Sometimes the holding back is the hardest part of running….

Killing it with two of my favorites on the stairclimber this morning.  I did the same workout that I posted this morning but varied the levels from 7-16 instead of 8-15.  My heart rate was at 171 on level 16…  my brain and body needed a good sweatfest.  Also, I have no idea what is going on with my ponytail. 

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Here is the thing about running for a good amount of us I think… We want to do the work.  We want to push it, progress and train hard.  The HARD part of it all is making sure that we do the hard workouts/running/training at the right time though.  Making sure that you let your body recovers after a hard workout before you push it again takes some self-control sometimes.  Waiting to start running again when coming back from an injury until everything is healed up nicely requires all sorts of patience.  It takes some major restraint to not bolt out at the start of a race and to wait to push it until later on.  Sometimes the holding back part of running is the hardest part:)  

I really had a craving to run this morning but I refrained because I know my foot isn’t ready for it quite yet and instead I just said hello real quick to my favorite treadmill and told him I’d be back to hang out soon.   

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And a few things we saw today!

1.  A friend sent over this awesome graphic of how to tie running shoes to help with different feet problems! 

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2.  Brooke hanging out with her posse.

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3.  This quote on my friend’s phone… so true.

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4. Some fancy Valentine’s Day socks from Stance:)

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5.  Brooke kept handing me hugs as we were signing our lease for our new place.  The move in date was pushed back a tiny bit but that just builds up the excitement even more right?  Hugs > plain Hershey Kisses.

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6.  Another Costco staple for me.   I love beef jerky and this stuff is even better.

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7.  Brooke is really preparing herself for our newest member of our family (we will be getting a dog in a few months) by putting bows in her little dog’s hair and taking her everywhere we go on a leash.  

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8.  Don’t we all want to take a book and our toothbrush with us whenever we leave the house?

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9.  Brittany rocking her DONUT shirt:)  

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What is the hardest part about running for you lately?  Is it hard for you to hold back sometimes?

Wanna share a quote that you’ve been loving?

Hershey’s kisses or hugs or neither?

Favorite Valentine’s Day treat?

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It’s definitely a challenge NOT to run when coming back from an injury. I struggle with the patience part.

I love that quote! Here’s another good one: “You were made from love to be loved to spread love. Love is always loud.” :)


Oh, that is perfect! Thanks for sharing Natalie!


I definitely have struggled with running too soon after an injury, but I’m slowly getting better at it.
Those shoelace graphics are awesome. I used so many alternative shoe ties when I worked in the running store. It made a big difference for so many people.
I LOVE that quote – it’s something I need on my phone right now!


Usually the hardest part for me is getting started! I run after work and some days I am so ready to go run, other days it takes some extra motivation! I’m always glad I did it though!

I love the Hugs! I almost never get them though! My husband and I are giving up sugar for Lent, so I think I need to get in all.the.sugar in the next week!

I have “When you’re a dreamer, heartbreak and failure come with the territory, but I can tell you it’s worth it, because it is a way of living that is both moving and memorable” by Lauren Fleshman above my desk at work. Love it!


The hardest thing for me right now is talking myself into going out in the cold to walk to our clubhouse. So over winter!!


I am having trouble holding back right now. I just had a baby a few weeks ago and although I have the green light to start exercising again, I know I can’t go all out. I tried running for the first time Monday and even though my head and heart were more than ready, my body just wasn’t. It is extremely hard for me to hold back because I haven’t been able to run now for almost 2 months due to recovering. BUT, I have a beautiful little girl that I love more than air!


“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts” – Eleanor Roosevelt.


Honestly it’s hard for me to stay motivated right now. I’m really struggling! I don’t normally have an issue holding back (I could run the Slow easy miles for life).

My favorite Valentines day candy is chocolate. Anything peanut butter and chocolate is good for me.


Thanks for showing the lacing diagrams. I need the one for black toenails and toe pain.

For my favorite Valentine’s treat, can I say “all of them if there’s chocolate?”


