Extreme hunger from running a lot is a real thing and I have a solution to help.

“I’m hungry because I run.  I run because I’m hungry.”  This phrase is so applicable in my life that I even made a shirt with those truths written on the front.  And to go along with that phrase let us also talk about being hangry.  Don’t act like this doesn’t happen to you too.  Your stomach growls and your blood sugar levels dip and the next thing you know it… you are in an awful mood and people start offering you food left and right in attempt to bring you back to normalcy (okay, maybe that is just my family that hands me food to help me change my attitude whenever I am being grumpy).  

A runner’s equation—>  We run a lot + get hungry often + want to fuel our bodies with the good stuff to help improve our running + tasty food is a big life priority for us + we love convenience= we are always on the lookout for healthy snacks that fill us up and take away our hangry side.  

We’ve turned over this important role of providing us with the perfect healthy snacks on over to Nuts.com.  A huge bonus—>  Brooke and I both agree on Nuts.com snacks which means we get to snack on them together.  I love supporting family run businesses (three generations, since 1929) and Nuts.com is all about searching the world for the highest-quality products!  They offer a ton more than just nuts… snacks, flours, grains and powders for healthy cooking too!

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I drooled over each and every one of their Healthy Snacks and after much pondering I came to the conclusion that I needed:

The Fruit Chips—>  in the clear container.  Bananas, honeydew melons, pineapples, strawberries and apples!

Cashew Butter and Jelly mix—>  roasted salted cashews, butter toffee, cashews, dried strawberries, flame raisins, and sliced cranberries.

Mixed Fruit—>  jumbo peaches, jumbo pears, jumbo apples, apricots, pitted plums and Angelino plums.

Supreme Roasted Mixed Nuts (salted)—> brazils, pecans, almonds, filberts, cashews, pistachios and macadamia nuts (all of these nuts are roasted right in-house= they taste incredibly fresh).  

Hickory Smoked Almonds—> after eating these almonds it will be really hard for me to go back to normal almonds.

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Not only does Brooke love the different snacks but she adores the cute packaging.  The adorable little nut guy on the front is actually what got Brooke to try them in the first place!

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When Brooke goes to school I hit the roads for a run and come back and work on the computer and try to get as much done as possible before I pick her back up.  I love grabbing a few handfuls of nuts and dried fruit to munch on while I type.  It really helps me to avoid that whole hangry thing.  

Nuts.com works with Registered Dieticians to come up with awesome recipes and recommend the most nutritious snacks and foods!  You can find the list of their healthy snacks HERE and each snack has 160 calories or less, provides fiber or protein and has less than 2 grams of saturated fat.  If I snack on just carbs then I am hungry two seconds later but when I add in protein/fiber/healthy fats then I am able to stay full/satisfied for much longer!

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And of course I bring some for her to snack on as we are driving around town.  She loves to pick out all of the peanuts and almonds from the mixed nuts… good thing I am happy to eat whatever she doesn’t eat ha:)

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Fuel your running with some of their delicious and healthy choices.  Fuel your relationships by snacking on deliciousness to avoid being grumpy because you are hungry.

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***Head on over to Nuts.com to get a choice of your four FREE SAMPLES with an order over $25 (for first time Nuts.com customers)!!!!  Just place your order here to get your free samples!!!   They offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee—>  they treat their customers like they take care of their own family members.

This post was sponsored by Nuts.com!  Thank you so very much for supporting me, the Brookers and our amazing sponsors!

When do you get hungriest each day?  

Do you eat right after you run or do you wait a bit?

Do you keep snacks with you at all times like me?  In the car or your purse?

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I’m usually not hungry right after a run, but an hour or so after, watch out! Since I run after work I have to time my afternoon snacks to work well to fuel me, but not upset my stomach. I keep snacks in a drawer at work and in my car. Sometimes in my purse but things tend to get smashed in there! :) These look awesome, but I’m only able to have peanuts and almonds (since they aren’t actually nuts). I can’t have any tree nuts :(


I usually wait to shower before eating but sometimes I can’t wait. Love those bags, very cute :)


I get hungriest around 11:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. I get grumpy if I don’t get to eat at those times. So I always carry Wheat Thins with me, but I definitely need to check out nuts.com now! Thanks for sharing this info!!


