Sentence Per Picture!!!!

We rewarded ourselves with a froyo date together after an afternoon of packing/cleaning (below is Brooke’s ideal froyo to sprinkle ratio).

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Put the Brookers to bed at my parents’ house and went to a late show with Meg and some friends—> Eddie the Eagle was really good.

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We grabbed some chips, salsa and mango chicken salads first from Milagro’s—>  their chips are my favorite.

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PS yes, I really do need this and I am more than willing to pay for guacamole.  

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Brooke still just transfers right back home without waking up which is always quite surprising to me.  

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I love pace/race charts and I just came across this one and it includes the training range paces too…  they offer a range of speeds and here is an example of what one section includes:

Screen Shot 2016 03 09 at 12 26 04 AM

I could not agree more and especially if the big Cheerios are shaped more like an apple fritter.  


She came over and asked me to take out her pigtails so she could wear a hat too—> I’ve officially taught her to love twinning as much as I do.  

Photo on 3 8 16 at 1 34 PM

Love this… also, back in the day did anyone else ever drive their running route after they did it to use the odometer in the car to see how far you went?

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Did a mini spin workout (I alternated between 3 minute hill climbs and 1 minute sprints) last Saturday and I was reminded of how much I LOVE the spin bikes with the screens that give you all of your info… I feel like I work harder when I can see my speed/distance etc.

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‘On good days I workout, on bad days I workout harder’—>  time to go get it on my run today (the sun was really bright in below pre-run picture).  

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What is your sentence for the day?

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I need pancakes!


me too!


me three!!


Sentence for the day= I can’t wait to get out of work because the weather is PERFECT today!

P.S. Thanks for sharing that pace chart! That will be SUPER helpful for marathon training :)


I want to see Eddie the Eagle! It looks so good!

I totally used to drive the route I ran to make sure it was the right distance. It really would make more sense to drive it BEFORE I ran it so I knew I was getting the right distance, but apparently I never thought about that.

I have to admit that I love sprinkles too. Even though they don’t actually taste like anything!


I think the 2020 would be: What did people do without GPS watches that receive calls, texts, emails, stream live television, and take running model shots of you throughout your workout :)

My sentence today is : I’m taking the day off between a job transition and it feel AMAZING already!


My sentence for the day: When your heart is broken, and the rain keeps pouring, don’t stop hoping–just keep splashing in the puddles and moving forward.


Sentence for the day: Spring break means gorgeous weather and putting in our new floors!

Brooke’s sprinkle ratio is on point. Made me want sprinkles with froyo for breakfast.


Froyo, concert and chips? = to me that’s a perfect day ;-) Good luck with the packing!


The sun is making me happy today! And I’d always pay extra for guac, makes the whole thing worth it :)


I love that pace chart! I’m always wondering if my easy runs are too fast or if I’m doing speed work at the correct pace. This chart answers all of my questions. Thanks for sharing!

My sentence/question for the day: Can I go back to bed yet?! Not enough sleep plus treadmill intervals means I’m exhausted and it’s only 8am :(


I can’t wait to find out what GPS watches are like in 2020. I bet they will come with an app that allows you to “Uber a fuel station.” Like you tap your app and you order someone to meet you .25 mile from where you are with Gatorade and your favorite Gu :)

Sentence for the day: Yesterday I registered for Chicago and had to select the 30-34 age group for the first time!


Haha that is such an awesome idea!


sentence of the day: have a long-term memory for success and a short term memory for failure.

this morning’s workout wasn’t one of my best, so I’m ready to shake it off. plus the weathers gorgeous, so I just can’t be down! may have to go out and get a short run in today since it’s beautiful outside. that just might be the perfect way to turn my spirits around.


Sentence for the day: I need to go shopping for new running shoes!
I used to plot out routes to run before Garmin and then write out the route on a slip. GPS makes running so much easier!


Sentence for the day- new training schedule starts…. Soon. Okay maybe I should work on that!


My sentence for today is that it’s absolutely gorgeous out today in New York! Going up to 77 degrees!


Oh yes I used to go track my mileage in the car after a run just to see exactly how far I went. so funny!


I like that chart! Do you know what “groove pace” and “fast pace” means? The others I either know or have a good assumption for!


I will probably drink too much coffee today.


I drink too much coffee every day!


I may or may not have cried at least three times during Eddie the Eagle!


Reading your post from Monday and the one you recently shared about dating and seeing you enjoy time with friends in the evenings in this post made me think of how you’re living this season of your life to the fullest. I recently heard a great analogy about this and wanted to share.

It was on Chalene Johnson’s podcast with guest Lewis Howse (he also has a great podcast). He’s an athlete and talked about living in the present moment by framing things within sports seasons. I think you do this a lot with running, but it can easily be applied to your personal/work/other “life”. He says if your head wonders to the future, say that you wish you had the family you had imagined and could take a summer vacation together, to remind yourself you need to focus on this season and give it all. As a basketball player for example you wouldn’t start worrying about summer league playoffs during March madness, so do the same for your life. Concentrate on today’s “game/practice” and give it everything you got.

As runners the training is the hardest part, but in the end the most rewarding. Same for our lives, right? The daily routines and ups and downs can be challenging, but in the end are so rewarding because we end up where we are supposed to be. May you have a great day for your season today!


Thank you for this. I loved reading your comment. I need to check out that podcast as I love to listen to podcasts while I’m exercising.


I LOVE that chart! It will be my new go-to. Also I’m so glad to hear Eddie the Eagle was good. It’s definitely on my list!


Haha I also want that shirt about guac. Guac always.

