Sentence Per Picture!!!

*Happy Wednesday everyone… Time for the weekly sentence per picture post!!!! 

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*I didn’t notice that I dressed up like my shoes until I went to put my shoes on—> 7 zoned-out, easy-paced, Dave Matthews Band filled miles.  

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*Gymnastics day for the win. 

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*Her dolphin impersonation is right on.

*“You look very dressed up for this time of day” -my mom —>  aka why are you in something other than workout clothes before 3 pm?

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-I’m getting very excited to decorate Brooke’s room in our new place so I spent way too long this morning scrolling Pinterest… now I just need somebody to come make Brooke’s room look like this and just replace the H with a B… k thanks.  


*Poppyseed dressing makes my salads taste like candy and I’m okay with that.

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*Lunch followed by Candice’s hot tamale popcorn!

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-Interesting article about the last place runners at the trials.  

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*My friend gave me this towel to use on my treadmill runs (because I overheat at times) and I’m stoked to try it out.  

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*I get an outdoor run tomorrow morning which is pretty exciting and I thought I would celebrate with a selfie from last week’s outdoor run… I won’t miss the treadmill one bit tomorrow.

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*Just my niece modeling on the big toy.  

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*Can any readers help out Kiara with her questions about orthotics!?!? 

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Do you enjoy decorating?  Favorite place to get stuff for a kid’s bedroom?

What kind of miles did you have today?

What is your sentence of the day? 

What did you have for lunch today?

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Wow! This salad and popcorn!!! Looks so good! I got Ortotics almost ten years ago and they totally solved my it band issues. I don’t know if it would work for you but I ‘m so glad I invested in a good pair. I did get the ones that you mold for your feet. You may need to buy new running shoes though because they take a bit of space. I take half a size bigger with the Ortotics. You may also be lucky and they fit.


Brooke’s animal sounds are spot on! ?


I slept in today, so my miles will be done tonight after the kiddo goes to bed. Hopefully I’ll get in 5-7 miles – we’ll see!


I’ve used orthotics for a couple of years now and they’re amazing! They were expensive up front, but they last longer than the shoes, so they’re a good investment. Plus, now my insurance will cover them 100%! I previously used superfeet inserts as well as drug store inserts and neither did enough. The superfeet were very good, but they were stiff and sometimes rubbed my arches raw. They did the same for my fiance when he used them. I always had some degree of knee pain while running but since using orthotics I’ve had none (among other standard benefits as well)! Plus, it helps give me structure while running and my arches don’t actually collapse as much in bare feet anymore. The arch is a muscle, so it can be trained and changed to a degree.


Your doctor surely knows more than me, but custom orthotics made a big difference for me personally. I sprained my ankle and it just wasn’t healing and custom orthotics (and PT) were a big part of the solution. I wrote about it here:


I had spaghetti for lunch today. We mixed ground beef with sausage meat and it was delicious!

Just 2.2 miles today – getting back to the running thing verrry slowly


I have that towel and LOVE IT!! Only two miles for me today because that’s all I had time for. I looked into getting orthotics when I was injured continuously a few years ago, but opted instead for a change in my routine. I haven’t had an injury since.


How did you change your routine? Glad you have been injury-free. I’m hoping to get to that point soon!


I have custom orthotics and a higher quality pair from the pharmacy. I prefer the custom, they make a huge difference in pain and balance.

No running today, strength day.

That room is adorable, I especially like the unicorn.

Lunch was split pea soup and a huge breakfast salad. (lettuce, arugula, cucumber, purple carrot, egg, bacon and avocado with lemon balsamic and oil). I also had a few blue corn tortilla chips.


I will have to try poppyseed dressing, I’ve never had it before. I like matching my shoes sometimes too ha, makes it more fun. :) I love decorating but since we live in small apartments I feel like I am always limited, and my hubby is still in school so our budget is limited too ha!


I used to use orthotics to help with IT band syndrome. Marginally helpful; what helped a whole lot more was PT exercises to strengthen my hips. But, I do think they served as a bandaid while I was making that happen.

Everyone is different. I would recommend seeing a physical therapist–if you’re in a metro area you should be able to find one that specializes in running injuries–to assess you and mold you for orthotics if they would benefit you. He or she would also be able to make recommendations regarding shoe choice that might be beneficial.


I agree w/ you. I did use orthotics for a bit but PT has been the real deal. In fact, my PT had me “break up” w/ the orthotics because he said they are not meant to be a permanent solution.


I love decorating! I saw the cutest rhino head at target on sale last week (American fork location) it was amazing and it took all my self control to not buy it. I know it’s not a unicorn but might be worth looking into. I haven’t had a non treadmill run in so long I can’t even remember ?


I had 9 slow miles today, hindered by Achilles tendonitis… still, (sentence for the day:) Something is better than nothing. That’s what I have to keep reminding myself of.

