Why I still get on the scale backwards and a video where Brooke gives me some good racing racing.

There aren’t going to be very many perfect fall nights left this year so we’ve gotta take advantage of them while they are here.

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More and more people are finding out about how amazing Megan’s bootcamp classes are and they are turning into one huge party each time.  I’m trying to keep up with the ‘more squats than miles’ thing to get stronger and to keep injury free during marathon training.

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The joy of the other person living in your home loving broccoli as much as you do… she doesn’t mind that I roast it and make the whole house smell like broccoli because of it.  Veggies + turkey burgers + apples/almond butter for dinner.

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The skeleton pajamas are back and better than ever.

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The current book that brooke wants to read 40 times in a row before bedtime.

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And for some reason these things are my night snack lately while I blog.  I might need a new keyboard because of all of the crumbs that have fallen into it.

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Turns out my nights are now booked up for the next few weeks as I watch every single episode of Suits.  Already love it.

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PS I bought my very first ever rain/snow boots to help me get excited for winter and they just arrived yesterday—> here (the navy/graphite ones).  I wore them around the house all night because that is normal behavior.

Brooke is teaching me a thing or two about racing strategy—>  in order to beat your competitor simply run right in front of them so that they have to move you out of the way each time.  She does it every time and giggles the whole way.

Something I’ve been thinking about——>  With all of my dr visits over the last few weeks I stepped onto the scale backwards every single time I was there.  It’s been years since I have struggled with my old disordered eating/exercise stuff yet I still get on the scale backwards and I have no idea what the number says.  I get on backwards still because I just don’t like the scale.  There were many years in the past where I would get on the scale daily and I would let that little piece of metal wreck my day/thoughts with whatever it read back to me.  It just takes me back to a place that I don’t like remembering if that makes sense?!  I know that as long as I am eating healthy (my healthy involves treats too), sleeping enough and exercising then I am right where my body wants to be and I’m happy where I am at (if anything I’m bummed I’ve lost muscle because of the ulcer stuff) and where I have been over the last few years.  Maybe it is strange that the scale stresses me out but it just brings back old memories and if I can skip those memories then I am just going to and fill my brain with positive thoughts rather than the old ones.  I know there are people that the scale doesn’t bother them one bit and that it is a great tool but for me it was a trigger so I just leave it be.

I really wanted to hear about what your past has been with scales and where you are at now in the comments!!  How often do you weigh yourself?  

Any Suits fans?  

Current favorite nighttime snack?

Long run or race this weekend?  Details please!

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I typically keep my scale in the closet. It’s too easy for me to fixate on the number. However I recently pulled it back out because I was gaining weight from NYC training. It’s so frustrating!
I LOVE Suits!
Nighttime snack: vegan chocolate chip cookies from whole foods.
It’s my taper run before NYC…13 miles!!!!


I don’t weigh myself much at home so the doctor’s visits are always a surprise! My weight never really changes though, so maybe not all that surprising. I think I’d be too curious though not to look! It can be a major trigger though so I can see just wanting to leave the numbers in the past.


Suits is the best! My husband and I are obsessed with it!

Gala apples have been the best lately, so apples with PB or Biscoff spread is my current favorite. Also my mom made chocolate cookies last night, so the apples might take a back seat to those for a few days. :)

I get on the scale once a week. I used to let the number determine how my day would be (and would get on the scale 10+ more times during the day if I didn’t like the number). Now I just let it serve as a reminder that I’m doing really well or I need to clean it up a little bit and let it go. It works for me but I totally get why people can’t look at the number.


I weigh myself once a week, but try not to let the scale dictate how I feel. I’ve found in the past that eating well and exercising makes me feel good, no matter what the scale says anyway. On days that I eat crappy, I feel crappy – it all therefore depends on how well I take care of myself.


I always step on the scale backwards except for the occasional weak moment. In my opinion scales are evil!


Look at all of those crunchy leaves! I LOVE the sound of leaves crunching under foot. I should probably found a sound effect of it and play it on loop when I am getting ready for bed! haha

I have recently started going back to therapy for my eating disorder. Even though, like you, it’s been years since I’ve struggled daily with negative behaviors, there are still things that are not right. I know that while I can see the light at the end of the tunnel I am not there yet. I am generally really happy and I feel like soon I will get to put this chapter behind me. Like you, I really doubt I will ever feel comfortable getting on a scale. There were just way too many years where that thing dominated my every feeling. No thank you to that!


*FIND a sound effect not found, haha


I don’t weigh myself too much, I go more on how my clothes are fitting. I don’t like to focus on a certain number.

I want a pair of those skeleton pajamas for my self. Those are awesome!

Sunday I am running the Atlanta 10 Miler for the first time!


ugh the scale!!! I hate it. I used to weight myself several times a day and just stress out and hate my body for it. Now I use Body Fat % and because of it, i put ON 10 lbs and it’s all muscle so i’m happy and proud of that. I weigh myself for giggles about 1x per month or so


How do you determine your body fat percentage? I’ve only ever had someone do that little pincher thing on me haha! I’d love to measure progress that way! Great idea!


BriAnne! I work at a gym where we have a hand-held device that reads BF %. Ask at your local gym or doctors office and see if they have a tool you can use! :)


I had some food issues when I was in my early twenties. It didn’t end up being too serious, but I still feel it could have gone either way. Actually, weirdly, the thing that finally helped me have a pretty healthy view towards food was accidentally losing a bunch of weight. When I got divorced, my weight dropped a very unhealthy level. I just didn’t had absolutely no appetite. So I gave myself permission to eat anything I wanted whenever I felt like it, even if it was just cookies, because I just needed the calories. Once I was feeling better, I found I hardly ever wanted to overeat anymore because my body/mind finally understood that if I wanted cookies again the next day, I could have them. I didn’t have to eat them all at that moment.

