Our Thanksgiving complete with freezing cold miles and pies for an appetizer.

Now that was a cold 5 miler.  I’m glad I made sure to get the trash can in my picture too.  8:04 pace.  Lots of wind.  Lots of Regina Spektor listening. Lots of thinking about my Brookers and the upcoming pies.  

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After my run I walked on the treadmill and watched the parade for a little bit because going back to a Brookeless house isn’t my favorite thing (good news… she comes home today!!!)

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Before going to my parents’ house I stopped at Lindsey’s house for pie!  It was the best kind of appetizer for Thanksgiving dinner.  Her mom makes a killer pie.  

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My brother and his family came in town so it was quite the party.

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My nephew was determined to steal some of my chocolate milk… he was almost fast enough.

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For dinner we went up to my aunt’s house in SLC and ate at 6!  I got to take my nieces and jam out to Taylor Swift the whole way.  

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My sister, cousin and I will forever be at the kid’s table and we are totally okay with that.  

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Mer (my grandma) knows what she is doing when it comes to dessert… the banana cream, chocolate and berry were my favorites.  

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We spent a lot of time talking.

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And then like every year, I did some tummy time to help with the fullness but this year I had a dog walking on me the whole time.  

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Long run today or tomorrow… I can’t decide because I had a lot of pie yesterday and I don’t know how good that is for some fast paced miles.  


If you celebrate Thanksgiving—> What was the best part of your Thanksgiving!?

If you ran a Turkey Trot… how did it go?

Who is going out and shopping today for Black Friday?

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Looks like a great day with family and friends!


Definitely staying inside today where it’s safe! Shopping online if I have to. I say run today so you can spend all day tomorrow with Brooke!


I ran a 5 mile turkey trot and got a PR! 41:03 with the last 2 miles at sub 8 which is really fast for me :) If I shop it will be from the safety of my computer haha


GEORGINA!!! Holy cow… you ROCKED it! Huge congrats on your 5 mile PR with negative splits too! hahah I’m with you… I like my computer a lot more than crowds!


I just got home from a little Target Black Friday shopping – The store was dead thanks to all of the crazies getting out at 6pm ;) All of that pie looks AMAZING! I made Nutella brownies instead of pie this year.


I made it 8.5 gorgeous miles in Nashville yesterday, then we did a Cracker Barrel breakfast, went to see James Bond, and then had a dinner with turkey, sweet potato casserole, and all the fixings!

No shopping for me, maybe online!


What a pie-filled day! My birthday is Monday so we usually have a lot of cake on Thanksgiving and that was definitely the case yesterday. The best part was the dance party we had last night with all the cousins, aunts, and uncles. Somehow it always turns into that!


No turkey trot for me but I did do a pretty awesome 5 mile tempo Thanksgiving morning! We saw both my family and my husband’s family so it was a good day :)


No shopping for me today- I stay away from the malls on BF and head to the parks. Good luck on your long run!! Looks warmer out there than Boston, so that’s nice! :)


Happy Thanksgiving!


Those pies…look amazing. Ran my first ever Turkey Trot yesterday – a quick 5k, it was a PR! They served pumpkin pie after so that was my reward/breakfast :P Going to check out Target just to see the aftermath.. but Amazon is where it’s at for shopping!


HUGE CONGRATS CYNTHIA on your first Turkey Trot AND a PR. Pie for breakfast… yes please! Good luck at Target ha!


Best part of Thanksgiving was the dessert :) I made the best ever cookie cake. Can’t wait to make it again! I will not be shopping today for Black Friday, too crowded for my taste!


I’m contemplating going shopping later but I don’t *need* anything. Does Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods have Black Friday sales? If so, that’s where I’d want to go haha


No shopping for me today – I’m actually sick with a fever! So no running either, or anything but rest, at least hopefully!


:( I hope you feel better soon. It is no fun being sick on day like today. :(


Aw, thank you :)


No shopping for me today – just waiting for Cyber Monday! Turkey Trots (plural!) went well at our house yesterday. It was a beautiful day – 54 degrees! Resting up today for another 5K tomorrow. Moving on to Christmas themed ones now :)


Heading out later to do a little shopping. Heading out for a quick run shortly, and then I need to clean up before I start decorating for CHRISTMAS!!!


