I’ll just keep chipping away.

A quick little update about today… here is my intstagram post:

IMG 2702

Not my day.  I threw up my breakfast minutes before the start and then again anytime I tried to take in fuel or Gatorade along the way.  My body held onto the pace for 19 miles but then I hit empty.  I walked, I cried and I wanted to die a bit.  I saw my brother (he flew in from Kentucky to surprise me) and he ran the last bit with me and then we cried together.  I finished in 3:10 and laid on the grass pretty much dead ha.  Tried a snow cone after to get some sugar in and that didn’t stay either and I got to hit up the med tent for a bit.  Who knows what happened but it happened and all I can do is learn from it.  It stinks but there is a lot worse.  This will just fuel my fire for the next training cycle.  Rest, recover and try again (I’ve become a champ at this routine over the last five years of shooing for this goal).

Thanks for all of the sweet comments today… they mean the world to me!

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I hope you know what a strong woman you are. Xx


you are a rockstar! Keep up the good work. All your hard work and training for this race did pay off even if it wasn’t the time you wanted and you didn’t feel the best! Feel better soon! You inspire so many of us!


best lessons of strength of character are how we bounce back from disappointment. You are such a champ. Take care of that body of yours, you only get one.


I’m sorry you’re disappointed in your time :( but you’re still my hero and I think 3:10 is AMAZING. You’ll get your PR soon, where there’s a will there’s a way. :)


There’s a bigger plan in the works here, Janae. You know that. I have been there too (dying on the side of the road this year at Marine Corps Marathon), and when you’re in the moment, it’s soul crushing. Then, as the days pass, we allow it to fuel our fire. It took me 14 halves to break 2:00, what! Now I can do it all the time. My body stopped stopping me, and my mental barrier is broken. Your time is coming. Persevere, keep your positive mindset. You have so many people cheering for you and in your corner. Xoxo


Your comment just inspired me so much as I scrolled down to type! Just goes to show we never know how far the power of our words reaches :)


Melissa!! I always look for inspiration in every corner! Glad to shine on you with my words, just by chance! Hoping you have a fabulous rest of your day! :)


I agree! Awesome comment! I am a new runner and just ran my longest run today (6 miles). I love the wisdom and kindness in the running community. :)


Beautifully written Jeni! Your day will come, Janae. And your journey will be amazing. ((Hugs))❤️❤️


Love this! Thanks.:)


Really inspiring, Jeni. Thank you for your words!


Perfectly said! You are so strong! There will come a day where everything about this marathon will make sense.



I have been thinking of you and the marathon all day today. I’m so, so, sorry you had a bad experience. That must have been awful, and quite surprised you finished that fast the way you felt. Kudos to you!

You have a great attitude, and you know you will prevail!!!



You are such an inspiration to so many people. I look up to you so much and I don’t even know you. Also you beat your third goal of getting under a 3:12! Way to go!! I hope you are proud of all you’ve accomplished!


You gave it your all and that’s all that matters. I know how disappointing it feels, but your race today will make that sub-3 (and you WILL get that sub-3) all the more gratifying. Chin up!


You’re amazing. Throwing up the whole time, and running a 3:10 anyway?!?! I hope you know that you’re incredibly INCREDIBLE.


Ditto this. I’m sorry it wasn’t your sub-3, but 3:10 under those conditions (getting sick/no fuel?) is amazing! Way to go not giving up and giving it your all!


I know you are probably disappointed by that is still an amazing time especially for feeling sick. I’m sorry you don’t feel well and I’m sorry you didn’t meet your goal-but you still rock in my book!


You did one Hell of a HARD THING! Even if it’s not the time you wanted.


3:10 is an awesome time! Rest & hydrate slowly. You’re a champ and inspiration to all of us!


You are amazing!! 3:10 is something to be very proud of! I hope you feel better and find comfort in knowing there is more left in you…you will get this!! Big hugs to you!


Girl…I can’t even more if I throw up, let alone run a marathon?! You are stronger than ever in my eyes! Recover well, soak in the good family time, and know that you inspire us all near and far!


Despite throwing up you still beat your “c” goal!!! Keep your head up. You are an inspiration. I hope to be where you are one day.


I’m sorry you had to go through that. Life sucks sometimes. But you are AMAZING, and that will never change. I swear you will get that sub 3 sometime soon, I guarantee it. And when you do get it, it will be so much sweeter than it would’ve been today. Much love to you keep truckin along <3


Although you didn’t get the time you were originally hoping for; you did fantastic! You inspire me to pursue my running goals! You weren’t at your best today, but you did not let that stop you!


