Turf Toe? Fun way to start my Thursday;)

Rewind to Tuesday while I was out for a run——> I was about to enter an intersection and between trying to make eye contact with the car turning right (to make sure they wouldn’t hit me) and trying to avoid a little section of ice… I landed really funny on my right foot as I was coming off of the sidewalk into the street.  It hurt, felt like a pop and then I stretched it out for a few minutes.  It then felt better and I ran the last .5 miles to my car.  I didn’t think much about it until I woke up on Wednesday morning… it hurt a lot more when I woke up.  I skipped my run and did a workout at night that didn’t hurt (modified any of the boot camp jumping movements).  I woke up this morning and it hurt even worse so I went and saw Dr. Bennett (bless his heart for fitting me in on such short notice.  

The diagnosis—> Turf Toe (I’ll explain more about what this is tomorrow too:). 

Definitely one of my best selfies:

IMG 6113

Basically the ligaments around my big toe joint are sprained.  I think my feet were already not having the best past few months and then jamming my toe during the sidewalk incident of 2016… and boom.  

So, it just means I’ve got a few weeks of no running/jumping movements.  PS he taped me up with DYNAMic tape which makes walking feel a heck of a lot better already.  

IMG 6109

I’ll be back tomorrow morning with why I’m not really that bummed about it and how I’ve learned to view injuries over the years (although, I haven’t had to take time off from running due to an injury in almost TWO YEARS) but I’ve got two kiddos today (babysitting my friend’s kid) and so today got crazy real fast (moms of multiple children—>  how the heck do you do it?)

After a post of what sounds kind of like complaining ha… TELL ME SOME GOOD NEWS in your life or something that made you happy today?

-Brooke hugged me this morning and told me we were ‘best friends forever’ so yeah, that made me smile.  

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I don’t have any particularly good news, but I also don’t really have anything bad going on either. I’m of no help. I would say I’m excited to run tonight, but then I just feel like I’m rubbing it in! :-/

Glad it wasn’t anything too serious and glad you aren’t in the middle of training for anything right now! Hope its feeling back to normal soon!


Bummer! Glad that you are keeping your spirits up and maybe a blessing in disguise to focus on cross and strength training!


I seriously thought that was a foot tattoo at first! I almost freaked out!

I had a huge work event this morning that has had me stressing the past couple weeks. Everything went well! And now I can finally breathe. How’s that for good news? ;)


Me, too! Totally thought it was a tattoo! Then I thought…oh wait. This is Janae.


You have such a great attitude! I hope the toe feels better quickly.

Not much in the way of good news here. We are expecting a blizzard tomorrow afternoon until early Sunday morning! I guess the good news is that I have a treadmill/small home gym and my husband will be home this weekend to help with the kid, pups, and snow. The DC area is not really prepared for two feet of snow in one weekend! Fingers crossed that we do not lose power!


So jealous of the storm! I am in ME and it sounds like it will be a total miss. MAKES ME SAD! Best of luck to you.

In other news, I joined a running group that started Jan. 4. I love it. I feel like I am with my people. Makes me happy.


Turf toe SUCKS! Hope it heals quick for you. I got turf toe several years ago with out realizing it. I was convinced I broke it. Then my husband got it and went to see someone for it (because unlike me, that’s what normal people do) then I realized that’s what I did to mine.


Hi Janae – unrelated to your post today, but I am considering the purchase of the Apple Watch (after reading your review :). Which size did you get, the 38mm or 42mm? I’m debating between the two sizes, but based on your photos, I like the size you selected for yourself. Also, thank you for the heads up on the promotion with Target, it seems they are still offering the $100 gift card with purchase, so I plan to definitely take advantage!


Hey Stephanie! I got the 38mm and I love it!!!! It is the perfect size!! Let me know what you think and enjoy that gift card!


At least it happened in the winter when the weather is crappy! Hope you heal up soon.


I’m sorry about your foot! So adorable about Brooke though!


Oh no! I’m glad you’re resting up to heal and taking the time off well!
For my good news for the day, I’m easily amused by the bulk spice section at my local organic market and finally found the right spices to make authentic Indian food at home! I had such good Indian food in London and am excited to try making my own.


I had to go in on my off day to reach a deadline. I was so dialed in though that it took me no time to get it done. We had pizza for dinner and for once my kids didn’t think dad was such a drill instructor. I also got to see my wife this morning. Usually either she is gone when I wake up or I am gone when she wakes up. Lastly, I didn’t run this morning, which usually sucks but I felt with 9 days away from my marathon that I would just enjoy the rest.


Janae! Thanks so much for sharing your cookie recipe (with the Corn Flakes)! They were FANTASTIC! What a little nugget of bliss!


Oh Kelly! This makes me so happy! SO glad that you loved them:)


Happy that we are supposed to get snow this weekend!


Oh no! I’m so sorry! Your attitude about it is awesome though! Today we took pictures for my daughter’s second birthday and she wore her Princess Sofia dress. She lit up as soon as I put it on her and her smile made me so happy. Life is so good! :)


Turf toe hurts! Been there, done that.

