Monday MATTERS!!!

I hope your week is off to a great start and that you had/have an awesome run today!  I feel like getting a good Monday workout in sets the tone for the rest of the week!  

I have some matters to discuss with you so grab a water bottle and your snack and let’s get down to business.

-Nothing like having my sister next to me at the gym.  My sister and I have been in a very good groove these days of seeing each other often (ummmm like pretty much every day) and it makes my soul happy.  Once upon a time during my college years my sister lived in 7 different states all over the place and that was really rough to be so far away from each other… I think we have both settled here for good and the goal is for us to have a cul-de-sac with my parents and all of the siblings on it (we just need to convince our brothers to move back;)  Talk about a tangent.

5 miles @ 8:00 pace with weights afterwards.  

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-I’m holding back the happy tears in this picture.  This is what heaven feels like.  Within moments of getting my package I opened the chocolate almond butter and put it on a banana… wow.  Wild Friends—> you complete me.

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And the best packets to take on the go.  

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-This last weekend it was sure boring driving around town on my own… she keeps me very entertained at all times.  

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-One more picture of Brooke after seeing her new bed.  She hugged that pillow for a few minutes before starting to jump on her bed again.

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-Last week while out on my run I stopped at my sister’s house for a water break and after my niece got off the phone she was laughing very hard at me for running with a fanny pack on.  I tried to explain to her that it is a fuel belt but it did kind of make me realize that there are probably a lot of things that runners do that non-runners question.

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-While Meg was in Hawaii she found packaged soft-serve ice cream cones at the gas station.  

I would like to introduce you to my new business plan of selling these here in Utah at all of the gas stations.   

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-Last week we went to lunch for my mom’s bday and I was sitting by this little dude and his reach is insane.  It didn’t matter how far I moved my food away from him, he was able to grab it quick as lightening.

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-Quick trip to the bank and it reminded me of the time a few months ago that I accidentally drove away with the tube thing.  I felt pretty embarrassed taking it back to them… I hope that I am not the only person that has done this:)

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-Take a guess of how many times we have already read this book today.  I’ll give you a clue, it’s in the double digits. 

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-Target even has the best notebooks.  

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-Pure Connects are a great deal right now here at Nordstrom Rack.  I have a thing for the Pure line. 

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Have any Monday Matters to share today?

Anything that your non-runner family/friends think is odd about your running?

How many different states have you lived in?

-2.2 (Utah, California and Hawaii for a few months for college;)

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Our Monday tangent: We got attacked by a swarm of bees on our run this morning… It was CRAZY!

Wild Friends look amazing!


NO YOU DID NOT… that would freak me out!!! Did anyone get stung? Sure hope that doesn’t ever happen again to you!


I love new notebooks. Love them. They are so fresh and clean and I love it. Yeah, it’s the little things that make me happy!

I’ve lived in 1.2. Kansas and Washington DC for a summer while I was doing an internship in Congress.

My husband thinks it’s weird that I have to end a run on a 0 or .5. Like, a run needs to be 5.0 or 5.5. I don’t understand these people who can run 4.67 miles. Um. No.

The ice cream cone idea is brilliant! Also makes me want an ice cream cone right now!


Internship in Congress–> that sounds amazing!!! Hahahaha yep, we are all a little bit weird about numbers!


My family thinks it’s crazy how I’ll run in the rain or cold. It sure beats the treadmill though!
I’ve lived in Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, and now Washington. I practically lived in Michigan also when my now-husband lived in Detroit for two years and I’d visit him on the weekends.


When littles have their eye on food, there is no stopping them. My 2 year old still follows me around the house asking for a bite of whatever I’m eating. So I have to hide in the pantry if I want my own snack. haha.

Lived in Utah my whole life, and probably wont ever leave.


I CAN’T end a run on an even number. I have to add some random digits at the end. My husband hates running so I think he just finds it weird that I like it, period.

I’ve only lived in two states (IA and TX) but I’ve lived in four different countries on three continents. (US, Canada, UK and Malawi.)