Your nephew may be one of the cutest little things I have ever seen. Seriously. Sigh.


Oh thank you Tiffany! I am going to have to agree with you:) I hope you are having an awesome Friday!


Looks like you had a fun holiday!! I loved getting to spend time with my family yesterday for Thanksgiving. My relatives are hilarious, and my family is seriously incredible. And the food–SO.GOOD.

I ran the Turkey Trot yesterday, and it went really well! I was pretty nervous about it, but it ended up being a good way to start the day :)


The best part of Thanksgiving was the meal! I don’t know why we don’t eat stuffing at other times of the year, it’s so good!

I didn’t run an official turkey trot, but I ran 8 solo miles and then 2 miles with my guy and our dog.

Any shopping that happens today will be from my computer. I don’t do insane crowds.


I think the best part of thanksgiving was having everyone together. It doesn’t happen often anymore! No turkey trot but I did get in a few miles on the treadmill. No Black Friday shopping for me. I prefer to avoid all the crowds and do my shopping online!


We had a fantastic dinner and visited lots of family. Even though every one there had a cold they were just starting or just getting over, it was a perfect thanksgiving. On to the left overs!


Enjoy the leftovers (leftover thanksgiving sandwiches are my favorite ha!) So glad you had such a perfect Thanksgiving!


I think I have to learn to make pie this year after the good ones I ate yesterday, could be dangerous though!


Do it! Being able to make a pie is really impressive to a lot of people for some reason. And homemade pies are always better than store bought ones.


Yes! I recommend starting with this pumpkin pie recipe. It’s so good that I make it every year for Thanksgiving, and even my brother who has little baking experience has made it with no problem.



My Turkey Trot went great. I had a huge PR and broke 22 minutes for the first time. And it was cold, but the weather was great other than that.

And Thanksgiving was great too. I was in charge of the pies, and they were a big hit. :)


Super fun Thanksgiving this year in Florida with about 60 family members! 7 of us ran a Turkey Trot. I ran with my 10 year old niece and my husband ran with his 83 year old dad! And my brother-in-law one his age division – 40-49 males.


I might do some online shopping for XMAS but no plans to actually head out to the stores. I don’t like malls to begin with because they get crowded.


Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving! The best part for me was spending time with family and good food. No turkey trot for me but I did run 5 miles on my own. I will be avoiding the stores today! Cyber Monday is where its at :-). Excited for you that Brooke comes home today!


Best part of my thanksgiving was when my boyfriends daughter asked if I would come back to their house after dinner (at his aunts) to hang out. I am so thankful that they like spending time with me. It only makes my relationship with my boyfriend stronger. And it makes me feel so lucky to have them in my life as a bonus. :)


Happy Thanksgiving! I love how in the US, you take your turkey day VERY seriously! We had ours over a month ago

Love your Grandmother’s pie photos – my dog stole our massive (Costco) pumpkin pie off the counter while we were relaxing before dessert and ate the ENTIRE pie. So we didn’t have pie on Thanksgiving.

No shopping, but watching for sales online on Monday!! Have a great weekend.


NOOOOOOOO he did not. Was he super sick after? I need to send you a pie!


I ran a 10k turkey trot and it went great!!! Ran it at an 8:20 pace overall which I know is slow for you but pretty fast for me :) It was a course I’ve never ran before so I was surprised (and not super thrilled) that the whole course was legitimately rolling hills! But made it through!! So glad Brooke comes home today :)


Family and seeing my husband eat 2 plates of food was my favorite part of yesterday. He needs to put some weight back on. (which has never been my problem).

the 5k went great. I was faster than I expected which made me happy. I ran home after to boost my mileage up to 5 miles.

No shopping in stores, did a little bit online. I’m getting a mani/pedi, I haven’t had one professionally done in over a year. I have a gift certificate that expires soon.


I don’t like crowds so I won’t be going to any malls today. I might do some online shopping though.