I’m pretty okay with the scale these days. My appetite is really iffy, and if I’m stressed or busy or upset, I sometimes don’t want to eat. So I have to weigh myself to make sure I’m staying up in the “healthy” range for me.


I LOVE Suits… It’s one of my favorite shows. Who wouldn’t enjoy watching Harvey? ;)

My current weird nighttime snack is Vanilla Chex Mix (I buy cereal purely for dessert) + frozen grapes… So delicious

Like you, I used to weigh myself a lot more and would let the numbers boost my mood or make me feel self conscious. But that has subsided over the years. My roommate and I don’t even have a scale (we’re too cheap), so now I go by how my pants are fitting and how I generally feel… I must say, it brings me a lot more peace of mind, less stress, and confidence in how I look and feel.


I overused the scale in the past, and the number it said would make or break my day. (Which is stupid, to let that determine how your day goes, I know this now.) I own a scale, but don’t use it anymore. I like that I fit into the same clothes still and I am active and I eat what I want. I think it is good for some folks, but it makes me stress too much over what it says, so I am trying to avoid it.


I weigh myself backwards too!!!! Have for many many years now. I completely agree that it’s a trigger and it can poison my thoughts and self esteem for weeks after seeing the number.

On a lighter note, I LOVE Suits. It gets so so good I’m very excited for you!

Hope your legs are feeling good today, after your speedy speed workout yesterday!


I used to weigh myself everyday and based on the number, that’s was how I would feel about myself that day – so silly! Now I just avoid the scale at all costs and just go off feel: how am I feeling mentally (am I stressing over food too much or conversely, not getting enough nutrient rich foods) and physically!

Not a suits fan, but love a man in a suit :)

Nightime snack ebbs between cherry pie oats or peanut butter toast

No long run, but building a solid base of mileage to swing into marathon training!

P.s. thanks for sharing the scale story!


I used to weigh myself daily but now I only use the scale at the doctors office, which never quite gives the right number because I’ll have clothes and boots on. Instead I just focus on how I feel, look, and how my clothes fit.


I’ve never even heard of Suits, but now that I can quote every episode of The Office I’m thinking I need to branch out…

This video makes me so happy! Brooke’s little giggle is hilarious!

Oh the scale…Micah had to hide it from me for a while because it made me so wacky. I’m still trying to find a happy medium with that piece of metal because it’s the fastest way to check my progress or lack thereof. But it does mess with me. I needed to read this today because the last few days I’ve let the scale determine a good chunk of my feelings for the day. As I’m typing this I realize how ridiculous it sounds! I gotta get a grip, lol! The problem is I am so much less active while I’m in school so even gauging my fitness goals isn’t super consistent. Any full time student moms out there have any recommendations?? (Or anyone with little time, for that matter?)


Not a student mom…but a (mostly) single mom. I say mostly because I do have a boyfriend that is great with my son and a very supportive family. They will all help when it comes to me running on the weekends. Overall, though…my only time to work out is about an hour after I get off work. I work until 4, home by ~4:15/4:20…and I like to have my son picked up by ~5:30p. Afterall…there is homework to be done and dinner to be eaten…oh and bathing…and decent bedtime (for the kid…not mama :) ). Right now my son is also in the midst of soccer and has practive 2x/week for 1 hour. He does not always like it, but I will run during his practice. I do this same thing during baseball season. I do not have 2-3 hours/day to work out…find little bits of time when you can. Always remember that something is better than nothing (even if you do some squats, pushups, planks, etc during commercial breaks watching TV at night…or take a 15-20 minute study break).


Suits is awesome! I discovered it this summer on a rainy weekend at our cabin and now I’m addicted :) Enjoy!!!


Ohhhhh graham crackers! Those are one of my “safe” foods when i’m not feeling well! Teddy Grahams, of course, too :-)


I have a history of anorexia and even though it’s been years since I’ve fallen back on it, I still don’t use a scale. I do the same getting on the scale backwards thing at the doctors and earlier this year the woman weighing me said it out loud and it threw me for a loop in an instant. I know I am at a healthy weight and I do feel good about that but it’s still a mental exercise for me to explain that to myself. The difference between weight X and weight Y is a lot, but it’s not about “you’ve gained all this weight”, it’s about, “this is how severely underweight you were and that was not okay”

Thank you for talking about these issues on your blog. It can often feel like a taboo or awkward subject and I appreciate how openly you address it when it’s relevant.

My new nighttime snack is goats milk yogurt with some coconut chips mixed in and tea. It’s delicious!


I developed anorexia at 19, combined with over-exercising (running is amazing but also the popular drug of choice for ‘rexis). I’m 31 and consider myself largely recovered, but I still don’t weigh myself voluntarily and generally don’t look at the doctor’s office. I did a body composition test earlier this year, and it took SO.MUCH.PEP TALK. Generally, I try to focus on what my body can do and feel awesome because of that. I also train with a lot of people who work their butts off to GAIN weight (in the form of muscle mass) so they can be stronger, and that helps steer my perspective to a better place.

I think increasing your strength training will really pay off for you! It will definitely help your running (My half-marathon PR came when I cut to 3 runs a week and 2-3 crossfit-style strength workouts), and it will make you feel like your body is serving you.


I think standing on the scale backwards is a great idea. I’ve been very blessed not to have too many weight struggles in my past, but my body has never looked like that of the “typical runner.”
I have thighs that will always touch and chafe when I run and things moving all about when doing speed work in a sports bra. I rarely ever weigh myself because I fluctuate so much that I wouldn’t even be able to keep up with it, but sometimes the mirror is my worst enemy. It varies day by day, but body image is a struggle for every woman at some point in her life and it’s very inspiring to hear your honesty about it.