Where did you buy Brooks bedding? I loooove it


Pottery Barn Kids… I couldn’t resist!


I live in a small town and I’m a wealth of information when it comes to the distance between everything, and the parks with the best bathrooms. I often run a figure 8 with the middle being the Peace Park because it has the best-maintained restrooms lol! I was born and raised in northern Nevada, but lived in Washington for 6 years before moving back home almost 2 years ago.


hahahah that is AWESOME!!! I love planning my runs around the best bathrooms and drinking fountains too ha!


To be honest, I’ll be so surprised if Brooks doesn’t bring the pure connect. So many people loved that shoe. It sounds like more people loved it than didn’t…like when they brought the launch back. I just drove back home from the craziest half ever.

States I’ve lived in: California, Indiana (for a few months), Virginia, New York, Texas and New Jersey…might be adding another to the list soon.


It’s possible my dog tried to give me a concussion today. I was bending down to put my shoes on and he bashed his giant head into my head. I may have almost cried.

GU/Gels definitely weird out my non-running friends. And foam rollers.

I’ve lived in 5 states: California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska and New York.


I don’t remember the last time I went to a bank drive through. I’ve been doing all my banking online for years. Happy Monday


Technically I’ve lived in three states, but I’ve practically been to the rest of them at least once for all my work traveling.


My fiance and his family thinks its nuts that I don’t drink much alcohol because it always upsets my stomach if I’m running the next day, they think I’m a total prude!


hahaha you gotta do what you gotta do to make sure you have a good run the next day!


I went to my high school reunion a few years ago. Everyone was getting wasted but me. When they wanted to know why I was like duh, I’m running in the morning. I don’t want to ruin


Your sister’s eyes are gorgeous (totally not intended to be creepy).

Ahh!! Too funny. I bought 4 different nut/seed butters this weekend. I have started all of them and used a different one each night ( I have nut butter/jelly sandwich for dinner every night).

Brooke looks super angelic in that picture. She seems like a grateful child which is so awesome!


Do you remember my ode to that Wild Friends PB?? I found a jar in Hawaii and didn’t try it until I got home. Then proceeded to eat an entire jar, by myself, in 4 days. I had the sugar cookie kind and it was sooooo good on green apples. Please try it. Or give all the jars to me. Preferably the latter.

You driving off with the tube from the bank is awesome. I literally laughed out loud. Thanks for making my day.

That journal at target is so cute. It would be the perfect place to keep my training log. But what if I am just doing this for myself? Should I still get it? Or would it make more sense to tell everyone via IG what I am doing to stay fit these days?


Hi! New reader here. I’ve been loving your blog and have been stealing bits and pieces of your track workouts for my beginner runner training. I’ve been running with the Pure Connects, and have been having some issues with my Achilles hurting during running (both ankles), hurts more running up hill. I’ve tried resting and running less, and warming up more. Could it be the shoes? I feel like I don’t have a lot of heel support, can you recommend a different Brooks shoe or any other runner to beginner runner advice? Thanks!


Hi Tee – make sure you go to a good running store and get them to watch/record you running. You might have the wrong type of shoes for your foot/instep/etc. It makes a huge difference to get the right shoes (even if they don’t look as cool as some). Good luck!


Thank you!


My non-runner friends and family think it’s funny that I call the stuff I eat when I run “fuel”, and not food. I try to explain that GU is simply not food! Have a great night!


I’ve lived in no States, but eventually will live in California as a snowbird (we are property there – but it is in a 55+ community (long story!))


My friends just think my volume of running in itself is strange. I’m always afraid to answer the question “How far did you run?” honestly because I know how they’ll react!

My Monday matter is that I think I’m STILL getting over daylight savings… Has anyone else been tired for like a week straight?


My colleagues think I am crazy for running at 5 am before I go to work but I know there is no better way to start the day ;-)


Wild Friends looks AMAZING!!! Where the heck do they sell..because I am so buying it!

