The last of 2015!!!!

One last run in 2015 and it included my favorite things:

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Three of my best friends, the ocean/beach view, the smell of the ocean and sea level running.  

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It also included one of my least favorite thing—>  burpees.  I know that if I am ever with this crew I will end up doing burpees and probably a lot of them.

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The workout for yesterday included about 6 miles, burpees, squats, pushups, lunge taps and three hill sprints (that made my heart pump harder than it has in weeks and weeks).  

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Why are running shoes so beautiful?  Remember when running shoes used to only come in boring colors?  I’m grateful for the change.

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I was a little giddy by the end to be running with these girls.  

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We drove to Carlsbad next to eat at the Pizza Port.  Delicious.  Very delicious.

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And for dinner we went to Don Chido.  The guac and salsa won the show for me… 

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So did this huge goblet of ice cream/cupcakes.

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We walked around for awhile…

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and then did some sparklers next to the water and I was back in my pajamas by 11:11 p.m.  I am getting too old for all of this staying up late stuff.  

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The highlight of the day was a little FaceTime date with my Brookers.  She hit up Disneyland the day before so she had a lot to fill me in on!

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And she had some pancakes that are bigger than she is.  We like our carbs.  

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What is your very least favorite exercise/workout move?

-Burpees.  Always burpees.

How was your New Year’s Eve?  Did you stay up until midnight?

Do you ever get the chance to run by the ocean?  Where?

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Those are some serious pancakes!!

I celebrated NYC time and was in bed by about 11:30. I couldn’t fall asleep though and was still up at midnight. Plan for today is to do my usual resolution run! Best way to start a new year!

I’m with you. Burpees are the worst!


Running hills. Always makes me frustrated.
I worked on a jigsaw puzzle with my boyfriend and his 10 and 12 year old daughters. We had ice cream sundaes and stayed up til 1am. It was perfection :)


That pancake is huge. I’d like to know how much of it she ate?!? I can’t say I love burpees either, squats are my next least favorite! Kicking off the new year with a 100 meter swim and lifting weights.


I haven’t stayed up for New Years since I became a mom. Being that tired isn’t worth it when your kids wake up that early and you can’t nap.
I wish some one would make me pancakes like that for breakfast!


Amen! Right there with you on the staying up late and kids Jenny!


I hate ab work. It makes me so nauseous and lightheaded! I rarely do it, even though I know that I should.

I went to bed at 10am last night. I was exhausted!

I’ve never run by the ocean because my parents don’t think that it’s safe when we’re on vacation. I hope to persuade them to let me run on the sand this upcoming Caribbean vacation, though!


Those pancakes looks AMAZING!!

We had a pretty tame New Years Eve because my husband had to work today and was up very early. Looking forward to doing some celebrating this weekend!


I love exercise period. There is not one exercise I dread. Stayed up until 12:30 am and popped fireworks with the family to bring in the new year. Nothing like watching the kids runnings around popping fireworks. I’ve ran on beaches while on vacation such as Cayman, Jamaica, and St. Maarten. The best runs I have had.


This looks so fun and makes me sad that I didn’t get to spent New Years with my college friends! We usually go down to 30A in Florida once a year and I love running there, but the humidity kills me!

I stayed up till 12, but pretty much not a minute after! I’m just on such a difference schedule these days it’s hard for me!

Workout- I love walking lunged, but I hate doing standing ones where I just alternate legs without moving


I hate burpees but love how hard they work me! Do a few for me! 13 weeks til this baby’s out and I can run/workout again!


I did stay awake to see the ball drop, but hit my sheets very shortly after. I LOVE running by the ocean, and take any chance I can to do it! Happy New Year to you and Miss Brookers!!


I want to run Big Sur marathon. It’s full this yr and spring races are hard to train for. But maybe next year.


What a fun New Year’s Eve! I went over to my BIL and SIL’s house and we partied it up with good food and games. The view on your run looks amazing! And I am totally with you, I am too old for this midnight stuff ha! ;)


I dislike ‘dead bugs’ a lot! So when my trainer upped them up to 14 on each side yesterday it was miserable.
I went to bed at 9pm last night :)


I stayed up until midnight! I felt so accomplished. :P

There are some ab exercises I really dread, and sometimes I really dread my speed workouts. I haven’t run by the ocean in a loooooong time– it’s been years!


I can run by the Gulf of Mexico, does that count? ;)

I was in bed and just dozing up when midnight struck, so I guess that means I was up all night!

Happy New Year!


My least favorite exercise moves would probably be arm exercises. I don’t know why but I hate working on my arms :(. As for New Year’s I fell asleep at 11 on the couch ;).
If anybody could check out my blog it would be super amazing:


I actually stayed up until midnight with my family! We played Monopoly and Catch Phrase! SO fun!

I absolutely LOVE beach runs! I’m in Arkansas so sadly no beach is too close but when we vacation I always get in some good beach running time! Its the best!


Say hi to my friend Teresa in Carlsbad!!!! Ran the half with her there in 2012, one of the best half’s!!!! Right on the coast. Loved it!!


