1.  So this might be the sweetest thing there ever was.  My really good friend Heather had her St. George people make this sign to have at the race.  It seriously made my day.  PS I am so proud of my friends that ROCKED it yesterday!

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2.  The other night when I put Brooke to bed she was sitting up.  When I came in to check on her later she had her stuffed animals on her back while she was sleeping.  I don’t know how she got them to balance so nicely on her back but it happened.  

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3.  Getting this email yesterday morning most definitely stung a little bit.  I will be there next year.  

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4.  A reader sent this on over and I think it is so so true.  

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5.   We made it to the park for a solid twenty minutes and Brooke was the coolest kid on the playground because she had her glow in the dark wand with her.  

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6.  A bathroom selfie for good measure. 

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7.  Lots of General Conference watching which is always super uplifting for me (it is on today too!).  I really like it when she snuggles in next to me.  

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8.  Daniel Tiger reading for our wild and crazy Saturday night.  

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9.  A good representation of what our entire house looks like currently:)

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10.  The second I feel better I will be making this:

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PS I promise the blog won’t be so boring once I am feeling better and I have some really awesome posts scheduled for this week:)  


Three things you are doing today?

What is the next treat you are really wanting to make?

Are you much of a hot chocolate person?  

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I’m adding St George to next year’s race list!!!
3 things: gym, breakfast, and church with the hubs
Baking with all things pumpkin!! (I’m totally that girl, lol!)
I had hot chocolate last night before bed!


Must be something in the air. Had a cup of hot chocolate last night before bed too!!!


It’s the best!!!


Definitely in the air ~ I had it yesterday too! ?


I love how expressive Brooke has become in these pics. Rest up lady! Hopefully you will have answers soon!


If your blog is boring (which honestly how could it be?!) it means your resting, which is what we all want you to do!! Brooke is a doll and I’m glad you have a snuggle buddy! The sign is SO sweet!!!! What awesome friends you have!

I’m sure seeing your training plan stung a bit? I hope my question doesn’t add to it but I noticed the ibuprofen post race….do you really take this? I ask bc I have heard mixed thoughts on this. Just curious. And if this stings then feel free to cyber punch me and not answer ? you are an incredibly strong person Janae!! Keep us posted on how ur recovery is going!


What a nice comment! Ditto to all of it:)


What an amazing show of support, you are truly loved by many..
Three things: gym, clean, bake cookies for the spin class
Halloween munch~cashews, m+m’s, candy corn, pretzels, white chex mix!!!
I love hot chocolate, I wanted some when I got home yesterday and I forgot to make it.
I hope you are feeling better


Janae, your blog posts are NEVER boring!! Rest up and hope you’re feeling better!


I hope you get to feel like yourself again really soon! I’m so proud of you for taking care of your health first.
3 things: I have my first race post injury today and I’m a little nervous; BBQ with the fam and some football watching.
My next treat will be peanut butter and jelly cupcakes for my little guy’s birthday!


I am very much a hot chocolate (or, ho-cho) person. Especially with some peppermint added in, mmmmm.

I was planning to do a Galloway-type run, but it’s a bit rainy outside and I’m not a fan of running in the rain, so I may stick with some indoor yoga! :)

I’m sure yesterday was hard, but just think how much more stronger you’re going to tackle your next race! you little arrow, you! ;) ps your posts are never boring xoxo


I’ve been reading your blog for years – I remember when you were originally training for Boston a few years ago, and ever since then I’ve been pulling so hard for you to get that sub-3. You’ve worked so hard and for so long, you WILL get that sub-3. And when you do, just imagine how much sweeter it will feel :) xoxo


Your blog is not boring!
I love the sign of missing you at the marathon.
I also love Daniel the Tiger! Those stories teach great lessons. We have watched it in Netflix, too.

Today was the Sofia Marathon (Bulgaria) which I had signed up for in January, planning it as a long run for the Athen Marathon next month. But I realized I would feel better about completing the half rather than dropping out of the marathon early, so I ran 7K before and 4K after to get in a 19.somehing miler. Yay! Pizza and a coca-cola for a late lunch, then a decadent duck dinner. Come on over!


