What happened to my old racing self?

“It sure feels nice to be home again.”

-Brooke Jacobs when she came into my room this morning (I think she has heard me say this same thing 40 times and so she knew it would make me happy to hear it from her too).  

Back to our routines, sleeping in our own beds, eating large amounts of sweet potatoes and wearing shorts in the snow.  All feels right in the world again.  

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8 miles on the treadmill this morning.  

So….. I am just really loving this ‘taking it easy/deciding what I want to do right before I do it’ schedule.  I told my coach after my last marathon that I would be ready to start training again at the beginning of January and here we are at the beginning of January and I don’t have the motivation/drive/energy/whatever it takes to get back to training hard.  The next race I want to do isn’t until May so I’m definitely going to take the rest of this month to just run whatever I want and then reevaluate from there.  Also, just a marathon a year is where I am at now… I usually do two a year but this year just feels like a one marathon kind of a year.  Here’s to how ever much longer of base building my body wants to do and then training hard again when I’m ready/excited about it.  

This also means a lot of treadmill miles because I don’t like arranging babysitting if I am not training for something specific.  I’ll save up babysitting time for marathon training again and for now run outside when Brooke has school and every now and then when the girls want to meet for a run.  

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I got to go in and see Dr. B this morning for him to check out my achilles.  It hasn’t been bad at all but I like to stay on top of even the little things and get them taken care of before they turn into something bad.  He found where the problem was stemming from and got it fixed up real nicely.  PS Utah peeps… he is the absolute best and I tell him he is not allowed to retire until I am done running.  If you want to see him his number is 801-513-1078. 

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Gymnastics started up again for Brooke and she insisted on wearing her sunglasses to class. 

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Sweet potatoes cooked in coconut oil = heaven.  I diced up the sweet potatoes and cooked them with coconut oil in a pan and then added in three eggs and scrambled it all together.  Topped with avocado and an apple on the side.  

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Stamps are all the rage right now in our household.

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Fun Fact that I feel the need to share:  Our dentist’s office has a gelato machine for patients to use after their appointment.  They also have a toy drawer that any kid would go crazy over.

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WILL RUN FOR DONUTS!!! Loved this pic that Cait sent me. She is beyond talented!

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Tina just wrote an awesome post HERE about elite’s indulging too!  I love her perspective on everything!


Are you in training mode or in doing whatever you want each day mode as far as running goes?

Finish the sentence with what is most applicable for you—>  WILL RUN FOR ________.

Anything on your legs or feet that are giving you problems?

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I just started training again this week. I had about a month off after my last race, on to another year of training!

Will run for…brownies. Today is definitely a brownie day.

My hip :( It’s been bad for a long while now. This is my year to work on fixing it. Any good hip stretches are much appreciated! :)


Now you have me craving brownies! With ice cream and caramel and whipped cream. I am seriously so sorry about your hip. That is so so frustrating!


Haha…I think everyday is a brownie day for me! But ice cream and whipped cream and caramel would be pretty fantastic!

It’s super frustrating. It isn’t even painful (which is good!) it just tightens up after long runs to the point where its hard to lift it, which is sort of important for things like getting dressed!


My hip was giving me a lot of trouble after marathon training year before last. Almost to the point that I essentially quit running because, like you, the tightening happened while on long runs. Last year I decided it was time to rehab myself so I started the stretches at this website:
I have to faithfully stretch and foam roll! I ran a 1/2 in October with virtually no problems.
I’m no expert just a fellow endorphin junkie.


Enjoy your time “off.” After an extra long and hard marathon training cycle, you definitely need it!

I’m definitely in training mode right now! And I will be for a while– with the exception of a few “down” weeks, I’ll probably be in training mode until my goal race in August.

No leg/feet issues right now except a sore toenail and a couple of blisters. I’ve been fortunate enough to avoid overuse injuries for the most part. :)


I think the cold weather sucks out a lot of motivation. I honestly would give yourself a mental break before you crave running again. There is no sense in mindlessly logging treadmill miles when you aren’t in the mood to race.

It’s definitely smart to stay healthy and ahead of it before you aren’t. I actually have a deep tissue massage scheduled for next week.

