7 ways to run happier and a pancake picnic.

Sometimes our most simple nights together are by far my favorite.

Brooke wanted to have a picnic on her pink blanket so we went for it.  

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Okay, this toasted coconut pancake mix from TJ’s is bomb.  We added bananas and chocolate chips and wow.  They were pretty sweet (I had some tortilla chips after because I needed something salty because they were so sweet) but so good.  

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Brooke has decided to grow like 8 inches this last month so we went to Old Navy to get her some winter things.  They were having a huge sale and Brooke tried to tackle me for our selfie.

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We also had to stop at Target for some veggies and play-doh (yeah, that stuff is kind of a huge deal at our house right now).

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We ran into our good friend and Brooke made sure to show off her tongue trick.

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I put her to bed and got ready for bed (yes, that is zit cream on my face.. you are welcome for that), read and ate a bagel.  I am pretty sure I have been in marathon training for 85% of this year and so that means I have gotten in quite the habit of eating every 90 minutes.  And lots of carbs.  

Photo on 11 11 15 at 9 31 PM

I’m all about lists these days:)  I have 8 things that I do to Run Happy when I am feeling a lack of motivation/grumpy/tired that I thought I would share with you today!  Not every run (or most runs) are going to feel great/easy but that’s a big part of running and we can decide what our perception of the run is and choose to Run Happy!

Focus outwards.  So this is a life thing I am trying but it totally applies to running too.  When we become too self-involved (this hurts, I’m tired, dwell on our problems, thinking about how hard things are for us etc) we lose out on a lot of fun in life.  But when we focus our attention outwards (i.e. the beauty of NATURE, thinking about how to help other people in our life, the sights all around us etc) we just enjoy things a lot more.  Sometimes during speed work when I am tired and wanting to quit I focus on finding the most beautiful thing in my surroundings and focusing on that (it usually ends up being the mountains because I am obsessed with them).  

Get in bed in good time!  I think my best/happiest feeling runs are after a good night of sleep.  Some things we can’t control—>  work, kids waking us up etc but we can control things like turning off the tv or phone and crawling into bed in good time in order to get enough sleep.  My most unhappy running moments are usually because the night before I chose to stay out way too late.  

Smile.  It’s weird and I might be simple-minded but sometimes just faking it to make it makes the biggest difference in a run/race for me.  Putting on a smile for even just a few seconds releases some sort of chemical and helps me to run happier even when the run is hard.  You’ve got nothing to lose in trying it.  

Wear your absolute favorite running clothes (this shirt gets me every time.. it tells me to Run Happy so I do). Wear things that you feeling comfortable and confident in.  I have two pairs of shorts that I used to try over and over again to make happen but finally gave up on them because they bugged me/chaffed me while running which = frustrating.  Wear what feels best for you that stays put and comfortable for your entire run.

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Let go of perfectionism.  Sure, have big goals and reach for the stars but also go easy on yourself.  No one is perfect and you are doing the best you can.  My runs are SO MUCH happier when I take off the pressure, relax a bit and remember that I run because it is fun… I don’t run because I want to add extra stress/pressure to my life.  

-To go along with the above one… if you are placing too much pressure on yourself with your running then run watchless for a bit.  Forget about time/pace/miles and go out for as long as you want and go by feel.  You’ll get out there and remember how great it feels to run without anything telling you to go faster or slower.  PS after a marathon/big race I always go watchless for a bit because after months of training hard, I am more than ready to just run whatever I feel like.  

Take a break!  If you aren’t finding joy in your running right now then maybe take a day or two or a week off.  Overtraining/exhaustion can take the fun out of running… remember that running is always going to be there for you when you are ready to come back.  A few days off if your body/brain needs it will help you to come back and run happy again.


8 days left to get your DONUT STOP RUNNING shirt!!!


Also, I know I have asked you for songs before but this time is especially necessary.  My coach assigned me some homework and I need your help because I am pretty sick of my current playlist and I need an extremely good one for the marathon.  PLEASE SHARE!!!!

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What things help you to RUN HAPPY?

What did you have for dinner yesterday?

When was the last time you took a break from running?  What was your reason for taking a break?

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Agree that running in clothes I love just makes it better, and lots of bright colors! We always seem to come home with either play doh or silly putty no matter what store we go to.