Non-runners think I am weird when I can’t just skip runs. They don’t understand why it is important to training. That and me naming my shoes.


found it! I will cross the border for this lovely chocolate peanut butter. oh goodness!


I don’t know where you live but I live in a part of Canada far, far away from any places that officially sell Wild Friends…but I found a few flavours of them at a local Winner’s the other day, in their “health/different” foods section. Maybe try looking at any stores around you that don’t sell normal food brands to see if maybe they have some in stock?


Thanks Emma! I am totally looking at Winners first. I am in Vancouver so we are really close to the border..and I travel there often to my mailbox (insert addiction to

Thanks again fellow Canadian!


I’ve totally driven off with one of those bank tubes before! I got about 15 min down the road before I realized it. Super embarrassing to take back. You’re not the only one ;)

I’ve lived in 3 states: Born & raised in Washington, Idaho for college, and currently in Utah :)


We got hit by a snowstorm today, so after a quick 5k in the morning (I waited a bit too late, the snow was starting to come down heavy and I was blinded) but then after that I relaxed the rest of the day! So only a 3 day school week; hooray!

Lived in officially 0 states ;) but i wouldn’t mind visiting someday!

My family/friends think everything about running is crazy. From running 10+ miles on the weekend, waking up early to run, hating running before I run (“Why don’t you just get up off the couch and run, you said you were going to?”), running even if I have no time for it, signing up for races for fun, running in just about any weather…the list goes on and on. Sometimes I feel socially isolated not because of my running schedule, but because everyone thinks I’m weird for running in the first place, aha.


What is a bank tube??? I am from Canada and I don’t think we have those. Do they use it for handing things to you?


Ahh I love Wild Friends! Oh gosh I do so many weird runner things.. like if I’m going out of town for a weekend or vacation, looking for a race to do so I can run in a new city/state!

I’ve only lived in 1 state.. good ol Iowa :)


They think it’s crazy I pay to run at races! I’ve lived in Indiana, Utah, Arizona, D.C. For training, Japan, and I think that’s it!


I worked as a teller at a credit union for 3 years so trust me when I say you are NOT the only one to drive away with a tube. We were always super excited to get them back, especially when we were using our “back up” tubes everyday. One day we had to close a lane because we only had three tubes left. Those suckers are costly to replace so we never had more than 2 “extra” tubes at a time.


I took the day off work to just have a relax day and to catch up on stuff around the house (almost did all the dishes and laudnry – almost). It was a great monday.

My whole family doesn’t get the running thing or all the expensive items I may buy – however they are super supportive. My most favorite thing is my grandparents have bought me running pants/exercise gear the last two holidays and my birthday and my grandpa is always proud because he picks them out – makes me love them so much more than my other ones.

I have only lived in Wisconsin – I am unsure if I will ever live anywhere else. Also – I must go get ice cream now because you made it look so good.


I was just in target and saw that journal:)
My family thinks running a mile is crazy let alone 26.2 on a 12 degree day for fun lol.


Wild Friends looks SOO good! I’ll have to try that out!

I’ve only lived in 1 state my whole life…Arkansas! But I’ve visited a lot of other states! Including Utah! It was gorgeous!!!


I’m pretty sure my non-running friends just think running is weird! Haha

They definitely think it’s weird that I get up early on the weekends to run…. But to be honest as someone who is not a morning person, I question my own sanity when my alarm goes off at 2:30-3:30am on race days!!!


I just had to comment .. I used to work ass a bank teller when I was in high school and MANY people used to drive off w/the tube. So rest assured, it is not just you!!
Oh and my parents just think I am crazy for running 26 miles for fun ?


that was supposed to be ‘as’ Oooops. Sorry!


Hahahaha! !!!! That made me giggle!


I’ve never seen those tube things before!

My friends and family think I’m a masochist for CHOOSING to run, but they’re so incredibly supportive.

I’ve only ever lived in one state, but I’ve lived on 3 different continents :)


My non-runner friends/family think I’m crazy for getting up before 4 in the morning to fit in a run! When it involves a head lamp they think it’s even crazier. Once I get the kids to bed I’m ready for down time so early morning work outs are the way to go for me.

