Marathon Monday and do you ever do that runners thing??

There is just something about Sunday that makes my internal clock tell me that it is time to start baking first thing in the morning.  My sister has a special thing for EVERYTHING COOKIES (not going to lie, the Corn Flakes scared me away but once I tried them in a cookie I decided there is no other way to eat a cookie) and so we made her a batch.

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Coconut + oatmeal + chocolate chips + cornflakes = you need to try them.

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Brooke told me yesterday (this is a direct quote), “Mom, isn’t it nice that we live next to the mountains.”   I think she has heard me say things like that a million times and I’m glad she adores the mountains too.  

We stopped by the park after my sister’s house for a few minutes.

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PS It was still pretty windy yesterday but I can’t imagine how bad it must have been on Saturday for the Salt Lake Marathon people.  It was crazy windy… ROCKSTARS!!!!!  

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We were both standing up in this below pic at church.  

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For dinner last night I was in charge of the salad.  A few of my beliefs about salads:  1. There must be so many toppings on a salad that you question if there is even lettuce in there.  2.  Jicama is my current favorite salad topping.  There is just something about the crunch from jicama that I love very much.  Also, this dressing is money.  

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This was music to my eyes;) This made me feel like summer is just right around the corner. 

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We had stir fry for dinner too and then Megan pulled out this beauty.    She layered—>  cake, pudding, whipped cream and snickers.  It was everything you could imagine. 

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When one of your friends works at Qualtrics you end up matching your other friends often:)

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From my mom last night… this hits close to home ha;)

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Training last week didn’t go exactly as planned.  I ran on Monday (7 miles), Tuesday (12 miles), Wednesday (6 miles) and then took the rest of the week off.  I’ll get out today for a run but whenever I take a bit of a break from running I always go into the first run back feeling like I’m not going to remember how to do it?!?!  This especially happens after I take a break after a marathon   It’s like my brain assumes that after years of running I am just going to magically forget how to run after some time off and all fitness will be lost judging by the fact that I huff and puff walking up the stairs ha.  It’s weird and I might be the only one who does this but I just remind myself that it takes a lot more time than I think to really lose your fitness and I’ll most definitely remember how to run again ha!

From a previous post that I wrote and quotes from Hanson’s.

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Here is when everything starts (times listed are EST)!!!

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You can watch the marathon LIVE——>  HERE!!!!!  I can last about 30 minutes tops watching any other sport on tv but when it comes to running…  I could watch it all day long.   If you want to you can also read about the top contenders for Boston!

Will you be watching today?  Anyone that you know running Boston today?  Who has run Boston in the past… what year(s)?

Have any salad topping musts lately?  

How long away from running does it take for you to feel like you’ve lost some of your fitness?  

How was your weekend running?  Long run or race?  Anyone run SLC?

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I would much rather be running Boston than dealing with taxes…or pretty much anything else too. ;)


Two of my friends ran slc on Saturday. They struggled with the elevation as are used to being much lower to sea level here in NYC. But they finished and that is what counts :)
I ran 10 miles Friday but took weekend off to be relaxed with family.
I’m watching Boston today from my computer. I don’t have any close friends running but know a few acquaintances who are.


I’m so upset that I won’t be able to watch the marathon while I’m working! But I’ll definitely be checking all social media channels on my phone so hopefully I won’t be too left out! And one day once I can save enough money, I’ll be out there doing it too!


Thanks for sharing the schedule for today :) For some reason this stream isn’t blocked at work, so I’ll have it on in the background while I’m on calls today :) Don’t tell my boss…


I have the morning off from work so I can watch Boston. I take Marathon Monday off every year. Really, there’s no sense in me being at work until the race is done anyway! I ran it 2009-2012. Definitely holds a special place in my heart!

Windy running is the worst! That’s one thing that can put me in a bad mood when I run outside. I hate fighting the wind! And it’s super windy here today! Looks like a treadmill day!

Jicama is so good! Definitely one of my favorite salad toppings. I also really love cabbage in my salad.


I’m like you in that I definitely need LOTS of toppings on salads, especially crunchy ones. I love sliced almonds and other types of nuts in a salad. Oh, and for some reason edamame is also delish on a salad. :)

If I go more than a couple of days without running, I start to feel like I’m going to be out of shape the next time I try. I know it takes more like a week or two for it actually to affect you a ton, but it’s hard not running when that’s what you want to do, so it messes with your mind.


“I can last about 30 minutes tops watching” I totally thought that sentence was going to end differently! “I can last about 30 minutes tops watching the Boston Marathon elites I start crying.” I guess maybe that’s just me? I get so excited for all of the runners and I’m so proud of them and their hard work that I always end up getting teary eyed! Running stuff makes me so emotional!!!!