I’ll run for donuts, red velvet cake or NJ diners…


Brooke is hilarious with the sunglasses….she’s a mini you! So cute.

I’m in my typical base building mode which is, well, my always mode. I’m weird and don’t plan any races so I like to be ready for anything. If someone is training for a marathon and needs a buddy, here I am! Now that cross country is over I’m not doing much speed work….which leads to

I’m nursing a hamstring/rear end injury.

Will run for coffee. Truly. No joke. It’s weird how I plan my coffee and my run.


no, it makes sense because drinking coffee before a run can be painful.


Will run for chocolate! My knee has been bothering me on and off. I think it’s hip instability, but not sure. It feels like a ligament along the top. I did have a small tear in my ACL this summer so I’m praying it’s not that again.


Right now I’m just in base building/maintenance/don’t get injured mode. I did see a race in May that I am thinking of, but right now there is no pressure and it’s a nice feeling! Glad you are embracing the different phases of running :)
Oh, and Will Run for Sanity.


I love Tina Muir! I’m finding it difficult to motivate myself to run in this dark and frigid weather, and my marathon is at the end of February. I’ve put in two months of hard training and sometimes feel like I need to put up the white flag. But I’ll keep going– BQ on my mind! Enjoy the rest of your day!


I’m in my second week of training for my March half marathon. I’m doing a pretty low key training program this time around but it is helping to keep me going through the snow and cold.


I am not in training mode right because I’m pregnant with baby #2. I found out right after I ran the Chicago Marathon – whoops! I am still running though – just slowing down. :) Currently, Will run for french fries but that will probably change again tomorrow. Nothing on my feet or legs giving me problems luckily! And I just have to say that picture of Brooke in the sunglasses is so cute and made me laugh really hard!


In training mode for a half the first weekend in April (I need to build up slowly!)

Will run for DESSERT!!!


Uhm, I would definitely be more likely to go to the dentist is I could get free gelato after?! That’s amazing.


My dads a dentist… I need to talk him into this gelato business. He does like any kind of ice cream and he went to Italy on his mission so that may work as good reason to put one in.


I love that off season of just running for fun! I’m back in training for a half but I’m keeping my training more effort-based and that has made it so much more enjoyable and effective.
Will run for beer! Is that bad? Or donuts.


I’m in do whatever I want mode. I will run for nachos. And my ankle is still bothering me from stepping off the curb wrong while mowing this summer. Seriously can’t believed I got injured mowing the yard.


OH noooooooo… Ali. That breaks my heart that you got hurt from that stupid curb. I hope it gets feeling better asap and get some delicious nachos asap!


Love Brooke playing in the drinking fountain. Those things are every kids favorite toy. I remember Dr B saying that is where Brooke spent her time when you had appointments #WhateverWorksAmIRight

With how much time and money I spend at the dentist, I think it only makes sense that I should be getting some effing gelato. That’s it. I am switching dentists now.


Hahaha yep, she plays there the entire time! I literally thought about you when I saw the gelato machine and how happy that would have made you with all the time you spend at the dentists. Also with the rumors of mavericks getting rid of their froyo I think it would only make sense for you to switch dentists.

Monday will be the best day of our lives.


I find it interesting how you feel that you take a break for base mileage and then go into hard training. I look at running as a long-term building process (and just something I love), not in cycles, so much. Training hard for a 12 or 16 week repeatedly over would lead me to lacklustreness and wanting to do just do it my way for a while as well. It’s nice to run just to run too according to how you’re body feels and without feeling like you have to kill every week. Make sure that you’re training plan is something that you enjoy doing and that ebbs and flows versus just builds, builds, builds. You’re ‘in it for the long run’, it’s not a race…to get to a next race. If that makes any sense. Hard to explain what I’m trying to convey.


I completely agree with you!!! I actually love the training hard portion for the marathon but that is when I am feeling fresh and ready to go which is why I need time in between to just relax. After a few months of taking it easy I am hungry to go hard again. Does that make sense? Ha I wish we could talk in person because it would be so much easier to get across what we are trying to say ha. But thank you for your comment and I love what you said about being in it for the long run! Have a fabulous day Jenni!


