12 things since we last chatted:

It seems like it has been forever since we last caught up (I mean a full 24 hours!!) so I have 15 things I must chat with you about.

1.  Gymnastics is still one of the biggest highlights of the week.  While we were there some of the high school girls came and started to practice—>  it gave me a flashback to watching all three seasons of Make It Or Break It (an ABC Family drama about gymnasts trying to make it to the Olympics) while running on my treadmill when I was pregnant with Brooke.  I was obviously heartbroken when that show was cancelled after three short seasons.  

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2.  Woke up, didn’t want to run (but I did it anyways because goals trump lazy days), had sleeping lines all over my face (what I am pointing at yet you can’t see in the picture) and got to work on the treadmill because it was my only option today. 

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I finished the 10 miles @ a 6:59 average and with each mile I woke up a bit and felt better and better.  

The workout went like this!  Set the paces for you and try this workout out… it was a sweaty one.

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3.  Did some weighted squats afterwards because I’m still a strong believer that more squats than miles = less injuries.

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4.  She still loves broccoli and maybe someday that will translate over to loving other vegetables too.  I had egg/pepper/sweet potato/salsa tacos for lunch today!  I pretty much put anything in a tortilla and call it good.

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5. In order to be able to use the indoor playplace we had to buy something so we chose to split a sundae… neither of us were mad about it.

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6.  Did you guys see this?  Ya know, just another 4 miles added on to the 13 miles you are already doing.   They just wanted to make sure you got your money’s worth and gave some added bonus miles to their runners;) 

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7.  Gwen, I am so happy you are back and I am loving this song.

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8.  Had a really great date last night and we started off with Kneaders paninis and loaded baked potato soup.  

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9.  We then got ice cream but I was a little disappointed in his life decision to add Whoppers to his cup… I didn’t think anybody actually liked those?  

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10.  LOVED this part from How Bad Do You Want It.  We still have a lot to give even when our brains tells us that we are exhausted!

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11.  Thumbs up from Brooke.

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12.  Bombas is having an awesome 20% site-wide Black Friday sale from 11/21-11/30! Check it out—>  HERE!!!

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Any shows that you were really sad about ending?

-Parenthood.  I still mourn the ending of this show.

Treadmill runners—>  what are some of your favorite shows to watch while running?

Favorite ingredients to put in a tortilla?

Whoppers—>  delicious or gross?

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Girl, you are beautiful! If I took a morning running selfie it’s not be so pretty. I love my Bombas socks! And I definitely miss Parenthood! I cried so many tears with that show.


I was really sad when Gilmore Girls ended! And Will & Grace. And Beverly Hills 902010 (the original). And Mad Men. And Nurse Jackie. I guess I watch a lot of TV…….


And now you are making me miss all of those shoes too… you are not alone!


I too was very sad to see Gilmore Girls end, but did you hear that Netflix is going to make 4 1 1/2 hour episodes, not sure which castmates will be returning for sure yet, but I hope Logan does!

I was also sad when Covert Affairs ended, that show pumped me up so much that I couldn’t sleep for hours afterwards, highly recommend it!! I mean she’s a spy wearing black heels like all the time!

This if the first time commenting on your blog, I totally stumbled upon it about 4 months ago and its one of the highlights of my day :) I’m on the east coast and I hope that one day I get to run in your neck of the woods


Yes, Covert Affairs! One of my all time favorites. Still hoping a different network might bring it back and at least tie up some loose ends. I miss Annie and Auggie!


I am currently watching Parenthood on my treadmill runs and I love, love, love it!

I will always be sad about Friends ending, even though it was probably time. (Sex and the City too!)

Favorite ingredients in a tortilla – eggs, vegetables, and cheese!

I dislike Whoppers so much that I will not even eat them when they are the last option left in our Halloween stash. They usually just sit there for months until we throw them out. : )



Whoppers and sixlets are the only chocolate left in our halloween buckets too! Even my 2 and 4 yr olds won’t eat them!


I go to a conditioning/boot camp style class three mornings a week at 5:00am and it’s a regular occurrence for me to have crazy sleep lines and realize how obvious they look as I walk out the door!

I’m still sad that Friday Night Lights ended, even though it’s been a few years! I like Whoppers, they aren’t my absolute favorite, but I’ll eat them and enjoy them if they are around.


Recently I’ve been putting scrambled eggs and sautéed veggies in tortillas – love it!!!


I miss Parenthood soooo much too! It was a great show. I still have the finale on my DVR and watch it whenever I need a Parenthood fix.


Whoppers…first one is YUM and then I am DONE! (Blech!)


