Monday MATTERS—> finally feel at home edition.

Time for some Monday randomness.  

Last week we made Brookies (1/2 brownie, 1/2 cookie) in honor of our favorite Brookie.  I’ve sure been baking/cooking a lot more than usual.  

Can I tell you something?  It finally feels like I’m at home.  It feels like it has been forever since I have really felt this way.  While in California there were some really hard times that kind of put a bad taste in my mouth and it never felt like home… then I moved in with my parents and while I needed that mentally and my parents are the best humans on the planet it was hard for me to really feel at home because we were in the basement and I knew it wasn’t a long-term thing so we never really settled there… and then we were living in an apartment that was nice but dark and it just didn’t feel like a home so we were rarely there and always on the run… BUT NOW—>  It feels like home where we are and it feels super nice to slow down and spend more time together at home.  Not sure if any of that makes sense but yeah, I just feel a lot more peaceful about our current situation than I have in a very very long time.  

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We used THIS recipe and I took them to a get-together after and they were gobbled up in about .2 seconds.  

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I think Brooke really likes it here too.  

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-My current go-to running song… it’s a good one.  Roses is still my favorite of all of their songs though.

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-My niece took this picture of Brooke and it made me happy to see it when I found it on my camera.

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-H.A.L.L.E.L.U.J.A.H.  Feels like we’ve been waiting forever to see these blossoms.

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 -She makes me a birthday card daily.  

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-At least a decade for me.  (Article)

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-Early treadmill run this morning of 7 miles @ an 8:05 pace while literally just staring at the wall and listening to music.  Do you ever have runs like that where you completely zone out and kind of don’t really think about the run until it is over?  That was me today.

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-She joined me for the stretching portion but that just turned into a cuddling session.  

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-Had a really fun brunch with someone that is just in town for a bit and when we couldn’t decide on a sweet or a savory breakfast, we went with both.  And orange juice.  Kneaders orange juice is so perfect.

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-Did I tell you about the show I was hooked on while Brooke was gone last time?  I don’t know why I get so involved in murder mystery shows/podcasts but I could not stop watching JINX (on HBO but you can do a free 30 day trial). This story about Robert Durst is i.n.s.a.n.e.  Probably not the best thing to watch when you are all by yourself for a weekend ha.   

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-I lost my favorite necklace last time we were in California and just got my new one in the mail.  I love having the word mama (what Brooke calls me) by my heart (my cheesiness is out of control the last few days) all day long.

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Share some of your Monday Matters!!!!

Where do you usually feel the most sore from running?  Do you feel sore often or not much really?

Last show that completely hooked you?

Are you a jewelry person?

-I always have a necklace on and a watch but that is usually it… I don’t remember the last time I wore earrings.

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I don’t feel sore alot, but I always have some hip tightness (hence why I’m currently doing PT!), and sometimes my quads and hamstrings get tight, but not often. I do not know how people can look at a wall when running, even if you are listening to something. I would go crazy in like 2.2 seconds!

Flashpoint was the last show I really got sucked into. It was so good! It’s no Netflix. Add it to the list! :)

I usually wear a necklace and my wedding rings. I almost never wear a watch when I have my fitbit on and I usually have stud earrings in my second piercing, but rarely do I have any earrings in my first.


I typically don’t feel sore u less it’s an 18 miler or more – in still sore around upper thighs from Saturday’s 20 miler! I notice after a marathon it’s usually my quads that kill me though. Congrats on feeling at home – nothing beats that!


It’s hard living with family after you have your own. My husband and first daughter and I lived with my parents for a year and it was hard. While we needed a place to stay and are thankful for them for letting us stay there, we were all crammed into my old room and it was hard. When we moved into our own place I remember that feeling too.

I love runs where I can just zone out.


I was recently hooked on The Office. Again. I watched the entire series, and I still laugh at every single episode (especially the earlier ones with Michael Scott). :)

I’m not really a jewelry person. I have one bracelet I usually wear and two necklaces I wear occasionally, but that’s about it.