I have that same shirt and I always use new running clothes to motivate myself….works every time ;)


Thanks for the “run happy” reminder. Running has felt a little too much like a chore and not enough like a privilege lately. I think for me, I just need to remember how lucky I am to be doing what I’m doing. :)


Currently on a 6+ week break for an injury, so I’m extra motivated to come back soon :) Last night for dinner I had chicken thighs and a sweet potato. My favorite meal lately!


I’m a big believer in running watchless at least once a week! Lately I’ve been meeting up with a few friends once a week and we just go for a run and catch up..who knows what pace we go or how long we’re out..and then go out for a drink after. It’s my new favorite routine! My last break from running was after my half marathon in October. I took a full week off from all exercise and running, and I felt 100% better mentally and physically after that!


I think to stay motivated having goals and changing the scenery. Part of the reason I do like to race so much is for the ability to run several different places. It’s such a nice change versus running similar or the same routes.


Running with friends makes me happy! I love a good deep running convo and the brighter clothes, the better. I had grilled chicken and peas for dinner… It was very sad, but I was pressed for time after the gym and was excited to write todays blog post!

I’m excited for my running break that is about to come after St. Jude the first weekend in December. I’m taking the break because I don’t love running in the cold and it’ll be nice to just enjoy Christmas!


I think that is such a great idea to make a playlist and then save it for race day! There’s nothing like new music to make you excited to push hard. Yesterday for dinner I had mac and cheese and roasted brussel sprouts (love those things!).


“Soldier of Love” by Donny Osmond- from 1989, but still powerful.


I remind myself that I don’t have to run. I get to! And on days that I’m really not feeling it, I don’t. I should enjoy it and forcing it won’t make me love it! Though I’ve never finished a run and wished I hadn’t done it!


All of HAIM but especially Calvin Harris Ft Haim Pray to God – I swear I run faster with this on!


That list is spot on, and I LOVE that pink “Run Happy” shirt! I try to remember one smile per mile, and my dad reminds me before every race: “Hey, just have fun.” :)

Last night’s dinner was a potato with chicken and avocado…and Cheetos.


Running with friends, running at sunrise, taking time off and then that first run back is always awesome. New sneakers, new scenery.

I had some pot roast carrots and fingerling potatoes last night. And donuts. :(


What if you put one or two of Brooke’s favorite songs on your playlist? It would be like having her running along with you (and make you smile). Just a thought.


I’m taking a break from running right now because I’m pregnant, and I miss it so much! I can’t wait to add some sprints back into my life in a few months. Last night I made vegetable fried rice for dinner, followed by ice cream for dessert!


Hi Janae!! Try some songs by Passion Pit – Take a Walk is my fav:)


YES, and Carried Away!


And, I’ll Be Alright


Great list!! Great music makes me run happy… but basically just having time to escape, think, and feel the breeze makes me de-stress. :)

Trying to remember what’s on my running playlist right now, but…

Imagine Dragons “I’m So Sorry”
Kiesza “Stronger”
Martin Garrix and Usher “Don’t Look Down” (still gets me pumped)
DNCE “Cake By the Ocean” (not necessarily appropriate, but the music gets me moving


“Up We Go” – Lights
“Helena Beat” – Foster the People
“Feel Right” – Mark Ronson ft Mystikal (explicit!–find the clean version)
“Island” – The Starting Line
“Say My Name” – Odesza
“Gecko (Overdrive)”- Oliver Heldens

You will not regret putting these on your playlist!


Odesza rocks!


Heck yeah! Love their albums. My last marathon I listens to both of their cds front to back. .super chill but motivating :)


“Helena Beat” – Foster the People – This is a BIG suggestion. I take my snowboarding playlist and often use it for running.


I love it !


I totally agree about the running clothes thing – I love buying and feeling great in my running gear although lately I’ve found FAR too many reasons to ‘treat’ myself to new gear – it has to stop, there isn’t enough storage space!
I had teriyaki salmon with stir fry veg and zoodles for dinner last night – it was delish
I have an oldie but a goodie – I absolutely love Don’t Stop by Queen. I mean who wouldn’t start smiling when you hear the words ‘Don’t stop me now – I’m having such a good time, I’m having a ball’ always puts a skip in my step.


I second Queen’s Don’t Stop Me Now. I’ll make a supersonic woman of you!


I like this song called Ex’s and Oh’s by Elle King. And I was listening to 90’s pandora station the other day and the song Mambo No 5 came on and the beat was surprisingly good for running – although I am much slower than you…so maybe not!


