! What a great prize!! Hope you have a good day!


I love the look of those wireless earbuds- thanks for the giveaway! :)

Right now I’m reveling in the fact that I only have 2 more weeks of teaching before summer vacation! Can’t wait to run in the morning again!


Oh my gosh, I’ve heard so much about Jaybird headphones!! They sound awesome. I hate running with a bouncing cord!


I would love these earbuds!! I always keep mine in the bottom of my purse and they get tangled.

Looking forward to doing a 5k in cape cod this weekend. I love looking for races during vacations!


Would love to rock out on my runs with those earbuds.

My day is going great but I can’t wait to go home from work and run with my dog!


I would love these because I just told my son I would run with him this summer while he trains for his cross-country season this fall.


I’ve been dying for these earphones!!! Today I had an early morning 3 mile run. Taking it easy this week since I have Ragnar Wasatch Back in a week! They increased my total mileage by two miles!!! Kinda nervous because it’ll be my first official big race, but super excited because of all the fun I’m going g to have!


I love your dress, where did you get it!? Love to try the earbuds, I have never been able to find ones that don’t fall out of my ears. These look too good to be true!


Never ending summer in Mississippi has begun and is zapping my energy for running. Maybe those new headphones would help get me pumped up.


Congrats on the engagement!

Day is going great! About to go for a run :)


I do not like that Kodiac product. I love pancakes, love their pancake mixes, but not this. ?. I would be thrilled to win today’s giveaway!!!! I’m currently training for Chicago in the fall and have never owned wireless earbuds!!! Congrats on your engagement! I’ve followed you from the beginning and I’m so happy for you and your girlie!! ?


this could not have come at a better time…i just broke my wireless earbuds! a crazy gust of wind literally tore them out of my ear and then i stepped on them and snapped off the ear bud part :( i held them in my ear with my headband until i got home haha. so…yeah, i need this. please pick meeeee


I run because it makes me happier, which makes me a better mama and wife! Hope I win <3


I would absolutely love those earbuds. Thank you so much for the chance at them. Oh! I had the most amazing frozen yogurt the other day. It was carrot cake. Topped with bananas and pie crust it was amazing! :)


Y’all are the cutest! So happy for you! Those headphones look amaaaaazing! I need some running motivation, maybe they could be it :)


Would love to have a pair of these to listen to music while running and working around the house


Sometimes I take conference calls on runs. Don’t tell my boss.


Didn’t run today but almost time to start training for my second marathon!


I just started running a few months ago and I’m awful – like 11:30/mile awful but I love it and I found your blog because I’ve started researching everything and anything running!


I run to feel strong! :)


Just getting back into running after having a baby (14 months ago). I forgot how exhausting it can be when you truly push your limits. Well, at least I’m tired for a good reason today!


I run because it makes me happy and let’s me unravel and think.


Most recently I run because I’m trying to do my first official event ever, a sprint triathlon, in July! Scared but excited!


Hope you’re having a great day! Congrats on your engagement and good luck in your upcoming race.


I’m so, so, so, so very HAPPY for you! You deserve this happiness!


Is anyone else really enjoying reading all of these comments?

P.S. I am about to start training for my first marathon!


They make a smaller version of that popcorn machine in the nostalgia brand. We registered for it for our wedding and use it all the time!!

P.S. I’ve never commented on your blog before even though I’ve been reading for about a year and I love it! I was very sad when I caught it up to the present after starting from the very beginning and actually have to wait for posts now! :-)


I run because I can! After having an injury that did not allow me to run for almost 6 months I’m just happy to be able to run again!


I’m super sad. EVERYONE has suggested these brand of headphones to me so I bought them Saturday. Went on my long run Sunday and up making my ear sore trying to keep them in. I chalked it up as wrong size, swapped them around and still couldn’t get them to stay in comfortable. I think with the extended battery on the side, it kept them unbalanced weight wise. Heartbreaking, they are going back this weekend.