I can only speak for myself, but I think massive amounts of pie are good long run fuel… I just got done with 19.5 miles, mostly at marathon pace! The Jacksonville Marathon is 37 days away and I’m feeling more confident than ever about it.

Also, I realized that I’ve already broken my record for most miles in one week (I’m at about 84 now), and it’s only Friday. I wasn’t planning this, my runs have just felt great this week and almost every day I didn’t want to stop! I’ll have to force myself to take it easier next week…


WAY TO GO GRANT on 19.5 miles at MP!! You are going to rock Jacksonville Marathon! And 84 miles… holy cow!! You are doing amazing!


Happy Thanksgiving. Looks like you had a wonderful time with family and friends. We woke up to -2 degree temperatures, so I am waiting until noon-ish to get in my run today. My husband and I are also going out to get out Christmas tree!!! I just love love love decorating around this time of year. Have a great weekend!


Love seeing all the comments from people who got new PRs yesterday- what a great way to start Thanksgiving Day! Congrats to all!

Didn’t sign up for a Turkey Trot b/c we were supposed to be leaving early to drive 1.5 hrs to see family. Our plans were revised at the last moment and we didn’t leave as early, so I ended up running 3.1 in the rain and actually passed the guys putting up direction signs in my neighborhood for the Trot course. Oh well. Went home and chased the puppy around in the wet grass instead. :)

Best part was hanging with my cousins, aunts and uncles who I don’t get to see as often as I’d like.

Started shopping yesterday, all online. Haven’t gone out on BF in years.


Happy Thanksgiving, Janae! I had a great one that started off doing the Drumstick Double ( 5 & 10K) with my family. Just saw this chocolate bar and had to share the link with you because it’s some of your favorite things. Enjoy your time with Brook today!



Definitely went out shopping this morning, it’s a tradition I look forward to every year! Those pies – WOWZERS, they look amazing!


Umm first- I need those pants!!!! Please tell us where you got them!

No shopping for me – we are flying home but I’ll probably have to sneak some online shopping in.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Hey Kara!! Thank you so so much! I got them at this store:


I hope you had a great flight and you got in some great online shopping!


I ran a 5K Turkey Chase and PR’d 5 days after running a marathon!

I don’t shop on black friday because I work but I participate in Cyber Monday!

Happy Thanksgiving, Janae and Brooke!


Happy Thanksgiving! Did your grandmother MAKE the cakes?!


No she bought them from Kneaders! Our favorite bakery around here!


Seriously that Chocolate cake looks delicious! Can you invite me over just for that! ;)

My sister got this cook coloring tablecloth that was pretty fun to do after dinner.

Hubs and I didn’t run a turkey trot this year, but we did run 5 freezing miles. Normally I get warm by mile 1-2, but this time my chin and neck were SO cold and frozen.


Hope you had a good thanksgiving!! I love love your sweater it’s sooo cute :)


Is that a golden walking all over you?! Because I would totally be okay with that!


It sounds like you had the best thanksgiving!!! I love your hair down!! So pretty!! And those pies look absolutely amazing!!!


Those pies look amazing!!! My favorite part of Thanksgiving is definitely the dessert. Oh and family time! ;)

No black Friday shopping for me! I avoid the crowds! But it is interesting to see the craziness on YouTube afterwards! ha!

Happy Thanksgiving!!


Girl, those pies…look delish. Contemplating a late night slice of leftover apple crumble pie now…

Stayed away from Black Friday madness; did a little online shopping for my mom. Ran an 8K Turkey Trot yesterday morning, with a PR to boot! Great way to start the holiday for sure.


Your nephew is SO adorable!! And where did you get your pants? They are so cute!!


Thanks Shannon!! He really is! I got them from this store… my current favorite:



I agree with Shannon, I love your pants! I didn’t run a turkey trot, but joined my friend for a 10 miler earlier on in the day and spent the rest of the morning/afternoon cooking! Shopping and I are not good friends…I don’t like crowds and I am addicted to online shopping!


your thanksgiving outfit!! Deets please!


I didn’t do a Turkey trot but I did do the Subaru Thanksgiving Classic half marathon Thursday! It went super well :) Those pies look amazing


Looks like such a great day with your extended family!

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