I went through a period where I lost too much weight as a result of not eating enough for the amount I was running… and avoiding certain foods I deemed “unhealthy”. Not a good mindset, and it led to lots of health problems (which are thankfully gone now, for the most part). While the scale was never a big trigger for me, I still don’t like the idea of weighing myself… as long as I feel/look/act/AM healthy, who cares what number appears on a piece of metal when I step on it? Despite that, though, I still weigh myself every week or so just to make sure I’m not losing weight again. I never want to go through that again.

Brooke loves broccoli? That girl knows what’s up. Graham crackers have been one of my night snacks lately, as well. Also, pretzels dipped in everything from hummus to peanut butter to Greek yogurt to honey to cookie butter.


Oh! As an afterthought: Jen Sinkler, Neghar Fonooni, and Jill Coleman are all awesome to follow when you’re struggling with body image and eating stuff. They are powerful, authentic women who totally embody self-acceptance and joy, and I lean heavily on their wisdom when I’m having a tough time.


I avoid the scale like the plague. And when I go to the dr and their first comment is to step on the scale I say “No Thank You!” They often give me a funny look. I say “I look pretty healthy…not underweight or overweight. I’m good!” Most of the time they’re great about it. One time a nurse wrote on my notes “Patient Refused The Scale” That cracked me up. And for the record, when I had surgery a few years ago, I did step on the scale, but only because I thought the real number was important for anesthesia purposes.


I am right there with you on the scale. When I go to the doctor, I look up at the ceiling while they take my weight. At home, I only weigh myself every couple months, but lately I have not at all. That little number can create a lot of havoc in my head and I would rather use the same outlook as you – so long as I am being healthy and exercising (and my clothes fit), then it does not matter what that number is.

No super long run this weekend because next weekend is the NYC marathon for me!


I weigh myself once a week as it helps keep me on track if I start to go overboard with my eating. It’s been fun watching it go down after the delivery of my son 5 weeks ago!


Last winter I bought my first pair of snow boots since I was a kid, and I couldn’t wait for it to snow. And then it did, and there was snow for 3 months, and I was like.. you tricked me, boots.


I have a similar history with being fixated on the scale in the midst of an eating disorder. Since then, (going on 8 years recovered!) I do not weight myself. There is no need for me to. When I do go to the doctor (this morning actually) I sometimes look but not always. I ask myself if it will be more helpful or harmful and trust my gut. Even though I am fully recover from ed behaviors, compulsions and thoughts, I still struggle with body image at times. We are all human and its hard, especially for ladies. Way to honor what is best for you girl :-)

I’ve been loving the caramel corn my mom makes for a night time snack!
Have a great Friday!


I stepped on the scale backwards for years! I don’t own a scale, but do look now when I go to the doctor (my weight is always the same anyway…) It still gives me a twinge of anxiety to get weighed, just from the memory of all the years I struggled with an ED.


I maybe weigh myself once every 3 months or so. I go by more how I feel and how my clothes fit me.

Ice cream will always be my fav snack!

I am going to run with the hubs this weekend and he is just coming back from a broken toe, so it’ll be short and slow :)


Brooke is a much nicer daughter than I was :) My mother would make a whole batch of broccoli for the week except she steamed it and boiled it to mush. It smelled so bad! I loved eating it but I would (kiddingly) complain/tease incessantly about how much it smelled. Kind of as a joke but it DID smell very bad :)
Ah the scale. Fun piece of equipment. I’d need my own blog to discuss the history! Ha.
Great post – thanks!


I don’t weigh myself. We don’t even have a scale. I don’t really have a problem with scales, for the most part. I don’t have a problem with gaining weight, this sounds like a dream to most people, my problem is keeping a healthy weight. Especially when I have a baby and I’m nursing. 87lbs, that’s how big I was after nursing my second baby for four months. It was really bad and scary. On the other hand, being pregnant is the only time I really weigh myself, and the only time it’s hard for me to see the numbers go up. Even though I have a really good reason. It makes me have major body image issues.


I too used to go on the scale backwards back when I needed to gain weight to get my period back (we are talking 15 years ago or more even, yikes)…I went on backwards when I was pregnant (12 years ago) and over the years, I stopped caring and looked when at doctors appointments. I don’t recall what the scale last said but I don’t think I want/need to know. I am sure that the number itself is up from muscle tone between running and a ton of pure barre but like you said, I know I eat healthy, I certainly can’t eat any less and…I get my period. That’s all I need to know and remember.


I remember you telling us your sister stepped on it backwards when she went for her appts when pregnant, and ever since then I have thought that’s such a great idea. The number means NOTHING, it’s more of what you are doing and putting in to your body. I didn’t grow up with a scale in our house and I think that attributes a lot to me not caring too much about the scale.

Need to try Suits– been looking for a new show to start!

Planning a 4- or 5-miler this weekend, which is pretty long for me right now.

I like Brooke’s moves. May need to implement them at my next race ;)


I do have a scale it lives in the linen closet. I do weigh my self on occasions but try very hard not to obsess about the numbers I see. If I feel good that all that matters!! :) You are so wonderful to share your past struggles, I appreciate your candor and honesty.
-Love suits!
-Apples and pb or my most recent favorite chex rice cereal.
-No run planned for this weekend, I am working so I can have next weekend off for Halloween. :)


My relationship with the scale used to be very intimate. We were close. We would get together 6 times a day or more.
We broke up a bit when I got pregnant with my daughter. We are just acquaintances now. We meet every few months or so.
I know what the number is. I don’t like it but I am working on my head and body instead of the number.


