Congrats to all of the runners today at the Boston Marathon!!! Wow.

*Atsede Baysa of Ethiopia took first for the women with a time of 2:29:18 and talk about amazing—>  she fell behind at mile 22 by 37 seconds but managed to pull back up and WIN.   I loved watching her fight back for the lead… so inspiring.

*LOVE this picture of Lemi Berhanu Hayle after winning!  Pure joy!!!!


*Brooke was quite into watching the first part of the marathon while eating her vanilla peanut butter packet.

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*I think watching the marathon inspired Brooke to run rather fast at the park later on:)  Check out that form!

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*I watched the second half of the marathon while running at the gym.  Running while watching running is quite fun.  Imagining the paces that they are running while you are running (and sweating like crazy) makes you realize even more how incredible the elites are for running the paces that they do.  8 miles today for me at a 7:55 pace.

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*Brooke had a playdate with her best friend today which is the highlight of her week currently.

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*SEASON TWO is now on… I was pretty excited when this popped up on Netflix the other day.

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*Still my favorite stretch.  Try it now.  Place your back foot against the wall with your knee just a few inches away from the wall and stretch out those hip flexors!

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*She is getting so sneaky…  I don’t know how she finds her way into my bed but she is getting really good at it.  PS the other night I found her sleep walking?!?  I think it was a one time thing but I’m kind of nervous now.

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*I added 1/2 an avocado to my smoothie this morning.  My smoothie turned out extra creamy and I’m always a huge fan of the great fats in avocados!  Protein powder, frozen banana/blueberries, milk and almond butter also in there!

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*Just in case you need some tips for the jogging stroller! You can read mine HERE!

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*Talk about the perfect running song—> I’m Born to Run!!!!

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*Parent Trap was one of my ALL-TIME favorite movies ever as a kid… this made me laugh:

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*What we are having for dinner tonight in case you want to join us and have the same thing:)  I’ll be using my Cilantro dressing instead this time though!

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*Enjoy the rest of your Monday and we will talk soon!!!

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Have any Monday Matters to share today?

What show are you hooked on lately?  

Ever run with the jogging stroller?  

What was your run today?!?

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I took the morning off to watch Boston! Loved it! I can’t imagine having enough energy left at the end to jump for joy! Loved that though! My husband and I always talk about what it would be like to run ONE mile at the pace they can sustain for 26.2!

I need to watch Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt! It looks so good! But first I need to catch up with this season of The Mindy Project!


Right?!?! I am pretty sure I would have passed out at the end… but he just casually jumped higher than I could ever jump ha. Amazing! So glad you got to watch this morning and oh The Mindy Project = the best!


My run is happening tonight. 4 easy miles with sunset. It will be almost like yoga lol.


That hat Brooke is wearing is so cute! I want one!

Watching the Boston Marathon this morning at work made me want to run laps around my office! It’s tough to be so inspired on a rest day, haha!


I’ve only tried to run with a stroller a couple of times and it just about killed me. I got too discouraged with it that I started to change my running time to nights, which is kind of a pain sometimes too. So I’ll be looking at those tips for sure and maybe I’ll be brave enough to try them out after this baby comes.


I am so sad that I missed the winners of the Boston Marathon coming in but I did see a guy finish in full army gear around the 2:45:00 mark (rough estimate). It was so inspiring and made me so excited to get my run in after work tonight!

Thanks for sharing your dinner and smoothie recipes! I can’t wait to give them a try!


I ran later than normal, so I could watch the elite runners finish in Boston! SO inspiring!!! Just a short run for me this morning, but I got some speed work and hill work in… then it got really hot, really fast out here in SoCal!
Thanks again for the hip flexor stretch!! My left one has been bugging me lately!
Happy Marathon Monday :)


No running today – just a strength workout

I used to stroller run but not anymore. It alters my form too much and I got a nasty injury from it last year


I missed watching Boston this morning! I spaced on the time difference and it was over by the time I finished an 8 mile tempo run.


That women’s marathon was amazing! I just now watched it (thank you for the link!!!). with the time difference here in Germany I get info way late. The whole thing was inspiring and wonderful.

My run was 5km of hills with some added hills and 5km flat. I squeezed it in during kids practices and I thought I was late so rushed that last bit-and guess what?! they went longer and I was miffed at first because I could have done another 5km but realized it was nice have time to get all our school gear into the car and refuel a few minutes before jumping into the car!

Jogging stroller for the win-I used a single with baby #1, then a double when #2 joined us, then it go tricky or I’d recruit someone to push a single while I pushed the double with #3 joining the party. After baby #4 the other kiddos were all in school so back to a single jogger. I went through 3 sets of tires-that little guy and I logged in so many miles because I trained for a marathon with my mom (!!!!) so she could BQ. The longest I ran with the jogger was 13 miles. He was 7.5 months old when we ran the marathon and she did BQ! My brother also paced someone so we have a great picture of the three of us. Probably the bustiest I’ve ever been in a race photo!
Have a great week and I hope your mouth is feeling better!!!!


I was so happy Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is back. I’m trying to watch only one or two episodes each night to make it last…

I’ve never run with a jogging stroller but I’m looking forward to it once my second kid (due in June) is old enough!


Elite runners are amazing! My Monday matter is I really need ideas for super salty foods – I am just craving salt bad at the moment. Super salty peanut butter, and last night I even had anchovies on toast…(not with peanut butter!) .

