Thursday Things and the newest part of our home that I’m dying over.

Somehow this year has zoomed by and Brooke had her last day of school today.

I think she is pretty excited about pool days, snow cones and hours on the trampoline this summer.  I am just as excited.

The beginning of the school year:

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And the end of the school year!  A few inches taller, a heck of a lot more talkative, thinks she is a lot more independent and still my favorite little human:)

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Above hair curls came with a consequence = somehow I burned my arm (it looks worse in real life but I’m also just dramatic).

Why I feel the need to tell you everything?  I do not have an answer.

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While Brooke was at school I met up with Josse for 6 miles.  While my breathing/cardio still feels like it is in recovery mode after the half-marathon last Saturday, we both felt that pep in our step again today which felt really nice.  6 miles @ 7:55 average pace.

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Oh and Josse met me for the run after she already did a killer bike ride?!?  She’s killing it and 9 more days until her half-ironman.  Amazing.   PS I do not understand how people run after a long bike ride… my legs are jello.  After my century ride a few years ago I could barely walk for the rest of the day let alone go and run a ton of miles!

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I got to see this little man for a few minutes today and his shoe game is strong.

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And then I picked up the girls with a donut to celebrate the end of the year.

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When I saw my sister this morning she was telling me about an amazing omelet that she made which left me craving eggs.  I also wanted a sweet potato so I topped it with an egg scramble—>  eggs, zucchini, green peppers, feta cheese and ground turkey.  A close up of the meal = not pretty so instead I’ll leave you with this mountain of food.

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And then the most exciting thing happened!  I’ll have more details next week but I got a treadmill!!! I have had two treadmills in the past… the first one I left in California and then the second one resides (and is used daily) in my sister’s home (long story short—>  when I moved from my parents’ house to my apartment on the fourth floor I couldn’t move the treadmill in so I put it in storage.  While I was living in that apartment my sister had her baby and at the time she had ZERO ways to go for a run so I gave her my treadmill because I had a lot of different options of ways to run and I wanted her to keep running) SO now I have my own which will be amazing especially when I go back to teaching in a few years and I will be running in the early mornings while Brooke snoozes!

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Also, I’ve had some questions about when we are getting a dog!  We decided that we were going to wait a few more months because we are traveling a lot over the next few months (2-3 times each month) and will be gone a lot until the next school year starts! So we are going to wait until we are home more to be with the pup but until then I get a lot of quality time in with this chocolate lab (my boyfriend’s dog).

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Song of the week for my running playlist—>  can’t stop listening to it while I run!

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What running song are you hooked on this week?

Who has a treadmill at home?  How often do you use it?

Favorite ingredients in your egg scrambles?

Parents reading—>  when does summer start for your kiddos?

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We don’t have a treadmill at home. I want one but I feel like I get injured enough that I should have a different piece of cardio equipment if I had something. Plus I enjoy the aspect of going to a gym.

I think you are making the right call waiting to get the dog. With so much travel, the dog would have to boarded, etc.


We have a chocolate lab – Sam – who is the cutest thing ever. He will be 11 this year so he’d got some gray hair now and he looks like a distinguished old man. Love it!

Having a treadmill at home is the best! I don’t know what I’d do without mine!

I can’t believe it’s the end of the school year already! Summer is going to fly! Good luck to Josse on her half-ironman! I hope you let us know how she does!


Our chocolate lab just turned 11 too. He has had grey for awhile now and has slowed down a lot but when he wants he can still chase, jump and run with the best of them.


That dog is so cute and snuggly looking!!!!

All veggies in a scramble are a-okay in my book!

I don’t have a treadmill at home but want one for those awful winter days. Truth be told, I run on a treadmill about 2-3 times a year. I’d probably use one more if it as in my home!

Summer starts mid-June so we enjoy a bit over a month until the German kiddos get their vacation! The pools are far less busy in June and July!
Best to Josse at her Half-Ironman-will you go watch?
(ps-enjoying the little bits of boyfriend comments in your posts. Yeah Janae!!!)


I wish she could come watch!


Can Janae convince you do to a recap?? :D I would love to know more about triathlons!! Also, all the best! :)


I love smoked salmon and cream cheese in my omelette. Mmm!


I had a treadmill at home for 3 years and it was the best thing for me for grad school and then for the year I lived in super snowy Indiana. But then when my husband and I moved to Seattle we sold it after a few months because our apartment has a free gym and Seattle has year round running weather.
Good luck to Josse on her half Ironman! Your boyfriend’s dog is adorable!


I’m just as excited as Brooke about snow cones and pool time! :)

I love mixing in veggies (an massive amounts of cheese) with my egg scrambles. There also MUST be avocado and ketchup, of course!


LABS ARE THE BEST! I have a yellow one and grew up with a black lab. Next up will be a chocolate :)


We only have a week until our summer starts! Summer is my favorite time of year and we are so excited. Even though we don’t have many traveling plans yet.

Someday I will have a treadmill in my house!


I’m so jealous! I don’t have a treadmill at home but I would LOVE mine. Although I’m not sure how much use it would get. I absolutely love running outdoors. I go to a crossfit gym so I don’t have access to a treadmill either.

Great idea on waiting on a pup! Can’t wait until you do!