I love this response! <3


When I was in college, I had an up an down battle with the scale. It lead me to do my dissertation on body image issues, to learn more and help others who experience dissatisfaction with appearance related issues. Now that I have recently gone through pregnancy and labor/delivery (7 weeks ago) the number on the scale is no longer significant to me. I still weigh myself, but more to track my progress throughout pregnancy/postpartum. As long as I am exercising, making healthy choices, and setting a good example for my son, that’s what is most important to me. The number on the scale does not define me.

I have a pair of Hunter rain boots that I LOVE! I also just bought a pair of North Face snow boots. I’m all set for the winter!


Great post Janae! I weigh myself once a month or so. I like to know I’m in the same general ball park but normally I know by how my pants fit.

I’m running the RnR Philadelphia half on Halloween so I’m getting ready for that. Lots of work this week actually!


I have struggled with weight issues on and off for the past 10 years. It is the craziest thing to me that I can feel fantastic and the next day I am having disordered thinking. I still weigh myself mostly out of habit because I panic if I don’t know what I weigh (thinking I could magically gain 10 lbs overnight). I really like what Cheryl ^ said about working on your head and body instead of a number because it doesn’t equate to someones happiness & sometimes you just need a little reminder of that :)


I’m glad you posted this. I don’t know why I’ve never thought to get on backwards! I used to weigh myself quite a bit, and now I don’t, but last week I had to go to the doctor for my allergies and hello number I didn’t want to see. I’ve been doing waaaaay more strength training than I’ve ever done in the last three months, and I haven’t been running much. I want to feel strong and healthy and not have this stupid number circling around in my head making me feel bad about myself.

Current night time snack is an apple and some type of cracker! I love mini Teddy Grahams right now. My all time favorite snack is cereal… but sometimes I go a little overboard on my night time cereal consumption ;)


I used to love the scale when I was disordered because that number was a reassurance to me. The fact that I thought a weight could actually make me believe that other areas of my life (not related to weight) were actually ok, is now comical to me. Really?

When I am living balanced I don’t even think to get on the scale, it is just when my sugar intake takes a skyrocket, I get on the scale to make sure I haven’t gotten too relaxed,


Yes!!! Love suits!!! You’ll love it too. Also if you’ve never seen White Collar that’s out other favorite USA show.


Such an adorable video!

I am the same way with the scale – I dealt with disordered eating in college and I’d really rather not know my weight. I don’t know how the number would affect me, but I don’t even want to allow the chance!

Question/potential post idea – I’d love to see posts about your favorite fashion pieces for fall! You always wear such cute clothes :)


Hey girl!!!! Thank you for your comment!!! I posted some of my fall favorites here and I’m currently working on my winter favorites now!!!


I hope you have a beautiful day Amanda!


I don’t weight myself anymore either. That number tortures me and for no good reason. I’m not overweight, but I’m not naturally thin either. As I’ve gotten older, it’s been almost impossible to make that stupid number do down at all, so now I’m focusing on how strong I am and what I can do with my body. I also gave birth to two amazing kids-which changed my body forever. I refuse to be weighed at the doctor too. I tell them I will get on the scale if they are concerned for some reason and they never are so i figure I’m healthy. I tend to self sabotage if I weigh myself regularly. It is crazy what a little piece of metal can do!

I’m running 9 miles tomorrow. I will be running my first half-marathon in 2 weeks! Yikes-so excited and nervous! Your blog inspires me, especially in this training cycle where I’ve had some setbacks ( and major doubts) but I seem to be back on track now!

I really like to eat a small bowl of cereal at night-usually Puffins or Frosted mini-wheats. My dad always ate cereal at night when I was growing up and sometimes I would join him :)


I go on the scale backwards at the doctor, too! I was disordered in highschool- however, I’m not sure that’s something you just ever fully grow out of. My endocrinologist supports my decision because after my radiation I gained 20+ pounds and have slowly been losing it over the past 10-11 months and wanted to make sure that I was loosing the weight in a healthy way, aka- exercising, eating healthy, and watching how my clothes fit.


I rarely weigh myself but I can tell if I need to run a couple more miles or eat a little less by the way my clothes fit. Or if my stomach is poking out.

Favorite light night snack- ICE CREAM!!

I’m running the AthHalf half marathon on Sunday with my sister and husband in Athens, GA. We finish by running a lap around the football field at Sanford Stadium. We’re all big UGA fans so we’re super-excited about this half!!


I avoid the scale at all costs. Maybe it would be a good idea for me to weigh myself occasionally but I’m fearful that facing the scale will upset me. I try to just judge my progress by how my clothes feel and how I look! I sort of think weight is outdated… I think of girls in the 90s trying to hit a goal number of pounds with fad diets …. Now a days I think it’s more about being fit and toned and who cares what that number is!!


I’ve always struggled with the scale, too – lots of crash diets in high school and weighing myself five times a day. I still weight myself every day, but I understand that it’s only a number and it fluctuates. I also don’t like the way my body looks when I lose muscle, so that motivates me to stay fit and healthy rather than super skinny and not healthy.

Favorite nighttime snack: Apple slices! Or sometimes hot chocolate if you consider that a snack…

I have a ten mile race with my students on Sunday that I’m looking forward to! :)


I am 100% with you. I hate having to get on the scale every time I visit the doctor mainly because I’m still struggling with getting over the numbers. About a year ago, I remember going to the doctor for an annual check-up and panicking because I had gained like 5 or 6 pounds and my doctor was happy. I was running faster, stronger, and healthier looking … Yet all I could think about was the number.