And hey at least you were only 10 minutes off! With all that throwing up you could have easily gotten 3:30+ but nahhh you’re a fighter


I cried reading your post. What a perfect day for your brother to fly in and surprise you. God knows when we need our brothers. My older brother flew in to surprise me and bring up my hopes when I was literly on my death bed this fall from Crohns/_GI infection gone bad. I’ve recovered some and hope that you fully recover from your day and stomach troubles.
Enjoy the moments with your brothers today and your darling little girl. Family and your fabulous determination will take you a long way!


I was the 3:55 pacer today in Tucson. I’m sure we ran by each other on the way out to the Biosphere. Great job today! Hope you are able to fix whatever is wrong. My goal is to BQ I need a 3:05. Even though you didn’t get sub 3 today your run was still inspiring


I hope you feel better soon – your time is still so impressive! You did an incredible job and were still able to meet one of your goals even though you couldn’t keep down anything – that is inspiring. Hope you take advantage of some rest around the holidays now!


I’m so sorry. I was thinking about you and your race, and wishing you luck. I’ve been there…it’s heartbreaking. You’ll get there and crush your goal, I know it and so do all your faithful readers, friends and family. You are an inspiration to so many. Thank you.


I love how supportive your family is! It’s incredibly sweet!


Be kind to yourself. You’re amazing.


Even though today was not your day, there is no doubt in my mind you will get your sub-3! Don’t give up! You are strong and amazing no matter what your time:)


You are an incredible human being! That’s another leg in your journey to sub-3 ;-) I’m impressed with your body and mental strenght for being able to handle such a long marathon training program this year. This is an achievement in itself. Can’t wait to follow you on your next adventure ;-) But for now, rest and recover… you really deserve it!


What you did today is incredible. What an inspiration you are to not give up even when you knew you were not going to make sub 3 and you still went as hard as you could to get 3:10. That is amazing. Most people would have quit. I will remember your story during my first attempt at a full marathon next spring in case it is not my day and I want to quit. Thank you for that.


3:10 is still awesome, Janae!! You’re such a rockstar! I’m sorry you had to struggle…sounds like your stomach still needs a little recovery. There are always more races and we’re all rooting for you! Great job and hope you’re feeling better!


You rock!!! Keep your positivity about you. You inspire people daily. As you can see, we’re all in awe. My second marathon is next Sunday and I’d kill for a 3:10! My goal is to not die!!!


Your sub-3 WILL happen and you’re STILL an inspiration to so many. Cry it out then look forward. :)


That may not be the time at you wanted, but it IS an amazing time nonetheless. The fact that you ran the whole thing while not feeling well is pretty amazing, too. Be kind to yourself – you’re a great runner. Just don’t give up!


Holy Cow Janae! You are freaking awesome! Just remember that even running 26.2 miles is a serious accomplishment! I know you already know that! Get feeling better! 3:10 is freaking awesome!


You are amazing!!!! You proved what marathon runners are made of. I m proud of you!!


You have great heart, Janae and while today wasn’t the day for a sub 3, you ran an amazing race! Its the struggles that fuel us to keep working and chasing our dreams. There are big plans for you friend, keep your head up!


I am truly sorry to hear this. You will get that walk down PR City one day. I’m sure of it! Heck, I’m so proud of you for running after yacking before the race even started. If that happened to me, I wouldn’t have the balls to run that day. Love you!


You’re my hero! I commented on Instagram but it feels like it wasn’t enough. You’re an inspiration to a lot of women. You’re my inspiration to get my butt out the door and even run when I don’t want to. It really sucks that you got sick today but you have a great attitude towards the whole thing. 3:10 is an amazing time, you should be so proud of your accomplishment! Someday you will have the sub 3 race!


i just had a similar experience running the Columbus marathon. Felt sick, heavy legs, walked, cried and felt yucky for several days after! I’ve decided that I’m not going to stop running marathons because I enjoy the process too much. Instead, I’m going to start thinking I’m running the full, but if it’s not my day, I’m going to stop at the half, pick up a medal and be happy with that. Our day will come! Rest up!!!


You are a rockstar Janae! Not many people have the guts to set such high goals for themselves, dedicate themselves and work rediculously hard for them AND still be able to pick themselves up when life intervenes and they don t reach that goal and say: “you know what, that S*cked!, but I will be back and try AGAIN”!!! You are STRONG and your day WILL come!!!


Reading about your struggles and then reading about your brother running with you made me almost tear up. I have no clue what to say and nothing will really make it better but just know that you are amazing and running is a sport that will lift you up and suck you dry at the same time. Its incredible and incredibly difficult. Enjoy the time off and keep doing what makes you happy, whether that’s training for a marathon or not. <3


Oh Janae, this breaks my heart. You inspire so many women around the world daily, and we all have been where you are and will always keep supporting you! We love you! And I’m no doctor or anything but I have a running friend who also has insane stomach/gut issues from anxiety and head games. She tried all kinds of diets but in the end it was just linked to her mentality. The body really reflects what is going on in the mind. Maybe something to look into if you haven’t already.

