*First, these.  It is true love.  So beyond comfortable and those colors…. hooked.  Brooks, another masterpiece.

The City Chariot (AVAILABLE 5/1)!

*Bangs Friend.  For those of you that don’t know her, she was my best friend when I lived in California.  We hung out daily and had so many amazing adventures together.  Whenever we get time together again we just pick right back up from where we left off.  Friends for life, that is for sure.

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*My ‘wanting to match with Brooke’ addiction needs to stop.  But I can’t.

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*Want to get a really great stretch?  Invite a 3 year old to climb all over you while you stretch.

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She will also help to teach you a thing or two while she’s at it.

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*NEWEST RUNNING SONG ADDICTION!!!!  And I love the whole album.

*A 2:03:04 ON SUNDAY at the London Marathon?!?  HOLY COW!  PS I love following runnerspace —>  they have the coolest running pics/news.  Also, HUGE congrats to TINA!  She ran a 2:37:35 yesterday!

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*Just the normal froyo picnic on my bedroom floor last week.  What, you don’t do that too?

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*Love it when I have my sister next to me at the gym.  8 miles this morning and for 7 of those miles we talked nonstop which made the time cruise by and then the last mile I tried to get my legs to get going fast.  I haven’t done speed work in FOREVER and I have a race in 12 days so this shall be interesting:)  IT Band feeling better and better which is great news!

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*Another scraping session from Josse to keep it on the road to happiness!  I’m not going to lie, this is crazy painful but my legs feels SO much better after I get it done.  It’s like foam rolling + a crazy deep sports massage + something else painful on tight muscles (I couldn’t think of anything else)… I just make Josse tell me funny stories and I try to think happy thoughts while she does this.  The things we do to keep running:)

A scraping action shot:

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*The first of about 500 watermelons over the next 5 months.

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*I think she might be even more excited about this than I am.

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*Another soccer ball to add to her collection.  This one is a little better for all of her indoor soccer playing:)

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*Why don’t kids like bread crust?  Every time she has a sandwich this is how the plate looks afterwards:

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What was your run today?  With someone?  Alone?  Outside?  Good weather or not so much?

When you aren’t wearing running shoes… what type of shoes are you wearing most of the time?  

Have some Monday Matters to discuss?

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Ha, I love that you and Brooke match. You guys rock it well.

I was on the edge of my seat with the London marathon. I honestly thought for sure the WR was going down.

Right now I love my sanuk sandels and rainbow flipflops. They have a good amount of support that keep my feet happy. I don’t think I’ll ever go back to traditional flats…


I don’t know why anyone doesn’t like crust, it’s my favorite part! Especially pizza crust. How can you throw it away? It’s like free breadsticks!

I’m currently obsessed with the song Just like Fire by Pink. So good. Definitely getting added to my running playlist!

I love flip flops. I also wear my slippers alot. Including outside of the house. It’s probably a habit I should get out of!


HAHAHAH It’s like free breadsticks!! That made me so happy! You are so right. Looking up that song right now, THANKS Sarah!


I recently added Just Like Fire to my playlist too! It helped me get through a tough mile today. So upbeat!


Scraping sounds like an amazing painful thing. When I’m not in running shoes I’m usually in sandals. A lot of flats hurt my feet because I have pretty high arches.
It was a gym morning for me so not run today.


I pretty much always wear running shoes.
I’m an “Athleisure” kinda gal.


I did some speed work inside this morning, and it felt great! I also, haven’t done speed work for a while.
I really am pretty much a Sauconey girl when it comes to my running shoes, but I just got my first pair of Mizunos, and I am loving them! Plus, they’re bright pink and turquoise, so that always makes me love my shoes even more :)
Love those new Brooks! Super fun colors!! I haven’t ever tried Brooks running shoes. I have a high arch and over pronate, so any suggestions would be great!
Enjoy the rest of your Monday everyone!!