That salad dressing sounds right up my ally,I will need to grab a bottle. Thanks for the recommendation! :) Happy Monday!


The Boston Marathon is one of my favorites rsced to watch online each year! I love roasted vegetables, especially potatoes and root vegetables, on my salads.


I won’t be able to watch today because I’m stuck at work! Definitely going to keep up with it as much as I can online.

Weekend running did not go so well. My knee started hurting as I was running on Saturday so I took Sunday off. Hoping it’ll be okay today…


We are going to have the Boston marathon on all day! We are excited at work…but I guess that’s what happens when you work at a running store LOL.

I actually had a really good Saturday. I went flying which was really neat.


I’m on the bus on the way to the start and totally have feeling of how will I do it? Happens with any break and every taper for me!


I’m so excited for Boston. What a cool race every year. The best of the best. I’m so jealous you’ve run it. I’m currently dealing with some tendonitis after a long run this weekend and I’m already dreading taking days off of running because of losing fitness. I know it’s for the best to take it easy, but it’s so hard haha!


Your salads always look awesome, though I really don’t like Cilantro, so I would pass on the dressing.

I ran Boston in 2009 and 2010. I have qualified many times since but just did not go because it is expensive. If it were free, we would definitely be there every year. It is SO much fun.

We had our last really long run before race day (25 mile progressive run) on Saturday and then a 12 mile easy run yesterday. I also got an awesome massage that I talk about on the blog today (post should be up in a few hours).

Hope your Monday is super!


It’s Marathon Day! I cannot wait to watch it! I will be live-streaming it as well. And yeah, my attention span for most all sports is like non-existent but when it comes to running, I am glued to the screen.


I LOVE SALADS!!!! There is nothing better especially if you layer a bit of grilled chicken over it!! As for this dessert … OMG Megan is a woman after my own heart!!! Only to hang out with awesome people like you and your friends I m moving there!


I ran the Salt Lake Half on Saturday and it was perfect weather! I think that corner of the valley must have had a protective bubble over it. There was no wind! I had been stressing all week over it. I would run in rain and snow over wind. The course is amazing and I already signed up for next year.


Currently an emotional wreck waiting for Mitchell to run Boston, so that’s where I’m at in life.
Tempo long run this morning fueled purely by emotions and Ryn Weaver jams- running is a nice outlet, ya know?
Runner minds are so tricky! There are positives and negatives to the “type A runner mind” but one negative is that it makes up completely ridiculous scenarios to maintain our survival (why we take GUs in a marathon= tell our minds to not shut off our legs and keep going, tells us we aren’t going to make it when we will). You are WAY more fit than you think, so a few days off = nothing but a G thang ;)


Thank you for posting the “missed days list”! I needed that this morning! After two months of hard work and amazing training times, Cystic Fibrosis sidelined me for five day. CF is sneaky, one day you’re doing amazing, the next you’re coughing blood in the middle of a tempo run (yes, that happened last week!). I know most people wouldn’t care much about their running time at that point haha but running is an integral part of my fight against CF and I’m always worried to lose fitness I work so hard for. This is a good reminder that all doesn’t go away in a few days. Back on the road this morning ;-)


I am way too excited to secretly watch some of the marathon at work today :) I know 2 girls who are running it so that’s super exciting!


That salad looks awesome! I am loving raspberry vinaigrette dressing lately! I ran for the first time in about 7 weeks this morning and it felt awesome! I am expecting and didn’t run the second half of my first trimester. I’ve definitely lost some fitness which I think is expected during pregnancy but I’m definitely okay with it. Running/racing. will be there for me after I have the baby! For now I will do what feels right and just enjoy the slower runs. Thanks so posting the Boston Marathon info, I will be watching while getting ready for work!


Your desserts always look so amazing! I really shouldn’t come to your blog when I’m already hungry :P

I’ve got Boston open in another tab, can’t wait to watch these amazing competitors today!


I’ve got a friend who’s running today, shooting for a sub-3! I haven’t run since my marathon 15 days ago and I feel so lazy even though I have still been lifting and cross training. I’m going to the doctor later in the week to get something checked out and hopefully it’s not anything that will keep me from running much longer.


I will be streaming Boston at my desk at work! : ) This is a happy/sad Marathon Monday for me, as I qualified for this year’s Boston but missed the cut-off by 48 seconds. I wish I was there but I’m still cheering for all the runners!

This past week I resumed the training schedule for my April 30 marathon (where I am attempting a re-BQ) after spending 2 weeks recovering from injury. It’s been real hard not to totally freak out, as I missed 4 training runs over two weeks. But, I did lots of cross-training (spin, swimming, pool-running) and core during those two weeks and while I totally panicked and dreaded my first run back because I was scared to death I had lost all my fitness–it wasn’t quite as bad as I’d feared. Here’s to hoping!