You are SO young and haven’t even hit your prime of running yet. Make sure you rest and recover as long as you need to before starting training again. You have your whole life ahead of you girl. You’ll get it one day. And a daughter who is seeing such an amazing mother as her role model <3


You are an amazing woman, and that is a kick ass finish time! You’ll reach your goal…I have no doubt. You are such a fighter but your body has been through a lot these past months. Take care of yourself and be kind :)


So sorry to read this Janae… Don’t know what to say, apart from the fact that you are amazing and you will crush that goal. Rest up, get lots of cuddles and eat all the good food, enjoy the holidays and then, when the time is right, you will be able to come back even stronger and more determined!! Thinking you you


You’re EXTRAORDINARY, and the fact that you’re already talking about how much you’ll learn from this experience and how you’re looking forward just makes you more so! Amazing job – and spirit! ☺️


Okay let’s talk about how AMAZING it is that you ran that freakin’ fast with no fuel and while being sick!!


Janae…I have been thinking about you all day. maybe my thoughts and those from many others helped you get thru your race. I am so sorry that you didn’t feel good. I can’t imagine doing a marathon and feeling like crap and somehow getting a really great time. Not the time you wanted, but still a REALLY GREAT TIME! for that alone you should be proud. Brooke saw her Momma persevere and not give up! How great is that!?!
Yesterday I had a half that i wanted to go sub 2. I have planned and trained for this for 6 months. So please know that I get it. I understand. My chip time was 2:05:13. For about an hour I was heartbroken and so disappointed. And I actually PR’s by 7 minutes. It took a phone call to my daughter to cry a few tears and then she helped me realize that I did a great thing. I am making forward progress. I am chipping away. I will take my victory, savor it and keep working on my goal of sub 2 for a half. Sometimes we just put way to much pressure on ourselves as runners obtaining goals. So it didn’t happen today. Tomorrow will be a new day. Dust yourself off get back to work and as sure are I will get my sub 2 soon, you will get your sub 3 also.
Myself, your family, your friends and all your readers think you are amazing and are so thankful just to share your journey.
Hope you feel better soon. Love and hugs from Florida! <3


As long as you always know you are an amazing runner and your drive and passion constantly inspire me to lace up every time I don’t feel like it. You will get your sub 3 and it will be amazing! I’m completely impressed with a 3:10! Keep pushing, you’re amazing!


You are such an inspiration. Not just because of your successes but the grace with which you handle the defeats (your time is still amazing). There is no doubt you will reach your sub 3. When you do, every race that led you there will make it that much sweeter.


Awesome job!!! Hope you feel better. You are so inspiring and push so many others to achieve their own PRs. Looking forward to reading about your journey at your next sub 3 try!


It did my first IM this year and had a stomach that forced me to walk/spend time in the restroom for the last 23 miles. Every step was a chore, but I am proud of myself for figuring out a way to finish.

It is extremely hard to have something out of control happen on a day that you focus on for so long, but keep working at it…you will get it :)


You are amazing!! You didn’t quit but finished. Which is so awesome. You have such a positive attitude and are a fighter so I know you’ll reach your goal!


Sorry it was not your day. Just remember, you gave it your all and that is a lot more than all the people who never toed the line. Take some time to rest your poor belly. Have a safe trip home


I’ve never commented on one of your posts before but I’ve been following your blog for almost 3 years now when I first started getting into running. You are an amazing a inspiration to me. You can do hard things!! All of the challenges you’ve been through are hard yes but my favorite quote right now is “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.” I went from hating running to now having ran 3 races (one 10k and two 4 milers). Nothing as impressive as your running of course but right before my last race (2 days before in fact) I had a seizure at 6am. I have never had a seizure before in my life and even after going to the hospital in an ambulance and having multiple tests ran, they couldn’t find any reason except for “stress and lack of sleep”. I am a mom of a 17 month old so in my head, evey mom in the world should have seizures because I feel like I’ve had stress and lack of sleep since I became a mom. I took a few days off from running and missed my race. This was around the exact same time that you had to miss your marathon. I am so sorry you are going through this but please know you are not alone and your willingness to open yourself up and share your life on here is such an inspiration for people like me who need to see that I’m not the only one who goes through health issues. Please know you did a great job and you will hit your goal!


I know how devastated you must feel. When I saw your pace through the last split I thought you had it! It’s so frustrating to do so much preparation and then your body is just not having it the day of the race. But it’s pretty amazing you got a 3:10 performance out of yourself on a day you couldn’t hold down fuel! Just imagine how great you will do on a day your body is 100%!