Ok quick question – I really like that cream lace long sleeved shirt you have. Could you share where you got it? Thank you!


Thank you Stephanie!!! I bought it at the J Crew Factory a few years ago and I searched and searched for it and can’t find it anymore. I’ll post a similar one if I come across it. I hope you have a fabulous Tuesday!


Don’t let me down is one of my favorite songs by the Chainsmokers! I forget if I told you about it but if I didn’t, I’m glad you love it too.

Brooke has great taste in cookies as well.

I like Cherry Blossoms but they give so many people allergies I feel bad. They sure are pretty though and of course fun to run through.


I swear you must have a zillion pictures on your phone. I honestly do not know how you keep up. Younger! That’s my new favorite show. You must check it out. It’s so addicting! I can’t wait for the next season.


I hardly ever wear jewelry. But I love a good statement piece around my neck to jazz up my usual basic black sweater jeans boots uniform in the winter.

Why is it so hard to choose between savory and sweet for brunch?

I sent the boyfriend a text knowing he is on a hour flight. He will land in a half hour and turn his phone on to see my message. I hope it makes him smile. I know I love getting texts when I land. Makes me feel good to know someone cares. :)


I loved the Jinx….watched it while on my bike trainer and treadmill. It definitely was a little freaky. I don’t really get sore from running, but spending an hour and a half on my bike trainer does me in. My lower back ends up killing. Happy Monday!


Ugh. We just got 25″ of snow last Wednesday and are expecting more snow this Wednesday. Love Colorado! Love love it.

I wear very little jewelry but I love it all. And random story…when I lost my nose pierce in the shower the morning of my dad’s funeral I sobbed and sobbed. Think that had anything to do with the piece of jewelry? No…probably not.


I don’t wear a lot of jewellery – maybe a necklace

Not really sore after running unless something isn’t doing too good. I’m usually fine the next day


Congrats on feeling at home! That’s the best feeling to have with a new place. I get sore when I add back in strength workouts, plyos, or faster runs, usually in my glutes and calves.
I’m hookes on iZombie after binge watching all of the episodes on Netflix and then catching up on the most recent season. So clever and funny!


We just started season 1 of The Americans and we’re hooked! Good news is there are 4 or 5 seasons so we’re set for a while!

I wear the same jewelry everyday unless it’s a special occasion. Always wear earrings and necklace and a watch. Not much of a bracelet or ring person.


I love my made by Mary necklace!! I have the bar and it has my babies first initials on it. I wear it I have a lot of jewelry and wear it often. The necklace and a ornate gold ring my hubs got from his work trip to Dubai are staples for sure. I totally get what you mean about feelings home. We bought our first house two years ago but I am getting ready to list it, it just isn’t “home” for me! And I like to move, which is proving difficult with three small children and the start of elementary school!!


those cookies look AMAZING


That necklace is the sweetest! I need one. :) Being a mom really is amazing. I am at a point right now where I haven’t been getting super sore from running. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I am pregnant and haven’t done any hard runs in a long time. The last show that I was hooked on was Friday Night Lights. I am watching Gilmore Girls right now and I liked it, but it just isn’t sucking me in yet ha!


I’m so glad you’re starting to feel more at home. I’ve always been a huge believer that home comfort comes before life comfort.<3

Those cookies look so yummy! And I'm definitely a "necklace and rings" person. I rarely wear any other type of jewelry.


I was hooked on the show How to Make a Murderer for a while and then finished the Mindy Project (what’s available on Netflix) on Sunday night! Finale = whoa! haha


My calves have always been the part that gets the most sore and tight!!!!! I have my husband put his elbows into it just to help alleviate the soreness! ?? I wear a ring and that’s it. I feel weird wearing other jewelry….but I still think it’s beautiful! Just a weird feeling wearing it! I feel like it’s in my way or something. Haha


That song by the Chainsmokers is my absolute favorite right now! I will just put it on repeat when I’m doing speed intervals haha. I usually the most sore in my hip flexors.