It’s a long journey to get over it and you’re a great inspiration!


I weigh myself once about every other week. I used to obese and it’s taken me a long time to feel that the scale is just information. I’m a healthy eating coach and I see a lot of my clients get caught up in the numbers. My mother is anorexic and weighs herself daily. I think your solution of backing on is a good way to keep yourself healthy.

I’m running with friends on Saturday. They’re gearing up to run the NYC marathon next week. (I am going to cheer, I didn’t get picked in the lottery).


The scale and I have had a complicated relationship over the years. I figured out a year or so ago that I should only weigh with a body fat analysis too. (That way I’m getting an accurate picture rather than freaking out about good gain or celebrating a negative loss.)
I’ve also realized that when I know I’m off track I avoid weights and measures.
This post is super timely because this morning when I acknowledged that neither my jeans or my pj top fit right I realized how long it’s been since I stepped on the scale. We’ve got a super busy weekend and I don’t want to mess that up so I made a date with my scale and body fat thing for Sunday night.


Thanks so much – checking it out now! How do you like the brown faux leather jacket? I’ve been looking for something just like it.


THANK YOU for this. long time reader and have been wanting to write you for a long time. God spoke to me through you in this post and here i am.

i still get on the scale backwards almost 10 years post treatment. and every time i go to a new doctor, they look at me like i’m crazy. i don’t want to explain (because they immediately look at me like something is categorically wrong with me) but end up having to. i don’t own a scale anymore because i subscribe to the “out of sight, out of mind, as long as my clothes fit and i feel good” method. recovery lasts forever.

also, signed up for my second half marathon this week, and it’s in 8 weeks. eek! i’m nowhere near your pace nor your enjoyment of running, but it feels like the right thing to do at this point. i haven’t run any distance over a mile in 3 years and started this week with 2 (very slow) 5Ks. you’ve inspired me to take training seriously and that it extends past running (eating, cross training, sleeping, hydrating). i am inspired by you and appreciative of your perspective everyday.

love from texas


I love how so many of the girls call the scale ‘just a piece of metal’ because that’s all it is, it reflects our gravitational pull on the earth…that is all.

Your video is hilarious! I love how you pick up Brooke and put her back down beside you, we should do that to all runners that are in front of us in races! :)




This is why I love reading your blog. I weighed myself this morning and instantly regretted it. Why do I let that number mess with my head? I have struggled with my weight my whole life. Most of my life I was severely underweight because I refused to eat and now that I’m at a healthy weight I feel like I’ve let myself down, if that makes any sense at all…which it really doesn’t writing it out like this.

I think sometimes you meet people in life and they are an instant kindred spirit….I feel that way every time I read your blog.

Thanks again for being so honest with your readers.


I honestly don’t have a scale in my house. I had one for years and got on it every day and one day threw it out with the garbage in frustration. It was scary and stressful but not having one makes it that much easier to not fixate on it.

Unrelated to this post but running question you might have some insight on!
I’m running my third half in late November and have a goal finishing time of ~ sub 1:55.
I’m pretty much two thirds of my way through my training cycle and I’m not feeling tired or challenged like I have previously around this point in training. I’m worried I’m not challenging myself and doing what I can to hit that pace.
I’m using the same automated training calendar (runnersworld smartcoach) that I have for my other races but it doesn’t feel like it’s doing it for me this time.
I was just wondering if you knew of any good resources for customizable training plans for those of us who cant get a coach to do it for us (which would totally be ideal!) Or if you had any good strategies on making your own (with the specific goals of really getting faster)

Thanks for everything you do!


I don’t even weigh myself.The dr does it when I go.I used to stress about it.Now I don’t think about it-I try to eat both healthy and treats.I have kids and my oldest is a teenager…I Don’t want her to ever feel judged by the number so I try to focus on eating to fuel and replenish-she’s active and needs the calories!But I know those years are the years that girls start worrying about the number.So far so good!


hey janae!! like you and many others here, I no longer weigh myself for your exact reasons. I always step on the scale backwards at the doctor’s too! not that I’m scared to know how much I weigh- like you I just don’t want to be reminded of such a bad time in my life.

nighttime snack = cereal. always has been, always will be. :)


Favorite midnight snack is boom chicka pop sweet and salty kettle corn pop corn. It is extremely addicting and once I start I cannot stop.

Wow not looking at the scale! I envy you Janae. That piece of metal has complete control over me. I don’t know how or why I let it control my mood, but some how it does.


I LOVE fall i never want it to end!!! Also graham crackers are my weakness. I want to find a recipe for homemade ones so I feel less guilty when I eat them ;)

The scale really is a horrible thing. All scales are different and your weight fluctuates so much during the day from water weight and what not. There was a point where I would weight myself almost every day. I never had an eating/exercise disorder persay, but its not healthy to obsess over something like that! Usually when I go to the doc I dont look at it because just like you said, I dont want it to put me in a bad mood or whatever. Even though it shouldn’t, its hard to help it sometimes!! Now I weight myself every now and then just to check but not often at all. As long as I look in the mirror and am happy that’s ALL that matters! :):)


Before I started running, I used to to weight watchers and the scale was my BFF because it always told me I was losing weight. For me, weight watchers worked great when I wasn’t doing any activity. However, now that I’m running frequently and doing other workouts to try to build muscle, the number on the scale is WAY higher than I’d like. My clothes fit better, I feel great, and have a lot more muscle definition than I used to, but the scale doesn’t tell me that. It’s definitely a struggle.