I am excited that we are having chicken parm tonight for dinner! I love chicken parm! :)


What?! This sucks SO bad I’m so sorry! It must be frustrating since it was such a freak accident, but you definitely deserve the time off! Maybe it’ll be good to just enjoy some extra time to yourself taking it easy… but that’s coming from a fellow runner who also hates to not run so do as I say, not as I do!


I had turf toe! Got it from improper form on the elliptical- while ‘taking an easy day’ during marathon training. hahaha!


NO WAY!! Okay, that is crazy!!!!


Just a word of caution: that tape caused really bad (REALLY BAD!) blistering and rash on my leg. My PT said it happened to quite a few of her patients. So, just watch out if it starts to itch, take it off right away.


THANKS KATE!! I appreciate the heads up big time. I’ll pay close attention!


That happens to me from band aids and medical tape. It’s a latex sensitivity.


Same thing happens to me with some colors of KTape…sadly the pink is the worst for me…I love pink & if I have to wear ugly tape I at least want a cute color!


Clarification: the tape on your foot in the photo, not the tape in your hand.


Such a bummer about your toe!! :( But hugs from your kids are the BEST!! And, you do have such a great outlook on crummy things!! I hope your toe is feeling good soon!
My good news for the day: My 11year old son actually wanted me to stay at the after school robotics club today!! :) He says he likes having me around….aaawww Then, tomorrow morning my hubby and I are heading up to Santa Barbara for the weekend, no kids, and a couple of good longish runs on the beach together!! :) So, lots of happy here today!


I hope your toe is feeling better soon!


OMG! This is so ironic that you just posted this! I am actually on my way now to get an MRI because I have been experiencing this same thing ever since a run a few weeks ago. I tried running two weeks ago, but I couldn’t and it even bothers me to do incline walking or jumping moves.

How did you doctor diagnose this? I really would like to know more if you have any advice. Thank you!


Happy / proud news! My son ran the Houston marathon on Sunday and P.R.’ed! 2:41! Ended up in the medical tent and doesn’t remember the last mile, but… he is FINE now. Home safely!
Take care of that foot, Janae!


I’ve decided January is the month of PRs – I’ve PRd 11 segments on Strava so far this month! And some of them have been biggies. Now that I’ve said that I’ll probably have a really bad run my next time out ;)

28 years ago our family got 3 grandchildren at once – my sister had twin girls and my sister-in-law had a boy. I remember watching my mom in Super Grandma mode one weekend when they were under two keeping them all happy! The key was variety – as soon as they started fighting or fussing she had something new for them to do. I was in awe.


Oh no! I had turf toe a couple of years ago, but it wasn’t acute so the doctor initially thought I had gout…it was very painful, but healed pretty quickly. Hope you’re feeling better soon!


That is such a bummer about your toe! I hope it gets better soon though.
My step brother and his wife had their baby boy last night and he is the cutest thing ever, so that makes me pretty happy right now :)


My good news is that we are only 10-12 weeks away from welcoming our new baby girl and her older sister and brother love her so much already – I’m overhwlemed at the thought of caring for 3 kids but so excited about all the love that will be going on :)


Sorry for your injury. I just got hurt as well- calf tear. So I’m not allowed to run. Trying to come up with some good workouts that do t use my legs. If you come up with anything I’d love to hear.


Turf toe was my first running injury. Piece of cake to heal. Orthodics really helped. I have flat feet.


Ahhh injuries are no fun, I’m sorry! I hope it heals quick. Good news.. let’s see. I’m treating myself to an hour long massage tonight just because! :) I’m counting down the minutes haha.


I’m so sorry to hear about your injury :( Sounds super painful, and I never knew that turf toe was a real injury! I thought it was just went the turf particles got stuck in your shoe. Apparently I know nothing!

I got my wedding dress this weekend and I’m leaving for Belize (where I’m getting married) in 100 days! SO I’m pretty happy :)


Aw, Janae! I’m so sorry! I had turf toe years ago! I was running on the track and a kiddo in front of me stopped short….so I had to stop short to avoid a collision and yep…turf toe!
Glad that you are taking it in stride.

My happy news…I had a perfect birthday (yesterday). One of those days where everything just falls into place and you are surrounded by love, friends, family, peace and happiness!

PS…Brooke is seriously the cutest!


I’ll be interested to read more about it tomorrow-it sounds a lot like the pain I had training for and after my first half marathon.

Something happy…my friend and I are planning some awesome (aka ridiculous) shirts for a Valentine’s Day 5k with my hubby and her boyfriend. It’s going to be so much fun!


Sorry you are injured! That tape sounds like a life saver!! I can’t believe it’s been 2 years since your last injury…that’s great!


Ugh that’s such a bummer about the toe! I’m glad you feel ok about it though! Also is that the joyride hoodie from Brooks you’re wearing? I love it and you look so cute in it!

Two things that made me smile- I got promoted at work today and now I’m ending the day with clean sheets, a good book, and hot tea in bed :)


That’s the best thing to hear from your girl.


OOhhhh… I’m so sorry about your foot, Janae.

