Our Little Getaway.

We drove all the way to Midway, Utah yesterday!!

Okay, it is only about a 30 minute drive from our house but it sure feels like a special getaway for us.  This is also Brooke’s first time to this little town and it is beyond gorgeous (and cold) here so I thought it would be perfect for us.  

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The Ice Castles were the most important item on our to-do list.  Another MUST if you live somewhat close.  Brooke was in awe the entire time.

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I think Brooke thought she was transported straight to Elsa’s castle.  

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They even have an ice slide that goes pretty fast.  

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For dinner Brooke requested pizza and so we went to Cafe Galleria.

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The pizza/salad/garlic bread special for us plus a bowl of marinara because I could practically drink their marinara (or dip every bite of the garlic bread in it).

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And of course we needed hot chocolate to warm up afterwards.

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Every single day (not exaggerating…) Brooke plays hotel at home.  She brings me in her room and shows me where the hot tub, pool, waffle/breakfast bar, bed, front desk are in her room and then we play hotel.  She kind of has a thing for them so I surprised her with a special hotel night of watching shows,

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running around like crazy 

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and the hotel pool while it was snowing outside.  She was just a tad bit thrilled.  

This morning we will enjoy some waffles and scrambled eggs that are probably not even really made out of eggs… gotta love a continental breakfast.  

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PS we stopped to stare at this for a bit on our way up to Midway.  Winter really isn’t that bad I guess:)  

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Favorite part about winter?

Parents reading—>  what foods do your kiddos love these days?

Where was the last place you went for a getaway?

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My kids are loving scrambled eggs lately which they definitely go through phases with. Also grapes which disappear in obscene amounts each day! Can’t imagine living near such an amazing winter wonderland, the pictures are incredible!


I think winter is beautiful. Even the gray days have a certain quiet stillness to them that I love. And there is nothing better than snow (ok, not so much the shoveling, driving part of it though!)

Last place I went was about 90 miles away for some shopping for the day. It is nice to get out of town, even if it isn’t far!

My 2.5 year old nephew can’t get enough hide and seek. He loves it, even though he will hide while I’m right there watching him!


Those ice castles are amazing! I love the idea of going somewhere close-ish for the day and spending the night there. Great idea :)

My favorite part of winter is the beautiful snow. I love to look at it, play in it, run in it, sled down it…it’s the best :)


Brooke is going to look back and love these memories with her mama more than anything! And your weekend trips are far cooler than anywhere I’d have to drive 5 hours to see!

We are big climbers, campers, and hikers so when I lived in the Smokey Mnts we wouldn’t have a far drive to do that every weekend or we’d go to Asheville, NC or the Red River Gorge in KY. Now I’m in west TN so my weekend trips are usually to New Orleans or most recently I went to Louisville!

Not as fun as being in the mountains in Utah, but hotels are fun anywhere you go!


I love scarfs. And I love snow. We might get a foot of the white stuff on Friday evening into Saturday and I can’t wait to play in it with my dog!!
I love weekend getaways. Usually head up or down the coast. Cape May or Cape Cod for beach weekends and next up is Vermont in a couple of weeks for a ski weekend.


I live on SI too. (I looked at your blog and saw the 5k). One of my friends lives over by the park too.


I am in desperate need of a getaway! I haven’t had one since labor day weekend!

The thing I love most about winter is snow. I know a lot of people get annoyed by lots of snow, and I’ll admit it looks really gross when it’s black/brown and dirty on the side of the road at the end of winter, but – I totally love a fresh snowfall. Even if I don’t get snow days off anymore!


WOW those ice castles are gorgeous. It’s hard to believe those exist when you live in a state where 65 degrees is considered cold! haha

Last place for a getaway was New York during Christmas break which was awesome. I love getting to run through Central Park!


I love NYC during christmas! It’s just dreamy isn’t it??? I used to live there for the past 5 yrs before i moved to London and i couldn’t get enough of it. Next time you are there try to go for a run in Fort Tryon park! Its huge and so amazing!!! To my opinion is much better than CP and the best part is not many people know about it and its never overcrowded even in the summer!


It looks like you guys are having an awesome time!What a lucky amazing girl Brooke is! And you both look so pretty in the pictures!
What i love about winter? Well let me try and narrow it down since this is my favourite season of the year by far :D Hahaha! Well EVERYTHING! I love christmas and mulled wine, and snow, and hot chocolate and snuggle with a blanket when its cold outside, i even love running in the cold as long as it’s not icy. I also love scarfs and boots and the whole attire :)
As for a getaway, well officially we haven’t had one in a while but unofficially we had a pit stop in Athens,Greece for 5 days this summer between our move from NYC to London – does that count? I know we are in desperate need of one!!
PS: i have to admit after reading your blog i get home and i have all sorts of cravings for dinner… this time is pizza!!!


