The Thirteen Things

1.  Post gym trip to the running store with the Brookers.  

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2.  I had an early birthday gift card to use and so I got the sweatshirt that I have been thinking about ever since I saw it on my friend a few weeks ago.  I wore it out of the store… That is how soft it is.  

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3.  Another basketball game with the peeps and I brought them donuts because that is just what the favorite aunt does;)   

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4.  The proper way to eat a donut.

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5.  The crew was all there.

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6.  The teenage years with these two is going to be quite interesting.  They are always coming up with some sort of plan.  

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7.  Saturday night roaming.  

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8.  Dinner with my sister and I am guessing we must have been a little bit loud or something…

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9.  Movie, ice cream, sister’s couch, head scratch from the sister.  

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10.  And a makeover via Brooke’s toy curling iron.

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11.  Asleep within seconds of lying down.

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12.  Weirdos that actually enjoy running;)

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13.  Love this story about Jim Marshall from ——>  Mindset:  The New Psychology of Success 

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I hope you have a fabulous Sunday and that you get some delicious Super Bowl eats too!

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I’ve read that story about Jim Marshall before! It’s pretty incredible! I’m looking forward to the commercials during the game tonight, I don’t care too much about the actual game. But first, I have 17 miles to run! Then I’ll definitely deserve some couch time and snacks!


I’m the same way when I buy new clothes. I have to wear them right away! Love all the family activities you’re always doing. It makes me want to have a big family!


I love your new sweatshirt! Beautiful color . Diner with family, donuts and ice cream? You had a perfect day IMO. ;-)


I just heard on the news that Canadians should have access to the Superbowl American commercials as soon as next year! Yeah! That’s a game changer!


I love new running clothes because they are always so soft and cosy. I’m glad you found something you could use!

I am excited for the super bowl since my team (Panthers) are playing. I’m running a “pre game” 4 mile race this morning and then watching the game.


Super excited for the Super Bowl! I already have all my food and drinks planned out…whoo hoo! Enjoy your night :)


What a fun weekend thus far! <3 Go Panthers! (default team; I'm a Cowboys fan at heart:)


Not really excited for the Superbowl itself but happy to see friends tonight :)


Super bowl party tonight! I’m bringing the chocolate Carmel brownies and potatoe salad. Gonna be a fun one.


I love how Brooke eats her donuts! Icing over everything else, the girl has the right idea!


LOL I had such a laugh with the way Brooke eats her donut!!! I used to do EXACTLY that to any type of cookie/donut!! Hahaha!
You have no idea how much I miss target!! They have absolutely everything! It is one of the top items on my list to do if i manage to visit NYC in April!! Also I LOVE THIS sweater!! I ‘ve seen it before online and wanted it but i wasn’t sure how it felt. Is it really that soft?? I m definitely going to order it!! Have an awesome Sunday Janae :D


I like your shoes in the first picture. Which ones are those?


How well do you think these would work for plyometric workouts? Are they true to size?
Thank you very much!


I think they would do well for plyo workouts and keep your feet nice and happy. I always go up a size for my running shoes… i.e. I wear a 9 in my normal shoes and a 10 in running shoes. Let me know what you think!


Will do! Thank you!


I love donuts, yum!! I’m also very close with my sister too, it’s nice to see someone else is! And that sweatshirt looks amazing!!!


I prefer hockey but I’ll watch the super bowl for the half time show !


Love that story, and how in that moment he had a choice. His life could have gone in a completely different direction if he hadn’t made it a learning experience to better himself.


Love that story!
my yoga teacher said something similar today that resonated with me…
‘You may not be able to control your circumstances, but you can control your reaction to them…so look for the positive instead of focusing on the negative’.

Enjoy the game!


LOVE That quote form your yoga teacher so much! Thanks for sharing Caroline!


I can’t wait to see the Budweiser commercial! :)


Target is one of my favorite stores to wonder around/waste time/browse. The problem is I always walk away with more than I intended to buy!

We have had a productive Sunday so far. Church, doctor’s appointment, recycling center, and antique mall. All before lunch! Next up is laundry, gassing up the car, followed by a hike. It’s going to be 50 degrees here today!


I’ve been known to, on many occasions, walk out of the store wearing the clothes I just purchased. I get too excited! Your nephew is getting SO bad so quickly! Happy Sunday, Janae!


I love late nights at Target!


Love that quote from Jim Marshall. As for tonight… Gooo Panthers :)


I absolutely love your new hoodie! Now I need one too ha! ;) Brooke definitely knows how to eat a donut. It was my daughter’s birthday party this weekend and I realized that when it comes to cake I could do without the cake and just eat the frosting ha! I loved the story about Jim Marshall, perspective is everything! :)


That’s so cool your family is able to spend so much time together! Looks like a perfect Saturday :) My husband and I bought some treats to eat during the Super Bowl that I’m looking forward to. Go Broncos!


Perspective is everything! How you view any situation totally effects the outcome! Great story. BTW! I ordered the Mindset book from Amazon and can’t wait to get more into it.


Oh Becky you will love it! Please share your thoughts with me on it:)


Love the purple sweatshirt and your nephew sucking his thumb is too much!! I am so grateful that I was able to finish a 1/2 today with nasty shin splints.


AHHHHH YAY Marissa for finishing but I hope those shin splints get better asap!


Your nephew is too cute!!! Hope you had a great weekend!


I’m taking my little man (oldest) on a little date this weekend (to get donuts)!! I’m excited!

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