New Year’s Resolutions (just a few days late… maybe I should add punctuality to the list).

I feel like the older I get the faster each year goes by… anyone else agree?  

I love setting new goals each January but I also love looking back on the previous year (well, most years I love to do this—> 2013 was a rough one;) and think about all of the highlights.  Brooke started pre-school and gymnastics, she turned 3, moved into a big-girl-bed, was potty trained, she said so many hilarious things that I died laughing from, she developed quite the love for dolls and play-doh and ran her first race.  As far as running goes I was happy to run 2 marathons (BOSTON—> a goal I have had forever), set a new 1/2 marathon personal record, I stayed injury free (maybe my first year ever?) and spent many miles with friends on the trails or with my dad driving alongside me for my long runs.  There are a lot of memories with family, friends, a pretty amazing boyfriend and a few personal goals were crossed off the list over those 12 months.  There were obviously some lows but the highs sure made 2015 a good year together with my favorite sidekick.

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Okay, just one more from this day in the mountains a few months ago.

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And now 2016 is here and time to set some new goals (or resolutions or whatever you want to call them)!  I wanted to share with you a few of my mental, spiritual and physical goals for 2016!  

Mental—>  To read (at least:) one book per month.  Whether it be a book about running, a biography (I strangely really love these) or a teen drama;)—> I want to make reading a bigger part of my life again.  Somehow I’ve gotten in a habit to surf instagram/the whole internet whenever I have spare time.  So instead I really want to put the phone down and pick up a book instead.  Another goal I have for my mental health this year is to start online classes because I have wanted to do this since I got divorced and right now is the perfect time for me to do it.  I have also made the goal this year to travel more (to NEW places) with the Brookers.  This time of life is pretty perfect for us to do this because of our current situation and I have so many places on my list that I want to take Brooke because we both learn so much every time we go somewhere new.  

Spiritual—>  I want to make it a priority to spend more time reading or listening to church talks/scriptures/etc.  Whenever I wake up just a bit earlier to work on my ‘spiritual health’ my whole day goes much more smoothly and my perspective on everything is a lot better.  Just a few extra minutes to think, be still, ponder, study before the day gets busy when Brooke wakes up makes a huge difference in my life.  Goal—>  wake up 30 minutes earlier to read/think/listen each day.

Physical (in addition to my hill running goal for 2016!)—>  Core 5 x a week, Strength training 2-3 x a week and yoga once a week.  A stronger and a more balanced body= faster running times!  This has been a goal of mine for the last 10 years or so but this year is my year thanks to Grokker

My two biggest excuses for skipping out on these things is that I like to use any babysitting/pre-school time to be out on the roads running and not so much in the gym lifting weights.  My other excuse is that I get bored and have no idea what I should be doing.  Grokker has already been helping me get rid of both excuses and enjoy these forms of cross-training a lot more.  

They make it possible for me to do my workouts ANYWHERE (and from ANY DEVICE) at anytime (when Brooke is asleep or when she is playing next to me).  Grokker also took away my ‘boredom’ excuse because they offer over 1,500 HD premium videos (with new videos added weekly) to choose from with so many different types of workouts that there is no chance I will ever run out of fun workouts to try!  They also have expert instructors telling me exactly what (and how) to do everything!  These experts are available on their site at all times to help with questions, to share advice and give some much needed motivation to keep working hard.  

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Something else that I have been trying out with Grokker that I love is that you can get an expert-led plan (I have a way for you to get this all for free at the bottom of this post)!  This plan sends you a daily reminder directly to your inbox that includes a personal hand-selected workout and/or healthy meal of the day!  A great way to start off the New Year to help you reach your goals!  

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I”m a big fan of using the Grokker app on my phone too.. it makes it easy to get in a workout anywhere (ps their workouts last anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour and you choose your intensity level too so it is perfect for every level)!  I can’t wait to try out the spin workouts on my bike when I get home!


I loved this 30 minute bodyweight only workout.  It was crazy how hard this workout was and we didn’t even use weights and I was still sore the next day!  

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Physical part 2—>  Grokker is also going to help me out big time with another goal.  I really want to eat at home more than we did this last year (progress, not perfection:)  They offer SOOOO many amazing recipes with incredible how-to videos that I drool over and can’t wait to try.  They offer a ton of different genres of recipes and I can’t wait to dive into all of the healthy recipes in 2016!