I love, love that arrow quote and I definitely needed it today. Thank you for sharing.


Loved the arrow quote. I need to send that to my college son who is struggling. Grabbed the recipe to make when the boys are home from school. Awesome, decadent and worth every minute. Good time for me and my daughter to share some kitchen time. Have a great day and rest up. You’re not boring….it’s just life sometimes.


The arrow quote is great!
Another one i love is that some things need to fall apart so that others can fall together.

I’m bringing my dog to get his teeth cleaned today. Riveting!
I’m also going to join my boyfriend and his daughters for dinner. We’re making tacos. I’m excited to see his girls. Haven’t seen them in 2 months :( I miss them.

I am also foam rolling today. I had a terrible 18 miler yesterday with major muscle crampage.

I like true hot chocolate. The melted chocolate kind, not the powder. And of course using milk rather than water is critical.


I love that arrow quote, so true!

Rest up, St. G. is there for you next year, and the toys…it gets worse before it gets better. I am a big believer in once a week I need to vacuum (since I work full time and he is out of the house full time, it seems like enough) we fight it once a week so I can vacuum


Love the arrow quote, need to remember that. The sign is too sweet! You have the best friends :)


Hooray! I’m glad you liked the arrow quote! That race sign is SO sweet!

Today I am getting in my last “long” run of 8 miles before my first full next weekend, watching football, and doing some cleaning around the house.

I don’t have a kitchen right now! When I finally do, I’m making pie, lots of pie. :)

I really like hot chocolate, especially with marshmallows.


I love hot chocoloate– it’s one of the only things I always make from scratch because milk + cocoa powder + sugar is SO much better than a mix and isn’t much more difficult to make.


I loved yesterday’s sessions, and I’m excited for today’s! So many great lessons and talks.

I made some really yummy Carmel and chocolate brownies yesterday and one of the highlights for today will be eating them. They are the best brownies I’ve ever had.

Hot chocolate is honestly one of the only reasons I look forward to the colder weather.


You absolutely made the right call. Get better ASAP and kick some marathon booty. Your training wad not all for wastr!


I’ll come clean your house girl :(


Enjoy resting and feel better soon!!!


I’m sorry you’ve had this setback but I know you will come back faster/stronger than ever! That was so nice of them to send you a photo of that sign. I am working on some blog stuff today as well as going grocery shopping and getting ready for a busy week at work. I went out of town last weekend and have felt behind since then. Also going to watch the Carolina Panther’s play this afternoon!


How sweet of your friend to do that at the race! And that quote is so true- you’ve trained so hard and you will get better and get that sub 3-hour, I know it!
Three things- Making BBQ chicken chili, laundry and football (1out of 3 are fun ;-) )
My grandma makes these great pumpkin cookies with a cream cheese frosting that are great this time of year.


The picture of all of those toys make me happy, means a happy little girl busy playing :) I used to love when my son took out all of his toys, even if it was a mess to clean after lol. So nice of your friends to have that sign at the race yesterday! So sweet.


Janae, your blog is never boring! You are a very courageous woman for allowing us to look through a window into your personal life. The true ups and downs. We are with you every step of the way.
Get well soon!


Thanks Jill! That sure means a lot! I appreciate your comment so much! Hope your weekend was fabulous!


Today I ran 10+ miles in an autumn drizzle (yeah for gortex trail shoes), had hot coffee, and was the audience for my daughters Homecoming spirit week ideas fashion show (with more hot coffee and a blanket).

Next treat I want to make is pear scones. Or anything else involving cinnamon and butter.

I love the idea of not chocolate but rarely drink it. My kids do though! I usually get a stomachache from it but there’s something so right about having dopey hot chocolate at a high school football game.

Feel better Janae!!!


Long run, clean the kitchen and read.

I don’t bake much. I’m not great at it. But I did do all the prep last night for Aurumn Harvest soup and I’m looking forward to trying it for dinner.

I love hot chocolate.

Your friend is pretty awesome to have that sign for you! Brooke is adorable especially when sleeping.

Feel better!