Staying motivated and waking up early in the winter to train is tough. Even though I know that once I’m out for 10 minutes it’s fine, getting out the door can be rough. And anything dark chocolate for V-day is my thing, raspberry is a plus!


I agree. that is my hardest thing right now in the winter.


The hardest part about running for ME lately is that I am pregnant and it really doesn’t feel good. I’ve had to back off and do a lot of strength training, and SLOOOOOW jogging and it’s so annoying. But I’m doing what’s best for the baby and that makes me feel better.




Finding the time to run more than 2x a week. I wish I was able to do the early morning or nite running. But I am just not motivated enough. Sigh.

I love sweet tart hearts!


OMG I needed that shoe tie chart more than you know! I have been getting the worst blisters on my toe and I really think it’s because the toe box is too wide so fingers crossed this helps.

quote on my mind lately: “whether you view training as an anxiety and a chore or an opportunity and a privilege makes all the difference”


I was sick for about 6 weeks and couldn’t run, so the hardest part about running now is trying to gain back the speed and fitness that I lost! Favorite Valentine’s Day treat is probably chocolate or icecream. :)


Today was my very first workout after tearing my posterior tibial tendon last year. I think the theme of my life for the next few months is going to be ‘holding back’. I totally felt like I could run but that’s wayyyyy down the line in the training plan.


The hardest part for me right now is the fact that I only see daylight on the weekends. I have a really hard time motivating myself to run in the dark for some reason (morning and night)


I feel your pain (or lack there of) with coming back from injury. I’ve ha a hip issue since the new year and even though it no longer hurts, I know from experience if I go back to it now, the pain will come right back. Yey for experience!

And I 100% agree with your Costco staple – SO good!


Hardest part about running for me is the feeling of being a little burned out! I’ve been training for 3 months now, and just ready to race! I agree with what you say though!


I can’t wait to see what type of dog you’re going to get! Do you want a pruebred or a shelter dog?


Thanks for sharing the shoe tie picture! I have super high arches and sometimes feel like shoes are too tight or too loose.

Love love love hershey hugs!


The hardest thing about running for me right now is knee pain (don’t worry I’m doing physical therapy :)) and Braxton Hicks contractions, oh and having to pee all of the time ha, BUT I love running so much that it is so worth it! Those endorphins are amazing! :) I am seriously so excited for you guys to get a puppy ha! I love chocolate for Valentine’s Day!


Definitely hard to hold back sometimes. I have been upping my daily mileage and I know my body well enough that running more than 5+ miles 2+ days in a row (weirdly specific, I know) exacerbates my anemia and makes me injury prone. Lately the weather has been so nice that I want to run so badly but I know it’s better if I don’t. Glad others can commiserate with me :)

Also random question but what kind of nail polish are you wearing? I absolutely LOVE that color and it would be perfect for Valentine’s Day!


My favorite quote/mantra lately is: How many success stories are you going to read until you write your own?

I am saying that phrase to myself every day, several times a day!


I love those lace tips!


For a moment, I thought you were saying that hugs were just plain versions of kisses and I was quite sad until I realized we were on the same page. I l.o.v.e. hugs. Much better than plain kisses ;)


The hardest part for me right now is not having time to train for the races I want to. I came so close to BQ’ing my first marathon (dang calf cramp) and really found my niche in ultra running (I think). But I don’t have time to run for more than about 8 miles. I’m trying to figure out a new plan.
Love those socks!!!


Right now my biggest struggle with running is to pace myself and be consistent during tempo runs. I’ve been mostly sticking to the treadmill this winter for speed workouts so I can be consistent. It’s been something I still haven’t gotten good at and I’m hoping I improve so I can run a good, strong, and consistent half marathon this spring!

I love that quote!