I didn’t get doughnuts for Doughnut Day. I went to my favorite doughnut place after a 12 work day, and it said 1 hour wait on the door. I couldn’t do it.

That’s my secret.
I feel better telling someone.

Thanks for listening.


I need these! I like running so I can just be me:)


I love wireless headphones but could def use an upgrade :)


Today was “track tuesday” and on the menu was 6 x 800 at 5k pace with half time rest between intervals. My track buddy and I got this (and 5 miles of warm up/cool down) done all before 7 am! Sadly, this track buddy is moving soon :( so these headphones would be great for keeping me company when I have to get after it alone!!!


My day hasn’t been the best- ran late to an appointment only to discover I left my wallet at home. Maybe winning these headphones will help ;)


I just got back into running after having a terrible first trimester! The weather is perfect right now (will only last a few more days) and I am certainly soaking up all I can get before it gets too hot! These headphones would definitely make getting back into the serious running groove so much more fun!


I run To be a better mom to my twin 7 year old boys and a better wife to my husband. Congrats on you engagement and your blog posts are a guilty pleasure for this running mom!!!!!


Hi! What I just ate – pizza and salad at a work meeting. I’d love to win the headphones. While I would love to try out wireless headphones, my husband is on the look out for some good wireless phones and I’d love to give them to him for his birthday or father’s day!


I would LOVE these ear buds! I run in Georgia….in the summer….in 100% humidity…..help my sweaty ears!!!!


My headphones broke. And my youngest now has her college class schedule!


Last thing I ate = cold pizza (best way to have it) and salad for lunch!


I actually got up before sunrise and got my run in before (teaching) summer school this morning! I would have appreciated the Jaybirds as I was untangling my earbuds while half asleep!


So excited for you on your engagement!!!


I just got stitches in my foot from a big mirror falling so I’ve got to take a little time off of running. ? I was so glad I had already gone running the morning of the day it happened since I didn’t know it’d be my last chance for a while.


Anything at all? Um…We went to the pool for the first time this summer today and then got kicked out an hour later because of lightning. Silly rain!


I’m so happy for you, and Andrew, and little Brooke ?


Last food I consumed was cookies and cream ice cream and a brownie with one of my counseling groups (I am a middle school counselor)!


I’m definitely in the market for new headphones. Getting ready to start running seriously for the first time since pregnancy/baby, and these would be perfect!


I came to work the day after reading your blog post with your big announcement, and told my best friend/co-worker that my favorite running blogger got engaged and that I was so happy for her because she deserves to be happy! I sounded a little crazy being so happy for someone I’ve never meant, but she appreciated it too! Congratulations and best wishes!


I’m so very happy for you and Andrew and the kiddos!


I just ate the most delicious apple and peanut butter with a few spoonfuls right out of the jar! Congrats on your engagement!


My day is going great — life is good these days! Congrats on your engagement!


Well, I couldn’t afford a pair of these beauties but would love to be blessed with some! Always end up standing at a stoplight trying to slide my cord down through my shirt to keep it in place. I’m a sight ?
Congrats on the engagement and Brooke’s soon to be best buddy/ step brother ??‍?‍?‍?


Oh my goodness my heart melted seeing the picture of Brooke asleep in Andrew’s arms!! So much love for your new little family :)


I can’t wait to run! Had my second baby 4 weeks ago and I’m waiting to be cleared.


I just started running again from having my 3rd little boy : ) I’m back on the bandwagon folks! I just had a chocolate peanut butter banana protein shake for dinner and it was A-MAZIN!


I run to escape the chaotic world I live in. Music helps me zone out and really focus on running rather than the pain of running.


I don’t run with music because I don’t like the feeling of the cord swishing around. These would be awesome for my upcoming half!


Congrats on your engagement! I’ve heard once you go wireless you never go back! Those are also so pretty!! I must have the weirdest ear holes (is that a word) ever cuz I seriously struggle with ear buds staying in. Would LOVE to try these!