You may want to consider getting an xray to make sure its not broken.
I broke my foot with the same scenario – landed funny on the foot and felt a weird pop, and initially it felt ok, just “wierd”, and I kept exercising, but then it started to hurt more and more


Ugh, I’ve had a toe injury before. :( It was the most annoying thing ever! It hurt so much, but it also felt so dumb to be sidelined by something as small as my TOE. Hope you feel better soon!


Eek I hope your toe feels better soon!


That stinks-toes are so small but such a big pain when you hurt them!

My good thing is I ran 8 miles in cold and felt so tough! Then I ate gooey cookies. Bless you Tollhouse.


Oh no! Poor toe! :(

My good thing is that tomorrow is Friday! I’m ready for it to be the weekend, plus we might get snow on Saturday, which I’m kind of excited about.


After several months of trying, I finally got a paid writing gig this week. That’s great news for me!


Oh man I’m sorry about your toe!


You made me laugh out loud just now! As a mom to 15 year old triplets I still do not know how I survived. The diaper/bottle years were rough. Thank you for validating my efforts. These days I feel lucky that my “Tribe” enjoys spending time with me!
Hope that you heal swiftly :)


Seriously, Michelle… you deserve a medal. I don’t know HOW YOU DID/DO IT!!! Keep enjoying those triplets!


So I totally thought turf toe was some weird variation of camel toe…I blame the jet lag :) I’m sorry you hurt your foot but glad you didn’t get hit running through intersections can be a game of fogger!


Oh no!!! Sorry to hear that! I had it a couple of years ago and it does hurt a lot but its great you saw the doc early – i left mine and it only got worse till i saw my doc!
On a happier note I run a nice 6 miles home yesterday – felt only a little stiff but thoroughly enjoyed it! And also i decided to give beginners yoga a try starting Monday. Also the best part about being excited today, IS FRIDAY YAY!!!
I hope you feel better soon. And I can’t wait to hear how you develop this awesome attitude about how to deal with injuries. Your attitude has helped me a great deal :D


I’m so sorry you have Turf Toe! I’ve had it before as well and in the grand scheme of my running injuries it was the easiest and quickest to heal so I hope this holds true for you! You have such a great attitude towards it though :)

As far as the two kiddos, I dunno yet. Baby #2 is currently cookin’! I like to think the transition from one kiddo to two will be relatively easy, I know there’s really no preparing I can do. I’ll just take a day at a time and love my two kids! Multiples would be tough but what a great bond they seem to have! I’m sure Brook loves hanging out with her buddy.

Take care and rest that toe!


Seriously! How do moms with more than one do it?! And I just saw a mom with triplets comment?? Bless your heart mom with triplets.
Sorry about your injury, but I love your positive, nbd attitude!
My best part of my day was also my baby. We were playing on the floor of the living room before bedtime and I asked her to go get her ‘puppy’ toy. She crawled over to her toy box, took everything out, tried to put the box on her head ( I looked down at my phone for a second) and she reappeared with her puppy! She’s ten months today and it’s so amazing to me that we’re starting to communicate. <3


Great attitude! And way to make it work; any bootcamp workout is definitely an adequate replacement in my book. I like to think I’m in shape until I go back to morning bootcamp…

Good news: it’s snowing here in NC! And since we recognize our southern driving sensibility, everything is closed. Snow days as an adult are the best!


yesterday [thursday] was ROUGH. BUT good news: 1)6.7mi on the treadmill with 6x4min intervals. made me feel like a new woman. crazy how that works, huh? 2)finally finished reading Little Women. like, the original. it’s so good but looooong. 3)my friend invited me to go see ‘WAIT WAIT…don’t tell me’ (NPR show) live next month!


better a sprain than a break right?? I think you are just trying to prove you are in fact clumsy ;) (as are a lot of us!!) Get Better!


We are so sorry to hear about your toe, but very glad you are able to keep a positive attitude!

We are excited to be all packed and ready for our Florida vacation. We will keep up the blogging while there, so please stop by our blog. We love reading about Janae and friends!


Ah so sorry to hear that!! (And disregard my last question about if the pain started overnight!)

Some happy news: My sweet puppy had her one-year checkup on Wednesday is 99.9% perfectly healthy. The .1% has to do with the fact that she is HALF a pound too heavy. Whatever doc … Winter weight is real.


Ugh! Injures can be so frustrating. You sure have a great attitude though! I’m sure you’ll heal up quickly and be back at it in no time. :)


Uggg, toe issues are the worst b/c you can’t do anything about them but be patient! I hope it heals up fast ? On a sweet note, my 3 yr old niece told my sister that I was her best friend. My heart melted ❤


The weekend is here! That is happy news!! Feel better soon!


It is no joke. I had turf toe on and off during basketball season in high school and there is a reason that it sidelines NFL players. I’m sure you already do, but make sure when you are recovering and getting back into running, and even in the meantime, that your shoes give your toes plenty of room. My problem was my shoes were too tight combined with rapid stopping and starting during basketball. The good news: it goes away and I never had it return!!


Whitney, thank you SO much for the advice about the shoes! I needed that. SO glad that you haven’t had it come back and it gave me hope:)


It’s always going to be something! We’re runners and we persevere! Feel better;)

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