I think Brooke gets cuter by the second!! Looks like such a fun little getaway!

My favorite part about winter is scarves, boots and really just winter apparel in general. I hate the actual winter/cold part, though.


It’s funny because I really like hotel “fake eggs”. I don’t know and I’m sure there is some unhealthy issue with them but I really enjoy the taste. I could eat hotel breakfasts every morning LOL.

That cavern in Utah looks like such a gorgeous view. I would absolutely drive there if I lived that close.


What a fun little trip! Trips like that are some of my favorite memories from growing up. My last real trip was two weeks ago…Mexico!


Hope is only one, but she sure is into bananas. I feel like she could binge eat them if I let her. I did not know so much banana could fit in one little tummy.


Wow, your state kind of trumps Indiana ;) We have corn and race cars! ;) Looks like a fantastic little getaway!


Gorgeous scenery! I love Utah! Last getaway was kind of a good one, my boyfriend and I went to Puerto Rico! Have a great day and stay warm!


Wow, how stunning! The perfect little getaway :) .


Oh my niece would LOVE the Elsa castles heheh. We go trail walking here and every rock she sees is a “troll!!!” Hahah. I also get very excited about hotels, I enjoy the relaxation! Though I always panic about cleanliness… Oh well.


Favorite part about winter? – When it’s snowed, but isn’t currently snowing. I don’t love driving on snowy roads, but I DO love being inside on a snowy evening, with the woodstove roaring.

Parents reading—> what foods do your kiddos love these days? 8 year old is loving banana chocolate chip muffins, while the 3 year old insists on chocolate-free ones. We split the batch as we’re making it :)

Where was the last place you went for a getaway? – We took our two boys to the ‘big city’ a few hours away, just before Christmas. We stayed in two different hotels – one super chic one right by the airport so we could go watch planes take off and land, and then one with a pool and a massive waterslide. We drove around to look at all the amazing Christmas lights in town, then had family members come over to swim, ordered a ton of pizza (we can’t get delivery where we live, so this was a BIG novelty), and then watched a movie in the hotel room. The boys loved it, and it was really fun for us, too.


You’re making me want to go to this town because everything is so pretty! My last getaway was to Chicago in December for a reunion with my college friends. And my next getaway is in a month to the same place :)


Wow what a WONDERLAND :) And I can’t even imagine how stoked Brooke must have been if she’s in a “hotel” phase. That flooded me with memories of all my little childhood “stages”. So much fun to think about. Hope you guys have a great rest-of-trip!


Wow, that looks absolutely incredible. I really need to plan a trip out there ASAP.
I’ve never been to Utah!

It’s so cute Brooke loves hotels so much, I was totally the same way as a kid. I guess I still kind of love them, even though I never sleep well in them now. Last trip for me was Colorado to visit my parents, but this weekend I’ll be in LA to run a half marathon!!! Super excited for some 60 degree weather


That pizza/salad thing is so wrong…


Stop. You went back to cafe galleria after last time? Did a waiter help you within the first hour of getting there? Was that chicken on your pizza $20?


Bahahah so we went early so I knew that we would get way better service… we were the only ones there ha. The whole meal was $16… aka what they charged us for the chicken alone last time ha. I think the three of us need to go back again and try it… my bday?


I am glad your experience this time was much better, though I am not sure it could have gotten any worse ;) I would go again with you, but only because it is you and your birthday. Can we eat another container of ice cream after? I think we have to per tradition (in my world tradition is any time after the first time). I am already looking forward to it!


What a great getaway for the two of you! And I’m in aww of those ice castles.
I love the winter white snow and how pretty it is on the trees and sparkles in the sun.
My step son has been into wings lately with the bone in… this just grosses me out, ha!
Last getaway was to Madison in October and we have a bigger getaway in February to Jamaica!!


It’s really great you and Brooke have the flexibility to pick up and do fun things like this together. Many memories you are making! The last place I visited was Tucson.


My favorite part about winter is that it makes me appreciate fall-spring-summer even more ;-) And it contributes to making us tough runners! I have a picky 6 years old. Makes it challenging especially for school lunches. He loves pizza, chicken and fish nuggets (I go with healthy versions when I can), rolled tortillas pieces with mashed avocado inside (he calls these sushis), tomato soup with grilled cheese, burgers with sweet potatoes. Once in a while, he also likes scrambled eggs and mac n cheese ;-)


We live in New Hampshire. Our ice castles open up this weekend! On the winter list to take the kids.


Those ice castles are amazing! Definitely worth the trip! Also, the pizza/salad/bread combo looks amazing…and it’s only 9 am.

I went on a road trip last summer (11 states across the south and midwest). Talk about a getaway – it was so awesome to see so much of the US in one big stretch. Especially traveling by car. A lot of gorgeous land and sites to cover.