I’m an avid lover of routines, so I’m happy to see your back to your state of normalcy!

will run for … tan lines. ;)


Brooke in her coat, sunglasses and leotard made me giggle.

Gelato in your dentist office? I thought my PT with the Starbucks machine was fancy. (It has the beans on top and grinds them for each cup). Ah yes, the PT for my hip issues. I also get IT band and plantar fasciitis.

I’ll run for wine and dark beer. I never feel guilty having a nice German stout after a 10 miler.


A frozen gelato machine at a dentist office? If the secret gets out, the other dental offices in the area are going to lose all their business. I need to pass this idea along to my dentist. ☺

I just got into “real” training mode this week… while I am still several months out, I am training for my first Ironman. Lots of work to do!!

WILL RUN FOR frosting. And wine.


Not training for anything currently, hit trying to get my mileage back up after a low mileage and no running autumn. It’s winter here, but I love feeling somewhat motivated to run!

Currently wil run for…. Lack of guilt? I feel guilty if I don’t run…


I’ve had Plantar Fasciitis for a YEAR!! I actually had surgery on it in August, and it didn’t work. Boo. I got a cortisone shot a couple weeks ago and it’s like it “healed” (aka masked the pain) overnight! No more stabbing pain! Had my first pain free run in over a year just the other day… it was so wonderful I started crying :)


A YEAR!?!?! Okay, that is not okay. So will you be getting the shots frequently or is there a treatment plan to get things better too? I am so happy you had a pain free run! Plantar is terribly painful!


I know right?! I got so tired of it. I’m not really sure what the plan is right now. The Dr told me I could run on it as long as it didn’t hurt; and to start with 1 mile and build 10% each time. I have to go back if it starts hurting again and then… i have no idea. I’ll need a miracle. It’ll be slow going building my mileage back up, but I’m so happy!


Keep me updated girl and that miracle better happen:) Sounds like a smart plan on coming back!


Thanks and will do :)


I had PF for 2 years, and got a cortizone shot which helped for a while but what actually fixed it was glute strength excersise – you might go to a PT and make sure your glutes are activating, mine wern’t!


No running for me- was diagnosed with a stress fracture today. Do you have any tips for me to keep my running fitness up?


Oh Courtney! I am truly so so sorry! Where is the stress fracture? If your dr okays it (depends on severity and where it is) then POOL RUNNING is an incredible workout that will help you to hold onto your running fitness. I know how painful/devastating/frustrating this must be and I am SOOO sorry! Thinking about you sweet girl!


It’s a tibial stress fracture– they actually did suggest pool running! They put me on crutches which is horrible but I’m hoping that and keeping weight off it will get me back quickly!


Will run for tacos!


Me too. All day. And chips and salsa. And horchata.


Will run for French fries and pizza!
I’m not training at all…I have a half marathon at the end of March but don’t plan on racing. Just enjoying the miles at an easy pace.


Marathon training started for me this week! Today was my first speed workout -3 x mile repeats :)

I’m going to be super cheesy, and say Will Run for PR’S! It’s the reason I get out to run every day!


It is so nice to just run however long and far for a season! Your body will thank you for it!

And how cute is Brooke when you all got home?!

I also love that post by Tina. She (and you!) have such a good perspective on food:)


My last marathon was in November and I’m still taking it easy. I trained longer and harder than usual for that race and it was worth it but then I felt like I needed a break big time. I’ve been working on strength training a lot more and running shorter distances in my time off from racing and just got a major squat PR today! I am starting to feel a little itch to start more specific running workouts again so I’ll probably change gears here shortly but I think it’s smart of you to listen to your gut and take the break that you need. :)


HUGE CONGRATS on your squat PR today! I totally get where you are right now in terms of taking a break and keep me updated with how you are doing!


Three days after my first marathon, I’m ALREADY thinking about my next one! There’s one that starts like five minutes from my house in late February, but I feel like that’s probably too soon. I’m hoping to find one in March or April that I could do, since I won’t be able to do one all summer.

That gelato machine in the dentist’s office… just what. I’m suspicious that those dentists are TRYING to give people cavities to drill.

I got out for my first run since my marathon this morning and my legs felt surprisingly free of soreness or pain – just kind of fatigued, if that makes sense.