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***Amazing news for you——>   The first 100 readers who enter the discount code NYNY16 at registration for Grokker gets a 30 day workout plan when you start your 30 day FREE trial!!

Sponsored by Grokker!!  

Brookie and I are on our way home to Utah today!  I’m stoked to get back to my bed and for Brooke to get to play with her Christmas toys (we left early on the 26th and so we’ve got a lot to catch up on!


What are some of your New Year’s Resolutions for 2016?

Tell me 3 accomplishments that you are proud of from 2015!!!

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I think you had a great year Janae. We all have our ups and downs but you definitely made the best of the situations.

Like you, my goal is to build core strength. I’ve begun doing that again and I do believe it has been one of the missing components of my training!


My number one New Years Resolution is to act friendlier to people with more open body language, since as an introvert, I tend to shy away from this! I also plan to keep perspective and a good balance between running, blogging, and LIFE!


I want to get my hip flexor healthy. I am not going to achieve any of my time related marathon goals with a wonky hip. That means more yoga, stretching and strength training. All things that I’m pretty terrible about doing consistently right now. I also want to focus on the positive. I’m definitely not pessimistic, but worrying less and choosing kindness and joy would make everyday just a little bit better.


I love your goals! I have a lot of similar ones, especially with getting more strength training. 3 things I’m proud of doing in 2015 are breaking 2 hours in the half marathon, starting a blog, and traveling to 3 new countries!


Sounds like you’ve got some great goals going into 2016!! I’m really focusing on slowing down. Between getting up so early to running, working, and then working more when I get home I feel like the days just fly by me! I want to slow down and really appreciate the moments! Of course, I always want to get faster, but that’s always a goal! :)


I hope to find a better work life balance this year. I am taking off from full marathons so my training won’t take so much of my weekends. And I took a leap opting to go completely freelance this year. I hope it works out.
My biggest accomplishment of 2015 happened without trying. I really bonded and found my place with my boyfriends two daughters. It feels sort of like how my niece and I are. Part friend, part adult. I love spending time with them and they love spending time with me. I even got to run a 5k with them. Sometimes I feel guilty that I get to enjoy them so much. But then I think how lucky they are too. You can never have enough love. :)


I love your goals, especially the spiritual one! Reading more, PRing in the half and full, and growing my blog are my goals for 2016. 3 thungs I’m proud of from 2015 are moving to a city I love, running my first full marathon, and becoming a certiied running coach!


I am proud of starting my own company, raising my baby and finding happiness. 2015 was a great year!


Time sure flies by with a little one! I still can’t believe my son turned 6 a few weeks ago! Crazy! I want 2016 to be the year when I start being more confident in myself. I’m sure it will have a positive impact on every aspect of my life, i.e. as a mom, a professional and as a runner. (I also want a new HM PB, I’ve had the almost exact same time for the last three!)


Resolutions per say do not work well for me. I have tons of lists of things I would like to accomplish but realistically with a full-time out of the home job, two young girls and a baby on the way – surviving the first year is my priority. Enjoying the experience is my goal! Being kind, and acts of kindness are also on top of my list this year. I really want to instill these values in my children and what better way than by watching their parents act this out on a daily basis!


Time does seem to fly by more when you get older! And you do not have to be ‘real old’ for it to happen either.
I hope that in 2016 I can build on what I did in 2015. Add in more disciple, more time in prayer, and start some academic goals that will set me towards my doctorate.
In 2015 I finished my first marathon(!), PR’d all my races, started with a personal trainer and PR’d my deadlifting at 190lbs. :) :) :)


I want to be more willing to take more risks this year and just be bolder in general.

