Snow Canyon 1/2 Marathon Race Recap and DONUT stop running.

Perfect weather, perfect views, perfect cheering section (THANK YOU MOM, BROOKE AND MY MOM’S BEST FRIEND), perfect race start time, perfect distance (my body responds much better to the half than the full) and perfect shoes;)  Katie and I were pretty happy to be in matching shoes..

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I woke up just a few minutes before 6:30 (8 hours of sleep felt like heaven) and read over my coach’s plan for me.  He knows I get a little bit competitive in a race so he made sure to remind me a bajillion times leading up to the race to stick to his paces.  I didn’t go all out for the race because I have my marathon soon but this pace wasn’t easy.  It felt more like a REALLY long tempo.

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He has really mastered the use of emoji to help remind me of the consequences of not sticking to the plan.

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Put my gear and sweats on over my running clothes (this bee sweatshirt has been with me for many race starts), ate some bread and said goodbye to the Brookers.

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I got on a bus at about 7:15 (ate my Honey Stinger waffle) and we got to the starting line about 30 minutes before the race started.  Once we dropped off our gear bags I was so beyond freezing but once we got moving the temperatures felt really great and I was even getting hot by the end of the race.

The race started at 8:30 and we were off!  It felt a lot different to be racing according to a plan vs racing according to feel/pushing myself to the max.  I really enjoyed going according to plan because I felt like this way I could pay more attention to everything around me vs when I am going 100% not remembering anything from the race because I was so tired.  This race has a lot of downhill for the first 8ish miles  which was perfect because I really wanted the chance to practice downhills and finishing with uphill miles to help me to prepare for the Tuscon course.

Part of this course is the same as the St. George Marathon course and then a lot of it was running through snow canyon… I was really happy to get my favorite parts of the SGM course in this year on Saturday.  Ill be there for the full course in 2016 for sure:)

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My attempt at a selfie.  I usually keep my phone in a fuel belt during races but I took it out a few times to get some pictures like this awful attempt at a running selfie.

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Once we were out of the canyon we were on roads through neighborhoods and paved running trails.  There were some good uphills in those last few miles but I was able to hold my pace which was a confidence builder for my marathon (although, realizing I will be doubling the race distance that I did was not as much of a confidence builder ha;)  My miles ranged between 6:18-6:29.   My legs were tired by the end with the downs and ups but comfortably tired if that makes sense.  The goal was to get in a HARD effort without digging too deep and then having to take a bunch of time to recover after the race.

I took water at every aid station because for some reason gatorade sounded awful which I can get away with for the 1/2 but for the full I will stick to switching off between water and gatorade at every aid station.   Had a vanilla gu at about mile 9.

The race ended on the track at Snow Canyon High School and I found my peeps right away.  Not much better than having them at the finish line.

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My non-touchscreen-hallelujah garmin worked like a dream.  My goal is to have this one last a decade.

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Got to meet Cheryl afterwards!

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I found out yesterday that JESS will be at Tucson too and we have some similar goals for the race and we will be able to work together.

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I was the 8th woman overall and took first in my age group and I was pretty stoked about the little trophy that they gave me.

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They also gave out sweet pink backpacks for the first 50 finishers.  I’ve never been to a race that did something like that and I loved it.  This bag will get a lot of good use.

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Today I will take it pretty easy and then I’ll have a tough workout on Tuesday again! Race day is getting closer and closer!

Monday:  4 miles @ 7:55 pace.

Tuesday:  10 miles @ 6:56 average.  15 minute w/u, 2 x 3 miles (6:22 pace) with 3.5 minutes easy jog in between, 15 minute cool-down.  This one was done on the treadmill so that helped to build some mental strength.

Wednesday: 4 miles @ 8:36 pace.

Thursday:  5 miles @ 7:38 average with 10 x 1 minute at 5:55 pace and then 1 minute recovery jog thrown in.

Friday:  3 miles @ 8:25 pace.

Saturday:  13.1 miles (6:26 average) and 3 miles (8:25 pace)

Sunday:  Off!

42 miles total.  Last week was a cut back week in my mileage.  Two more weeks of building up again and then a two week taper.

AND for the MOST exciting part of the day….  round two of HRG shirts are now being sold.  If you send me in a picture of you wearing your DONUT shirt then I will post it on my blog and link to you wahoo!  They are made with the same shirts as last time (so they are super comfy…  great for your training, races, the gym, lounging or whatever you want) but this time they talk about donuts and running so that is fun.  There are more colors offered than just the ones below too:)

They are available until 11/20—>  GO HERE to get yours or get one for your donut loving bff.

