Silentish Saturday: Vegas Day #2.

We wanted to run but we also wanted donuts so we ran 2 miles to the donut house and then 2 miles back to our hotel to eat the donuts.

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Donut break.

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That maple bar….

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And some other breaks too.

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We spent our day at the malls.

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And refueled at my new favorite Vegas Buffet.

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Of course the dessert was my favorite part (along with the sushi, nachos, tacos and wedge salad).

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One last group picture before saying goodbye to one of the crew members.

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And we finished the night with the hot tub.

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Brooke and I text each other.

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What are you up to today!?!?!

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I’m about to spend two hours on the treadmill ??

Then more home renos.


Haha, how did you run back holding the donuts?! Too funny! But now I want donuts and am trying to figure out how I can include a donut stop on my run this morning….


Nice weather for running + shopping all day in Vegas = Awesome! Spin class for me this morning then making cabbage rolls in the crock pot (it’s still freezing here!) and hanging out with my big guy and little guy ;-)


Have to ask you – those plaid shorts are so cute!! Where are they from?


Hey Cheryl!! They are from Lululemon a few years ago! If I can find similar ones I will let you know!!!


Always fun to have a getaway with the girls or anyone….and always fun to get home to the routine. I guess that makes it nice to appreciate both!


It’s so funny to me how good kids are at technology! I didn’t have a phone until I was a teenager. Crazy how different our lives are. Hope you had a good time in Vegas!


Looks like such a great time – and that ice cream! I did my last 10 miler before boston and have no idea what I’m doing the rest of the day but it will definitely involve eating :)


Looks like a fun trip! I don’t know if I could have waited that long to eat the donuts though! I get to see my best friend today – we are very briefly going to be in the same state! Then I’ll spend lots of time in the car driving home.


Looks like fun! I want to know what you bought!


Oh I will do a post about them next week with pictures:) My friends are enablers to my shopping problem hahaha…..


Loved the moonwalk video on instagram!!!! Lol


Ha that looks like you are having such a good time. You know I’m a huge donut fan so that place looks awesome. I’m just up to a boring,typical LOLZ weekend. Same old…


Not much going on today except a few errands. Looks like you’ve had a good time though!


Looks like you guys are having fun! Confession: I’ve run with a bag of donuts in hand. And yes, I’ve gotten some strange looks. ;)
Plans for today, running, cleaning, and eating. Pretty much all my favorites. Yeah for low key weekends!


Those texts with Brooke are the cutest thing ever!!

I’m about to go help my partner take down a tree! Kind of terrifying but I’ll feel like a superhero when we’re done!


Cute text message exchange!
I am going to take it easy today and enjoy my dogs company and my boyfriends company on the sofa and maybe a movie. Tomorrow I have a half marathon so I want to feel relaxed today.


Relaxing, working out, napping… Grant plans!


Love the literal doughnut run – I would definitely take part in something like that :)

I am trying to decide how far I’m running today since I have been completely ignoring my training plan this week and doing whatever I want.


Your donut run cracked me up! I am about to head out on a longish run this morning (:


Hope your longish run when awesome this morning Chelsea!!!


Did you know there is a race where you run x number of miles and then have to eat a dozen donuts before running back?! I love the idea but running after eating donuts sounds miserable.

Also, I really love that you go to a Vegas buffet and get a handful of what looks to be gummy bears as dessert :)


Looks like you’re having a blast! Where is your cute white blouse from that you are wearing in your shopping pictures? Thank you!


Hey Jenna! I got it from this store:

a few years ago… I’ll search for a similar one and link to it if I find it!! Thanks Jenna and enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Love the store scoop! Looks like you had a great girly time. That’s always the best kind of fun


Babysitter didn’t come so running the long run after lunch? You look amazing! Super cute outfits! I usually hate buffets because I feel the food is bland and terrible quality but that buffet looks AMAZE-SAUCE!!!!!!!!