You are an inspiration! I know this was not your day, I’m so sad to hear it. Still, be proud of this amazing thing. I could only dream of 3:10! Wow! Sub 3 WILL happen for you! Get some rest, you really deserve it.


You are a freaking rockstar. What a beautiful persevering person you are becoming, Janae. Thank you for inspiring us over and over again with your tenacity and authenticity in the face of obstacles. Hugs! ❤️


3:10 is amazing!! You beat one of your goals and you did it on an empty stomach…so many people would have given up or not even started! This morning at church, my preacher preached on Romans 8:26 and said that God cares so deeply about even our smallest disappointments (and our very big ones!) even if we think they couldn’t possibly matter to Him and that the Spirit is constantly interceding on our behalf when we can’t even find the words to say. I just found it so very comforting and encouraging and I hope maybe it might provide a small little bit of comfort to you as well. And that sub-3 is going to taste so, so sweet when it comes because you will have overcome so many obstacles to get there!


So sorry for your disappointment, but guess what? I read your blog for inspiration and I still find it here on the days where the runs don’t go your way. Thank you for that.


Aw, Janae. I’m so sorry. I know how disappointing it is to know you haven’t reached your full athletic potential despite hard work and a whole lotta desire.

I hope you feel better soon! <3

(Unsolicited advice alert: Have you ever thought about doing a lower elevation marathon? I feel so much better when I visit my parents and do my long runs at a lower elevation… it's like magic!)


I know his hurts, and your picture says so much, but I hope you can realize how well you did today (especially since you felt awful). It took me 7 years and 15 marathons to reach a goal I set for myself. I never gave up and I finally reached that goal this fall. I hope you don’t loose faith and you can find find peace with your run today. You rocked it!!!!


You are so awesome and such an inspiration! You did amazing, and you will reach your goal!


You are still such an inspiration to all of us Janae! I’m so proud of you and you inspire me every day. I was going to skip my run this weekend, but after seeing this post it lit a fire in me since I have a marathon coming up, because I can only hope one day to be half the runner you are. Thank you for sharing your training and life with us, and I can’t wait until you reach that sub 3. It will just be all the sweeter after all this!!


You are loved.
You are cherished.
You are stronger than you think.
You are an inspiration to so many.

You will get that sub-3. I believe this, feel it in my heart.
God has a plan for everything. It may seem inexplicable at times…but I believe there is a reason and timing for everything.

Now is your time for rest and recovery. And then you will get back out there with more hunger than ever!

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope. -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Your picture broke my heart! You have to know how proud your readers are of you, how proud your family is of you, and how proud Brooke is of you watching you struggle through the hard stuff. This sucks for you, I know…but after you have your moment (or two if you want) and be mad, sad, angry, etc…just know we all love you and are VERY proud!


I was thinking about you during my run this morning! You are an inspiration – it would be so easy to throw in the towel but you have an indomitable spirit. Thanks for being so honest and positive.


3:10 with heaving of breakfast and fuel during the race is so hardcore. It might not be a PR but it shows you weren’t giving up.
I call it an amazing race and you should be so very proud. Keep chipping away.


Oh Janae, I am so so sorry for you! You’ve put so much effort into this that it feels unfair that you should have a rough race. I hope you can take some solace in knowing that you did everything right – sometimes, our bodies rebel at no fault of our own. I hope and know this experience will make you stronger…… but I also don’t want to gloss over the pain. Allow yourself to mourn this. We will be mourning with you. But we will also be ready to cheer you through your next training, and to celebrate when (not if!) you hit that sub-3!


Janae-regardless of what happened with your race you are inspirational -don’t forget that that


Sorry about not making your time :( But wow, what an awesome time for throwing up breakfast (your fuel) and not keeping anything down. You are absolutely amazing!!! You know what they say, if first you don’t succeed, try try again. One of these days it will happen. You are definitely capable of a sub 3. It is so awesome you were able to spend time with your family, which is really the most important thing in the world even though a sub3 is close second.


You my friend are amazing. I’m so sorry it wasn’t your day and that you had to feel this way. You are phenomenally strong and your attitude is an example for all of us. Thinking about you and knowing it is just a matter of time. xoxo


Everything is in Gods time and everything happens for a reason. You did an amazing run and you should be very proud! Things happen when you least expect it, so rest and recover and get back out there. When you reach the sub 3, you’ll be pleasantly surprised and it will all be worth it!


So sorry to hear about your race. It’s so hard when you really want something and it just come together. You put on a brave face for your loyal followers, but it’s OK to be really really pissed I won’t tell! Good luck with your next training cycle!