I wear running shoes or boots – that is about it. I never wear heels and I’ve seemed to have lost my Toms :-(

No running today – but i did just get back from the gym


No running for me today. After an intense session at physio, I’m on cycling for today… hopefully back to running tomorrow. I have a race on Sunday (Vancouver Half Marathon) and I’m coming off a hip injury that just came up out of the blue.

Speaking of scraping, I keep meaning to ask my PT about it. She uses cupping. Oh. Mah. Gawd!!! It burns, it hurts so much. But it does a world of good if I can just stand those few minutes of pain.


I am so happy for Tina’s PR! London is the one big city marathon I would love to run someday. Today’s run was 8 miles with 2 miles at tempo effort. Love progression runs like that because they add quality miles without too much fatigue, which is important during the early weeks of marathon training.


Still no running :( Tried a mile yesterday and my pain is off the charts. 19 days til race day and I don’t know what to do?!


Oh no! I hope you’re feeling better soon.


Thanks! I’m just going to rest it. A runners nightmare, right?


Are you seeing a physio? Find a good one – and listen to your body. If you can’t run without hurting yourself, then don’t run. I know it’s hard but it’s not the end of the world (and this is coming from a girl who’s currently on her 6th week of no running due to a injury and was out 4 months last year with one). S*it happens.


Yeah I’m really just bummed because I waited to register (until it was the highest fee) and got hurt like a week later! My friend is a physical therapist so I’ve been working with her and she is going to give me some info on a physio. I’m also scheduled for a sports massage. Keep resting and feel better Jenni!


Yay for tina so happy for her she is amazing! I’m quite jealous that you are starting watermelon season as we are just finishing up here.

Ouch scraping looks intense – you are brave. My Monday matter is that I had a huge fight with my hubby this weekend gross!! Hate fighting but some peaceful runs really helped me cope, and I just thank God that I actually have running in my life to help me through tough times. It’s my therapy.

On a positive note, I ended up with leftover giant apple scroll after a cancelled catch up with friends so enjoyed some last night and have packed it up for work snacks today. Tempo run tonight so more time to get frustration out!!


Random fact about me: I’ve never tried watermelon! So the fact that it’s your summer fruit is inspiring me to change! Also, I didn’t like crusts when I was little either but now, I love them! They’re my favorite part!


I didn’t like watermelon until about two summers ago. I love it! A good watermelon tastes like candy. I go through one watermelon a week…on my own. I need two if the kids eat it.


Love the shoes! I’ve been looking for something fashiony to wear around when chasing kids. Those might be it.


Oh my gosh I’ve been craving watermelon so bad for the last few weeks! It’s like the second it gets warm out that’s all I want haha. My run today was 5 easy miles and for once I voluntarily threw in a few hills! It was nice and warm but it went well!


Today I went on a long walk that ended at Top Pot doughnuts in Seattle. Made my day! :)

Most of the time I wear running shoes even if I’m not running. I just cannot take off my pure cadences! I’ve been thinking about trying some of the non-running Brooks shoes. Maybe I’ll get those you’re wearing.


I can’t eat a sandwich like an adult. I pick out everything I don’t like, I break off the nasty crusty bits and basically make a huge mess. It’s kind of a disaster!
I got to run with my husband this evening which was fun.
Also, I’m basically the only person in the world who doesn’t care for watermelon, although I love the sour patch watermelon candy……go figure!


HAHAH well, at least you like SP watermelon;) If you didn’t like those or regular watermelon I might be concerned. So fun that you got to run with your husband… what a blast!


I live in my Sperry’s if I’m not wearing running shoes.
No run for me today – 18 miles on Saturday + Orange Theory & rollerblading yesterday = rest day + massage today!!