Congratulations on your engagement. Brooke will be an awesome flower girl and maid of honor. My daughter has the same donut float – she’s 16 years old :)

I went to an athletic training and conditioning class this morning and then ran 5 miles. I would love those earbuds for my runs & workouts


I am so interested to find wireless headphones that work great and are reliable, I’ve tried a few and they’ve been disappointing. Would love to try these!


Congrats on your engagement! Super excited to hear all the wedding details. Hope I win the headphones :)


So happy for you and your upcoming wedding! I’d love to try these out on my runs.


I have been running without music since I lost my earphone. Took a lot of getting used-to but it would be great to win this awesome giveaway to put some music back into my running.


those earbuds seem like a great alternative to the wireless ones that are such a hassle sometimes!


My old Jaybirds finally died during the first two miles of my last half marathon (a VERY HILLY half without music) so I need these! I’m enjoying your wedding updates!!!


I have never tried wireless headphones before but always want a pair during the winter when my ears are covered and the cords get in the way making my headphones fall out!


I would love some new headphones!! Getting back into running after baby number 2.. Running is the only me time I’m going to get.. now that I’m a stay at home mommy


Just eating a turkey sandwich while catching up on your posts ?


What kind of dressing was on that salad (the green cup)…was it something like Avocado Ranch? It looked great! I’d love to know and to also win some new Jaybirds.


Congrats on your engagement! It’s fun seeing you so happy.

I used to run with a large group of women, but now due to my location run 99.9% of my runs by myself. Running to music or podcasts makes me feel less alone!


I ran for my sanity – I LOVE my life as a mama, wife, friend, etc – yet running is what clears my head and restores my soul so that I can better balance life!


I always have to string my headphones through my clothes when I run because I can’t stand the cord flying around. Last thing I ate was a doughnut, 50k recovery is the best :-P


Ran my 8×600’s under the hot sun. Would love to try out the Jaybirds!


I could really use those wireless headphones!


these are a NEED in my life, hah! I have yet to find a set of headphones that accommodate my ears. Fingers crossed!


Today is too hot! Love reading your blog!


I run because I love it and am fortunate enough to have two functioning legs that allow me to enjoy the pleasures and pain of running. My runs allow me to be grateful and praise God that he allowed me to be able to run.


I run to clear my mind! And it also helps that I burn calories while I run!


I got in short run today and that made me happy!


No run today but a walk downtown in beautiful weather – yay June!


I love starting my day with a run! It helps me wake up and feel energized for the day. It’s also a great time to just zone out and reflect… When I’m not watching Gilmore Girls or FRIENDS! Haha :)


I’m not running right now but I started hiking and it’s so much fun. There are so many different places to see and explore.


I have fallen in love with listening to podcasts when I run! And how do your nails always look so perfect?!


My day is going well! Thank you for asking and for hosting the giveaway :)


Just ate plain Lay’s and a Diet Coke. Hit the spot!


Wireless headphones are the best. I left mine in a baseball dugout at my son’s practice. A new pair would be awesome. I run because I’m trying to make it my anchor, the thing that keeps me grounded and centered.


Oh man, I would love to try these!




Wireless headphones sound amazing! Hate getting caught up in the cords!


sweet giveaway!!!! it just THUNDERSTORMED and now i think there’s going to be a rainbow!!!


So excited for you and your upcoming wedding! I’ve been reading for a while and I am so glad you and Brooke have found love!


I have been reading your blog for awhile now and it’s been th perfect motivation to get me back on the road. I have struggled to get back out since having my daughter a year ago but set some small goals this week and feel great!


Awesome headphones! So happy for you right now!


Love this giveaway!!! :)


Would love those headphones! I can wear them while training to qualify for Boston. The course got marked wrong on my last marathon and my BQ time was invalid! Back to the treadmill and road…


I miss running! My Achilles has been bothering me so I’ve taken some time off to heal-major bummer! Awesome giveaway!!