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And yesterday we celebrated Curly’s 7th birthday.  It was a good one.  Brooke and I brought our favorite chocolate chip cookies.  This recipe has been in our family forever.  We don’t even attempt any other recipes anymore because this has proven to be our favorite time and time again.

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Who else has a November birthday?  What day???

How was your running last week?  Best run?  Hardest run?  

Anyone doing a turkey trot this month?

Are you a donut person—>  if so, which variety is your goto one?

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Congrats on an awesome race…such an inspiration!!!!
I focused on recovery all week.
We do a 5 mile boulevard bolt every thanksgiving!!!
Donuts…yes…chocolate covered glazed!!!


What an incredible day and amazing race for you, congrats! This morning was my first run since last Sunday and it felt great, glad I took a full week off.


My birthday is in November. It was last week, November 2nd! Congrats on a great race and placing 8th!!!


Congratulations on a great race! I love the trophy you got!

Running last week was hit and miss. It was a super busy week and I missed a couple runs, but not the end of the world!

Donuts – yes, please! I love the chocolate covered long johns. They are my favorites. And turnovers. Really, I’m not picky!

No turkey trots around me, but I do usually run on Thanksgiving morning because I need to be active at some point during the day!


My sister’s birthday was yesterday! :)

My running last week was just meh but I am doing a turkey trot this year.

Glazed donuts for the win!


Great job Janae! I love that your comfortably tough pace is enough to get you a trophy. My comfortably tough pace is enough to to ensure I get a good value out of my race entry fee because I’ll be out there for so long :D


I am in taper week (marathon on Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!) so my running has been less which makes me nervous one second and the next I am relaxed. So weird on taper week!

I like donuts………plain glazed from Krispy Kreme, or cake donuts, like blueberry or chocolate coca cola!


You run the most beautiful races! Seriously the best views. Congrats on a strong race!!! I might be able to walk a turkey trot this year…hopefully I’ll have the OK to from my doctor and I’ll be out of my boot by then :)


Great job on your tempo/race, you’re so amazing! My birthday is the last day of November on the 30th, but I’m already celebrating. I’m the youngest in my family so I get the whole month!

I can’t do the Turkey Trot because I am racing St. Jude on December 6th and shooting for a PR of 3:15 so I have to save my legs too!


Solid race!! My best run last week was my long run Saturday that had some tempo miles in it. It was challenging but good!

I’m racing our 8-mile turkey trot this year. Usually I’ve just done a tempo/fun run at this race, so I’m a little nervous!

Donuts: absolutely. I like glazed and glazed cake. And the blueberry cake ones are staples, too.


Loved meeting you. I am start a serious training plan this week for Zion Half. Then onto marathon training.
Love donuts. We have donut Friday. Cinnamon Roll donuts are my fave.

I may be doing a lone turkey trot but I will get it done.

Congrats again. So proud of you.


Congrats on a spectacular race, Janae! You did awesome!!

My hardest race last week was a marathon on Saturday! I was just running for fun, as I’m still recovering from my last marathon, but it was still tough. I had a great time!

I’m not doing a turkey trot, but my sister and I always do a long run thanksgiving morning.


Well done on an awesome result! Love the pink bag :) .


Awesome race! Congrats :) Love those pink bags….I have a Donut talk to me shirt, it’s so funny.


????????? Way to go, girl! Who gets first in their age group when they aren’t even trying to?! You are amazeballs!!

Turkey trot…really should. Ill be in St. George for thanksgiving this year so I need to research it. Or at least a good class at the gym down there! Any Southern Utah readers have good suggestions?? (For reals, HRG readers are awesome!)

Ps- LOVING your new shirts!!


Congrats on an awesome race! Sounds like you are really back on track! I’d love to have that time one of these days :)


I really like turkey trots, but I am running a half the Sunday before Thanksgiving, so I think I will do a easy run by myself on T-Day. I don’t want to wake up extra early for races twice in a week.


I just had a fresh (as in still warm!) apple cider donut from an apple orchard in New Jersey yesterday. It was so delicious!


Great race Janae! The trophy and backpack are so cool. I wish more races did that, but I would never be in the top 50 (unless there are only 50 runners) so it doesn’t really matter :) I’m doing a Turkey Trot this year, and my hardest run last week was a tempo run. Those get me every time!


Way to go with your race! 1st place is AWESOME!