That looks spectacular but after watching that Luger die at the last Winter Olympics, My first thought upon seeing that slide pic was “I hope they provide helmets.” I shudder to think of all the years I spent snowboarding without one (before some hills made them mandatory, at least in terrain parks) until the day I saw a novice skier smack right into a post, forehead first, into a post at the bottom of the hill and get carried away unconscious into an ambulance. It did not look good.


My kids have gotten rather picky with food lately. They won’t try anything new. So we have been sticking to a real healthy diet of hotdogs, chicken nuggets and Mac and cheese. Last night we had breakfast for dinner and at least one of them loves kodiak pancakes, the other one didn’t even want to try them.


What a fun road trip! We don’t get any snow in these parts ;) It literally hasn’t snowed here since January 21, 1999. I definitely wouldn’t mind a little bit of snow. One thing I love about our winters is the clean air and the fact that we can do a family walk pretty much every single day of the year. My kiddos are 8, 10, and almost 12 and at this point they eat pretty much what I do. Their absolute fav is probably pizza and salad.


So beautiful. Used to live in Alaska and hit up and ice hotel and hot springs in Fairbanks which was amazing. Now I live in the desert where it snows maybe once a year and everyone freaks out….myself included. Last getaway was for work to Austin, Texas but over Valentine’s headed to Apache Junction AZ to race with some of my favorite runner gals for a fun weekend! Can’t wait!


This looks so lovely!!! What a fun getaway!

My favorite part about winter is being able to sleep in late on the weekends AND still get in a long run. No need to worry about warm temps/the sun being too hot!


My favorite part of Winter is when it is over! I hate being cold and I hate snow. Snow looks pretty and as long as I don’t have to drive anywhere it is no big deal, but it always seems to snow on Sunday nights or during the week. Today my drive to work went from a normal 25-30 minute drive to an hour.

Last place I got to travel to was Chicago. My husband and I decided we would go out of town for his birthday in November so we drove from Dayton, OH to Chicago (took like 6 or 7 hours). It was a blast and we walked ALL over the city and to all the museums. The pizza was phenomenal! The drive home was brutal though. We were both exhausted and just ready to be home.


Wow! Elsa’s castle is gorgeous! ;-) And my heart is melting that she likes to play hotel. That is the cutest thing ever. My baby just started foods! She loves winter squash (?) and avocado and, of course, Cheerios! We took the baby to Savannah for a little getaway last weekend. The food was good, but it looked exactly like where we live in Charkeston, so I wish we would have saved the 3 hours!


I love sitting by a warm fire in the winter!! That is my favorite thing! I met my husband out in San Diego (he had a work trip) for a little weekend getaway a couple months ago. We are going to Florida at the end of this month for a short little getaway! Can’t wait!


That salad and pizza, though. I need it. Also, LOVE continental breakfasts! I don;t think to hard about any of it, but I love them.


Omg that is too cute!!! I LOVED hotels as a kid (okay let’s be honest, I love them now!).


I honestly can’t even remember the last time I went on a getaway. It sounds like you guys had tons of fun, though! I remember being a little kid, and staying in a hotel seemed *so* cool and special. :)


I used to LOVE hotels when I was young. I said I wanted to live in a hotel when I grew up. Now I am a bit OCD about the cleanliness of hotels so it’s ruined the fun a bit ;)


The ice slide!!! That is really awesome! Haha! (And cold!)


You are SUCH a good mom. <3


I think my favorite part of winter is after a fresh snow when everything is calm & quiet.
That & snuggling up under a blanket with something delicious & warm to drink.

My last little getaway was just a day trip. The BF and I did some hiking about an hour north & then went out to a nice tasty dinner at a brewery we love. It’s in a college town but they were on Christmas break so we had the State Park & restaurant practically to ourselves.


Those ice castles are pretty cool. The last getaway I went on was to Vancouver in May to see U2.


That snow castle looks so cool!! It never snows where I live, and I’m really wanting to take our 3 year old to see snow this year. Utah is a little too far for us though! Hoodies and scarves are my favorite part about winter! Pizza, chicken nuggets and broccoli are always a winner at our house.


Wow, those ice formations are incredible! So beautiful. I’m still surprised that you are not a skier with those awesome ski resorts so close to your house. I would be there every weekend if I had the chance! Utah is really great.


Wow! You continue to make Utah inch it’s way up my travel to-do list.

Midway looks so pretty and so fun!


Those ice castles are nuts!! I cant believe thats real. I am sure Brooke loved that!!


Oh my gosh, my 3 year old mini would love the ice castles. We have entered picky toddler phase of eating. She loves any type of pasta dish I make (specifically my skillet lasagna and Mac n cheese). I know I can get her to eat my salmon with lemon and garlic sauce any day of the week. Breakfast favorites are “o’s and milk” and pancakes. And right now she requests pizza for every single meal.