I have 14 miles to run today but wind gusts are 75km/h… sooooooo… right now I’m procrastinating running 14 miles. ;)


Running to get doughnuts reminds me of the time I walked to in-n-out. :)

Today I’m just getting a haircut and going for a quick run before.


Oh I love your sandals – link if they are still available???


THANK YOU IRENE!!! I linked them (along with my other favorite Spring items) HERE:

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Looks like you are having so much fun!!!! We are off to clean our boat to get it ready for the summer!


When I was going to school (post-grad) a few years ago, I used to run to the grocery store with my backpack on my back a couple of miles. If I didn’t buy much heavy – I’d run back home with it too!


Looks like you’re having a super fun girl’s weekend!! I ran a 5k with the hubs and middle son and we all medaled so it was a pretty awesome day! Now, grocery shopping and prepping for bunco tonight.


Oh my gosh – the texts between you and Brooke are SO SO SO cute!

I love the new look of your blog by the way! I normally read your posts in my e-mail so I’m just seeing it for the first time. Gorgeous!


Love the new blog look! I hope the rest of your girls’ weekend is fabulous. My friends and I are dreaming of one!


love the new look of your blog Janae!! :) happy to see you having so much fun with your girlfriends. :) xo


I LOVE the new blog layout! It looks a lot more modern and sleek (no offense to the old layout)… and those pictures of you with Brooke are so great.

I’m honestly trying to FIND stuff to do today… Had a nice 18 miles this morning in perfect weather, and now I’m thinking I’ll take a walk to the store to get ingredients to bake something. I guess I should count myself lucky to have a pretty wide-open day!


One of the best blog redesigns I’ve seen in a long time….love it!!!


The new layout looks great!!!


1. I love the new blog theme you have !

2. Brooke and you are so cute in texting each other.


Well hello there, new blog! I have been reading your blog DAILY for the last like 5 years?!?!? That’s insane. So I audibly gasped when this new site pulled up! LOVE. It looks so great. The side bar is a little weird on my screen, but that’s probably something on my end. Looks great!


I love the new layout!!! It looks so good! And can I just saw that you guys are absolutely incredible for running back with your donuts! Seriously ha I love it! I’m so glad that you have had a fun trip! You always dress so cute! :)

Simply Rachel Nicole


<3 <3 NEW LAYOUT! <3 <3


Your new layout is so fancy! For a second, I thought I typed in the wrong web address. I worked last night, so I took today off, but tomorrow will be a 2 hour trail run with a group of friends. It’s supposed to be 19 degrees and windy. Argh!


Nice new design to the web page!


Love the new blog layout, very sophisticated and pretty!
Also, really loving the donut run. You guys are SUPER smart. I would have to run about 10 mile to get to one… Might have to start upping my milage :)


Wow, just came back to your page since this morning. LOVE the new layout!!


Whoaaa, did a miss a blog update announcement?! Looks great!


Love your style and clothes you wear!


What a pretty design! Nice job!!! You and Brooke are so cute together! :)


Your blog looks just AWESOME! Good job!


So fun! Where do you run in Vegas?! I had so much trouble finding places to run when I went. I couldn’t find any trails, and running on the streets ended up with me running into people constantly.


Ditto! I’d especially do a hot run if I knew there were donuts at the turn around. :) Maybe I wasn’t up early enough- there were people everywhere who seemed annoyed that I was running.. :-/


The maple bar makes me crave donuts soooooo bad….


Love the new design! I am in the process of changing mine as well!


I love your white shirt in this post! Can you tell me where it’s from?


Oh geez, I just saw that someone else asked. Sorry! But if you do find a similar one, I’d love to know where.


Love the new blog layout! Brooke is seriously the cutest!
I am in the market for a crossbody and I LOVE the black one you are wearing in the shopping pic with your girls. Can you let me know where that is from?

Instagram : BLAZ8981 :)

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