I can’t believe you even have to ask…of course I’m a donut person! I love strawberry with sprinkles. You know, because I’m 7 years old! ;)

I love that they gave out backpacks at the race. That is a very cool goodie!

My best run this past week was my 12-miler yesterday. My worst run was my first attempt at that 12 miles on Saturday. It sucked and I didn’t even make two miles.


Congrats on a great race and first in your AG! My favorite type of donut is glazed old fashioned. No Turkey Trot yet, although it’s tempting to find one!


I hope you used that Zeppe’s card! The gelata is amazing. They have one in Ogden that I go to every time I am up there, but it’s closed for the winter now and that’s all I want!


Congrats again on an awesome race!!

I logged 42 miles last week too! Took two days off running to incorporate a yoga class and then a swim class and felt great! The Hot Chocolate 15K on Sunday was definitely my best running day … Ran a 7:48 pace (which is really fast for me)!

Signed up for the Detroit Turkey Trot! Love it!


My birthday is in November. It’s November 1. Congratulations on the great race. I love that pink bag!!!


11/11 is my birthday! LOVE your new pink backpack. Hardest run last week was 12 x 400 on the treadmill.


I don’t have a birthday, but my best friend does! I always like other people’s birthdays more than my own anyway :)

Running last week was good! Back up to 20 miles for the week! Finally feel like I can call myself a runner again…! Hardest run was definitely my 6 miler on Saturday. It was sooo windy (my least favorite condition to run in).

No turkey trot for me this year, but I’ll be with my family in the mountains for the first time in a few years and my uncle and I always do a long hike on Thanksgiving morning before dinner, which I couldn’t be more excited about.

I like donuts, but I try not to eat too many. I always like chocolate glazed the best. Boring, I know.


It’s so awesome to see you have such a strong race Janae. I know that you are going to hit a sub 3 hour marathon! My hardest run was a local 5k last weekend…I’m not bouncing back well from my half a few weeks ago.


Awesome race, Janae!! And your newest shirts are great! I am a fan on plain old glazed donuts although it has been a very long time since I had one. I need to change this. I will be running a turkey trot thanksgiving morning!


Way to go Janae! That trophy is cute!

Not doing a turkey trot this year, though I will probably go run some miles.

I love donuts! My favorite are the chocolate cake donuts from dunford donuts! So good!


Great race recap! Love reading those.

I skipped on my long run, whoops! If I don’t run on my normal Saturday mornings, its easier for me to skip. So I ran three times last week but will try harder this next week.

I love the cake donuts, not too sweet and so good!

Just ordered a shirt! Love the saying and can’t wait to wear it!


Great job!!! That’s awesome that you won your age group, and I love the pink backpack! I don’t think I’m going to be turkey trotting this year. I am running my first marathon on Saturday so it might take me a while to recover :)


that looks like a gorgeous course!! utah looks beautiful.


My birthday is Nov 22!

Not last week but I had a great run this morning- wanted to run for an hour and see how far I could get- 6.8 miles which is good for me! But now I’m annoyed I didn’t get 7…

I’m doing a 5 mile turkey trot this year. Woohoo!!

Can’t beat an original krispy kreme :)


Congrats on a great race Janae! Love the backpack and the trophy. Whoop whoop!! Having someone you love at the finish line is one of the greatest feelings ever.

November 30th (the end of hurricane season!) we celebrate one of the best and sweetest days of my life. Youngest son turns..GASP!…15! How this happened so fast is a mystery to me. What a joy to watch my baby boy growing into a fine young man.
Best run 10..:) Hardest 4 mid week and 15 on Saturday.
Thinking yes to Turkey Trot. I have never done one before.
I try not to discriminate but as a general rule, I have a hard time trusting people who don’t like donuts!!! Love the cute shirts.
Have a wonderful and very blessed day.


Congrats on your race and sticking to the plan! That’s an incredible time for a tempo :)

Love those shirts, going to check them out. I love donuts but only the creme-filled kind so Boston Creme and Bavarian Creme donuts have my number. #trouble


Looks like you had a gorgeous day for the race; congrats on placing 1st in your age group!


Congrats on another awesome race!!! Those backpacks are sweet!!


You are amazing!! Congratulations on such a great finish! Wow…8th woman overall and 1st in your age group? That’s incredible. All your hard work is really paying off.


Last week was a taper week for me so it was pretty nice getting a lot of sleep and feeling rested! My fave donut is the Salted Caramel Old Fashioned from Top Pot, so good. Glad your race went so well and you were able to hit your paces, you are going to rock your marathon!