Ex’s and Oh’s is sooooo good!


Pump up songs that I do not remember seeing on your playlists (I usually copy them :)) – Kryptonite (3 Doors Down), Last Resort (Papa Roach), Lean On (Major Lazer w/ M0 & DJ Snake), Remember the Name (Fort Minor)

Yes – I will fully acknowledge that I am stuck in the early 2000’s….


Running with a new group or friends is always fun! Believe it or not, Christian dubstep/remix music has really amped up my running lately. Not only some great beats but motivating/inspirational as well. Have a great day!



Anytime a dubstep comes on my Pandora playlist when I’m driving, I always want to stop the vehicle and start running. Crazy motivational beats.


Too funny! Me too!


Electric Love – by BORNS. My husband just caught me dancing to it in the kitchen because I am obsessed and can listen to it over and over again. A really feel good song!


Love that shirt.

My trick to “Run Happy” is to remember all the joy in the past that running has brought me (mostly, my recent BQ). Thinking back to that day and that moment always puts a little extra pep in my step when I need it the most.

For dinner I had tuna salad with cucumbers, green bell peppers, and corn. It was surprisingly delicious.

Last break was when I was injured. It’s actually be harder to get back into it than I thought it would be…mostly because after 12 weeks off, running is hard. But to get myself out there I just remember how sad I was when I couldn’t run. It always gets me out the door :)

Fave running song right now: “Ghost” by Ella Henderson. I just redid my running mix too, actually titled now “Run out of the Rut” because I was so sick of my old running list. A fresh playlist is the absolute BEST thing.


I love the run-sans-watch suggestion. Any time I’ve followed that (and I have in several marathons!), I have felt much less stressed. Sure, the races and runs where I run watch-less are more casual/not goal races. But having fun out there beats being stressed about hitting your splits sometimes!


Remembering all of the times when I couldn’t run due to injury help me to run happy b/c I’m SO HAPPY that I GET to run!

I’m on a break from running now :( I’m 17 weeks pregnant and having complications so I’m on modified bed rest and it is KILLING me! Totally worth it for the health of my baby but still SO SO hard!


I was on modified & then full bed rest (pretty impossible when I also had a 2yr old! I did my best) with my son & it was SO hard! One day you’re doing all the normal things you do & the next you’re doing pretty much nothing. Hang in there…I got back to running 6 weeks (he was an urgent section) after he was born and I was faster than I ever had been!


Thank you :) I’m sorry you had to deal with bed rest too but so glad that your baby is ok…and yay for running again!


Letting go of perfectionism in running helps me so much. No run or race is going to be perfect, so I might as well enjoy it for what it is. I took a ten day break after I finished my marathon, which helped me avoid burnout.


AronChupa – I’m an Albatraoz
Johnnyswim – Diamonds


I really like your idea of smiling. I need to do that more. I also used the mantra “I get to run” which helped me.

I had a tuna salad sandwich – like chicken salad sandwich, but with tuna. It made it taste a lot better.

I took a break from running just after my first marathon. Went a whole month without running. I really enjoyed getting back to running after that long of a break. :)


I find imagining I look better than I do really helps. Well, I would LOVE to say “I picture how great I look” – but imagination definitely plays a key role. A trick with this one is to avoid at all costs accidentally catching a glimpse of my reflection in shop windows. Illusion shattered.

I love your “run happy” top!


A few of my fav songs :)

Rollercoaster – Bleachers
This Feeling – L’Tric
Work Hard, Play Hard – Wiz Khalifa (of course the edited version)


Okay, i’m going to a proud friend over here and tell you my friends bands. they’re on spotify and they’ve got some great stuff!!!

Tribe Society- Kings, but also i’m obsessed with Pain Told Love….

Shadowboxers- They’ve been working with Justin Timberlake lately which is SO awesome, they’ve got some amazing songs out there right. I requested two MONTHS in advance that they play “Ride Home”. My friend Matt was like “whoa. okay. two months?” whooops i get excited!

American Authors- Everyone knows the best day of my life one, but MAN they’ve got some other awesome pump me up songs. Definitely check it out.


The sleep thing is really getting me right now! I need to get more sleep but having to get up so early makes it hard! Just focusing on one run, one day at a time!


I’ve been taking a running break for the last little while. Not completely but just not running nearly as much. The biggest reason is because I’m pregnant and in my first trimester. I’ve been much sicker and way more tired this time around so I’d don’t feel up to running much. But when I do, I make sure to fit a run in.