Thankfully I’ve never been a scale person. Even during my pregnancies I never paid much attention to the number. My mom on the other hand is a scale person. It. drives. me. bananas. It drives me crazy because it isn’t a true assessment of health and being healthy is more important that weighing a certain amount. She’ll drink a ton of water over a couple days combined with some high sodium foods and freak out when she’s “gained 5 lbs”.
I think people everywhere should throw their scales out the window!
Have a great weekend!


I’ve always been conscious of my weight but it isn’t untill I went to a dietician a couple of months ago that it has led to excessive control and weighing multiple times a day. After 21 years of a 21 BMI and the first months of 2015 at a 22,5 BMI I went to one of 17. I am enjoying eating lots of vegetables, I’m feeling more active and sporty than absolutely ever. I just have to get over the fear of the “carbs”. I don’t really get distressed by the scale, half because I feel good knowing I am under the official weight, which is the wrong reason. I am aware that I am at another point in my life than some of the other amazing women commenting here. I’m sorry.

We should always know that we’re beautiful, strong and smart, even when it’s sometimes hard to convince ourselves. It’s true. And I am making the right choices in trying to gain some weight. It would just really be nice if this was possible by eating 1/4 of my plate carbs, 1/4 of my plate protein and the rest vegetables.

Roasted (or made in any other way) broccoli and cauliflower are heaven! Good that you both appreciate this divineness :)


I love Suits so so much. It is seriously my favourite show right now.

I do weigh myself, but only because I am completely at peace with how much I weight and don’t attach negative emotions to the number on the scale. I probably weigh myself about 3 times a week?


I do weigh myself, not sure why because sometimes it makes me happy while other times mad. I too struggled with eating disorders in the past. Thankful I look at food as fuel now but I know there are thoughts still in the back of my mind. There is so much pressure on weight and clothing size yet hardly anyone sees those numbers besides ourselves. Keep getting better and staying strong!


So glad you like Suits! It’s such a great show (motivated me to major in law)!
Favorite late night snack would probably be some Life cereal.
No running this weekend, or in the foreseeable future :(

Side question: has anyone here dealt with medial arch pain? And how did you overcome it? It seems to just have given out on me during a run, and it’s too painful to run on now. I take ibuprofen, ice it, and gave it a weeks rest, but the pain is still there. Any thoughts?


i love suits!! such s great show. i binge watch it when my husband’s gone, he doesnt like any of my shows lol. i keep an eye on the scale simply because i travel a lot for my job and know the range of weight that my body is happy with. when i stopped paying attention i got a little too heavy for a happy body and am still working on getting rid of that weight. its so hard to eat right being on the road for work so often!


I used to weigh myself a lot. The number would not necessarily do anything to make me go to extremes with any weight loss/diet/exercise regimen BUT it did still play huge mental games with me! I am one of those women that tends to put waaaaay to much on what that stupid number says (and this coming from an ex-personal trainer that used to ALWAYS tell her clients…”focus on how your clothes fit, not the number.”…and yes, I just spoke about myself in the 3rd person). My scale is now in my closet. I pull it out occasionally just to kind of check-in. It has stayed pretty consistent over the past year or so, therefore I figure I must be doing something right (most of the time). :)

I am racing this weekend!! Vancouver BC RnR!!! I am doing the remix challenge. 10k Saturday, 1/2-marathon Sunday. I am excited to see how my body handles back to back days like this, as typically I would never run (let alone 6 miles) the day before a half-marathon. My goal is to take it kind of easy for the 10k, then really push myself at the 1/2. We shall see how it all goes down soon!!!


I don’t weigh myself at all anymore. I too had an eating disorder and would have to weigh myself multiple times a day. I have gained about 20 pounds and would by lying if I said I don’t miss being thinner but I know how unhealthy it is. For mind and body. I want women to support and love themselves and one another!! Fall evenings are beautiful!!


Scales: I avoid them as much as possible having spent middle school, high school and college letting the number define too many irrelevant things, including what I was “allowed” to eat and how much I “had” to exercise. I am trying to occasionally check for the sake of controlling my reaction.
I LOVE Suits! I need to get back to watching it.
I’m now in my “off season” until January (to prep for a March half in Canada) so long runs are only 10-12 miles for fun.
Finally, your boots are so cute!! I love your blog and thank you for setting such a healthy example :)


I can totally relate to getting weighed backwards at the dr’s office. I struggled with bulimia throughout my teen years and even now, 12+ years later, I do not weigh myself and I don’t want to know at the dr’s office. The nurse thought I was being neurotic when I was pregnant and didn’t want to know my weight, but I knew that hearing the number would be triggering and would possibly send me on a negative track. I think it’s smart that you know it’s unhealthy for you to know your weight. Knowing your triggers and avoiding them is key to staying healthy!


I think everyone should get on the scale backwards. That number doesn’t define your heart or your spirit.


This is my all time favorite article about bathroom scales “Why the Scale Lies” (http://www.healthdiscovery.net/articles/scale_lies.htm)

Last double digit long run tomorrow – 16 miles!


I had serious issues with eating disorders when I was in my early teens. They tend to creep back in when I have stressful events happen. The scale is a constant reminder of that. I haven’t weighed myself in weeks. I used to do it daily. Sometimes multiple times a day. I feel like I’ve gained some weight during my current marathon training. I did last time too. It’s frustrating. I just need to learn to curb my desire for eating out a little better. I have far more self control when I cook at home.
This is a lesser mileage week (thankfully) so I have a 45 min tempo today, 10 tomorrow and 12 Sunday. It’s still funny to me that after running 17+ miles 12 seems short. haha!
I try not to snack at night but, if I do it’s almost always a sweet!


I love those skeleton pjs!


We don’t own a scale. I have no idea how much I weigh. Thank the good Lord.