Those would be wonderful to have for my runs outside!


I would love a new pair of headphones. Great giveaway, thanks Janae!!

I am going to surprise my best friend at her race this weekend – I can hardly wait!


I run for stress relief, relief from a stressful desk job and for me time! Congrats on your engagement!


I run with my little girl in the BOB first thing in the morning. She loves it!


I love sour patch kids too! These head phones would work great when lifting at the gym. I’m 12 weeks postpartum and hitting the gym. Congrats on your engagement.


Would love to not worry about untangling my cords before a long run! Total buzz kill!!!


Running is a HUGE stress reliever for me!


i love to listen to loud music when i run and unfortunately my dog does not enjoy it! these headphones would be a great fix! :)


Today is my twins’ birthday :)


I am so excited for you and cannot praise JESUS enough for how your story is unfolding! Im in a very unstable and new and scary season and being able to stop and rejoice through your story has helped me stopping being so self focused and given me reason to smile so much!


I’ve crafted the most amazing running playlist ever that needs these headphones to really complement the whole experience!


This is such a great giveway!
Thanks so much!


I just ran 3 miles and then ate an amazing sweet potato quesadilla! ?


I ran a mile solo today before little one got up. That didn’t stop me, we headed to the trail together and got in 2.5 more! Woo!


I would love to try these…. anything get through these hot runs in Fla!


hi :) i like donuts


now i have an urge to re-watch all seasons of the office!


Look forward to your posts every afternoon. Coincidentally was just looking into the Jaybird headphones, even stole my little brothers for my last run to see if I liked them, now i know i need em!


So excited for you and your engagement!!! Thanks for the giveaway!


I ran 6 this gorgeous morning! What a perfect way to start a fabulous day!


Wireless earbuds! They’re so perfect until they’re not. My pair went kaput today (some cheapy ones). I would love to win some jaybirds!


Tomorrow is my first day coaching at my friends’ treadmill studio and I’m super stoked! 6am class for the win!


I had a great day shopping with my daughter


1,159 comments! You’ve got a lot of reading to do.

The last thing I ate was smushed banana, p b powder, and chocolate chip ice cream. It’s not real ice cream but I’m lactose intolerant so I make do.

My ear buds fall out of my ears. It’s not awesome.


These would be amazing!! I’m currently eating a turkey burger with tons of avocado! It’s heaven.

Congrats on your engagement!!!!


Congratulations on your engagement! I’ve been a long time “lurker” here at HRG and felt so badly for you during your divorce. I thought of you often during those times. I wish you and Brooke a life of happiness with Andrew and his son! You all look wonderful together!


Sometimes I’m really lazy / slow at buying things I really need … like these wireless headphones. My running headphones broke recently, so I have been not-so-secretly borrowing my boyfriend’s headphones, which 1) don’t stay in my ears very well, and 2) I get extremely sweaty. Don’t worry – I try to wipe them off pretty well before handing them back, but I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one grossed out …


Doy Ou have to pin the back of the earphones into your hair?

Eating eggs & toast after my 18km run and 12 km bike ride.


I often run just so I can listen to podcasts! Wireless headphones would be fantastic.


That looks like a pretty great snack to me!


Literally every time I run I rip my headphones out by accident from the cord!! So these look amazing!


I would love these!!! I am getting back to running after 6 months off being treated for breast cancer .It’s going to be slow but I am so looking forward to running again! Congratulations on your engagement. I am so happy you found a good guy!


Ack! Boatloads of comments here.

My heart needed a rest day after yesterday’s workout.

Just had some raw almonds…after the walnuts. My kind of snack.


I love running because it makes me feel strong and powerful : ). I actually just had to slow myself down to outdoor power walks ((24 weeks preggo)) because running wasn’t feeling comfortable anymore. I’ll be so excited to get back to running once our little guy is here!

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