I’ve only been following your blog for about a month, and I was already so excited for you today. I’m sorry it didn’t turn out like you hoped but it is so amazing that you finished as well as you did when you felt so bad! You are such an inspiration to this new runner!


I am so sorry to hear about your stomach upset today. I cannot believe you did as well as you did in spite of that. You never know what you’re going to get on race day and I just wish it had been different for you. You know you could have met your goal otherwise. It will happen. Hang in there.


Wow. Just wow.

I was busy this weekend working when I remembered your race at 1:57 pm Eastern time. I immediately went to the Tucson site to check your race.

It was weird because they made you sign up to get text updates. I knew you should be done with your race though. 4 texts flowed into my phone.

I didn’t remember what your desired pace was but I saw the splits and saw 1:27 for the half. A great time but was it an enough? Maybe. Then I saw the final and I was so crestfallen for you.

I’m blown away that you vomited, walked, cried etc and still made a 3:10. No one has the right to criticize that effort.

So congratulations, you scored your c goal and impressed the heck out of the rest of us. I used to run Army PT tests with the mindset that if I didn’t throw up at the end I didn’t try enough. But that was 2 miles not 26.

Have a much deserved rest and enjoy the holidays. We’ll be waiting patiently to see you get back on that horse.

Illegitimi non carborundum


Janae, you are such an inspiration. Despite yet another setback today, you finished the race, and are already looking toward the future… Amazing… And your family is just awesome! I know today must have been hard, and so disappointing– but true character is shown when you’re faced with challenges… I have no doubt that achieving your goal is just around the corner!! :)


You ARE amazing. You are a strong, competent, capable, loving, nurturing, motivating, energizing, incredible human being. You radiate strength and goodwill to so many and your ability to encourage and be a role model extends farther than you might ever imagine. I am so very proud of you, and I know so many others are too. You should know how important you are to so many people. And, we all really care about you. We stand strong as your constant, vigilant supporters and are so exceedingly proud of you! You. Are. Amazing.


Wow! What an unbelievably amazing time for being so sick. I’m so sorry that you did not get your sub-3 today-I was (and still am!) rooting for you. Take some time to rest and relax, and know that your training will be there for you when you are ready for it. :) You are truly an inspiration to so many. Hugs from New Hampshire! :)


I am sorry you didn’t get a sub 3. I am blown away that you ran a 3:10 after getting sick and not being able to fuel along the way. Rest, heal and enjoy the holidays. You will come back stronger.


In the end, your daughter may not remember your marathon times, but she will remember how her mama handles disappointment and doesn’t give up. Be kind to yourself and keep your chin up. Life can be like an arrow: it pulls you back before launching you forward!


First of all, CONGRATS on finishing A MARATHON TODAY!!! Seriously. You made it to the starting line. You made it to the finish line. That is an amazing accomplishment. Your readers are all so proud of you no matter the time :) :) :)

Good job, rest up, and feel better soon!!


My heart broke for you when I read your IG post ? I know it’s hard – so hard – and it is good that your family is with you to lift your spirits. Just keep pushing forward and think about how much sweeter it will be when you hit your sub-3 goal…. and you will, b/c you are a rocket!


I’ve been checking your blog all day for the update. So sorry it turned out the way it did. You seem so upbeat about it but I know it’s still devastating. Throwing up throughout a marathon and only 11 min shy of your goal?? That’s pretty amazing.


I’m keeping it simple:
IF THERE’S A WILL, THERE’S A WAY! You will get there someday soon!
Rest, relax and enjoy your little girl and family!


You are incredible! To drop a 3:10 when dealing with what you had to face shows you are a total champ! You will come back better than ever, you always do! :)


Your post brought tears to my eyes! You will get there and it will all be worth it. God has plans for you. Stay strong!


I’m so sorry your race didn’t turn out the way you hoped but keep your head up! You are one of toughest gals around and this is just a little blip, the next one is all yours!


Janae, the real accomplishment is in the dedication and hours and weeks leading up to the very brief 3:10. That dedication and mental
toughness alone is worth more than any portion of a morning measured by mere hours and minutes. 3:10 in itself makes you a ?. Gallop on sister. There are many that are pulled along by your reigns. ?


Aww, this sucks! I’m so sorry. Like many others here, I can’t even IMAGINE a 3:10 marathon, no matter how good I was feeling. Still, disappointment sucks hard, and we all understand that. Let it suck today. Worry about bouncing back later. I look up to you so much. Thanks for being awesome!



Days like today are the test. The test of how much do you love this crazy sport of distance running, and how bad do you want your goals. I think everyone who reads this blog knows the answer to both of those questions. Take care of yourself Janae, and spend some time finding out what is going on with your body.