Ha. Hardest part about running right now is not running. It’s been 3 months which is the longest I have gone without other than having been on bedrest, LOL. I remind myself of all the things I CAN do. Which is lots. I am able to do the stepmill again as of a couple a weeks ago, and all other cardio machines at my gym, so no boredom there, just missing my runs. I am also focusing my energy on strengthening my hips and glutes, doing my PT exercises as prescribed and reminding myself that I am doing what I am supposed to be doing does give me some peace. ;)

My favorite quote right now:

“If you are on the right path, it will always be uphill”
Henry B. Eyring

So proud of you for waiting it out and giving your foot time to heal.


I’m finding it a lot easier with a structured training plan to take a proper rest day. It’s my first plan put together by a coach for my first marathon so I’m trusting the process!

My favourite quote this week is “The challenge is not to run the marathon. The challenge is to run the marathon without your life falling apart”. I really want running to help make me a better person for myself and my loved ones. There have been times where I’ve pushed myself too hard and it just left me depleted mentally and physically.

I secretly love valentines day set menus and shared platter deserts even though I always say they’re corny.


The hardest part of running for me lately is this constant stiffness… No matter what I do it doesn’t seem to go away :( I ve tried extra stretching and yoga, I ve tried giving my body time. I will figure it out soon it’s just annoying for now. My favourite quote is “work hard and play hard” :D I am really – REALLY – looking forward to my 11 miles on Saturday. See isn’t this crazy?? Apart from us, crazy runners, I don’t know of any other sane person that would ever say something like that :P :P


I have mild shin splints- waaaaaaaaah and I’m training for my first marathon. I’ve been told to hold off on running for a few days… it’s been one so far & I’m so desperate to run :(


I am SO excited that you’re getting a dog! Haha mostly excited for Brooke. It will probably be the best day of her life. Do you know where you’re getting your dog or what type you want? I’m always pro-shelter :) (although Molly, my brother’s golden retriever, came from a one-time breeder and she’s my BFF so <3)


I just started running again after a stress fracture in my upper femur sidelined me from marathon training back in mid-October. I am going slow and short (distances/miles) and what to me seems likes a disproportionate amount of time in recovery even after short distances. Between the stretching and foam rolling, it takes almost as much time as my short runs. So frustrating. Also frustrating is the fact that I’m very sensitive to twinges or soreness in the injured area. Is this normal getting back into running soreness or did my original injury not heal??? Patience has never been my strong suit but I’m trying.


That shoe lacing chart is awesome! I have a high instep and I always lace them the “pink” way. It has helped so much!


It is hard for me to take time off when I get injured. I have a hard time not doing my normal routine. I just love anything chocolate… especially dark chocolate.


If I eat kisses they have to be dark chocolate.

“Life is tough my darling, but so are you.” It’s been a rough few months and some days I need to remind myself of this quote. It helps.

Tell Brooke, yes – everyone should leave the house with a book and a toothbrush. (I generally have both in my bag at all times) Stuck on line, waiting for an appointment, commuting to work (when you’re not the driver)? read. Ate something sweet, something stuck in your teeth, cute guy? go brush!


Running has been relatively easy during the past 10 days b/c we have been in paradise, but, as you can read today on our blog, we are headed back to the Ville. Hopefully Mr. Groundhog was right, though, and we will see spring sooner rather than later!


i just recently switched my shoe laces to the high arch pattern and it made such a difference! i think that was also what caused me to get a stress fracture in my foot last year. crazy how something so simple can make such a difference. and hugs are way better than kisses! Of course my quote is disney but “If you can dream it you can do it”.


Waiting for injuries to heal is really tough for me. I want to be out there running all the miles, everyday. Running and motherhood have taught me more about patience than anything else. My favorite Valentine’s Day treat are Brach’s Conversation Hearts, so I LOVE those cute socks!


The hardest part about running for me right now is that I can’t do it. Haha.
One of the discs in my neck is hitting my spinal cord, so I have a two month long date with a physical therapist and no running.

Trying to find my good attitude, like you.


My toe is starting to feel better, so it’s SO hard for me not to go test it out right now. Very hard not to run! Favorite valentine candy is reese peanut butter hearts.

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