I was amazed how quickly I got my fitness back after having to essentially be on bedrest the last 4 months of my pregnancy! I thought I’d never figure it out again but it was right there- just needed a few weeks of uncovering :)


Hoping that the marathon will be on tv during our treadmill class today!
I have a question for you and the more experienced runners here. You mentioned it was pretty windy for the Salt Lake Marathon this weekend. How often do you make it a point to train in crummy weather? I did my first marathon last year (Chicago) and I definitely avoided a lot of the bad weather days and went indoors. I knew I needed to train more in bad weather – lucked out that the Chicago marathon was nice except for being a little hot. This year if I get in I will need to factor in more windy/rainy training so that I am better prepared come race day.
You are definitely the salad guru Janae – those pictures are making me hungry for lunch already. I am liking roasted sweet potatoes in my salad lately. The more toppings, the less dressing I need – probably a good thing!


oh my goodness now i NEED those cookies (this whole ‘need’ is a new thing now that i’m pregnant and whenever i see something that looks good it’s now a NEED)!

i love that your mom sends you the sweetest texts and the funnest texts! go runners go!


Have you tried the Bolthouse Mango Chipotle??? I can only find it at whole foods and I’m obsessed. The other night I wanted more but I had run out of actual lettuce, so I made a salad of salad fixins. It was aaaahhhhhmaaaaaaaahhhhhhzing.


That dessert that Megan made looks delish! Would you be able to get the recipe and post it?
Thanks Janae! Enjoy the marathon!


I don’t know how you and Meg stay so thin eating so much chocolate and sugar?!? I’m totally jealous of your metabolism genes!


I always watch the Boston Marathon!!! I love it SO much. I am sporting my Boston Strong t-shirt and sent my 5 yr old to school in her’s :) plus it’s my 7 yr wedding anniversary, so overall…great day!


I love jicama too! I can’t watch the marathon today but I’ll keep checking in on my friends who are running today!


After a couple of weeks off I know I’ve lost some of my training. The hardest thing is mentally getting back into it after that much time. Fingers crossed that when I have this little guy, and after 2 months of not running, I’ll get back into it quicker than in thinking.


I have three friends who have travelled from Dubai to run Boston; can’t wait to see how they get on! And yes, I could watch running alllll day!


Salad toppings: I always have to have feta on my salads! I also really like dried cranberries and walnuts!
I think it’s in my head but I feel like if I miss a week of running I lose my fitness!

This weekend of running was great! On Saturday I ran 13.1 miles with my dog (she’s a rockstar), and Sunday I ran a virtual 5k with my dog for Save the Manatees!


Your mums quote is bang on and i think everyone needs a Megan in their life.
That just looked too good to share.
Have a great week. ?


I am watching! I took the day off work for it.

I love nuts on my salad: almonds, cashews… I’m not too picky. Oh, and mandarin oranges. Yum!

I had a 14 mile long run that ended up being 18! My husband was out cycling and went farther than planned so he didn’t get back to the truck timely to pick me up. We are usually very good at timing but we both were winging it for our course for the day. Two more miles and I would have made it back to the truck.


Woo! I am at home watching the marathon live streaming on my laptop. Totally acceptable to take some time off work for this. Can’t wait for next year when I will be on the starting line! I qualified right before getting pregnant and the baby is due 6 months before the race. That’s what I call perfect timing. :) :) :)


I ran the SLC Half and the weather was perfect. It was not windy at tall.


I ran the SLC on Saturday (I’ll be sure to submit you my running accomplishment this week :) & the weather was actually perfect! I was so nervous for it but it turned out great! If I take two days off from running I start to mentally panic!


OH YAY!! I am so glad the weather was perfect because it was crazy down south! CONGRATS CORTNEY and I can’t wait to share your accomplishment wahoo! Amazing!


I’ve been on a break since december from running and I’m losing my mind! I miss it like crazy


Neely Spence Gracey is from my hometown! I’ve never met her but I’m cheering her on! I love that she was born on Marathon Monday when her dad was running Boston 26 years ago. Pretty fitting that she’s running her first ever marathon and that it’s Boston! :)


I bought that same salad dressing a couple of weeks ago and have put it on basically everything since then!! Sooo good! My fav is putting it on street tacos!


Thank you so much for posting the live stream for Boston! It’s such a fun event to watch.

And I cannot wait to try that cookie recipe. Sundays are definitely made for baking in my world!


I am definitely keeping my eye on Boston today. I keep checking the live tracker to see how things are going!!