I dont eat right after I run but about an hour or two later I start eating and then I eat and eat and eat,


I’m totally with you on this one.


I eat right after I shower after my run, so usually 30 minutes or so. Nuts are such a good snack for curing runger—they’re so satisfying!


To be honest I normally just eat when I’m hungry. Whether that’s right after I run or later. I just kind of eat when I feel like it LOL. I would agree, the more I run the hungrier I am and I can always feel when I’ve upped my mileage it a bit!


I am hungriest at noonish. I usually only eat after a long run. But 3 or 4 miles doesn’t make me ravenous. :)
Right now I am super hungry because I forgot to eat breakfast!


I’m everyone’s token hungry girl so I always have to be eating things that are dense enough to fill me up! Nuts are always a big go to. I eat a little something before my run and a big meal usually pretty soon after. I’m hungriest in the morning right when I wake up, which I’m starting to see is different from most people!


Lately I’ve been super hungry in the morning! I used to never be hungry or really eat breakfast, and now I feel sick because I’m so hungry. I’m also really hungry around 2:00 at work..the worst hour ever. I can never eat right after running (or before). Stupid sensitive stomach!


I keep snacks on me ALWAYS. I love that they have worked with RD’s to get a good blend, and I’ve been wanting to increase my nut consumption just for their health benefits so I might have to try out this little cute company! :)


I usually run/workout early morning (5 a.m.), so by mid-morning I’m ravenous! These look great!


Nuts.com is the bomb.com! One of my coworkers brings them and I can’t help but hit up her stash in the afternoon.
I am usually pretty hungry on the way home from work right before I workout so I always make sure I have something for fuel.
I like to foam roll and stretch a good amount after my runs and then maybe take a shower and then I’ll eat. If I’m starving though, I will grab something to munch on. My favorite are cashews.
I like to keep snacks with me at all times (I carry a lunch kit with me to work but they also sneak their way in to my purse) because I know that if I don’t I will be tempted to eat junk or go hungry. Both of which are horrible for my runs/workouts.


I have been ordering from nuts.com for years and I just love them! I often buy their flours because their prices are great. Their shipping is quick and prices are great. They are one of my favorite online stores! :)


I need to eat as soon as possible after I run! I usually take a shower and then head straight for the kitchen. I am the worst when I am hungry lol, I get so cranky, I need to eat like every two hours to stay nice


I’m always so hungry in the morning after my workout. Once 4PM hits I kinda loose my hunger. I’m a morning/daytime eater. I could totally not eat dinner and be a okay with it.


I am not very hungry immediately after running but usually after a shower and getting ready I’m starving. I tend to drink a quick protein shake post run to get nutrients into me when I don’t feel hungry and then eat breakfast a little later.


I’m definitely a hangry kind of person. My cousins used to suggest we find somewhere to eat any time we were out and it happened. Now they just come prepared. Last time I went on a road trip, the got a couple take out boxes full of sandwiches (from Molly’s. It’s a must if you haven’t tried t yet in Provo) for us to share. And they made sure that they waited until we started getting hungry to show them to me so we would have enough. You can say that I love food.


I am usually hungry after my shower post-run so like 30 minutes or so after I finish. I love nuts for a quick, healthy and satisfying snack. And I love supporting small family owned businesses!


I love that I’m not the only one that gets hangry. Its a real thing! ;)

I usually try to eat 3 solid meals a day with a few snacks in between and then definitely something good after a run! So I basically feel like i eat all day! But those nuts would be awesome to have in my purse throughout the day!


I’m the girl in the office who is constantly snacking, so I have a drawer full of food to keep me from losing it in that dark time between breakfast and lunch.


I think I am the most hungry in the evenings, probably because this is when I stop being on-the-go so much. I am not usually very hungry immediately after a running, but it definitely hits at some point and once it does, I am most definitely hangry! I definitely try to keep snacks on me and to eat throughout the day to ward of the runger!


These would be dangerous for me. I eat nuts like it’s nobody’s business!


I always have snacks with me. I like to eat healthy and carrying my own ensures that I can. As a health coach I recommend to clients that snacks should be whole foods and have a mix of fiber, protein and healthy fat. These are a good choice.