I’m currently watching the OJ Simpson show and it’s super interesting! That HBO one sounds good too, I’m also really into murder mystery shows recently.


No better feeling than loving your home! Glad you’re enjoying the new place.

Leg soreness varies but tight hips tend to cause a variety of issues. I have regular exercises that help keep it under control.

I love jewelry. I wear rings and earrings pretty much every day but I love it all.


What are your excercise for those tight hips? Mine are too all the time and I’m stretching more regularly now to help


For the strengthening exercises I use a theraband: fire hydrant, clam shells, reverse clam shell, monster walks, and standing rear leg lifts. (which I have no idea of the real name. just lift your leg behind you without arching your back). I also do donkey kicks, marching bridges and physio ball hamstring curls. I finish iwth some yoga hip openers – pigeon, half-lotus with a forward bend, lord of the fishes and reclining side twist. I like to alternate these out with Barre work. It makes a huge difference in my training and injury prevention.


Ok thanks! How often do you do?


Ideally 3x a week, 2 at the minimum. When I was injured and couldn’t run I did it 4x a week.


Those cookies look amazing!! I am doing my nice long run on Saturday and plan to make those after!

Love your home and so glad it is good for you! Your kitchen is lovely!

Sore- my hips are usually sore after long runs, my calves after tempos. My SI joints get sore but not sure how to fix :(
Have a great Monday!


Oddly, as I was training for my marathon that I ran earlier this month, I wasn’t having too much soreness. However, I have been slacking since the marathon and now that I am getting back to running, I am having soreness in my hips and right groin area… not sure what to think about it.

I am always wearing earrings and my wedding set….. tried to wear necklaces, but often leave house without one. And, I just started to wear a watch,…… drives me bonkers at work! But don’t mind wearing when running. :)

The cookies look awesome!! I might need to try those! I think my 6 year old might like those!! :)


Glad to read that you are finally feeling home… that’s an amazing feeling. I’m rarely sore so when I am (like right now – quads) it makes me appreciate even more every day that I am not sore ;-) I’m hooked on Suits… can’t wait for the next season to start! And I am not a jewelery person but I love the necklace that my husband gave me for my birthday that is engraved with his name, my name and my son’s name. Precious.


Not a lot of soreness, just a feeling like my body has been jarred/beat up by the pavement.
My current fave show that I’m totally hooked on is Turn (AMC). Just binge watched seasons 1 and 2 and am so ready for season 3 at the end of April.


Loved Jinx as well! You’d probably also like “Making of a Murderer” on Netflix. Recently started “Fargo” and LOVE IT!

I carry my soreness in my pelvic bones and occassionally quads/ hamstrings when I do lots of jump squats.


Those cookies look fabulous!!


Can you use your awesome treadmill in your new place ?
Those brookies look fantastic but need to ease up in the baked goods after this weekend Easter indulgences ?


Random——What eyelashes do you use? I’ve tried and look ridiculous! Yours looks amazing!


I’m happy to hear that you’re feeling at home! I just moved a few months ago and have gone through many changes and still feel like I’m settling in.

I’ve been really into The People vs. OJ! I was very young when the trial was happening but now I have a better understanding and always look forward to the next episode. I also love the Big Bang Theory! That show is hilarious!


Oh my gosh those Brookies looks DELICIOUS!! So glad you and Brooke had a wonderful Easter yesterday :)

And I can totally relate to mindless treadmill running. Sometimes it’s just what I need to completely clear my head though!


Long time no comment but I still read daily. I just had to say how excited I am someone else loved the Jinx (I’m just glad there was an ocean between me and Robert Durst)!! I’m in Australia and no-one else besides my husband and I have seen it. So happy for you and Brooke about your new apartment. Looks beautiful and you’ve done a great job decorating.