I ran the SLC Half this weekend! It actually wasn’t too windy- at least for the people running the earlier races. Hope all the marathoners felt the same :) It was my first time running this half and I really enjoyed all of the views! I can’t believe how many neighborhood people woke up early and stood in the cold outside of their houses to cheer us on. I think it really made me enjoy the day, I didn’t even turn my music on until mile 6.5 :)


AHHHHH CONGRATS KAITLIN!!! That is awesome and it really is such a beautiful course:) Way to go and I am so happy to hear it wasn’t windy…. it was a tornado down south ha!


Those cookies sound fabulous! I love cornflakes!


You are not alone, I and I am sure many others, feel the same way about returning to running after a break. Also, I’m a painter and whenever I start a new project, I get that same feeling. Well, not that I can’t run ;) but that I wont be able to paint.


That dressing is my fav!! Also, their carmelized onion is pretty delicious, especially on a salad with berries :) I have really been craving spinach with chicken, berries, and cottage cheese.

The hubs and I are training for a 1/2 on May 1st, so we did 10 miles before church yesterday and an easy 3 today. Whew, my legs are pooped today!


After a week off from running I feel like I have lost some of my fitness. If I take 3 or 4 days, then the first run back feels like torture, but the next one is fine. When I miss a run it is more mental than anything…….I worry about losing fitness or feel a little guilty for the ice cream or candy, but then when I run next it is all better afterward!

I don’t know anyone running Boston and I can’t watch because I am at work, but I hope to read all about the race tomorrow!

Salad toppings: raisins, sliced almonds, hard boiled egg, chick peas, bell peppers, carrots, and honey mustard dressing………………ok, I may be getting whole foods salad tonight after typing this because I want it so bad!!


I am following my friends during Boston. If I could qualify I would be ecstatic. It looks so amazing. I had a 10 mile run in Central Park and it was beautiful! Those cookies look amazing!!


I just love avocados, craisins and almonds on a salad!


Everyone at work knows I’m a fanatic when it comes to Boston so I watched it on my desktop. The hubs and about 1/2 dozen other friends were running it so I could not not watch the race! I was just telling my boss that I can’t believe it’s been 5yrs since I ran Boston. Seems like I just did it yesterday! I usually travel to watch but with a toddler it’s sort of a game changer. Next year for sure! But who knows, now that I’m in a different age bracket I bought myself another 5 mins……

Those cookies…YES! I made them right after you posted the recipe a couple months ago. The corn flakes make them better for sure!


My favorite salad topping that I rarely actually have is shredded cabbage! Red or white, in fact. For some reason, I love the taste.

I can resonate with the fear of forgetting how to run, haha. It’s ridiculous, really, because I think it takes weeks off to actually lose any noticeable fitness. I’m not looking forward to experiencing that this summer… I’ll be working at a camp all summer and won’t be able to run nearly as much as I am now. But I have to remember it’ll be work the memories made there.


I watched the Boston Marathon today and saw some of the elite runners and wave 1 finishers! It was so much fun. I ran it last year and definitely felt a pang of jealousy that I couldn’t join in on the fun this year (and because the weather was so nice compared to the wind and rain last year :) !


Those salads look amazing! My weekend had a new race in it, a 6k – so an automatic PR for the first time running that strange distance! Wahoo!


Those cookies look amazing!!! I am the same way when it comes to getting back to running after a break!!!! I get so nervous about the first run! I was so excited all weekend to watch the marathon!!!!


I wish I could’ve watched the full race today! I had to fly out of town for work, and tried to use wifi on the plane to watch but it was too choppy. Two women from my running group were running today so I did track on my phone and checked their status while I was stuck in a conference room all day today. I love that more big races are being televised now.

I also love jicama! Seeing jicama in your salad makes me think of summer. When the weather turns warm, we eat jicama quite a bit with lime juice, salt, and chile pepper.


That dressing is on my to try list, but I’m currently on a dressing diet. I have four open bottles in my refrigerator right now that I have to use before I allow myself to open another one. Must.Control.Myself.


Well, I ran a half marathon I didn’t intend to yesterday. I signed up several months ago for my hometown race and I’ve been helping my friend train for the last few months. A few weeks ago I decided that I just wasn’t feeling ready to race yet and that I really just wanted to be there to support my friend in her quest for a PR. My other running friend and I planned to cheer, pace her up a long hill and then cheer some more. Turns out, she just wanted us to run. So, ten minutes before the start time we pinned on our bibs, hit up the porta potty and made our way to the start. It was hot and ugly, but we all got it done! Another half in the books. Running friends are just the best. :)


Wow! Just made the Everything Cookies and they are delish!! Thanks for sharing!!!

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