Today is conference, food, foam rolling and birthday fun celebrating my now 7 year old daughter. My specialty is rice krispy treats- when I make them, they disappear fast. I like hot chocolate. Only Nestle. Not Swiss Miss. Thanks for the arrow quote. I needed it after a bad race yesterday.


Love that arrow quote! My house is like that now too and I have no excuse other than I have older kids now who I make pick up in the evening:) well you look great for being in so much pain! One tough cookie! Heal quickly!


I love that quote! I will be repeating that this week.


Boring?????? Are we talking about the same blog here??? I always look forward to your blog. Maybe it’s the med school that are making you talk crazy. Get better soon.


Hahaha thank you Patty… it must have been the medicine. I hope you have an awesome weekend and thank you so much for your comment:)


Janae, your blog is awesome and not boring at all! If you think about it, it actually just got more exciting to keep following your journey because just when it seemed so obvious that you were going to get that sub-3, all this craziness happened to you and we’ll have to keep reading along to see you crush your goals. I know you’re going to come back so much stronger after going through these trials. I hope you feel better very very soon!


Thank you so much! I think you are right… the set-backs will make the accomplishment that much better! I hope you had an amazing weekend and thanks again for your sweet comment!


Boring is not the word for it, but encouraging in that we as runners can come back from our hardships! We all need to know that we are in it together and lift others up when they’re down.
3 things: church, getting kids from grandma’s!, enjoying down time
Can’t wait to make my Turtle Pumpkin Pie for Thanksgiving!
LOVE hot chocolate! Had some last night and it is a winter staple around here!


Aw! That was so sweet of your friend and her buddies! Love the sign!

Brooke looks like she is in a deep deep sleep. I’m kind of jealous of her sleeping like a baby! ;)


So glad you are on the road to recovery! I ran St. George yesterday and it was rough but beautiful! And we stopped by Swig for a wonderful soda and sugar cookie – we don’t have those in South Carolina. Get better soon!


Congrats Melissa on St. George!!! You are sure right—> rough but beautiful. Oh I am so happy you got a Swig too. Heavenly!! Travel safe:)


It looks like you are starting to feel better! Your blog could never be boring! :) Can’t wait until you are back to normal and running again!

I absolutely love hot chocolate! Salted Carmel Hot Coco from Starbucks is the BEST! It’s one of their holiday flavors :)


Hot Choc is a little too sweet for my tastes, but I love a good Mochaccino.
And my house looks exactly the same, but all over the place. We have 2800 square feet of toys and random clothing all over our house. My daughter is in a phase where she likes to strip off her clothes at any given time….. and it shows.


Hi, Janae….just some well intentioned advice from a stranger on the Internet. After you heal from the procedure, maybe look into some serious elimination of food from your diet. You need to heal your gut! Low FODMAP, GAPS, etc. I know you’re open to alternative medicine for your muscles and bones, so it may be worth your while to supplement the treatment your getting with a more alternative approach. Take out almost everything for 30 days, then add things in slowly to see if they cause reactions. See Chris Kesser’s website for more info. I think paleorunningmama does low FODMAP. Drink some bone broth. Read “nourishing traditions.” Hope you are feeling better soon.


Kate, I really appreciate your comment. I actually have been thinking more and more about my diet and wanting to learn more about how my previous diet has affected these problems. I am all about looking into the things you mentioned so THANK YOU for the recommendations. I hope you had a fabulous weekend!


Loooove the arrow quote – thanks for sharing! And hope you feel better soon – sending love!


How are you feeling, Janae? Thinking about you!


Hey Ali… not so great tonight but I had a few good hours earlier. Progress right:) Thanks for the thoughts and I hope you had a fabulous weekend!


I hope you are resting and feeling a little better!! Sending you lots of healing vibes :)
So sweet of them to send a pic of the sign they made for you!
Today: rest day from running, hanging out with my family, cooking and eating :)
We are a big hot cocoa family and my kids love it so much!
It feels a tiny bit like fall here today!!


I have to ask- where did you get that play kitchen for Brooke?? I have been looking for something exactly like that for my daughter!