Yep, we’re the same person, but I’ve known that for a while now. I stopped being coached after my marathon in December and planned on going back but I’m having a lot of fun and just not ready. I raced SO much in 2015 and I still love racing so much but I’d rather sign up on a whim than start training now! Running needs to be fun and thats how I’m keeping it that way.

I will run for extra meals! I’m a lover of second breakfast, second lunch, and sometimes even second dinner!


Mmm…I’m having baked sweet potatoes tonight for dinner! I have been craving them!

I wish I was in your position…no training. I have a marathon in March which I am doing with my husband since it will be his first. My body is kinda not for this, but I want to be there to support him, so I am pushing though!

Anything on your legs or feet that are giving you problems?
– EVERYTHING. Ever since September/October, I was having foot issues. Well, since it made me change my gait, I ended up having knee, hip, and back issues. So I visit the chiro often!

Have you ever tried a chiropractor? I LOVE mine! I’m all about alternatives to feeling better than taking pills.


I am training for my FIRST EVER FULL MARATHON. I was lucky enough to get a local university coach to design my training plan….. honestly, there is no time goal, except to cross the finish line and be upright! HA! Now, I did tell the coach I do NOT want to be on the course more than 5-5:30 hours!!! LOL! I am nervously excited!!

I run for cupcakes!!!! Seriously, cupcakes are my weakness!!! I don’t indulge frequently, but I sure could if I didn’t have self control!!! LOL!!!!

Right now, no major medical issues…… fingers-crossed I stay injury free….. few months back I strained a tendon in my foot and it took me out from running for weeks!!! UGH!!!! I spent many hours on a spin bike!!!


I run so I can get out of the house! I only go back because I have to.

Not training for anything specific other than if I get up the nerve to run a race by myself.


I can say I’m in training mode even if it is just training to run right now. I will run for my health and for my life. I recently overestimated what I could do and ended up with shin splint but I think I’m getting better.


I just got back into training mode this week! I kind of like it – too much freedom makes me a lazy sloth!

I use the hashtag #willrunforfood all the time.


A dentist office that has a gelato machine!? Suddenly I wouldn’t mind going to the dentist….

Not training for anything specific at the moment, just enjoying it!


Is the gelato machine to keep you coming back to the dentist? haha, that is so awesome though

I will run for cupcakes!!


I’m on Day 3 of my newest training plan. Sticking to it strong so far!

I will run for … chocolate milk & chips/salsa/guac/queso


SILENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA HA HA HA! So true. SO, so so so true.


My hip has been hurting me a lot lately…especially after long runs :(!!
If anybody gets the chance to check out my blog that would be amazing:


Please let her wear those sunglasses anywhere she wants because they are the cutest and she looks so fierce!
Right now I’m training for my first 1/2 marathon!!!! I literally can’t wait either.
When I first started training, I got an aggravated tendon on the outside of my right foot. It is all good now. I just have to be careful not to over train.
Sometimes when after a tough run, the bottom of my legs are sore. It’s like in between my calf muscle and my Achilles.


So be honest, that’s actually the real reason you chose that dentist. ;) haha.

You are SO smart in taking the relaxed approach to your training and racing and just listening to your ‘mental energy tank’ and NOT forcing it!! Forcing it is the 200% best way to dig yourself into a hole or start to dread your running, and that’s just never going to be fun.

Awww, and I’m SOO thrilled you loved that illustration!! Seriously, your reaction totally made my day!! :)


No training right now for anything so that’s kind of nice. It funny how my runs have actually been better and faster. Go figure! My shins have been causing me a bit of grief though. I think it may be time for new shoes again.


January is a great time to take it easy, Janae! We love reading about how you listen to your body and keep it smart!


I was reading in Anatomy for Runners that when your Achilles and calves hurt constantly (outside of any probs with your feet or gait) the problem originates higher up the kinetic chain, in your glutes. If your glutes aren’t firing properly you need to work on strengthening them because if not, they cause your calves and hamstrings to work too hard (they take up the slack of a ‘dead glute/butt). So do lots of bridges, squats, single leg squats, dead lifts and even heavy lifting (squats w weights) to wake them up. I’ve had constant calf strain, to the point of a tibial fracture) and yeah, one of glutes is weaker than the other. It’s causing hip soreness too. It’s all well and good to get massage and therapy to break up scar tissue, but if you don’t work on the source of the problem, you’ll be doing this forever.