Any ideas from other runners for salty foods that hit the spot? Maybe my electrolyte balance is out of whack….


MM I love salt. How about jerky?


We actually don’t have a huge range of jerky in oz…but I might see if I can find a good quality one at a health food store.


Ohhh sleep walking….when we heard a door open at night and soon found our then 7/8 year old daughter standing in our dark garage we knew we had to be careful. We put slide locks on the inside (top half) of our door to prevent her from opening the doors to get out at night in case we wouldn’t hear the door open.

Scary ~ but she eventually stopped doing it.


Oh my goodness… that would be so so scary! Good call on the slide locks… I’m going to have to copy you. Thanks Kathy!!!


I watched some of the Boston local new’s finish line camera online to see if I could find my husband and friends cross the line. I missed them b/c I was so distracted runner’s who came to aid fellow runners cramping just before the line, people pulling out selfie sticks to take a picture of the finish line behind them or the one guys who stopped at the finish line and did push ups. Watching the race from that side of the finish line was pretty neat.

Tapering for the Big Sur marathon next Sunday. Just a couple single digit runs this week! ONLY 6mi tonight :) with the sis but it’s going to be a HOT one :(


AHHHH good luck at Big Sur next weekend! Please let me know how it goes! OH I bet it was super entertaining to see all of the different runners at the very end and what they were doing! Tell your husband and friends congrats for me!!!


Mitch ran the Boston Marathon today and ran a 2:41!!! Not a PR, but he ran so tough and I am so proud of him!
My run was spicy, as I was totally fueled by emotions, so that’s healthy lol
Dance Moms will forever have my heart and I have absolutely no shame. Maybe a little…
Nah, Maddie is a beast.
Avocado in smoothies- I have GOT to try that, great idea!


HOLY SPEEDY… a 2:41! WOW!!! Oh I love a good run fueled completely off of emotions:) I always feel so much better after. And that show, the best. Let me know what you think of the avocado smoothie!


Hi! Your blog always puts a smile on my face….you and your daughter are just adorable!

Monday matters…hmmm, been thinking heavily about my hip and running again. Had surgery to fix my hip in December and have been doing PT every week since. In 2 weeks I get to try the AlterG Treadmill…excited and nervous! Will my hip be ok? I can’t imagine not having running in my life….cross your fingers!
Don’t watch much t.v. but I can binge on cooking shows! lol
Question…what blender do you use for your smoothies?


No running for me, I’ve got a bum hip from a college injury and will never run again so that just means you have to run faster for the both of us!


Oh Megan, that seriously breaks my heart. I am so so sorry. Injuries are the worst and chronic injuries… I can’t imagine!


I love avocados! Avocado anything is just the best!

I’m currently hooked on Tiny House Hunters. I am seriously considering one of those houses in the next 3-5 years.

No running for me today. Still sick. Still over it.


Those Boston elites were making me crave a hard workout, so I spent some QT with my favorite hill doing repeats today. I’m loving Bates Motel and Gilrmore Girls right now. I only ever watched snipets of GG before and you inspired me to watch it from the very beginning. I am in love. Also… That cilantro avodaco dressing is spot on!


Way to go Katie!!! You are inspiring me to do some hill work soon:) Oh Gilmore Girls… best show ever!


That stretch just changed my life! Thanks!


OH YAY!! Right?!?! Isn’t it the best? I feel like it is really hard to get a good deep hip flexor stretch but this one does just that!


My run today was awesome! I was supposed to have a rest day, but come on… you can’t watch the Boston Marathon and not go for a run!

If I could watch Boston on the treadmill, I’d probably run the treadmill more. LOL


Hahaha you are so right… it is pretty much impossible to not want to run after watching the Boston Marathon:) So glad you had such an awesome run Angie!


I used to sleep walk quite regularly age 3 to 8… in the house, and also venturing outside and down the street. My mom would hear me up and about, and then the back door opening. She heard it was dangerous to wake up a sleepwalker so she just kept an eye on me. I always came back inside , went right back to bed and never remembered a thing. My poor mom.


I didn’t realize you ran with Brooke in stroller much but I guess I started following you when you had stopped. I did it with my first and now with two I have s double but I usually just walk them. Still trying to get itband back to normal and pushing strollers me running doesn’t help. But I’m also dealing with a 3 year that doesn’t want to ride or not ride very long or has a tantrum about which we way we go. Easier when younger I’ve determined.


Brooke is just TOO cute :) Also, YES, I remember the running stroller days- miss those days sometimes. But it’s also really fun to have a side kick who wants to run like her Momma! Ella gets on the treadmill and ‘runs like Mommy’ – love seeing that.


I started re-watching Revenge on Netflix. I had quit it before after the plot line started getting weird at the end of Season 2, but that was a few years ago, so I figured I’d give it a try again.

Haven’t run today yet, but did 7.6 easy yesterday in the most beautiful weather!!


My now 8 year old daughter also went through a sleep-walking phase. A good tip for you, if Brooke continues to do it: don’t try and wake her up or talk to her about what she’s doing, just tell her you’re going to put her back to bed. The first few times I tried to ask Abbey what she was doing and she would just half cry and not really say anything, and she wouldn’t remember it in the morning. It’s definitely unnerving, but just another phase. :)


Can’t wait to watch season 2!!! love that show!


I used to sleep walk when I was younger. I think it would freak me out to see someone sleep walking but my family said I looked like I was awake. And I love avocado in smoothies – makes it so creamy and so good!

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