Great list! I run happy by focusing on how it helps me meet my goals and pushes me to be a better version of myself.
The most time I’ve needed to take off running was a week. I was sick with the stomach bug. I agree that taking a break when needed can be a great mental refresher so when you state again, you feel rejuvenated!
Frosted mini wheat were my dinner last night. I got home at 8:15PM and just needed something quick!


I still love play doh and keep so much of it in the house should my son ever decide it’s time to play with it again or at the very least, for snow days…For some reason, running in the rain makes me really happy!


I took a break from running in September because I was hit by a car on my bike and went through a windshield but now I am back and stronger than ever! :)


How awful :-( I hope you’re doing ok. I’m a cyclist also & getting hit is a BIG fear. Cyclists are so vulnerable.


I second American Authors. Their Go Big or Go Home and Hit It were 2 of my faves on my last marathon playlist but they have lots of other great songs too.


Luck is great too!


I just love your blog ☺ You are always so positive! Here are some of my favorite songs-

Flawless-Mercy Me
Greater-Mercy Me
I Lived-OneRepublic
Church Bells-Carrie Underwood
Ships in the Night-Mat Kearney


I’ve had to cut way back on running due to IT band issues…my knee hates me if I do anything over 2 miles right now. Hoping that won’t last too long!

Some of my favorite songs from my half marathon in September were: Geronimo by Sheppard, Work this Body by Walk the Moon (and Shut up and Dance with me by the same group), anything clean by Pink (esp Raise Your Glass), Fight Song by Rachel Platten, Heartbeat Song by Kelly Clarkson. These are all mainstream songs, so there might not be any new suggestions for you. I also run at a much slower pace than you, so they might not have a quick enough tempo! Haha.

(By the way, I’m Melanie Clayton’s sister. I found out about your blog from Mel and Chelsea back when you posted about Chelsea’s bracelets. ?)


Everlong by the Foo Fighters
I am the Fire and I Like it Heavy by Halestorm

Last night – mung bean pasta with spaghetti squash and vodka sauce, chicken and a salad. The pasta sounds weird but it’s high in protein and fiber, it has a mild taste so it works well with sauce.

I’m not training for anything until December. I run when I feel like it and if I don’t I do other workouts that I like.


I started listening to Christian rap/R&B/etc. on Spotify over my lunch break walks this past year and came across SO many that I ended up downloading to run to!

“I Like to Win” by Shonlock was one of my favorites for my races this fall! Can’t help but run fast during it!

KJ-52’s “Gameface” is also AWESOME for running, I usually play it after I’m warmed up to get my legs really going.

And “Church Clap” by Lecrae has the best running beat EVER.


I keep the Shazam app handy on my phone and keep a list of all of the “energy” songs I hear on the radio, and that makes up a “new tunes” playlist. That keeps my list fresh and gets me going. Latest additions are Emergency (Icona Pop), Way Too Much (Wavves).
For dinner I made some delicious “oven fajitas” (baked in oven, not on the stove). I was skeptical, but they turned out really good!! That recipe is a keeper now.


You know a friend of mine recently said the same thing to me about smoking. Maybe if I smile more good things will start happening to me?


I needed a break from running because my perfectionist approach was ruining all the fun. So after many months of hiking and weight training instead (love both!!), I started running NAKED (no watch, no goals) and usually I finish with a huge smile on my face!! Your Run Happy tips are spot on today.

My must haves:
– Sunnies so I am not squinting
– A tight ponytail, sagging is the worst!
– Clothes that stay put


“Welcome to Paradise” by Green Day. That opening guitar riff always energizes me up and over the hills!


“O…Saya” from the Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack. This song makes me FLY.


I am always changing up my playlist. Here’s a few I am enjoying now:

Cake By The Ocean – DNCE SWAAY
Confident – Demi Lovato
Someone New – Hozier
Hula Hoop – Omi


We had taco salad for the second time this week… and I think I’ve had it as leftovers for every lunch as well. I clearly am obsessed right now. That pancake mix is the best! It also makes really yummy waffles.


We went to the movies yesterday and I ate a ton of candy so all I wanted for dinner was an English muffin.

I just added a bunch of songs from your playlists to mine! Some things I’ve been enjoying that you didn’t actually recommend are the girl power songs from Disney movies. (especially the Disney channel originals) Lemonade Mouth and Girl vs Monster have some great ones. I like that I don’t have to edit the lyrics, especially when my kiddo is with me!