In 2015, I changed jobs after teaching for seven years, moved into a new apartment (much safer one) and finally paid off my car! :)


I am needing to work on maintaining relationships with those around me. Through my divorce I really let some of my friendships become afterthoughts. I didn’t want to burden others with the convos about my personal trials. I am wanting to make this a large focus this year. Well that, my kids and my fitness! :)


i totally agree about reading a book – that too is on my list along with trying to be more patient and understanding of people (day #5, I am not sure that’s going well, but i am trying !!) and 3 things in 2015 that i am proud of: running 2 half marathons (i am counting that as 2) and taking a leadership program offered at my work which helped me tackle my fear of public speaking/presentations and i got to meet people i would normally not have met otherwise………..i hope 2016 is a great year for everyone :)


I’ve penned down a few goals for the year, including some “sanity” goals, as I call them. We moved to a new town last year, and things were pretty hectic settling in, especially for the poor kiddos, so I really look forward to working on these goals to help build a calmer, happier household!


Last year was super rough for me because I got divorced. I think my biggest accomplishment was just surviving the year :) I don’t have specific goals per se but I’d really just like to get back to living an awesome, happy life in 2016 :)


3 accomplishments i’m proud of from 2015: finishing my grad courses and starting the clinical piece; running my second marathon and hitting my goal of 4 hours; meeting the man of my dreams and falling in love. can’t wait to see what 2016 brings, and for you as well!


Hi! I have been reading for a while now and one of my goals for 2016 is to be more active in the online running community, so I figured this would be the perfect post for my first comment! “progress not perfection” is the perfect theme for all of my goals in my personal life, work, and my running for 2016. You inspire more people than you know! Thank you and cheers to 2016!


Done! Nice to see you!


Good luck with your goals!

One accomplishment I’m really proud of from 2015 is learning to really run again. I got burned out of competitive running in college, so since then, I had just been skating by, running for fun and using my past running experience in triathlons. Doing my marathon training has actually redeemed running somewhat for me, probably since I started it with zero expectations. I’m running faster than I ever thought I could! :)


You have probably already read these, but some really great biography type books are unbroken and the hiding place. I learned a lot from these and gained huge amounts of respect for Louie and Corrie.


One of my resolutions is to train for another triathlon and to swim regularly. Another resolution is to ‘fix’ my knee injury that has been so problematic during marathon training!


Some resolutions I have are to tuck my kiddos in each night, they are getting older so I got kind of lax on this; family walks; pay of $10k of my student loans :)

3 things I am proud of: A 1/2 marathon PR (1:40), I ran 2 5k’s which really are not my thing (21:34 PR), and I read 40% of the bible, I’m planning on finishing the other 60% this year.


You are already doing so great with weights!

I have lot’s of things I want to work on in 2016 including finding balance, always loving my body image and being careful what I say about it, and a lot of spiritual ones too! I’ve stepping back from prayer journaling now that I’m writing so much for my blog and I need to get back to that because it helps me sleep and positively affects everything in my life!

In 2015 I PR’d in every distance from the mile to the marathon, I learned how to eat SO much healthier, and I’ve accomplished a lot of personal goals with my blog!


We like to call our New Year’s resolutions “self improvement plans” because we always need to be improving! Best wishes for a great 2016, Janae! We think this will be your year to break 3:00!!!


I am proud of: running in (and completing) my first (and second) marathon, I am proud that I came out of my shell and have made some great friends, and I am proud that I really put forth the effort to make 2015 my year. So 2016, lets do this!

Grokker sounds pretty cool! Looking forward to checking it out.


I’m SUCH a huge goal setter too, and not that it has to all happen but just making genuine effort to be better each year! :) It’s a great feeling! This app looks super cool, and I’m going to have to look into it! I need to eat more at home too #yikes lol


Your goals sound great! 2 of my goals for the new year are to disconnect more from my phone and to get back to running after almost 4 months off from an injury.

Happy new year and looking forward to all the year has to offer!


It’s so cool to hear about the milestones that Brooke has achieved! I’m glad you shared hers with us as well as yours. I’m also stoked that you got to run Boston! That is pretty awesome.
We are new to the area that we live in right now (really it’s just me because my guy is still in school :/) and I have been saying that I want to find a church here for a while now (the one we went to is just too far) and I’m making it my goal to find one we love in 2016 and become more involved there. Other resolutions are to do more core work, cross train and strength train more, read more books, and eat more vegetables.
A few things I’m proud of from 2015 are that I graduated from college and landed a great job. I also moved out of my mom’s and am in my own apartment!


strength exercises X3 per week
drink more WATER
update wardrobe, more quality pieces, less quantity.