Happy New Year!! I started adding hill sprints to my runs and they really do burn. They are a love/hate exercise for me, as are pushups!


Happy New Year, Janae!

Lunges, when I first start doing them after a long hiatus. They feel easy, but then I can’t walk the next day.

We were in bed shortly after 10:00. Party animals!

I’m a native Californian who has lived part time in Hawaii. If I don’t see the ocean after a few weeks I break out in hives ;)


San Diego looks amazing!

I hate wall squats…especially single leg!

I spent New Years Eve at home with my family…we had an amazing dinner, then took a quick nap on the couch, followed by hanging out and relaxing until about 1:00.

I have never run by the ocean, but hope to get the opportunity to this summer!


Burpees are the most awful exercise ever invented! I HATE them!!!!!

I ran on the beach at Kitty Hawk, NC a few years ago. I was so excited because I had never run on the beach before. Inexplicably the same day, my right knee was really stiff. About two weeks later it was so swollen I couldn’t walk on it. I dragged it behind me. Doctor never found an injury and I haven’t run on the beach since and never will again. I was forbidden to run for a few months and had to wear flats. Not running and not wearing heels are torture.


I love running by the ocean. Every summer we go to the jersey shore and I always look forward to my runs there!
I also hate burpees- they never get easier!
I was in bed by 10pm last night. I never make it up to midnight on New Years anymore!


Lunges are my least favorite.

Last night I went over my boyfriend’s place. We watched a couple movies and made dinner. We managed to see three sets of fireworks from his condo which was pretty cool.


My NYE started at a party with friends until the BF & I looked at each other & realized how exhausted we were. We politely dipped out around 11, rushed home, got in bed & closed our eyes before midnight. It was WONDERFUL. Haha. Next year we agreed to stay true to ourselves by ordering pizza & staying in to watch Netflix.


I have to do clam shells with resistance band daily because my hips are temperamental. I hate them but appreciate that they help.

I stayed home and rang in the new year in my PJs. I’m not much of a partier any more. Considering a windstorm blew snow across all the roads last night and made them slick I was glad we were home.

I haven’t run by the ocean. Yet.


I have a hard time getting myself to do any exercise apart from running, but the worst has to be sit-ups. Fortunately, there are many better core exercises.

I stayed up until 3 last night, the latest I’ve stayed up in months! Hoping my body doesn’t get too confused by it.

Even though I’m from a coastal city, I’ve actually run by the ocean only once or twice. The beach is usually too crowded!


Good job, that workout looks amazing. I (in the pacific northwest) am so jealous of your ability to wear a tank and shorts outside right now. I didn’t make it until 12 – wanted to make sure I could get up for an early spin class this morning!


Burpees… ugh. Also, I don’t like what I call “Chasing the Rabbit” but most people know as Mountain Climbers.

New Years Eve was LOW KEY. Went to dinner with a girlfriend then came home and watched some fireworks with the kiddos and husband. They rolled into bed about 10:15 and then off to bed!

My FAVORITE seaside run ever is along the coast of Chile in Vina Del Mar… lovely.


WOW!!! Those were Monstrous pancakes!!!!!!!! But, I bet they were yummy!!!!

Last run for me was a local 5k that runs at 9pm… it is fun!!! We carry glow sticks. It was crazy hot and humid this year! Usually it is freezing!!!

I ran a half marathon by over a bridge with the gulf ocean below… it was amazing!!! IT was in Apalachicola, Fl. Runs by the beach are so soothing !!!

Big plans for 2016….hopefully come March 2016, I can say I ran a FULL marathon!!! so far, training on track… praying that training will continue the same. Love your blog, I get great tips from it!!! :D


You got the 11 most beautiful women in the world in one picture?!? and one photo bomber! …(he looks like the happiest guy on the planet) :D

Happy New Year kiddo and safe travels home.


How fun!! I was in bed before midnight too. Just can’t hang anymore! I hate burpees so much!


I lived in San Diego for a short time in my 20s… boy, do I miss that weather this time of the year!! Those are some fancy shoes, lady :) Also, LOVE Brooke in front of the giant pancake.


I’m still pretty sad that I am not in town while you’re there! If I saw you, I’d be so excited to meet the woman who has inspired me for years. If you’re ever in the San Diego area again, I’d love to take you out for doughnuts or diet pepsis!


LOL Brooke and those pancakes!! OMG.

I did not even TRY to stay up late last night. I flew from IN to MN where it is super cold and snowy so I took a hot shower, drank some wine, ate some chocolate and watched Eat Pray Love. Happy New Year!


That dessert though!!! Great end to 2015 :) I would kill to be running and working out on the beach!! Not doing burpees though ;)


Brooke looks overwhelmed by the size of those pancakes! :)

And I don’t mind burpees so much anymore – you just accept them and get used to them when you do them often enough – but I will never like jumping lunges. I’d rather do burpees.


i run on all the oceans! I moved from LA to Rhode Island, so Atlantic (growing up) to Minnesota (laaaaakes) to CA (Pacific!) back to New England (Atlantic again!)

i stayed up till 12:30 last night! we had friends over, stayed up till 12, and then said oookay goodnight.