Oh dear… “lunch”? I had my usual breakfast of oatmeal and fruit around 2pm, haha. Since then I’ve been snacking and I’ll probably go get some dinner in a few hours… College does things to one’s eating schedule.


Hope your tendonitis gets better soon. I’ve had that before-ouch!!


Thanks! How long did it take you to heal? I’ve figured out that I’m able to run at almost full ability for 5 or 6 miles, then with only mild pain for another 2 or 3, but beyond that things go badly…


Hi Grant,
I think mine took 4 months, but partly because I didn’t realize how injured I was. I highly recommend stopping when once you’re in mild pain. It’s not the kind of thing you should run though. Also calf raises will help you get stronger, and ice helps! Mine healed faster once I was like “ok time to rest.”


I don’t mind decorating. Right now I’m getting excited to decorate this baby boys room before he comes in June.


I love decorating! My oldest daughter does, too. She is currently redecorating her room. It’s been a busy few weeks gathering items for it. Should be done next weekend. She is doing similar colors: gold, gray, and blush. We found most of her items at Target and Gordman’s. A few came from Ross and HomeGoods.


I have had my orthotics for about five years and would be lost without them. I supinate running but pronate walking. They even me out just enough to keep my feet and ankles happy. Like previous comments. They were costly up front but worth every penny.


I like decorating, but I’m terrible at it. My best friend is a graphic designer though, so that helps. She’s good with interior design stuff too!

Best part of my day…finally starting physical therapy to get my hip issue figured out!


Your Mom is too cute! My Mom decorates like a professional, but I can’t decorate to save my life.


For orthotics, I highly recommend superfeet. They have great arch support! I use green but they have a few different models.

I love decorating! I watch a ton of HGTV. Also, I recommend the website houzz.


Lunch was leftover pepper steak I made last night for dinner.
I didn’t run today but hope for 4 miles tomorrow.
I love to decorate! I learned lately that I love a neutral wall and pops of bright accents. Peacock blue is my current favorite accent color.


I’ve found some really cute kids’ room decor at Home Goods. Pottery Barn is good, too, just a lot more expensive. Easy 4 miles for my run today. And lunch was buffalo chicken spaghetti squash with Taco Doritos.


Get custom orthodics, you won’t regret it! I used superfeet for several years, but had a lot of problems with plantar fasciitis. I’ve been in custom orthodics for about 15 months now and had no problems. In fact, it changed my foot strike to the point where I now run in a neutral cushion show versus a stability.


I’m super impressed your popcorn lasted until after lunch. I had mine for second breakfast today. Popcorn is healthy right?


Hi! I got custom orthotics for a knee problem I was having. Nothing crazy busy swelling and improper form. My custom orthotics actually ended up giving me a nerve problem in my foot that I’m still (4 months later) trying to get over. Don’t want to scare you away from them, but that was my experience!


I was just like you Kiara and didn’t want to purchase custom orthotics until I tried an insert first. I have high arches and tried so many inserts but did not like any of them. The super feet were too hard for my foot, my ankles hurt when I ran in them, and there was not enough arch support for me. I saw a recommendation for Powerstep (the Pinnacle model) and it was perfect for me. I found it at Fleet Feet. Sometimes I use a Plantar Facitis sock to stabilize my ankles especially with one of my shoes. The inserts have made a big difference for me. This way I can purchase any shoe and use my inserts. For over a year I have been wearing Newtons to help my foot strike the ground correctly and they have reduced any chance of injuries to the foot, ankle, and knee areas.


Thank you! So for the custom orthotics you can insert into any shoe? I have quite a few different pairs I run in so a big concern of mine was whether or not I could put the orthotic in all of them.


Hi Kiara! My inserts are not custom orthotics. I bought them at Fleet Feet (Powerstep (the brand name) – the Pinnacle model that was maybe $40) and I can take them out to use with any and all of my shoes. They are light, have some cushion to them, but are sturdy enough to protect my high arch. I rotate shoes each day so I take them out of the shoe I used the day before and pop them into the shoe. They have made a huge difference with my running.


I love my orthotics. I’ve had them since August and had to take 4 months off running after my arch collapsed. Because they are fit to your feet my doctor told me that they are meant for neutral running shoes since issues with stability would be corrected. I can put them in any pair of shoes that have a removable liner. Merrell makes a lot of great boots that work with them. Hope this helps.


Thank you for sharing that article on being the last person in the trials. I’ve always wondered what it’d be like to come in last place at a race, so it’s interesting to hear it from someone who has literally been in those shoes.

Sentence for the day: A man asked me out after our Religious Studies class, and we are going on a hike Friday morning!
Today’s lunch: Mac n cheese!