In a few months that fire is going to be burning inside you yet again. You’ll begin planning and scheming for that euphoric moment you so desperately seek. Just remember all the work you put in this training cycle is not wasted. Everything you’ve learned along the way will be invaluable to you in the future.

Keep your dream alive Janae, and thank you for sharing your journey with all of us.


You are a strong, powerful woman and one race doesn’t define you. A 3:10 is an amazing accomplishment when you are having G.I. issues., so you should be proud that you fought through adversity to run such a fast race. My daughter is 13 and I have learned over the years that she admires me not for the times that I shine, but for the times that I am going through a hard time with my health and I push back from it. You are an amazing example for your daughter. You are teaching her that when you really want something, you fight for it and you keep fighting for it till it happens. You will meet your goal, and when you do the reward will be that much sweeter because of the adversity you met along the way.


You are so much more than this time and this race. You have an entire community of people who love every word you write – love you! You serve as inspiration to runners. Rest, recover and persevere. We will be cheering again!


Janae, I am so sorry for you.
The same thing happened to me at my half marathon two weeks ago. It was awful and I thought about quitting the race more than once because I just felt sick.
I am sure you are stronger than ever now! we need failures in life, and they make victories sweeter than ever.


Dude. I know you must be crushed. But, the best part about life is that tomorrow is always a new day. It may not have happened today – but it will happen. You have so many more opportunities to crush that goal! (also a 3:10 is nothing to scoff at! You are amazing!)


I’m so sorry that you didn’t reach your goal, but you still did amazingly well! It took me 12 marathons to reach my goal and I know you can do it! You are an inspiration to us all Janae!


Janae you absolutely amaze me. How you could do that well let alone finish is beyond impressive. I’m so so proud of you and had you in my thoughts all morning. I hope you are feeling better and you will SO get that sub 3 next time when you’re feeling good! What a rockstar!


I am so sorry about what happened to you today! That really stinks. But for throwing up and running on empty 3:10 is pretty amazing!!! You’re awesome and an inspiration.


Booooo!!!!! My husband ran the St Jude Memphis marathon this weekend. It’s a 5 hour drive for us and my almost one year old daughter came down with the stomach flu on the way down. I got it the next morning. But my husband somehow stayed healthy to make it across the finish line. But it hit him too a few hours after finishing. Hope you feel better! And you will get that sub 3 marathon!


Wow. You are an absolute inspiration. I’ve been following you for years; I’ve never commented, but I have to comment today. To admire your AWESOME time (even though you fell short of your sub 3 goal.) You’ve got so much heart, in life and in running. You just keep living well. You have my respect and admiration, in spades. Kudos, girl. Smile, because you’re amazing!


This was not what I was expecting. I’m so sorry you got sick. We all know you were ready to crush this race. You are so strong and inspiring. Don’t give up!!


Everybody loves you so much! You’ve got this.


I legit teared up when I read today’s post. I’m so sorry, girl! I know you’ll make it to that sub-3 though. If there’s something I’ve learned from your blog (other than the infectiousness of a great attitude), it’s that you can do hard things. It’s okay to take time to mourn this loss, but have courage and keep working. It’s all there inside you!


Still badass. I know it wasn’t what you were hoping for but you still did great. Nice job!


That is so incredibly sweet that your brother flew in to surprise you. It certainly says something about the kind of person you are and the family you have. I’m so sorry your stomach did not cooperate today after all the hard work you’ve put in. But think what an inspiration you are to Brooke, chasing your dream and putting in the hard work and perseverance it takes. She has a great example in you. And sub 3 wouldn’t be special if it were easy. I hope you get some rest and perspective ion the days ahead. Hugs.


You are amazing! 3:10 is AMAZING! And you didn’t even feel well. It’s not your ultimate goal it you are a tough cookie. Congrats on finishing a really tough race and doing your absolute best. You’ll get ’em next time and until then, enjoy some rest and take care of yourself. You deserve it :-)


You sweet thing. I’m so sorry it didn’t turn out the way you expected. Here’s hoping you’ll recover quickly with no injuries and be back at it killing that Sub-3 in no time. You are so blessed by family who support you literally and figuratively. Rest well tonight.


Aww man! Like everyone else I was checking all day long and just sure you were going to make it! I’m so sorry you didn’t make your goal, but you ran an awesome race. Seriously, at the first puke, I would have packed it up and just gone home. Keep working! You will do it!


Simply amazing. Thank you for letting us in. The theme I hear in all these messages is that you are incredible because you are so real, so determined, so honest with us…. You really let us in. You could have just not posted. You could have DNFed the race… You didn’t. You teach us so much. Rest and comfort and healing to you–and lots of cuddles!