RIGHT!?!?! Seriously… that man is crazy. I couldn’t even believe he wasn’t put in jail 20 years ago. Thank you so much and I hope you have a beautiful day in Australia! So good to hear from you!


I JUST finished watching the Jinx, so creepy!! Apparently it’s okay to chop somebody up if they are “trying” to kill you?! Between that and the OJ Simpson special on dateline recently, I can’t believe how these people get away with murder!!! I found Bob kind of likable though during his interview, he has a very calm demeanor so I can kind of see how he convinced the jury. I don’t live alone and I was scared after I watched it!! Do you ever watch Dateline? Similar stories, always addicting to watch!


I felt the same way about him during a few of the episodes but still just so creepy! Okay, how do I watch the OJ won? Online… I guess I could google it ha but I just really want to watch it asap!


There’s no better feeling than feeling at home. I’m so happy for both you and Brooke!

Lately my right sciatica has been bothering more and more (this has been a chronic thing for a good while.) I’m looking forward to a break after my next marathon.

I’ve worn the same earrings everyday for the last 8yrs. They are screw back and I don’t have the patience to change them! Those and my wedding bands are my staple.


That makes complete sense. I’m so happy that you’re finally able to feel at home and slow down a little. I think this move was a really good thing for you and can’t wait to hear how it turns out! Congrats!


Happy you feel at home now!! What a nice feeling!!!
I get kind of sore quads from running.

I got hooked on breaking bad.. I got really emotionally attached to the characters.. and I’m not a tv or movie person at all really. Now I’m watching better call Saul.. I have the same feelings with this show.. I recommend it.


Brookies for your Brookie, too cute!


I’ve been quite sore in my calves lately. So my hands and my calves have been having a good massage session before bed. :)

I’m an earring person – but not a dangily earring person. Just a diamond stud kind of person.


I swear I’m so sore all the time, but I recently have been using the rumble roller and it makes all the difference! That along with a few cold showers and epsom salt baths.

I’m such an earring person, I never take them off!


I’ve been watching Shark Tank every night lately, mainly because it’s always on, but I’ve been so hooked on it I think I’m getting to the point now where I’ve seen most of them though.


I loved the idea of brownie and cookie combo but that recipe scared me off – too many ingredients and steps! So I will just look at yours wistfully.


i totally get the “ahhh now this is home!” feel. i’ve gone through some tough times with my husband in our current house. we hiked up the mountain and very thankfully are in a much better place now. but we both felt we needed a change. to leave those physical memories of tough conversations and “bleh” emotions wafting in the air. we close in 8 days on our new house in a new-to-us town close to my work and we’re so, so excited for a fresh start. one we chose vs. fell into!


Your house looks SO cute!! I can’t wait for a little picture tour of it :)

I need to check out that show because I just finished Revenge and have been looking for the next show to get into!!


Congrats on feeling like your new place is “the place”!

I broke my ankle and tore some tendons in my left knee when I was 19 and that knee/IT band have given me problems if I run without doing strength training to strengthen those muscles beforehand. I am starting a new running regime on Monday and am interested to see if that helps the pain or increases it.

A documentary I recently watched on Netflix and LOVED was My Beautiful Broken Mind. SO. GOOD.


That is my go-to running song right now too!!!


Song downloaded! Love it!

I’m so happy that you’re feeling settled in your new home, it looks beautiful!

I can’t wait to start Jinx with so many treadmill miles I am always looking for a new show.

Happy running!


I love that necklace! Your apt is beautiful. So glad you & Brooke are happy there. :)


I understand what you mean about places not feeling like home. We’re temporarily in a dark apartment and, while I know I’m blessed to have the amenities we do, it’s just so hard. We just bought our new home and I can’t wait to get into it! It’s bright and sunny and we’re taking the time (and money, womp womp) to make it ours before we move in. A couple more weeks!!

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