I’ll just keep chipping away.

A quick little update about today… here is my intstagram post:

IMG 2702

Not my day.  I threw up my breakfast minutes before the start and then again anytime I tried to take in fuel or Gatorade along the way.  My body held onto the pace for 19 miles but then I hit empty.  I walked, I cried and I wanted to die a bit.  I saw my brother (he flew in from Kentucky to surprise me) and he ran the last bit with me and then we cried together.  I finished in 3:10 and laid on the grass pretty much dead ha.  Tried a snow cone after to get some sugar in and that didn’t stay either and I got to hit up the med tent for a bit.  Who knows what happened but it happened and all I can do is learn from it.  It stinks but there is a lot worse.  This will just fuel my fire for the next training cycle.  Rest, recover and try again (I’ve become a champ at this routine over the last five years of shooing for this goal).

Thanks for all of the sweet comments today… they mean the world to me!

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“When you’re a dreamer, heart break and failure come with the territory, but I can tell you it’s worth it, because it’s a way of living that is both moving and memorable.”
– LF


Putting in all that time and effort and not getting the result you wanted is so hard. I feel like I’m in a similar spot right now (applying to medical school — I’ve had tons of friends and acquaintances accepted but I’m sitting here with radio silence). Your optimism and your continued commitment to your goals in the face of huge setbacks continues to inspire me every day.

Thank you for writing and sharing so honestly about this! You really are an inspiration.


Pretty great time for hitting empty at 19 miles. With better conditions you will smash your goal! Don’t stop, Keep going!


I was thinking of you all weekend. My husband thought it was funny I was trying to figure out how it went by reading instagram comments. I’m proud of you for finishing when your body wasn’t in agreement. That takes some major willpower.


Such a sad picture for so many reasons. Take some real time off, little mama. See that little girl in the picture ? She needs you to be strong and healthy – and that may mean ditching the sub-three, grabbing a more nutritious diet, and seeing a therapist so that those lows don’t go quite so low. There is no shame in realizing that it’s only a race, and your life is much bigger than another bib and another tough day. Sad for you – but I truly hope you get a real rest. Brooke deserves a whole mama.


It’s ok to be disappointed. I’ve been there, running a 3:06 in the Twin Cities marathon a few years ago after training for a sub 3. I have 4 kids and know the sacrifice it takes to train at this level. I may try again I may not. If you have the time to continue at this level, don’t give up. Nothing is worse than regret.


You are so brave and determined – such an inspiration to me!
I love that Brooke is right there and that you have an incredibly supportive family. So nice that your brother flew out to be with you. Take care of yourself :)


OMG, I am so sorry for your race! I was away from internet so only read about it now… You are so brave and fast finishing in 3:10 despite the circumstances! And you are very inspiring as I am shooting for the same quest… Was sidelined for a week by nasty flu and huge blisters on my heels :( still cannot run, but finally getting in my sweat on bike trainer. I guess my body needed some more off season rest. I am sending my prayers to you. Take care, enjoy your family time and you will be back stronger than ever! Invitation to Prague is still valid ;)


Wow. That sounds rough. At least you had your brother and Brooke to lean on in your time of need. hope you feel better soon!

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