That’s an amazing time and still a post-Brooke PR I think?! So…that’s wonderful! Even though I know that’s not what you trained for.


You are such an inspiration with your forever positive attitude. A 3:10 is phenomenal, and didn’t the female winner barely make it under 3? You will get there. Your perseverance is to be admired and not just with marathon PRs but in any facet of life. Thanks for sharing everything and being so relatable! I can’t wait to see what’s next for you! Never give up!


So sorry you had a bad race. But…… 3:10 is still awesome, I know it is not what you had hoped for but that is still amazing especially with how your body was feeling. Obviously you will learn and grow from this race and try again. You are a rock star! Take care and don’t beat yourself up too much, I know it is easier said then done but as you know the marathon is a fickle race and anything can happen on race day! Keep smiling!


I’m so bummed to hear this. But 3:10 is amaaaazing and the fact that you did that on a bad day- you are sure to break 3! Can’t wait to hear about it when you do!


The fact that you finished the race is HUGELY impressive! If I were throwing up throughout the course I surely would have thrown in the towel. You are amazing and so inspirational !! Brooke is so lucky to have a mama who kicks butt and goes after her goals with everything she has. She will no doubt inherit your resilience and that is the greatest gift you could give her !

On to the next one… You got this !!


Oh Janae I am SO proud of you! :).
“But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” -Philippians 3:13
Run to Jesus. I promise he will catch you.
Sleep well tonight friend.


Wow that is crazy fast having thrown up and you walked and still ran that fast!! Enjoy your fam and recovery. It was an off day but doesn’t mean you weren’t prepared. You totally got this. Tomorrow is another day.


1. I’m so sorry today was so rough for you.
2. You have an awesome brother and I’m so glad he was there to run and cry with you.
3. If you can run a 3:10 under these circumstances you’ve got sub 3 in the bag.
4. I have something in my life that I’ve been working at for years. Sometimes I want to give up but your running determination has helped me to keep trying. You are a blessing to so many. I hope you take care of yourself the next few days and allow yourself to be supported by all of the people in your life.


You are amazing and killed it. You motivate me every day I read your blog. I aspire to have your attitude.


You have such a sweet brother and this truly broke my heart. I was thinking about you all day and praying that it would go well. I’m so sorry that it was rough and I’m impressed you even finished, and with a 3:10 nonetheless! To me that is amazing and such an inspiration. You’ve always been inspiring though, I look forward to your posts each day and want you to know how much you’ve helped me in my own running and been a strength through hard times. You will get that 3:00 hr barrier and when it comes it will mean even more with all you’ve been through!!


Holy cow. 3:10 with throwing up, walking, etc?! You are amazing!


Grace. Inspiration. So. much. heart.

Get some well deserved rest!


You are amazing! If you are anything like me, I’m sure you’ll be pretty upset about your 3:10 for awhile… but just know that there are people out here, myself included, who still think that is an AMAZING time and wish they could be that awesome! Keep your head up and keep at it (after eating lots of donuts and bagels to celebrate your great marathon time).


Amazing toughness. Thanks for sharing and I am sure you will have a better day in the future. Inspiring to others for sure.


I am amazed that you ran a 3:10 on zero fuel…you were literally running on empty!

My heart goes out to you because you’ve been working so hard for this. Rest and heal…rest and heal. I think your tummy is basically screaming at you now that things are not right.

Sending lots of love and big hugs.


Janae, you are unbelievably tough I would have stopped before the race even started. Keep your head up and take care of yourself turning recovery. You are a rock star you will hit your goal.


A 3:10 is still amazing. You’ll get your PR–we’re rooting for you!


Bruce Lee said: “Don’t fear failure. — Not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts it is glorious even to fail.”


i adore you and love your strength and honesty. we are all with you in this goal! :)


I’m starting training for my second marathon this morning. I was expecting your big sub-3 finish to be a source of inspiration, but it turns out your relentless pursuit of this goal and optimism in the face of what was obviously an incredibly disappointing day are even more inspiring.


You are my inspiration!


It’s not the time you trained for, but that does not make it any less of an accomplishment that you finished the race, especially given the nightmare conditions. You are such a strong woman, with a beautiful family and a lot more to wake up for tomorrow than running, so though this is crushing, you don’t need that sub-3 time to define your talent:) You DID do hard things on that course out there: you fought stomach problems, pushed through doscomfort, and conquered every mile (many below pace) to the end, where you completed your 3rd goal. Not many people could endure all of that and still come out with a post-baby PR! You are a fighter and I hope you are able to rest+recover tons so you can start a new cycle fresh and ready to go at those big goals again. Hugs from DC


The first word that comes to mind is GRACE. Please practice giving Grace to you. You deserve that. Thinking of you!!!