Congrats on your non-race race! You are an inspiration, lady! :)


Congratulations! :) It sure sounds like you are ready for Tuscon!

No Turkey Trot for me. Thanksgiving is for eating way to much turkey, stuffing, and pie, not for racing!


Congratulations on your fantastic race! So glad that you are feeling better.
My favorite donuts are old fashions. There is a place in Chicago called do-rite donuts and I have absolutely no will power around them. This weekend I did the hot chocolate 15k run which was really fun. My body is now politely telling me to take a rest after a bunch of running this fall. I’ve decided I better listen before the polite messages turn into something worse! :)
I am the cook, so no Turkey Trot for me…..


Just bought the Forerunner 225 this weekend! I was going to wait to see if there were any Black Friday deals, but City Sports had a going out of business sale and I couldn’t resist the 10% off when I was already so anxious to get it. Loving it so far!


Congrats, glad you had a great race!

I like doing the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving. I would run anyway and the one near me is barely organized chaos – it’s a lot of fun.


Awesome race. Especially for not giving 100% the whole way. My cousin ran that race too and said it was awesome.

Donuts are awesome. Anything with chocolate on top is my favorite.


Congrats on the race! I love the trophy.

I have a November birthday too – it’s this coming weekend.


Congrats!!!! Your times are always SO insanely impressive! I’m training for my first full marathon and I’ll be running to finish ;) Hopefully one day I can work up my speed though!!

LOVE the new shirts! I’ll definitely be getting one!


Great recap.

Those backpacks are pretty swank. I don’t think I could pull off pink though.

Guess what? Next week I will be running in Germany. I don’t know how long or exactly where yet, but I just want that GPS trace on my Polar. (I only found out I had to go about a week ago). In January I go back for another 3 weeks. Not sure how much running I will be able to muster then.

Only thing better than donuts….German pastries, and Brezeln (pretzels), and Brotchen (bread) and Wurst (sausage) and…. Good thing I lost 20+ lbs in the last 7 months.


Those bags look awesome, congrats on winning your age group!


Congrats on a great race! My son’s birthday is Nov. 1 and we LOOOOOVE chocolate-covered doughnuts!


I love doughnuts – my husband had never had a krispy kreme doughnut when I met him and that was like one of the first things we did together. Go get him a doughnut. :)
And congratulations!! You did a great job!!

And i looove those shirts!! too cute!


ordered the shirt! loved the feeling of the other one, looking forward to the donut shirt :) loooove it.


Congrats on the race! And the cute swag! Utah looks so beautiful. My views here in TX don’t compare at all. :(
I’m still considering the turkey trot. I signed up last year but it was cold and windy so I wussed out. I’ll probably trot alone.
Last week was my highest mileage week ever! WOW! 54 miles. I think my favorite part was my 19 miler Saturday morning. It’s fun to get out when everyone is still sleeping and the streets are quiet. Peaceful.
Love donuts but rarely eat them. I live vicariously through my 8 year old daughter. Fritters are my go to!!! YUM!!!!!
PS- I just ordered a shirt. Super cute! Plus, I LOVE the fit of those tanks. I’d buy a million of them regardless of what’s on them. HAHA!


Thanks for the links to those instagram accounts! I look forward to following them. Great job on nailing your pace (or was your coach “mad” that you went faster?? :) ) So excited for you to nail this next week of workouts and taper well!


Oh, you’d love this: I went to a Saucony launch yesterday morning, and the local donut shop had done their AMAZING ORGANIC donuts with glittery Saucony logos on top. I’m still a little drooly thinking about it this morning…

Just working my legs back up after last week’s marathon, but I can’t stop looking at race entries for the spring!

Congrats on winning your age group!


Congrats on the first place in your AG Janae!!! I’m really jealous of that back pack- best award ever!

My birthday was Nov. 2nd. I can’t believe she’s 7 already- my little nephew just turned 8 on Saturday too. Goes by way too fast.

I’ve always wanted to run the Snow Canyon half! I’m hoping to run that or the St. George marathon next year (contingent on if I get into the Chicago Marathon).

I just LOVE these new shirts. Especially that teal color. Do they run TTS?

I did my long run yesterday evening instead of Saturday morning and I ran by about 20 people holding boxes from Voodoo Donuts. I guess one just opened up in downtown Austin–It took everything in me not to stop in and scarf one down mid-run. Of course I thought of you!!


Great race! So impressive sticking to the plan so well! I will be visiting family in North Idaho and there are no Turkey Trots (definitely looked) so will be doing my own that day.