I had hamburgers for dinner yesterday – delicious! I could probably eat burgers every day……

I haven’t run much at all this past month – work has been busy and running goes on the backburner.


New favorite song for me is Confident by Demi Lovato. I need to remember that when I run. A pacer once had everyone smile every so often while running a marathon. It works.


Kiss’ “I was made for lovin you”

Homemade chicken souvlaki wrap (SO GOOD!)

I’m currently on a running break due to injury. It’s been the longest 4 months of my life – hoping I can one day run again!


“Black Magic” Little Mix
“Downtown” Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
“Til I Collapse” Eminem
“The Warrior” Patty Smyth
“Here I Go Again” Whitesnake
“On My Mind” Ellie Goulding


My family is really into breakfast for dinner lately. We have been making different combinations of omelets quite a bit. I feel like it is a good way to sneak some veggies that my daughter wouldn’t normally eat.

By the way, I love your mantra of, “I can do hard things!” I totally say that to myself when my run starts to get tough. Soooo excited for your upcoming marathon. It will be awesome!


I’m totally taking all of these tunes and making a playlist myself!!! I love that you have so many active commenting to give us ideas! WOOHOO!


I was totally at Old Navy last night too! :) My mom and I hit up the sale and I got some sweatshirts and workout tops (even though I have way too many of both those items). We then proceeded to her condo where we ordered takeout Chinese food and drank wine. Perfect activity for the crazy storm that was going on outside!

A couple weeks ago I took about 3 days off running just because my body was tired and I needed the physical (and mental) break. I swam and did yoga and was back running better than ever!


My dog always makes me run happy, how can you not be when you see how excited she is! Every time we go for a run it always seems like the best day of her life!

The Best chicken ever and coconut almond green beans was on the menu for tonight’s dinner!! I couldn’t wait to get home for supper!

This week I had to take a break, I am so congested that breathing is difficult, I just want to get rid of this cough. :( I am hoping that all this coughing is going to give me awesome abs. I think/hope by tomorrow I will be able to at least take me dog for a walk!


Jackson 5 (oh yes) – I Want You Back
Taio Cruz – Dynamite
Florence+ machine: Dog Days are Over
One Republic – Feel Again
Shakira – Waka Waka (very good for inspirational run)
Rachel Platten – Fight Song

Are you going to let us know which ones you pick??? Looking forward to hearing your new songs!


I took 10 days off of running and pretty much all exercise after NYC marathon. I went on my first run yesterday and it felt good but it was HARD! How in the world did I run 26 miles 10 days ago?? I’m ready to go back to running for fun after spending all summer getting ready for the marathon. Now if the silly weather would just cooperate, I’m not ready for snow and early morning runs in the teens! ❄️??


forgetting all the outside stress/distractions while i run makes me run happy :) letting everything go and enjoying the run is the best

letting go of perfectionism is something I struggle with for sure in all aspects of life. its hard not to be critical of ourselves!

Why do i not go to trader joes more often??? That pancake mix looks BOMB!


that running shirt is awesome! its neon and breezy and motivational! love it :)


I added some old school NSYNC songs to my workout playlist right before my first full marathon. It was so great when they randomly came on during the race. :)


Ummm I love anything coconut, so that pancake mix is a MUST TRY! Annnnd I’m obsessed with Adele’s song now (who isn’t)… and also El Perdon by Nicky Jam and Enrique Iglesias is a good pump you up song! :)



It’s funny that your coach is wanting you to make a new playlist – not long ago I was getting tired of the same Top 40 hits and podcasts while going out on my runs, so while trying to mix things up a bit, I re-discovered My Chemical Romance. They used to be my jam back in my emotional high school years. While a lot of their music is more on the ‘dark’ side, they really do have some great music that helps you dig deep when you need it. “Sing” “Famous Last Words” and “I’m Not Okay (edited)” are a few of my favorites.


I know you will like these songs because we have similar taste in music:

Lone Ranger, stand by you, beating me up –> Rachel Platten

Ex’s and Ohs –> Elle King

Roots –> imagine dragons

used to Love You –> Gwen stefani (not a super pump up song but has a good beat, plus it’s a great one if you’re feeling angry about certain people in your previous life lol)


I forgot one! lost and found –> Ellie Goulding


“Roots” is fantastic!!