Around 11 am and 4 pm I end up needing a small snack to tide me over to the next meal. I generally workout around 5 or 5:30 so an easy to digest snack is crucial.


Those prices are actually really good. My work is involved in a share program on a similar site and the prices are much higher – I just did a comparison. I make my own nut butters for my daily “nut butter and jelly sandwich”. Thanks for introducing this company!


oh – and I LOVE that there are lots of organic options.


I’m usually starving by 4pm, so it’s always a battle whether or not to eat a snack! Sometimes I just go right to dinner at 4…but then around 10 I’m starving again. Sigh.


Umm you’re not the only one that has people pass them snacks. I feel like the folks in the Snickers commercial when the BF opens his car console and pulls out options, bless the man for knowing I like options. Hanger is REAL.

I also keep snacks everywhere. And the little bonus of that, is, I don’t usually have cash, but if I see a homeless person I hop out & offer them some or all of my snacks.

Also, that dried fruit looks top notch.

Jessie || TheAcquiredSass.blogspot.com


I get really hungry in the afternoons. I may need to eat a more substantial lunch, but I usually just end up eating dinner REALLY early. Then I am good until a snack around 7-8.


I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia as a teenager. The bad thing is, my sugar can drop and I won’t feel hungry, but I will get a terrible headache. I just tell my husband, “I have a food headache” and he knows we need to do something NOW or I will be hangry!

I always want a snack mid afternoon. I think that’s because my mom always had something for us when we got home from school. 40 years later I still think I need an after school snack.

These snacks look amazing!


I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia 5 years ago and like you, it doesn’t make me hungry. It does feel like my energy level is dropping though, and it makes it harder to concentrate. No matter how much I eat in the morning and at lunch, the mid-afternoon snack craving is always present!


Hangryness is sooo real! My blood sugar is already on the low side and I for family reasons I have to run at 5h30am before I go to work… Good thing I’m at work early enough that nobody really talks to me before I eat breakfast and drink coffee ;-) I love the Fruit Chips idea… will have to try that!


Always keep snacks in my bag! My favorites are the kids Clif Z-bars … Honey Graham flavor is the best!


These sound yummy! Might have to check them out. I’m bad about trail mix stuff and eating more than a serving. I workout every morning and then eat breakfast, usually a shake and protein bar. This gets me through the morning feeling full. I do have a bar in my purse if I’m ever caught off schedule and getting hungry.


I am hungry all of the time–ha! I eat something about every 2 hours–smoothies, salads, fruit, yogurt, sometimes a protein bar. If I go more than 2-3 hours without eating, everybody better stay back ; ) I usually eat immediately after a run, but it kind of varies depending on the length/intensity of the run and how it went (for example, if it was a tough run I usually can’t eat much right away–just a few bites of a bagel maybe; but then other times I come in and focus on nothing but making a batch of three-ingredient pancakes and guzzling Sword).


Favorite snack ever!! Also, it makes me giggle that there is, in fact, a website called “nuts.com” haha



I’m most hungry in the mornings and if I don’t eat enough during those hours, that is my most hangry time of day!


Oh my gosh, I always have snacks in my purse. The bigger the purse, the more snacks I tend to hide! Granola bars, fruit snacks, etc! The CB&J mix looks awesome.


Surprisingly, I am never that hungry on days that I do run. However the next day, I am ravenous. I cannot get enough! It’s like my body needs a couple more hours to register what I am doing.


Same here, the “runger” hits me the day AFTER my long run. Day of a long run I’m usually a little less hungry than usual, which is weird.


I agree! When I was marathon training, I would be hungry right after the long run but usually not that hungry the rest of the day. The next day though I couldn’t get enough food!


I normally wait a bit after a run to eat. I find that sometimes my stomach is a little upset, especially when I don’t drink enough water. However I can’t resist a tootsie roll on my way out of the gym if I run on the treadmill!


Ouch. Random fact: dietitians don’t like that “c” being used. :)


Good morning! I get very snacky in the morning around 9/10am and in the afternoon around 3/4pm. I am like you and always keeps snacks with me. Always. I don’t like to get hangry ;) I love nuts, granola bars, apples, bananas, anything that travels easily!