I have only lived in one state – IL, visited several though. My husband on the other hand was in the military and has been all over the place. I hope to get my passport filled to that level one day!


I lived so many places growing up that I honestly don’t even know, probably like 8-10 ha. It was crazy. I think that most people just don’t understand how I could possibly love running and enjoy doing it. That it was I get most of the time ha.


When I’m training for an ultra during the summer months I will often start running from my house at around 10 or 11 pm… (our evenings cool down quickly in Canada), and run through the night and into the early morning. My family thinks that is strange but they are used to it.


Soft ice cream cone on the go!!! You just found your new business partner!!
The week is so and so for me here, after my half on Sunday I must have pushed a little harder than normal for those last uphills and i graciously gained a mild case of plantar fasciatis … So now I m getting some rest for that foot and ladylike (said no one ever) trying to limp to work…


my husband thinks all my runner food is weird: picky bars, honey stinger waffles & gels.. I’ve lived in Indiana, Florida, NC, and Maryland! :)


I have a thing for the pure line too and an even bigger thing for wild friends!


That nut butter would also make us SO happy. We are in intense training mode right now, so we go through almost two full 36 ounce jars per week. I had it out with a dog a few months ago over the end of the peanut butter jar. Yep, not kidding. I am willing to fight for that stuff;)


Not sure what it’s called but I saw a Youtube video of a guy in Southeast Asia making custom ice cream on an anti-griddle. It was like a street food cart. He would squirt the components onto the griddle and scrape it together and quickly make custom flavors of ice cream for each customer.

Looked amazing and I imagine it would be a great franchise idea. (Look up Thaliand Street Food ice cream curls on Youtube).

As for running. My wife HATES when I wear my kick-butt Icebreaker merino buff like a hat. But it’s warm and wicking and soft and cozy so who cares what she thinks?


My husband thinks I am crazy because I love to workout. But he secretly loves it because he knows I am in such a better mood when I do. I have lived in Ohio, Tennessee, Utah, and Texas.


My husband does NOT understand why I need so many different pairs of running/exercising shoes. “No, those are trail runners. No, those are cross trainers. No, I lift in those! Track work….”

In the US, I’ve only lived in Utah. But I lived in Vina del Mar, Chile when I was little (my mom is Chilean). I lived in Recife, Brazil for 1.5 yrs (go missions!). I lived in Edinburgh, Scotland for an internship at the Scottish parliament.

I love my family, but my idea of hell is living in the same cul-de-sac with them! ;)


My non-runner family (and friends for that matter) think it’s crazy that I can get excited over a new PR when it’s by a (to them) slim margin. I PR’ed a 10K this weekend and was telling my parents and they were like “wait, you did 45 seconds better than your last one, over how many miles? Isn’t that only a few seconds per mile?” Grrr. No raining on this parade, thank you very much! :)

I’ve lived in two states- Alabama and Louisiana (AL and LA!)


Wild Friends is the best. The honey sunflower butter is perfect for me before I run. The sugar cookie pb during the holidays was crazy good, as is the chocolate coconut pb I may have an addiction.

My non-runner friends think pretty much everything about running is odd: fuel belt, running long distances, the pants, and even I think the headlamp is nutty looking. (and, yes, I have one)


Hope those Pure Connects are good. Just got them for my mom for her birthday!


Girl, driving off with the tube happens more than you’d think. So long as it’s brought back, that’s what counts:) Occasionally, we would have a customer not return it. I’m mean, really, we know who you are! lol And we’re guessing at some point you see that tube sitting in your vehicle and you know where you got it. haha!


You lived in Hawaii?! I would love to go to Hawaii one day. I’ve lived in IN, UT, OR, part-time for a few months in KY, VA, and MN. All in the past 1.5 years!


I have only lived in one state, North Carolina; but I have lived in 6 different cities in NC! Love my southern roots and accent :)

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