3 accomplishments:
breastfed for a year.
hiked a 14’er with our baby girl in July.
half marathon this fall which I trained for pushing a jogging stroller.


It sounds like you had a great year! Congrats! My biggest goals for this year are to try to stay injury free, and to always have fun on my runs, even when doing hill repeats!

Here’s to a healthy and fit 2016!


I love the New Year. Especially when the last year was…not my favorite. New year, new hope!


I would love to hear how those spin videos are! I, too, stay at home with my 3 year old. She does preschool 2 times a week for just 2.5 hours. It’s winter here (Idaho), and snow and cold temps have us inside (plus what seems like never ending colds). I use YouTube a lot for videos for my bike, but am always looking for more to do while my mini is doing quiet time, or playing.


My 2015 accomplishments :
1. Climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro (WAHOO!)
2. My new HM PR!
3. I made leaps & bounds in a few personal relationships that continue to be great for me!


First of all, I am loving your blog! I’m a new reader and find your blog so motivational! So, thanks!! :)
One of my goals for 2016 is to unplug more as well! I also want to do more hiking, biking, running with my 2 boys!
I am currently on the lookout for some good running books! If anyone has some suggestions, I would love to hear them :)
Happy New Year everyone! 2016 is going to be fantastic!


one of my goals for 2016 is to stay positive. i tend to get stuck in the negative and thats not really a good thing so focusing on the positive and being positive is my goal and thats going to be a big one. accomplishments to 2015 well the main one was visiting 3 new countries…my goal was to travel more and i definitely achieved that in 2015.


I would like to PR both the marathon and half marathon. I am also working to enjoy the small things in life more often too. These are some great goals. I love workouts that you can do anywhere! Makes everything so much easier.


I agree that as we age the years zip by. My goals this year are to stay injury free, be a student again (I’m attending nutrition school) and continue to grow my business.


One of my goals is to read a book a month as well! Except I’m starting with Book 2 in the Game of Thrones series. YIKES. It’s very daunting.

My running goals are to PR my second HM of the year (in August) since my first of the year (April) is my first in a few years… whoops. I’d also like to shave off a few pounds before I start marathon training – running is always easier when you weigh less!


I also have a goal to read one book a month! :) Just started Amy Poehler’s book, “Yes Please,” and it’s amazing.


I need to strength train more too! I’ve been battling low back pain so really have gotten out of lifting but now that it’s better I need to get back into it! Also I just signed up for the Ohio Savage Race so that will be some motivation! :)


I love these resolutions! I love setting goals outside of running. My students earn a party if they can read 20 books by the end of the year, it’s a fun challenge that helps me read more too. I also want my family to sit down at the table 4 nights a week. Grokker sounds so cool and accessible! I can’t wait to check it out. Happy goal planning and running friends!


I listed my goals and resolutions here.
It’s quite an extensive list because I have several categories I’m working on in 2016. I didn’t accomplish as much as I should have in 2015 so I have to work doubly hard this year. Although I keep remembering this thing my mom used to say a lot when I was growing up: time lost can’t be regained.
I like your plan to read more. I instagrammed a picture this morning about the Rory Gilmore challenge (my IG is Karen_runwright) – to read more of the books Rory’s character read during Gilmore Girls series. It’s one of my favorite shows so I’m trying to up my score on that challenge too.
I usually read a lot but this year I’m aiming for 100 books. So I’ll be trying for 2 books per week and now, I’m also going to be more intentional with some of the books I choose.


I definitely want to read more books in 2016. I also want to continue blogging and become more involved in new running clubs in Boston. Stress less about work. And finally, BQ again and actually get in to Boston!
Thanks for your goals- they’re great! :)


I landed a job in 2015 using my Masters degree in Health Promotion! In 2016 one of my big goals is to give back more. My little dog Riley and I are in the process of becoming a therapy dog team so we can visit nursing homes.


My goal is to read 25 books this year! I commute into NYC so I have about an hour and a half year day to read each day.
I’m trying to practice positivity. When you’re look on the bright side of things you’re a much happier person!


What are some of your favorite biographies! Those are my favorite and im running out!!!!
My goals are very very similar to yours! :)
great minds think a like!!!