Thanks for sharing this!! Can’t wait to try out nuts.com for the first time! This post really hits home with me because I’ve really struggled the past year with my running and eating. And sometimes feeling like my blood sugar levels dip and I’m going to faint or pass out or something! So I always keep snacks on me in my desk drawer or purse at all times! So good to know we’re not alone!


I have a weird eating schedule… I don’t really snack, I just eat big meals that may happen at literally any time of day. The only regularity is that I usually eat a lot of carbs right before bed, since I run first thing in the morning and don’t like to eat just before running.

I’ve actually gotten a few things from Nuts.com before – ground sumac (really good on hummus!), chia seeds, and dried figs. Their figs are excellent.


First of all – YOUR EYELASHES, WOMAN. Is that just mascara???? If it’s your bare eyelashes, I’m might cry from jealousy (for my eyeballs) and happiness (for your good fortune). Seriously, what I’d give for that kind of eyeball fringe…

And back to the real topic – well, I’m always hungry, and I eat A LOT for a human…like, if people looked at how much I ate, they’d probably think I was a 17 year old boy trying to bulk up for football season haha. Honestly, it kind of scares me sometimes how much I have to eat just to function. But I don’t mind because it means I get to eat delicious snacks (and yes, Nuts.com has some of the best!) and, well, I just enjoy food so it’s not a bad thing. The only bad part is when I’ve done my long run the day before and I’m low on groceries and payday is still a few days away…the “runger” is too real.


More unsolicited Mom advice: No puffy coats in the car seat. They can make the car seat ineffective in event of a crash. Instead of making the straps super tight with puffy coat, just take off the coat for each car ride. It can be a matter of life or death. From online article on subject:

Benjamin Hoffman, medical director of the Tom Sargent Safety Center at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital in Portland, Oregon says:

I can see why this approach could be considered difficult,” said Hoffman in the Today.com article. “But remember, most crashes occur within 6 miles of home at relatively slow speed. But even at 30 mph, the force on a 10-pound infant is more than a 10-pound bowling ball falling from a 3 story window. Take the time — I’ve seen what can happen in the event of a crash.”
Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/healthy_kids/Why-wearing-a-bulky-winter-coat-in-a-car-seat-can-be-dangerous.html#w8SEEYbbRxOqmqM2.99


Thank you VERY VERY MUCH for bringing this to my attention. I have never heard this but it makes complete sense and from here on out I will be taking off the puffy coat! THANK YOU!


I tend to snack the most at night but that is probably more from boredom and poor habits than actually being hungry. I definitely pack snacks with me for work or travel though! I try hard to avoid the hangry!


Brooke us growing up to be so beautiful!!! She is going to be a heartbreaker.


Thanks for the discount code! Nuts are my favorite snack, especially peanut butter. OMG. Addicted.


Lately, I’ve been waking up very hungry!

I do try to eat at least a little something after a run. If I don’t have anything quick, I’ll our a glass of chocolate almond milk for some great protein intake!


I try to drink a protein shake as soon as I finish my run or workout, and then I can take some time before eating a meal.


I can go from zero to hangry in a matter of minutes sometimes, so I always have something with me just in case! I’m also that person that has to know exactly when their next meal will be. I’m not always fun to travel with :)


Hello, I’m here to talk about how my relationship was broken and how i save it, my husband saw me with my old school friend in college and said is over between us without even asking me what i was doing with him, because i truly love him i was looking for a solution to get him back till one faithful day i was searching through something on the Internet and i came across someone talking about Dr. EKPEN TEMPLE on how Dr. EKPEN TEMPLE save her marriage so i also took the details of Dr. EKPEN TEMPLE and contacted him and told him situation, he told me not to worry that everything will be ok, today I’m happy to tell you that my husband is back to me and I’m even pregnant for him right and we celebrate the last Christmas together, here is Dr. EKPEN TEMPLE contact via email: ((ekpentemple at gmail.com))). Grateful


I have been craving sweets so much since upping my mileage. Recently I began drinking Shakeology to recover from my runs and my cravings have lessened!!!


Those look amazing! I always get hungry throughout the day, even though I am usually sitting at my desk! Snacks like that are perfect for healthy eating. Thank you!


Ooh these look delicious!


Our goal is to spread health and happiness everywhere. Definitely need to eat more healthy foods!

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