I tend to get obsessive about numbers, so a good decade ago I decided that fixating on something as arbitrary as how much force my body exerts upon the ground was preposterous. If I want to focus on something, it’s how much energy I have, how an activity makes me feel, or what kind of example I’m setting for my children. At the doc, I focus on blood pressure, resting heart rate, and the numbers in my blood test results. MUCH better barometer of health.


so cute girls. I really love her.


oh my goodness, I have been reading your blog for years and rarely comment, but I just have to say …. I LOVE Suits! My husband and I just started watching it a month or so ago and are well into season 2. I just love the dynamic between Mike and Harvey :)


I feel like the relationship with the scale is tough for so many people. I’m trying to lose some weight right now, and I have a mini moment of panic every morning when I get on the scale. But I know if I don’t weigh myself frequently, I start to lose motivation. I’m driven by numbers. It’s a complicated relationship!


I love salsa and chips for a late night snack – and something sweet.

I haven’t weighed myself in awhile….

Don’t you just love pictures of kids in the leaves. They always look so happy


When I moved to New Zealand from the uk I left my scales in the uk. Best thing I ever did! I don’t weigh myself at all anymore and the very rare occasions I do (drs etc) the number bothers me all day. I might take your strategy and do it backwards! I used to weigh myself twice a day, count all my calories and stress myself out. Having had an eating disorder in the past it didn’t take much for me to feel guilty, sad, bad about myself. I don’t want to model that kind of behaviour to my kids either, I’m more than a number on a scale! Much happier now!


Ha. I get on the scale backwards every single time. I am currently pregnant (with our third so I am not knew to this(: ) but the nurses look at me funny every time. The dr knows my hisso unless there is a big concern never comments on my weight either – which is nice. it was a HUGEissue with my first and I’d rather not go there again. It has been years since I got it under control but pregnancy is my biggest trigger:/

Currently I am eating a vegan chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwich. Talk about ironic:)


I don’t like weighing myself either but I need to do it often. One time I didn’t weigh myself for a few months, thinking that if I eat moderately and exercise moderately, that I would at least maintain my size and weight. Turns out I gained 12 lbs instead. Talk about scale stress!
So now I am trying to weigh myself once a week or so, just so things don’t go out of control and I can track my progress without being obsessed.
I read a book to do a review about how to track eating issues and I am thinking about them honestly, finally. I just realized that I overeat and/or under-exercise. Not that either one is at a bad place – I don’t binge and I exercise probably more than average but the balance is off and I am going to work on this issue now that I know.
If you’d like to check out my review, it’s at http://runwright.net/2015/10/23/the-art-of-good-habits/


I feel the same about scales! I used to weigh myself everyday until I realized I do a better job of eating the appropriate amount when I don’t weigh myself! I also had an eating disorder- both eating too little then eating way too much- not fun! I’m glad we’re both lucky enough to have let it go, some people never do. I may have to start watching suits! I’m running 70-75 minutes tomorrow on WO&D trail (herndon,VA) with my boyfriend and dog- yay! Great workout the other day! You rock!! Have a great weekend


I’ve actually watched Suits twice all the way through…Harvey and Mike…yes please…and I love Donna, Rachel, and Jessica!!!

As a former competitive gymnast, my body appearance and weight were always a big thing that were watched. I definitely stress to others to gage your progress by how you feel, how your clothes fit, and your energy levels and not the number on the scale!


Hello! I am running the East BOOston 5k tomorrow and then the Southshore 1/2 marathon next Sunday.


I’m with you on the scale thing. I’ve never owned one. I know how I’m doing based on how my clothes are fitting. It’s never occured to me to get on the scale backwards at the doc’s office! I just avert my gaze. ;) Like you, I have also come a long way on the disordered eating & exercising journey, & the # on the scale really doesn’t bother me (muscle weighs more than fat!), but it’s also for that reason that I don’t feel I need to know what that # is – it doesn’t mean anything to me.


I actually have a doctors appt. next week and I have been getting anxious about getting weighed. The last time I was weighed was a year go at the doctors. I never thought of getting on the scale backwards, may have to try that haha.

No long run this weekend but I am going hiking with my friend!


I weigh myself once every couple of weeks. I like to keep a tab on roughly where I’m at. I’m about 20 lbs less than I was a year ago. Losing the weight has been a very gradual process and my health has gotten better. My BMI (which we all know doesn’t tell us everything–not even close!) is in a healthy range. When I first started losing weight, standing on the scale and seeing my progress could be a source of happiness or frustration. Somewhere along the way though, it stopped causing me any emotion at all. For the longest time I believed that being skinny would make me happy–I knew I shouldn’t believe that, but it was this core belief that was always there and I couldn’t shake. And now, being at the lowest weight I’ve been since high school (I’m almost 30), I’ve finally learned and BELIEVED that being at a low weight does not equate to joy or love or worth. It just doesn’t. And seeking for happiness in weight will be a disappointment. I’m all for being at a healthy weight and being fit–but I also know that happiness comes from other sources (faith, relationships, kindness, etc). I’m grateful for how my sense of body image has changed over the years and I’m hopeful it will continue to improve :)


I have never owned a scale. I am more than a number. If my pants are tight, I usually know why. Either my level of activity has scaled back or I have been eating too much junk, so I eat more fruit and veg.

I will say that when I was going thru cancer treatment I had to be weighed every week. It sucked. I was withering away to skin and bones. I was losing my curves…my body. Everyone would say, “must be nice” but I found it to be devastating.

My Mom was always dieting, striving for the perfect weight. Even when she got there she was still not happy. I just don’t get it. Why somebody would be so hard on themselves.