Of COURSE you did a training run and landed in the top 10 and first in your age group, of COURSE you did. :)

You are a rock star, Janae.


Hey running fam, I’ve got a couple of questions.

For those of you that use the Jaybird Xs, is it okay to use them in the rain?

And can any of you recommend a good training program for a sub 3 marathon on training peaks, or possibly a good coach I can talk to?

Thank you so much! And I hope you all have a beautiful Monday!


My favorite donuts are the chocolate or vanilla cream filled ones! Also, sometimes around this time of year Dunkin Donuts does a pumpkin pie flavor filled one which is also delicious.


I LOVE reading your race recaps. There is just something about them that feels so authentic. I don’t frequent too many running blogs (I don’t race, just leisurely run), but when I do, there is a stark difference in your recaps versus others. Just know I appreciate the honest way you write. It feels real.

You killed it at this race! I’m even more encouraged by this, and I know you’re going to get that sub-3 Janae! It’s your time, and you have worked so diligently; fighting off any obstacle in your path. Your dedication is inspiring.

I’m not a doughnut person UNLESS it is an old fashion chocolate glazed donut. Then I will take seven, please.

Have a wonderful rest of your Monday, Janae!


Awesome race!! I love the race trophy!! I always heard it said, dress for the end of the race, which is always hotter. It is awesome that you had great weather. I heard the Disney Wine and Dine race on Saturday was cut short (shorter length) because of severe weather here. The shirts are so cute!! :)


Wow first in age, congrats! I’d have run pretty fast for one of those backpacks too! (JK I wouldn’t have been able to run that fast lol)


Good job on your race!! Utah is so pretty, I’d love to race there!
I’m a big fan of creme filled donuts, and frosted with sprinkles. Must have seasonally colored sprinkles. :)


Congrats on a great race! That’s super exciting to hear how well you have recovered from your stomach craziness. It sounds like you are going to be ready to kill it in your marathon! I just ran my 3rd marathon yesterday at the outer banks in NC and I got a huge PR and BQ’ed! I’m SO thrilled and grateful that everything came together! Oh and my birthday is Nov 29th so this is turning out to be a great birthday month! :-D


OH MY GOODNESS!!! Huge huge huge congrats on the PR and the BQ!! That is beyond exciting:) Enjoy the recovery!!!


Yay for racing again!! Great job!
Donuts, yum… Yesterday I walked by the donut shop in town and made a mental note to purchase a variety of donuts for my sister when she comes to visit me in 3 weeks. CAN NOT WAIT! I am hoping for some holiday themed donuts. (pumpkin maybe, and when Christmas comes, eggnog flavored.)


Love the shirt!
Favorite donut currently is chocolate long john.


Girl you rock! I don’t know how you run that far with so little FUEL – only 1 GU?! Wow, I would not survive. I am hopefully doing a turkey trot this year with my family if the weather cooperates. My family said they won’t do it if it’s rainy AND cold but if only one or the other, they’re game.


Janae, it was a thrill to meet you, your sweet baby girl, your lovely mom, and her best friend. It really was the cherry and whip cream topping to the deliciousness that was the Snow Canyon Half. Great recap of such a great race! Those backpacks were a nice surprise although mine is covered in football turf. :0) I hope you come back to St. George soon!


Congrats on a great race! You have some serious speed and talent. I am learning more about heart rates and how tracking them can help with pacing for different efforts. I remember a few posts back you talking about your new Garmin and the heart rate data it gives you, as well as how your coach uses it to plan your training schedule. I’d love to know more about all of this and if/how you use heart rate data – perhaps a future blog post topic? Just a thought.


Your a beast. Great job on completing and doing great. Keep on pounding that pavement.


Congrats on an another incredible race! The course looks gorgeous, I’d love to run out there some day. I can’t wait to head to AZ for my next marathon!
I’ll be running my town’s turkey trot outside of Boston– looking forward to it!
Happy running and congrats again!!




AHHHHH HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMANDA!!! I hope you have had the best day ever!!!


Congrats girl. A 1:24 not really “racing” is darn impressive. The sights look incredible!


My birthday is in 6 days! I’m pretty sure I need that donut shirt for my birthday! My favorite donut just so happens to be apple fritter like yours! Awesome race time! Doing an 8k on thanksgiving!



Congrats on your time! That is awesome!

I will be running my first EVER half marathon on March 20, 2016 and I am so excited/nervous! I am going to look back at your old posts and read about you running your first half and advice you gave.