“Hey Man Nice Shot” – Filter
“Safe and Sound” – Capital Cities
“Run Boy Run” – Woodkid
“I’m in Love” – Alex Gaudino
“King” – Years & Years


Let’s Go by Matt and Kim – I will forever love running to this song because it came on right after an old man gave me a high five after I ran up a hill. It was too perfect. I’ve since tried to get high fives from other people I see when I’m running, and it hasn’t been as successful. That’s ok.
Fader by The Temper Trap


Ok, so music is what makes me run happy. (Also, running the Thanksgiving Point Gardens in the morning–Paradise! But they’re closed for the season, boo!) I actually have a playlist titled “Run, Forrest, Run!” and only my prime songs go on it and I only listen to it while running. :)

My child who loves to run is on his mission now and we are both huge OneRepublic fans, so I listen to them a lot lately. “I Lived” never ever disappoints. I am also on a weird One Direction kick lately and “Girl Almighty” has pulled me out of a few slumps by the end of a long run. “Ready to Run” is a good one too. “Wavin’ the Flag (Coca-Cola Celebration Mix” by K’naan is fantastic. And finally (!!!) “Whole Wide World” by Mindy Gledhill and “Glorious” by David Archuleta feed my soul mid-run.


One of the most important things for me to run happy is to quit comparing myself to other runners. I have to remind myself that I’m not going to be the best runner, and that’s okay. I run because I love it, and I need to focus on doing the best I can and improving personally.

Currently my favorite speed songs are Shake It Off by Taylor Swift and Levels by Avicii… used them today to set a new personal best time (see, this is what I need to be focusing on, a PERSONAL best) during a tempo run!


I love the run happy shirt! I’ve almost bought the simliar one from Brooks 3 or 4 times, I need to just cave and buy it!

New music always gets me going! I recently discovered spotify for treadmill times and I love it!


I’m addicted to Sorry by Justin Bieber right now…it’s just such a fun song!

I ran watchless yesterday on the second half of my run and it was awesome! It definitely made me happier and I always feel stronger when I’m not psyching myself out about going too fast or too slow.

Dinner yesterday –>pizza!

I recently took a break from running to recover from a marathon that I hadn’t properly trained for. Meanwhile, I started stretching more/doing yoga focused on my hips and it’s made my legs feel like they have a much larger range of motion!


My favourite songs for running / snowboarding are:

Justice – D.A.N.C.E
MGMT – Electric Feel & KIDS
Foster the People – Pumped up Kicks & Helena Beat
Fatboy Slim – Praise you (best video too..you tube this one)
Cypress Hill – Jump Around
Technotronic – Pump up the Jam

Dinner – pasta ..but TODAY for lunch – I have your sweet potatoes with salsa, black beans & green onion!

Running – took a major break..injuries caused the break and then my depleted running confidence so I am starting at square 1 or rather square -1. I think to have joy in running this time around, I need to take results pressure off myself and not look in the past (was easily doing fast 5 k’s and now..I suck)
Have a great day!


Good tracklist that… :)


Love the shirt! I had my fav Greek Chicken Salad with extra beets. Mmmmm.
Music I’m loving on my playlist these days:
Good to Be Alive: Andy Grammer
Just Fine: Mary J Blige
I Need Never Get Old: Nathaniel Rateliff (great beat!)
Soldier: Gavin DeGraw
Proud Mary: Tina Turner


“American Girl” by Tom Petty

Perfect for the beginning of a run I’d imagine (I swim).



I have many, but my best, most fave, running song EVER is C’mon N ‘ Ride It ( The Train ) by Quad City DJ’S. Love!


Spiderhead- Cage the Elephant
I Can Talk – Two Door Cinema Club
Emperor’s New Clothes- Panic! At The Disco
Sorry – Justin Bieber (Sorry, LOL I had to)
Blame It On Me – George Ezra (such a happy feel good song!)


Ooh! I will be reading through all of these comments later tonight, as i ned to work on my race-day playlist too. Lately, “Brave” by Sara Bareilles and “Rollin” by Limp Bizkit (no judging) have really helped me.

And, I run happy because I am fortunate enough to be running. I try not to ever take running for granted, and run for all those that cannot.


I took a break from running August-October of this year. I stopped running at 34 weeks pregnant and didn’t start up again until I was 6 weeks postpartum. It was the first real break I have taken from running in years and made me realize how much I need running in my life. I am definitely a different person without it!!!