Three things I’m doing today:
1) I rocked my half marathon this morning! My first sub 1:30, more like sub 1:25! I finished in 1:23:24 from my previous PR of 1:30:07!
2) Relaxing for the rest of the day (Grey’s Anatomy & Cinnamon Chex is the bomb)
3) Reading up on my history & praying I can walk tomorrow lol

Love hot chocolate, but not a fan of all the sugar :(

Also, I have to thank you for my performance out there today. Your 1:21 inspired me to go out with the 1:25 pace group, and took it mile by mile! Hope you’re starting to feel better!


HOLY COW!!! THAT IS A HUGE PR!! Congratulations… I hope you are still on the post race high and that you got a lot of relaxing in! So glad you went out with the 1:25 pace group and stayed ahead of them!


That is so awesome they made that sign for you! And I love that quote! It’s always dark before the dawn, right? (or something like that).
Today I ran 8 miles (was supposed to be 12 but what ya gonna do?), laundry, and catching up on blogs and TV shows.


NOT boring! Thanks for posting and keeping us happy:) Hope you are 100% soon!!


Thanks so much Amanda. I always love your comments and this one made my heart happy!


That’s a great quote for number 4.

And yes, hot chocolate rocks. :)


If someone made a sign like that for me, it would make my year! Sweetest thing ever!!!

Three things on this nice, lazy Sunday —> A long walk, football, and grading

I am all about hot chocolate, especially if there are marshmallows involved.


My three things for today:
1) Church
2) Not running because of lingering pain from a muscle strain… Baking carrot cake instead. That’s like an equivalent aerobic exercise, right? Hopefully my leg will feel more agreeable tomorrow…
3) ALL the homework!

And coffee >>> hot chocolate. Sorry.


I am so sorry about your pain from a muscle strain. That is a huge bummer! Hoping you feel great in the morning! I hope the carrot cake was amazing:)


I spent the morning writing an exam for my Advertising class. Midterms are this Wednesday and then it is fall break! I think I am looking forward to it more than my students :)

I love hot chocolate…I like to mix it up a bit with peppermint hot chocolate but I usually don’t get in the mood to do that until December.


Hot chocolate is the best … Especially from Dunkin Donuts or the gas station or William Sonoma when they’re sampling all their hot chocolate around the holidays :)

Next treat I want to try making … Those S’mores cookie things your friend made!! Chocolate chip cookie baked on a graham cracker … Yes, please!


I completed my first marathon in 4hr 36. I tried to remember all what i have learnt from you.
Just had hot cookie dough
Love hot choc.
That sign was lovely. Keep working on getting better. Xx


HUGE CONGRATS DONNA on your first marathon! You rocked it! Hope you had some hot chocolate today too:)


Love the sign – so sweet! And that’s a great quote – definitely agree with it.

Three things today: Cooking, grocery shopping and yoga

Last and next treat: Fried bananas and apples topped with a honey/water mixture and cinnamon – highly recommend!

I’m SUCH a hot chocolate person – especially during the fall/winter when it’s chilly out. I’m also a big fan of hot apple cider…had my first cup this weekend and it was a great treat! :)


That was really kind of them to make that sign!


You have the sweetest friends! I cannot wait to see you kill it at your next marathon, Janae. I know you are going to do amazing.


I’m so sorry to hear about your sickness and unable to participate in the marathon! What wonderful friends to bring you along for the ride in a sign!


That sign is so sweet- what a fun way to show they’re thinking about you!


I just made healthy apple crisp bites (recipe on my blog!) so I need a new treat to make next. Any recommendations?? Something pumpkin-y for sure. :)

So sorry about your race but you are an inspiration for being so strong through it all! I would probably be going crazy if I was you. Get well soon!!!


I’ve been thinking about you this weekend. I absolutely love that quote your reader shared. It is so true, and I know you’re about to launch yourself into something better than you could have ever imagined. Hugs!!!


Janae, I am so glad you are resting, and I hope you get back to feeling %100 soon!!!!


That sign is so sweet! Hopefully you were able to get a lot of rest this weekend. Today I ran my fifth half marathon for the year. Pretty sore but just happy to have completed it.


Love your positive attitude, and your friend is amazing for that sign! Hope you are starting to feel better :)

Three things I did today: Made french toast, did laundry at the laundromat and caught up with a friend for lunch! I love baking but haven’t done much recently – thinking about making banana bread or muffins this week. And hot chocolate is DELICIOUS!