I’m having a hard time finding my favorite part of winter. The kids and I did escape to the mountains on Monday. For 2016 the national parks will have 16 free admission days to celebrate their centennial and Monday was the first of the 16. It was also a no school day so we fled to Rocky Mountain National Park and went on a snow hike. It was amazing and the kids felt like we were on an excellent adventure.

My kiddos are pretty fearless when it comes to food and will eat just about anything but my five y/o is pretty excited about pb&j because he’s learned how to make them by himself.


That looks BEAUTIFUL. I didn’t know that place existed!


Love the little getaway!!!

LOL – yes, eggs at hotels are always suspicious…and yet I eat them every time!!

Last getaway was to St. Louis back in October! But am heading to Phoenix is 1.5 wks and then Birmingham, AL in less than 3 – both for races! Can’t wait!!

Beautiful fresh snow is my favorite part of winter!!


Favorite part of winter – the snow!
Our last getaway was somewhere similar to you – Chena hot springs in Alaska to see the Ice Museum!


What a great little get away! Our last vacay was to Kauai back in November. My 2yo loves hotels b/c it’s the only time we let her eat in bed!

Love fresh snow but hate to drive in it. Stay warm!


Favorite part about winter? When it ends and spring is here:)

No, really, we are trying to be more positive about winter. We really like the increased sense of accomplishment you get when you run outside in the bad winter weather, so I guess that is a positive.

We are getting away to Sanibel Island very soon and we cannot wait!


The ice castles are so pretty and magical! Looks like you guys had a fun day. :-)

My favorite part about winter is my wardrobe. I love boots and scarves and cozy sweaters. I also love my afternoon tea. Here in Washington, it’s cool enough to drink hot tea most of the year, but there’s something about winter that makes me especially love an afternoon cup of Earl Grey.

My last getaway (not counting travels for work or holiday visits back home) was to New York. I got to walk the Brooklyn Bridge at sunset. It was perfection.


I haven’t had a getaway for a few years, but I’m trying to register for a Half Marathon in London, and if I go over there I might take the Eurostar to Paris for a short break as I’ve never been…

Those ice castles look amazing. We had about 1 cm of snow the other day, and that’s been our winter weather so far :)


The ice pictures are so pretty! My favorite part about winter is curling up under a blanket with hot tea and a good book or a movie. It’s so much more enjoyable when you know it’s cold outside!

I’m currently on a getaway in Southern California! It’s been amazing. I’ll be heading back to the east coast tomorrow, though…just in time for their big snow storm! Ahhh!


Love the picture with Brooke looking at the castle. Those pigtails! That is such a beautiful place and I’ve never heard of it. My mom and I are planning are mother-daughter trip in May, can’t wait!


What a beautiful place to visit! Elsa’s Castle looks AMAZING! Looks like you and Brooke had a blast :)

My toddler’s favorite food lately is pickles. He could just eat those for lunch and be content… such a goofball.


Sounds like a fun day adventure!! I love snow. I hate driving in it, but I think it’s SO pretty.


I like the cold as long as it’s not frigid. I like winter clothes, think snow is pretty when I don’t have to commute in it and I love my dog’s enthusiasm for it. She literally sticks her face in the snow and rubs it around like she’s have an amazing facial treatment.

My last getaway was in Manhattan. I’m looking forward to Cape May, NJ when my husband is better. (treatments end this week and one more operation. fingers crossed).


That ice looks gorgeous! We rarely get snow in GA so I think all that snow/ice looks beautiful. We are going to Miami this weekend for a quick weekend getaway and half marathon.


What a fun little getaway! I LOVE looking at the waterfalls in Provo Canyon. They are so gorgeous! I also really want to go see the ice castles. It is on my to-do list, but I just need to make it happen. :)




Cross country skiing is the best!

My kids love taco’s

Waterpark in Wisconsin Dells, the Big Kalahari, last Monday for a full 24 hours indoors to avoid going out in -16 below temperatures.


We are pretty big into Fat Biking over here :) It is one of the hardest workouts you can get. No rest! Great cardio! Nationals are actually in Ogden at the end of February and we are hoping to make it there to compete!


I love snow and being cozy by the fire during the winter. I just like the fact that we actually get all 4 seasons here!

The last getaway we went on was to my boyfriend’s family’s lake house in Canada. It was a while ago, we need to go somewhere soon!


The ice castle looks amazing!!


That ice castle is too cool!!


Where are your grey high tops from? I love them!


Thank you!! Here is the link… they are so beyond comfy!



Those ice castles are stunning! We might have to plan an ice adventure next year, but I’m not sure there are enough layers to keep us St. Georgians warm in Midway. Such a fun getaway!


The ice castles look so cool!

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