PS Do you mind me asking how you met your boyfriend?! I am single and looking to start dating again. I’m the same age as you so I am curious how people our age meet guys! Thanks!!!


running song — welcome to my house
I have a treadmill at my home, but living in an apartment at college I only have access to my apartment’s gym with treadmills which is a .5 mile walk, so I usually just run outdoors. But having a treadmill at home is a huge perk (I will be using it much more when I move back home) so I know that you will definitely be happy with that choice
Favorite ingredients in my egg scrambles — mushrooms and spinach!


What treadmill did you get? I’m also in the market for one and there are SO many options; it’s hard to choose! #canIhavethemall?


Looks like a NordicTrack. I’m curious about the model. I got the Commercial ZS from Costco about 7 years ago, but had to replace the motor after 4 years and then the control panel went during year 6. I was pretty disappointed. I need a replacement ASAP!


We still have 33 days left of school! Can’t wait! My son is seriously counting down. Love eggs with sweet potatoes- I make it for lunch often!


We just got rid of our treadmill a few weeks ago. I used it all the time when my kids were younger, but now that they are both in all day school I find I would rather run in a monsoon than run on it, so out the door it went!


I currently have a treadmill at home but don’t end up on it very much. I just assume go outside- FL weather is too awesome (most of the time). I’m looking at getting a spin bike though and I’m looking into getting the one that you have. Its doable with the price plus I think I’d put it to great use! #worthit


I have a treadmill but it’s maybe 8 years old. It doesn’t measure heart rate anymore but it does the important stuff. I want an elliptical so I have something when I injure myself.
I’m not sure about omelets. My husband loves them but I’m not sure about all the stuff mixed with eggs. An egg fried in the hole if a bagel is really good.
Good call waiting on getting a dog. You will need to be home a good bit in order to train and develop a routine. We’re going to my sister’s on Saturday to celebrate her yellow lab’s birthday. He will be 6.


Love love love the song Colors right now!

Enjoy your treadmill. I have a spin bike instead, thinking I’d use it as cross training with running. Unfortunately, it never gets used and I kick myself for not just getting a treadmill!


Yay for your treadmill! I would love to have one someday when we move/buy a house. We currently have no room in our apartment for one right now.

I have way too many favorite running songs right now. When I was adding new music today I realized I have almost 140 songs on my running playlist. Hey you never know when I’m going to need all of them on 1 run right?! (That’s what I keep telling myself hahah).


My sister-in-law had a cauliflower and goat cheese omelette in a fancy hotel a few weeks ago and she told me I should try it ASAP. I did and it was delicious. I baked the cauliflower pieces in the oven with sea salt, garlic and italian herbs before I mixed with the eggs and added the goat cheese just before the eggs were done. I’ll probably make it again over the week-end! My husband broke our treadmill last winter and instead of buying a new one, I bought a gym membership ;-) I usually get up early to train while my husband and my son are asleep so I haven’t missed the treadmill yet ;-) School here ends at the end of June but this momma has her vacation in August so little guy will go to summer camp in July. He’s excited about it though, so it makes my heart happy!


I love having a treadmill at home in case my kids are sick or for some reason or another I’m not able to make it to the gym. Aren’t chocolate labs just the best?! I am looking forward to the day when I can get a dog for my little girl. :)


We don’t have a treadmill at home. I would like to get one eventually. But for now I just stick to the treadmill and track at the gym.


Egg scramble: just about everything I can get my hands on, but most important is cheese!

My youngest kiddo is 17. She finishes up in June, but her 3 AP tests are in the books, so now she can focus on finishing really well. One more year, then it’s off to college.


Yay to a new treadmill!! I have one, and it’s such a lifesaver! While running outside is pretty much always superior to a treadmill run, it’s nice to know its there for bad weather days. And sometimes I hop on it just for the chance to catch up on a favorite show or two.


The best ever investment – my Lifefitness T5. I live in South Orange County, CA, and being a fair-weather runner that I am, I run on the TM on weekdays when temp gets down to 55 degrees :)


You will be so glad to have that treadmill. I have those long winters like you and the opportunity to run early in the a.m. or in the evening is great.
My family has always had labs – they are great. But they are terrible shedders. Two months ago, we got two Labradoodle puppies. The have the intelligence of the labs and poodles, but they don’t shed at all. SOOO nice! (just a suggestion).


Your boyfriend’s dog … if you could see me right now I’m all heart eye emoji’d out! What a CUTE doggie!!!!

Congrats on getting a treadmill! I know you will make good use of it! :)


Cheap Thrills by Sia. So much fun!!!!


Ohhh! Lucky Brooke and lucky you!!! Our summer doesn’t start until the end of June. Definitely a good call on waiting for a dog. We travel almost every weekend, and our dog lives with my in-laws (happily – but we miss him!) most of the time.

Have a great weekend :)


I have a treadmill (a free gift from someone!) but I don’t use it too often. I run on it occasionally and my husband or I will walk on it from time to time, but I would so much rather be outside…………even with music or something to watch I just get bored on it so fast. Plus, even with the AC cranked down and a fan pointed at me it gets hot! I am still so glad I have it though, because there is never an excuse for not running.

I like “Sharks” by The Nobility…….a Nashville based band we know……….it has a cool 80’s sound to it and a great beat to run to.

And I like my eggs scrambled plain!


Do you have thoughts on best home treadmills? What kind did you get? I just had a baby and we were planning on getting one for home but I just could not decide. I really wanted a Precor since I love those at the gym but they are really pricey. Nordic Track seems the only other option and I’ve heard everything about them, from great to terrible.


BOYFRIEND? Yay. Seriously, really happy for you!


I love my treadmill at home because I don’t have to waste time driving to and from the gym! its the best!

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