Aww what a fun New Years! And oh my gosh those pancakes are huge!! I want some now haha



That pancake picture is cutest!! Ah, I just left San Diego. The thing I miss most is the scenic running. And pizza port. Good call!


I wish I was able to run by the ocean more often! I went to Hawaii on my honeymoon in 2014 and our hotel in Oahu was right on the water with a gorgeous running path!


Janae/anyone else… do you have any tips for running a marathon in the rain? The forecast for Sunday morning is most likely rainy (which I’m super frustrated by because it almost NEVER rains in the morning here) and cold… :( Ughhhhh.


Rain + cold is the worst! Your feet and legs should be fine but wear gloves or mitts and use warmers in them. (If your hands get too cold and numb, you can’t hold cups or open gels).

It may sound stupid but wearing a kitchen garbage bag like a vest, (cut holes in for your head and arms), has saved me from hypothermia during many rainy marathons and ultra’s.


Thanks for the tips! I’ve run in both cold and rain, but not at the same time. And yeah, once I get running, I find that my hands are the only parts of me that don’t warm up quickly.

I think I’m definitely going to construct a garbage bag vest for myself today… That’s the tip I keep seeing the most.


Yup, the garbage bag vest works. It saved me during Boston. Best wishes on your race.


I didn’t stay up until midnight. I didn’t even watch any of the stuff on TV because I fell asleep. Oh well, I needed the sleep.


Brooke looks like she can’t imagine how she’s going to eat those pancakes.

NYE was tame, my husband had chemo and we had been up super early for it all week. We both woke up for the countdown to midnight. Then fell back asleep.


You are so amazing- and such an inspiration to me :) :) :)
Guess what?! I joined a gym! I have been enjoying running outside so much ( I am very much a beginner runner, but feel that I have been steadily improving over the last few months- yay!, but it is going to get cold and slushy here on the east coast at some point AND I wanted to mix my routine up a little in hopes of becoming a stronger runner overall. I was semi-cringing at the thought of joining because I am so self conscious and worried that people would be looking at me while thinking to themselves “what is she doing here?!” BUT you make it look so fun and helpful for your running- I’d figure to try it too. Fingers crossed that I won’t wimp out! (most likely not since I’m paying for it ;) Anyway, thanks for being awesome!!


I would agree with you that Burpees are like death!

We tried watching “The Martian” but started falling asleep at a friends house, and ended up being in bed (and missing a new years ring in) by 12:15! :S

I have only ran by the ocean once, and I about died of humidity! South Carolina in the summer=hot and humid!


I got to run on the beach in Cancun for a few days while I was on vacation. It was amazing. Probably some of my favorite runs ever.

I have a question for you. I have a friend who is all of a sudden set on qualifying for Boston, even though she has never run a marathon. It’s a great goal to have and one that I have been pursuing for a while. Anyway, she really wants to be my “coach” as I train this year and plan all of my workouts. But I really don’t want her to coach me – for lots of reasons. The problem is, she doesn’t take no for an answer and she really doesn’t listen. She just thinks she knows everything when it comes to running. How do I tell her no and get her to listen without being super mean? (I’m kind of dreading my run with her tomorrow, which sounds awful!)


Good luck with this situation…
Sounds like she needs a dose of honesty and a kind reality check. :)


Yeah she really does but she will only listen to herself. Hopefully she will actually sign up for a marathon so she can experience it for herself. I tried to tell her about the wall today and she told me not to think about it because I would only psych myself out for failure. I just know how awful that wall is and I do not want to underestimate it!


I am dying right now being reminded of my beautiful old running route! I lived in Calrlsbad, would run by the power plant, down to Encinitas and Solana Beach. Or start there and hit Del Mar and La Jolla. SO happy you are getting to run on this beautiful stretch of the state!

Went to bed at 11 only to be kept up by my noisy neighbors – hahaha. They just moved in behind me and their backyard and pool faces my bedroom. It’s all good – somebody has to ring in the new year!

Wishing you only the best for 2016.


Jeanette you just described all my long runs! I live in Encinitas! :)


Isn’t it the best? Don’t get me wrong – there are some lovely wooded trails near me but nothing beats the coastal route. I miss Pannikin! I am hoping to move back. I kept my house; we shall see. ;)

Glad I found your blog. Beautiful photos! I’ll be following. :)


I moved to the southwest in July and miss the ocean so much…but I waking up to see snow on the mountains does ease the homesickness a bit ;)


Looking at these pics it looks like you were right in my hood!! Was this solana beach/Cardiff by the sea area by chance?! Hope you enjoyed SD!!


I too hate burpees. My New Year’s eve contained more alcohol than i have had in a while and i am still paying for it. However in result i have decided on no alcohol for 2016.
Running by the water is awesome and i will be doing it again in October at the LB marathon!


Those pancakes look awesome!

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