Sentence: I’m babysitting this afternoon and I’m way too excited.


omg the donut as a cheerio! Hahaha love that. My sentence: Moving forward to the next phase of my life!


Ah, I totally would drive my car to check my running distance! Such good memories:)

Sentence of the day: Sat on the couch with a cold watching YouTube videos;)


OMG YES I remember driving in the car with my dad to go places and he would take crazy routes in the car because he’d be mapping out how long he run was. That’s so ridiculous sounding now!


I us d to drive my route all the time. A donut would be the best cheerio ever. I’ve bee. Craving donuts so bad lately and figured I’d try to make some baked donuts, then I found out you have to have a special pan for that. I need to just break down and go buy some.


Ha that shirt is hilarious. I need a shirt that says “I know whipped cream is extra”. LOL

Have you been doing spin a lot lately? I need to get back into extra/supplementary workouts to keep me healthy.


My sentence for the day is a mantra rather – Inhale Confidence, Exhale Doubt.

I have to do some presenting today (and I get super nervous about those types of situations) so I am reminding myself of Inhaling Confidence and Exhaling Doubt all day long.


Saw this and thought of you and Brooke!


Sentence for the day: what did I do while drinking my morning coffee before I found this blog?



that pace chart is awesome. and very accurate based on my own experience.


That pace chart is amazing! I’m a CPA so the numbers really speak to me.


My sentence for the day, “I cannot believe I was picked in the lottery to run the NYC marathon.” I’m excited, nervous and a whole bunch of emotions right now.

I need that guacamole shirt.


Sentence of the day. People are mean, people are cruel, people will say and do things to hurt you, but I will not allow them to hurt me anymore.


I can’t even image the changes that we’ll see in running technology in the coming years. How could it get any better? I’m predicting that at some point we won’t even need to use watches and the GPS technology will be embedded in sunglasses, running shoes, ipods, etc.

Love the pace chart – I’m a little obsessed with numbers and data. :)


Okay so when I was 19 and training for my first marathon in 1998, I’d drive my little blue Pontiac Firefly from the coffee shop I worked at out to the turnaround point, measuring my route with my pedometer, and I’d use a can of spray paint and I’d spray a little dot on the spot on the grass where I’d have to turn around. For real! And it took me until this Christmas to ever buy a GPS watch. And it was a gift, so that doesn’t really count.


Sentence for the day: “Rain, rain go away…I do not feel like running in the rain today.” (did you sing along, too??) ;)


My sentence/s for the day: Baby slept 9.5 hours straight last night. HALLELUJAH!


Yay!!!!!! That’s awesome!


And the pace chart…ugh! I have a horrifically difficult time slowing down. Based on my 15k and half marathon finish times, I need to slow down A LOT for my easy runs. And the LT pace, well…shouldn’t that feel like you are starting to hit your “fastest” you could go/maintain for awhile? That pace right now feels very comfortable for me. I ran a 15k this past Sunday in 1:21:47 and I felt great all the way through. Looking back, I know I could have pushed myself a bit harder. Maybe I am just weird… :/


Bahaha a donut is like a big Cheerio!


I saw Eddie the Eagle this weekend and LOVED it! I need to see Whiskey Tango Foxtrot next!


I need a really good massage.


I used to track my run distances by riding the route on my bike with the wire odomoter that went around the wheel.


The weather was nice – warm and sunny the last two days but I’m now having foot troubles. Getting an x-ray today so pray it’s not a stress fracture! My marathon is 6.5 weeks away! I am heading to Florida tomorrow to visit my aunt for a long weekend so I bought a water belt and plan to do some pool running while I’m there and getting extra Vitamin D!


Is it the weekend yet?


Sounds like a great day!! Love avocado anything…will pay a king’s ransom for it!

Pace chart= excellent. My running coach has wonderful sheets for me (you should see the side of my fridge) We use VDOT’s to manage where out pace should be and they test our VO2Max (terrible test but good!). Most people run their long, easy runs entirely too fast so that was a great lesson for us!

My default line is “Finish Strong” – I use this in running constantly, in my work day and even for the end of my day (like finishing my housework and meal plans and helping my kids when i really just want to crash) Just finishing everything STRONG!

I am so having a donut after my long run on Saturday.


Tired of being sick!

I still drive running routes to measure the distance but it’s before I run them. I need to give my husband an idea of how long I’ll be gone when I run .

Many years ago, my husband was using mapquest directions and they told him to make an illegal U-turn. Since he didn’t know the area, he made the U-turn only to get pulled over. Turns out the cops knew about the flawed directions and sat there because they knew they would be pulling people over.


I think I’ll go out and buy one of those boxes of extra large cheerios! Not only have I driven a course before I ran it, I then drove it afterward to be double sure. Hmm that sounds a little OCD. :)


I am really loving the spin bike. Do you have one that you’d recommend for a home gym?


I saw Eddie the Eagle when I was really young at the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary!! I need to see the movie!

Sentence for the day – I’m angry at my cat because he scratched me when I wouldn’t stop rubbing his belly. He was annoyed but I wouldn’t stop because he is oh so soft.


Twinning is seriously the best! My sentence for the day is: I need chocolate! ;)


I totally agree about the screen on the spin bike! At my gym, the bikes don’t have a screen- just a knob that we twist to change the resistance. At the gym at my new job (so awesome,) the bikes have screens, and I am actually motivated to push harder and go faster. PLUS, with bikes with screens, you can actually get a more dynamic workout–like “keep your pace over 85rpm for .5 miles!” etc.


Did your spin bike come with the screen on it or did you have to buy it separately? I have been looking at one but want one with a screen that comes well recommended!

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