My goal for 2016 is just to keep on track with everything from 2015!


Goals for 2016
– Read one book a month
– Be more accountable with my eating – progress, not perfection!
– Look for the positive every day

Things I am proud of for 2015
– Reaching my running mileage goal
– Running NYC marathon
– Doing something active most days of the week (except when I was taking a break after NYC and when I hurt my back)


I really like your goals! Especially the one where you plan to travel more with Brooke, DO it while you have the chance! The older you get, the faster time goes by.

2016 goals are: Every morning do an online yoga class. I love yoga.
Do some core work on my stability ball every day.
Race every weekend… (5k, 10k, and half marathons..all for fun!)
Stay injury free.


Finally hit a PR in half marathon and did my first duathlon. Now I want to PR again and work on getting stronger/faster in duathlons.


My resolution is to actually get stronger at the gym! No more 3lb weights for me ;) (Well, unless it’s barre… then hand me the 2lbs)

Also, I signed up for a 10K so I’m excited to get back into running!


I have 5 Resolutions – but here are 3: Get stronger through strength training, Do something new every month (bake/cook something I’ve never made, a craft, an activity, etc), and hand write a just because card to someone.

3 accomplishments: Ran my first-ever half marathon (and ran the longest I ever have – 16 miles!), Bought a house with my husband, volunteered for Best Friends Animal Society as the Event Director for Strut Your Mutt, a fundraiser to raise money for local animal shelters.

Thank you for being such an inspiration to me this year – the year I truly created a relationship with running. I so much enjoy reading your blog posts, “getting to know you,” and have learned so much from you!


I already feel like the years go by way to fast, and I am only 19! It feels like just yesterday I began university, and now I am practically halfway through. what?!?!

I cannot wait to see you and your sweet little family thrive in 2016!


Love your goal list! One of my goals this year (being carried over from 2015) is to try kickboxing…I’ve always wanted to do it so this is the year!

Three accomplishments: Launched my running clothing line, moved back to Philly, and started running with a youth mentoring fitness group.

It’s so easy to forget our big accomplishments until we look back at our year. Props to you for having an awesome 2015! :)


I have just a couple of goals for this year.
1. Move more
2. 5K PR
3. Run my oldest daughter’s first 5K with her


I think you’ve set some really great goals for the year! My main goals this year revolve around fitness because I’m trying to get in good shape for my wedding. Also, I’m hoping to grow my blog!


Goals for this year include a half marathon PR, doing more yoga and getting out of my comfort zone more often. It’s too easy to go through the general day to day without challenge myself.

Last year I ran my first marathon, started a business and ran more miles than I ever have in one year! :)


Brook is growing up so fast and looks so much like you!!! You made a beautiful little girl, Janae!

What are some of your New Year’s Resolutions for 2016?
I want to build muscle, so I am incorporating P90X3 into my training. I am also currently in the middle of a sugar detox! Hoping to keep up with the good habits for 12 months – a lifetime :)

Tell me 3 accomplishments that you are proud of from 2015!!!
– I took the leap and began to trail run. Now I prefer it over road running.
– I won 2nd in my age group for a local half marathon in PA.
– Last but not least, I ran my first ultra marathon, the JFK 50 Miler.


I started using Grokker and I’m really enjoying it! I’ve been doing Sarah Kusch’s Tight in 28 series–you should check it out. All the videos in the series are awesome, but the HIIT and core videos are serious business! I’m two weeks in and already feeling stronger :)


I need the bike workouts!! I’m always trying to remember sequences from spin class!


I am proud of running six half marathons, happy to move back home in San Diego, and super happy we bought a house down here.


I’ve been looking for an app like this! I think I will have a look. Happy New Year! xx


so sweet ♥


Janae & any other readers on here:

Have you heard of the book “Marathon Woman” by Kathrine Switzer? Literally my favorite book in the entire world. I can’t even believe I did not know who this iconic lady was before this past year. My DREAM* is to run in the Boston Marathon and as a female, I feel like ALL female runners should read this book….before her, women were not allowed to run in the Boston Marathon-although some tried but were not acknowledged. I am putting this link on here for you- but do not want to say too much in case you have already read it and already know what I am talking about.

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