Also, yesterday I made a Costco run and I found the sherpa blanket you posted about earlier this week – it is literallly the best blanket I’ve ever owned and I plan to buy at least one more for myself and one as a gift this week. My puppy loves it too :) Thank you for that life-changing recommendation!


I’m SO Happy that you love the blanket… best ever!!!!


I’m sorry to hear about your weekend! You have such an amazing ability to turn apples into apple fritters, so inspiring!

Also, I’ve tried the apple pull apart bread before (not sure if it’s the exact recipe), but I didn’t like it :( :( my suggestion: go for the apple fritter when you can!



My initial thought was, there couldn’t be a better weekend than conference weekend to be forced to drop out of a race. ;) So glad you are getting the downtime you need and deserve. You are an inspiration to so many of us out there and even if you ever quit running I would still read your blog for fashion advice and to be uplifted by your positive spirit.

Have you ever thought about running the CIM? Dec. 5th. It is at sea level. Not too cold. I live in Folsom, right at the starting point.

Not much of a hot chocolate person. I prefer Peppermint Tea. Trader Joe’s to be exact.

Today was conference, a family bike ride and lots of foam rolling.


I discovered your blog some weeks ago. So fun and inspiring!

Now I do have something to say.
I think IBS and most stomach problems come from stress (been there myself). Reading between your lines, I get the impression you are doing all the marathon training effort not for yourself, but for your bloggers, friends, family… Hey, they won’t be disappointed if you do not run your marathon as fast as you said or planned. Everyone will still love you!

Save your energy for your sweet daughter, for yourself, let your body and your soul heal. Life is not only about getting faster, farther every time. Enjoy and love running without pressure! And please keep up with the great blogging!


Just stopping by to say I was so sorry to hear of your troubles last week and that they prevented you from running your race. I was supposed to be running Chicago – my first full – this upcoming Sunday but found out I have a stress fracture in my tibia so that won’t be happening. A huge disappointment but your posts about making the right decision for your health have encouraged me to see the bigger picture – there will most definitely be other marathons in my future, and I’ll be even better and stronger for those :) Cheers to a speedy recovery for you.


God bless your sweet heart. I’m really pulling for you, Janae all the way from Kentucky! My best friend and I are (serendipity) also best running friends and we both just love you to death. I always lurk and have, in the past, delurked to tell you how adorable Brooke is… but I wanted to delurk and tell you today that you’re such a positive inspiration to me! I hope you get your tummy figured out very soon and that we see posts about you pounding the pavement sooner rather than later! I’m praying for you, take care of yourself!!! *HUGS*


That sign was so nice of your friend! :) I hope you are starting to feel better!

-Sunday : 3 things are sleeping in, work, pizza
-I am making (GF) pumpkin chocolate chip cookies
-I like hot chocolate but prefer tea on cold days.


that apple fritter pull apart bread looks to die for!!! i love hot chocolate but its so hard to find some that doesnt taste like it was a powdered mix, i hate that gritty taste.


i hope you feel better soon. very smart (and a good role model) of you to take it easy and rest when you’re sick and not run and make yourself feel much worse. sending you healing vibes galore.


I’m a little late to the game, but here goes. But first, I want to tell you how inspiring you are to be such an optimist and not let the turn of events get you down. Your teaching not only your daughter, but many of us a true lesson in acceptance and patience. My prayers for you and a speedy recovery (and for your mom for continued, strengthening health).

I’m going to answer your questions as if I read this on Sunday:
1. Clean the house (I was away all last week and my house was left at the mercy of my husband, dog and cats).
2. Catch up on sleep from my hectic week last week and the wedding I was in last night
3. Spend some quality time with my animals who were very confused about their momma going missing last week.


I can’t imagine how hard that must be, I hope you feel better soon!

My Sunday was pretty boring, but:
1: Invaded my friend’s house to watch conference.
2. Made a ton of Crockpot food while we watched.
3. Made cupcakes and played board games after dinner.

I also got to play with the kiddos a lot, which was awesome. Sometimes the boring days are the best! :)

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