Shows I was sad to see end – Flashpoint, Fairly Legal, Psych, Monk

I watch alot of food shows. Chopped, Cutthroat Kitchen, Holiday Baking Championships, etc. Not much of a story line to follow, so it doesnt matter if I miss parts of it or can’t hear. I also watch the Bachelor and Bachelorette on the treadmill for the same reason.

Whoppers – Gross.


I’m so obsessed with parenthood and am with you in mourning the loss. It’s the most amazing show ever made! I used to like whoppers when I was little but have grown up and discovered better forms of chocolate!

and avoid the treadmill at all cost, I’ll run outside at any time in any conditions!


Definitely sad about Parenthood ending–I LOVE that show! And The O.C. This was another that started off so great.

I love putting Wheat Thins, cheese, avocado and ketchup in a tortilla. It sounds weird but is SO good. :)

Whoppers are disgusting.


Favorite ingredients in a tortilla: fish, cabbage, and avocado! I made that at least once a week in summer.
I’m still sad that How I Met Your Mother ended and I’m already bummed about Supernatural being in its last season!


I’m boring…I watch the news while running on the treadmill.


Whoppers are gross. Chocolate covered styrofoam.

I really like parenthood for the first few seasons but then they changed they day of the week it was on and I got behind and stopped watching.

I like fixer upper a lot when I run or movies that I already know really well. That way I can still understand what’s happening with out concentrating too hard


Hahahahaha! Totally agree with you on the whoppers. That is the perfect description.



I loved Parenthood too. And Gilmore Girls. And The OC.


Friday Night Lights is my favorite! But Lost and Sex in the City come in close second and third. I find running while watching shows is the best distraction!


I watch ESPN when I dreadmill, unless it’s baseball talk. Then I watch HGTV. I’m trying to convince my husband to move 1.5 hours south so Chip and Joanna can renovate a house for us.
I am still in mourning for Friends. I have not been able to commit to another show since it ended.


Whoppers are the worst! They taste like stale chocolate to me..not a fan. I just finished Friends and I’m sad that that ended, and I was also sad about Gilmore Girls!


ER – but Grey’s quickly helped that sorrow.

Whoppers – yes! Love them..no good reason, just got those as treats as a kid so now I like them!


I just got some Bombas socks for my birthday. Love them!

I was really sad when Gilmore Girls ended. And The Office.


you are absolutely amazing.. and how big Brooke is! and I love Whoopers haha


I was a gymnast all growing up and it shaped my childhood. I hope Brooke loves it as much as I did. some of my fondest memories can be sourced from my time on a balance beam. I agree about Make It Or Break It! Miss that show.

Goals trump lazy days.<— My mantra for the next week.


Jane the Virgin and orange is the new black on netflix


Yes! Jane the Virgin is great.


I love Whoppers. I also love Almond Joys, so I think I’m pretty much a grandma already. :)

For me, no TV show makes running on a treadmill better. It’s horrible regardless of what I’m watching… so I just do everything I can to stay outside!


I love both of those candies too! I like the Robin’s Eggs ones at Easter as well. One of my sons friends saved all of his Almond Joy bars for me one Halloween – love that kid!


Oh yeah! Robin’s Eggs are my favorites… when I was a kid, I used to lick the blue ones and use them as “lipstick.” :)


Hart of Dixie. Kind of dumb, but totally charming & enjoyable.

My husband like Whoppers too and I just don’t get it!


I’ve never really liked Whoppers either. I never got into the whole “malt” taste. Great job getting up and getting in your run even though it was tough!


I can’t believe you can run 6:10 on the treadmill. THAT IS CRAZY TALK. I can’t watch shows on the treadmill because I usually just try and get it over with. If I watch shows then my pace is too slow.


Never really liked whoopers. Totally get different taste buds though. :) I mainly listen to music or podcasts when I’m on the treadmill. Way to go on your workout girl!


I hate whoppers! I love your purple running jacket. Where’d you find it? So cute!!!!


Before I saw your answer I immediately said (to myself) Parenthood. I kept telling my husband it was the best show on TV when I would stay up late to watch it. I know there is a few others that ended too soon too (Life Unexpected on CW and Veronica Mars come to mind.)

Why does your baby girl looks so beautiful and grown up? Why can’t our little ones just slow down with this whole becoming little people thing.


Never liked whoppers. Just the word malted is enough to turn me off.

I’m with you on Parenthood. Great show.

Girl I get tired just thinking about your pace! Amazing.
I run about 2 hours / 5-6 times a week…but if I ran as fast as you I would have so much more time on my hands! My husband always tells me to just go out and run for 10 minutes as hard and fast as I can…but for some reason my body just prefers LSD.