Wow, Stephanie. You have been through so so much, I can’t even imagine. I hope you are doing okay now and please keep me updated!


If I avoid the scale, I gain weight. I convince myself that my pants and clothes still fit the same, but case in point, I didn’t weigh myself for about 2 months and I gained 10 lbs! I was ultra training so I had a voracious appetite, and I think a scale would have kept me in check. Now that the ultra is over, I am determined to lose those 10 lbs and fit “normally” into my clothes, meaning no squishing myself into pants and dealing with tight shoulders on my shirts. I don’t really look at it like it’s going to ruin or make my day, I just look at what do I need to modify or change in my diet or lifestyle to get me back to a comfortable weight.


Do you have to explain yourself when you get on the scale backwards or ask them not to say it out loud? Going to the doctor’s stresses me out because I know I’ll have to get on the scale and this seems like a good way to deal with that! I’ve thought about just flat out refusing too haha


Yep, I just tell them that I had an eating disorder in the past and that I don’t want to know my weight! They are always very nice and accommodating about it! They will totally understand! and I am sure you could just say no too!


I weigh myself every month or so out of curiosity. In high school/college I was definitely negatively affected by the numbers on the scale, but now as long as I feel good and my clothes fit right, I’m pretty happy.

Ice cream is always the best nighttime snack, though my boyfriend has been going through boxes of graham crackers like crazy lately.

I have a 5 mile trail race on Sunday. I’m only 2 weeks post marathon, so I don’t know if I’ll be feeling very speedy, but I’m running with some of my favorite people, so it doesn’t matter!


I basically never weigh myself and I don’t even do the backwards thing. I talked to my doctor about it one time and she told me that honestly it is a very rare circumstance in which they need to know a person’s exact weight. She said that even when someone is losing weight, really they could just go by symptoms. The nurses at the office give me a hard time about it but in about 15 years that I have been doing this there has only been 2 circumstances in which I needed to be weighed and those circumstances currently ages 4 and 8. So instead of just weighing backwards you could refuse. The scale itself triggers me. It is so relaxing to just not know. Now to have clothes not get tight if you gain a little….


I weigh myself daily and it regularly ruins my day. I should learn a lesson from your post.


I started watching Suits a few weeks ago and I love it!


Been going through the scale wars with myself lately. Needed this post Janae! Thank you…<3 you!


Suits has been a guilty pleasure for years. I own it now ;-) Best fashion on television, too.


I don’t even own a scale!! I think if the number wasn’t what I wanted or thought it should be, I would obsess over it a bit (okay, a lot).
I can tell by looking at myself and how my jeans fit if I am happy with my fitness.
Love the idea of getting on the scale backwards at the doctors office.
Current nighttime snack: chocolate chips!!
Long run this weekend: 9 miles!!!


we haven’t had a scale for years, so i don’t even know what i weigh right now haha. i do fear that if we did have one, i’d weigh myself everyday which isn’t a habit i’d like to form. but that is a good idea to get on backwards at the doctors


My current night time snack- bowl of milk and cereal. love seeing your life!

xo, tara



I don’t weigh myself at home and refuse to be weighed at the dr office bc it would be a major trigger. Sometimes the nurse gets frustrated but the dr always says it’s fine and doesnt have me get on the scale. And the only time I will ever get on the scale is during my next pregnancy.
Favorite dessert is good humors birthday cake flavored ice cream Pop or skinny girl popcorn.


This is such a great topic. I do not own a scale or use one. I have been working with eating disorders for over 5 years now and have learned the prison that number fixation has brought to so many people. I know that a person’s worth is based on so much more. That stupid piece of metal can really hurt people.


The scale does the same thing to my brain. I just not use it. Its been 3 years now anD much happier because of that choice. I realized my kids still love me no matter what Size I am. I exercise 6 days a wee because I like to and I just go by how my clothes fit.


Honestly, I only get on the scale when I go to the doctor. I too have disordered eating and therapy has helped a ton with my issues. I do not even own a scale and it’s better this way.

Favorite snack: I just bought sea salt covered raisins. Didn’t think I’d like them, but they are totally my jam!


Honestly, I only get on the scale when I go to the doctor. I too have disordered eating and therapy has helped a ton with my issues. I do not even own a scale and it’s better this way.

Favorite snack: I just bought sea salt caramel covered raisins. Didn’t think I’d like them, but they are totally my jam!


I’ve recently decided to stop weighing-in daily and go for once/month. In the future I’d really like it to not be an issue at all though. It’s definitely been a struggle, but I also know that number on the scale has contributed to my eating issues.

I love Suits! I’m about a season behind though :(


What a great strategy Brooke has – quite the competitive spirit :) I’ll have to keep that in mind!

I’ve had trouble in the past with being fixated with my scale. While I have one in the bathroom, I go through phases on using it. At this point, it’s been about six months, and go rather on how I feel and how my clothes fit. Plus, in the middle of training, I’m not worried about what the scales says. I’ll eat however I need to feel good and get across the finish line!

Lately at night, I can’t get enough of these little Market Pantry Fruit Snack packets from Target. They’re gluten free and shaped like little strawberries, so I tell myself that they’re healthy?

First marathon next weekend (City of Oaks, Raleigh), so this weekend was my last run with my training group (9 miles). I could.not.be.more.psyched!


Mmm, roasted veggies are so good!


i could have written that paragraph verbatim. i always step on backwards, too, as to not trigger ‘the old me.’ it’s just not who i am anymore or where i want to be, and that makes me proud. but i still don’t need to let a ridiculous number dictate anything. that being said, i’m only weighed like once a year at my physical :)
hope you are feeling better!!

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