You come decorate my new place in the spring when Indiana thaws out, and I will come help with yours… The problem, I have no decorating skills…… I love the decor and am excited to see what you do with your new digs!
I did your 30 minute treadmill workout the last 3 days, and it is killer – thank you for sharing! My speed is no where near yours but I find myself pushing for faster! I will be ready for my first sprint tri in April, and Half in June!


I have had custom orthotics for probably 8 years? I love them. I get killer Achilles Tendinitis. I live in Denver and have the extra privilege of going to Active Imprints which is where Danny Abshire (co owner/developer of the fabulous Newton shoe) fits me for my orthotics that last like…five years. I love mine. They are a great fit.


Please let us know how the towel works! I overheat on the treadmill too!


I’ll be the voice of dissent. I had custom made orthotics (technically I still do) but I never wore them because they were so hard they hurt to use. I have a lot of skeletal imbalance. One leg longer, one arm longer. I know this has to hurt my gait but what to do about it.

I want to hire a coach this year just to check my gait and see if he can help me compensate for my bodily shortcomings. We’ll see.


No expert here …….BUT……my daughter runs CC for high school and has had issues over the years with different injuries. Finally, we spent the money and got her orthotics last fall before the start of her season…..

Best.Season.Ever….no injuries or complaints. Yes, spend the money!!


WHAT IS ALL ON THAT SALAD?! It looks amazing and I need to know for my lunch tomorrow. Thanks :)


Hey Lauren! I used a spring lettuce mix, cottage cheese, grapes, blackberries, rotisserie chicken and poppyseed dressing. It was heaven!! I hope you love it!


Did 9 miles on the treadmill because it’s snowy/windy outside AND I’m going to Miami this weekend so will miss my Saturday long run!!

No lunch today because I snuck out during my lunch break to get my 9-miler in … Gotta do what you gotta do :)


There’s a company out there that makes custom orthotics using a 3-d printer. They are called Wiiv. You’d have to look into it a bit more, but they’ve been testing with elite athletes for a few years and are opening their product to the public. I figure that if it works for someone who is far more aggressive physically than I am, then it’s worth a shot!

Seriously though, check them out. I recommend them.


Kiara–I had bunion surgery on one foot about 6 years ago (had it ever since I was little!) and my podiatrist recommended the Berry colored Superfeet orthotics. They’re about $50 and I’ve gone through tons of pairs over the last 6 years. They seem to help me, but of course check with your doc first! Their are many different options so another color/model might work better for you. Hope that helps!


Thank you so much!! Have you been able to insert them in any shoe you run in? Also, did you find you had to buy a different size shoe with them?


Yep I just take out the insole the shoe comes with and slide this one in! I trim down the superfeet insoles at the top–I step on them and use a pencil to trace along the tops of my toes and trim off the excess. I usually order running shoes a half size up anyway but after trimming them I’ve never had a problem :)


Hi Kiara,
I recommend Superfeet as well! I worked at a running shoe store for a few years and used/sold them! And yep, Berry is the women-specific color annd make that will probably work well. If you can, ask your local running store if they carry them, they should provide samples that you can slip in your shoes to get a feel for them. They should aslo be able to trim them to fit your shoes perfectly too.
Good luck! :)


That room inspiration is adorable, you can totally pull that off! I do love decorating, I always have at least one room in the house that I want to change the paint color.
Lunch for me was pupusa’s and tortilla soup, so good! And poppy seed dressing makes every salad better.


Get orthotics and get them by someone who specializes in sports medicine. I had a guy at the place where I was doing physical therapy do mine– he understood all my challenges (torn ACL x3 and my left leg is 3/4inch longer than the other). They last for a long time, so I say splurge and don’t go the cheap route first bc it might end up making things worse in the end…


Brooke’s dolphin sound is literally spot on!!!!! As for her room I am sure Target will have most of those cute things and the unicorn you could probably make on your own!
I have to admit i haven’t run since Sunday but it felt good for my body to take a few days of running. Coming back strong this weekend! :)


Please tell Kiara that I had ankle tendonitis and got orthotics (along with PT) and it definitely helped! I was even able to run my first marathon with them! :)


Kiara– I have been running for 14+ years, and have used orthotics for 10+ years. After multiple stress fractures, my sports med doc recommended I use them. Then, I got so used to them I was scared to run without them. I just recently transitioned away from them in the past 6 months (running the majority of my runs without them, but a few with them). I would definitely recommend spending more and getting ones formed for your feet. They weren’t cheap, but the same pair lasted me 10 years (I checked multiple times to see if I need to replace them) and I have never had another stress fracture! Once you get them I would definitely recommend taking them to a running store to make sure you have the right shoes to go with them (I know I dropped to minimal support shoes for mine). And, it makes breaking in shoes so much easier since you just transfer the orthotics!


Thank you so much! Did you find you had to take a different size shoe with the orthotics?