I completely agree with you Nicky. I came to that realization that my glutes weren’t firing properly. I have really increased my glute exercises this past year and it is helping. I don’t think people realize that the main point of pain is not the actual cause of the pain. (if that makes sense).


Lateral squats are great for waking up glutes.


Thank you for this. I have had chronic calf knots/ pains, achilles and now plantar fasciitis pain. Like seriously!!

So I will completely be a lab rat and do tons of glute strengthening work. Thanks a ton…your note could not have come at a better time.


I’m in the same boat but things are improving. I left out lateral squats in my original comment. If you sit back into your butt when you lunge out to the side you will engage your glute well.


By May 1st, I’ll have struck off 3 more states (Arizona, Alabama and Ohio) completed in my quest to race all 50. Soooo, with 3 halfs planned, that all include travel, I’m not planning on PB’ing for any of them so almost feel like I’m in a maintenance training zone. I expect to be stronger by May 1st, but my goals right now are based more around staying injury-free, managing to keep in my strength training as the mileage increases and getting enough sleep each night. And I gotta tell you, those kind of goals feel great!! :)

I’m glad that you’re taking another month to just enjoy yourself and not worry about race goals…and yes, a 1 marathon year sounds fabulous! :)


gelato at a doctors office, what amazingness is this! for a second i thought you wrote dentist office and was a little confused lol. i find that i dont enjoy just running to run i like to have a purpose or something im training for. when i dont have anything im training for i tend to slack off and thats not good for me. i have 3 half marathons left this year and am looking forward to all of them…ok so 1 is in paris and who wouldnt be looking forward to that!


I love Cait’s drawings. She does such a great job. I follow her on Instagram so I can see more of her beautiful work.

Just realized this week I need to start training for my dream race in May. eek!! 16 weeks away!

WILL RUN FOR TOO MANY THINGS TO LIST….but mostly happiness and food!

I just got over a super strained piriformis and still working on healing up the psoas. Sitting at a desk all day, commuting to work and such, and other things really binds up my hip complex.


Can we go back to 2015? *sigh* Coming off a great running year with new PRs and the weirdest thing happens. I get posterier Tibia Tendonitis. And I don’t even think it’s from running!
So then, my podiatrist hooks me up with some inserts after a two week recovery.
FIRST DAY back at crossfit and I pull my hip flexor. BAD. Like, I felt it pop. Maybe because I my balance was off with the inserts, maybe because we were doing turkish getups which we rarely do.
Anyway, It’s been 8 days since then and I’m still so so sore. Not one mile in 2016 and I’m going crazy! It’s a lesson in patience and I’m trying to heal up and get past this. Here’s hoping the rest of the year goes better!! :)


will run for THAI FOOD!!!!


I’m in training mode (started this week)! Don’t have a race picked out yet, so hopefully I stay motivated ;)


Sweet potatoes and coconut oil are so so good.

I’ve had a lingering hamstring issue since October. Finally going to the PT to get it assessed on Monday. Nothing like waiting forever.


Love sweet potatoes too! I am just running whatever I feel like at the moment with some body pump thorwn in too. I don’t feel motivated to do any races/training right now either so I will just take it day by day.


Will run for CHOCOLATE! ;) Right now I am just running to run. I am pregnant and just taking it easy and doing what feels best each day. I am having some issues with blisters though on one of my feet and I am trying to pinpoint the problem. They are getting BAD! :(


WILL RUN FOR ICE CREAM!! Or chocolate, or wine…

I wish I still lived in Utah and could go see your doc! I started marathon training this week (Big Sur in April!) and I have been struggling with some knee/leg pain for a couple months now. I think things are better as I am able to run but I am definitely not at 100%, which makes me nervous to be even attempting marathon training but I got into the marathon via the lottery system so I have to try!


omg I LOVE Brooke’s fashion sense


i eat sweet potatoes in coconut oil with eggs almost every single night, no joke. so. good!
will run for frosting. forever.
right hip/groin is always a bugger.

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