I also started a training plan today!


SOOOO SOOOOO SOOO EXCITING Jessica!!! I’m stoked for you:) Keep me updated on your training! You’ve got this!


great job on your race that trophy is adorable! running selfies are SO HARD!!! Im surprised you even got a non-blurry shot of your hair. You had to capture some of that scenery though, so beautiful!


My b-day is the 17th. My daughter’s was the 5th (she turned 16 – aack!!!). I ran a 5k this wknd & DIED! :P The 1st 2 miles were fine… The weather was perfect, hardly no wind, flat course… I don’t know what happened! My body just fell apart. Coincidentally the race wound thru my neighborhood, & it was right after passing my house that I was DONE (mile 2). ??? I’m anxious to try again soon tho. Your blog has given me such a better attitude about running. Congrats on a fabulous half!


You did AWESOME in your half! “Oh gee I guess I happened to win first in my age group whoops”… you’re incredible Janae.

I’ve been pretty pleased my running the past few days. Managed to do my 18.5-miler on Saturday despite having shin pain, managed to take it easy yesterday with a very slow 5-mile recovery jog, and this morning I managed to do my fastest 9 miles since before my injury five weeks ago! And no shin pain today! I finally feel like I’m just about back to normal.

When it comes to donuts, I may make some enemies with this one… I hate yeast donuts. If I’m gonna have a donut, it better be cake and completely smothered in powdered sugar or glaze.


Awesome job running the other day! You’re such an inspiration! I’m definitely a donut person but I’m not the biggest cake donut fan… I also despise the donuts from Dunkin Donuts. Nothing beat a fresh from the fryer homemade donut at grandma’s!


Congrats! U r speedy. :). I was in a race where they gave away free hats and that was nice; but I’d prefer a back pack. ;)
I had an amazing run on Saturday. Running in the rain/with and overcast sky/ with temps in the 50’s is the best!!!
All time favorite donut would have to be the old fashioned glazed donuts from a little family owned shop in my town. I could eat a couple dozen with a gallon of coffee. :D


Hey Janae! Congrats on an AWESOME race!! I stopped at Snow Canyon a few months ago when I was on a road trip across the country. It was such a spontaneous stop, but it turned out to be the highlight of our trip. I was so obsessed with hiking there and the views and I would love to run a race there sometime!


I have a November birthday!! the 18th! And we just did a round of IVF so I am hoping to get the best birthday gift ever and find out that I am pregnant (and the IVF worked) that week! The only bad thing about the if is that i hasn’t been able to run in two weeks :0.

Congrats on you half finish!


Congrats on your half finish time! You’re amazing!

P.s. What kind of margarine do you use in the chocolate chip cookies?


Hmmm I actually use butter now. Salted butter:)


Congratulations on that first place age category win. I love that trophy. I hope to win a first place in my age category at some point in my life… even if I gotta keep running until I’m 100. I hear the field thins out around then :-)


Awesome race and how cool are those bags?
My birthday is on Thursday, the 12th! Hoping for some gift cards so I can get a new garmin!!
Running has been going great! I am pretty happy today! I missed my 8 mile run yesterday so I got up and ran it this morning before I went to teach. Longest run before work!!!


Turn 48 tomorrow and reached 1000 km on my Nike app today. Woohoo!


Congrats!! I love this race!! I ran it back in 2009 I think? It was my first sub 2 half! It was the fall before we moved away :( Looks like the swag has definitely gotten better since then! The course was gorgeous!! Maybe some year I’ll go back and do it. It’s in my top 3 halfs :)


Well done on the race! Love the pink bag! x


My birthday was yesterday!

I did the Rock N Roll Savannah half and 5k this weekend. The 5k was awesome. The half was brutal! They had to cut it short due to high heat and humidity. It was crazy!

Congrats on a great race!


Congrats on another great time!
So… I’m dying to hear your playlist … you mentioned a while ago that you were going to post your playlist from St. George and then, well, you didn’t get to use it then. I need inspiration! I hate listening to the radio and the only time I do is to get new ideas.


Congrats on an amazing race! I’m reading this a few days late (I just started back work after maternity leave and I’ve been a frantic mess at home.) I enjoy reading your blog for some good motivation to get my butt moving on days when I’m feeling lazy or overwhelmed. Also, I’m turning 30 on November 30th! Not entirely sure how I’m feeling about this milestone birthday! :)


I’m a Nov 20th babyyy! :D


Congrats on an awesome race!

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