Whoppers for the win!!


I miss Gilmore Girls, Will and Grace and Sex in the City.

I used to like Whoppers but there are better malted chocolate balls out there. (I’m a chocolate snob).

For a long run I prefer to watch a movie, an option since I have a treadmill at home. The Birdcage is my fave – funny and I don’t have to concentrate on it.

I love black beans, spinach and sweet potato in a taco or ground chicken spiced with Savory Spice’s Mexican Mole. so delicious!


Parenthood: best show everrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


I just started watching Parenthood on Netflix because all of my girlfriends were obsessed with the show when it aired on NBC. I am almost done with the first season and I am officially hooked.
When I was younger I didn’t like Whoppers, but now I love them.
When I am running on the treadmill, I typically tune into anything on Bravo – Real Housewives, usually.


It would have been hilarious if you had looked at him loading up on whoppers, said “yeah…this is not going to work.”, stepped away, turned back around to grab your ice cream. And walk out. :D
Also I agree with you on the tacos/fajitas/tortillas. I just add anything I can find and put it into a tortilla. :D


I really considered doing that but worried he would take it seriously hahaha! Hope you are having a great night Clara!


Whoppers are delicious but they do not belong in ice cream or fro yo, the lovely texture gets super weird when they get cold!


I’m still mourning Parenthood too! Ughhh, it was the best. Whoppers are the one candy I can’t get down with…yuck. Aaaand that soup and panini have got me drooling over here!


You probably discovered that Gwen stefani song on your own, but I am totally taking credit by recommending it in a recent previous post ;)

Xoxo hugs to you


It is because of YOU!! THANK YOU!!!!


Parenthood and Gilmore girls. My friend is going through a horrible divorce. I mean if you can think of your worst nightmares that could happen in a divorce she is living it. My friend is perhaps the sweetest woman you have ever met and no Mom deserves this at all (her 14 year old has basically turned on her). Anyhow, I have been thinking a lot about the Gilmore girls. I wanted to sit them both down and just say, here’s some popcorn and lemonade and the first season of Gilmore girls. Watch it together, hug, and embrace mother and daughterhood. If only it was that simple.


I was very sad when Gilmore Girls ended. I can’t wait to see the new Netflix episodes!

I watch a lot of running documentaries and either Gilmore Girls, Bones, or Vampire Diaries when I’m on the treadmill.

I love anything in a taco. Shrimp tacos are my favorite right now.

Whoppers are ok. I’ll eat them, but I don’t go out of my way to find them.


I was so sad when Merlin ended. I thought the end was so unsatisfactory and I miss Merlin and Arthur. I felt like the characters were my friends!


I miss them very very much.


Avocados in my tortillas. Doesn’t matter if it is with chicken, Carne asada, eggs, or probably even just salsa..as long as I have my beloved avocado.

Are those chicklets next to the whoppers? Those are definitely worse than whoppers. You know what would make whoppers good? My best friend, who makes everything more delicious, peanut butter.

Obviously I was sad when Roswell ended, but even more so when Pushing Daisies was canceled. Like I still legit get the sadz just thinking about it.

Great job on your run today..and on your Sundae choice. I actually thoroughly enjoy Mcdonalds sundaes. Especially after you add the nuts…mmmmm…Reese’s ice cream.


I watch “sorted Food” on youtube. They are great if you’re in love with all things food and british accents. Each episode is about a 6-10 minutes in length which I use to get me through longer runs, (1 episode = 1 mile…)


Whoppers. Delicious! Especially when keto.


There are better chocolate-covered malt balls out there than Whoppers, but if you come across the strawberry version? Out of control good.


Those 8 On 8 Off times look so tough, that is a killer workout.. We don’t get Whoppers in Ireland, just from Burger King. And I don’t think you meant he put a massive cheeseburger on his ice cream? Although it’s maybe something to try …… :)


We don’t have whoppers in New Zealand but they sound a lot like maltesers which we do have. I personally think they are pretty average but I know a lot of people who are crazy about them, so I’m the odd one out in my circle. I have actually never had a tortilla but I love putting tempeh and scrambled veggies with avocado and nutritional yeast in wraps. I’m not sure if that combo would work in tortillas but I would probably eat it anyway!! I’m not fussy when these foods are involved! I miss Gilmore Girls like other people have mentioned but that’s the only show I can think of off hand that I loved and has finished!


Brooke’s face in that last photo- so cute!