This Monday Matters post made my entire day better. London Marathon craziness – WOW! I cannot imagine clipping out a 5K in the times he ran a full marathon! I don’t think I will ever cease to be amazed by running

And THANK YOU for posting about those shoes. I love my Chariots and almost asked this morning what you were wearing in one of the pics. :)

One of the trainers jumped on the treadmill next to me today. It was nice to have a friend for the last three miles. Especially one who knows how discouraging running slower than normal is – finally getting back to normal paces after ten weeks off due to a stress fracture. And I definitely appreciate some new tunes for Wednesday’s run!

Have a great day!


You’ve got to get a pair of these ones… so cute:) Oh, that is the best when someone jumps on next to you! SO SO happy things are clicking again with running after your injury! PATIENCE and running… SO tough! You’ve got this and I hope your day tomorrow is fabulous!


Bread crusts. So strange. When it’s done with pizza, we call those “pizza bones”–the parts they leave behind.


Okay, we are going to have to copy you… I love that! Pizza bones hahah!


I needed some rest today so I took the day off. On a side note about running jamz… I have recently gotten into listening to Podcasts while running. Better for easy and/or long runs. It really passes the time for me. Criminal is my current fave. The episodes are all different and only about 15-25 minutes long. Also… I know you read 10% happier by Dan Harris. He has a podcast too! Same theme as the book.

My Jack Rogers sandals (they go with everything) and Toms are what I tend to wear while not in running shoes. Or wedges… I LOVE wedges in the summer!


Okay, THANK YOU for giving me TWO new podcasts to listen to! I seriously cannot wait for both of them and they will be perfect for easy runs. Thanks Katie!! Hope you have a fabulous day tomorrow!


Oh my goodness those Brooks shoes are beauuuutiful! I love the colours!


today was A DAY. but a little spin and yoga helped a bit.
flip flops mostly if not running shoes. if its cold, toms. i really hate shoes on my feet.
so excited to see a bangs friend appearance! hope she’s well :)


Glad a work out could help today out! She is doing super good… her little one is a year now and he is THE CUTEST!! Thanks Adrianna and I hope tomorrow is much much better!


No run today but I have a couple of long runs tomorrow and Wednesday. When I am not running I usually wear Converse or another comfy sneaker-i think I need those Brooks!


I’m running with London City Runners for the very first time tonight! Yikes! They looks really sociable and fun, and it’s completely free. I think I need more running buddies, as it’s a lonely life out there as a solo runner. Fingers crossed someone talks to me :S

I wear Converse trainers a lot, or my work shoes. As I run to work a lot, I end up wearing the same pair which live under my desk. Shoes are just too heavy to be carrying in my running backpack. People must think I only have one pair of shoes, but I’m fine with this :)


Do you tie your shoes behind the tongue? I love that idea!


Haha I definitely didn’t like crust as a kiddo either. I am going to get in a good run tonight after work on my treadmill!


No run or me today today! 6.2 miles yesterday at race pace, so taking today easy and doing some stability & strength training.

I love scraping! Have you ever tried dry needling? I have some chronically angry calf muscles, and that has become my new favorite way to get almost immediate relief for them!


Why is she called “Bangs Friend”?


Love the crust picture! Yup that is what my 10 year olds plate looks like when he is done too :)


So crazy that a human can run that fast. I would be happy if I ran my marathon an hour SLOWER than Kipchoge! Five more sleeps between now and race day!!! :D


Hey there! How do I get a hold of miss Josse? I battle it out with the IT bands too and would love to have her in my corner! Anyway let me know if she is accepting clients. Thanks girl


Mmm, that watermelon looks so good, and Brooke looks so excited to have it haha!


Mmm, that watermelon looks so good, and Brooke looks so excited to have it haha!


Those Brooks are SO cute!!! I need them!


I thought about the running shoes questions and couldn’t think of the last time that I DIDN’T wear runners! Seriously. I wear my Crossfit Nanos with skinny jeans, leggings … pretty much everything!

Crust – my boyfriend doesn’t eat the crust at age 31 and I get so excited when he has pizza …. because he leaves a filling amount for me :)

Watermelon —> I might have to go buy a watermelon TODAY!

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