You are such a rockstar and inspiration in perseverance for us all. Nothing but proud of you!! 3:10 amidst puking sounds like a PR to me :)


I’m sorry :( Like you said, just keep chipping away. You trained for a sub-3. You could have ran a sub-3 training run of 26.2 miles, there is no doubt in my mind. It’s just that our sport only allows chances to shine every few months because of what the race does to our bodies. You likely felt a tremendous amount of self imposed pressure and that vomiting may have been your body’s stress reaction. Take it easy, cry, and you’ll get back there!


I found your blog in September and you have inspired me to push myself much harder in training and reach for new goals. You will get your sub-3, you are simply too dedicated not to.
I hope you are able to enjoy your recovery and time with family. I really hope you feel better too. That is just a terrible way to spend a race. I’m incredibly impressed you held on with no fuel and feeling sick for 19 miles, btw.


Dearest Janae!

Despite you didn’t finish this marathon under 3 hours (as you hoped you would ) this is still a victory. You did a great job. You are so strong, even if your body encounters weaknesses.
A marathon is like an mathematical equation with so many unknown factors. You never know what happens.
Running a marathon is taking a big risk. I can turn out very well, but also things we don’t want can happen. (I had a DNF three weeks ago) Training and running can be like a life lession.
We all keep learning.
Rest, renew and move forward, Janae!
Hugs from across the ocean!

Love, Gabi


PS: 3:10 is amazing :)


It’s so so hard to not meet a goal (I’m the queen of that, so sorry to disappoint you if you were hoping to wear that crown.) A wise man named Rocky Balboa once said, “It ain’t about how hard you can hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take, and keep moving forward.” Proud of you. Thank you for being such an inspiration to so many. You’re pretty awesome- sub 3 or no sub 3.


I cried for you, when I saw your time. Only because I know you had a goal of breaking 3. You’re time was still amazing. I would never come close to 3:10 and you did it while sick. Keep your chin and goals up. You’re an inspiration to so many.


Chipping away is right! Mine didn’t go exactly to plan either, but wow you are SO strong! you are so capable of it don’t lose heart!


Janae, You are a rockstar, in every aspect of life! Keep your chin up, you are amazing!

You are such an inspiration to me, hoping this sends a little love back at ya. <3


Janae, your will to persevere despite your physical issues yesterday is amazing. You asked your body for the best it could give under those conditions and look what you did! So impressive to post such a great time without being 100% and able to refuel. You will get stronger and when you are 100%, anyone in front of you on a course better be watching their backs. :)

Thank you for sharing this part of your journey with the running community. Chin up! :)


I’m sure other people mentioned this, but you still hit a goal!

3. Under 3:12:28—> my PR since having Brooke. (Around a 7:18 average pace)

I’m SO proud of you! You are a rock star!!!


I’ve only been following you for a couple months but I know a sub 3 is in you… you have the talent and the drive, it WILL happen when the right day comes. Keep the faith! You inspire me every day.


Oh Janae! I am so sorry that happened to you! 3:10 is amazing without being sick… but being sick and running a 3:10 marathon… girl, you are truly inspiring! Get some rest this week! You have earned it!


So sorry you missed your goal!! BUT… 3:10 while puking the whole time is pretty freaking amazing! You’ll get it… hang in there :)


You are a amazing for even sticking it out and finishing the race! A 3:10 is incredible and awesome and even more so considering you were sick! You are such an inspiration to me. Take some much needed rest and just worry about it next training cycle.


Am I the only one that is confused by this post? You had a “bad running day” and ran a 3:10 marathon and set your PR?

Girlfrand, that is something to celebrate! Shiz happens. But you still rocked it, even if you were puking!


How wondeful to have the support that you do! So many people are cheering for you — support you — and care for you regardless of your finish time. Of course, all are ecstatic when you do achieve a goal you’ve worked very hard for, but at the same time, they are proud with whatever you cross the line at.

I’m sure you learned a lot about yourself through the race and even moreso throughout the training cycle. These things make us stronger for LIFE.


You are such a rockstar, Janae!! Don’t let this get you down. Your perseverance and attitude inspire us all! So proud of you for being strong!

Now get some fritters and celebrate!!

P.S. – Finishing at 3:10 while still managing to walk is INSANELY fast. You’re my hero!!


We all have those amazing days where the PR seems easy. This wasn’t one of them. It will happen. In the mean time, you did something much harder and more meaningful by respecting the race and finishing when it hurt. Awesome job.


Your picture made me cry! You did amazing work yesterday. You are a strong woman for holding onto fast paces during the race. You will achieve whatever you want!

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