All I need to run happy is a pair of Brooks shoes, comfortable outfit, and music. I don’t care where I’m running, as long as I’m running.


Good songs I’m listening to lately:
Touch- Pia Mia
Dessert (feat. Silenoo Remix)- Dawin
Around U- Ellie Goulding
How Deep is Your Love- Calvin harris
Levels- Nick Jonas
Sorry- Justin Beiber

These aren’t the types of songs you usually have on your playlists but they certainly pump me up so I thought I’d share:)


The new Missy Elliott song is great – WTF (Where They From). Also love Kelly Clarkson – Hello and The Chainsmokers – Roses


I love ‘Disparate Youth’ by Santigold and ‘Archie, Marry Me’ by Alvvays to get energized.


sleigh bells – crown on the ground is my favorite hype song ever. you cant help but feel energized.

and i love those pancakes. i end up buying almost everything in the trader joes tasting section thing.


‘Confident’- Demi Lovato….great pump you up song!!
‘Shatter Me’- Izzy Hale featuring Lindsey Stirling
‘Elastic Heart’- Sia
‘Swing’- Savage
‘Don’t Fail Me Now’- Melanie Amaro

I get so sick of my playlists fast, too! I am constantly updating and rearranging.


“Crazy” by Seal <—- You need this on your playlist !! :D


“Wild Heart” and “Rollercoaster” by the Bleachers are super fun songs to run to!


A new and cute running outfit or even just a new pair of cozy socks always puts a pep in my step! Here are some songs I like to run to: Til I Collapse by Eminem, Burn It Down by Linkin Park, Back In Black by ACDC, Move (clean version) by Ludacris, All I Do is Win DJ Khaled, I’m Shipping Up to Boston by Dropkick Murphy’s and On Your Mark by Greggo Salto & Wiwek.


Songs around 180ish bpm that I love to run to:
Fall In Love–Phantogram
Life of a Salesman–Yellowcard
Written in the Stars–Tinie Tempah
Young Volcanoes–Fall out Boy
Dangerous–David Guetta (I can listen to this on repeat for an hour)

The beat of these might not be perfect for running, but some of my favorite workout songs right now: Wake the Giant–Tommy Trash, Eyes–Kaskade, Five More Hours–Deorro, Clap Snap–Icona Pop, Dracula–Bea Miller, Ravers in the UK–Manian, YALA–M.I.A.


I love when Brooke’s personality shines through your selfies. You have such a perky girl, and I love watching her grow up.


Shakira’s ‘The One Thing’. I think about my kids when I run to this, because they are the ‘thing that I got right’

Hanson’s MMMBop because it’s so happy.

Del Amitri ‘Roll to Me’

‘Our House’ by Madness. Reminds me of good days in my childhood.


Having new goals makes me Run Happy. And not only time goals. Run every day of the month, Run a Half once a month in a different state each month, Run 10 miles a day for 7 days straight, etc. These random things I come up with keep me going! :)


“Running” by Lucy Schwartz is my absolute favorite running song right now. Also “21 Century” and “Tell Me Baby” by the Red Hot Chili Peppers always put me in such a good mood when they come on my playlist.

The main thing that is helping me run happy is to run OUTSIDE! And with no watch…I am pregnant and running with a watch or staring at the time on the treadmill is getting discouraging because my pace is a couple of minutes slower than usual.


Some good songs from my play list:
Dancing With Myself – Billy Idol
Vertigo – U2
If I Don’t Go Crazy Tonight – U2
For the Children – Velvet Revolver
Almost anything off of Appetite for Destruction
I Knew You Were Waiting for Me – George Michael


These are pretty random songs, but a few that you probably won’t hear on the radio are:

Blind Faith – Chase & Status
She Wolf (Falling to Pieces) – Sia
After All (Holy – Capital Kings Remix) – David Crowder Band (side note that this is Christian rock. I’m not a religious person myself but still love the song).
Could Have Been Me – The Struts

I was just at T. Joe’s yesterday but need to go back ASAP for that pancake mix – LOVE all things coconut! Thanks for posting!


Speed/hard workout music

Mr. Carmack


Running with my dog lately has helped me run happy. It’s hard to take things too seriously with him bounding along beside me.

Yesterday’s dinner was steak tacos – I could eat tacos every. single. day. Tonight we’re having jambalaya that I’m making in the crock pot. :)

I took a week or so completely off of running after my marathon in October. I have been training for something pretty much all year, so I needed the break to reset and make it so I can enjoy running again.