I tend to watch The Great British Bake Off when I’m on the treadmill- it’s like the X factor but for baking and it’s the most quintessentially british thing ever. Everyone’s really nice to eachother and there’s no backstabbing and then…cake. It’s the best! You should give it a watch, it’s like a national obsession over here!


Make it or break it was SO good and Im’ so sad it’s gone too as a formal cheerleader/gymnast!!! I LOVE scandal now though to watch on the treadmill! I get hooked in and the time passes so quickly. I love that you are squatting post 10 miler. I’m so trying to find that balance and not get so sore post leg days! Also, did you see the rumor about Gwen and Blake having a baby? HAHAHA! She’s 46, and people are crazy!! I sure hope it was a rumor at least ;)


Oh my goodness… I can run 17 miles no problem, but if I thought I was racing a half and it turned into 17 miles, I’d be kinda upset, too!
I’m about to hit the ‘mill myself. I’ve been watching reruns of Grey’s Anatomy (I’m on season 3), reliving the days of Dr. McDreamy.


Show I was sad about ending—Freaks and Geeks! That was THE BEST SHOW EVER!!!! :)


I used to love Dawson’s Creek back in the 90s. I was so sad when the show ended.
Whoppers are useless to me :)
Flour tortilla with roast beef and cheese all melted with some fresh coleslaw. Yum!!!


I’m glad that I am not the only one who watched make it or break it- it was a guilty pleasure and not sure why!

2 years ago I killed all of the Breaking bad seasons in one winter between the treadmill/bike trainer. That was a big accomplishment.


I have the habit of starting a show, getting two or three episodes in, and then never watching it again! I’ve done that with The Walking Dead, Peaky Blinders, Daredevil, Modern Family…etc. The only show I’ve really had time to watch this semester is the occasional episode of South Park when my brother has it on. Hilarious! Though quite inappropriate at times.


Hahah Whoppers are my Dad’s favorite candy! For Father’s Day/Birthday (they always are just a few days apart) we would buy him a big container of them. On the treadmill I like anything mindless AKA anything that comes on Bravo. Except yesterday, my husband made me watch Dr. Phil while I was running.




I’ve been a gymnastics fan forever and I really do miss Make it or Break it too… Although Stick It movie is always good for some laughs :)


I still miss Gilmore Girls and Friends!!
The treadmills at the gym don’t have a personal TV so I am stuck watching what is on, which is huge thumbs down or people watching, which is sometimes better than TV.
Anything goes into a tortilla, banana & PB and Nutella; eggs and salsa; just peanut butter!
I love Whoppers!!!! I ate all those from my nephew’s trick or treat candy.


I have to agree on the Whoppers, I didn’t think anyone liked them either. They were the only candy left in our Halloween bowl!

I love Netflix for treadmill running. I started watching Parenthood and I don’t know why I didn’t watch that when it was on!? I binged on Orange is the New Black and House of Cards but my absolute favorite show that I can’t wait for a new season of is The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt – a must watch! Soooo funny! The I also catch up on The Good Wife and Scorpion.


i was so sad when Pushing Daisies ended such a cute murder mystery show!!! A few sitcoms have come and gone that were gems but Pushing Daisies was probably the saddest. I like whoppers…sometimes…when i want chocolate but dont really want chocolate. even then i just want like 2 or 3 and Im good :)




Gilmore Girls is the show that I was the saddest about ending!!! Favorite show EVER. And that is hilarious about the Whoppers- we got a variety pack for Halloween of different candy, and it had Whoppers in it, and we felt bad even giving them to the kiddos… haha!



I love your jacket in the second photo- such a pretty color!


Make it or Break it is on demand right now – but I agree so sad when that show ended. I love a good ABC Family show :)


Hey! I ❤️ Whoppers! …and Bombas. I recently did a half marathon that registered a half mile longer on my GPS and I didn’t like it, but 3 miles?!? Crazy!


Thanks for the workout! I will definitely have to try that. I am always looking for new ones. I can never come up with creative ones on my own. I always end up do the same variations.


I’m still in mourning over the loss of Parenthood, too! Such a perfect show!

Sometimes, a tortilla with melted cheese or just butter is everything!

Whoppers – no thanks!


Shows-Hellcats ( a cheerleading show with Aly Michalka), Alcatraz ( a mystery show where missing inmates from years ago at Alcatraz suddenly reappear free in San Francisco and haven’t aged a bit), Psych ( I know it lasted a long time, but I miss it!), Pan Am……………and probably a few others, too!

I don’t like whoppers. They’re weird.


Friends is my thing. I watch the whole series through each year and every time it ends it pretty much feels like I’ve lost my friends and I don’t know what to do with my life… I’m sad.


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