Hi Kiara – I did, but it completely depended on the brand of shoes. More recently, in Brooks and Mizuno’s, I have worn the same size (with or without orthotics), but loosened the shoelaces a little more when wearing them! I know there is a running store in my area that allows you to test shoes for up to 30 days which is awesome when making a big change!


JANAE. I have that towel and it is AMAZING. You are going to love it-especially in the summer! A friend bought one for me to help me survive running in the desert and it is the best thing ever. Let me know how you like it!


I use orthotics for running and I find they give support for my feet and my heel drop, too. I use the cheap Avia Performance ones from Walmart, but you can find custom orthotics at your chiropractor or PT.


You may not get down this far in the comments, but orthotics saved my feet. And made it possible to run my marathon and half-marathons. They are very expensive (mine were about $300) and for some unknown reason they are not covered by insurance. That being said, I am a teacher and am on my feet all the time. By the end of the day I was ready to cut my foot off. I have high arches that are falling and tailor’s bunions. I will eventually need foot surgery but my podiatrist is confident the orthotics will help in the mean time. The plastic base lasts about 10 years only needing to be recovered every few years as the foam and lining breaks down. I have to wear mine all the time which means I never get to wear cute flats, heels or sandals again- and I’m only 32. :(


I have a broken toe and bone spur on the same toe. Running/Walking/Tennis were so painful I almost stopped. I went to a podiatrist and he fitted me with orthotics, BEST DECISION EVER. I wear them all the time. I run in them walk in them etc. I put them in every pair of shoes (ok, not boots or dress shoes). I’ve had poor fitting ones before to help with knee issues and they were NOT helpful but I also did not go back and tell the trainer. I recommend getting them molded by a professional DR because they have made all the difference in the world for me


i’ve been traveling a lot lately, which i love, but its making me super tired so my sentence today is “when can i go back to bed”. no miles for me today i had a half on sunday so im still in semi-recovery mode and i needed it!


I used to use orthotics and felt that I wouldn’t be able to do any sort of physical activity without them …. until I was properly fitted for shoes. I went to Road Runner Sports and they analyzed how I run (on a treadmill) and made a recommendation based on that. Ever since then, I kissed the $400 orthotics goodbye and I haven’t sprained my ankles, had knee pain or shin splints.
Regardless, what you decide to d – good luck! It’s no bueno dealing with reoccurring pains when you’re trying to be/get healthy!


Ahhh…I LOVE that little girl’s room!! I’m about to having a baby girl and I’ve been obsessing over pinterest as well. Why is everything little and pink so cute?!?!


I got the expensive orthodontics from the Podiatrist. Her insurance may cover it. She should ask.


That dolphin was fantastic! Love us some wild animal sounding Brooke!


That towel looks awesome. Tell us what you think after using it. I saw a little girls room that was white and had a “Noah’s Ark” theme. So any and all animals worked – stuffed, pictures, etc. Really cute.
I got in a little over 5 miles today – outside – woohoo!


To Kiara – I also had a chiropractor recommend orthotics for my running and I spent the $$ for them and used them for a few months. I got a new knee pain and no relief from the actual hip pain I was experiencing. I finally got some better fitting running shoes and took the orthotics out, now all of my past injuries are feeling better, especially my feet. I would ask a PT and maybe a podiatrist if you really think you need them before spending the money. You might be able to add some strengthening exercises instead that could help relieve any pain you’re having. Some people find help from orthotics, but I wish I would have got other opinions first before spending the $$ on something I don’t use at all now. Good luck!


Thank you!! That is exactly why I wanted opinions from my doctor but also other runners! Today I slowed down my pace and didn’t have nearly as much pain. So it could just be from overuse. I do reformer pilates 2-3 times a week which has a lot of ankle strengthening, but I think you are right about maybe seeing a PT.


I’ve been using orthotics for 4 years now and they saved my life. I have “flexible” fleet according to the doctor, and over-pronate a lot. I have never had issues since!! they are expensive but totally worth it. and they last a long time!


Let us know how the towel works for you! I’m very interested in know how it is.


for some reason your posts are not showing up in my feed! ARG!

Anyway…love you


I have been using orthotics for about eight months and I love them. They are from Elite Feet Orthotics ( Tammy travels back and forth between Colorado and Texas. She custom makes them based on your shoes, injury history, and mileage. I’ve had several injuries in the feet, ankles, and calves, and my body has felt SO MUCH BETTER since I got the orthotics. She also offers free adjustments for the first year.

In my opinion, they’re completely worth the up front cost and can definitely make a huge difference in your running if you get them from a good vendor.


Recipe for Hot tamale popcorn please?!?! I have been trying to make some cinnamon popcorn, but my last one failed (using red hots). If Candice’s is homemade I’d love to know how to make it. I searched her blog and didn’t find a recipe. :)

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