Download “When the day comes” by Nico and vinz immediately. Best of luck in Tucson!


For your play list: Cotton Eye Joe. I seriously cannot listen to this without wanting to jump and dance around. Also, I really love (I know it’s cheesy but it works) that song from Legally Blonde, Watch Me Shine. It makes me feel like I can kick butt.


Turn down for what – DJ Snake
Vogue – Madonna
Runnin down a dream – Tom Petty
Pumpin blood – NONONO
Run the world (girls) – Beyonce
Lose control – Missy Elliott
Here and now – Letter to Cleo
Dreams – Beck

Just to name a few. ?


Two songs for you…The Only Way I Know…Jason Aldean (not my usual genre, but I really like the message and the temp for running). Fastest Girl in Town…Miranda Lambert.

Can’t wait to hear how your race goes :-)


Turn down for what – DJ Snake
Vogue – Madonna
Runnin down a dream – Tom Petty
Pumpin blood – NONONO
Run the world (girls) – Beyonce
Lose control – Missy Elliott
Here and now – Letter to Cleo
Dreams – Beck
The walker – Fitz and the tantrums
If you’re wondering if I want you to- Weezer

Just to name a few. ?


New music and new running clothes are a must to Run Happy!! And gorgeous sunny weather doesn’t hurt either ;)

Last night I had a huge plate of sweet potato fries for Supper!

My breaks from running have been my taper weeks and recovery weeks post-race. Winter has me base building and for all of November I am running without a watch which has been the best thing ever!!


I keep checking back!! This is the best thread ever to get music!! hahah! I love it Janae!!!


Run That by Rhymefest. The perfect running song! Always gets me going.


Great list of things! I need some new running tunes myself, so I may sneak a look at what everyone else is recommending! :)


A song I have recently added to my run list that I enjoy:
Aurora- Running with the Wolves


So I’m currently running to some Fetty Wap songs. The clean versions of course but there are some great beats to run to. Such as the following:
Come My Way
No Days Off
How we do Things
Trap Queen


I’ve been loving listening to Grace Mitchell on my runs lately. :)


Just put “Let you go” by the Chainsmokers on it several times and you will fly :)).


Some current favorites:

“Stuck Like a Glue” by Sugarland – super fun and happy running song!

“Feel So Close” by Calvin Harris

“Makes Me Hold On To You” and “Set Me Free” by Griffin Peterson ( my nephew!) check out his awesome music on iTunes

“See the World” by Gomez

“Multiplied” by NeedToBreathe


Comeback – Redlight King
I’m Alive – Shinedown

I’m fairly new to running & just completed my first 5k (I think a tortoise could have done it faster) and I love your writing. Thank you for sharing & helping to inspire me to big goals :)


At the moment I’m still skirting around an injury, so every run I get to go on is a happy one (or at least I make it so because I refuse to not enjoy something I’ve missed for so long).

I have two playlists for you!




I tried to get them to embed as spotify playlists but apparently wordpress/spotify wasn’t having any of it!


I love that Run Happy shirt!! Too cute!

New gear always always always gives me motivation to get my run on. Especially new shoes! :)

I sometimes lose motivation after a big race. Of course I always get back into it after a few weeks and find a new race to sign up for!


My current favorites to run to are Emergency Icona Pop, Good to be Alive Andy Grammer, Beautiful Now Zedd, The Night is Still Young Nicki Minaj, Axel F Crazy Frog, and Juicy Wiggle by Redfoo. However there are some that no matter how many times I hear them on my play list I smile and run faster. I’m probably showing my age here but Eye of the Tiger, Your the Best, Burning Down the House, Crazy Train, Bang your Head, Don’t Come Around here and Holding out for a Hero. Good luck with your playlist. I love music and have it going almost all day so good music to run to is huge to me.


Pursuit of Happiness by Lissie –> it’s a cover. This song is on every running playlist I create and usually repeated twice in a row.


Some good advice there, thanks.. Yeah, I really need to learn how to switch off and go to bed early… It’s just so easy to get distracted withe everything, and next thing you know it’s midnight… :( Not good for running the next day


thank you so much for this post, i really needed it :)
some of my current favs:
superheroes by the script
black magic by little mix
afterlife by ingrid michaelson


I love this list, and yes fun workout clothes are definitely good motivators!

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